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Research paper thumbnail of The Enforcement of Marriage Law (No 16 of 2019) Through The Ambassadors of Child Marriage Prevention in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency

Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum

The enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage performed in Temanggung are designed... more The enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage performed in Temanggung are designed to minimize the divorce rate in Temanggung through the empowerment of Sakinah family ambassadors through pre-marriage education to actualize family resilience. The practical benefit of this study is that it can give insight to the ambassadors about the age limit of marriage and the consequences of early marriage. The ambassadors are meant to use the insight to take action against early marriage so that the number of cases of early marriage in the Tembarak district continuously decreases or even reaches zero. This study employs a descriptive qualitative research approach to explain the enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage in Temanggung. The implementation of Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 is carried out through a number of Focus Group Discussions (FGD): youth guidance, and ambassadors coaching to prevent early marriage; mentoring; monitoring and evaluation; and outcom...

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Islam Nusantara Perspektif Pendidikan Multikultural

Jurnal Islam Nusantara, Jan 24, 2020

This field research uses the phenomenology approach in studying the Islamic tradition of the Arch... more This field research uses the phenomenology approach in studying the Islamic tradition of the Archipelago as a phenomenon that also can be basis of multicultural education. This research uses descriptive qualitative data analysis. There are seven backgrounds that make this research urgent. First, multicultural education is very important to be developed in Indonesia as a nation that has a lot of diversity. Second, multicultural education developed at this time does not prioritize multicultural education based on community traditions. Third, the Islamic Archipelago tradition can be the basis of multicultural education in society. Fourth, the Nusantara Islamic Tradition in Temanggung can be can be basis ofmulticultural education. Fifth, until now there is no research that studies multicultural education based on Nusantara Islamic traditions in Temanggung. Next, there are five discussions which are examined in more depth. The this study shows that there are 25 kinds of Nusantara Islamic traditions in Temanggung and have been studied in depth through research so that they can be used Nusantara Islamic traditions as a basis for multicultural education for people in

Research paper thumbnail of Mengikis Budaya Patriarkhi-Domestic Melalui Pendekatan Pengkajian Islam Perspektif Gender

The complexity of today’s contemporary world problems has an impact on the presence of new proble... more The complexity of today’s contemporary world problems has an impact on the presence of new problems that are certainly waiting for the solution. Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil alamin. Consequently, Islam must be able to offer solutions to any problems that occur, one of the problems is gender. Therefore, a gender approach is needed to find the solution. Current the deviation of gender include stereotypes, subordination, marginalization, double burden, and violence. Deviation of gender is one of them caused by patriarchy-domestic culture. In addition, deviation of gender also occurs due to a false interpretation of the Qur’anic and Hadith texts related to gender. In carrying out an Islamic assessment a gender perspective should use the principle of a gender approach. First, the interpreter’s understanding sometimes becomes a subjective means of legitimacy. Second, interpretation results sometimes have the interest of the interpreter (factor of interest). Third, the general tendency in the meaning of text is literal meaning and ignores substantial meaning. The deeply rooted Patriarchal-Domestic culture within Indonesian society seems to be a major factor in deviation of gender. Therefore, the study of Qur’anic and Hadist texts needs to be done with a gender perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Budaya Sekolah Sebagai Wadah Internalisasi Nilai Karakter

The complexity of the current educational world issues lead to the realization of the development... more The complexity of the current educational world issues lead to the realization of the development of character education that is effective and efficient is very urgent done. The complexity of these problems includes juvenile delinquency, students, and even delinquency of community members who have become "parents". Schools as educational institutions that have so far only functioned as a place for learning knowledge (transfer of knowledge), must be able to grow character through school culture. School culture can take the form of something that has existed for a long time in school (given) as well as something deliberately designed in school (willed). Character-based school culture education in its implementation should refer to the character education component. Referring to Lickona's opinion, there are at least three components of good character (Components of Good Character), namely moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education of Elderly Students Based on Pasan Tradition at Sepuh Islamic Boarding Shool Magelang

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Apr 2, 2020

This research was conducted at Sepuh (Elderly) Islamic Boarding School Magelang, so if it viewed ... more This research was conducted at Sepuh (Elderly) Islamic Boarding School Magelang, so if it viewed from the data sources including the type of field research. The research was conducted from 7 to 27 May 2019 at Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang. The technique of data collection is done by participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation (Riduwan, 2007, p. 74), so the data analysis used is qualitative analysis using the Phenomenology approach (Moleong, 2005, p. 6). This research uses 81 participants, it consist of 35 male participants and 46 female participants. This phenomenology research aims to examine the phenomenon of Pasan tradition as a character education strategy for elderly students in Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang.

