Mimi Harni - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Mimi Harni

Research paper thumbnail of The functional properties of starch from arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) tubers using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2023

Arrowroot tuber is a type of tuber that has not yet been widely cultivated by people. This tuber ... more Arrowroot tuber is a type of tuber that has not yet been widely cultivated by people. This tuber provides quite high starch in the rhizome. In addition, this tuber also contains functional compounds that become the source of polyphenols and have the function as antioxidants. Functional compounds from tuber starch can be preserved for a long time if the extraction process is carried out properly. One of the modern extraction methods that can be used to extract this starch is Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). This extraction does not need heat to work but it uses electromagnetic waves instead. Treatment E (4 minutes extraction time) had the highest data from each observation, namely swelling 1993%, solubility 91.52%, water absorption 83.98% and oil absorption 133.86%.


Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas

Buah naga adalah jenis buah tropis yang kaya dengan zat warna. Warna ini dapat diperoleh dari kul... more Buah naga adalah jenis buah tropis yang kaya dengan zat warna. Warna ini dapat diperoleh dari kulit maupun daging buah naga yang dapat digunakan sebagai pewarna alami dalam mengatasi penggunaan pewarna buatan di masyarakat yang di luar ambang batas sehingga dapat menimbulkan resiko bagi kesehatan. Selain itu, pada buah naga juga terdapat senyawa fungsional dalam bentuk senyawa polifenol yang merupakan sumber antioksidan. Senyawa ini mudah rusak sehinga harus memilih metode ekstraksi yang baik agar dapat dapat mempertahankan senyawa ini. Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan. Metode ini melakukan ekstrak dengan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik. Tujuannya agar kualitas warna yang dihasilkan dapat lebih baik sehingga dapat juga mempertahankan senyawa polifenol yang terdapat dalam buah naga tersebut. Metode dari penelitian ini adalah dengan mengambil nilai ratarata dari setiap pengamatan yang sudah diamati dari 3 sampel buah naga yaitu kulit buah naga merah, daging buah naga merah dan kulit buah naga daging putih. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kualitas warna terbaik berasal dari kulit buah naga daging merah dengan nilai sebagai berikut : polifenol 623,1 mg GAE/100 gram, aktivitas antioksidan 41,18%, antosianin 84 mg/100 gram, betasianin 0,75 mg/100 gram dan warna 21,18.

Research paper thumbnail of The extraction effect of the skin of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) to its phenolic compounds and its antioxidants: A review

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2023

Dragon fruit contains various nutrients and functional values both in the flesh and skin. The ski... more Dragon fruit contains various nutrients and functional values both in the flesh and skin. The skin of dragon fruit contains 30-35% water. It has lots of phenolic compounds and antioxidants, of which the higher amount of antioxidants are in the skin. These compounds are very easily damaged due to the extraction process especially if done incorrectly. This article is written to be a guide in selecting the extraction process in order to preserve the compounds. Based on the review, it is found the modern UAE (Ultrasound Assisted Extraction) process provides better quality than the other various conventional and modern extraction processes. UAE is an extraction process that does not use a heating process in its extraction which can damage the phenolic compounds and antioxidants. The results of the analysis of phenolic compounds using the UAE system have found betacyanin 17.64 mg, phenolic compounds 65.16 mg, flavonoid compounds 195 mg and antioxidants 620 mol. Thus, the recommended treatment to do is to use UAE extraction.

Research paper thumbnail of Review Artikel: Pati pada Berbagai Sumber Tanaman


Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap produk impor terutama tepung terigu semakin tinggi dari tahun k... more Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap produk impor terutama tepung terigu semakin tinggi dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini menjadi pertimbangan untuk mencari jalan keluar dari permasalahan ini karena Indonesia sendiri mempunyai potensi berupa umbi, serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan yang merupakan sumber karbohidrat berupa pati dan diharapkan dapat mengurangi penggunaan terigu. Pati pada masing-masing tanaman berbeda jumlahnya dan dipengaruhi oleh komposisi yang ada pada pati tersebut. Komposisi yang ada pati juga mempengaruhi ekstraksi yang dilakukan. Pati dari umbi-umbian lebih mudah untuk diekstrak walaupun hanya menggunakan air. Hal ini terjadi karena rendahnya kandungan protein dan lipid yang terdapat pada umbi sedangkan pada serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan hal ini lebih sulit dilakukan karena kandungan protein dan lipid lebih tinggi. Ekstraksi yang disarankan pada ekstraksi serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan adalah menggunakan alkali karena dapat menghilangkan pati pada per...

