Gloria Falsone - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gloria Falsone

Research paper thumbnail of Pedogenesi e vegetazione nella Taiga meridionale Russa

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of fragipan B horizons developed on different parent material in North-Western Italy

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Aug 17, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Stabilizzazione della sostanza organica in suoli a diverso grado di podlizzazione

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropogenic disturbance and effects on the organic matter migration in a clear-cut boreal forest soil

The practice of clear cutting in boreal forests is often based on heavy caterpillar harvesting ma... more The practice of clear cutting in boreal forests is often based on heavy caterpillar harvesting machinery, strongly damaging forest soils. Large areas of European Northern Russian countries face these disturbances and the risk of loss of productive forest soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of high intensity human disturbance on soil carbon balance, and on the migration capacity of the organic matter. A 35-40 years old clear-cut Russian boreal forest was studied (Ust-Kulom, Komi Republic). In this area, the forest road built to collect wood was still visible from the concentration of birch trees. Two soil profiles were selected: one was representative of low level anthropogenic disturbance (clear-cut forest), and the other was opened in the most disturbed area (forest road). In the most disturbed profile, the presence of a B horizon enriched in C clearly documented the migration of organic matter. The soils were sampled and analysed for the main chemical and physical characteristics. The total extractable carbon (TEC) was obtained by NaOH, and fractionated into humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA), which were purified and freeze-dried. The carbon content (CHA and CFA) in the fractions was determined by wet oxidation. The spectroscopic analyses, the determination of the E4/E6 ratio, and the elemental composition were carried out on the humic fractions. In the less disturbed site, the C stock calculated down to 60 cm in soil horizons was 4.4 kg m-2, while in the most disturbed soil, the amount was 8.0 kg m-2. The effect of disturbance on the organic fraction was evident also on the distribution of C in the profile: in the clear-cut site the carbon content decreased with depth, while in the profile of the forest road a translocation of organic matter with an accumulation of carbon in the deep horizons (EBh and Bh) was evident. The C to N ratios were different between the soils. In fact, at depth, N was twice as much in the FA from forest road than in the FA from the forest profile, and the molar C/N ratios were very low. In the forest profile, the FA from the clay-depleted surface horizons were richer in oxygen-containing functional groups than those from the clay-richer deepest horizons, as deduced by the elemental analyses and by the E4/E6 ratios. In the most disturbed profile the FA were generally more oxidised and richer in aromatic moieties with depth. The FT-IR spectra confirmed the higher aromaticity of the deepest FAs from the EBh and Bh horizons, as evident from the decrease of the 1720 to 1630 cm-1 bands ratio. From the quantitative point of view, the CFA/CHA ratio indicated an increase of the low molecular weight humic substances with depth in the forest profile, while in the road profile the FA increase was evident down to horizon overlying the EBh horizon. The characteristics of organic matter in the two sites clearly indicated that migration has been more effective in the most disturbed site. On the other hand, the differences in the humic material present in the deep horizons of the two sites suggest that other processes may have contributed to accumulation of organic matter in the forest road

Research paper thumbnail of Organic matter after clear-cutting: decrease, increase or translocation?

In podzolic environments the distribution of organic matter (SOM) in soil is related to the chara... more In podzolic environments the distribution of organic matter (SOM) in soil is related to the characteristics of the litter and to the dynamics of water percolating through the profile. SOM distribution may be therefore influenced by disturbances to tree cover and site hydrologic conditions, such as those occurring after clear-cutting. In a 35 years old clear-cut boreal forest stand (Ust-Kulom, Russian Federation) we selected two soil profiles and evaluated SOM stocks and characteristics: P1 is located within the stand and little influenced by physical disturbances to soil cover, P2 was opened where the forest road built for harvesting was still visible The C stock calculated down to 60 cm was 4.4 kg m-2 in P1, and 8.0 kg m-2 in P2. The increase was associated to changes in profile morphology and development of EBh and Bh horizons. These horizons have formed through an enhancement of SOM migration which was only partially related to the classical process of podzolisation. In fact, while the elemental composition of fulvic acids (FA) in organic layers was similar in P1 and P2, in P2 the FA from deep mineral horizons were enriched in N and polysaccharides, and less enriched in aromatic compounds. The thin sections confirmed the process of SOM migration: homogeneous brown coatings of monomorphic organic matter were the dominant features in the Bh horizon of P2. After clear-cutting SOM migration capacity has been enhanced, but the process was only partially related to the chemical properties of organic compounds. As the accumulation has involved also a less decomposed and less mobile fraction, an important pool of SOM has been translocated at the borders of the stand, probably because of the development of preferential water flows with physical soil disturbances. These movements have determined a mosaic of different SOM concentrations in the landscape