Research paper thumbnail of Humanisasi Fikih Dalam Fenomena “Azan Toleran” Pada Masyarakat Tani Temanggung

Jurnal Islam Nusantara, Jun 26, 2019

This field research uses the phenomenology approach. Islam as a moderate, humanist, and rahmatan ... more This field research uses the phenomenology approach. Islam as a moderate, humanist, and rahmatan lil amin alamin religion must be able to solve the increasing of complexity problems. This complexity can be found in the phenomenon of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung which is be great debate in the middle community of Temanggung. The phenomenon of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung cannot be solved just using the Fikih approach. Humanization of Fikih is urgent to be done in solving this problem, so Islam can be a solution to the community problems in Temanggung. Based on the Ijma' Ulama, Fikih require the implementation of Azan and praying together on time, although this opinion still becomes an ikhtilaf. Based on sample of 27 mosques which were the object of this research, there are two models of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung, namely; first, the model of delaying the time of praying Dhuhur and Ashar together. Second, the model of delaying the time of praying Ashar together. The reason for the delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung is related with factor of working. Agricultural working does not allow imam, muazin and majority men to carry out the Syari'at.

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education between The Western Context and Islamic Perpective

Al Hikmah, Feb 9, 2023

Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral... more Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral failings are warning signs that the bulk of people's character is in a dangerous state. According to the constitution, the goal of national education is to produce people who are noble in character as well as skillful and clever. The character education policy guidelines, which comprise 18 characters that excel, mandate this (religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, and so on). Character education and Akhlak are comparable concepts from the western context and an Islamic perspective. Islam's principal sources for moral instruction are the Qur'an and Hadith, with the Prophet Muhammad SAW serving as an example. The suggested approach to character education in Islam is based on a mental-spiritual approach through soul management, habituation, an exemplary lifestyle, and a healthy environment that involves three different educational institutions: schools, families, and communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Tahsin Reading Assistance for Islamic Boarding School Tahfidz Qur'an Muhammadiyah Daarul Arqom Sawahan Ngemplak Boyolali

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Jan 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Hikmah Kendal Jawa Tengah

At-Turots, Jun 23, 2022

Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian pustaka library research. Latar belakang penelitian ini terle... more Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian pustaka library research. Latar belakang penelitian ini terletak pada alasan seharusnya pondok pesantren mampu mengembangkan model pendidikan pesantrennya, senyatanya masih banyak pendidikan pesantren yang belum mampu melakukan pengembangan sehingga mati suri. Ada empat poin penting yang akan menjadi fokus Penelitian ini, pertama, profil Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Kedua, tipologi pendidikan Islam di Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Ketiga, strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Keempat, kelebihan dan kekurangan pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Penelitian ini munnjukan bahwa pertama, keberhasilan pendirian pondok pesantren ini tidak terlepas dari faktor kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Kh. Suyuthi Murtadlo.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Tasawuf Dalam Pendidikan Islam dii Pondok Pesantren

Edukasi Islami, Feb 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Pendidikan Keluarga Muslim melalui Dakwah Digital di Stasiun Televisi Satelit Binbaz TV

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Oct 31, 2022

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 I... more This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan Stunting melalui Kader Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) di Dusun Ponoradan Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tlogomulyo

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Jul 6, 2022

This Community Service Research was motivated by 4 backgroun d problems, namely the high prevalen... more This Community Service Research was motivated by 4 backgroun d problems, namely the high prevalence of stunting in Indonesia which reached 27.7%, the high stunting rate in Ponorad Village and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, the need for stunting prevention methods in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, Bina The Toddler Family (BKB) is a good stunting prevention method to be applied in Ponoradan Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District. The results of this study indicate a decrease in stunting rates in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District through the application of Toddler Family Development (BKB). The continuity of this research is indicated by the formation of BKB cadres in Ponoradan Hamlet, the formation of a BKB cadre structure in Ponorad an Hamlet, the formation of a SK (Decree) for BKB Kasih Bunda in Ponoradan Hamlet, Ponoradan BKB cadres have received basic training, the implementatio n of BKB in Ponoradan Hamlet has received support full of village officials, the tools needed for the implementation of BKB activities have been prepared, and the Ponoradan Hamlet BKB will be held every month in conjunction with Posyandu activities, on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Research paper thumbnail of Praksis Internalisasi Karakter Kemandirian DI Pondok Pesantren Yatim Piatu Zuhriyah Yogyakarta

