Gunawan Budi Santoso - (original) (raw)

Papers by Gunawan Budi Santoso

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Humaniora, Mar 5, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These politeness patterns advocated both the interlocutor and hearer's genuine interests and behavioral reflections within adaptable consequences, and expressed a sense of intimacy, respectfulness, functionality, and equality using various words, expressions, and meaningful talks that made up the existence of their social status. Females complimented others' appearances, whereas males focused on predominance to show a sense of familiarity. This study concludes that Javanese politeness levels naturally constitute users' daily speech habits that govern Javanese diglossia through their contextual adoption, adaptation, and reinterpretation.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Green Project Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Motivasi Mahasiswa Peduli Terhadap Lingkungan

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat eco-green project berbasis participatory action diharapkan menjadi... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat eco-green project berbasis participatory action diharapkan menjadi teori mini sebagai pijakan untuk uji model serta analisis kebutuhan dalam mengembangkan model pembelajaran wirausaha sosial secara lengkap. Desain kegiatan berupa bakti sosial cinta lingkungan bekerjasama dengan mitra Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Klaten serta pegiat eco-green mandiri di Kota Klaten. Kegiatan bakti sosial peduli lingkungan di Hari Bumi 2023 pada hari Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023 di lokasi TPA Desa Troketon, Kecamatan Pedan, Kabupaten Klaten berupa pemilahan sampah, pembuatan kompos organik, pembuatan bio pori tanah, dan gerakan cinta penghijauan melalui penanaman pohon. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh terjadi perubahan positif dan signifikan dimana uji pre-test dan post-test signifikan ada perubahan pengetahuan dan motivasi mahasiswa setelah kegiatan dengan semakin peduli mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengumpulan Data Persepsi Internal dan Eksternal dalam Rangka Pengukuran Indeks Tata Kelola Online (ITK-O) Polres Klaten Tahun 2022

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Indeks Tata Kepolisian (ITK) merupakan alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana kinerja tata kelola kepoli... more Indeks Tata Kepolisian (ITK) merupakan alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana kinerja tata kelola kepolisian baik di level Mabes, Polda maupun Polres menggunakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik. Pengukuran ITK ini telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2015 berdasarkan semangat untuk mewujudkan profesionalisme Polri yang bersih dan bebas korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme. Pengukuran ini menerapkan prinsip tata kelola kepolisian yang baik: kompetensi, responsif, perilaku, transparansi, keadilan, efektivitas dan akuntabilitas. Penilaian persepsional dari pihak internal dan eksternal atas layanan Polres Klaten meliputi: SIM, SKCK, BPKB, tilang, sidik jari, dan pengaduan masyarakat dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pelayanan, rawan pungutan liar, KKN dalam proses pengurusan administrasi. Dengan melibatkan total 98 responden yang terdiri dari 51 responden internal dan 47 responden eksternal, pengukuran ITK-O Polres Klaten dilakukan secara serempak di Aula Satya Haprabu Polre...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Bank Sampah Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Kegiatan pelatihan manajemen bank sampah ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang nilai-n... more Kegiatan pelatihan manajemen bank sampah ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang nilai-nilai kearifan lokal mahasiswa terkait tata kelola kegiatan bank sampah di masyarakat bersama pendamping mitra bank sampah unggulan di Kabupaten Klaten. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui pembelajaran ketrampilan olah sisa sampah menjadi bahan kerajinan kualitas ekspor. Kegiatan ini bekerjasama dengan mitra Bank Sampah Rukun Santoso Desa Karanglo, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan sehari penuh, meliputi pemaparan visi misi, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal, manajemen tata kelola bank sampah, dan praktek baik ketrampilan tangan olah sampah menjadi bahan kerajinan kualitas ekspor. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh temuan terjadi perubahan positif dan signifikan dari hasil uji pre-test dan post-test, artinya ada perubahan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mahasiswa sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti kegiatan. Hasil positif ini dibuktikan dengan munculnya beberapa mahasiswa yang bertinda...

