Gilmar Weber Senna - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gilmar Weber Senna

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Conditions: Where Do We Go From Here?

Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2007

In this issue of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Agha and colleagues demonstrate that lower socioeconomic ... more In this issue of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Agha and colleagues demonstrate that lower socioeconomic status, measured by neighborhood income, is associated with higher hospitalization rates for ambulatory care–sensitive conditions (ACSC) among children born in Toronto between 1993 and 2001. Their findings are consistent with prior research that has used census information, hospital discharge files, indices of clinician supply, and insurance claims to demonstrate a relationship between social disadvantage or limited access to health care and higher rates of ACSC hospitalization in children. Many researchers have assessed the association between social factors, delivery system characteristics, and ACSC hospitalizations over the last 10 years because the hypothesis that timely ambulatory care can prevent unnecessary hospitalizations has an intuitive appeal, and because rates of ACSC hospitalization can be easily measured from claims data. However, this research has proceeded without a critical assessment of 3 underlying assumptions about the meaning and use of ACSC: (1) that ACSC hospitalizations can in fact be prevented by timely ambulatory care; (2) that the forces associated with ACSC hospitalizations are distinct from those that affect hospitalizations for other reasons; and (3) that interventions at the level of the child, the clinic, or the delivery system as a whole can reduce the incidence of ACSC hospitalizations. Existing research does not conclusively support any of these assumptions. First, the term ambulatory care–sensitive conditions may be a misnomer. The commonly used list of ACSC in children includes acute illnesses such as pneumonia and gastrointestinal illnesses as well as chronic conditions such as asthma and seizure disorders. This list of ACSC was based on expert consensus about conditions for which early treatment might prevent hospitalizations, but little evidence supports this belief. Although some studies have found that children with ACSC hospitalizations have lower previous use of ambulatory care than children not hospitalized for these conditions, others have found similar or higher rates of ambulatory care for children later

Research paper thumbnail of Higher Muscle Damage Triggered by Shorter Inter-Set Rest Periods in Volume-Equated Resistance Exercise

Frontiers in Physiology

ObjectivesThe aim of the manuscript was to analyze the effects of two rest periods between volume... more ObjectivesThe aim of the manuscript was to analyze the effects of two rest periods between volume-equated resistance exercise (RE) on inflammatory responses (cytokines and leukocyte) and muscle damage.MethodsTen trained men (26.40 ± 4.73 years, 80.71 ± 8.95 kg, and 176.03 ± 6.11 cm) voluntarily participated in training sessions consisting of five sets of 10 reps performed at 10-RM on (1) the barbell bench press followed by (2) leg press, with either 1- or 3-min rest between sets and exercises. Circulating concentrations of different biomarkers was measured before (Pre), and after 3 h (excepted for cytokines), 6, 12, and 24 h from exercise. The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded after each set on both planned visits.ResultsWe found greater increases triggered by the 1-min rest period in Creatine Kinase (CK), occurring from 12 to 24 h post-exercise compared to the 3-min rest condition. A significant increase in the 1-min rest condition was also observed in the total number ...

Research paper thumbnail of Respostas inflamatórias agudas ao treinamento de flexibilidade: uma revisão sistemática

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exerc&iacute cio, 2021

Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar sistematicamente as evidências científicas disponíveis... more Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar sistematicamente as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a eficácia e segurança do treinamento de flexibilidade em diferentes intensidades sobre as respostas inflamatórias agudas em homens adultos. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science e Scopus e uma busca manual nas listas de referências de estudos relevantes. A questão de pesquisa e a estratégia utilizadas foram baseadas no modelo PICO. Foram incluídos estudos envolvendo adultos com idade entre 18 e 45 anos, publicados nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, sem restrição de ano de publicação. Resultados: Um total de 1.014 artigos foram recuperados inicialmente. Após a eliminação das duplicatas, foram analisadas 655 referências por título e resumo, das quais 16 foram incluídas para leitura na íntegra. Após essa etapa, 13 referências foram excluídas. Ao final, 3 estudos foram considerados elegíveis. Conclusão: As evidênci...

Research paper thumbnail of Acute inflammatory responses to flexibility training: a systematic review

Objective: The aim of the study was to systematically assess the scientific evidence available on... more Objective: The aim of the study was to systematically assess the scientific evidence available on the effectiveness and safety of flexibility training at different intensities in terms of acute inflammatory responses in adult men. Methods: A search was conducted in the Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus databases and a manual search in the reference lists of relevant studies. The research question and strategy used were based on the PICO model. Included were studies involving adults aged between 18 and 45 years, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with no restriction for year of publication. Results: A total of 1014 articles were initially recovered. After duplicates were eliminated, 655 references were analyzed by title and abstract, 16 of which were included for reading in their entirety. After this stage, 13 references were excluded. At the end, three studies were considered eligible. Conclusion: The evidence available suggests that stretching e...


ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r RESUMO O objetivo foi verificar a influência de diferentes intervalos (20 segundos e três minutos) entre exercícios no desempenho da força. Vinte homens treinados (23 ± 2,2 anos; 74,9 ± 4,1 kg, 1,75 ± 0,03 m) divididos em dois grupos (G1 e G2) realizaram testes para obtenção das cargas para 10RM em dois dias não consecutivos. O G1 foi testado para o supino horizontal e cadeira extensora. O G2 realizou os testes para supino horizontal e remada sentada. Após quarenta e oito horas, os indivíduos do G1 realizaram uma série do supino horizontal e cadeira extensora com três minutos de intervalo entre os exercícios. Em outra visita o G1 executou uma série do supino horizontal e da cadeira extensora com 20 segundos entre exercícios. O G2 realizou uma série do s...

Research paper thumbnail of Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício RESPOSTA DA FORÇA MUSCULAR EM MULHERES COM A UTILIZAÇÃO DE DUAS METODOLOGIAS PARA O TESTE DE 1RM

ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r

Research paper thumbnail of A influência do alongamento no rendimento do treinamento de força

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do exerc&iacute cio, 2009

O objetivo do estudo foi verifi car o teste de 10 repetições máximas (10RM) no exercí­cio supino ... more O objetivo do estudo foi verifi car o teste de 10 repetições máximas (10RM) no exercí­cio supino reto na máquina utilizando diferentes tipos de aquecimento. Foram selecionados 22 indiví­duos do sexo masculino e divididos em dois grupos, grupo com aquecimento prévio de alongamento (GA) (n = 11), e grupo aquecimento especí­fi co (GE) (n = 11). Os indiví­duos da amostra foram submetidos ao teste de 10RM em dois dias. No primeiro dia, realizou-se o teste de 10RM igualmente para ambos os grupos, seguindo o modelo tradicional do teste. No segundo dia, o GE realizou o teste de 10RM com aquecimento de duas séries com 15 repetições a 55% da carga de 10RM. O GA antecedeu o teste de 10RM com o aquecimento através de exercí­cios de alongamentos pelo método estático, com duas séries de 20 segundos de duração para cada posição, após atingir o limiar de dor. Foi mantido um intervalo de 20 segundos de uma série para outra. Concluí­mos que não existem diferenças estatisticamente signifi cativas atra...

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptaciones de Flexibilidad en Jugadores de Golf Durante una Temporada Completa - Ciencias del Ejercicio

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional vs daily undulling periodization in strength and local muscle endurance gains on trained men

Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2018

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different periodization models on strength... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different periodization models on strength and local muscle endurance. Twenty trained men (25.45 ± 2.984 years, 75.34 ± 6.05 kg, 177.25 ± 4.92 cm, 23.96 ± 1.64 kg . m-2) were randomly assigned in two groups: undulling periodization (UPG) and traditional periodization group (TPG), respectively. All the subjects performed one repetition maximum (1-RM) strength test and a local muscle endurance test (60% of 1-RM to failure) before, during and after experimental period. The UPG executed 30 workout sessions with daily modifications regarding intensity, volume and rest period length. The TGP was divided into 3 phases (10 workout sessions in each phase) with the same changes executed by the other group in distinct methodological variables (intensity, volume and rest period length). After the ANCOVA analysis, no significant differences were found in both maximum strength attempts, bench press (p = 0.878) and triceps pull-down (p = 0.967...

Research paper thumbnail of Exercício, Epigenética, Inflamação e Imunologia

Research paper thumbnail of Influências De Curtos Intervalos No Teste De 1RM

Research paper thumbnail of Número De Sessões Necessárias Para Familiarização Do Teste De 1RM Em Indivíduos Recreacionalmente Treinados Em Força

INTRODUÇÃO: Familiarização é uma estratégia utilizada a fim de eliminar qualquer efeito de aprend... more INTRODUÇÃO: Familiarização é uma estratégia utilizada a fim de eliminar qualquer efeito de aprendizado durante a coleta de dados ao longo de um experimento, através da realização de sessões prévias similares aos procedimentos dos testes (Moiret al., 2005; McCurdy et al., 2008). Especificamente, Ploutz-Snyder et al, (2001) demonstrou em seu experimento que diferentes populações (mulheres jovens vs. idosas) necessitaram de distintas estratégias de familiarização para obtenção fidedigna da carga máxima (três vs. oito visitas). Em contraste, Levinger et al., (2009) demonstrou que uma sessão de familiarização foi suficiente para se estabelecer excelente correlação em testes de 1RM em sete diferentes exercícios testados tanto para homens quanto para mulheres destreinados.

