Giovanni Siracusano - (original) (raw)

Papers by Giovanni Siracusano

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamiche di sfruttamento ambientale e animale in Puglia nell'età del Bronzo

Dinamiche di sfruttamento ambientale e animale in Puglia nell'età del Bronzo, 2017

introDuzione Questo contributo è dedicato ad una analisi complessiva delle attuali conoscenze arc... more introDuzione Questo contributo è dedicato ad una analisi complessiva delle attuali conoscenze archeozoologiche relative al territorio corrispondente alla puglia nell'età del bronzo, con particolare riferimento allo sfruttamento delle risorse animali selvatiche. il quadro che ne deriva utilizza i dati ricavati da studi già editi 1 e quelli acquisiti più recentemente con le ricerche effettuate dalla soprintendenza archeologica della puglia a Mas-seria caterina (Minervino Murge, bat) e a Mola di bari (ba) e, dalla stessa in collaborazione con le uni-versità di foggia e del salento, a Masseria chiancudda (cisternino, br). i resti faunistici provenienti da questi ultimi siti sono stati oggetto di studio di una recente tesi di dottorato da parte di uno degli autori (pizzarelli 2011-2012). È già stato sottolineato in altra sede l'aspetto lacunoso che hanno avuto fino ad oggi le ricerche archeozoolo-giche sul territorio pugliese, soprattutto per la carenza di studi di resti animali relativi ad alcune fasi dell'età del bronzo-in particolare bronzo antico e bronzo finale-e per la piccola entità di alcuni campioni faunistici che rendono poco attendibili le relative va-lutazioni statistiche (De Grossi Mazzorin 2010). È do-veroso aggiungere che anche la distribuzione geografica dei siti con campioni faunistici studiati risulta piuttosto frammentaria con una forte concentrazione lungo la fascia costiera adriatica, mentre l'area interna è rap-presentata solo da due contesti situati nel comune di Minervino Murge 2. tutti questi fattori rendono asso-lutamente parziale il quadro complessivo che ne deriva (fig. 1). nel complesso l'approvvigionamento proteico dei diversi contesti esaminati sembrerebbe dominato dal-l'apporto delle principali specie domestiche allevate a fini alimentari (bovini, caprovini e suini). i caprovini (in termini di numero dei resti) prevalgono, in media, nei siti di facies protoappennica/facies di cavallino. i bovini costituiscono la seconda categoria maggiormente * Dipartimento di beni culturali-università del salento, via D. birago 64, 73100 lecce; 1 per la bibliografia relativa ai contesti editi si rimanda a De Grossi Maz-zorin 2010; per il sito di coppa nevigata a siracusano 2012. 2 il sito di le chianche non viene in questa sede considerato, sia per l'esi-guità del campione, sia, soprattutto, per la particolare connotazione cul-tuale del contesto. riassunto-DinaMiche Di sfruttaMento aMbientale e aniMale in puGlia nell'età Del bronzo-nei campioni faunistici provenienti da siti archeologici della puglia dell'età del bronzo, i resti di animali selvatici risultano particolarmente signi-ficativi, rappresentando spesso un non secondario contributo al sistema di sostentamento delle comunità umane, basato soprattutto sull'apporto derivato dalle pratiche agricole e dai prodotti primari e secondari offerti dal bestiame domestico. sebbene sia attestata una certa varietà di specie, il cervo risulta per tutta l'età del bronzo la specie più frequente, forse per la sua abbondante diffusione sul territorio particolarmente boscoso e la più facile possibilità di essere predato per le sue abitudini di vita. il suo sfruttamento sembrerebbe essere stato molteplice, ovvero per l'apporto proteico all'alimentazione ma anche come materia dura animale (palchi e ossa) per la fabbricazione di utensili vari e per il rifornimento di pellame. Dati biometrici inoltre indicano chiaramente come le popolazioni cervine diffuse sul territorio pugliese fossero di taglia più piccola rispetto alle popolazioni coeve diffuse in altre aree dell'italia centrale e settentrionale. suMMary-WilD aniMal exploitation DynaMics in apulia (southern italy) DurinG the bronze aGe-Wild animal remains from archaeological assemblages found in apulia and dated to the bronze age are particularly abundant, suggesting that they played an important role in the food provision of the settlements, although the main domestic animals were largely dominant. a variety of wild species is well documented, but red deer is overwhelmingly predominant during the overall bronze the hinterland as a densely wooded territory, which would have been particularly suitable to abundance of deer.the exploitation of these animals could be linked to the interest for bone and antler working, but the occurrence of different body parts clearly suggest that they were preferably hunted for food. biometric data provided show that red deer that inhabited in apulia were smaller than those which inhabited other densely wooded territories located in central and northern italy.