Research paper thumbnail of The Utilization of Dioscorea Tuber in Self-Rising Starch: a Review

Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology

Self-rising starch is a development product of self-rising flour. This product minimizes the pro... more Self-rising starch is a development product of self-rising flour. This product minimizes the process, especially in the salt and leavening agent weighing stage, so that it reduces the time in the serving process. Self-rising flour is generally made of wheat flour. Currently, due to some medical considerations, many people cannot consume this product. Based on some research results, gluten compound in wheat flour or wheat triggers for the development of type-1 diabetes. This fact has caused Indonesia to be ranked fifth in the world for the diabetic diseases. Thus, one of the ways to overcome this problem is by utilizing the raw materials originating from Indonesia too, namely tubers. Indonesia has a variety of tubers. Some of these tubers, however, have not been explored. These tubers have not only the function as the good sources of carbohydrates but also the bioactive compounds and more functional values, such as water soluble polysaccharides (WSP), diosgenin, inulin and glycemi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Design of a Red Cracker (Kerupuk Merah) Dough Mixing Machine in the Development of the Small Industry in Lima Puluh Kota Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Kerupuk merah is a type of crackers made of flour, and it isred in color. It is a type of snacks ... more Kerupuk merah is a type of crackers made of flour, and it isred in color. It is a type of snacks used as complementary foods, and it can add more taste and aesthetic value on the main dish. It is a unique local product. In West Sumatra, a kerupuk merah industrial center can be found in Piladang, Akabiluru District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The production of this cracker is still performed manually, raising major concerns with production capacity and hygiene. The capacity of kerupuk merah production is determined by the dough mixing process (the first process). This process involves the use of a rectangular wooden box and man power from 3 to 4 people for kneading. The production capacity is 500 kg of dough/day or 56–63 kg/hour. The dough mixing process is performed 1–2 times/week. The data above reflect that the production process of kerupuk merah is energy- and time-consuming, thereby reducing the quantity and quality of the production. The design of a dough mixing machine is a solu...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of the Chemical Physical Properties of Cassava Flour Modification (Mocaf) with the Use of Blondo or Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Dregs

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) is a yam flour that has been modified by fermentation using Lactic... more Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) is a yam flour that has been modified by fermentation using Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) that is sold freely in the community. The use of blondo is expected to replace the use of LAB because it is from VCO that has not been utilized properly. The LAB used in the production is from the production of VCO by fermentation. The study was conducted by using a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 3 repetation, as mocaf control used BIMO bacteria. Advanced testing used the Duncan New Mutiple Range Test (DNMRT) at a real level of 5%. Observations on mocaf flour include, pH flour, WHC, swelling and whitish flour. The observation resulted in a pH value of mocaf 6.43-5.44, WHC mocaf 207.7-231.3%, swelling mocaf 551-1650.33% and whitish mocaf 90.77-91.68.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengolahan Buah Naga menjadi Produk Pangan pada Kelompok Tani Nagari Simpang Sugiran, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas

Red dragon fruit is one of the agricultural commodities in Simpang Sugiran Village. Dragon fruit ... more Red dragon fruit is one of the agricultural commodities in Simpang Sugiran Village. Dragon fruit has many functions and properties for health. Based on monitoring in the field, farmers do not have the knowledge and skills in processing dragon fruit into various processed dragon fruit products to increase their selling value. In addition, the price of dragon fruit and farmer acceptance continues to decline while the number of farmers cultivating is increasing. The purpose of this activity was to increase community knowledge and skills in processing dragon fruit, and business management to increase the added value of dragon fruit cultivation. The results of community service activities indicated that the diversification of dragon fruit processing is one of the most effective ways to increase community income in the Simpang Sugiran village. Dragon fruit can be processed into various processed products using simple technology and can be done as a home industry. This community service ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Ubikayu (Manihot Utilissima) Pada Pembuatan Wajik Piuak Sebagai Pengembangan Makanan Tradisional Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota

Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh eBooks, Oct 7, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Glucose Syrup From Various Sources Of Starch

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Glucose syrup is a type of sugar that is widely used in the processed food industry, such as the ... more Glucose syrup is a type of sugar that is widely used in the processed food industry, such as the confectionery industry, beverages, and in addition can also be used as raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry and chemical industry. The large use of glucose syrup in the industry demands to review glucose syrup from other sources of starch because each region has different agricultural potential. This research was conducted to see how the properties of other starch sources are then compared to the standard that is from cassava starch so that it can be suggested for the use of other sources of starch. The program in this study was RAL 5 treatment 3 replays with one treatment as a control. Observation of glucose syrup in accordance with the standard glucose syrup namely SNI (Indonesia’s National Standards) No.01-2978-1992 covers raw material starch content, water content, ash content, and reducing sugar content. Further tests are conducted by way of Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test ...

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam dan Kota Payakumbuh

IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam d... more IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam dan Kota Payakumbuh

Research paper thumbnail of Diversifikasi Pengolahan Jamur Tiram pada Kelompok Tani Saraso, Kenagarian Batu Balang, Kecamatan Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas, 2020

Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated by Saraso farmer group Kenagarian Batu Balang, Harau Distr... more Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated by Saraso farmer group Kenagarian Batu Balang, Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The purpose of the activity was to increase knowledge and skills and empower the women of the Saraso Farmers Group, in the diversification of processed oyster mushroom products in order to increase the selling value. So far, the oyster mushrooms they cultivate are sold in fresh mushrooms, and only a few sell in processed food. The hope is that with this activity, the community can make various processed oyster mushrooms to add value to the sale which is expected to raise the family economy. The activity method was carried out by demonstration and hands-on practice. The results of community service activities showed that the women of the Saraso farmer group are able to process oyster mushrooms into various ready-to-consume products. Various processed mushrooms are made, namely Dendeng oyster mushroom, oyster mushroom beef, oyster mushroom satay, oyster mushro...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Ekonomi Pengoperasian Alat Dan Mesin Pengaduk Adonan Kerupuk Merah

Di Sumatera Barat, sentra industri kerupuk merah terdapat di daerah Piladang Kecamatan Akabiluru ... more Di Sumatera Barat, sentra industri kerupuk merah terdapat di daerah Piladang Kecamatan Akabiluru Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dan jumlah industri ini terus meningkat (14, 16 % pada tahun 2011) seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan kerupuk merah. Namun, permasalahan pada industri kerupuk merah ini adalah teknologi pengolahan yang masih sederhana (manual) dari hulu sampai ke hilir dalam proses produksi kerupuk merah yang membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga kerja yang banyak sehingga biaya operasionalnya pun menjadi besar. Kapasitas produsi kerupuk merah sangat ditentukan oleh proses pencampuran adonan (proses awal) yang selama ini 3-4 orang tenaga pria sebagai tenaga pengaduknya yang mengaduk adonanan 500 kg selama 2,5 jam – 3 jam. Proses ini menjadi pekerjaan yang melelahkan, membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan menurunkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi. Oleh karena itu, didesignlah alat pencampur adonan kerupuk merah yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan efisien waktu serta lebih h...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Metoda Ekstraksi Terhadap Karakteristik Ekstrak Pekat Pigmen Antosianin Dari Buah Senduduk (Melastoma Malabathricum L.) Serta Kajian Aktivitas Antioksidannya

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metoda ekstraksi yang terbaik dalam pembuatan ekstrak p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metoda ekstraksi yang terbaik dalam pembuatan ekstrak pekat pigmen antosianin dari buah senduduk. Faktor-faktor yang akan ditentukan diantaranya suhu ekstraksi, jenis pelarut dan konsentrasi asam sitrat. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap. Tahap pertama bertujuan untuk menentukan suhu ekstraksi pigmen antosianin buah senduduk. Suhu ekstrasi yang dilaksanakan adalah ekstraksi pada suhu dingin (8oC) dan ekstraksi pada suhu kamar (25oC). Tahap kedua bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis pelarut dan konsentrasi asam sitrat dalam ekstraksi antosianin bubuk buah senduduk. Jenis pelarut yang digunakan adalah aquades dan etanol, konsentrasi asam sitrat yang digunakan adalah 0%, 1%, 3%, 5% dan 7%. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsentrasi antosianin, pH dan total asam. Perlakuan terbaik akan diuji aktivitas antioksidannya. Hasil penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa suhu yang paling optimal dalam ekstraksi pigmen antosianin buah senduduk...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN UBI KAYU (Manihot utillisima) DALAM PEMBUATAN KWETIAU

