Hans Baumgartner - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Hans Baumgartner

Research paper thumbnail of When Cheap Isn't the Same as Not Expensive: Generic Price Terms and Their Negations

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018

Generic price terms such as cheap, not expensive, not cheap, and expensive are used frequently in... more Generic price terms such as cheap, not expensive, not cheap, and expensive are used frequently in marketing, but little is known about how consumers interpret them. In typical consumer contexts, in which lower prices are preferred, we find that not cheap means essentially the same as expensive (i.e., not cheap = expensive). In contrast, not expensive does not mean the same as cheap, in that cheap is associated with lower prices (i.e., cheap < not expensive). As an implication, in a consumer survey we find different response distributions for rating scales that are anchored with endpoint labels of not expensive versus expensive as compared to cheap versus expensive or cheap versus not cheap (the latter two are equivalent). Furthermore, although cheap is associated with lower prices than not expensive, this does not necessarily translate into higher preferences for options that are described as cheap (vs. not expensive), because cheap may also evoke negative quality perceptions. Fi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic price terms and their negations: why cheap isn't the same as not expensive

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing factorial survey data with structural equation models

Sociological Methods & Research, 2021

In factorial survey designs, respondents evaluate multiple short descriptions of social objects (... more In factorial survey designs, respondents evaluate multiple short descriptions of social objects (vignettes) that experimentally vary different levels of attributes of interest. Analytical methods (including individual-level regression analysis and multilevel models) estimate the weights (or utilities) assigned to the levels of the different attributes by participants to arrive at an overall response to the vignettes. In the current paper, we explain how data from factorial surveys can be analyzed in a structural equation modeling framework using an approach called structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments. We review the use of factorial surveys in social science research, discuss typically used methods to analyze factorial survey data, introduce the structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments approach, and present an empirical illustration of the proposed method. We conclude by describing several extensions, providing some practical recommendations,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement in Marketing

Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Response Biases in Cross-Cultural Measurement

Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological issues in cross-cultural research

Regardless of whether the research goal is to establish cultural universals or to identify and ex... more Regardless of whether the research goal is to establish cultural universals or to identify and explain cross-cultural differences, researchers need measures that are comparable across different cultures when conducting cross-cultural studies. In this chapter, we describe two major strategies for enhancing cross-cultural comparability. First, we discuss a priori methods to ensure the comparability of data in cross-cultural surveys. In particular, we review findings on cross-cultural differences based on the psychology of survey response and provide suggestions on how to deal with these cultural differences in the survey design stage. Second, we discuss post hoc methods to ascertain data comparability and enable comparisons in the presence of threats to equivalence.

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Research paper thumbnail of EXPRESS: Dealing with Common Method Variance in International Marketing Research

Journal of International Marketing, 2021

Common method variance (CMV) is an important concern in international marketing research because ... more Common method variance (CMV) is an important concern in international marketing research because presumed substantive relationships may actually be due to shared method variance. Since method effects may vary systematically across cultures and countries, accounting for method effects in international marketing research is particularly critical. A systematic review of articles published in the Journal of International Marketing over a five-year period (2015-2019, N = 93) shows that (a) authors often report post hoc CMV tests but usually conclude that CMV is not an issue and that (b) many post hoc tests are conducted using the Harman one-factor test and the marker variable technique, which have serious deficiencies for detecting and controlling CMV. Based on a classification and comparative evaluation of the most common statistical approaches for dealing with CMV, two approaches are recommended and a procedure for dealing with CMV in international marketing research is proposed. The p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Policy Capturing Data Using Structural Equation Modeling for Within-Subject Experiments (SEMWISE)

Organizational Research Methods, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The calibrated sigma method: An efficient remedy for between-group differences in response category use on Likert scales

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural Equation Modeling

Handbook of Market Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The biasing effect of common method variance: some clarifications

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Reversed item bias: An integrative model

Psychological Methods, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Issues in Cross-Linguistic and Multilingual Advertising Research

