Halil Beydilli - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Halil Beydilli

Research paper thumbnail of Kış Sporları Yaralanmaları

Ozet Kis sporlari yayginligi her gecen gun artan spor faaliyetlerindendir ve yapan kisi sayisi ar... more Ozet Kis sporlari yayginligi her gecen gun artan spor faaliyetlerindendir ve yapan kisi sayisi arttikca yaralanmalar da sik gorulmektedir. Kis sporlarinda yaralanma profesyonel sporcularda daha fazladir ancak amator sporcularin yaralanmalari daha ciddi olmaktadir. Her yil milyonlarca kisinin yaptigi bu spor faaliyetlerinden yaralanmalardan korunmak cok onemlidir. Sporcularin koruyucu ve uygun ekipman kullanmalari, yaptiklari sporla ilgili kisa da olsa egitim almalari onem arz etmektedir. Alinacak basit davranissal onlemlerin koruyucu etkisi ve koruyucu ekipman kullanimi kazalarda yaralanmalarin azaltilmasi nedeniyle onemlidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Kis sporlari, Koruyucu ekipmanlar, Yaralanma Abstract Winter sports are a kind of sports activities, the prevalence of which is increasing day by day. As the number of people, who do winter sports, increases, injuries become more common. Injury in winter sports is seen in greater extent in the professional athletes, whereas, injuries of am...

Research paper thumbnail of Akut Apandisit ve Renal kolik ayırımında çok değerli laboratuvar markırları vardır

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tedavi Dozunda Klomipramin Kullanımına Bağlı Gelişen Ventriküler Taşikardi Olgusu

Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2015

A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpita... more A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpitations and acute dyspnea. Upon detailed examination of her medical history, it was found that she had been suffering from tachycardia attacks lasting 10-15 minutes for six months and been receiving anti-depressant therapy for ten years. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) indicated ventricular tachycardia (VT), which rapidly changed to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Clomipramine therapy was ceased as QTc was calculated as 600 ms. At the initial 3-day follow-up, the rhythm of the patient who had three times attacks was converted to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Later, the QTc value of the patient who had no VT attack was evaluated as 420 ms in her ECG which was analyzed at the end of the first week of her hospitalization. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth day of her hospitalization. We present a case of VT from use of clomipramine at therapeutic dosage.

Research paper thumbnail of Acil servise başvuran intoksikasyon olgularının geriye dönük analizi

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2004

Özet Çalýþmamýzda, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na zehirlen... more Özet Çalýþmamýzda, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na zehirlenme ile baþvuran hastalar incelenerek, zehirlenme nedenleri, hastaneye yatýþ oranlarý, prognozlarýnýn incelenmesi ve intoksikasyon olgularýnýn profilinin belirlenmesi amaçlandý. Bu çalýþmada Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi (SDÜTF) Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na 01.01.2003-31.07.2003 tarihleri arasýnda baþvuran tüm zehirlenme olgularý geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Olgularýn demografik özellikleri, zehirlenme etkeni ve hastaneye yatýþlarý deðerlendirildi. Toplam 100 zehirlenme olgusunun 71'i kadýn, 29'u erkekti. 16 hastada koroziv madde alýmý, 46 hastada ilaç intoksikasyonu 7 hastada soba veya gaz zehirlenmesi, 14 hastada organofosfat-insektisit zehirlenmesi, 17 hastada ise etkeni bilinmeyen nedenlere baðlý olarak zehirlenmeler söz konusu idi. Ýntoksikasyon maddeleri 44 hastada kazayla, 56 hastada ise suisid amaçlý olarak alýnmýþtý. Zehirlenme nedeniyle baþvuran olgularýn 87'si yoðun bakýma yatýrýlarak takip ve tedavi edilmiþlerdi. Sonuç olarak acil servisimize baþvuran zehirlenme olgularýnýn tedavisinde büyük oranda yoðun bakýma yatýrýlmasý gerektiði, dolayýsýylada baþarýlý tedavide olgularýn deðerlendirilmesi, acil tedavi planýnýn yapýlmasý ve yoðun bakýma yönlendirilmesinde acil servisin öneminin göz önünde tutulmasý gerektiðini düþünmekteyiz.