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pelatihan Teknik Penulisan Dan Analisis Soal Tes Prestasi Belajar Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Guru Dalam Menulis Dan Menganalisis Soal

Jurnal Pendidikan Dompet Dhuafa, May 14, 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soa... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soal tes prestasi belajar untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dalam menganalisis menulis dan menganalisis soal tes prestasi belajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan one factor designs. Subjek dalam penelitian ini guru SMA dan SMK di Kabupaten Klaten yang berjumlah 45 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji wilcoxon sign rank test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai Z sebesar -5.538 dengan p = 0.000. Karena p < 0.005 maka sangat signifikan artinya ada perbedaan rerata skor peserta sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Hal ini berarti pe;atihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soal tes prestasi belajar efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru SMA dan SMK di Kabupaten Klaten dalam menulis dan menganalisis soal tes prestasi belajar

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Model of Eco- Green Project Social Entrepreneurial Intention Learning

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

The final stage of this research activity has the urgency of forming independent leading social e... more The final stage of this research activity has the urgency of forming independent leading social entrepreneurs in higher education institutions so as to produce graduates who are qualified, competitive and able to create innovations and creations. The general objective of the activity is to develop Eco-Green project learning tools through social entrepreneurial activities based on local wisdom values. This model is expected to be able to serve as social entrepreneurship learning material for students which leads to the creation of excellent graduates in the future. In the early stages of research, a description of the values of local wisdom that can be applied in the creation of an eco-green learning model for social entrepreneurship projects for students was carried out. Participatory action research activities are expected to become mini-theories as a basis for model testing and needs analysis in developing a social enterprise eco-green project learning model in the second year com...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Literasi Keuangan Umkm Melalui Klinik Wirausaha Keluarga Aisyiah Klaten

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Pemberdayaan UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah in the community is very important. Keluarga Aisyiyah plays a... more Pemberdayaan UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah in the community is very important. Keluarga Aisyiyah plays a role in empowering families in improving the welfare and family quality in aspects of health, morals, faith and behavior. This is inline with one of the main programs of UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah namely education and skills. On this occasion, as a form of community services, the authors cooperate with UMKM keluarga Aisyiyah in order to improve family welfare in the local environment through the improvement of cooking , handircaft skills that are expected to be useful later.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurship Teaching-Learning Model Through Garbage Bank Activities Based on Spiritual Experience

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environment and Sustainability Issues, ICESI 2019, 18-19 July 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019

Experiential learning is a teaching-learning model where individuals focus on doing real teaching... more Experiential learning is a teaching-learning model where individuals focus on doing real teaching-learning practices in the environment. This study aims to develop a teaching-learning model through experiential learning based on spiritual values in teaching-learning social entrepreneurship in garbage bank activities. The research design used is in the form of experimental research on entrepreneurial training based on spiritual experience, simulation, waste bank practice and evaluation. The activities are done in collaboration with Islamic boarding school of Abdurrahman Bin Auf Klaten and activists for waste Bank in Surakarta city. The materials, both theory and simulation practice are given for two full days in the form of social entrepreneurial spirit: inculcation of a sense of belief in God, fear of God, morality, love of the environment, honest, truthful, trustworthy, smart, discipline, visionary, empathy. The activities continue to garbage bank training and field practice. The results of them show a positive value and are effective where from the results of different samples tests, it is obtained the t statistical value that there are changes before and after the activity. The wider implication is formed in the early stage community of garbage banks in the students' domicile environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Humaniora Vol 34, No. 1, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These politeness patterns advocated both the interlocutor and hearer's genuine interests and behavioral reflections within adaptable consequences, and expressed a sense of intimacy, respectfulness, functionality, and equality using various words, expressions, and meaningful talks that made up the existence of their social status. Females complimented others' appearances, whereas males focused on predominance to show a sense of familiarity. This study concludes that Javanese politeness levels naturally constitute users' daily speech habits that govern Javanese diglossia through their contextual adoption, adaptation, and reinterpretation.