Research paper thumbnail of Hypotensive effect of resistance training performed on stable vs. unstable surfaces

Journal of exercise physiology, 2016

Senna G, Oliveira CQ, Kreuger S, Scudese E, Monteiro W. Hypotensive Effect of Resistance Training... more Senna G, Oliveira CQ, Kreuger S, Scudese E, Monteiro W. Hypotensive Effect of Resistance Training Performed on Stable vs. Unstable Surfaces. JEPonline 2016;19(1):17-26. The purpose of this study was to compare the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) responses during two different strength training (ST) surfaces: stable (SST) and unstable (UST). Fifteen trained normotensive women performed 4 nonconsecutive 10RM load test sessions (test and retest for both surface methods) for a whole-body workout. After the load tests, subjects performed two training sessions (SST and UST) with 3 sets of each exercise with loads of 85% of 10RM with a 2-min rest between sets and exercises. The ANOVA two-way showed the same pattern of magnitude reduction on SBP after both training sessions (SST and UST). However, a prolonged reduction of SBP was evident from the SST method (~60 min). For DBP, there were no significant differences between workouts. Thus, although a ST sessio...

Research paper thumbnail of A Influência De Diferentes Recuperações Entre as Séries No Treinamento De Força

O objetivo foi verificar a influencia de diferentes formas de recuperacoes entre series no desemp... more O objetivo foi verificar a influencia de diferentes formas de recuperacoes entre series no desempenho das repeticoes e percepcao subjetiva de esforco (PSE). Quatorze homens (20,61 ± 3,01 anos; 73,72 ± 6,03 kg; 175,08 ± 5,25 cm; 24,08 ± 2,1 kg/m²) realizaram teste e reteste de 10RM no supino horizontal em dias nao consecutivos. Foram executadas quatro series no supino horizontal para 10RM com intervalo de dois minutos e com diferentes procedimentos de recuperacao: passivo e ativo (movimentos cadenciados similares a execucao do supino horizontal). A ANOVA one-way demonstrou que para as duas recuperacoes, reducoes progressivas ocorreram no numero de repeticoes (1a < 2a < 3a < 4a serie). Nao foram observadas diferencas nas repeticoes entre recuperacoes tanto, em cada serie, como para o numero total de repeticoes na recuperacao passiva (25,83 ± 5,51repeticoes) e na recuperacao ativa (27,58 ± 3,75 repeticoes). Para a PSE verificada antes e apos a execucao das series, ocorreram el...

Research paper thumbnail of Diferença Do Efeito Hipotensivo Do Treinamento De Força Em Mesomorfos e Ectomorfos

Research paper thumbnail of Amplitude de movimento de militares submetidos a 12 semanas de alongamento com diferentes intensidades

Educación Física y Ciencia, 2020

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at differe... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at different intensities on range of motion (ROM), horizontal shoulder flexion and extension (HSF and HSE) and lumber spine flexion (LSF) in military personnel. The sample consisted of 90 students (17.02 ± 1.24 years) randomly allocated into three groups of 30 participants each: stretching (SG) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNFG) and control (CG). Joint range was measured by goniometry using the LABIFIE protocol and the Lafayette Goniometer Set (360o)– USA as measuring instrument. The scale of perceived exertion in flexibility – PERFLEX (0 – 110) was applied to control intensity in the SG (31- 60) for 5 seconds and the PNFG (61 and 80) for 8 seconds for each phase. Three series, five seconds apart, were conducted. Comparative analysis of joint range levels determined by analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test revealed differences only in PNFG: HSF (∆%=4.6; p=0.0...

Research paper thumbnail of Realização dos exames pré-participação da corrida de rua em praticantes regulares da modalidade

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do exerc&iacute cio, 2020

Introdução: Os exercícios realizados ao ar livre têm apresentado aumento dos adeptos. Objetivo: A... more Introdução: Os exercícios realizados ao ar livre têm apresentado aumento dos adeptos. Objetivo: Avaliar a utilização do exame pré-participação em corredores de rua. Métodos: Cem sujeitos de ambos os gêneros (18 a 80 anos) responderam um questionário estruturado. Foi utilizada uma estatística descritiva e calculou-se as razões de chance (odds ratio) para os diferentes gêneros (masculino versus feminino) e para os tipos de sistema de saúde (público versus privado). Resultados: Dos entrevistados, 52% foram do sexo feminino. Em relação ao exame pré-participação, 61% não realizaram este procedimento. Os indivíduos que tinham plano de saúde realizaram mais (47,5% do total) a avaliação pré-participação quando comparados com os que não tinham plano de assistência médica (25,6% do total). Em relação ao gênero, 59,6% das mulheres realizaram avaliação pré-participação, enquanto homens apenas 18,8%. Conclusão: A realização do exame pré-participação ainda precisa ser melhor absorvida pelos prati...