Kwetiau adalah sejenis mi berwarna putih yang berasal dari Tionghoa namun dengan ukuran yang lebi... more Kwetiau adalah sejenis mi berwarna putih yang berasal dari Tionghoa namun dengan ukuran yang lebih lebar. Mi ini berbahan baku tepung beras, dengan karakteristik tidak kenyal seperti mi biasa dari terigu. Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengganti pati dari tepung beras dengan pati dari ubi kayu. Walaupun demikian penggantian bahan ini diharapkan tidak mengurangi nilai gizi pada kwetiau yang dihasilkan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kandungan gizi yang terkandung pada kwetiau yang dihasilkan. Jumlah ubi kayu yang ditambahkan dimulai dari 0-40%. Penambahan ubi kayu akan mengurangi penggunaan tepung beras. Pada penelitian ini ada 5 perlakuan dengan 1 kontrol tanpa penambahan ubi kayu dan ulangan 3. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL dengan uji lanjutan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah uji proksimat. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adala...

Research paper thumbnail of IPTEK bagi masyarakat (IBM) Keripik singkong aneka rasa dipayakumbuh

The program aims is to increase the production capacity and the product quality of traditional fo... more The program aims is to increase the production capacity and the product quality of traditional food in traditional food business, namely cassava chips in Payakumbuh. The application of the casava’s chopper/slicer machine, the mixing of seasoning (Molen) and the oil dryer (spinner) have been able to increase the production capacity and quality of cassava chips which produced by the partners. As a result, the comparation of the production before could only increased to 60 kgs per week and now can be increased to 180 kgs per week. The casava chips anekarasa productshave been produced by using this technology processinghave been selling to the market with assorted flavors (fresh, spicy, savory, maicih, and brown). Based on the chemical test, the qualityvariety flavors cassava chips which have been processed using the mechanical machines as desribed above , it has the quality standard and meet SNI requirement and can be stored up to 1 month with 5.2% water contents, 15.3% fat content and...

Research paper thumbnail of Sensory Characteristic of Cassava (Manihot utilissima) Using in The Making of Kwetiau

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Kwetiau is a type noodles originating from the Chinese region with raw materials of rice flour. T... more Kwetiau is a type noodles originating from the Chinese region with raw materials of rice flour. The use of rice flour as food is high enough plus rice is the main commodity for staple food. Therefore, the research aims to see the extent which cassava can replace rice flour but has no effect on the sensory characteristics. The added cassava formulation ranges from 0-40% of the total raw materials used. Increasing amount of cassava will decrease the amount of rice flour used. This study used the design of RAL 5 treatments, 3 repeats with one treatment as control. Organoletic observations include color, texture, taste and, flavor. The advanced test is done by the way of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) on a 5% real level. Based on the results of organoletic analysis of the chosen treatment is the use of cassava 30% (treatment D) with the value of proximate: water content of 57,89%, ash content 0,94%, protein content 2,13%, fat content 2,46% and carbohydrate content of 36,42%.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Preliminary Treatment on Cassava (Manihot utilissima) on the Quality of Analog Rice Produced

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The research of analog rice cassava has been conducted in the Laboratory of Food Processing Agric... more The research of analog rice cassava has been conducted in the Laboratory of Food Processing Agricultural Polytechnic State of Payakumbuh, and the Laboratory of Agricultural Technology Andalas University, Padang. Research conducted with the aim to search for materials that can shorten the fermentation time of cassava which is usually by natural fermentation, so as to produce analog rice with the best quality. The design used in this research is Complete Random Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. One treatment as a control is cassava that is soaked naturally and 4 treatments with the addition of material in the form of curd, yeast of bread, yeast of tempe and yeast of tape. Advanced test carried out by means Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) on the real level of 5%. Based on the research that has been done the treatment chosen is the treatment with the addition of bread yeast in fermentation (C). The results of the chemical test of analog rice with the treatment ...