Research paper thumbnail of CR-41 Case Report / Olgu Sunusu A Rare Cause of Complete Atrioventricular Block and Accelerate Nodal Rhythm; Mad Honey Poisoning Corresponding Author

Özet Nadir bir gıda zehirlenmesi olan deli bal zehirlenmesi Karadeniz bölgesi ve dünyanın diğer b... more Özet Nadir bir gıda zehirlenmesi olan deli bal zehirlenmesi Karadeniz bölgesi ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerinde görülebilmektedir. Ericaceae ve Sapindaceae ailesinin Rhododendron ponticum bitki türlerinden üretilmiş nektarın grayanotoxin ile kontamine olmuş balın tüketilmesiyle ortaya çıkar. Deli bal zehirlenmesi tam atriyoventriküler blok gibi ciddi kardiyak komplikasyonlarla sonuçlanabilmektedir. Tanı genellikle bal alımı hikayesiyle konur. Bu vakada tam atriyoventriküler blok ve akselere nodal ritm ile ilişkili deli bal zehirlenmesini tanımlandı. Abstract An unusual type of food poisoning, mad honey intoxication, can be observed in the Black Sea region of Turkey and various other parts of the world. It can occur after ingestion of grayanotoxin-contaminated honey produced from the nectar of Rhododendron ponticum and other plant species, chiefly of the Ericaceae and Sapindaceae families. Mad honey intoxication can result in severe cardiac complications, such as complete atrioventricul...

Research paper thumbnail of الضغوط النفسية لدى إخوة المعاقين عقليا وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات

مجلة الواحات للبحوث والدراسات, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An Era of Change

Public Management and Administration, 1998

Since the mid-1980s there has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of ad... more Since the mid-1980s there has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. The rigid, hierarchical, bureaucratic form of public administration, which has predominated for most of the twentieth century, is changing to a flexible, market-based form of public management. This is not simply a matter of reform or a minor change in management style, but a change in the role of government in society and the relationship between government and citizenry. Traditional public administration has been discredited theoretically and practically, and the adoption of new public management means the emergence of a new paradigm in the public sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a potential role for echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia ? A pilot study

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015

The role of echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has not be... more The role of echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has not been tested in a clinical trial. The aim of the study was to assess the cardiac changes secondary to CAP by echocardiography and to find out the correlation between echocardiographic findings and the severity of CAP. A total of 111 unselected consecutive adult patients hospitalized with CAP were enrolled. The control group consisted of 100 consecutive sex- and age-matched patients. The severity of CAP was evaluated with the pneumonia severity index and the CURB-65 (confusion, urea, respiratory rate, arterial blood pressure and age) score. Blood samples were taken and echocardiography was performed within the first 48 hours. White blood count, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, and red blood cell distribution width were significantly higher in the CAP group compared with the control group. The 2 groups did not differ in terms of left and right ventricle ejection fraction, left atrial diameter, pulmonary artery systolic pressure, and left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameter. However, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (21.1 ± 4.3 vs 22.3 ± 4.1 mm; P = .04), aortic distensibility (2.5 ± 0.9 vs 3.5 ± 0.9 cm(2):dyne:10, P < .001), and aortic strain (5.8% ± 2% vs 6.5% ± 1.9%, P = .009) were significantly reduced in CAP group than in controls. The plasma concentration of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide correlated with aortic strain, aortic distensibility, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, pneumonia severity index score, and CURB-65 score. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and elastic properties of aorta may play a role in the diagnosis and clinical assessment of CAP severity, which could potentially guide the development of new prognostic models.