Research paper thumbnail of Acute Effects of Different Intervals Between Repeated Sprints on Performance Responses in Amateur Futsal Athletes

Background: Interventions with the performance of sessions with sprints in different intensity ma... more Background: Interventions with the performance of sessions with sprints in different intensity manipulations, can be a great alternative to improve physical performance. Objective: To verify the influence of different break times between sprints on the performance of amateur futsal athletes Methods: 10 individuals, men, amateur futsal athletes (Age: 21.5 ± 1.6; Weight: 72.4 ± 6.88; Height: 1.72 ± 0.05; BMI: 24.3 ± 1.2; Fat%: 13.7 ± 3.3, VO2peak: 49.1 ± 10.5) participated in the study. For the intervention, individuals were randomly selected to perform sessions with sprints (10 sets 20 meters) with different pause times, being 15 (S15), 30 (S30) and 60 (S60) seconds. For performance analysis, the speed (km / h) applied to each sprint was used, monitored by a device with a photocell (CEFISE Biotecnologia Esportiva®, Nova Odessa, São Paulo) and the statistical treatment of all data was through the software Statistica 7.0 (Statsoft ™, Tulsa, OK, USA) using a significance level of p≤0.05...

Research paper thumbnail of Heart rate variability in the frequency domain after strength training with citrus aurantium supplementation

International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 2020

Objective:The objective of the study was to verify the autonomic response by analyzing heart rate... more Objective:The objective of the study was to verify the autonomic response by analyzing heart rate variability in the frequency domain, after strength training with supplementation of citrus aurantium. Method: Participated in the present study, 10 men (28.2±3.8 years; 1.760.03m; 79.33.9kg; 25.52.1 BMI) trained with previous experience in strength training activity of at least six months. Heart rate variability (HRV) was measured in a 5-minute window over 10 minutes with the individual in a sitting position, before, in two pre-exercise moments (before and 30 minutes after supplementation), immediately after exercise for 60 minutes. Frequency domain indices were used for HRV analysis, being: The components of low frequency (LF-sympathetic activation indicator), high frequency (HF-parasympathetic activation indicator) and the ratio between low and high frequency (LF/HF-sympathetic vagal balance indicator). Participants supplemented 975mg of citrus aurantium dry extract (6% synephrine) (S) or maltodextrin (P) placebo. They performed five sets with loads of 70% 1-RM, in the horizontal bench press exercise (SH) with supplementation with citrus aurantium or with the intake of placebo. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used and a repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted to analyze all samples, cardiovascular, followed by a Fisher post hoc, when necessary. All analyzes were performed using SPSS version 21.0 (IBM, I.C.). The significance value adopted was p≤0.05 in all tests. Results: For LF, there were no significant differences between the supplementation conditions (p=0.063), as well as the different supplementation conditions, where no significant changes were observed (p=0.177) and for the different moments of checks (p=0.085). In the HF, there were significant differences between the interactions (p=0.043), however, for the two conditions, supplementation (p=0.317) and different verification moments (p= 0.178), no significant differences were verified. In LF/HF there were significant differences in the interaction (p =0.011) and between the different supplementation conditions, there were no significant changes (p=0.626). Between the moments of verification, differences were also observed (p=0.032). Conclusion: The present study did not find significant differences in heart rate variability with different types of supplementation. However, supplementation with citrus aurantium was able to stimulate the autonomic sympathetic response even at the pre-exercise moment, signaling that p-synephrine may present some changes in the cardiovascular system. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the prescriptions of this supplement.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervalo e volume de treinamento de força em indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos

Biológicas & Saúde, 2020

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e correlacionar as variáveis metodológicas de tempo de interva... more O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e correlacionar as variáveis metodológicas de tempo de intervalo e o volume do treinamento de força em indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos. Participaram deste estudo 66 homens saudáveis (28,63 ± 8,17 anos; 77,26 ± 7,35 kg; 176,35 ± 1,45 cm) e treinados por pelo menos dois anos (avançados) com frequência mínima de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes foram, após as respostas divididos, em usuários (n = 30) e não usuários de esteroides (n = 36). Um questionário com 17 perguntas foi utilizado para verificar o comportamento de prescrição das variáveis metodológicas de indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos. Todas as questões desenvolvidas estavam totalmente ligadas ao TF, dados de identificação, antropométricos, e sobre o uso de esteroides para que compreendamos se há uma diferenciação no programa de treinamento (estritamente nos componentes de volume e intervalo) de praticantes que utilizam ou não essas substâncias. O q...