Research paper thumbnail of Wuak Piuak Organoleptic Study of Traditional Food Modified Using Cassava (Manihot Utilissima)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015

Wuak piuak is a kind of traditional food comes from Kapur IX, Limapuluh Kota Regency. It is usual... more Wuak piuak is a kind of traditional food comes from Kapur IX, Limapuluh Kota Regency. It is usually presented in local traditional events. The Existence of this food unfortunately started to be disappeared and slowly not recognized by young generations.. It is expected by modifying this kind of food using cassava will make it known back. Complete Randomly Design (CRD) was used in this case by five treatments and three replications for organoleptic test. The test be assessed by asking which kind of most preferred product from some treatments of texture, colour, aroma, taste, appearance. The high value stated the most preferred product whereas the lowest value was most un-preferred one. Advanced test from data was done by using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5 % significance level. The result showed that the treatment by adding 100% of cassava was the most preferred and had high value of texture, aroma, colour and taste.

Research paper thumbnail of Processing Methode Effect to Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Quality After Storaging

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emu... more Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emulsion in some ways like heat using, centrifugation, fermentation, inducement and acid using. The difference of oil extraction ways will influence produced oil quality and oil storage capacity then. Low quality oil will be boosting earlier damage process while storage time. Therefore, it had been done a research in Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechnic state of Payakumbuh. The design used in this research was Complete Random Design (CRD) by 5 (five) actions and 3 (Three) repetitions. For the advance test would be done by Duncan's New Multiple Rang Test (DNMRT) at about 5 % real level. The Observations that had been done in this research were free fat acid, peroxide number and saponification number in storaged dark glass bottle VCO. The result of research showed the VCO oil that had the best quality after storaging was the oil made by centrifugation process with 0,68% free fat acid value, 5,49 % meq/Kg oil peroxide number and 205,05 mg KOH/g oil saponification number.

Research paper thumbnail of The functional properties of starch from arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) tubers using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2023

Arrowroot tuber is a type of tuber that has not yet been widely cultivated by people. This tuber ... more Arrowroot tuber is a type of tuber that has not yet been widely cultivated by people. This tuber provides quite high starch in the rhizome. In addition, this tuber also contains functional compounds that become the source of polyphenols and have the function as antioxidants. Functional compounds from tuber starch can be preserved for a long time if the extraction process is carried out properly. One of the modern extraction methods that can be used to extract this starch is Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). This extraction does not need heat to work but it uses electromagnetic waves instead. Treatment E (4 minutes extraction time) had the highest data from each observation, namely swelling 1993%, solubility 91.52%, water absorption 83.98% and oil absorption 133.86%.


Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas

Buah naga adalah jenis buah tropis yang kaya dengan zat warna. Warna ini dapat diperoleh dari kul... more Buah naga adalah jenis buah tropis yang kaya dengan zat warna. Warna ini dapat diperoleh dari kulit maupun daging buah naga yang dapat digunakan sebagai pewarna alami dalam mengatasi penggunaan pewarna buatan di masyarakat yang di luar ambang batas sehingga dapat menimbulkan resiko bagi kesehatan. Selain itu, pada buah naga juga terdapat senyawa fungsional dalam bentuk senyawa polifenol yang merupakan sumber antioksidan. Senyawa ini mudah rusak sehinga harus memilih metode ekstraksi yang baik agar dapat dapat mempertahankan senyawa ini. Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan. Metode ini melakukan ekstrak dengan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik. Tujuannya agar kualitas warna yang dihasilkan dapat lebih baik sehingga dapat juga mempertahankan senyawa polifenol yang terdapat dalam buah naga tersebut. Metode dari penelitian ini adalah dengan mengambil nilai ratarata dari setiap pengamatan yang sudah diamati dari 3 sampel buah naga yaitu kulit buah naga merah, daging buah naga merah dan kulit buah naga daging putih. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kualitas warna terbaik berasal dari kulit buah naga daging merah dengan nilai sebagai berikut : polifenol 623,1 mg GAE/100 gram, aktivitas antioksidan 41,18%, antosianin 84 mg/100 gram, betasianin 0,75 mg/100 gram dan warna 21,18.

