Gilang Putra - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gilang Putra

Research paper thumbnail of Image Segmentation for Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Trichoderma Fungus

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Simplification of the Calcine Transfer Control System Architecture for Ferronickel Projects in System Reliability Assessment

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Research in Industrial and Systems Engineering 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Aplikasi Berbasis Teknologi pada Guru-Guru di Yayasan Nurul Hikmah Al Hakim

KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat

Pendekatan berbasis teknologi sangat penting dewasa ini, terutama dalam hal penyampaian pesan, id... more Pendekatan berbasis teknologi sangat penting dewasa ini, terutama dalam hal penyampaian pesan, ide dan gagasan, karena memiliki daya tarik tinggi, atraktif dan mudah dipahami peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daring. Yayasan Nurul Hikmah AL-Hakim sebagai Lembaga penyelenggara Pendidikan SMP, SMA, SMK dapat memanfaatkan kebermanfaatan pelatihan ini sebagai optimalisasi kemampuan liveworksheet yang mumpuni kepada peserta didiknya. Oleh sebab itu tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA berinisiatif melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan berbasis teknologi dengan menerapkan pembelajaran melalui liveworksheet kepada guru-guru di Yayasan Nurul Hikmah AL-Hakim, Jonggol, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberian ceramah materi teori, praktikum dan penugasan pengaplikasian langsung liveworksheet sebagai teacher dan student pada aplikasinya. Secara umum, pelaksanaan PKM berjalan lancar tanpa terkendala apapun,...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Promosi Festival Reyog Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata DI Kabupaten Ponorogo (Studi Kasus Festival Reyog Nasional XXI-2014)

Gilang adi putra,10220810 dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Promosi Festival Rey... more Gilang adi putra,10220810 dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Promosi Festival Reyog Nasional Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Tidak bnayak yang tahu bahwa pertunjukan reyog tersebut telah dipentaskan dalam sebuah festival yang bersekala Nasional. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui upaya promosi yang dilakukan pihak-pihak pemerintah atau swasta untuk mengenal event Festival Reyog Nasional supaya lebih dikenal masyarakat, terutama yang berasal dari luar wilayah Ponorogo dan faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan Festival Reyog Nasional belum dikenal oleh masyarakat diluar wilayah kota Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan, penggunaan alat bantu. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa : (1).Dinas kebudayaan, pariwisata, pemuda dan olah raga Ponorogo telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan promosi dengan mengirim surat edaran,...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Simulator PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) AX.25 Pada Sistem Komunikasi Satelit IINUSAT-01 Untuk Attitude monitoring Berbasis FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2013

Sistem komunikasi satelit terjadi antara satelit yang berada di luar angkasa dengan stasiun bumi.... more Sistem komunikasi satelit terjadi antara satelit yang berada di luar angkasa dengan stasiun bumi. Salah satu kebutuhan dari satelit adalah attitude monitoring yang berfungsi untuk memantau perilaku satelit. Data pemantauan perilaku satelit akan dikirimkan oleh PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) dalam bentuk paket data. Untuk komunikasi data dibutuhkan sebuah protokol yang mengatur tata cara komunikasi data. Protokol yang digunakan untuk komunikasi data adalah protokol AX.25. Protokol ini digunakan untuk mengirimkan informasi yang berupa teks dan data attitude monitoring. Dalam penelitian ini, protokol AX.25 ini akan diimplementasikan ke dalam perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras berbasis FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Attitude monitoring PAD AX.25 yang diimplementasikan pada FPGA mampu mengirim paket data dalam waktu 0,449 detik pada baud rate 1200, dan semakin cepatnya pengiriman paket data sebanding dengan kenaikan baud rate. PAD AX.25 ini mampu mengirimkan paket data secar...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Curah Hujan untuk Estimasi Debit Puncak dengan Metode Rasional Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis Berdasarkan Koefisien Limpasan Metode Hassing

. Currently Indonesia fave crucial issues in energy sector, which are the high growth of energy c... more . Currently Indonesia fave crucial issues in energy sector, which are the high growth of energy consumption but low on utilization efficiency and the domination of fossil fuel energy. Inefficiency of energy consumption shown by the very high energy intensity value. Energy diversification from fossil fuel to renewable energy and energy conservation are the effort that have been done lately. Indonesian topography and geographical climate have great potential for water resources development and utilization. Based on that potential, if the natural resources exploitation such as deforestation on the river basin area increases. It will gives negative effect to the river basin hydrological condition, such as peak debit increasement, inter climate debit fluctuation, surface stream coefficient, flood and drought, etc. This research conducted on sub-river basin Siau River. Tuo Village, Lembah Masurai, Sub-District, Merangin District, Jambi Province. The research is peak debit estimated calcul...