Research paper thumbnail of PP-309 Improvement of Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Methylprednisolone in a Patient with Multiple Fibrosclerosis

The American Journal of Cardiology, 2014

Multifocal fibrosclerosis is a rare syndrome of unknown cause that is characterized by fibrosis i... more Multifocal fibrosclerosis is a rare syndrome of unknown cause that is characterized by fibrosis involving multiple organ systems. Definitive diagnosis can only be made based on biopsy findings. In this case, the biopsy specimen of the patient demonstrates pulmonary hyalinated granuloma or sclerosing mediastinitis. There are few reports of multiple fibrosclerosis with heart failure. Here, we reported a case of retroperitoneal fibrosis with massive mediastinal involvement extending to pleura and pericardium causing pleuro-pericardial effusion with dilated cardiomyopathy. Systolic dysfunction was improved and pericardial effusion disappeared with methylprednisolone treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Initial assessment of hearing loss using a mobile application for audiological evaluation

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2016

Objective:This study aimed to compare an Apple iOS mobile operating system application for audiol... more Objective:This study aimed to compare an Apple iOS mobile operating system application for audiological evaluation with conventional audiometry, and to determine its accuracy and reliability in the initial evaluation of hearing loss.Methods:The study comprised 32 patients (16 females) diagnosed with hearing loss. The patients were first evaluated with conventional audiometry and the degree of hearing loss was recorded. Then they underwent a smartphone-based hearing test and the data were compared using Cohen's kappa analysis.Results:Patients' mean age was 53.59 ± 18.01 years (range, 19–85 years). The mobile phone audiometry results for 39 of the 64 ears were fully compatible with the conventional audiometry results. There was a statistically significant concordant relationship between the two sets of audiometry results (p< 0.05).Conclusion:Ear Trumpet version 1.0.2 is a compact and simple mobile application on the Apple iPhone 5 that can measure hearing loss with reliable...

Research paper thumbnail of Description

Research paper thumbnail of Tinnitus ve suisit: olgu sunumu

Research paper thumbnail of Muğla ilinde yapılan otopsi olgu sonuçlarında karşılaşılan resüsitasyon komplikasyonları

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Acil Serviste Pulmoner Emboli Tanısı Alan Hastaların Sosyodemografik- Klinik Özellikleri ve Mortalite Üzerine Etkisi (The Sociodemographic - Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department)

Giris:Bu calismada acil servisimizde pulmoner anjiyografi ile pulmoner emboli (PE) tanisi alan ha... more Giris:Bu calismada acil servisimizde pulmoner anjiyografi ile pulmoner emboli (PE) tanisi alan hastalarin sosyodemografikklinik ozellikleri ve bu ozelliklerin mortalite uzerine etkileri arastirilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem:Acil servisimize sekiz yillik (2006-2013) zaman diliminde basvuran ve pulmoner anjiyografi ile PE tanisi alan tum hastalar calisma gurubumuzu olusturdu. Hastalarin kimlik bilgileri, sikayetleri, ozgecmis ozellikleri, mevcut tibbi oykuleri, vital bulgulari, EKG, yapilan laboratuvar tetkikleri ve mortalite oranlari arastirildi. Bulgular:Calisma kriterlerine uyan 441 olgu calisma grubumuzu olusturdu. Yas ortalamasi 61,5±13,1 yil (en kucuk:24, en buyuk:91) ve %54.8'i (n=242) erkek cinsiyette idi. Hastalarin emboli klinik siniflamasina gore 92’si (%20,9) masif, 245’i (%55.5) submasif, 104’u (%23,6) non-masif embolizm hasta grubunda yer aldi. Hastalarin 124'u (%28,1) acil serviste izlem sonrasi taburcu olurken, 296'si (%67,2) interne edildi. Hastalarin 90 gunluk...