Research paper thumbnail of Kohesi Dan Koherensi Dalam Wacana Komik Bahasa Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Cakrawarti, 2020

The marker of substitutional cohension can be found in three types: nominal,verbal, and clausal s... more The marker of substitutional cohension can be found in three types: nominal,verbal, and clausal substitutional cohesion. The nominal substitutional cohension hastwo subtypes: personal and non-personal of nominal substitutional cohension. Meanwhile,the marker of ellipsis cohension differentiated into three types: nominal, verbal,and chaulsal ellipsis cohesion. The conjunctive cohension is differentiated into five typemarke: additive, adversative, temporal, continuative, and causal. The lexical cohensionis differentiated into four types: reiterative, synonimy, hyponimy, and colocative lexicalcohension.While in the coherence of comic discourse shows the existence of two systems of theforming coherence, namely coherence based on the cohesion systems, and the coherencebased on the situational aspects. The coherence based on the cohension system canbe differentiated into four types: equal, pposite, successive, situational aspects has twotypes, namely continuity step of situational coheren...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Service Quality and Student Satisfaction in the Blended Learning Model during the Covid-19 Pandemic

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

This research aims to test the model whether there is a gap between expectations and perceptions ... more This research aims to test the model whether there is a gap between expectations and perceptions of the quality of services in the blended learning process of Widya Dharma University Klaten Republic of Indonesia (Unwidha) students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The model used is the Service Quality (Servqual) test. Research design uses quantitative methods. The hypothesis was formulated using the Importance ServQual Model test (Cronin & Taylor, 2002). The research population is all Unwidha students who have received blended learning services during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sampling technique for respondents was through purposive sampling of 120 students in six faculties and 16 study programs in Unwidha. The test results concluded that all dimensions still have gaps where the empathy dimension has the largest gap. Quality improvement should start on the dimension that has the biggest gap and then continue on other dimensions to improve the quality of learning and student satisfactio...

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Jurnal Humaniora, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These polit...

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Improve Reading Skills Through the Critical Reading Method for Students of Widya Dharma University on Academic Year 2018/2019

The ability to read can be interpreted as the will and ability, as well as the readiness of a per... more The ability to read can be interpreted as the will and ability, as well as the readiness of a person to understand the ideas and symbols or sounds of language in a reading text that is tailored to the intent and purpose of the reader to obtain the desired message or information. Reading requires a good understanding, because reading requires a good ability in order to understand the reading text and interpret the reading content well. The ability in the context of learning is an effort to obtain competent fast, fast, and appropriate in dealing with learning problems. Departing from these problems, this study aims: 1) to describe how the reading comprehension condition of the second semester students of Widya Dharma University Klaten in understanding a reading presented bya teacher (read: lecturer); 2) to find out what causes students to have difficulty in understanding a reading given by a teacher (lecturer).

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020

The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the... more The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the values of character education, (2) the design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education, and (3) the development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten Regency. The study is a research and development model which consists of the exploration phase, development phase, and experimental phase. The object of the study included the Indonesian language learning materials, teachers, and students of four secondary school institutions in Klaten Regency. It deployed interview, document analysis, and observation as the data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis utilized a descriptive qualitative model to observe various activities during the development phase, including material development and quantitative analysis to discover the product validity. The findings confirmed a well-running process of the Indonesian Language learning activities that should implement the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten, even if the teachers still ought to rely on their creativity in finding the relevant materials. The design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten mainly integrated the values of character education with the reading materials contained in the available Indonesian language teaching instruments (books). The development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten had been carried out as an experiment in State 5 Klaten Secondary School and confirmed a good result. There were a few strength and weakness of the prototype, as the basis for the quality improvement of Indonesian Language learning materials that should contain the values of character education.

Research paper thumbnail of Is Social Entrepreneurship Learning for Students Based on Spiritual Experiences Still Relevant?

Journal of Education and Practice

This study aims to develop a learning model through the experience of Muslim entrepreneurial spir... more This study aims to develop a learning model through the experience of Muslim entrepreneurial spirit in the social entrepreneurship activities. The objectives achieved in the activities: a. It is gotten the description of strategies of learning model on social entrepreneurship using social business of canvas model, b. elaboration of social entrepreneur learning materials based on spiritual experience.The research design is development research. Data collection techniques use observation, entrepreneurial training based on Muslim entrepreneurial spirit experience, making of Social Business of Canvas Model, waste bank practices and evaluation. Cultivating the spirit of Muslim social entrepreneurship in students includes a sense of belief in God, fear of God, morality, siddiq (honest), amanah (truthful) , tabligh (convey) , fathanah (smart), discipline, visionary, empathy. The activity was continued with the field practice of making a waste bank in a student domicile and evaluation environment. The results of the activities show a positive and effective value where from the results of the different sample tests. The broader implications are that students are able to form several waste bank communities and they are able to play an active role as innovators and real actors Keywords: experiential learning, Muslim entrepreneurial spirit, social business canvas DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-11-03 Publication date: April 30 th 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kualitas Soal Bahasa Indonesia DI Kabupaten Klaten Melalui Pengembangan Bank Soal