Research paper thumbnail of What is the Biomechanical Principle of Forehand Smash in Badminton? - Article Review

Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 2020

Summary The pattern of human movement is strongly influenced by biomotor conditions, age developm... more Summary The pattern of human movement is strongly influenced by biomotor conditions, age development will affect the level of biomotor maturity. Forehand smash is one of the techniques that every badminton athlete must master well. To do this stroke well, a good movement pattern is needed, biomotor maturity which in this study is related to the age of the athlete. So that the development of age will cause differences in movement patterns which in this study analyzes the forehand smash movement patterns in badminton based on age. It is known that the most efficient badminton technique for gaining points in badminton is the smash. The smash-hit is more likely to produce a fast shuttle lock rate performed using the forehand smash technique. So that in this study the writer will analyze a technique in badminton, namely the forehand smash technique. These findings contribute to future research on the biomechanical analysis of forehand smash motion in badminton.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Atraksi Wisata Alam Gunung Padang DI Kota Padang

Abstrak Objek wisata Gunung Padang ini terletak Di Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang. Gunung P... more Abstrak Objek wisata Gunung Padang ini terletak Di Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang. Gunung Padang memiliki daya tarik berupa lahan yang terbentuk dari salah satu dinding alam yang menghiasi Kota Padang. Gunung Padang menawarkan pemandangan Panorama Pantai Padang dan Kota Padang dari ketinggian 80 Meter Dari Permukaan Laut. Pengembangan Kawasan Objek Wisata Gunung Padang sebagai daya tarik objek wisata bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Gunung Padang. Metode analisis yang digunakan Analisis Kebijakan, Analisis Persepsi Pengunjung, Analisis Kondisi Eksisting Objek Wisata Berdasarkan Persepsi Pengunjung, Analisis Persepsi Pengunjung Terhadap Atraksi, Fasilitas, dan Aksesibilitas Penunjang Atraksi Eksisting, Analisis Fisik, Analisis Kelerengan, Analisis Pemandangan, Analisis Zona Kawasan, Analisis Pengembangan Atraksi. Pada analisis fisik Pembagian zona pada objek wisata Gunung Padang ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan pengembangan jenis kegiatan dan sarana dengan mempertimbangkan kel...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemodelan 3D Pada Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Perkuatan Tiang Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

ABSTRAK Analisis stabilitas lereng dengan tiang dilakukan berdasarkan metode elemen hingga dengan... more ABSTRAK Analisis stabilitas lereng dengan tiang dilakukan berdasarkan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan program Plaxis 3D 2013. Lereng dimodelkan dalam kondisi jenuh air. Parameter tanah hasil analisis stabilitas lereng tanpa perkuatan yang menghasilkan SF < 1,25 merupakan parameter tanah yang akan digunakan pada semua analisis stabilitas lereng dengan perkuatan, perolehan data parameter ini dilakukan dengan cara coba-coba menggunakan program Plaxis 3D 2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan perkuatan tiang yang aman dan efisien pada lereng yaitu posisi, jumlah, kedalaman, dan jarak antar tiangnya. Dari hasil analisis stabilitas lereng menggunakan program Plaxis 3D 2013 pada kondisi lereng jenuh air dengan perkuatan tiang dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi perkuatan tiang yang aman dan efisien berada dekat dengan kaki lereng yaitu dengan jarak horisontal 4 meter sebelum kaki lereng, jarak antar tiang sejauh 4 meter, jumlah tiang sebanyak tiga tiang, dengan kedalaman masi...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Adaptasi Nelayan Pelabuhanratu terhadap Perubahan Iklim