Research paper thumbnail of Economies in Transformation: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from Early Iron Age Arslantepe (Southeastern Türkiye)


Geç Tunç Çağı’ndan Demir Çağı’na geçiş, tüm Doğu Akdeniz Havzasında büyük kargaşa ve köklü değişi... more Geç Tunç Çağı’ndan Demir Çağı’na geçiş, tüm Doğu Akdeniz Havzasında büyük kargaşa ve köklü değişimlerin olduğu bir dönem olarak kabul edilir. Büyük siyasi ve kültürel dönüşümler, insan gruplarının yoğun hareketliliği ve aralarındaki ilişkilerle doğrulanmaktadır, ancak bunların ilgili toplumların geçim ekonomisini nasıl etkilediği literatürde henüz tam olarak tartışılmamış bir konudur. Arslantepe Höyüğü’nde yapılan son kazılar, bu soruya ışık tutabilecek ilginç yeni veriler ortaya çıkardı. Bu makale, Arslantepe’de ortaya çıkarılan Erken Demir Çağı zooarkeolojik kalıntılarının temel özelliklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Böylelikle, Geç Tunç Çağı materyalinin diakronik analizi, diğer alanlar ve bölgelerle yapılan karşılaştırmalar, MÖ 2. binyılın son yüzyıllarında gerçekleşen tarım ve hayvancılık biçimleri ve ilişkili zanaat üretimlerinde daha geniş potansiyel dönüşümleri anlamaya yardımcı olacaktır. Ayrıca, Erken Hitit etki alanının sınırında ve daha sonra etkin, bağımsız Demir Çağı krallı...

Research paper thumbnail of Economies in Transformation: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from Early Iron Age Arslantepe (South-Eastern Turkey)

in ADALYA 25, 1-29. Free download at:, 2022

The transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age is considered a period of great turmoil and p... more The transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age is considered a period of great turmoil and profound changes in the whole eastern Mediterranean. Large political and cultural transformations are attested as well as mobility and interrelations of human groups. But how these affected the subsistence economy of the societies involved is a topic that has not yet been precisely discussed in the literature. Recent excavations carried out at the site of Arslantepe have generated interesting new data that can shed fresh light on this question. This article presents the main characteristics of the Early Iron Age zooarchaeological remains unearthed at Arslantepe. A diachronic analysis of the Late Bronze Age material and comparisons with other sites and regions will help to highlight wider potential transformations in agropastoral habits and associated craft productions during the last centuries of the second millennium BC. The contribution improves our understanding of the changes that occurred in the agro-production patterns of a site that was

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano 2020 Arslantepe VA

Pathways through Arslantepe, 2020

Giovanni Siracusano
Despite the collapse of the powerful protostatal organization that broke off the heyday at the end of at the end of the fourth millennium, for a long time Arslantepe remained a dominant center in a wide area of South East Anatolia, namely Malatya plain. The organization of the site and its relations with the territory remain more or less unchanged during the third millennium until the Middle Bronze Age (period VA, 2000-1750 BCE). The archaeozoological analysis show some elements of discontinuity with respect to the previous period. For two millennia the ¾ of the livestock were composed of sheep and goats. During the MBA the caprines were more represented by the sheep suggesting a better exploitation of their secondary products. The increase in cattle indicates an expansion of agricultural activities and that of pigs an increasingly stable society rooted in the territory.
Although the game was scarce, it was characterized by the coexistence of animals typical of different environments such as deer and hares that suggest a “crowding effect”.

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 2 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 2. — Arslantepe, the Iron Age monumental sequence. Photo credits: R. Ceccacci, ©MAIAO.

