Hari Prastyo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Hari Prastyo

Research paper thumbnail of The Empowering Human Resources Academically Based On Bilingual Environment At Pesantren Al Multazam and Darut Taqwa Mojokerto by Using Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Approach

Engagement : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, May 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel di OJS untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Academic Writing Based on Need Analysisfor Indonesian Efl Learners at University

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching Integrated English

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Bahasa dalam Masyarakat

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 30, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The correlation between discourse quality and readability of the english reading texts used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MAN) Jombang

Research paper thumbnail of Mahir Tata Bahasa Inggris in One Hour

Buku ini membahas tentang Tata Bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat dasar.

Research paper thumbnail of The categories of emotions in the old man and the sea and the methods of their translation into indonesian by dian vita elliyati

Research paper thumbnail of STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Suggestopedia to Solve Students’ Literacy Difficulties

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of CLIL in Islamic Boarding School for Enhancing Students’ Literacy through GTM

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingualism And Sapir-Whorf: An Implementation Of Applied Linguistics In Writing Class

Research paper thumbnail of Bahasa Dalam Masyarakat

This book explains about the usage of language in society. The writer observed the language pheno... more This book explains about the usage of language in society. The writer observed the language phenomenon in society and tried to understand the phenomenon by using a theory. He used sociolinguistics theory to explain the phenomenon

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching Integrated English

Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature, 2015

Fluency and accuracy are the target of learning English. Both of them have important role for the... more Fluency and accuracy are the target of learning English. Both of them have important role for the students who learn English. Consequently, a teacher should consider fluency and accuracy of the English used by the students in the classroom. It means that teaching English should teach both linguistics and communicative competence. To teach lingusitics competence, a teacher can use Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Furthermore, a teacher needs Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to teach commuicative competence. This article will study about the “The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Comunicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method in Teaching Integrated English” which are applied in Basic English Station (BEST) Course of Jombang. This English course can combine both GTM and CLT to teach the students. For the first time, the writer will discuss about GTM and CLT theory. Then he will describe the programs and the materials applied in this course. Afterward, the...

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Academic Writing Based on Need Analysisfor Indonesian Efl Learners at University

there are four skills in English teaching and learning, they are listening, speaking, reading, an... more there are four skills in English teaching and learning, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are categorized as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are as productive skills. Writing skill is one of productive skills that needs some competences, such as linguistics competence, getting the idea competence, and organizing the idea competence. This article will discuss about Teaching Academic Writing based on Need Analysis for Indonesian EFL Learners at University. It is kind of research article that will use Qualitative Research Methodology. The subject of this research will be the university students who join in academic writing. The reseacher will try to do need analysis for the students by using questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire, the researcher will create syllabus for academic writing, then he will use it in teaching and learning process for Indonesian EFL learners at univesity. At last, he will assess the result of students’ wr...

Research paper thumbnail of The correlation between discourse quality and readability of the english reading texts used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MAN) Jombang

According to Boaz (in Samsuri, 1988:52) “the basic unit of language is sentence”. Nowadays discou... more According to Boaz (in Samsuri, 1988:52) “the basic unit of language is sentence”. Nowadays discourse is the biggest nit of language. It must have message in it. However, people often misunderstand in catching the message because they ignore the position of discourse. Therefore, the position of discourse is very important. Consequently, it is very important to investigate the discourse quality of a language. Furthermore, the position of readable text is also important to understand a language. In this case, it is called as readability of the text. This research aims to investigate the discourse quality of English reading texts and readability used in the state Islamic senior high schools. Besides that, the purpose of this research is also to investigate the correlation between discourse quality and readability of the English reading texts used in the state Islamic senior high schools Jombang. The hypothesis of this research is (1) if the English reading texts have good quality, the r...