J-PAI : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 30, 2018

This article is a field research that uses the phenomenology approach. Data analysis used in tihi... more This article is a field research that uses the phenomenology approach. Data analysis used in tihis article is qualitative analysis. Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanage-specific boarding school. The internalization of independence character for santri is one of the main goals. This research has the following backgrounds; First, there is still a moral decadence in society today. Second, it is necessary to develop character education using habituation methods based on activities. Third, Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School has implemented character habituation based on the management of pesantren activities. Fourth, the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanagespecific boarding school, so there is a demand for santri to be more independent. Fifth, the character of independence becomes the main character instilled in this pesantren. Sixth, there is no research on the habituation of the character of independence in the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Furthermore, there are three urgent things to study, namely; first, the concept of character education at Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Second, the basic of the internalization of the character of the santri in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Third, the habituation of the character of the independence of the santri at the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. The concept of character education in the pesantren is in line with the theoretical conception of character education. There are seven activities in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School, namely; formal education and yellow book teaching, recitation and routine mujahadah, incidental activities, donations, cooking and cathering for serving food, management of kyai's houses, and cleanliness of the boarding. Habituation of the character of independence is carried out by managing all this seven pesantren activities independently.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Kantin Kejujuran Sebagai Model Evaluasi Pendidikan Karakter Santri DI Pondok Pesantren Zuhriyah Yogyakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Menepis Tuduhan Islam Misoginis Melalui Pengkajian Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Gender

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Totalqualitymangement (TQM) DI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darul Huda Yogyakarta

Jurnal As Sibyan, Feb 11, 2021

Penelitian ini termasuk peneltiian lapangan dengan mengambil MI Darul Huda sebagai sumber datanya... more Penelitian ini termasuk peneltiian lapangan dengan mengambil MI Darul Huda sebagai sumber datanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kualitatif deskriptif. Ada lima latar belakang penilitian ini, yaitu, pertama, globalisasi telah mengharuskan peningkatan kualitas mutu Pendidikan di Indonesia. Kedua, keberhasilan dalam persaingan dunia Pendidikan saat ini sangat tergantung pada kualitas mutu Pendidikan yang dimiliki. Ketiga, diperlukannya sebuah metode peningkatan mutu Pendidikan secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Keempat, Total Quality Mangement merupakan salah satu metode yang efektif diterapkan dalam dunia Pendidikan.


Al Ghazali

This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of students, the lack of teachers who accompa... more This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of students, the lack of teachers who accompany students during the zuhur prayer in congregation, and there is no firm sanction. The aim is to determine the implementation of congregational prayer habituation, the resulting character education values, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors. This type of research uses field research, with qualitative research methods and a phenomenological approach. Sources of data come from primary and secondary data. The procedure for collecting data is by interviewing, observing, and documenting. Data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, verification. And check the validity of the data using triangulation of data sources. The results of the research are divided into preparation and implementation activities. Preparatory activities include cleaning the prayer room, performing ablution, and the teacher preparing attendance. The implementation activities include the congrega...

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Tasawuf Dalam Pendidikan Islam dii Pondok Pesantren

Edukasi Islami, Feb 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education between The Western Context and Islamic Perpective

Al Hikmah: Journal of Education

Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral... more Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral failings are warning signs that the bulk of people's character is in a dangerous state. According to the constitution, the goal of national education is to produce people who are noble in character as well as skillful and clever. The character education policy guidelines, which comprise 18 characters that excel, mandate this (religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, and so on). Character education and Akhlak are comparable concepts from the western context and an Islamic perspective. Islam's principal sources for moral instruction are the Qur'an and Hadith, with the Prophet Muhammad SAW serving as an example. The suggested approach to character education in Islam is based on a mental-spiritual approach through soul management, habituation, an exemplary lifestyle, and a healthy environment that involves three different educational institutions: schools, families, and communi...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Hikmah Kendal Jawa Tengah

Research paper thumbnail of The Enforcement of Marriage Law (No 16 of 2019) Through The Ambassadors of Child Marriage Prevention in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency

Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum

The enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage performed in Temanggung are designed... more The enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage performed in Temanggung are designed to minimize the divorce rate in Temanggung through the empowerment of Sakinah family ambassadors through pre-marriage education to actualize family resilience. The practical benefit of this study is that it can give insight to the ambassadors about the age limit of marriage and the consequences of early marriage. The ambassadors are meant to use the insight to take action against early marriage so that the number of cases of early marriage in the Tembarak district continuously decreases or even reaches zero. This study employs a descriptive qualitative research approach to explain the enforcement efforts of Law Number 16 of 2019 on marriage in Temanggung. The implementation of Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 is carried out through a number of Focus Group Discussions (FGD): youth guidance, and ambassadors coaching to prevent early marriage; mentoring; monitoring and evaluation; and outcom...

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Islam Nusantara Perspektif Pendidikan Multikultural

Jurnal Islam Nusantara, Jan 24, 2020

This field research uses the phenomenology approach in studying the Islamic tradition of the Arch... more This field research uses the phenomenology approach in studying the Islamic tradition of the Archipelago as a phenomenon that also can be basis of multicultural education. This research uses descriptive qualitative data analysis. There are seven backgrounds that make this research urgent. First, multicultural education is very important to be developed in Indonesia as a nation that has a lot of diversity. Second, multicultural education developed at this time does not prioritize multicultural education based on community traditions. Third, the Islamic Archipelago tradition can be the basis of multicultural education in society. Fourth, the Nusantara Islamic Tradition in Temanggung can be can be basis ofmulticultural education. Fifth, until now there is no research that studies multicultural education based on Nusantara Islamic traditions in Temanggung. Next, there are five discussions which are examined in more depth. The this study shows that there are 25 kinds of Nusantara Islamic traditions in Temanggung and have been studied in depth through research so that they can be used Nusantara Islamic traditions as a basis for multicultural education for people in

Research paper thumbnail of Mengikis Budaya Patriarkhi-Domestic Melalui Pendekatan Pengkajian Islam Perspektif Gender

The complexity of today’s contemporary world problems has an impact on the presence of new proble... more The complexity of today’s contemporary world problems has an impact on the presence of new problems that are certainly waiting for the solution. Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil alamin. Consequently, Islam must be able to offer solutions to any problems that occur, one of the problems is gender. Therefore, a gender approach is needed to find the solution. Current the deviation of gender include stereotypes, subordination, marginalization, double burden, and violence. Deviation of gender is one of them caused by patriarchy-domestic culture. In addition, deviation of gender also occurs due to a false interpretation of the Qur’anic and Hadith texts related to gender. In carrying out an Islamic assessment a gender perspective should use the principle of a gender approach. First, the interpreter’s understanding sometimes becomes a subjective means of legitimacy. Second, interpretation results sometimes have the interest of the interpreter (factor of interest). Third, the general tendency in the meaning of text is literal meaning and ignores substantial meaning. The deeply rooted Patriarchal-Domestic culture within Indonesian society seems to be a major factor in deviation of gender. Therefore, the study of Qur’anic and Hadist texts needs to be done with a gender perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Budaya Sekolah Sebagai Wadah Internalisasi Nilai Karakter

The complexity of the current educational world issues lead to the realization of the development... more The complexity of the current educational world issues lead to the realization of the development of character education that is effective and efficient is very urgent done. The complexity of these problems includes juvenile delinquency, students, and even delinquency of community members who have become "parents". Schools as educational institutions that have so far only functioned as a place for learning knowledge (transfer of knowledge), must be able to grow character through school culture. School culture can take the form of something that has existed for a long time in school (given) as well as something deliberately designed in school (willed). Character-based school culture education in its implementation should refer to the character education component. Referring to Lickona's opinion, there are at least three components of good character (Components of Good Character), namely moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action.

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education of Elderly Students Based on Pasan Tradition at Sepuh Islamic Boarding Shool Magelang

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Apr 2, 2020

This research was conducted at Sepuh (Elderly) Islamic Boarding School Magelang, so if it viewed ... more This research was conducted at Sepuh (Elderly) Islamic Boarding School Magelang, so if it viewed from the data sources including the type of field research. The research was conducted from 7 to 27 May 2019 at Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang. The technique of data collection is done by participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation (Riduwan, 2007, p. 74), so the data analysis used is qualitative analysis using the Phenomenology approach (Moleong, 2005, p. 6). This research uses 81 participants, it consist of 35 male participants and 46 female participants. This phenomenology research aims to examine the phenomenon of Pasan tradition as a character education strategy for elderly students in Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang.