Research paper thumbnail of Calcio, magnesio e proprietà strutturali del suolo: effetti singoli ed interazioni con la componente organica

Research paper thumbnail of Relative Importance of Mineralogy and Organic Matter Characteristics on Macroaggregate and Colloid Dynamics in MG‐Silicate Dominated Soils

Land Degradation & Development, May 18, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The subsoil horizons are the preferential location for organic carbon stabilization in chestnut forests

Forest soils are recognized to be important organic carbon storage, but the role of surface and s... more Forest soils are recognized to be important organic carbon storage, but the role of surface and subsurface soil horizons on such function and its drivers are still field of debate. In this context, we examined the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) for a chestnut forestry system in a temperate area of northern part of Apennine mountain range in Italy. Specifically, we questioned: what are the main i) SOC forms both in mineral surface and subsurface soil horizons? ii) factors affecting SOC stabilization?. Soil samples were collected by horizon and SOC was separated into organic C of the particulate organic matter (POM_C), sand–size aggregates (sand_C) and the mineral–associated organic C (MAOM_C). The easily oxidizable C (EOC), water–soluble organic C (WSOC), the microbial biomass–C and its respiration, and the total and easily extractable glomalin–related soil protein (T–GRSP and E–GRSP, respectively) were also estimated. Then, the E–GRSP–to–T–GRSP and E-GRSP–to–SOC ratios, the m...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil Survey of Agricultural and Forest Sites in the Area of Ravenna (Italy)

GEOLAB, 2011

Sixteen profiles have been characterized from a pedologic point of view: nine in a coastal pinewo... more Sixteen profiles have been characterized from a pedologic point of view: nine in a coastal pinewood, five in agricultural sites and two in a city park. The profiles have been described, sampled and analysed to the purpose of giving a first outline of the pedological complexity of area. Inside the pinewood, soils are affected by the topographical position and the closeness of the surface aquifer. Ustipsamments/ Arenosols occur where the groundwater depth is more than one meter, while at lower groundwater depth Psammaquents/Gleysols are present. Agricultural soils are directly affected by geological characteristics and human land reclamation, and fall within the Haplustepts/Cambisols great groups, with a few distinctions due to the different utilisation of the soil and to the depositional origin. Also the two soils of the city park fall in the Haplustepts/Cambisols great group; however, in this case, the anthropic interference, suggested by the plenty brick fragments detected in the profiles, is quite evident.

Research paper thumbnail of La percezione della pedodiversità in funzione della diversità funzionale della popolazione edafica: un caso di studioc

Research paper thumbnail of Soil organic carbon stock assessment in forest ecosystems through pedogenic horizons and fixed depth layers sampling: What's the best one?

Land Degradation & Development

Research paper thumbnail of Holocene buried soils in Eastern Emila Region - Suoli olocenici sepolti nell'Emilia orientale