Research paper thumbnail of İskemik İnmeli Hastalarda Plazma Homosistein Düzeyleri

Objective: Stroke is classified divided into subtypes: Ischemic stroke (IS) and intracerebral hem... more Objective: Stroke is classified divided into subtypes: Ischemic stroke (IS) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) . IS is more commonly than ICH. The relationship between homocysteine (Hcy) levels and IS has been investigated. The aim of the present study is to investigate changes in serum Hcy levels and other biochemical parameters in IS patients are relative to controls. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 32 patients with acut IS who were admitted to the Emergency department of Suleyman Demirel University and 30 healthy control subjects. Serum homocysteine levels and various biochemical parameters were determined. We investigate the relationship between Hcy levels and clinical features in IS patients and controls. Results: Our data showed that elevated serum Hcy levels are higher in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT ) (p=0,013 ve p=0,005 ). We did not observe significant association between elevated plasma homocysteine levels and mortalit...

Research paper thumbnail of A case of ventricular tachycardia from use of clomipramin at therapeutic dosage

A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpita... more A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpitations and acute dyspnea. Upon detailed examination of her medical history, it was found that she had been suffering from tachycardia attacks lasting 10-15 minutes for six months and been receiving anti-depressant therapy for ten years. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) indicated ventricular tachycardia (VT), which rapidly changed to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Clomipramine therapy was ceased as QTc was calculated as 600 ms. At the initial 3-day follow-up, the rhythm of the patient who had three times attacks was converted to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Later, the QTc value of the patient who had no VT attack was evaluated as 420 ms in her ECG which was analyzed at the end of the first week of her hospitalization. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth day of her hospitalization. We present a case of VT from use of clomipramine at therapeutic dosage.

Research paper thumbnail of Muğla ilinde yapılan otopsi olgu sonuçlarında karşılaşılan resüsitasyon komplikasyonları

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of An outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis in a county in Turkey

Objective: The aim of our study was to present the epidemiologic features and the measures taken ... more Objective: The aim of our study was to present the epidemiologic features and the measures taken during a norovirus outbreak considered to be originating from contaminated water. Methods: Medical records of patients referred to the state hospital and health centers with gastroenteritis complaints in April 2010 were evaluated retrospectively. In addition, the data about the possible origin of the outbreak were also evaluated. Fifty patients were randomly selected, and a questionnaire containing epidemiological and clinical questions was applied. Results: During 13 days (between 6 and 17 April 2010), 1482 patients with acute gastroenteritis symptoms and findings presented to the healthcare facilities. Stool samples were obtained from nine patients and water samples were taken from four parts of the waterworks. Norovirus was detected in six of the stool samples. However, no norovirus was detected in the water samples. All patients were followed up at the outpatient clinics. None of the patients developed complications. Conclusion: Waterborne norovirus outbreaks can affect hundreds of people simultaneously. Early identification of the outbreak source and agent are important in the control of the outbreak, and for the treatment and follow up of the people affected. If leukocytes and erythrocytes are absent in the stool microscopy in gastroenteritis, norovirus should be considered in the first place as the cause, and appropriate investigation should be carried out.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Thymoquinone on Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Dismutase Levels in a Rat Model of Diazinon-induced Brain Damage

Studies on Ethno-Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Single center experience on causes of cancer patients visiting the emergency department in southwest Turkey

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2014

Emergency departments are visited by cancer patients for palliation of cancer-related symptoms, m... more Emergency departments are visited by cancer patients for palliation of cancer-related symptoms, management of treatment-related side effects, oncologic emergencies, co-morbidities, and/or end of life care. In this study, we aimed to identify the characteristics of cancer patients admitted to an emergency medicine department in Southwest Turkey. In this retrospective descriptive study, a total of 304 emergency department admissions of 102 patients with cancer due to medical conditions were evaluated. Descriptive statistical methods, statistical analysis for correlation, Student's t-test, chi-square tests and logistic regression test were used. The majority of patients visiting to emergency departments were male (n=66, 65%) and over 65 years of age (53, 52%). Some 30% (n=31) had a lung cancer diagnosis, 32% (n=33) presentation with dyspnea, 53% (n=55) with metastasis, 30% (n=16) with multiple metastatic lesions in lung, and 68% (n=70) had a poor ECOG performance status (score 3 to...