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Conditions: Where Do We Go From Here?

Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2007

In this issue of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Agha and colleagues demonstrate that lower socioeconomic ... more In this issue of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Agha and colleagues demonstrate that lower socioeconomic status, measured by neighborhood income, is associated with higher hospitalization rates for ambulatory care–sensitive conditions (ACSC) among children born in Toronto between 1993 and 2001. Their findings are consistent with prior research that has used census information, hospital discharge files, indices of clinician supply, and insurance claims to demonstrate a relationship between social disadvantage or limited access to health care and higher rates of ACSC hospitalization in children. Many researchers have assessed the association between social factors, delivery system characteristics, and ACSC hospitalizations over the last 10 years because the hypothesis that timely ambulatory care can prevent unnecessary hospitalizations has an intuitive appeal, and because rates of ACSC hospitalization can be easily measured from claims data. However, this research has proceeded without a critical assessment of 3 underlying assumptions about the meaning and use of ACSC: (1) that ACSC hospitalizations can in fact be prevented by timely ambulatory care; (2) that the forces associated with ACSC hospitalizations are distinct from those that affect hospitalizations for other reasons; and (3) that interventions at the level of the child, the clinic, or the delivery system as a whole can reduce the incidence of ACSC hospitalizations. Existing research does not conclusively support any of these assumptions. First, the term ambulatory care–sensitive conditions may be a misnomer. The commonly used list of ACSC in children includes acute illnesses such as pneumonia and gastrointestinal illnesses as well as chronic conditions such as asthma and seizure disorders. This list of ACSC was based on expert consensus about conditions for which early treatment might prevent hospitalizations, but little evidence supports this belief. Although some studies have found that children with ACSC hospitalizations have lower previous use of ambulatory care than children not hospitalized for these conditions, others have found similar or higher rates of ambulatory care for children later

Research paper thumbnail of Higher Muscle Damage Triggered by Shorter Inter-Set Rest Periods in Volume-Equated Resistance Exercise

Frontiers in Physiology

ObjectivesThe aim of the manuscript was to analyze the effects of two rest periods between volume... more ObjectivesThe aim of the manuscript was to analyze the effects of two rest periods between volume-equated resistance exercise (RE) on inflammatory responses (cytokines and leukocyte) and muscle damage.MethodsTen trained men (26.40 ± 4.73 years, 80.71 ± 8.95 kg, and 176.03 ± 6.11 cm) voluntarily participated in training sessions consisting of five sets of 10 reps performed at 10-RM on (1) the barbell bench press followed by (2) leg press, with either 1- or 3-min rest between sets and exercises. Circulating concentrations of different biomarkers was measured before (Pre), and after 3 h (excepted for cytokines), 6, 12, and 24 h from exercise. The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded after each set on both planned visits.ResultsWe found greater increases triggered by the 1-min rest period in Creatine Kinase (CK), occurring from 12 to 24 h post-exercise compared to the 3-min rest condition. A significant increase in the 1-min rest condition was also observed in the total number ...

Research paper thumbnail of Respostas inflamatórias agudas ao treinamento de flexibilidade: uma revisão sistemática

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exerc&iacute cio, 2021

Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar sistematicamente as evidências científicas disponíveis... more Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar sistematicamente as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a eficácia e segurança do treinamento de flexibilidade em diferentes intensidades sobre as respostas inflamatórias agudas em homens adultos. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science e Scopus e uma busca manual nas listas de referências de estudos relevantes. A questão de pesquisa e a estratégia utilizadas foram baseadas no modelo PICO. Foram incluídos estudos envolvendo adultos com idade entre 18 e 45 anos, publicados nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, sem restrição de ano de publicação. Resultados: Um total de 1.014 artigos foram recuperados inicialmente. Após a eliminação das duplicatas, foram analisadas 655 referências por título e resumo, das quais 16 foram incluídas para leitura na íntegra. Após essa etapa, 13 referências foram excluídas. Ao final, 3 estudos foram considerados elegíveis. Conclusão: As evidênci...

Research paper thumbnail of Acute inflammatory responses to flexibility training: a systematic review

Objective: The aim of the study was to systematically assess the scientific evidence available on... more Objective: The aim of the study was to systematically assess the scientific evidence available on the effectiveness and safety of flexibility training at different intensities in terms of acute inflammatory responses in adult men. Methods: A search was conducted in the Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus databases and a manual search in the reference lists of relevant studies. The research question and strategy used were based on the PICO model. Included were studies involving adults aged between 18 and 45 years, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with no restriction for year of publication. Results: A total of 1014 articles were initially recovered. After duplicates were eliminated, 655 references were analyzed by title and abstract, 16 of which were included for reading in their entirety. After this stage, 13 references were excluded. At the end, three studies were considered eligible. Conclusion: The evidence available suggests that stretching e...


ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r RESUMO O objetivo foi verificar a influência de diferentes intervalos (20 segundos e três minutos) entre exercícios no desempenho da força. Vinte homens treinados (23 ± 2,2 anos; 74,9 ± 4,1 kg, 1,75 ± 0,03 m) divididos em dois grupos (G1 e G2) realizaram testes para obtenção das cargas para 10RM em dois dias não consecutivos. O G1 foi testado para o supino horizontal e cadeira extensora. O G2 realizou os testes para supino horizontal e remada sentada. Após quarenta e oito horas, os indivíduos do G1 realizaram uma série do supino horizontal e cadeira extensora com três minutos de intervalo entre os exercícios. Em outra visita o G1 executou uma série do supino horizontal e da cadeira extensora com 20 segundos entre exercícios. O G2 realizou uma série do s...

Research paper thumbnail of Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício RESPOSTA DA FORÇA MUSCULAR EM MULHERES COM A UTILIZAÇÃO DE DUAS METODOLOGIAS PARA O TESTE DE 1RM

ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r

Research paper thumbnail of A influência do alongamento no rendimento do treinamento de força

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do exerc&iacute cio, 2009

O objetivo do estudo foi verifi car o teste de 10 repetições máximas (10RM) no exercí­cio supino ... more O objetivo do estudo foi verifi car o teste de 10 repetições máximas (10RM) no exercí­cio supino reto na máquina utilizando diferentes tipos de aquecimento. Foram selecionados 22 indiví­duos do sexo masculino e divididos em dois grupos, grupo com aquecimento prévio de alongamento (GA) (n = 11), e grupo aquecimento especí­fi co (GE) (n = 11). Os indiví­duos da amostra foram submetidos ao teste de 10RM em dois dias. No primeiro dia, realizou-se o teste de 10RM igualmente para ambos os grupos, seguindo o modelo tradicional do teste. No segundo dia, o GE realizou o teste de 10RM com aquecimento de duas séries com 15 repetições a 55% da carga de 10RM. O GA antecedeu o teste de 10RM com o aquecimento através de exercí­cios de alongamentos pelo método estático, com duas séries de 20 segundos de duração para cada posição, após atingir o limiar de dor. Foi mantido um intervalo de 20 segundos de uma série para outra. Concluí­mos que não existem diferenças estatisticamente signifi cativas atra...

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptaciones de Flexibilidad en Jugadores de Golf Durante una Temporada Completa - Ciencias del Ejercicio

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional vs daily undulling periodization in strength and local muscle endurance gains on trained men

Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2018

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different periodization models on strength... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different periodization models on strength and local muscle endurance. Twenty trained men (25.45 ± 2.984 years, 75.34 ± 6.05 kg, 177.25 ± 4.92 cm, 23.96 ± 1.64 kg . m-2) were randomly assigned in two groups: undulling periodization (UPG) and traditional periodization group (TPG), respectively. All the subjects performed one repetition maximum (1-RM) strength test and a local muscle endurance test (60% of 1-RM to failure) before, during and after experimental period. The UPG executed 30 workout sessions with daily modifications regarding intensity, volume and rest period length. The TGP was divided into 3 phases (10 workout sessions in each phase) with the same changes executed by the other group in distinct methodological variables (intensity, volume and rest period length). After the ANCOVA analysis, no significant differences were found in both maximum strength attempts, bench press (p = 0.878) and triceps pull-down (p = 0.967...

Research paper thumbnail of Exercício, Epigenética, Inflamação e Imunologia

Research paper thumbnail of Influências De Curtos Intervalos No Teste De 1RM

Research paper thumbnail of Número De Sessões Necessárias Para Familiarização Do Teste De 1RM Em Indivíduos Recreacionalmente Treinados Em Força

INTRODUÇÃO: Familiarização é uma estratégia utilizada a fim de eliminar qualquer efeito de aprend... more INTRODUÇÃO: Familiarização é uma estratégia utilizada a fim de eliminar qualquer efeito de aprendizado durante a coleta de dados ao longo de um experimento, através da realização de sessões prévias similares aos procedimentos dos testes (Moiret al., 2005; McCurdy et al., 2008). Especificamente, Ploutz-Snyder et al, (2001) demonstrou em seu experimento que diferentes populações (mulheres jovens vs. idosas) necessitaram de distintas estratégias de familiarização para obtenção fidedigna da carga máxima (três vs. oito visitas). Em contraste, Levinger et al., (2009) demonstrou que uma sessão de familiarização foi suficiente para se estabelecer excelente correlação em testes de 1RM em sete diferentes exercícios testados tanto para homens quanto para mulheres destreinados.