Journal of Advertising, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying the Picky Shopper

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Beurteilung von Kausalmodellen. Bestandsaufnahme und Anwendungsempfehlungen

Marketing ZFP

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Research paper thumbnail of Misresponse to Survey Questions: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Test of the Effects of Reversals, Negations, and Polar Opposite Core Concepts

Journal of Marketing Research

The authors propose a conceptual framework of misresponse to multi-item scales in surveys in whic... more The authors propose a conceptual framework of misresponse to multi-item scales in surveys in which misresponse to items that are reversed relative to other items (reversal misresponse) is differentiated from misresponse to items that are negated (negation misresponse) and from misresponse to items whose core concept is the opposite of the core concept in regular items (polar opposite misresponse). The framework specifies two broad mechanisms to account for the three forms of misresponse: lack of motivation to process items in detail (“inattention”) and lack of ability to comprehend items accurately (“difficulty”). The authors propose a procedure to identify potential misresponse effects on the observed item responses and factor loadings, and they report two empirical studies to test the framework; the second study uses eye movement recordings to examine the underlying process. The findings reveal that polar opposite, reversed, and negated items contribute to misresponse to varying d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement Models for Marketing Constructs

International Series in Operations Research & Management Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural Equation Modeling

International Series in Quantitative Marketing

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Research paper thumbnail of Une amélioration de l'analyse de la mesure des construits marketing, applicable aux données panels

Recherche Et Applications En Marketing, Dec 1, 2006

... kamp) Cet article a été publié en 2006 dans Journal of Marketing Research, XLIII, 3, 431-442,... more ... kamp) Cet article a été publié en 2006 dans Journal of Marketing Research, XLIII, 3, 431-442, traduit par Dina Rasolofoarison et reproduit avec ... Ilies, 2003), notre objectif est de développer une pro-cédure intégrative de la théorie de la mesure qui (a) distingue les composants ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biased memory for prior decision making: Evidence from a longitudinal Weld study

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Research paper thumbnail of When Cheap Isn't the Same as Not Expensive: Generic Price Terms and Their Negations

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018

Generic price terms such as cheap, not expensive, not cheap, and expensive are used frequently in... more Generic price terms such as cheap, not expensive, not cheap, and expensive are used frequently in marketing, but little is known about how consumers interpret them. In typical consumer contexts, in which lower prices are preferred, we find that not cheap means essentially the same as expensive (i.e., not cheap = expensive). In contrast, not expensive does not mean the same as cheap, in that cheap is associated with lower prices (i.e., cheap < not expensive). As an implication, in a consumer survey we find different response distributions for rating scales that are anchored with endpoint labels of not expensive versus expensive as compared to cheap versus expensive or cheap versus not cheap (the latter two are equivalent). Furthermore, although cheap is associated with lower prices than not expensive, this does not necessarily translate into higher preferences for options that are described as cheap (vs. not expensive), because cheap may also evoke negative quality perceptions. Fi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic price terms and their negations: why cheap isn't the same as not expensive

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing factorial survey data with structural equation models

Sociological Methods & Research, 2021

In factorial survey designs, respondents evaluate multiple short descriptions of social objects (... more In factorial survey designs, respondents evaluate multiple short descriptions of social objects (vignettes) that experimentally vary different levels of attributes of interest. Analytical methods (including individual-level regression analysis and multilevel models) estimate the weights (or utilities) assigned to the levels of the different attributes by participants to arrive at an overall response to the vignettes. In the current paper, we explain how data from factorial surveys can be analyzed in a structural equation modeling framework using an approach called structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments. We review the use of factorial surveys in social science research, discuss typically used methods to analyze factorial survey data, introduce the structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments approach, and present an empirical illustration of the proposed method. We conclude by describing several extensions, providing some practical recommendations,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement in Marketing

Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Response Biases in Cross-Cultural Measurement

Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological issues in cross-cultural research