Research paper thumbnail of Humanisasi Fikih Dalam Fenomena “Azan Toleran” Pada Masyarakat Tani Temanggung

Jurnal Islam Nusantara, Jun 26, 2019

This field research uses the phenomenology approach. Islam as a moderate, humanist, and rahmatan ... more This field research uses the phenomenology approach. Islam as a moderate, humanist, and rahmatan lil amin alamin religion must be able to solve the increasing of complexity problems. This complexity can be found in the phenomenon of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung which is be great debate in the middle community of Temanggung. The phenomenon of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung cannot be solved just using the Fikih approach. Humanization of Fikih is urgent to be done in solving this problem, so Islam can be a solution to the community problems in Temanggung. Based on the Ijma' Ulama, Fikih require the implementation of Azan and praying together on time, although this opinion still becomes an ikhtilaf. Based on sample of 27 mosques which were the object of this research, there are two models of delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung, namely; first, the model of delaying the time of praying Dhuhur and Ashar together. Second, the model of delaying the time of praying Ashar together. The reason for the delaying the time of praying together in farming community of Temanggung is related with factor of working. Agricultural working does not allow imam, muazin and majority men to carry out the Syari'at.

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education between The Western Context and Islamic Perpective

Al Hikmah, Feb 9, 2023

Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral... more Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral failings are warning signs that the bulk of people's character is in a dangerous state. According to the constitution, the goal of national education is to produce people who are noble in character as well as skillful and clever. The character education policy guidelines, which comprise 18 characters that excel, mandate this (religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, and so on). Character education and Akhlak are comparable concepts from the western context and an Islamic perspective. Islam's principal sources for moral instruction are the Qur'an and Hadith, with the Prophet Muhammad SAW serving as an example. The suggested approach to character education in Islam is based on a mental-spiritual approach through soul management, habituation, an exemplary lifestyle, and a healthy environment that involves three different educational institutions: schools, families, and communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Tahsin Reading Assistance for Islamic Boarding School Tahfidz Qur'an Muhammadiyah Daarul Arqom Sawahan Ngemplak Boyolali

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Jan 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Hikmah Kendal Jawa Tengah

At-Turots, Jun 23, 2022

Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian pustaka library research. Latar belakang penelitian ini terle... more Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian pustaka library research. Latar belakang penelitian ini terletak pada alasan seharusnya pondok pesantren mampu mengembangkan model pendidikan pesantrennya, senyatanya masih banyak pendidikan pesantren yang belum mampu melakukan pengembangan sehingga mati suri. Ada empat poin penting yang akan menjadi fokus Penelitian ini, pertama, profil Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Kedua, tipologi pendidikan Islam di Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Ketiga, strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Keempat, kelebihan dan kekurangan pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Hikmah Kendal. Penelitian ini munnjukan bahwa pertama, keberhasilan pendirian pondok pesantren ini tidak terlepas dari faktor kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Kh. Suyuthi Murtadlo.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Tasawuf Dalam Pendidikan Islam dii Pondok Pesantren

Edukasi Islami, Feb 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Pendidikan Keluarga Muslim melalui Dakwah Digital di Stasiun Televisi Satelit Binbaz TV

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Oct 31, 2022

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 I... more This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan Stunting melalui Kader Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) di Dusun Ponoradan Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tlogomulyo

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari, Jul 6, 2022

This Community Service Research was motivated by 4 backgroun d problems, namely the high prevalen... more This Community Service Research was motivated by 4 backgroun d problems, namely the high prevalence of stunting in Indonesia which reached 27.7%, the high stunting rate in Ponorad Village and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, the need for stunting prevention methods in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, Bina The Toddler Family (BKB) is a good stunting prevention method to be applied in Ponoradan Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District. The results of this study indicate a decrease in stunting rates in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District through the application of Toddler Family Development (BKB). The continuity of this research is indicated by the formation of BKB cadres in Ponoradan Hamlet, the formation of a BKB cadre structure in Ponorad an Hamlet, the formation of a SK (Decree) for BKB Kasih Bunda in Ponoradan Hamlet, Ponoradan BKB cadres have received basic training, the implementatio n of BKB in Ponoradan Hamlet has received support full of village officials, the tools needed for the implementation of BKB activities have been prepared, and the Ponoradan Hamlet BKB will be held every month in conjunction with Posyandu activities, on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Research paper thumbnail of Praksis Internalisasi Karakter Kemandirian DI Pondok Pesantren Yatim Piatu Zuhriyah Yogyakarta