Research paper thumbnail of Kış Sporları Yaralanmaları

Ozet Kis sporlari yayginligi her gecen gun artan spor faaliyetlerindendir ve yapan kisi sayisi ar... more Ozet Kis sporlari yayginligi her gecen gun artan spor faaliyetlerindendir ve yapan kisi sayisi arttikca yaralanmalar da sik gorulmektedir. Kis sporlarinda yaralanma profesyonel sporcularda daha fazladir ancak amator sporcularin yaralanmalari daha ciddi olmaktadir. Her yil milyonlarca kisinin yaptigi bu spor faaliyetlerinden yaralanmalardan korunmak cok onemlidir. Sporcularin koruyucu ve uygun ekipman kullanmalari, yaptiklari sporla ilgili kisa da olsa egitim almalari onem arz etmektedir. Alinacak basit davranissal onlemlerin koruyucu etkisi ve koruyucu ekipman kullanimi kazalarda yaralanmalarin azaltilmasi nedeniyle onemlidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Kis sporlari, Koruyucu ekipmanlar, Yaralanma Abstract Winter sports are a kind of sports activities, the prevalence of which is increasing day by day. As the number of people, who do winter sports, increases, injuries become more common. Injury in winter sports is seen in greater extent in the professional athletes, whereas, injuries of am...

Research paper thumbnail of Akut Apandisit ve Renal kolik ayırımında çok değerli laboratuvar markırları vardır

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tedavi Dozunda Klomipramin Kullanımına Bağlı Gelişen Ventriküler Taşikardi Olgusu

Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2015

A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpita... more A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpitations and acute dyspnea. Upon detailed examination of her medical history, it was found that she had been suffering from tachycardia attacks lasting 10-15 minutes for six months and been receiving anti-depressant therapy for ten years. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) indicated ventricular tachycardia (VT), which rapidly changed to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Clomipramine therapy was ceased as QTc was calculated as 600 ms. At the initial 3-day follow-up, the rhythm of the patient who had three times attacks was converted to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Later, the QTc value of the patient who had no VT attack was evaluated as 420 ms in her ECG which was analyzed at the end of the first week of her hospitalization. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth day of her hospitalization. We present a case of VT from use of clomipramine at therapeutic dosage.

Research paper thumbnail of Acil servise başvuran intoksikasyon olgularının geriye dönük analizi

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2004

Özet Çalýþmamýzda, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na zehirlen... more Özet Çalýþmamýzda, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na zehirlenme ile baþvuran hastalar incelenerek, zehirlenme nedenleri, hastaneye yatýþ oranlarý, prognozlarýnýn incelenmesi ve intoksikasyon olgularýnýn profilinin belirlenmesi amaçlandý. Bu çalýþmada Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Týp Fakültesi (SDÜTF) Acil Týp Anabilim Dalý'na 01.01.2003-31.07.2003 tarihleri arasýnda baþvuran tüm zehirlenme olgularý geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Olgularýn demografik özellikleri, zehirlenme etkeni ve hastaneye yatýþlarý deðerlendirildi. Toplam 100 zehirlenme olgusunun 71'i kadýn, 29'u erkekti. 16 hastada koroziv madde alýmý, 46 hastada ilaç intoksikasyonu 7 hastada soba veya gaz zehirlenmesi, 14 hastada organofosfat-insektisit zehirlenmesi, 17 hastada ise etkeni bilinmeyen nedenlere baðlý olarak zehirlenmeler söz konusu idi. Ýntoksikasyon maddeleri 44 hastada kazayla, 56 hastada ise suisid amaçlý olarak alýnmýþtý. Zehirlenme nedeniyle baþvuran olgularýn 87'si yoðun bakýma yatýrýlarak takip ve tedavi edilmiþlerdi. Sonuç olarak acil servisimize baþvuran zehirlenme olgularýnýn tedavisinde büyük oranda yoðun bakýma yatýrýlmasý gerektiði, dolayýsýylada baþarýlý tedavide olgularýn deðerlendirilmesi, acil tedavi planýnýn yapýlmasý ve yoðun bakýma yönlendirilmesinde acil servisin öneminin göz önünde tutulmasý gerektiðini düþünmekteyiz.