Research paper thumbnail of Applying Reciprocal Teaching Method in Teaching Reading

Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel Di Ojs Untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel Di Ojs Untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Pesantren: Membangun Generasi Islami melalui Pembinaan Keterampilan Berbahasa Asing

AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman, 2017

Pesantren is a religious educational institution managed by the society that is called as Pengasu... more Pesantren is a religious educational institution managed by the society that is called as Pengasuh. Therefore, Pengasuh is a leader in a community. The educational background of Pengasuh effects activities developed in it. Furthermore, the activities in pesantren relate to the students' competence and skills. In the modern and global world, the students' competence and skills should be the primary consideration in developing program at Pesantren. One of the competencies and skills that must be mastered by the students are foreign-language skills. This article discussed about Pesantren Empowerment through the Development of Foreign Language Skills Program to Create an Islamic Generation. This was a research article that used Research and Development Design. This research was conducted at Pesantren I'anatut Tholibin Mojokerto. The first step of this research was to do Need Analysis by using questionaire and interview. Based on the results of questionaire and interview, the...

Research paper thumbnail of The Empowering Human Resources Academically Based On Bilingual Environment At Pesantren Al Multazam and Darut Taqwa Mojokerto by Using Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Approach

Engagement : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, May 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel di OJS untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Academic Writing Based on Need Analysisfor Indonesian Efl Learners at University

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching Integrated English

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Bahasa dalam Masyarakat

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 30, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The correlation between discourse quality and readability of the english reading texts used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MAN) Jombang

Research paper thumbnail of Mahir Tata Bahasa Inggris in One Hour

Buku ini membahas tentang Tata Bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat dasar.

Research paper thumbnail of The categories of emotions in the old man and the sea and the methods of their translation into indonesian by dian vita elliyati

Research paper thumbnail of STREAM DigLIM: Learning Innovation in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Suggestopedia to Solve Students’ Literacy Difficulties

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of CLIL in Islamic Boarding School for Enhancing Students’ Literacy through GTM

Research paper thumbnail of Bilingualism And Sapir-Whorf: An Implementation Of Applied Linguistics In Writing Class

Research paper thumbnail of Bahasa Dalam Masyarakat

This book explains about the usage of language in society. The writer observed the language pheno... more This book explains about the usage of language in society. The writer observed the language phenomenon in society and tried to understand the phenomenon by using a theory. He used sociolinguistics theory to explain the phenomenon

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching Integrated English

Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature, 2015

Fluency and accuracy are the target of learning English. Both of them have important role for the... more Fluency and accuracy are the target of learning English. Both of them have important role for the students who learn English. Consequently, a teacher should consider fluency and accuracy of the English used by the students in the classroom. It means that teaching English should teach both linguistics and communicative competence. To teach lingusitics competence, a teacher can use Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Furthermore, a teacher needs Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to teach commuicative competence. This article will study about the “The Implementation of Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Comunicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method in Teaching Integrated English” which are applied in Basic English Station (BEST) Course of Jombang. This English course can combine both GTM and CLT to teach the students. For the first time, the writer will discuss about GTM and CLT theory. Then he will describe the programs and the materials applied in this course. Afterward, the...

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Academic Writing Based on Need Analysisfor Indonesian Efl Learners at University

there are four skills in English teaching and learning, they are listening, speaking, reading, an... more there are four skills in English teaching and learning, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are categorized as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are as productive skills. Writing skill is one of productive skills that needs some competences, such as linguistics competence, getting the idea competence, and organizing the idea competence. This article will discuss about Teaching Academic Writing based on Need Analysis for Indonesian EFL Learners at University. It is kind of research article that will use Qualitative Research Methodology. The subject of this research will be the university students who join in academic writing. The reseacher will try to do need analysis for the students by using questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire, the researcher will create syllabus for academic writing, then he will use it in teaching and learning process for Indonesian EFL learners at univesity. At last, he will assess the result of students’ wr...

Research paper thumbnail of The correlation between discourse quality and readability of the english reading texts used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MAN) Jombang

According to Boaz (in Samsuri, 1988:52) “the basic unit of language is sentence”. Nowadays discou... more According to Boaz (in Samsuri, 1988:52) “the basic unit of language is sentence”. Nowadays discourse is the biggest nit of language. It must have message in it. However, people often misunderstand in catching the message because they ignore the position of discourse. Therefore, the position of discourse is very important. Consequently, it is very important to investigate the discourse quality of a language. Furthermore, the position of readable text is also important to understand a language. In this case, it is called as readability of the text. This research aims to investigate the discourse quality of English reading texts and readability used in the state Islamic senior high schools. Besides that, the purpose of this research is also to investigate the correlation between discourse quality and readability of the English reading texts used in the state Islamic senior high schools Jombang. The hypothesis of this research is (1) if the English reading texts have good quality, the r...