Proceeding, 2013

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bank soal ujian akhir semester untuk mata pelajaran ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bank soal ujian akhir semester untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Bank Soal ujian semestergasal yang dikembangkan terdiri dari bank soal kelas X, kelas XI IPA, kelas XI IPS, kelas XI Bahasa, Kelas XII IPA, Kelas XII IPSdan kelas XII Bahasa. Bersadarkan hasil analisis data kelas X terdapat 43 butir soal Bahasa Indonesiayang dapat disimpan ke dalam bank soal.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XI IPA sebanyak 41 butir.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XI IPSsebanyak 41 butir.Bank soalBahasa Indonesia kelas XI BAHASA sebanyak30 butir.Bank soalBahasa Indonesia kelas XII IPA sebanyak 21 butir soal Bahasa Indonesia.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XII IPS sebanyak 38 butir soal Bahasa Indonesia.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XII BAHASA sebanyak 32 butir. Kata Kunci: bank soal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahsa Inggris, Matematika, teori tes klasik

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency

The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the... more The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the values of character education, (2) the design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education, and (3) the development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten Regency. The study is a research and development model which consists of the exploration phase, development phase, and experimental phase. The object of the study included the Indonesian language learning materials, teachers, and students of four secondary school institutions in Klaten Regency. It deployed interview, document analysis, and observation as the data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis utilized a descriptive qualitative model to observe various activities during the development phase, including material development and quantitative analysis to discover th...

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Humaniora, Mar 5, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These politeness patterns advocated both the interlocutor and hearer's genuine interests and behavioral reflections within adaptable consequences, and expressed a sense of intimacy, respectfulness, functionality, and equality using various words, expressions, and meaningful talks that made up the existence of their social status. Females complimented others' appearances, whereas males focused on predominance to show a sense of familiarity. This study concludes that Javanese politeness levels naturally constitute users' daily speech habits that govern Javanese diglossia through their contextual adoption, adaptation, and reinterpretation.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Green Project Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Motivasi Mahasiswa Peduli Terhadap Lingkungan

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat eco-green project berbasis participatory action diharapkan menjadi... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat eco-green project berbasis participatory action diharapkan menjadi teori mini sebagai pijakan untuk uji model serta analisis kebutuhan dalam mengembangkan model pembelajaran wirausaha sosial secara lengkap. Desain kegiatan berupa bakti sosial cinta lingkungan bekerjasama dengan mitra Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Klaten serta pegiat eco-green mandiri di Kota Klaten. Kegiatan bakti sosial peduli lingkungan di Hari Bumi 2023 pada hari Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023 di lokasi TPA Desa Troketon, Kecamatan Pedan, Kabupaten Klaten berupa pemilahan sampah, pembuatan kompos organik, pembuatan bio pori tanah, dan gerakan cinta penghijauan melalui penanaman pohon. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh terjadi perubahan positif dan signifikan dimana uji pre-test dan post-test signifikan ada perubahan pengetahuan dan motivasi mahasiswa setelah kegiatan dengan semakin peduli mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengumpulan Data Persepsi Internal dan Eksternal dalam Rangka Pengukuran Indeks Tata Kelola Online (ITK-O) Polres Klaten Tahun 2022