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 4 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 4. — Arslantepe, tarsometatarsi (left and right) of rooster from level IIIB. Photo credits: ... more FIG. 4. — Arslantepe, tarsometatarsi (left and right) of rooster from level IIIB. Photo credits: R. Ceccacci, ©MAIAO. Scale bar: 3 cm.

Research paper thumbnail of Predynastic Maadi in Context the Research of the Italian Expedition Revisited 19771986

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 1 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 1. — Map of Anatolia and the Levant with the main sites mentioned in the text (modified data... more FIG. 1. — Map of Anatolia and the Levant with the main sites mentioned in the text (modified data courtesy of National Centers for Environmental Infor- mation – ETOPO1, Natural Earth and Geo Network opensource. https://doi. org/10.7289/V5C8276M).

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 3 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 3. — Arslantepe, level IIIB. Credits: G. Liberotti, © MAIAO.

Research paper thumbnail of When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

Anthropozoologica, 2021

Among the faunal remains brought to light in the recent Iron Age excavations at the site of Arsla... more Among the faunal remains brought to light in the recent Iron Age excavations at the site of Arslantepe (South-East Turkey), the discovery of the bones belonging to an adult rooster is of particular interest. The red junglefowl, Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758), is not autochthonous of Anatolia; the species is native to and was originally domesticated in south-eastern Asia, reaching the Mesopotamian region only at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. Throughout the Bronze Age and up to the beginning of the Iron Age the evidence of domestic junglefowl remains sporadic. However, from the second half of the 2nd millennium BC onwards, findings became more consistent, allowing us to trace its spread and evolution. The discovery of the first rooster at Arslantepe, in a level dated to the very beginning of the 1st millennium BC, fits with the general development of this species into the Near East and from here, during the advanced Iron Age, to the Mediterranean and to the West. The article...

Research paper thumbnail of Zoologia fantastica o meraviglie della zoologia? Resti di animali che non ci sono, c'erano, ma non avrebbero dovuto esserci

Tra le migliaia e migliaia di ossa studiate e valutate, a volte, se si è abbastanza fortunati, pu... more Tra le migliaia e migliaia di ossa studiate e valutate, a volte, se si è abbastanza fortunati, può succedere di trovare qualche "perla". Sembra una storia di un rovistatore, ma è ciò che può accadere durante l'analisi faunistica in un sito archeologico. In questo caso, le perle sono reperti animali da considerare per vari motivi "esotici" identificati tra migliaia di altri resti, nell'ambito di ricerche archeozoologiche condotte in anni diversi e in siti diversi. In questo breve articolo si segnala la presenza di tre animali apparentemente alieni, i cui resti sono stati trovati in una regione dell'alta Mesopotamia tra l'attuale Turchia orientale e il nord della Siria: il castoro, il ghepardo asiatico e l'elefante indiano. La segnalazione di ognuno dei tre animali, la cui presenza sembra quantomeno improbabile, pone diversi interrogativi.

Research paper thumbnail of Un'introduzione all'archeozoologia

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Domestic Economy at the Beginning of the Late Chalcolithic in Eastern Anatolia: the Case of Arslantepe Period VIII

Six main decorative styles have been tentatively distinguished in the Early-Middle Bronze age Cap... more Six main decorative styles have been tentatively distinguished in the Early-Middle Bronze age Capo Graziano incised pottery of the Aeolian Islands. This experimental study focuses on the analysis of 68 bowls from the islands of Lipari, Filicudi, Salina and Stromboli and from Milazzo in Sicily. The classification is based on motifs and styles, and integrates typology, technology, composition and decoration in their identification. The styles are linked to production centres showing different spatial and temporal variations and appear to reflect different dynamics: the expert “individual” craftsman, the design in fashion, the symbolic code or the fulfilment of specific functions. The evaluation of skill in application and variability in the concept are measured in order to assess the social implications in the production of the pottery. This interim investigation will continue to refine the chronology and to establish the decorative styles in other Aeolian Islands. It is possible that...