Geolab onlus, 2012

During the last decade in the central-eastern Po plain deep excavations devoted to new building s... more During the last decade in the central-eastern Po plain deep excavations devoted to new building sites highlighted many stratigraphic sequences well time-constrained both archaeologically and radiometrically. Along the sequences, buried soils, dating between from the Bronze age (sometimes early Holocene) and the late Middle Ages, were often recorded representing the Holocene pedocomplex. The thickness of the sedimentary cover testified the importance of the natural and the man-induced (land filled by reclamation) alluvial phenomena having taken place in the alluvial plain between the Apennine and the Po river. The rapid evolution of the sedimentation processes contributed to seal these soils, leading to stop the pedogenetic processes and to preserve the soil characteristics. Some selected pedosequences, belonging to archaeological sites, here are described and their physico-chemical soil properties are reported. These soils are ascribed to the orders of Histosols, Entisols and Inceptisols. The Inceptisols often have fluventic characteristics. Some of them, radiometrically constrained to the early Holocene (i.e, Mesolithic ), seem to indicate the occurrence of complex pedogenic condition in the relatively more depressed alluvial plain possibly starting to develop in wet climatic phases. Some others, probably dating back to the late Last Glacial Maximum, showed evidence of rubification in the highest alluvial plain sites. In more recent sites, in the A horizons the presence of artefact and charcoal fragments indicates the anthopogenic land-use/settlement. In these latter soils, the use of the chemical multianalysis allows to define the kind and the degree of the anthopogenic influence and the WRB criteria enables to discriminate between Anthrosols and Technosols/Lavori di scavo profondi effettuati negli ultimi anni nella pianura padana centro-orientale per l\u2019esecuzione di infrastrutture di vario genere hanno messo in luce successioni stratigrafiche di cui \ue8 stata definita la cronologia mediante indagini archeologiche e radiometriche. Lungo le sequenze stratigrafiche si rinvengono frequentemente suoli sepolti di et\ue0 compresa tra il Bronzo (talvolta l\u2019Olocene iniziale) ed il tardo medioevo, facenti parte del complesso pedologico olocenico. L\u2019entit\ue0 degli spessori sedimentari che ne hanno provocato la sepoltura testimonia l\u2019entit\ue0 dei fenomeni alluvionali sia naturali sia indotti artificialmente (bonifiche per colmata) che hanno interessato la pianura tra il margine montano appenninico ed il corso del fiume Po. Talvolta la rapidit\ue0 dell\u2019evento che ha provocato l\u2019apporto sedimentario ha contribuito a \u201csigillare\u201d i suoli interrompendone i processi formativi od evolutivi conservandone fino ai nostri giorni molti dei caratteri originari. Vengono qui descritte e visualizzate le pedosequenze rilevate in alcuni dei siti di interesse archeopedologico ed una sintesi dei relativi caratteri chimico-fisici. In genere tali suoli sono inquadrabili tra gli ordini degli Histosuoli, Entisuoli ed Inceptisuoli, quest\u2019ultimi per lo pi\uf9 a carattere fluventico. Le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e pedo-ambientali di alcuni di essi, radiometricamente collocabili nell\u2019Olocene iniziale (cio\ue8, in termini di cronologia culturale, nel Mesolitico) sembrano indicare l\u2019estrinsecarsi di complesse condizioni pedogenetiche nelle aree pi\uf9 depresse dell\u2019alta pianura sviluppatesi a partire da fasi climatiche umide. Altri ancora, probabilmente tardiglaciali, nelle zone pi\uf9 rilevate sono caratterizzati da rubefazione. In altre e pi\uf9 recenti situazioni il frequente rinvenimento negli orizzonti A di frammenti di manufatti e residui di carbone rimanda con sicurezza ad una consistente frequentazione antropica: in tali casi l\u2019uso della multianalisi chimica permette di definire anche tipo ed entit\ue0 del condizionamento antropico, mentre la definizione della relativa assegnazione tassonomica ad Anthrosols o Technosols pu\uf2 essere definita dall\u2019adozione dei criteri della World Reference Bases (WRB)

Research paper thumbnail of GIS-based soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy)

International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2021

GIS-BASED soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed a... more GIS-BASED soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy),

Research paper thumbnail of Discontinuities in Albeluvisols: evidences from mineralogical and chemical data

Research paper thumbnail of Loss of Soil Fertility to Water Aggregate Stability and Nutrient Availability in Mountain Agricultural Calcaric Soils Relaton Entre Perte

We investigated the topsoil from some mountain Regosols for their nutrient status and loss of fer... more We investigated the topsoil from some mountain Regosols for their nutrient status and loss of fertility due to aggregate breakdown, establishing also the relationship between the nutrient losses, the soil characteristics and the aggregates stability. The aggregate stability varied from 57 to 80%. The nutrient losses differed among elements and varied from 20 to 96%. The availability of nutrients directly influenced the quality of nutrient losses, but did not influence the quantity of nutrients lost. K, Mg and Ca were the most susceptible element to the water abrasion (>85% of their total loss was due to water abrasion). Instead for C, N, and partly P, important loss occurred because of the water saturation alone and their losses were related to the aggregates ruptures due to fast wetting (r=0.98, 0.99 and 0.81, respectively). These findings suggest a high vulnerability to soil fertility losses, and that a great depletion can occur even because of rainfall of low intensity, but su...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil response to the multiannual programs of forest planning: the case of Douglas-fir reforestation in North Apennine