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadapp Kepuasan Konsumen DI Jaguar Fitnes Sidoarjo

JEM17: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2018

ABSTRAKThe problem in this research is how big partially and simultaneously influence the quality... more ABSTRAKThe problem in this research is how big partially and simultaneously influence the quality of service to customer satisfaction at Jaguar Gym Sidoarjo, as well as service quality variables Which most dominant influence on customer satisfaction at Jaguar Gym Sidoarjo.Based on the research results, obtained regression equation as follows: Y = 3.025 + 0.138 + 0.197 X1 + 0.183 X2 + 0,142 X3 X5 + X4 + 0.175 E. Of the acquisition value equation of multiple linear regression model, there are five variables showed a positive coefficient value (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy), it shows the influence of service quality that is strong enough to customer satisfaction. Keofisien of determination of 0.362, which means that 36.2% variable service quality affects customer satisfaction, while 63.8% are influenced by variables Llain not studied. Based on the results of the multiple correlation coefficient R of 0.602 mind, which means showing that the proportion of the...

Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of green Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode for supercapacitor application assisted by chemical exfoliation process from burning coconut shell

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018

For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the d... more For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the development of supercapacitor electrodes is needed, by anchoring transition metal oxide (Fe3+ ion) as pseudo capacitor electrode material with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) from an old coconut shell as electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC). This porous electrode composite is prepared by sonication and chemical exfoliation assisted by acid. Synthesis of supercapacitor is also added by glucose, which acts as a spacer between layers of rGO to increase the capacitance, also as binder between the materials used. Combining Fe3+ with old coconut shell rGO give high specific capacitance of up to 99 F/g at a potential window of -1 V to 1 V. The Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode has thickness of up to 57 nm (from PSA result) and give a uniform distribution from EDX mapping with disperse Fe domains and not bonding with rGO.For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the development of supercapacitor electrodes is needed, by anchoring transition metal oxide (Fe3+ ion) as pseudo capacitor electrode material with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) from an old coconut shell as electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC). This porous electrode composite is prepared by sonication and chemical exfoliation assisted by acid. Synthesis of supercapacitor is also added by glucose, which acts as a spacer between layers of rGO to increase the capacitance, also as binder between the materials used. Combining Fe3+ with old coconut shell rGO give high specific capacitance of up to 99 F/g at a potential window of -1 V to 1 V. The Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode has thickness of up to 57 nm (from PSA result) and give a uniform distribution from EDX mapping with disperse Fe domains and not bonding with rGO.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Pipa DI PT.CITRA Tubindo TBK

Computer and Science Industrial Engineering (COMASIE), Jan 23, 2021

Improving product quality is mandatory in every company to maintain customer satisfaction. This r... more Improving product quality is mandatory in every company to maintain customer satisfaction. This research aims to analyze the types of defects that occur in products, identify factors that cause defects in products using Cause and Effect Diagrams and identify suggestions for quality improvement actions that can reduce defects in the product. In the production area there are many types of defects but there are 3 biggest types of defects (Black Crest, Chatter and Chip) which are analyzed to reduce to keep product quality improving. This study uses a tool from FMEA (Failure Mode Effect and Analyze) to summarize rejected items into priority and Squareness, Histogram, Pareto as quality tools to count and determine all rejected items. The level and value of the results of the RPN study decreased from Low to Very Low starting from the risks: Black Crest defect for the risk of excessive ovality pipe dimensions from RPN 135 with a low level to RPN 27 with a very low level, for the risk of Squareness at the end of the oblique pipe from RPN 135 with a low level becomes RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of swaging results on imperfect pipe from RPN 243 with low level to RPN 81 with very low level. Chatter's defect is for the risk of the blunt insertion of RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 27 with a very low level, for the risk of corrugated pipe during processing from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of material being difficult to roll from RPN 405 with a low level to RPN 45 with a very low level. Chip defects for risk The machining program is not designed to cut Chips from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of glass on the machine that is not clear when the screwing process of RPN 243 with a low level becomes RPN 81 with a very low level , for the risk that the operator does not withdraw the Chip during the rolling process from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 45 with a very low level

Research paper thumbnail of Image Segmentation for Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Trichoderma Fungus