Research paper thumbnail of Hypotensive effect of resistance training performed on stable vs. unstable surfaces

Journal of exercise physiology, 2016

Senna G, Oliveira CQ, Kreuger S, Scudese E, Monteiro W. Hypotensive Effect of Resistance Training... more Senna G, Oliveira CQ, Kreuger S, Scudese E, Monteiro W. Hypotensive Effect of Resistance Training Performed on Stable vs. Unstable Surfaces. JEPonline 2016;19(1):17-26. The purpose of this study was to compare the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) responses during two different strength training (ST) surfaces: stable (SST) and unstable (UST). Fifteen trained normotensive women performed 4 nonconsecutive 10RM load test sessions (test and retest for both surface methods) for a whole-body workout. After the load tests, subjects performed two training sessions (SST and UST) with 3 sets of each exercise with loads of 85% of 10RM with a 2-min rest between sets and exercises. The ANOVA two-way showed the same pattern of magnitude reduction on SBP after both training sessions (SST and UST). However, a prolonged reduction of SBP was evident from the SST method (~60 min). For DBP, there were no significant differences between workouts. Thus, although a ST sessio...

Research paper thumbnail of A Influência De Diferentes Recuperações Entre as Séries No Treinamento De Força

O objetivo foi verificar a influencia de diferentes formas de recuperacoes entre series no desemp... more O objetivo foi verificar a influencia de diferentes formas de recuperacoes entre series no desempenho das repeticoes e percepcao subjetiva de esforco (PSE). Quatorze homens (20,61 ± 3,01 anos; 73,72 ± 6,03 kg; 175,08 ± 5,25 cm; 24,08 ± 2,1 kg/m²) realizaram teste e reteste de 10RM no supino horizontal em dias nao consecutivos. Foram executadas quatro series no supino horizontal para 10RM com intervalo de dois minutos e com diferentes procedimentos de recuperacao: passivo e ativo (movimentos cadenciados similares a execucao do supino horizontal). A ANOVA one-way demonstrou que para as duas recuperacoes, reducoes progressivas ocorreram no numero de repeticoes (1a < 2a < 3a < 4a serie). Nao foram observadas diferencas nas repeticoes entre recuperacoes tanto, em cada serie, como para o numero total de repeticoes na recuperacao passiva (25,83 ± 5,51repeticoes) e na recuperacao ativa (27,58 ± 3,75 repeticoes). Para a PSE verificada antes e apos a execucao das series, ocorreram el...

Research paper thumbnail of Diferença Do Efeito Hipotensivo Do Treinamento De Força Em Mesomorfos e Ectomorfos

Research paper thumbnail of Amplitude de movimento de militares submetidos a 12 semanas de alongamento com diferentes intensidades

Educación Física y Ciencia, 2020

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at differe... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week flexibility training at different intensities on range of motion (ROM), horizontal shoulder flexion and extension (HSF and HSE) and lumber spine flexion (LSF) in military personnel. The sample consisted of 90 students (17.02 ± 1.24 years) randomly allocated into three groups of 30 participants each: stretching (SG) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNFG) and control (CG). Joint range was measured by goniometry using the LABIFIE protocol and the Lafayette Goniometer Set (360o)– USA as measuring instrument. The scale of perceived exertion in flexibility – PERFLEX (0 – 110) was applied to control intensity in the SG (31- 60) for 5 seconds and the PNFG (61 and 80) for 8 seconds for each phase. Three series, five seconds apart, were conducted. Comparative analysis of joint range levels determined by analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test revealed differences only in PNFG: HSF (∆%=4.6; p=0.0...

Research paper thumbnail of Realização dos exames pré-participação da corrida de rua em praticantes regulares da modalidade

Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do exerc&iacute cio, 2020

Introdução: Os exercícios realizados ao ar livre têm apresentado aumento dos adeptos. Objetivo: A... more Introdução: Os exercícios realizados ao ar livre têm apresentado aumento dos adeptos. Objetivo: Avaliar a utilização do exame pré-participação em corredores de rua. Métodos: Cem sujeitos de ambos os gêneros (18 a 80 anos) responderam um questionário estruturado. Foi utilizada uma estatística descritiva e calculou-se as razões de chance (odds ratio) para os diferentes gêneros (masculino versus feminino) e para os tipos de sistema de saúde (público versus privado). Resultados: Dos entrevistados, 52% foram do sexo feminino. Em relação ao exame pré-participação, 61% não realizaram este procedimento. Os indivíduos que tinham plano de saúde realizaram mais (47,5% do total) a avaliação pré-participação quando comparados com os que não tinham plano de assistência médica (25,6% do total). Em relação ao gênero, 59,6% das mulheres realizaram avaliação pré-participação, enquanto homens apenas 18,8%. Conclusão: A realização do exame pré-participação ainda precisa ser melhor absorvida pelos prati...