Research paper thumbnail of Short-time effect of clear cutting on soil carbon stock and dynamics in a boreal forest (Middle Taiga zone, Russia)

Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Sequestration in Soils Affected by Douglas Fir Reforestation in Apennines (Northern Italy)

Douglas fir reforestation plays an important role in Italian forest because no indigenous conifer... more Douglas fir reforestation plays an important role in Italian forest because no indigenous conifer has similar characteristics of productivity and timber quality. Few studies on physicochemical properties of soils under Douglas fire are noticeable. The aim of this work is to evaluate the organic C stock into soils under Douglas fir plantation in different selected areas. The areas of study are located in the North Apennine (Italy); Corno alle Scale (COR), Vallombrosa (VAL), Mulino Mengoni (MEN), respectively are chosen for the presence of Douglas fir reforestation of 60 years old. Two soil profiles for each area have been open and described. The pH value decreased along the profile depth. The organic C amount in organic layers was higher in Val and Men pedons than that determined in COR one. Higher amount of organic C were detected in organo-mineral horizons of Co pedons, highlighting a rapid turnover of soil organic matter. The C stock calculated in the first 30 cm of soil showed th...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil hydromorphism in two saline and brackish system: classification, indicators and pedogenetic processes

The introduction of the “ subaqueous soils ” into the international classification system of the ... more The introduction of the “ subaqueous soils ” into the international classification system of the Soil Taxonomy (2010) gives a possibility to soil scientists to use the pedogenetic approach to investigate coastal soils in view of resource protection and valorization. Coastal areas, in fact, are complex and fragile ecosystems whose ecological value is worldwide recognized, but generally highly inhabited and affected by different erosion and pollution phenomena, and flooding problems. The soil science has a great opportunity to contribute to the correct management and protection of coastal soils, by recognizing the value of coastal soils and thus investigating the effect of the water table oscillation and ionic composition to the changes of soil properties and functionality. This work represent a first attempt to describe the soil continuum existing from hydromorphic to subaqueous environment, highlighting the evidence of some pedogenetic processes into subaquatic substrates and demons...

Research paper thumbnail of Caratterizzazione della porosità in suoli calcarei tramite adsorbimento di N2 e porosimetria ad intrusione di Hg

Research paper thumbnail of Pedogenesi e vegetazione nella Taiga meridionale Russa

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of fragipan B horizons developed on different parent material in North-Western Italy

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Aug 17, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Stabilizzazione della sostanza organica in suoli a diverso grado di podlizzazione

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropogenic disturbance and effects on the organic matter migration in a clear-cut boreal forest soil

The practice of clear cutting in boreal forests is often based on heavy caterpillar harvesting ma... more The practice of clear cutting in boreal forests is often based on heavy caterpillar harvesting machinery, strongly damaging forest soils. Large areas of European Northern Russian countries face these disturbances and the risk of loss of productive forest soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of high intensity human disturbance on soil carbon balance, and on the migration capacity of the organic matter. A 35-40 years old clear-cut Russian boreal forest was studied (Ust-Kulom, Komi Republic). In this area, the forest road built to collect wood was still visible from the concentration of birch trees. Two soil profiles were selected: one was representative of low level anthropogenic disturbance (clear-cut forest), and the other was opened in the most disturbed area (forest road). In the most disturbed profile, the presence of a B horizon enriched in C clearly documented the migration of organic matter. The soils were sampled and analysed for the main chemical and physical characteristics. The total extractable carbon (TEC) was obtained by NaOH, and fractionated into humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA), which were purified and freeze-dried. The carbon content (CHA and CFA) in the fractions was determined by wet oxidation. The spectroscopic analyses, the determination of the E4/E6 ratio, and the elemental composition were carried out on the humic fractions. In the less disturbed site, the C stock calculated down to 60 cm in soil horizons was 4.4 kg m-2, while in the most disturbed soil, the amount was 8.0 kg m-2. The effect of disturbance on the organic fraction was evident also on the distribution of C in the profile: in the clear-cut site the carbon content decreased with depth, while in the profile of the forest road a translocation of organic matter with an accumulation of carbon in the deep horizons (EBh and Bh) was evident. The C to N ratios were different between the soils. In fact, at depth, N was twice as much in the FA from forest road than in the FA from the forest profile, and the molar C/N ratios were very low. In the forest profile, the FA from the clay-depleted surface horizons were richer in oxygen-containing functional groups than those from the clay-richer deepest horizons, as deduced by the elemental analyses and by the E4/E6 ratios. In the most disturbed profile the FA were generally more oxidised and richer in aromatic moieties with depth. The FT-IR spectra confirmed the higher aromaticity of the deepest FAs from the EBh and Bh horizons, as evident from the decrease of the 1720 to 1630 cm-1 bands ratio. From the quantitative point of view, the CFA/CHA ratio indicated an increase of the low molecular weight humic substances with depth in the forest profile, while in the road profile the FA increase was evident down to horizon overlying the EBh horizon. The characteristics of organic matter in the two sites clearly indicated that migration has been more effective in the most disturbed site. On the other hand, the differences in the humic material present in the deep horizons of the two sites suggest that other processes may have contributed to accumulation of organic matter in the forest road

