Gordana Gaso - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Gordana Gaso

Research paper thumbnail of Acquisition Policy and Formation of Library Collections in Higher Education Institutions of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

SSRN Electronic Journal

Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku naba... more Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku nabave, ima li značajnijih promjena u izgradnji knjižničnih zbirki u promatranom razdoblju te postoje li pisani dokumenti fakulteta i knjižnice kojima je uređena izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki, na koji se način provodi kontinuirana i sustavna nabavna politika i koliko matična ustanova unutar koje djeluju knjižnice na Sveučilištu u Osijeku utječe na donošenje odluka u upravljanju zbirkama i koji je najbolji način njihova rješavanja. Metodologija. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda. Kvantitativni podatci dobiveni su online anketnim upitnikom koji je sudionicima istraživanja bio dostupan putem poveznice proslijeđene elektroničkom poštom. Sudionici istraživanja voditelji su visokoškolskih knjižnica pri fakultetima, akademijama i odjelima, sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Osijeku. U istraživanju 2015. godine sudjelovalo je 13, a u istraživanju 2019. godine 15 ispitanika. Kvalitativni podatci dobiveni su polustrukturiranim intervjuom provedenim tijekom listopada 2020. godine. U intervjuu je sudjelovalo 5 voditelja visokoškolskih knjižnica i 1 djelatnik Službe nabave Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek. Rezultati. Rezultati upitnika upotrijebljeni su za raspravu na zajedničkom sastanku voditelja visokoškolskih knjižnica Sveučilišta u Osijeku o koristima istraživanja u pogledu mogućnosti za postavljanje matrice ili okvira za pisanu politiku nabave kao faze u procesu izgradnje zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama. Na temelju analize provedenog istraživanja konkretizirani su zaključci koji upućuju na mogućnosti izgradnje kvalitetnijih knjižničnih zbirki na lokalnoj i na nacionalnoj razini kroz zajedničku suradnju. Originalnost/vrijednost. Doprinos je rada u mogućnosti postavljanja kriterija koji mogu poslužiti kao temelj za organizaciju i nabavu knjižničnih zbirki u svim visokoškolskim knjižnicama, uz uvažavanje različitosti među pojedinim fakultetima, kao i mogućih rješenja politike koordinirane nabave matičnog Sveučilišta.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of modern academic libraries

Libellarium: časopis za istraživanja u području informacijskih i srodnih znanosti, 2016

Contemporary academic libraries have experienced profound changes lately under the influence of i... more Contemporary academic libraries have experienced profound changes lately under the influence of information and communication technology and changed approaches to teaching and learning. If academic libraries are to remain integral parts of educational experience of students, librarians and managers of academic institutions need to think anew their physical and virtual spaces and servicesThe paper presents results of a survey which aimed to investigate the perceptions and experiences of graduate students in humanities and social sciences regarding physical and virtual library spaces and services, and to assess their satisfaction with them.Results of the study show that the largest number of respondents ue their academic library regularly (several time a month or week) and that more than half consider physical library spaces and services important for their successful learning. Interestingly, students reported that electronic library sources are more important to them than physical li...

Research paper thumbnail of Percepcija i stavovi preddiplomskih studenata informacijskih znanosti u Hrvatskoj prema digitalnom obrazovanju u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19

Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, Dec 30, 2022

Purpose. The aim of this research is to examine the undergraduate students' perception and experi... more Purpose. The aim of this research is to examine the undergraduate students' perception and experiences, i.e. to determine their attitudes, opinions and experience in terms of diff erent aspects of digital education and online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Approach/methodology/design. In March and May 2022 three focus groups were held with information (and communication) sciences undergraduate students at three Croatian universities (N=18). After transcribing the audio recordings, a content analysis was performed. Findings. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of higher education system substantially. The disruptive changes and ad hoc implementation of online teaching and distance learning had a signifi cant impact on students. The results have shown that the participants adapted to the new setting of studying quite quickly and successfully. The classes were mostly successfully organized, and almost all participants had access to digital education materials. Despite the advantages of digital education and online teaching, the participants eventually felt less motivated, experienced lack of concentration, experienced stress and worry due to the increased work overload and situation in general. The most common challenges refer to the process of examination and evaluation, technical issues, issues with time and space organization, lack of personal contact and insuffi cient institutional support system. In order to improve digital education ecosystem and online teaching process in future crisis situations, the participants suggest video recording the lectures, providing students with lower socioeconomic status with suitable hardware and software, having more asynchronous activities, having less group activities, and improving organisation at the institution when choosing digital tools for work, studying and communication. Originality/value. This study provides a deeper insight into the policies and practices of digital education during COVID-19 pandemic from the students' point of view thus reinforcing their active role in the higher education system and in the process of edu cation policy creation. Furthermore, besides the issue of digital technology and digital skills and competencies, this study is focused on other aspects of digital education, like organization of the teaching process, providing access to digital educational materials, providing support systems, etc. The results could be used by policy creators, decision makers and internal and external stakeholders of higher education institutions for the purpose of ensuring sustainability and quality of the digital education ecosystem in Croatia, in general and in possible future crisis situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Nabavna politika i izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku

Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske

Cilj. Rad prikazuje stanje i promjene u nabavnoj politici kao važnoj fazi u procesu izgradnje zbi... more Cilj. Rad prikazuje stanje i promjene u nabavnoj politici kao važnoj fazi u procesu izgradnje zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku temeljem longitudinalnog istraživanja provedenog tijekom ožujka 2015. i ožujka 2019. godine. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku nabave, ima li značajnijih promjena u izgradnji knjižničnih zbirki u promatranom razdoblju te postoje li pisani dokumenti fakulteta i knjižnice kojima je uređena izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki, na koji se način provodi kontinuirana i sustavna nabavna politika i koliko matična ustanova unutar koje djeluju knjižnice na Sveučilištu u Osijeku utječe na donošenje odluka u upravljanju zbirkama i koji je najbolji način njihovog rješavanja. Metodologija. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda. Kvantitativni podatci dobiveni su online anketnim upitnikom koji je sudionicima istraživanja bio dostupan pute...

Research paper thumbnail of The supervisory relationship in the doctoral process: How do Croatian LIS students see it?

Education for Information, 2021

The study presented in this paper investigates LIS doctoral students’ perceptions and experiences... more The study presented in this paper investigates LIS doctoral students’ perceptions and experiences about the supervision during their doctoral experience, with special emphasis on the qualities of good supervisors and doctoral students. Data were collected through an online survey and follow-up semi-structured interviews with doctoral students from Croatia’s three state universities offering a doctorate in LIS. A total of 60 respondents participated in a quantitative study, and 13 respondents were interviewed. The survey results show that doctoral students tend to prefer formally regulated supervisory relationships whereas supervisors and students have unambiguous and clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The findings also reveal that doctoral students seek support in the following areas: research, methodology, emotional support and administrative procedures. Interview participants suggest that a successful supervisory relationship could be facilitated by adequate ...

Research paper thumbnail of Istraživanje zadovoljstva korisnika u knjižnici Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku − uspijevamo li ih zadovoljiti?

Libellarium: časopis za istraživanja u području informacijskih i srodnih znanosti, 2016

Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku svojim je poslovanjem i strateškim dokumentima jasno na... more Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku svojim je poslovanjem i strateškim dokumentima jasno naglasila svoju orijentaciju na unapređivanje kvalitete svoga poslovanja. S tim u vezi obvezala se i na kontinuirano istraživanje zadovoljstva svojih korisnika koje se provodi svake tri godine. U ovom se radu prikazuju usporedni rezultati istraživanja zadovoljstva korisnika Knjižnicom Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku provedenih u ak. god. 2009./2010. i 2012./2013. Rezultati pokazuju kako Knjižnica uspijeva održati razinu zadovoljstva svojih korisnika.

Research paper thumbnail of Student Use of Library Physical Spaces: Unobtrusive Observation of Study Spaces in an Academic Library

Libraries in the Digital Age Proceedings, Jun 11, 2014

Despite the massive impact of ICT on library service provision, academic libraries continue to su... more Despite the massive impact of ICT on library service provision, academic libraries continue to supply patrons not only with collections but also spaces – spaces for study, research, contemplation and relaxation (Bryant, Matthews and Walton, 2009; McDonald, 2010; Carpenter et al, 2011; Latimer, 2011). In order to understand the role of the 'library as a place' and to gather valuable data on study behaviour of students, that would facilitate the planning process of the new library building at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Osijek University, Croatia, a large study has been underway. The study employs triangulation to answer the following research questions: How are library spaces, collections and equipment being perceived and used? What factors facilitate/impede library use? How could the new library spaces be designed in order to serve the patrons better? In the paper authors will focus on the qualitative data, obtained with the help of ethnographic methodology of unobtrusive observation, relating to the students' usage of the library study spaces (quiet study room). These public study spaces were observed (and photographed) during the course of one week in different time periods to capture diverse users and uses and intensity of use. Observers recorded any behavior or event that was regarded relevant to the research questions being investigated. The initial results show that varied activities occur in the library study spaces which have not been catered for properly. For example, students are using the library study rooms as an informal meeting place; at peak periods quiet study room is being used for group work; significant number of working places in study rooms is underused because of inadequate table sizes etc. Keywords : library space planning, library use, user behavior, students, observation