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Simplification of the Calcine Transfer Control System Architecture for Ferronickel Projects in System Reliability Assessment

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Research in Industrial and Systems Engineering 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Aplikasi Berbasis Teknologi pada Guru-Guru di Yayasan Nurul Hikmah Al Hakim

KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat

Pendekatan berbasis teknologi sangat penting dewasa ini, terutama dalam hal penyampaian pesan, id... more Pendekatan berbasis teknologi sangat penting dewasa ini, terutama dalam hal penyampaian pesan, ide dan gagasan, karena memiliki daya tarik tinggi, atraktif dan mudah dipahami peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daring. Yayasan Nurul Hikmah AL-Hakim sebagai Lembaga penyelenggara Pendidikan SMP, SMA, SMK dapat memanfaatkan kebermanfaatan pelatihan ini sebagai optimalisasi kemampuan liveworksheet yang mumpuni kepada peserta didiknya. Oleh sebab itu tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA berinisiatif melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan berbasis teknologi dengan menerapkan pembelajaran melalui liveworksheet kepada guru-guru di Yayasan Nurul Hikmah AL-Hakim, Jonggol, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberian ceramah materi teori, praktikum dan penugasan pengaplikasian langsung liveworksheet sebagai teacher dan student pada aplikasinya. Secara umum, pelaksanaan PKM berjalan lancar tanpa terkendala apapun,...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Promosi Festival Reyog Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata DI Kabupaten Ponorogo (Studi Kasus Festival Reyog Nasional XXI-2014)

Gilang adi putra,10220810 dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Promosi Festival Rey... more Gilang adi putra,10220810 dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Promosi Festival Reyog Nasional Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Tidak bnayak yang tahu bahwa pertunjukan reyog tersebut telah dipentaskan dalam sebuah festival yang bersekala Nasional. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui upaya promosi yang dilakukan pihak-pihak pemerintah atau swasta untuk mengenal event Festival Reyog Nasional supaya lebih dikenal masyarakat, terutama yang berasal dari luar wilayah Ponorogo dan faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan Festival Reyog Nasional belum dikenal oleh masyarakat diluar wilayah kota Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan, penggunaan alat bantu. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa : (1).Dinas kebudayaan, pariwisata, pemuda dan olah raga Ponorogo telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan promosi dengan mengirim surat edaran,...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Simulator PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) AX.25 Pada Sistem Komunikasi Satelit IINUSAT-01 Untuk Attitude monitoring Berbasis FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2013

Sistem komunikasi satelit terjadi antara satelit yang berada di luar angkasa dengan stasiun bumi.... more Sistem komunikasi satelit terjadi antara satelit yang berada di luar angkasa dengan stasiun bumi. Salah satu kebutuhan dari satelit adalah attitude monitoring yang berfungsi untuk memantau perilaku satelit. Data pemantauan perilaku satelit akan dikirimkan oleh PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) dalam bentuk paket data. Untuk komunikasi data dibutuhkan sebuah protokol yang mengatur tata cara komunikasi data. Protokol yang digunakan untuk komunikasi data adalah protokol AX.25. Protokol ini digunakan untuk mengirimkan informasi yang berupa teks dan data attitude monitoring. Dalam penelitian ini, protokol AX.25 ini akan diimplementasikan ke dalam perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras berbasis FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Attitude monitoring PAD AX.25 yang diimplementasikan pada FPGA mampu mengirim paket data dalam waktu 0,449 detik pada baud rate 1200, dan semakin cepatnya pengiriman paket data sebanding dengan kenaikan baud rate. PAD AX.25 ini mampu mengirimkan paket data secar...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Curah Hujan untuk Estimasi Debit Puncak dengan Metode Rasional Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis Berdasarkan Koefisien Limpasan Metode Hassing

. Currently Indonesia fave crucial issues in energy sector, which are the high growth of energy c... more . Currently Indonesia fave crucial issues in energy sector, which are the high growth of energy consumption but low on utilization efficiency and the domination of fossil fuel energy. Inefficiency of energy consumption shown by the very high energy intensity value. Energy diversification from fossil fuel to renewable energy and energy conservation are the effort that have been done lately. Indonesian topography and geographical climate have great potential for water resources development and utilization. Based on that potential, if the natural resources exploitation such as deforestation on the river basin area increases. It will gives negative effect to the river basin hydrological condition, such as peak debit increasement, inter climate debit fluctuation, surface stream coefficient, flood and drought, etc. This research conducted on sub-river basin Siau River. Tuo Village, Lembah Masurai, Sub-District, Merangin District, Jambi Province. The research is peak debit estimated calcul...

