Gunnar Nygren - (original) (raw)
Papers by Gunnar Nygren
Journalism in Change
To be a journalist in Poland, Russia and Sweden means - in many ways - to be a part of the same c... more To be a journalist in Poland, Russia and Sweden means - in many ways - to be a part of the same community: the most important ideals are the same, the daily work is performed with similar tools, formats and expressions are similar. On the surface there are many similarities, but still there are important differences when it comes to the conditions for professionals. The frames in the daily work describing the boundaries for each journalist are different – commercial and political limitations for what is possible in journalistic practice. There are commercial pressures from owners and advertisers and political influence on media companies and newsrooms on journalists to adapt in their daily work. Additionally, what is more important, these limitations differ between the three countries and among different types of media.These are some of the results presented in previous chapters in this anthology. The point of departure for the project has been the rapid changes in media technology, society (changes in users’ behaviour) in combination with crisis for business models and increasing market influence in the media sector. The question is how these changes influence professional journalistic cultures in different media systems. Poland, Russia and Sweden represent different traditions in journalism, and the position of media in relation to political power and society differs as well. We knew from the beginning that there were differences – but is it also possible to identify similarities between journalistic cultures in the era of globalization of professional cultures (Waisbord, 2013)?The project has researched the changes in journalism from the perspective of representatives of this profession. With a survey to a representative sample of 500 journalists in each country, opinions and experiences were studied. In 20 in-depth interviews in each country journalists were asked to give more detailed answers going beyond the questions in the survey. All the empirical work was accomplished by national teams in 2012, and the results were analyzed and presented at international and national conferences in 2013-2014 (see Chapter 2).The results of the project have been presented in thematic chapters. In this final conclusion we summarize and present answers for the following research questions: - How is technological and economic development influencing professional journalistic cultures in the three countries?- Do the changing practices influence journalists’ perception of routines and values?- What are the consequences for professional autonomy – in daily work and in relation to other social fields such as politics and the economy?- Is media development making journalism more similar in spite of differences in traditions and media systems? Is there a homogenization of journalism or is it more correct to label it hybridization?- Is the status of journalism as a social field changing; is there a de-professionalization as a result of media development?
Journalism Studies, Jul 14, 2023
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
The concept of ongoing professionalization has been a key area in journalism studies for many yea... more The concept of ongoing professionalization has been a key area in journalism studies for many years (Zelizer, 2004; Schudson, 2003; Waisbord, 2013). Journalism has been described as gaining influence within the media system, mainly in relation to political power and state. With common standards and professional institutions, journalism has grown stronger in modern society. But is this still the case in an emerging interactive network society? Is the development the same in different media systems – is it possible to still have a process of professionalization in some parts of the world, and the reverse process in other parts of the world; a de-professionalization? Is professionalization the same in different media systems?This theoretical introduction gives some background to these questions covered in the project “Journalism in Change”. It gives different perspectives from research in four areas:- Professions and professional logic, based on sociological research on professions.- Ideals and standards as described in comparative journalism research.- Professional autonomy and pressure from the political and economic spheres.- Professionalization and media development, professional control and open participation. In the title, the object of study is labelled as “professional journalistic cultures” in Poland, Russia and Sweden. We know from cultural studies that cultures are not fixed, but remain in a constant flux and develop under influences from outside – from other cultures and areas. In journalism this becomes clear in the study of the history of journalism; for example in Sweden journalism has developed since the 18th century under French, German, British and American influence (Gustafsson and Ryden, 2010). The question is not if but how journalistic cultures are changing; if globalization brings a more homogeneous journalistic culture, or if the development rather can be labelled as a hybridization where some element of global values and standards in journalism are adapted to national journalistic cultures (Hallin and Mancini, 2012:286).