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Indeks Tata Kepolisian (ITK) merupakan alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana kinerja tata kelola kepoli... more Indeks Tata Kepolisian (ITK) merupakan alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana kinerja tata kelola kepolisian baik di level Mabes, Polda maupun Polres menggunakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik. Pengukuran ITK ini telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2015 berdasarkan semangat untuk mewujudkan profesionalisme Polri yang bersih dan bebas korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme. Pengukuran ini menerapkan prinsip tata kelola kepolisian yang baik: kompetensi, responsif, perilaku, transparansi, keadilan, efektivitas dan akuntabilitas. Penilaian persepsional dari pihak internal dan eksternal atas layanan Polres Klaten meliputi: SIM, SKCK, BPKB, tilang, sidik jari, dan pengaduan masyarakat dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pelayanan, rawan pungutan liar, KKN dalam proses pengurusan administrasi. Dengan melibatkan total 98 responden yang terdiri dari 51 responden internal dan 47 responden eksternal, pengukuran ITK-O Polres Klaten dilakukan secara serempak di Aula Satya Haprabu Polre...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Bank Sampah Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Kegiatan pelatihan manajemen bank sampah ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang nilai-n... more Kegiatan pelatihan manajemen bank sampah ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang nilai-nilai kearifan lokal mahasiswa terkait tata kelola kegiatan bank sampah di masyarakat bersama pendamping mitra bank sampah unggulan di Kabupaten Klaten. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui pembelajaran ketrampilan olah sisa sampah menjadi bahan kerajinan kualitas ekspor. Kegiatan ini bekerjasama dengan mitra Bank Sampah Rukun Santoso Desa Karanglo, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan sehari penuh, meliputi pemaparan visi misi, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal, manajemen tata kelola bank sampah, dan praktek baik ketrampilan tangan olah sampah menjadi bahan kerajinan kualitas ekspor. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh temuan terjadi perubahan positif dan signifikan dari hasil uji pre-test dan post-test, artinya ada perubahan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mahasiswa sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti kegiatan. Hasil positif ini dibuktikan dengan munculnya beberapa mahasiswa yang bertinda...

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Pelatihan Teknik Penulisan Dan Analisis Soal Tes Prestasi Belajar Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Guru Dalam Menulis Dan Menganalisis Soal

Jurnal Pendidikan Dompet Dhuafa, May 14, 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soa... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soal tes prestasi belajar untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dalam menganalisis menulis dan menganalisis soal tes prestasi belajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan one factor designs. Subjek dalam penelitian ini guru SMA dan SMK di Kabupaten Klaten yang berjumlah 45 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji wilcoxon sign rank test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai Z sebesar -5.538 dengan p = 0.000. Karena p < 0.005 maka sangat signifikan artinya ada perbedaan rerata skor peserta sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Hal ini berarti pe;atihan teknik penulisan dan analisis soal tes prestasi belajar efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru SMA dan SMK di Kabupaten Klaten dalam menulis dan menganalisis soal tes prestasi belajar

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Model of Eco- Green Project Social Entrepreneurial Intention Learning

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

The final stage of this research activity has the urgency of forming independent leading social e... more The final stage of this research activity has the urgency of forming independent leading social entrepreneurs in higher education institutions so as to produce graduates who are qualified, competitive and able to create innovations and creations. The general objective of the activity is to develop Eco-Green project learning tools through social entrepreneurial activities based on local wisdom values. This model is expected to be able to serve as social entrepreneurship learning material for students which leads to the creation of excellent graduates in the future. In the early stages of research, a description of the values of local wisdom that can be applied in the creation of an eco-green learning model for social entrepreneurship projects for students was carried out. Participatory action research activities are expected to become mini-theories as a basis for model testing and needs analysis in developing a social enterprise eco-green project learning model in the second year com...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Literasi Keuangan Umkm Melalui Klinik Wirausaha Keluarga Aisyiah Klaten

WIDHARMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Widya Dharma

Pemberdayaan UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah in the community is very important. Keluarga Aisyiyah plays a... more Pemberdayaan UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah in the community is very important. Keluarga Aisyiyah plays a role in empowering families in improving the welfare and family quality in aspects of health, morals, faith and behavior. This is inline with one of the main programs of UMKM Keluarga Aisyiyah namely education and skills. On this occasion, as a form of community services, the authors cooperate with UMKM keluarga Aisyiyah in order to improve family welfare in the local environment through the improvement of cooking , handircaft skills that are expected to be useful later.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurship Teaching-Learning Model Through Garbage Bank Activities Based on Spiritual Experience

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environment and Sustainability Issues, ICESI 2019, 18-19 July 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019