Research paper thumbnail of What is the Biomechanical Principle of Forehand Smash in Badminton? - Article Review

Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 2020

Summary The pattern of human movement is strongly influenced by biomotor conditions, age developm... more Summary The pattern of human movement is strongly influenced by biomotor conditions, age development will affect the level of biomotor maturity. Forehand smash is one of the techniques that every badminton athlete must master well. To do this stroke well, a good movement pattern is needed, biomotor maturity which in this study is related to the age of the athlete. So that the development of age will cause differences in movement patterns which in this study analyzes the forehand smash movement patterns in badminton based on age. It is known that the most efficient badminton technique for gaining points in badminton is the smash. The smash-hit is more likely to produce a fast shuttle lock rate performed using the forehand smash technique. So that in this study the writer will analyze a technique in badminton, namely the forehand smash technique. These findings contribute to future research on the biomechanical analysis of forehand smash motion in badminton.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Atraksi Wisata Alam Gunung Padang DI Kota Padang

Abstrak Objek wisata Gunung Padang ini terletak Di Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang. Gunung P... more Abstrak Objek wisata Gunung Padang ini terletak Di Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang. Gunung Padang memiliki daya tarik berupa lahan yang terbentuk dari salah satu dinding alam yang menghiasi Kota Padang. Gunung Padang menawarkan pemandangan Panorama Pantai Padang dan Kota Padang dari ketinggian 80 Meter Dari Permukaan Laut. Pengembangan Kawasan Objek Wisata Gunung Padang sebagai daya tarik objek wisata bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Gunung Padang. Metode analisis yang digunakan Analisis Kebijakan, Analisis Persepsi Pengunjung, Analisis Kondisi Eksisting Objek Wisata Berdasarkan Persepsi Pengunjung, Analisis Persepsi Pengunjung Terhadap Atraksi, Fasilitas, dan Aksesibilitas Penunjang Atraksi Eksisting, Analisis Fisik, Analisis Kelerengan, Analisis Pemandangan, Analisis Zona Kawasan, Analisis Pengembangan Atraksi. Pada analisis fisik Pembagian zona pada objek wisata Gunung Padang ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan pengembangan jenis kegiatan dan sarana dengan mempertimbangkan kel...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemodelan 3D Pada Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Perkuatan Tiang Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

ABSTRAK Analisis stabilitas lereng dengan tiang dilakukan berdasarkan metode elemen hingga dengan... more ABSTRAK Analisis stabilitas lereng dengan tiang dilakukan berdasarkan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan program Plaxis 3D 2013. Lereng dimodelkan dalam kondisi jenuh air. Parameter tanah hasil analisis stabilitas lereng tanpa perkuatan yang menghasilkan SF < 1,25 merupakan parameter tanah yang akan digunakan pada semua analisis stabilitas lereng dengan perkuatan, perolehan data parameter ini dilakukan dengan cara coba-coba menggunakan program Plaxis 3D 2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan perkuatan tiang yang aman dan efisien pada lereng yaitu posisi, jumlah, kedalaman, dan jarak antar tiangnya. Dari hasil analisis stabilitas lereng menggunakan program Plaxis 3D 2013 pada kondisi lereng jenuh air dengan perkuatan tiang dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi perkuatan tiang yang aman dan efisien berada dekat dengan kaki lereng yaitu dengan jarak horisontal 4 meter sebelum kaki lereng, jarak antar tiang sejauh 4 meter, jumlah tiang sebanyak tiga tiang, dengan kedalaman masi...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Adaptasi Nelayan Pelabuhanratu terhadap Perubahan Iklim

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadapp Kepuasan Konsumen DI Jaguar Fitnes Sidoarjo