“Culture” is one of the key notions in this project, and the other is “professional”. To be a professional demands some kind of control over your own work, to have some kind of autonomy to follow the standards and values of the profession. Research in professions emphasize this autonomy as a question of power, about creating institutions making it possible for the members of the profession “to make a living while controlling their own work” (Freidson, 2001:17). Research has described a professionalization of journalism during the 20th century, but the question is how this is influenced by media development. Digital technology and commercialization are global trends, but how does this influence nationally rooted professional cultures? Are the consequences for professional autonomy the same in different kinds of media systems?For example: in Western countries, some researchers describe a de-professionalization of journalism: more unclear borders around the profession, harder economic conditions for traditional media and professional control questioned by an interactive network society (Nygren, 2008b:168, Ornebring, 2010b:568, Waisbord, 2013:60). But at the same time, journalists and media in many developing countries struggle for more professional control in relation to authoritarian regimes and also use new kinds of media platforms to achieve this. In countries with authoritarian regimes, professionalization can still be a strategy towards a greater degree of press freedom (Harro-Loit et al., 2012:153).In the project “Journalism in Change” we use theories on professionalization and comparative journalism research to analyze how professional cultures are influenced by media development. Our basic assumption is that the changes are not the same in countries as different as Poland, Russia and Sweden. But it is also likely to find similarities – and these might bring journalistic cultures closer to each other.In the end there is also the underlying question about media content; how are standards and practices among journalists influencing journalistic content, which is so important for all citizens to construct their picture of the world? This project does not include analyses of media content, but the basic assumption is that journalists´ belief about standards and values and their professional practice also influence the results in newspapers, broadcasts on TV and radio and in online news sites.That is why professional journalistic cultures are not only a question for journalists, but for society as a whole.
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Central European journal of communication, Sep 22, 2022
Patriotic journalism," a deviation from objectivity, has become an important paradigm and well-do... more Patriotic journalism," a deviation from objectivity, has become an important paradigm and well-documented phenomenon in the analysis of conflict coverage. However, studies rarely focus on the link between journalists' perceptions and narratives. We investigated how journalists from two countries, one involved in a conflict (Ukraine) and the other observing it from a distance (Sweden) relate to the objectivity norm in sourcing and narrating seven conflictive news cases in Ukraine (2017 to 2018). We found pragmatic commitment to objectivity in both countries, which was not always reflected in the content produced. For Swedish journalists, our results hint toward a value-based ally loyalty, which seems less stable than a tribe-based bond. In Ukraine, official Ukrainian perspectives were undisputedly disseminated; however, we did not find that they were generally positively laden, as one would expect for patriotic journalists. Trust in public institutions might be a deciding factor over the extent of patriotism.
Att vara ”professionell” rymmer manga dimensioner. Begreppet har minst tva olika betydelser – att... more Att vara ”professionell” rymmer manga dimensioner. Begreppet har minst tva olika betydelser – att arbetet blir bra gjort med hog kvalite och att den som gor jobbet tillhor en profession, en sammanh ...
Nordicom Information, 2012
Den journalistiska professionen vaxte sig stark pa 1900-talets stora redaktioner. Tva studier vid... more Den journalistiska professionen vaxte sig stark pa 1900-talets stora redaktioner. Tva studier vid Sodertorns hogskola undersoker hur den journalistiska arbetsmarknaden forandras under 2000-talet, o ...
This edited volume addresses journalism education as a central component of journalistic professi... more This edited volume addresses journalism education as a central component of journalistic professionalization, making it necessary to understand what is a crucial period in most future journalists’ lives. Nowadays, journalism scholars are realizing the need for more sustained, in-depth and critical studies of why students embark on such degrees, how they develop their professional views and practices at universities, how the educational curricula of journalism programs match the needs of the labor market, and also, what the news industry thinks about journalism courses and their graduates. This volume addresses all of these important questions in-depth, with admirable attention to different elements that may explain all these issues. The comparative perspective of looking at the Nordic countries breaks new ground considering the paucity of comparative studies on journalism education in specific media systems. The authors that take part of this book employ an array of quantitative and qualitative approaches to study the field of journalism education, providing a rich account that, no doubt, will be essential reading for students, researchers, the media industry, policy-makers and all people interested in journalism education and professionalization. Folker Hanusch, University of Vienna, Austria Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile Principal investigators, Journalism students across the glob
Search: onr:"" > Gamla teorier och ... more Search: onr:"" > Gamla teorier och n... ... Wadbring, Ingela, 1964-(author) Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMG) Nygren, Gunnar (author) University of Gothenburg Faculty of Social Sciences. ...