Research paper thumbnail of Organic matter after clear-cutting: decrease, increase or translocation?

In podzolic environments the distribution of organic matter (SOM) in soil is related to the chara... more In podzolic environments the distribution of organic matter (SOM) in soil is related to the characteristics of the litter and to the dynamics of water percolating through the profile. SOM distribution may be therefore influenced by disturbances to tree cover and site hydrologic conditions, such as those occurring after clear-cutting. In a 35 years old clear-cut boreal forest stand (Ust-Kulom, Russian Federation) we selected two soil profiles and evaluated SOM stocks and characteristics: P1 is located within the stand and little influenced by physical disturbances to soil cover, P2 was opened where the forest road built for harvesting was still visible The C stock calculated down to 60 cm was 4.4 kg m-2 in P1, and 8.0 kg m-2 in P2. The increase was associated to changes in profile morphology and development of EBh and Bh horizons. These horizons have formed through an enhancement of SOM migration which was only partially related to the classical process of podzolisation. In fact, while the elemental composition of fulvic acids (FA) in organic layers was similar in P1 and P2, in P2 the FA from deep mineral horizons were enriched in N and polysaccharides, and less enriched in aromatic compounds. The thin sections confirmed the process of SOM migration: homogeneous brown coatings of monomorphic organic matter were the dominant features in the Bh horizon of P2. After clear-cutting SOM migration capacity has been enhanced, but the process was only partially related to the chemical properties of organic compounds. As the accumulation has involved also a less decomposed and less mobile fraction, an important pool of SOM has been translocated at the borders of the stand, probably because of the development of preferential water flows with physical soil disturbances. These movements have determined a mosaic of different SOM concentrations in the landscape

Research paper thumbnail of Calcio, magnesio e proprietà strutturali del suolo: effetti singoli ed interazioni con la componente organica

Research paper thumbnail of Relative Importance of Mineralogy and Organic Matter Characteristics on Macroaggregate and Colloid Dynamics in MG‐Silicate Dominated Soils

Land Degradation & Development, May 18, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The subsoil horizons are the preferential location for organic carbon stabilization in chestnut forests

Forest soils are recognized to be important organic carbon storage, but the role of surface and s... more Forest soils are recognized to be important organic carbon storage, but the role of surface and subsurface soil horizons on such function and its drivers are still field of debate. In this context, we examined the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) for a chestnut forestry system in a temperate area of northern part of Apennine mountain range in Italy. Specifically, we questioned: what are the main i) SOC forms both in mineral surface and subsurface soil horizons? ii) factors affecting SOC stabilization?. Soil samples were collected by horizon and SOC was separated into organic C of the particulate organic matter (POM_C), sand–size aggregates (sand_C) and the mineral–associated organic C (MAOM_C). The easily oxidizable C (EOC), water–soluble organic C (WSOC), the microbial biomass–C and its respiration, and the total and easily extractable glomalin–related soil protein (T–GRSP and E–GRSP, respectively) were also estimated. Then, the E–GRSP–to–T–GRSP and E-GRSP–to–SOC ratios, the m...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil Survey of Agricultural and Forest Sites in the Area of Ravenna (Italy)

GEOLAB, 2011

Sixteen profiles have been characterized from a pedologic point of view: nine in a coastal pinewo... more Sixteen profiles have been characterized from a pedologic point of view: nine in a coastal pinewood, five in agricultural sites and two in a city park. The profiles have been described, sampled and analysed to the purpose of giving a first outline of the pedological complexity of area. Inside the pinewood, soils are affected by the topographical position and the closeness of the surface aquifer. Ustipsamments/ Arenosols occur where the groundwater depth is more than one meter, while at lower groundwater depth Psammaquents/Gleysols are present. Agricultural soils are directly affected by geological characteristics and human land reclamation, and fall within the Haplustepts/Cambisols great groups, with a few distinctions due to the different utilisation of the soil and to the depositional origin. Also the two soils of the city park fall in the Haplustepts/Cambisols great group; however, in this case, the anthropic interference, suggested by the plenty brick fragments detected in the profiles, is quite evident.