Research paper thumbnail of Applying Reciprocal Teaching Method in Teaching Reading

Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel Di Ojs Untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Upload Artikel Di Ojs Untuk Pengelola Jurnal Online

Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun ... more Untuk mengupload artikel di OJS, ada beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) membuat issue; (2) membuat akun penulis, (3) Upload artikel dengan akun penulis; (4) Menerbitkan artikel. Setelah membuat akun penulis, pastikan bahwa editor dan reviewer sudah memiliki akun di jurnal anda. Adapun cara membuat akun editor dan reviewer bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah <strong><em>Cara membuat Akun Penulis</em></strong> ini. Namun pada langkah 4, <strong>user role</strong> yang dipilih adalah sebagai <strong><em>Journal editor</em></strong> atau <strong><em>reviewer</em></strong>. Langkah-langkah ini dibuat untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat pemula, untuk pengelola jurnal tingkat advanced, harap mengikuti <strong><em>process</em></strong> yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Pesantren: Membangun Generasi Islami melalui Pembinaan Keterampilan Berbahasa Asing

AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman, 2017

Pesantren is a religious educational institution managed by the society that is called as Pengasu... more Pesantren is a religious educational institution managed by the society that is called as Pengasuh. Therefore, Pengasuh is a leader in a community. The educational background of Pengasuh effects activities developed in it. Furthermore, the activities in pesantren relate to the students' competence and skills. In the modern and global world, the students' competence and skills should be the primary consideration in developing program at Pesantren. One of the competencies and skills that must be mastered by the students are foreign-language skills. This article discussed about Pesantren Empowerment through the Development of Foreign Language Skills Program to Create an Islamic Generation. This was a research article that used Research and Development Design. This research was conducted at Pesantren I'anatut Tholibin Mojokerto. The first step of this research was to do Need Analysis by using questionaire and interview. Based on the results of questionaire and interview, the...

Research paper thumbnail of Tata Bahasa Inggris: Jilid Pertama

Bahasa merupakan keniscayaan bagi manusia (Prastyo, 2015). Salah satunya adalah Bahasa Inggris. I... more Bahasa merupakan keniscayaan bagi manusia (Prastyo, 2015). Salah satunya adalah Bahasa Inggris. Ini adalah bahasa Internasional yang dibutuhkan oleh siapapun. Oleh karena itu, bahasa Inggris harus dipelajari agar dapat dikuasai. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya adalah dengan belajar mandiri melalui buku. Buku yang ada dalam genggaman saudara ini merupakan salah satu satu buku yang bisa digunakan sebagai sarana untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris.

Research paper thumbnail of Statistik Dasar: Sebuah Panduan untuk Peneliti Pemula

Penelitian adalah mata kuliah wajib dalam komponen dasar pendidikan yang harus diikuti oleh setia... more Penelitian adalah mata kuliah wajib dalam komponen dasar pendidikan yang harus diikuti oleh setiap mahasiswa untuk membentuk tenaga kependidikan Islam yang profesional. Statistik adalah mata kuliah pendukung Penelitian. Untuk itu statistik harus diperkuat dan perlu ditangani secara cermat, tepat, dan profesional oleh semua pihak yang terkait. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas penelitian adalah dengan diterbitkannya buku statistik dasar.

Buku Statistik Dasar ini dimaksudkan sabagai pendukung pelaksanaan penelitian, dengan harapan dapat memberikan pencerahan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mempelajari statistik mulai dari dasar. Buku banyak terinspirasi dari handout mata kuliah Statistics yang diampu oleh Prof Junaidi Mistar, Ph.D. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan kali ini penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Prof Junaidi Mistar, Ph.D yang telah menurunkan ilmunya kepada penulis terkait statistik.

Research paper thumbnail of BAHASA DALAM MASYARAKAT