Data journalism is an evolving form of investigative journalism. In previous research and handboo... more Data journalism is an evolving form of investigative journalism. In previous research and handbooks published on this topic, this form of journalism has been called computer assisted reporting and ...
Manga av journalistikforskningens centrala fragor kraver ett jamforande perspektiv for att kunna ... more Manga av journalistikforskningens centrala fragor kraver ett jamforande perspektiv for att kunna beskrivas pa ett meningsfullt satt. Dagens svenska larmrapporter om tidningsdod och neddragningar pa redaktioner beskriver anda ett medielandskap som med nordamerikanska matt matt ar idylliskt: i USA ar nyhetsorganisationernas ekonomiska kris vasentligt mer akut och langtgaende an har. Vi vet att digitalisering och annan teknologisk forandring forandrar nyhetsmediernas villkor och det journalistiska arbetet, men ser det likadant ut overallt?Journalistikens eventuella bidrag till demokratin kan bara forstas utifran den typ av samhalle som journalistiken verkar inom. Manga pratar om en gradvis ”amerikanisering” av journalistiken i manga lander, men nyare forskning visar att inte ens amerikansk journalistik nodvandigtvis ar sarskilt ”amerikaniserad” langre med starkt asiktspraglade kanaler som FOX News som bryter med den traditionella objektiviteten. Manga pastaenden om huruvida olika aspekter av journalistiken har okat, minskat, forandrats eller varit stabila saknar given referenspunkt. Har nagot okat/minskat mer an vad man kan forvanta sig? I forhallande till vad? Ar den egna nationen ett undantag eller ett helt genomsnittligt exempel pa internationella trender? Dessa och andra, liknande fragor sysselsatter den allt mer populara komparativa (jamforande) journalistikforskningen.Det har kapitlet gar igenom de viktigaste inriktningarna i den komparativa journalistikforskningen. I forsta hand handlar det om jamforelser av journalistikens stallning i olika samhallen och olika kulturer, om journalisters varderingar och satt att arbeta och om hur journalistiskt innehall kan jamforas. I praktiken har komparativ journalistikforskning kommit att bli synonymt med transnationell komparativ forskning, d v s det som jamfors ar journalistiken i olika lander eller delar av varlden. Andra komparativa alternativ inte alls fatt samma utrymme inom journalistikforskningen; man kunde t ex tanka sig att det ocksa vore hogintressant att jamfora journalister med andra yrkesgrupper (till exempel med avseende pa teknikanvandning och forestallningar om yrkesroller). Men detta har alltsa gjorts i relativt liten utstrackning.Journalistikforskningen har lange varit dominerad av forskning fran USA och Vasteuropa. Denna forskning utgar fran journalistiken i dessa delar av varlden, och beskriver journalistens roll i dessa samhallen. Men dessa resultat kan inte generaliseras till alla lander och alla mediesystem – journalistiken ser olika ut i olika delar av varlden. Detta har varit en viktig drivkraft bakom den vaxande komparativa forskningen; att bredda synen pa journalistikens roll genom att jamfora journalistik i olika mediesystem (se t ex Curran & Park 2001). Man maste utga fran olika landers olika grundforutsattningar – historia och kulturella traditioner, teknisk och ekonomiska faktorer och typ av samhallssystem. Det handlar ocksa om att ifragasatta vad som ar centrum och periferi i journalistikforskningen, da manga forskningsresultat baserade pa studier i USA och Storbritannien tamligen oreflekterat anvands som mattstock for journalistikens utveckling globalt (se texterna i Hallin & Mancini 2012 for en kritik av detta fenomen).