Research paper thumbnail of CR-41 Case Report / Olgu Sunusu A Rare Cause of Complete Atrioventricular Block and Accelerate Nodal Rhythm; Mad Honey Poisoning Corresponding Author

Özet Nadir bir gıda zehirlenmesi olan deli bal zehirlenmesi Karadeniz bölgesi ve dünyanın diğer b... more Özet Nadir bir gıda zehirlenmesi olan deli bal zehirlenmesi Karadeniz bölgesi ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerinde görülebilmektedir. Ericaceae ve Sapindaceae ailesinin Rhododendron ponticum bitki türlerinden üretilmiş nektarın grayanotoxin ile kontamine olmuş balın tüketilmesiyle ortaya çıkar. Deli bal zehirlenmesi tam atriyoventriküler blok gibi ciddi kardiyak komplikasyonlarla sonuçlanabilmektedir. Tanı genellikle bal alımı hikayesiyle konur. Bu vakada tam atriyoventriküler blok ve akselere nodal ritm ile ilişkili deli bal zehirlenmesini tanımlandı. Abstract An unusual type of food poisoning, mad honey intoxication, can be observed in the Black Sea region of Turkey and various other parts of the world. It can occur after ingestion of grayanotoxin-contaminated honey produced from the nectar of Rhododendron ponticum and other plant species, chiefly of the Ericaceae and Sapindaceae families. Mad honey intoxication can result in severe cardiac complications, such as complete atrioventricul...

Research paper thumbnail of الضغوط النفسية لدى إخوة المعاقين عقليا وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات

مجلة الواحات للبحوث والدراسات, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An Era of Change

Public Management and Administration, 1998

Since the mid-1980s there has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of ad... more Since the mid-1980s there has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. The rigid, hierarchical, bureaucratic form of public administration, which has predominated for most of the twentieth century, is changing to a flexible, market-based form of public management. This is not simply a matter of reform or a minor change in management style, but a change in the role of government in society and the relationship between government and citizenry. Traditional public administration has been discredited theoretically and practically, and the adoption of new public management means the emergence of a new paradigm in the public sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a potential role for echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia ? A pilot study

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015

The role of echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has not be... more The role of echocardiography in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has not been tested in a clinical trial. The aim of the study was to assess the cardiac changes secondary to CAP by echocardiography and to find out the correlation between echocardiographic findings and the severity of CAP. A total of 111 unselected consecutive adult patients hospitalized with CAP were enrolled. The control group consisted of 100 consecutive sex- and age-matched patients. The severity of CAP was evaluated with the pneumonia severity index and the CURB-65 (confusion, urea, respiratory rate, arterial blood pressure and age) score. Blood samples were taken and echocardiography was performed within the first 48 hours. White blood count, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, and red blood cell distribution width were significantly higher in the CAP group compared with the control group. The 2 groups did not differ in terms of left and right ventricle ejection fraction, left atrial diameter, pulmonary artery systolic pressure, and left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameter. However, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (21.1 ± 4.3 vs 22.3 ± 4.1 mm; P = .04), aortic distensibility (2.5 ± 0.9 vs 3.5 ± 0.9 cm(2):dyne:10, P &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .001), and aortic strain (5.8% ± 2% vs 6.5% ± 1.9%, P = .009) were significantly reduced in CAP group than in controls. The plasma concentration of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide correlated with aortic strain, aortic distensibility, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, pneumonia severity index score, and CURB-65 score. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and elastic properties of aorta may play a role in the diagnosis and clinical assessment of CAP severity, which could potentially guide the development of new prognostic models.