Research paper thumbnail of La percezione della pedodiversità in funzione della diversità funzionale della popolazione edafica: un caso di studioc

Research paper thumbnail of Soil organic carbon stock assessment in forest ecosystems through pedogenic horizons and fixed depth layers sampling: What's the best one?

Land Degradation & Development

Research paper thumbnail of Holocene buried soils in Eastern Emila Region - Suoli olocenici sepolti nell'Emilia orientale

Geolab onlus, 2012

During the last decade in the central-eastern Po plain deep excavations devoted to new building s... more During the last decade in the central-eastern Po plain deep excavations devoted to new building sites highlighted many stratigraphic sequences well time-constrained both archaeologically and radiometrically. Along the sequences, buried soils, dating between from the Bronze age (sometimes early Holocene) and the late Middle Ages, were often recorded representing the Holocene pedocomplex. The thickness of the sedimentary cover testified the importance of the natural and the man-induced (land filled by reclamation) alluvial phenomena having taken place in the alluvial plain between the Apennine and the Po river. The rapid evolution of the sedimentation processes contributed to seal these soils, leading to stop the pedogenetic processes and to preserve the soil characteristics. Some selected pedosequences, belonging to archaeological sites, here are described and their physico-chemical soil properties are reported. These soils are ascribed to the orders of Histosols, Entisols and Inceptisols. The Inceptisols often have fluventic characteristics. Some of them, radiometrically constrained to the early Holocene (i.e, Mesolithic ), seem to indicate the occurrence of complex pedogenic condition in the relatively more depressed alluvial plain possibly starting to develop in wet climatic phases. Some others, probably dating back to the late Last Glacial Maximum, showed evidence of rubification in the highest alluvial plain sites. In more recent sites, in the A horizons the presence of artefact and charcoal fragments indicates the anthopogenic land-use/settlement. In these latter soils, the use of the chemical multianalysis allows to define the kind and the degree of the anthopogenic influence and the WRB criteria enables to discriminate between Anthrosols and Technosols/Lavori di scavo profondi effettuati negli ultimi anni nella pianura padana centro-orientale per l\u2019esecuzione di infrastrutture di vario genere hanno messo in luce successioni stratigrafiche di cui \ue8 stata definita la cronologia mediante indagini archeologiche e radiometriche. Lungo le sequenze stratigrafiche si rinvengono frequentemente suoli sepolti di et\ue0 compresa tra il Bronzo (talvolta l\u2019Olocene iniziale) ed il tardo medioevo, facenti parte del complesso pedologico olocenico. L\u2019entit\ue0 degli spessori sedimentari che ne hanno provocato la sepoltura testimonia l\u2019entit\ue0 dei fenomeni alluvionali sia naturali sia indotti artificialmente (bonifiche per colmata) che hanno interessato la pianura tra il margine montano appenninico ed il corso del fiume Po. Talvolta la rapidit\ue0 dell\u2019evento che ha provocato l\u2019apporto sedimentario ha contribuito a \u201csigillare\u201d i suoli interrompendone i processi formativi od evolutivi conservandone fino ai nostri giorni molti dei caratteri originari. Vengono qui descritte e visualizzate le pedosequenze rilevate in alcuni dei siti di interesse archeopedologico ed una sintesi dei relativi caratteri chimico-fisici. In genere tali suoli sono inquadrabili tra gli ordini degli Histosuoli, Entisuoli ed Inceptisuoli, quest\u2019ultimi per lo pi\uf9 a carattere fluventico. Le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e pedo-ambientali di alcuni di essi, radiometricamente collocabili nell\u2019Olocene iniziale (cio\ue8, in termini di cronologia culturale, nel Mesolitico) sembrano indicare l\u2019estrinsecarsi di complesse condizioni pedogenetiche nelle aree pi\uf9 depresse dell\u2019alta pianura sviluppatesi a partire da fasi climatiche umide. Altri ancora, probabilmente tardiglaciali, nelle zone pi\uf9 rilevate sono caratterizzati da rubefazione. In altre e pi\uf9 recenti situazioni il frequente rinvenimento negli orizzonti A di frammenti di manufatti e residui di carbone rimanda con sicurezza ad una consistente frequentazione antropica: in tali casi l\u2019uso della multianalisi chimica permette di definire anche tipo ed entit\ue0 del condizionamento antropico, mentre la definizione della relativa assegnazione tassonomica ad Anthrosols o Technosols pu\uf2 essere definita dall\u2019adozione dei criteri della World Reference Bases (WRB)