Studentlitteratur AB, 2019
Journalism in Change
To be a journalist in Poland, Russia and Sweden means - in many ways - to be a part of the same c... more To be a journalist in Poland, Russia and Sweden means - in many ways - to be a part of the same community: the most important ideals are the same, the daily work is performed with similar tools, formats and expressions are similar. On the surface there are many similarities, but still there are important differences when it comes to the conditions for professionals. The frames in the daily work describing the boundaries for each journalist are different – commercial and political limitations for what is possible in journalistic practice. There are commercial pressures from owners and advertisers and political influence on media companies and newsrooms on journalists to adapt in their daily work. Additionally, what is more important, these limitations differ between the three countries and among different types of media.These are some of the results presented in previous chapters in this anthology. The point of departure for the project has been the rapid changes in media technology, society (changes in users’ behaviour) in combination with crisis for business models and increasing market influence in the media sector. The question is how these changes influence professional journalistic cultures in different media systems. Poland, Russia and Sweden represent different traditions in journalism, and the position of media in relation to political power and society differs as well. We knew from the beginning that there were differences – but is it also possible to identify similarities between journalistic cultures in the era of globalization of professional cultures (Waisbord, 2013)?The project has researched the changes in journalism from the perspective of representatives of this profession. With a survey to a representative sample of 500 journalists in each country, opinions and experiences were studied. In 20 in-depth interviews in each country journalists were asked to give more detailed answers going beyond the questions in the survey. All the empirical work was accomplished by national teams in 2012, and the results were analyzed and presented at international and national conferences in 2013-2014 (see Chapter 2).The results of the project have been presented in thematic chapters. In this final conclusion we summarize and present answers for the following research questions: - How is technological and economic development influencing professional journalistic cultures in the three countries?- Do the changing practices influence journalists’ perception of routines and values?- What are the consequences for professional autonomy – in daily work and in relation to other social fields such as politics and the economy?- Is media development making journalism more similar in spite of differences in traditions and media systems? Is there a homogenization of journalism or is it more correct to label it hybridization?- Is the status of journalism as a social field changing; is there a de-professionalization as a result of media development?
Journalism Studies, Jul 14, 2023
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
The concept of ongoing professionalization has been a key area in journalism studies for many yea... more The concept of ongoing professionalization has been a key area in journalism studies for many years (Zelizer, 2004; Schudson, 2003; Waisbord, 2013). Journalism has been described as gaining influence within the media system, mainly in relation to political power and state. With common standards and professional institutions, journalism has grown stronger in modern society. But is this still the case in an emerging interactive network society? Is the development the same in different media systems – is it possible to still have a process of professionalization in some parts of the world, and the reverse process in other parts of the world; a de-professionalization? Is professionalization the same in different media systems?This theoretical introduction gives some background to these questions covered in the project “Journalism in Change”. It gives different perspectives from research in four areas:- Professions and professional logic, based on sociological research on professions.- Ideals and standards as described in comparative journalism research.- Professional autonomy and pressure from the political and economic spheres.- Professionalization and media development, professional control and open participation. In the title, the object of study is labelled as “professional journalistic cultures” in Poland, Russia and Sweden. We know from cultural studies that cultures are not fixed, but remain in a constant flux and develop under influences from outside – from other cultures and areas. In journalism this becomes clear in the study of the history of journalism; for example in Sweden journalism has developed since the 18th century under French, German, British and American influence (Gustafsson and Ryden, 2010). The question is not if but how journalistic cultures are changing; if globalization brings a more homogeneous journalistic culture, or if the development rather can be labelled as a hybridization where some element of global values and standards in journalism are adapted to national journalistic cultures (Hallin and Mancini, 2012:286).