Research paper thumbnail of From Sheperds To Farmers At Arslantepe (Eastern Turkey) During The Early Bronze II And III, From 2750 To 2000 BC

After the collapse of the powerful early-state organization which was established at Arslantepe b... more After the collapse of the powerful early-state organization which was established at Arslantepe between 3400 and 3100 BC in connection with parallel Mesopotamian developments (Period VIA), which had led to a widening of the external relations of the site also towards pastoral populations of the mountains of Eastern Anatolia, Arslantepe was occupied by these groups of nomadic or semi-nomadic shepherds linked to the cultures of the southern Caucasus, who settled on the ruins of the palace with their seasonal settlements (Period VI B1, 3100-2900 BC) and their livestock, based mainly on flocks of caprines. In the following phase (Period VI B2, 2900-2800 BC) the site was reoccupied by populations of settled farmers from the plain and there began a period of great instability and conflict. The EBAI ended as it began, with devastating fires that put an end to this succession of settlements. Slowly, after a brief abandonment, a new history of the site begins with the EBA II (Period VIC), in...

Research paper thumbnail of When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

in Anthropozoologica 56/16, 241-251. Free Download at: , 2021

Anthropozoologica est une revue en flux continu publiée par les Publications scientifiques du Mus... more Anthropozoologica est une revue en flux continu publiée par les Publications scientifiques du Muséum, Paris, avec le soutien du CNRS.

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Origini Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Origini Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano Zoologia fantastica

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano Palumbi 03 VOL III ICAANE

Proceedings of the 8th ICAANE 30 April – 4 May 2012, 2014

Who'd be Happy, Let Him Be so: Nothing's Sure about Tomorrow” Discarded Bones in Early Bronze I ... more Who'd be Happy, Let Him Be so: Nothing's Sure about Tomorrow” Discarded Bones in Early Bronze I Elite Area at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey): Remains of Banquets?

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamiche di sfruttamento ambientale e animale in Puglia nell'età del Bronzo

Dinamiche di sfruttamento ambientale e animale in Puglia nell'età del Bronzo, 2017

introDuzione Questo contributo è dedicato ad una analisi complessiva delle attuali conoscenze arc... more introDuzione Questo contributo è dedicato ad una analisi complessiva delle attuali conoscenze archeozoologiche relative al territorio corrispondente alla puglia nell'età del bronzo, con particolare riferimento allo sfruttamento delle risorse animali selvatiche. il quadro che ne deriva utilizza i dati ricavati da studi già editi 1 e quelli acquisiti più recentemente con le ricerche effettuate dalla soprintendenza archeologica della puglia a Mas-seria caterina (Minervino Murge, bat) e a Mola di bari (ba) e, dalla stessa in collaborazione con le uni-versità di foggia e del salento, a Masseria chiancudda (cisternino, br). i resti faunistici provenienti da questi ultimi siti sono stati oggetto di studio di una recente tesi di dottorato da parte di uno degli autori (pizzarelli 2011-2012). È già stato sottolineato in altra sede l'aspetto lacunoso che hanno avuto fino ad oggi le ricerche archeozoolo-giche sul territorio pugliese, soprattutto per la carenza di studi di resti animali relativi ad alcune fasi dell'età del bronzo-in particolare bronzo antico e bronzo finale-e per la piccola entità di alcuni campioni faunistici che rendono poco attendibili le relative va-lutazioni statistiche (De Grossi Mazzorin 2010). È do-veroso aggiungere che anche la distribuzione geografica dei siti con campioni faunistici studiati risulta piuttosto frammentaria con una forte concentrazione lungo la fascia costiera adriatica, mentre l'area interna è rap-presentata solo da due contesti situati nel comune di Minervino Murge 2. tutti questi fattori rendono asso-lutamente parziale il quadro complessivo che ne deriva (fig. 1). nel complesso l'approvvigionamento proteico dei diversi contesti esaminati sembrerebbe dominato dal-l'apporto delle principali specie domestiche allevate a fini alimentari (bovini, caprovini e suini). i caprovini (in termini di numero dei resti) prevalgono, in media, nei siti di facies protoappennica/facies di cavallino. i bovini costituiscono la seconda categoria maggiormente * Dipartimento di beni culturali-università del salento, via D. birago 64, 73100 lecce; 1 per la bibliografia relativa ai contesti editi si rimanda a De Grossi Maz-zorin 2010; per il sito di coppa nevigata a siracusano 2012. 2 il sito di le chianche non viene in questa sede considerato, sia per l'esi-guità del campione, sia, soprattutto, per la particolare connotazione cul-tuale del contesto. riassunto-DinaMiche Di sfruttaMento aMbientale e aniMale in puGlia nell'età Del bronzo-nei campioni faunistici provenienti da siti archeologici della puglia dell'età del bronzo, i resti di animali selvatici risultano particolarmente signi-ficativi, rappresentando spesso un non secondario contributo al sistema di sostentamento delle comunità umane, basato soprattutto sull'apporto derivato dalle pratiche agricole e dai prodotti primari e secondari offerti dal bestiame domestico. sebbene sia attestata una certa varietà di specie, il cervo risulta per tutta l'età del bronzo la specie più frequente, forse per la sua abbondante diffusione sul territorio particolarmente boscoso e la più facile possibilità di essere predato per le sue abitudini di vita. il suo sfruttamento sembrerebbe essere stato molteplice, ovvero per l'apporto proteico all'alimentazione ma anche come materia dura animale (palchi e ossa) per la fabbricazione di utensili vari e per il rifornimento di pellame. Dati biometrici inoltre indicano chiaramente come le popolazioni cervine diffuse sul territorio pugliese fossero di taglia più piccola rispetto alle popolazioni coeve diffuse in altre aree dell'italia centrale e settentrionale. suMMary-WilD aniMal exploitation DynaMics in apulia (southern italy) DurinG the bronze aGe-Wild animal remains from archaeological assemblages found in apulia and dated to the bronze age are particularly abundant, suggesting that they played an important role in the food provision of the settlements, although the main domestic animals were largely dominant. a variety of wild species is well documented, but red deer is overwhelmingly predominant during the overall bronze the hinterland as a densely wooded territory, which would have been particularly suitable to abundance of deer.the exploitation of these animals could be linked to the interest for bone and antler working, but the occurrence of different body parts clearly suggest that they were preferably hunted for food. biometric data provided show that red deer that inhabited in apulia were smaller than those which inhabited other densely wooded territories located in central and northern italy.