Research paper thumbnail of Acute Effects of Different Intervals Between Repeated Sprints on Performance Responses in Amateur Futsal Athletes

Background: Interventions with the performance of sessions with sprints in different intensity ma... more Background: Interventions with the performance of sessions with sprints in different intensity manipulations, can be a great alternative to improve physical performance. Objective: To verify the influence of different break times between sprints on the performance of amateur futsal athletes Methods: 10 individuals, men, amateur futsal athletes (Age: 21.5 ± 1.6; Weight: 72.4 ± 6.88; Height: 1.72 ± 0.05; BMI: 24.3 ± 1.2; Fat%: 13.7 ± 3.3, VO2peak: 49.1 ± 10.5) participated in the study. For the intervention, individuals were randomly selected to perform sessions with sprints (10 sets 20 meters) with different pause times, being 15 (S15), 30 (S30) and 60 (S60) seconds. For performance analysis, the speed (km / h) applied to each sprint was used, monitored by a device with a photocell (CEFISE Biotecnologia Esportiva®, Nova Odessa, São Paulo) and the statistical treatment of all data was through the software Statistica 7.0 (Statsoft ™, Tulsa, OK, USA) using a significance level of p≤0.05...

Research paper thumbnail of Heart rate variability in the frequency domain after strength training with citrus aurantium supplementation

International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 2020

Objective:The objective of the study was to verify the autonomic response by analyzing heart rate... more Objective:The objective of the study was to verify the autonomic response by analyzing heart rate variability in the frequency domain, after strength training with supplementation of citrus aurantium. Method: Participated in the present study, 10 men (28.2±3.8 years; 1.760.03m; 79.33.9kg; 25.52.1 BMI) trained with previous experience in strength training activity of at least six months. Heart rate variability (HRV) was measured in a 5-minute window over 10 minutes with the individual in a sitting position, before, in two pre-exercise moments (before and 30 minutes after supplementation), immediately after exercise for 60 minutes. Frequency domain indices were used for HRV analysis, being: The components of low frequency (LF-sympathetic activation indicator), high frequency (HF-parasympathetic activation indicator) and the ratio between low and high frequency (LF/HF-sympathetic vagal balance indicator). Participants supplemented 975mg of citrus aurantium dry extract (6% synephrine) (S) or maltodextrin (P) placebo. They performed five sets with loads of 70% 1-RM, in the horizontal bench press exercise (SH) with supplementation with citrus aurantium or with the intake of placebo. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used and a repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted to analyze all samples, cardiovascular, followed by a Fisher post hoc, when necessary. All analyzes were performed using SPSS version 21.0 (IBM, I.C.). The significance value adopted was p≤0.05 in all tests. Results: For LF, there were no significant differences between the supplementation conditions (p=0.063), as well as the different supplementation conditions, where no significant changes were observed (p=0.177) and for the different moments of checks (p=0.085). In the HF, there were significant differences between the interactions (p=0.043), however, for the two conditions, supplementation (p=0.317) and different verification moments (p= 0.178), no significant differences were verified. In LF/HF there were significant differences in the interaction (p =0.011) and between the different supplementation conditions, there were no significant changes (p=0.626). Between the moments of verification, differences were also observed (p=0.032). Conclusion: The present study did not find significant differences in heart rate variability with different types of supplementation. However, supplementation with citrus aurantium was able to stimulate the autonomic sympathetic response even at the pre-exercise moment, signaling that p-synephrine may present some changes in the cardiovascular system. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the prescriptions of this supplement.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervalo e volume de treinamento de força em indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos

Biológicas & Saúde, 2020

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e correlacionar as variáveis metodológicas de tempo de interva... more O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e correlacionar as variáveis metodológicas de tempo de intervalo e o volume do treinamento de força em indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos. Participaram deste estudo 66 homens saudáveis (28,63 ± 8,17 anos; 77,26 ± 7,35 kg; 176,35 ± 1,45 cm) e treinados por pelo menos dois anos (avançados) com frequência mínima de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes foram, após as respostas divididos, em usuários (n = 30) e não usuários de esteroides (n = 36). Um questionário com 17 perguntas foi utilizado para verificar o comportamento de prescrição das variáveis metodológicas de indivíduos que utilizam ou não esteroides anabólicos. Todas as questões desenvolvidas estavam totalmente ligadas ao TF, dados de identificação, antropométricos, e sobre o uso de esteroides para que compreendamos se há uma diferenciação no programa de treinamento (estritamente nos componentes de volume e intervalo) de praticantes que utilizam ou não essas substâncias. O q...