“Culture” is one of the key notions in this project, and the other is “professional”. To be a professional demands some kind of control over your own work, to have some kind of autonomy to follow the standards and values of the profession. Research in professions emphasize this autonomy as a question of power, about creating institutions making it possible for the members of the profession “to make a living while controlling their own work” (Freidson, 2001:17). Research has described a professionalization of journalism during the 20th century, but the question is how this is influenced by media development. Digital technology and commercialization are global trends, but how does this influence nationally rooted professional cultures? Are the consequences for professional autonomy the same in different kinds of media systems?For example: in Western countries, some researchers describe a de-professionalization of journalism: more unclear borders around the profession, harder economic conditions for traditional media and professional control questioned by an interactive network society (Nygren, 2008b:168, Ornebring, 2010b:568, Waisbord, 2013:60). But at the same time, journalists and media in many developing countries struggle for more professional control in relation to authoritarian regimes and also use new kinds of media platforms to achieve this. In countries with authoritarian regimes, professionalization can still be a strategy towards a greater degree of press freedom (Harro-Loit et al., 2012:153).In the project “Journalism in Change” we use theories on professionalization and comparative journalism research to analyze how professional cultures are influenced by media development. Our basic assumption is that the changes are not the same in countries as different as Poland, Russia and Sweden. But it is also likely to find similarities – and these might bring journalistic cultures closer to each other.In the end there is also the underlying question about media content; how are standards and practices among journalists influencing journalistic content, which is so important for all citizens to construct their picture of the world? This project does not include analyses of media content, but the basic assumption is that journalists´ belief about standards and values and their professional practice also influence the results in newspapers, broadcasts on TV and radio and in online news sites.That is why professional journalistic cultures are not only a question for journalists, but for society as a whole.
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Central European journal of communication, Sep 22, 2022
Patriotic journalism," a deviation from objectivity, has become an important paradigm and well-do... more Patriotic journalism," a deviation from objectivity, has become an important paradigm and well-documented phenomenon in the analysis of conflict coverage. However, studies rarely focus on the link between journalists' perceptions and narratives. We investigated how journalists from two countries, one involved in a conflict (Ukraine) and the other observing it from a distance (Sweden) relate to the objectivity norm in sourcing and narrating seven conflictive news cases in Ukraine (2017 to 2018). We found pragmatic commitment to objectivity in both countries, which was not always reflected in the content produced. For Swedish journalists, our results hint toward a value-based ally loyalty, which seems less stable than a tribe-based bond. In Ukraine, official Ukrainian perspectives were undisputedly disseminated; however, we did not find that they were generally positively laden, as one would expect for patriotic journalists. Trust in public institutions might be a deciding factor over the extent of patriotism.
Att vara ”professionell” rymmer manga dimensioner. Begreppet har minst tva olika betydelser – att... more Att vara ”professionell” rymmer manga dimensioner. Begreppet har minst tva olika betydelser – att arbetet blir bra gjort med hog kvalite och att den som gor jobbet tillhor en profession, en sammanh ...
Nordicom Information, 2012
Den journalistiska professionen vaxte sig stark pa 1900-talets stora redaktioner. Tva studier vid... more Den journalistiska professionen vaxte sig stark pa 1900-talets stora redaktioner. Tva studier vid Sodertorns hogskola undersoker hur den journalistiska arbetsmarknaden forandras under 2000-talet, o ...
This edited volume addresses journalism education as a central component of journalistic professi... more This edited volume addresses journalism education as a central component of journalistic professionalization, making it necessary to understand what is a crucial period in most future journalists’ lives. Nowadays, journalism scholars are realizing the need for more sustained, in-depth and critical studies of why students embark on such degrees, how they develop their professional views and practices at universities, how the educational curricula of journalism programs match the needs of the labor market, and also, what the news industry thinks about journalism courses and their graduates. This volume addresses all of these important questions in-depth, with admirable attention to different elements that may explain all these issues. The comparative perspective of looking at the Nordic countries breaks new ground considering the paucity of comparative studies on journalism education in specific media systems. The authors that take part of this book employ an array of quantitative and qualitative approaches to study the field of journalism education, providing a rich account that, no doubt, will be essential reading for students, researchers, the media industry, policy-makers and all people interested in journalism education and professionalization. Folker Hanusch, University of Vienna, Austria Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile Principal investigators, Journalism students across the glob
Search: onr:"" > Gamla teorier och ... more Search: onr:"" > Gamla teorier och n... ... Wadbring, Ingela, 1964-(author) Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMG) Nygren, Gunnar (author) University of Gothenburg Faculty of Social Sciences. ...