Experiential learning is a teaching-learning model where individuals focus on doing real teaching... more Experiential learning is a teaching-learning model where individuals focus on doing real teaching-learning practices in the environment. This study aims to develop a teaching-learning model through experiential learning based on spiritual values in teaching-learning social entrepreneurship in garbage bank activities. The research design used is in the form of experimental research on entrepreneurial training based on spiritual experience, simulation, waste bank practice and evaluation. The activities are done in collaboration with Islamic boarding school of Abdurrahman Bin Auf Klaten and activists for waste Bank in Surakarta city. The materials, both theory and simulation practice are given for two full days in the form of social entrepreneurial spirit: inculcation of a sense of belief in God, fear of God, morality, love of the environment, honest, truthful, trustworthy, smart, discipline, visionary, empathy. The activities continue to garbage bank training and field practice. The results of them show a positive value and are effective where from the results of different samples tests, it is obtained the t statistical value that there are changes before and after the activity. The wider implication is formed in the early stage community of garbage banks in the students' domicile environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Humaniora Vol 34, No. 1, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These politeness patterns advocated both the interlocutor and hearer's genuine interests and behavioral reflections within adaptable consequences, and expressed a sense of intimacy, respectfulness, functionality, and equality using various words, expressions, and meaningful talks that made up the existence of their social status. Females complimented others' appearances, whereas males focused on predominance to show a sense of familiarity. This study concludes that Javanese politeness levels naturally constitute users' daily speech habits that govern Javanese diglossia through their contextual adoption, adaptation, and reinterpretation.

Research paper thumbnail of Kohesi Dan Koherensi Dalam Wacana Komik Bahasa Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Cakrawarti, 2020

The marker of substitutional cohension can be found in three types: nominal,verbal, and clausal s... more The marker of substitutional cohension can be found in three types: nominal,verbal, and clausal substitutional cohesion. The nominal substitutional cohension hastwo subtypes: personal and non-personal of nominal substitutional cohension. Meanwhile,the marker of ellipsis cohension differentiated into three types: nominal, verbal,and chaulsal ellipsis cohesion. The conjunctive cohension is differentiated into five typemarke: additive, adversative, temporal, continuative, and causal. The lexical cohensionis differentiated into four types: reiterative, synonimy, hyponimy, and colocative lexicalcohension.While in the coherence of comic discourse shows the existence of two systems of theforming coherence, namely coherence based on the cohesion systems, and the coherencebased on the situational aspects. The coherence based on the cohension system canbe differentiated into four types: equal, pposite, successive, situational aspects has twotypes, namely continuity step of situational coheren...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Service Quality and Student Satisfaction in the Blended Learning Model during the Covid-19 Pandemic

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

This research aims to test the model whether there is a gap between expectations and perceptions ... more This research aims to test the model whether there is a gap between expectations and perceptions of the quality of services in the blended learning process of Widya Dharma University Klaten Republic of Indonesia (Unwidha) students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The model used is the Service Quality (Servqual) test. Research design uses quantitative methods. The hypothesis was formulated using the Importance ServQual Model test (Cronin & Taylor, 2002). The research population is all Unwidha students who have received blended learning services during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sampling technique for respondents was through purposive sampling of 120 students in six faculties and 16 study programs in Unwidha. The test results concluded that all dimensions still have gaps where the empathy dimension has the largest gap. Quality improvement should start on the dimension that has the biggest gap and then continue on other dimensions to improve the quality of learning and student satisfactio...

Research paper thumbnail of Javanese Politeness Experience as Depicted in Its Speech Levels of the Transactional Communication

Jurnal Humaniora, 2022

Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the... more Javanese interactions are bound by politeness speech levels. Ngoko, the lowest form, reflects the interactions between close equals, or persons of higher status towards those of lower status, whereas krama, the highest form, is used to address elders or those of higher status. This study aimed to disclose communication politeness as expressed by Javanese users in the public place. Twelve participants were enlisted, among them seven males and five females. Data were recorded from a smartphone and transcribed orthographically to obtain natural data, while data analysis used the interpretative approach, aiming to identify and code the transcripts. The results showed that five females consistently communicated with the krama speech level when dealing with other parties, whilst one female conveyed her ngoko speech level. On the other hand, one participant out of seven accordingly engaged in the krama speech level, whilst the other six participants consistently employed ngoko. These polit...

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Improve Reading Skills Through the Critical Reading Method for Students of Widya Dharma University on Academic Year 2018/2019

The ability to read can be interpreted as the will and ability, as well as the readiness of a per... more The ability to read can be interpreted as the will and ability, as well as the readiness of a person to understand the ideas and symbols or sounds of language in a reading text that is tailored to the intent and purpose of the reader to obtain the desired message or information. Reading requires a good understanding, because reading requires a good ability in order to understand the reading text and interpret the reading content well. The ability in the context of learning is an effort to obtain competent fast, fast, and appropriate in dealing with learning problems. Departing from these problems, this study aims: 1) to describe how the reading comprehension condition of the second semester students of Widya Dharma University Klaten in understanding a reading presented bya teacher (read: lecturer); 2) to find out what causes students to have difficulty in understanding a reading given by a teacher (lecturer).