Research paper thumbnail of PP-309 Improvement of Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Methylprednisolone in a Patient with Multiple Fibrosclerosis

The American Journal of Cardiology, 2014

Multifocal fibrosclerosis is a rare syndrome of unknown cause that is characterized by fibrosis i... more Multifocal fibrosclerosis is a rare syndrome of unknown cause that is characterized by fibrosis involving multiple organ systems. Definitive diagnosis can only be made based on biopsy findings. In this case, the biopsy specimen of the patient demonstrates pulmonary hyalinated granuloma or sclerosing mediastinitis. There are few reports of multiple fibrosclerosis with heart failure. Here, we reported a case of retroperitoneal fibrosis with massive mediastinal involvement extending to pleura and pericardium causing pleuro-pericardial effusion with dilated cardiomyopathy. Systolic dysfunction was improved and pericardial effusion disappeared with methylprednisolone treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Initial assessment of hearing loss using a mobile application for audiological evaluation

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2016

Objective:This study aimed to compare an Apple iOS mobile operating system application for audiol... more Objective:This study aimed to compare an Apple iOS mobile operating system application for audiological evaluation with conventional audiometry, and to determine its accuracy and reliability in the initial evaluation of hearing loss.Methods:The study comprised 32 patients (16 females) diagnosed with hearing loss. The patients were first evaluated with conventional audiometry and the degree of hearing loss was recorded. Then they underwent a smartphone-based hearing test and the data were compared using Cohen's kappa analysis.Results:Patients' mean age was 53.59 ± 18.01 years (range, 19–85 years). The mobile phone audiometry results for 39 of the 64 ears were fully compatible with the conventional audiometry results. There was a statistically significant concordant relationship between the two sets of audiometry results (p< 0.05).Conclusion:Ear Trumpet version 1.0.2 is a compact and simple mobile application on the Apple iPhone 5 that can measure hearing loss with reliable...

Research paper thumbnail of Description

Research paper thumbnail of Tinnitus ve suisit: olgu sunumu

Research paper thumbnail of Muğla ilinde yapılan otopsi olgu sonuçlarında karşılaşılan resüsitasyon komplikasyonları

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Acil Serviste Pulmoner Emboli Tanısı Alan Hastaların Sosyodemografik- Klinik Özellikleri ve Mortalite Üzerine Etkisi (The Sociodemographic - Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department)

Giris:Bu calismada acil servisimizde pulmoner anjiyografi ile pulmoner emboli (PE) tanisi alan ha... more Giris:Bu calismada acil servisimizde pulmoner anjiyografi ile pulmoner emboli (PE) tanisi alan hastalarin sosyodemografikklinik ozellikleri ve bu ozelliklerin mortalite uzerine etkileri arastirilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem:Acil servisimize sekiz yillik (2006-2013) zaman diliminde basvuran ve pulmoner anjiyografi ile PE tanisi alan tum hastalar calisma gurubumuzu olusturdu. Hastalarin kimlik bilgileri, sikayetleri, ozgecmis ozellikleri, mevcut tibbi oykuleri, vital bulgulari, EKG, yapilan laboratuvar tetkikleri ve mortalite oranlari arastirildi. Bulgular:Calisma kriterlerine uyan 441 olgu calisma grubumuzu olusturdu. Yas ortalamasi 61,5±13,1 yil (en kucuk:24, en buyuk:91) ve %54.8'i (n=242) erkek cinsiyette idi. Hastalarin emboli klinik siniflamasina gore 92’si (%20,9) masif, 245’i (%55.5) submasif, 104’u (%23,6) non-masif embolizm hasta grubunda yer aldi. Hastalarin 124'u (%28,1) acil serviste izlem sonrasi taburcu olurken, 296'si (%67,2) interne edildi. Hastalarin 90 gunluk...