Data journalism is an evolving form of investigative journalism. In previous research and handboo... more Data journalism is an evolving form of investigative journalism. In previous research and handbooks published on this topic, this form of journalism has been called computer assisted reporting and ...
Manga av journalistikforskningens centrala fragor kraver ett jamforande perspektiv for att kunna ... more Manga av journalistikforskningens centrala fragor kraver ett jamforande perspektiv for att kunna beskrivas pa ett meningsfullt satt. Dagens svenska larmrapporter om tidningsdod och neddragningar pa redaktioner beskriver anda ett medielandskap som med nordamerikanska matt matt ar idylliskt: i USA ar nyhetsorganisationernas ekonomiska kris vasentligt mer akut och langtgaende an har. Vi vet att digitalisering och annan teknologisk forandring forandrar nyhetsmediernas villkor och det journalistiska arbetet, men ser det likadant ut overallt?Journalistikens eventuella bidrag till demokratin kan bara forstas utifran den typ av samhalle som journalistiken verkar inom. Manga pratar om en gradvis ”amerikanisering” av journalistiken i manga lander, men nyare forskning visar att inte ens amerikansk journalistik nodvandigtvis ar sarskilt ”amerikaniserad” langre med starkt asiktspraglade kanaler som FOX News som bryter med den traditionella objektiviteten. Manga pastaenden om huruvida olika aspekter av journalistiken har okat, minskat, forandrats eller varit stabila saknar given referenspunkt. Har nagot okat/minskat mer an vad man kan forvanta sig? I forhallande till vad? Ar den egna nationen ett undantag eller ett helt genomsnittligt exempel pa internationella trender? Dessa och andra, liknande fragor sysselsatter den allt mer populara komparativa (jamforande) journalistikforskningen.Det har kapitlet gar igenom de viktigaste inriktningarna i den komparativa journalistikforskningen. I forsta hand handlar det om jamforelser av journalistikens stallning i olika samhallen och olika kulturer, om journalisters varderingar och satt att arbeta och om hur journalistiskt innehall kan jamforas. I praktiken har komparativ journalistikforskning kommit att bli synonymt med transnationell komparativ forskning, d v s det som jamfors ar journalistiken i olika lander eller delar av varlden. Andra komparativa alternativ inte alls fatt samma utrymme inom journalistikforskningen; man kunde t ex tanka sig att det ocksa vore hogintressant att jamfora journalister med andra yrkesgrupper (till exempel med avseende pa teknikanvandning och forestallningar om yrkesroller). Men detta har alltsa gjorts i relativt liten utstrackning.Journalistikforskningen har lange varit dominerad av forskning fran USA och Vasteuropa. Denna forskning utgar fran journalistiken i dessa delar av varlden, och beskriver journalistens roll i dessa samhallen. Men dessa resultat kan inte generaliseras till alla lander och alla mediesystem – journalistiken ser olika ut i olika delar av varlden. Detta har varit en viktig drivkraft bakom den vaxande komparativa forskningen; att bredda synen pa journalistikens roll genom att jamfora journalistik i olika mediesystem (se t ex Curran & Park 2001). Man maste utga fran olika landers olika grundforutsattningar – historia och kulturella traditioner, teknisk och ekonomiska faktorer och typ av samhallssystem. Det handlar ocksa om att ifragasatta vad som ar centrum och periferi i journalistikforskningen, da manga forskningsresultat baserade pa studier i USA och Storbritannien tamligen oreflekterat anvands som mattstock for journalistikens utveckling globalt (se texterna i Hallin & Mancini 2012 for en kritik av detta fenomen).
Studentlitteratur AB, 2019