Regardless of whether the research goal is to establish cultural universals or to identify and ex... more Regardless of whether the research goal is to establish cultural universals or to identify and explain cross-cultural differences, researchers need measures that are comparable across different cultures when conducting cross-cultural studies. In this chapter, we describe two major strategies for enhancing cross-cultural comparability. First, we discuss a priori methods to ensure the comparability of data in cross-cultural surveys. In particular, we review findings on cross-cultural differences based on the psychology of survey response and provide suggestions on how to deal with these cultural differences in the survey design stage. Second, we discuss post hoc methods to ascertain data comparability and enable comparisons in the presence of threats to equivalence.

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Research paper thumbnail of EXPRESS: Dealing with Common Method Variance in International Marketing Research

Journal of International Marketing, 2021

Common method variance (CMV) is an important concern in international marketing research because ... more Common method variance (CMV) is an important concern in international marketing research because presumed substantive relationships may actually be due to shared method variance. Since method effects may vary systematically across cultures and countries, accounting for method effects in international marketing research is particularly critical. A systematic review of articles published in the Journal of International Marketing over a five-year period (2015-2019, N = 93) shows that (a) authors often report post hoc CMV tests but usually conclude that CMV is not an issue and that (b) many post hoc tests are conducted using the Harman one-factor test and the marker variable technique, which have serious deficiencies for detecting and controlling CMV. Based on a classification and comparative evaluation of the most common statistical approaches for dealing with CMV, two approaches are recommended and a procedure for dealing with CMV in international marketing research is proposed. The p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Policy Capturing Data Using Structural Equation Modeling for Within-Subject Experiments (SEMWISE)

Organizational Research Methods, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The calibrated sigma method: An efficient remedy for between-group differences in response category use on Likert scales

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural Equation Modeling

Handbook of Market Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The biasing effect of common method variance: some clarifications

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Reversed item bias: An integrative model

Psychological Methods, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Issues in Cross-Linguistic and Multilingual Advertising Research

Journal of Advertising, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying the Picky Shopper

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Beurteilung von Kausalmodellen. Bestandsaufnahme und Anwendungsempfehlungen

Marketing ZFP

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Research paper thumbnail of Misresponse to Survey Questions: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Test of the Effects of Reversals, Negations, and Polar Opposite Core Concepts

Journal of Marketing Research

The authors propose a conceptual framework of misresponse to multi-item scales in surveys in whic... more The authors propose a conceptual framework of misresponse to multi-item scales in surveys in which misresponse to items that are reversed relative to other items (reversal misresponse) is differentiated from misresponse to items that are negated (negation misresponse) and from misresponse to items whose core concept is the opposite of the core concept in regular items (polar opposite misresponse). The framework specifies two broad mechanisms to account for the three forms of misresponse: lack of motivation to process items in detail (“inattention”) and lack of ability to comprehend items accurately (“difficulty”). The authors propose a procedure to identify potential misresponse effects on the observed item responses and factor loadings, and they report two empirical studies to test the framework; the second study uses eye movement recordings to examine the underlying process. The findings reveal that polar opposite, reversed, and negated items contribute to misresponse to varying d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement Models for Marketing Constructs

International Series in Operations Research & Management Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural Equation Modeling

International Series in Quantitative Marketing

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Research paper thumbnail of Une amélioration de l'analyse de la mesure des construits marketing, applicable aux données panels

Recherche Et Applications En Marketing, Dec 1, 2006

... kamp) Cet article a été publié en 2006 dans Journal of Marketing Research, XLIII, 3, 431-442,... more ... kamp) Cet article a été publié en 2006 dans Journal of Marketing Research, XLIII, 3, 431-442, traduit par Dina Rasolofoarison et reproduit avec ... Ilies, 2003), notre objectif est de développer une pro-cédure intégrative de la théorie de la mesure qui (a) distingue les composants ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biased memory for prior decision making: Evidence from a longitudinal Weld study

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