JEM17: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2018

ABSTRAKThe problem in this research is how big partially and simultaneously influence the quality... more ABSTRAKThe problem in this research is how big partially and simultaneously influence the quality of service to customer satisfaction at Jaguar Gym Sidoarjo, as well as service quality variables Which most dominant influence on customer satisfaction at Jaguar Gym Sidoarjo.Based on the research results, obtained regression equation as follows: Y = 3.025 + 0.138 + 0.197 X1 + 0.183 X2 + 0,142 X3 X5 + X4 + 0.175 E. Of the acquisition value equation of multiple linear regression model, there are five variables showed a positive coefficient value (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy), it shows the influence of service quality that is strong enough to customer satisfaction. Keofisien of determination of 0.362, which means that 36.2% variable service quality affects customer satisfaction, while 63.8% are influenced by variables Llain not studied. Based on the results of the multiple correlation coefficient R of 0.602 mind, which means showing that the proportion of the...

Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of green Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode for supercapacitor application assisted by chemical exfoliation process from burning coconut shell

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018

For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the d... more For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the development of supercapacitor electrodes is needed, by anchoring transition metal oxide (Fe3+ ion) as pseudo capacitor electrode material with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) from an old coconut shell as electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC). This porous electrode composite is prepared by sonication and chemical exfoliation assisted by acid. Synthesis of supercapacitor is also added by glucose, which acts as a spacer between layers of rGO to increase the capacitance, also as binder between the materials used. Combining Fe3+ with old coconut shell rGO give high specific capacitance of up to 99 F/g at a potential window of -1 V to 1 V. The Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode has thickness of up to 57 nm (from PSA result) and give a uniform distribution from EDX mapping with disperse Fe domains and not bonding with rGO.For the goal of large, environmental - friendly, renewable, and inexpensive energy storage, the development of supercapacitor electrodes is needed, by anchoring transition metal oxide (Fe3+ ion) as pseudo capacitor electrode material with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) from an old coconut shell as electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC). This porous electrode composite is prepared by sonication and chemical exfoliation assisted by acid. Synthesis of supercapacitor is also added by glucose, which acts as a spacer between layers of rGO to increase the capacitance, also as binder between the materials used. Combining Fe3+ with old coconut shell rGO give high specific capacitance of up to 99 F/g at a potential window of -1 V to 1 V. The Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode has thickness of up to 57 nm (from PSA result) and give a uniform distribution from EDX mapping with disperse Fe domains and not bonding with rGO.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Pipa DI PT.CITRA Tubindo TBK

Computer and Science Industrial Engineering (COMASIE), Jan 23, 2021

Improving product quality is mandatory in every company to maintain customer satisfaction. This r... more Improving product quality is mandatory in every company to maintain customer satisfaction. This research aims to analyze the types of defects that occur in products, identify factors that cause defects in products using Cause and Effect Diagrams and identify suggestions for quality improvement actions that can reduce defects in the product. In the production area there are many types of defects but there are 3 biggest types of defects (Black Crest, Chatter and Chip) which are analyzed to reduce to keep product quality improving. This study uses a tool from FMEA (Failure Mode Effect and Analyze) to summarize rejected items into priority and Squareness, Histogram, Pareto as quality tools to count and determine all rejected items. The level and value of the results of the RPN study decreased from Low to Very Low starting from the risks: Black Crest defect for the risk of excessive ovality pipe dimensions from RPN 135 with a low level to RPN 27 with a very low level, for the risk of Squareness at the end of the oblique pipe from RPN 135 with a low level becomes RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of swaging results on imperfect pipe from RPN 243 with low level to RPN 81 with very low level. Chatter's defect is for the risk of the blunt insertion of RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 27 with a very low level, for the risk of corrugated pipe during processing from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of material being difficult to roll from RPN 405 with a low level to RPN 45 with a very low level. Chip defects for risk The machining program is not designed to cut Chips from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 81 with a very low level, for the risk of glass on the machine that is not clear when the screwing process of RPN 243 with a low level becomes RPN 81 with a very low level , for the risk that the operator does not withdraw the Chip during the rolling process from RPN 243 with a low level to RPN 45 with a very low level