Research paper thumbnail of Acquisition Policy and Formation of Library Collections in Higher Education Institutions of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

SSRN Electronic Journal

Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku naba... more Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku nabave, ima li značajnijih promjena u izgradnji knjižničnih zbirki u promatranom razdoblju te postoje li pisani dokumenti fakulteta i knjižnice kojima je uređena izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki, na koji se način provodi kontinuirana i sustavna nabavna politika i koliko matična ustanova unutar koje djeluju knjižnice na Sveučilištu u Osijeku utječe na donošenje odluka u upravljanju zbirkama i koji je najbolji način njihova rješavanja. Metodologija. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda. Kvantitativni podatci dobiveni su online anketnim upitnikom koji je sudionicima istraživanja bio dostupan putem poveznice proslijeđene elektroničkom poštom. Sudionici istraživanja voditelji su visokoškolskih knjižnica pri fakultetima, akademijama i odjelima, sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Osijeku. U istraživanju 2015. godine sudjelovalo je 13, a u istraživanju 2019. godine 15 ispitanika. Kvalitativni podatci dobiveni su polustrukturiranim intervjuom provedenim tijekom listopada 2020. godine. U intervjuu je sudjelovalo 5 voditelja visokoškolskih knjižnica i 1 djelatnik Službe nabave Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek. Rezultati. Rezultati upitnika upotrijebljeni su za raspravu na zajedničkom sastanku voditelja visokoškolskih knjižnica Sveučilišta u Osijeku o koristima istraživanja u pogledu mogućnosti za postavljanje matrice ili okvira za pisanu politiku nabave kao faze u procesu izgradnje zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama. Na temelju analize provedenog istraživanja konkretizirani su zaključci koji upućuju na mogućnosti izgradnje kvalitetnijih knjižničnih zbirki na lokalnoj i na nacionalnoj razini kroz zajedničku suradnju. Originalnost/vrijednost. Doprinos je rada u mogućnosti postavljanja kriterija koji mogu poslužiti kao temelj za organizaciju i nabavu knjižničnih zbirki u svim visokoškolskim knjižnicama, uz uvažavanje različitosti među pojedinim fakultetima, kao i mogućih rješenja politike koordinirane nabave matičnog Sveučilišta.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of modern academic libraries

Libellarium: časopis za istraživanja u području informacijskih i srodnih znanosti, 2016

Contemporary academic libraries have experienced profound changes lately under the influence of i... more Contemporary academic libraries have experienced profound changes lately under the influence of information and communication technology and changed approaches to teaching and learning. If academic libraries are to remain integral parts of educational experience of students, librarians and managers of academic institutions need to think anew their physical and virtual spaces and servicesThe paper presents results of a survey which aimed to investigate the perceptions and experiences of graduate students in humanities and social sciences regarding physical and virtual library spaces and services, and to assess their satisfaction with them.Results of the study show that the largest number of respondents ue their academic library regularly (several time a month or week) and that more than half consider physical library spaces and services important for their successful learning. Interestingly, students reported that electronic library sources are more important to them than physical li...

Research paper thumbnail of Percepcija i stavovi preddiplomskih studenata informacijskih znanosti u Hrvatskoj prema digitalnom obrazovanju u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19

Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, Dec 30, 2022

Purpose. The aim of this research is to examine the undergraduate students' perception and experi... more Purpose. The aim of this research is to examine the undergraduate students' perception and experiences, i.e. to determine their attitudes, opinions and experience in terms of diff erent aspects of digital education and online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Approach/methodology/design. In March and May 2022 three focus groups were held with information (and communication) sciences undergraduate students at three Croatian universities (N=18). After transcribing the audio recordings, a content analysis was performed. Findings. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of higher education system substantially. The disruptive changes and ad hoc implementation of online teaching and distance learning had a signifi cant impact on students. The results have shown that the participants adapted to the new setting of studying quite quickly and successfully. The classes were mostly successfully organized, and almost all participants had access to digital education materials. Despite the advantages of digital education and online teaching, the participants eventually felt less motivated, experienced lack of concentration, experienced stress and worry due to the increased work overload and situation in general. The most common challenges refer to the process of examination and evaluation, technical issues, issues with time and space organization, lack of personal contact and insuffi cient institutional support system. In order to improve digital education ecosystem and online teaching process in future crisis situations, the participants suggest video recording the lectures, providing students with lower socioeconomic status with suitable hardware and software, having more asynchronous activities, having less group activities, and improving organisation at the institution when choosing digital tools for work, studying and communication. Originality/value. This study provides a deeper insight into the policies and practices of digital education during COVID-19 pandemic from the students' point of view thus reinforcing their active role in the higher education system and in the process of edu cation policy creation. Furthermore, besides the issue of digital technology and digital skills and competencies, this study is focused on other aspects of digital education, like organization of the teaching process, providing access to digital educational materials, providing support systems, etc. The results could be used by policy creators, decision makers and internal and external stakeholders of higher education institutions for the purpose of ensuring sustainability and quality of the digital education ecosystem in Croatia, in general and in possible future crisis situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Nabavna politika i izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku

Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske

Cilj. Rad prikazuje stanje i promjene u nabavnoj politici kao važnoj fazi u procesu izgradnje zbi... more Cilj. Rad prikazuje stanje i promjene u nabavnoj politici kao važnoj fazi u procesu izgradnje zbirki u visokoškolskim knjižnicama Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku temeljem longitudinalnog istraživanja provedenog tijekom ožujka 2015. i ožujka 2019. godine. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi na koji se način provodi nabava prema vrsti građe i obliku nabave, ima li značajnijih promjena u izgradnji knjižničnih zbirki u promatranom razdoblju te postoje li pisani dokumenti fakulteta i knjižnice kojima je uređena izgradnja knjižničnih zbirki, na koji se način provodi kontinuirana i sustavna nabavna politika i koliko matična ustanova unutar koje djeluju knjižnice na Sveučilištu u Osijeku utječe na donošenje odluka u upravljanju zbirkama i koji je najbolji način njihovog rješavanja. Metodologija. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda. Kvantitativni podatci dobiveni su online anketnim upitnikom koji je sudionicima istraživanja bio dostupan pute...

Research paper thumbnail of The supervisory relationship in the doctoral process: How do Croatian LIS students see it?

Education for Information, 2021

The study presented in this paper investigates LIS doctoral students’ perceptions and experiences... more The study presented in this paper investigates LIS doctoral students’ perceptions and experiences about the supervision during their doctoral experience, with special emphasis on the qualities of good supervisors and doctoral students. Data were collected through an online survey and follow-up semi-structured interviews with doctoral students from Croatia’s three state universities offering a doctorate in LIS. A total of 60 respondents participated in a quantitative study, and 13 respondents were interviewed. The survey results show that doctoral students tend to prefer formally regulated supervisory relationships whereas supervisors and students have unambiguous and clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The findings also reveal that doctoral students seek support in the following areas: research, methodology, emotional support and administrative procedures. Interview participants suggest that a successful supervisory relationship could be facilitated by adequate ...

Research paper thumbnail of Istraživanje zadovoljstva korisnika u knjižnici Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku − uspijevamo li ih zadovoljiti?

Libellarium: časopis za istraživanja u području informacijskih i srodnih znanosti, 2016

Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku svojim je poslovanjem i strateškim dokumentima jasno na... more Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku svojim je poslovanjem i strateškim dokumentima jasno naglasila svoju orijentaciju na unapređivanje kvalitete svoga poslovanja. S tim u vezi obvezala se i na kontinuirano istraživanje zadovoljstva svojih korisnika koje se provodi svake tri godine. U ovom se radu prikazuju usporedni rezultati istraživanja zadovoljstva korisnika Knjižnicom Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku provedenih u ak. god. 2009./2010. i 2012./2013. Rezultati pokazuju kako Knjižnica uspijeva održati razinu zadovoljstva svojih korisnika.

Research paper thumbnail of Student Use of Library Physical Spaces: Unobtrusive Observation of Study Spaces in an Academic Library

Libraries in the Digital Age Proceedings, Jun 11, 2014

Despite the massive impact of ICT on library service provision, academic libraries continue to su... more Despite the massive impact of ICT on library service provision, academic libraries continue to supply patrons not only with collections but also spaces – spaces for study, research, contemplation and relaxation (Bryant, Matthews and Walton, 2009; McDonald, 2010; Carpenter et al, 2011; Latimer, 2011). In order to understand the role of the 'library as a place' and to gather valuable data on study behaviour of students, that would facilitate the planning process of the new library building at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Osijek University, Croatia, a large study has been underway. The study employs triangulation to answer the following research questions: How are library spaces, collections and equipment being perceived and used? What factors facilitate/impede library use? How could the new library spaces be designed in order to serve the patrons better? In the paper authors will focus on the qualitative data, obtained with the help of ethnographic methodology of unobtrusive observation, relating to the students' usage of the library study spaces (quiet study room). These public study spaces were observed (and photographed) during the course of one week in different time periods to capture diverse users and uses and intensity of use. Observers recorded any behavior or event that was regarded relevant to the research questions being investigated. The initial results show that varied activities occur in the library study spaces which have not been catered for properly. For example, students are using the library study rooms as an informal meeting place; at peak periods quiet study room is being used for group work; significant number of working places in study rooms is underused because of inadequate table sizes etc. Keywords : library space planning, library use, user behavior, students, observation