Research paper thumbnail of Economies in Transformation: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from Early Iron Age Arslantepe (Southeastern Türkiye)


Geç Tunç Çağı’ndan Demir Çağı’na geçiş, tüm Doğu Akdeniz Havzasında büyük kargaşa ve köklü değişi... more Geç Tunç Çağı’ndan Demir Çağı’na geçiş, tüm Doğu Akdeniz Havzasında büyük kargaşa ve köklü değişimlerin olduğu bir dönem olarak kabul edilir. Büyük siyasi ve kültürel dönüşümler, insan gruplarının yoğun hareketliliği ve aralarındaki ilişkilerle doğrulanmaktadır, ancak bunların ilgili toplumların geçim ekonomisini nasıl etkilediği literatürde henüz tam olarak tartışılmamış bir konudur. Arslantepe Höyüğü’nde yapılan son kazılar, bu soruya ışık tutabilecek ilginç yeni veriler ortaya çıkardı. Bu makale, Arslantepe’de ortaya çıkarılan Erken Demir Çağı zooarkeolojik kalıntılarının temel özelliklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Böylelikle, Geç Tunç Çağı materyalinin diakronik analizi, diğer alanlar ve bölgelerle yapılan karşılaştırmalar, MÖ 2. binyılın son yüzyıllarında gerçekleşen tarım ve hayvancılık biçimleri ve ilişkili zanaat üretimlerinde daha geniş potansiyel dönüşümleri anlamaya yardımcı olacaktır. Ayrıca, Erken Hitit etki alanının sınırında ve daha sonra etkin, bağımsız Demir Çağı krallı...