Research paper thumbnail of İskemik İnmeli Hastalarda Plazma Homosistein Düzeyleri

Objective: Stroke is classified divided into subtypes: Ischemic stroke (IS) and intracerebral hem... more Objective: Stroke is classified divided into subtypes: Ischemic stroke (IS) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) . IS is more commonly than ICH. The relationship between homocysteine (Hcy) levels and IS has been investigated. The aim of the present study is to investigate changes in serum Hcy levels and other biochemical parameters in IS patients are relative to controls. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 32 patients with acut IS who were admitted to the Emergency department of Suleyman Demirel University and 30 healthy control subjects. Serum homocysteine levels and various biochemical parameters were determined. We investigate the relationship between Hcy levels and clinical features in IS patients and controls. Results: Our data showed that elevated serum Hcy levels are higher in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT ) (p=0,013 ve p=0,005 ). We did not observe significant association between elevated plasma homocysteine levels and mortalit...

Research paper thumbnail of A case of ventricular tachycardia from use of clomipramin at therapeutic dosage

A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpita... more A 57-year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency department with a 2-hour history of palpitations and acute dyspnea. Upon detailed examination of her medical history, it was found that she had been suffering from tachycardia attacks lasting 10-15 minutes for six months and been receiving anti-depressant therapy for ten years. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) indicated ventricular tachycardia (VT), which rapidly changed to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Clomipramine therapy was ceased as QTc was calculated as 600 ms. At the initial 3-day follow-up, the rhythm of the patient who had three times attacks was converted to sinus rhythm with cardioversion. Later, the QTc value of the patient who had no VT attack was evaluated as 420 ms in her ECG which was analyzed at the end of the first week of her hospitalization. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth day of her hospitalization. We present a case of VT from use of clomipramine at therapeutic dosage.

Research paper thumbnail of Muğla ilinde yapılan otopsi olgu sonuçlarında karşılaşılan resüsitasyon komplikasyonları

Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of An outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis in a county in Turkey

Objective: The aim of our study was to present the epidemiologic features and the measures taken ... more Objective: The aim of our study was to present the epidemiologic features and the measures taken during a norovirus outbreak considered to be originating from contaminated water. Methods: Medical records of patients referred to the state hospital and health centers with gastroenteritis complaints in April 2010 were evaluated retrospectively. In addition, the data about the possible origin of the outbreak were also evaluated. Fifty patients were randomly selected, and a questionnaire containing epidemiological and clinical questions was applied. Results: During 13 days (between 6 and 17 April 2010), 1482 patients with acute gastroenteritis symptoms and findings presented to the healthcare facilities. Stool samples were obtained from nine patients and water samples were taken from four parts of the waterworks. Norovirus was detected in six of the stool samples. However, no norovirus was detected in the water samples. All patients were followed up at the outpatient clinics. None of the patients developed complications. Conclusion: Waterborne norovirus outbreaks can affect hundreds of people simultaneously. Early identification of the outbreak source and agent are important in the control of the outbreak, and for the treatment and follow up of the people affected. If leukocytes and erythrocytes are absent in the stool microscopy in gastroenteritis, norovirus should be considered in the first place as the cause, and appropriate investigation should be carried out.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Thymoquinone on Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Dismutase Levels in a Rat Model of Diazinon-induced Brain Damage

Studies on Ethno-Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Single center experience on causes of cancer patients visiting the emergency department in southwest Turkey

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2014

Emergency departments are visited by cancer patients for palliation of cancer-related symptoms, m... more Emergency departments are visited by cancer patients for palliation of cancer-related symptoms, management of treatment-related side effects, oncologic emergencies, co-morbidities, and/or end of life care. In this study, we aimed to identify the characteristics of cancer patients admitted to an emergency medicine department in Southwest Turkey. In this retrospective descriptive study, a total of 304 emergency department admissions of 102 patients with cancer due to medical conditions were evaluated. Descriptive statistical methods, statistical analysis for correlation, Student's t-test, chi-square tests and logistic regression test were used. The majority of patients visiting to emergency departments were male (n=66, 65%) and over 65 years of age (53, 52%). Some 30% (n=31) had a lung cancer diagnosis, 32% (n=33) presentation with dyspnea, 53% (n=55) with metastasis, 30% (n=16) with multiple metastatic lesions in lung, and 68% (n=70) had a poor ECOG performance status (score 3 to...