J-PAI : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 30, 2018

This article is a field research that uses the phenomenology approach. Data analysis used in tihi... more This article is a field research that uses the phenomenology approach. Data analysis used in tihis article is qualitative analysis. Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanage-specific boarding school. The internalization of independence character for santri is one of the main goals. This research has the following backgrounds; First, there is still a moral decadence in society today. Second, it is necessary to develop character education using habituation methods based on activities. Third, Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School has implemented character habituation based on the management of pesantren activities. Fourth, the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanagespecific boarding school, so there is a demand for santri to be more independent. Fifth, the character of independence becomes the main character instilled in this pesantren. Sixth, there is no research on the habituation of the character of independence in the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Furthermore, there are three urgent things to study, namely; first, the concept of character education at Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Second, the basic of the internalization of the character of the santri in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Third, the habituation of the character of the independence of the santri at the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. The concept of character education in the pesantren is in line with the theoretical conception of character education. There are seven activities in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School, namely; formal education and yellow book teaching, recitation and routine mujahadah, incidental activities, donations, cooking and cathering for serving food, management of kyai's houses, and cleanliness of the boarding. Habituation of the character of independence is carried out by managing all this seven pesantren activities independently.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Kantin Kejujuran Sebagai Model Evaluasi Pendidikan Karakter Santri DI Pondok Pesantren Zuhriyah Yogyakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Menepis Tuduhan Islam Misoginis Melalui Pengkajian Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Gender

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Totalqualitymangement (TQM) DI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darul Huda Yogyakarta

Jurnal As Sibyan, Feb 11, 2021

Penelitian ini termasuk peneltiian lapangan dengan mengambil MI Darul Huda sebagai sumber datanya... more Penelitian ini termasuk peneltiian lapangan dengan mengambil MI Darul Huda sebagai sumber datanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kualitatif deskriptif. Ada lima latar belakang penilitian ini, yaitu, pertama, globalisasi telah mengharuskan peningkatan kualitas mutu Pendidikan di Indonesia. Kedua, keberhasilan dalam persaingan dunia Pendidikan saat ini sangat tergantung pada kualitas mutu Pendidikan yang dimiliki. Ketiga, diperlukannya sebuah metode peningkatan mutu Pendidikan secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Keempat, Total Quality Mangement merupakan salah satu metode yang efektif diterapkan dalam dunia Pendidikan.


Al Ghazali

This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of students, the lack of teachers who accompa... more This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of students, the lack of teachers who accompany students during the zuhur prayer in congregation, and there is no firm sanction. The aim is to determine the implementation of congregational prayer habituation, the resulting character education values, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors. This type of research uses field research, with qualitative research methods and a phenomenological approach. Sources of data come from primary and secondary data. The procedure for collecting data is by interviewing, observing, and documenting. Data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, verification. And check the validity of the data using triangulation of data sources. The results of the research are divided into preparation and implementation activities. Preparatory activities include cleaning the prayer room, performing ablution, and the teacher preparing attendance. The implementation activities include the congrega...

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Tasawuf Dalam Pendidikan Islam dii Pondok Pesantren

Edukasi Islami, Feb 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Character Education between The Western Context and Islamic Perpective

Al Hikmah: Journal of Education

Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral... more Character education is essential in Indonesia. The rising crime rate and other instances of moral failings are warning signs that the bulk of people's character is in a dangerous state. According to the constitution, the goal of national education is to produce people who are noble in character as well as skillful and clever. The character education policy guidelines, which comprise 18 characters that excel, mandate this (religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, and so on). Character education and Akhlak are comparable concepts from the western context and an Islamic perspective. Islam's principal sources for moral instruction are the Qur'an and Hadith, with the Prophet Muhammad SAW serving as an example. The suggested approach to character education in Islam is based on a mental-spiritual approach through soul management, habituation, an exemplary lifestyle, and a healthy environment that involves three different educational institutions: schools, families, and communi...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Hikmah Kendal Jawa Tengah