Research paper thumbnail of Economies in Transformation: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from Early Iron Age Arslantepe (South-Eastern Turkey)

in ADALYA 25, 1-29. Free download at:, 2022

The transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age is considered a period of great turmoil and p... more The transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age is considered a period of great turmoil and profound changes in the whole eastern Mediterranean. Large political and cultural transformations are attested as well as mobility and interrelations of human groups. But how these affected the subsistence economy of the societies involved is a topic that has not yet been precisely discussed in the literature. Recent excavations carried out at the site of Arslantepe have generated interesting new data that can shed fresh light on this question. This article presents the main characteristics of the Early Iron Age zooarchaeological remains unearthed at Arslantepe. A diachronic analysis of the Late Bronze Age material and comparisons with other sites and regions will help to highlight wider potential transformations in agropastoral habits and associated craft productions during the last centuries of the second millennium BC. The contribution improves our understanding of the changes that occurred in the agro-production patterns of a site that was

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano 2020 Arslantepe VA

Pathways through Arslantepe, 2020

Giovanni Siracusano
Despite the collapse of the powerful protostatal organization that broke off the heyday at the end of at the end of the fourth millennium, for a long time Arslantepe remained a dominant center in a wide area of South East Anatolia, namely Malatya plain. The organization of the site and its relations with the territory remain more or less unchanged during the third millennium until the Middle Bronze Age (period VA, 2000-1750 BCE). The archaeozoological analysis show some elements of discontinuity with respect to the previous period. For two millennia the ¾ of the livestock were composed of sheep and goats. During the MBA the caprines were more represented by the sheep suggesting a better exploitation of their secondary products. The increase in cattle indicates an expansion of agricultural activities and that of pigs an increasingly stable society rooted in the territory.
Although the game was scarce, it was characterized by the coexistence of animals typical of different environments such as deer and hares that suggest a “crowding effect”.

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 2 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 2. — Arslantepe, the Iron Age monumental sequence. Photo credits: R. Ceccacci, ©MAIAO.

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 4 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 4. — Arslantepe, tarsometatarsi (left and right) of rooster from level IIIB. Photo credits: ... more FIG. 4. — Arslantepe, tarsometatarsi (left and right) of rooster from level IIIB. Photo credits: R. Ceccacci, ©MAIAO. Scale bar: 3 cm.

Research paper thumbnail of Predynastic Maadi in Context the Research of the Italian Expedition Revisited 19771986

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 1 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 1. — Map of Anatolia and the Levant with the main sites mentioned in the text (modified data... more FIG. 1. — Map of Anatolia and the Levant with the main sites mentioned in the text (modified data courtesy of National Centers for Environmental Infor- mation – ETOPO1, Natural Earth and Geo Network opensource. https://doi. org/10.7289/V5C8276M).

Research paper thumbnail of FIG. 3 in When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

FIG. 3. — Arslantepe, level IIIB. Credits: G. Liberotti, © MAIAO.

Research paper thumbnail of When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

Anthropozoologica, 2021

Among the faunal remains brought to light in the recent Iron Age excavations at the site of Arsla... more Among the faunal remains brought to light in the recent Iron Age excavations at the site of Arslantepe (South-East Turkey), the discovery of the bones belonging to an adult rooster is of particular interest. The red junglefowl, Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758), is not autochthonous of Anatolia; the species is native to and was originally domesticated in south-eastern Asia, reaching the Mesopotamian region only at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. Throughout the Bronze Age and up to the beginning of the Iron Age the evidence of domestic junglefowl remains sporadic. However, from the second half of the 2nd millennium BC onwards, findings became more consistent, allowing us to trace its spread and evolution. The discovery of the first rooster at Arslantepe, in a level dated to the very beginning of the 1st millennium BC, fits with the general development of this species into the Near East and from here, during the advanced Iron Age, to the Mediterranean and to the West. The article...

Research paper thumbnail of Zoologia fantastica o meraviglie della zoologia? Resti di animali che non ci sono, c'erano, ma non avrebbero dovuto esserci

Tra le migliaia e migliaia di ossa studiate e valutate, a volte, se si è abbastanza fortunati, pu... more Tra le migliaia e migliaia di ossa studiate e valutate, a volte, se si è abbastanza fortunati, può succedere di trovare qualche "perla". Sembra una storia di un rovistatore, ma è ciò che può accadere durante l'analisi faunistica in un sito archeologico. In questo caso, le perle sono reperti animali da considerare per vari motivi "esotici" identificati tra migliaia di altri resti, nell'ambito di ricerche archeozoologiche condotte in anni diversi e in siti diversi. In questo breve articolo si segnala la presenza di tre animali apparentemente alieni, i cui resti sono stati trovati in una regione dell'alta Mesopotamia tra l'attuale Turchia orientale e il nord della Siria: il castoro, il ghepardo asiatico e l'elefante indiano. La segnalazione di ognuno dei tre animali, la cui presenza sembra quantomeno improbabile, pone diversi interrogativi.