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020

The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the... more The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the values of character education, (2) the design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education, and (3) the development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten Regency. The study is a research and development model which consists of the exploration phase, development phase, and experimental phase. The object of the study included the Indonesian language learning materials, teachers, and students of four secondary school institutions in Klaten Regency. It deployed interview, document analysis, and observation as the data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis utilized a descriptive qualitative model to observe various activities during the development phase, including material development and quantitative analysis to discover the product validity. The findings confirmed a well-running process of the Indonesian Language learning activities that should implement the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten, even if the teachers still ought to rely on their creativity in finding the relevant materials. The design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten mainly integrated the values of character education with the reading materials contained in the available Indonesian language teaching instruments (books). The development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten had been carried out as an experiment in State 5 Klaten Secondary School and confirmed a good result. There were a few strength and weakness of the prototype, as the basis for the quality improvement of Indonesian Language learning materials that should contain the values of character education.

Research paper thumbnail of Is Social Entrepreneurship Learning for Students Based on Spiritual Experiences Still Relevant?

Journal of Education and Practice

This study aims to develop a learning model through the experience of Muslim entrepreneurial spir... more This study aims to develop a learning model through the experience of Muslim entrepreneurial spirit in the social entrepreneurship activities. The objectives achieved in the activities: a. It is gotten the description of strategies of learning model on social entrepreneurship using social business of canvas model, b. elaboration of social entrepreneur learning materials based on spiritual experience.The research design is development research. Data collection techniques use observation, entrepreneurial training based on Muslim entrepreneurial spirit experience, making of Social Business of Canvas Model, waste bank practices and evaluation. Cultivating the spirit of Muslim social entrepreneurship in students includes a sense of belief in God, fear of God, morality, siddiq (honest), amanah (truthful) , tabligh (convey) , fathanah (smart), discipline, visionary, empathy. The activity was continued with the field practice of making a waste bank in a student domicile and evaluation environment. The results of the activities show a positive and effective value where from the results of the different sample tests. The broader implications are that students are able to form several waste bank communities and they are able to play an active role as innovators and real actors Keywords: experiential learning, Muslim entrepreneurial spirit, social business canvas DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-11-03 Publication date: April 30 th 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kualitas Soal Bahasa Indonesia DI Kabupaten Klaten Melalui Pengembangan Bank Soal

Proceeding, 2013

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bank soal ujian akhir semester untuk mata pelajaran ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bank soal ujian akhir semester untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Bank Soal ujian semestergasal yang dikembangkan terdiri dari bank soal kelas X, kelas XI IPA, kelas XI IPS, kelas XI Bahasa, Kelas XII IPA, Kelas XII IPSdan kelas XII Bahasa. Bersadarkan hasil analisis data kelas X terdapat 43 butir soal Bahasa Indonesiayang dapat disimpan ke dalam bank soal.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XI IPA sebanyak 41 butir.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XI IPSsebanyak 41 butir.Bank soalBahasa Indonesia kelas XI BAHASA sebanyak30 butir.Bank soalBahasa Indonesia kelas XII IPA sebanyak 21 butir soal Bahasa Indonesia.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XII IPS sebanyak 38 butir soal Bahasa Indonesia.Bank soal Bahasa Indonesia kelas XII BAHASA sebanyak 32 butir. Kata Kunci: bank soal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahsa Inggris, Matematika, teori tes klasik

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency

The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the... more The study aimed to explore (1) the Indonesian language learning process that should integrate the values of character education, (2) the design development of Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education, and (3) the development product of the Indonesian language learning materials based on the values of character education for the secondary school students in Klaten Regency. The study is a research and development model which consists of the exploration phase, development phase, and experimental phase. The object of the study included the Indonesian language learning materials, teachers, and students of four secondary school institutions in Klaten Regency. It deployed interview, document analysis, and observation as the data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis utilized a descriptive qualitative model to observe various activities during the development phase, including material development and quantitative analysis to discover th...