Research paper thumbnail of GIS-based soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy)

International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2021

GIS-BASED soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed a... more GIS-BASED soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy),

Research paper thumbnail of Discontinuities in Albeluvisols: evidences from mineralogical and chemical data

Research paper thumbnail of Loss of Soil Fertility to Water Aggregate Stability and Nutrient Availability in Mountain Agricultural Calcaric Soils Relaton Entre Perte

We investigated the topsoil from some mountain Regosols for their nutrient status and loss of fer... more We investigated the topsoil from some mountain Regosols for their nutrient status and loss of fertility due to aggregate breakdown, establishing also the relationship between the nutrient losses, the soil characteristics and the aggregates stability. The aggregate stability varied from 57 to 80%. The nutrient losses differed among elements and varied from 20 to 96%. The availability of nutrients directly influenced the quality of nutrient losses, but did not influence the quantity of nutrients lost. K, Mg and Ca were the most susceptible element to the water abrasion (>85% of their total loss was due to water abrasion). Instead for C, N, and partly P, important loss occurred because of the water saturation alone and their losses were related to the aggregates ruptures due to fast wetting (r=0.98, 0.99 and 0.81, respectively). These findings suggest a high vulnerability to soil fertility losses, and that a great depletion can occur even because of rainfall of low intensity, but su...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil response to the multiannual programs of forest planning: the case of Douglas-fir reforestation in North Apennine

Research paper thumbnail of Short-time effect of clear cutting on soil carbon stock and dynamics in a boreal forest (Middle Taiga zone, Russia)

Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Sequestration in Soils Affected by Douglas Fir Reforestation in Apennines (Northern Italy)

Douglas fir reforestation plays an important role in Italian forest because no indigenous conifer... more Douglas fir reforestation plays an important role in Italian forest because no indigenous conifer has similar characteristics of productivity and timber quality. Few studies on physicochemical properties of soils under Douglas fire are noticeable. The aim of this work is to evaluate the organic C stock into soils under Douglas fir plantation in different selected areas. The areas of study are located in the North Apennine (Italy); Corno alle Scale (COR), Vallombrosa (VAL), Mulino Mengoni (MEN), respectively are chosen for the presence of Douglas fir reforestation of 60 years old. Two soil profiles for each area have been open and described. The pH value decreased along the profile depth. The organic C amount in organic layers was higher in Val and Men pedons than that determined in COR one. Higher amount of organic C were detected in organo-mineral horizons of Co pedons, highlighting a rapid turnover of soil organic matter. The C stock calculated in the first 30 cm of soil showed th...

Research paper thumbnail of Soil hydromorphism in two saline and brackish system: classification, indicators and pedogenetic processes

The introduction of the “ subaqueous soils ” into the international classification system of the ... more The introduction of the “ subaqueous soils ” into the international classification system of the Soil Taxonomy (2010) gives a possibility to soil scientists to use the pedogenetic approach to investigate coastal soils in view of resource protection and valorization. Coastal areas, in fact, are complex and fragile ecosystems whose ecological value is worldwide recognized, but generally highly inhabited and affected by different erosion and pollution phenomena, and flooding problems. The soil science has a great opportunity to contribute to the correct management and protection of coastal soils, by recognizing the value of coastal soils and thus investigating the effect of the water table oscillation and ionic composition to the changes of soil properties and functionality. This work represent a first attempt to describe the soil continuum existing from hydromorphic to subaqueous environment, highlighting the evidence of some pedogenetic processes into subaquatic substrates and demons...

Research paper thumbnail of Caratterizzazione della porosità in suoli calcarei tramite adsorbimento di N2 e porosimetria ad intrusione di Hg