Research paper thumbnail of Un'introduzione all'archeozoologia

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Domestic Economy at the Beginning of the Late Chalcolithic in Eastern Anatolia: the Case of Arslantepe Period VIII

Six main decorative styles have been tentatively distinguished in the Early-Middle Bronze age Cap... more Six main decorative styles have been tentatively distinguished in the Early-Middle Bronze age Capo Graziano incised pottery of the Aeolian Islands. This experimental study focuses on the analysis of 68 bowls from the islands of Lipari, Filicudi, Salina and Stromboli and from Milazzo in Sicily. The classification is based on motifs and styles, and integrates typology, technology, composition and decoration in their identification. The styles are linked to production centres showing different spatial and temporal variations and appear to reflect different dynamics: the expert “individual” craftsman, the design in fashion, the symbolic code or the fulfilment of specific functions. The evaluation of skill in application and variability in the concept are measured in order to assess the social implications in the production of the pottery. This interim investigation will continue to refine the chronology and to establish the decorative styles in other Aeolian Islands. It is possible that...

Research paper thumbnail of From Sheperds To Farmers At Arslantepe (Eastern Turkey) During The Early Bronze II And III, From 2750 To 2000 BC

After the collapse of the powerful early-state organization which was established at Arslantepe b... more After the collapse of the powerful early-state organization which was established at Arslantepe between 3400 and 3100 BC in connection with parallel Mesopotamian developments (Period VIA), which had led to a widening of the external relations of the site also towards pastoral populations of the mountains of Eastern Anatolia, Arslantepe was occupied by these groups of nomadic or semi-nomadic shepherds linked to the cultures of the southern Caucasus, who settled on the ruins of the palace with their seasonal settlements (Period VI B1, 3100-2900 BC) and their livestock, based mainly on flocks of caprines. In the following phase (Period VI B2, 2900-2800 BC) the site was reoccupied by populations of settled farmers from the plain and there began a period of great instability and conflict. The EBAI ended as it began, with devastating fires that put an end to this succession of settlements. Slowly, after a brief abandonment, a new history of the site begins with the EBA II (Period VIC), in...

Research paper thumbnail of When did roosters start singing at Arslantepe? A preliminary assessment of the presence and spread of Gallus gallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iron Age Eastern Anatolia

in Anthropozoologica 56/16, 241-251. Free Download at: , 2021

Anthropozoologica est une revue en flux continu publiée par les Publications scientifiques du Mus... more Anthropozoologica est une revue en flux continu publiée par les Publications scientifiques du Muséum, Paris, avec le soutien du CNRS.

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Origini Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Meat consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at arslantepe, Anatolia

Origini Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano Zoologia fantastica

Research paper thumbnail of Siracusano Palumbi 03 VOL III ICAANE

Proceedings of the 8th ICAANE 30 April – 4 May 2012, 2014

Who'd be Happy, Let Him Be so: Nothing's Sure about Tomorrow” Discarded Bones in Early Bronze I ... more Who'd be Happy, Let Him Be so: Nothing's Sure about Tomorrow” Discarded Bones in Early Bronze I Elite Area at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey): Remains of Banquets?

Research paper thumbnail of The Chalcolithic at Mersin-Yumuktepe

Ege Yayinlari, 2019

The settlement of Mersin-Yumuktepe is located in an area of Cilicia south of the Taurus massif ne... more The settlement of Mersin-Yumuktepe is located in an area of Cilicia south of the Taurus massif near the southern coast of present-day Turkey. It is a stratified site, with fortifications, with a housing sequence that has occurred since the Neolithic, through the Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages, up to the medieval era.
The overwhelming majority of the faunal assemblage consists of domestic animals. The breeding of goats is well attested, as was to be expected in settlements of this period, constituting two thirds of the animals raised. Followed by cattle and finally pigs.