Research paper thumbnail of The extraction effect of the skin of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) to its phenolic compounds and its antioxidants: A review

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2023

Dragon fruit contains various nutrients and functional values both in the flesh and skin. The ski... more Dragon fruit contains various nutrients and functional values both in the flesh and skin. The skin of dragon fruit contains 30-35% water. It has lots of phenolic compounds and antioxidants, of which the higher amount of antioxidants are in the skin. These compounds are very easily damaged due to the extraction process especially if done incorrectly. This article is written to be a guide in selecting the extraction process in order to preserve the compounds. Based on the review, it is found the modern UAE (Ultrasound Assisted Extraction) process provides better quality than the other various conventional and modern extraction processes. UAE is an extraction process that does not use a heating process in its extraction which can damage the phenolic compounds and antioxidants. The results of the analysis of phenolic compounds using the UAE system have found betacyanin 17.64 mg, phenolic compounds 65.16 mg, flavonoid compounds 195 mg and antioxidants 620 mol. Thus, the recommended treatment to do is to use UAE extraction.

Research paper thumbnail of Review Artikel: Pati pada Berbagai Sumber Tanaman


Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap produk impor terutama tepung terigu semakin tinggi dari tahun k... more Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap produk impor terutama tepung terigu semakin tinggi dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini menjadi pertimbangan untuk mencari jalan keluar dari permasalahan ini karena Indonesia sendiri mempunyai potensi berupa umbi, serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan yang merupakan sumber karbohidrat berupa pati dan diharapkan dapat mengurangi penggunaan terigu. Pati pada masing-masing tanaman berbeda jumlahnya dan dipengaruhi oleh komposisi yang ada pada pati tersebut. Komposisi yang ada pati juga mempengaruhi ekstraksi yang dilakukan. Pati dari umbi-umbian lebih mudah untuk diekstrak walaupun hanya menggunakan air. Hal ini terjadi karena rendahnya kandungan protein dan lipid yang terdapat pada umbi sedangkan pada serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan hal ini lebih sulit dilakukan karena kandungan protein dan lipid lebih tinggi. Ekstraksi yang disarankan pada ekstraksi serealia dan beberapa kacang-kacangan adalah menggunakan alkali karena dapat menghilangkan pati pada per...

Research paper thumbnail of The Utilization of Dioscorea Tuber in Self-Rising Starch: a Review

Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology

Self-rising starch is a development product of self-rising flour. This product minimizes the pro... more Self-rising starch is a development product of self-rising flour. This product minimizes the process, especially in the salt and leavening agent weighing stage, so that it reduces the time in the serving process. Self-rising flour is generally made of wheat flour. Currently, due to some medical considerations, many people cannot consume this product. Based on some research results, gluten compound in wheat flour or wheat triggers for the development of type-1 diabetes. This fact has caused Indonesia to be ranked fifth in the world for the diabetic diseases. Thus, one of the ways to overcome this problem is by utilizing the raw materials originating from Indonesia too, namely tubers. Indonesia has a variety of tubers. Some of these tubers, however, have not been explored. These tubers have not only the function as the good sources of carbohydrates but also the bioactive compounds and more functional values, such as water soluble polysaccharides (WSP), diosgenin, inulin and glycemi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Design of a Red Cracker (Kerupuk Merah) Dough Mixing Machine in the Development of the Small Industry in Lima Puluh Kota Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Kerupuk merah is a type of crackers made of flour, and it isred in color. It is a type of snacks ... more Kerupuk merah is a type of crackers made of flour, and it isred in color. It is a type of snacks used as complementary foods, and it can add more taste and aesthetic value on the main dish. It is a unique local product. In West Sumatra, a kerupuk merah industrial center can be found in Piladang, Akabiluru District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The production of this cracker is still performed manually, raising major concerns with production capacity and hygiene. The capacity of kerupuk merah production is determined by the dough mixing process (the first process). This process involves the use of a rectangular wooden box and man power from 3 to 4 people for kneading. The production capacity is 500 kg of dough/day or 56–63 kg/hour. The dough mixing process is performed 1–2 times/week. The data above reflect that the production process of kerupuk merah is energy- and time-consuming, thereby reducing the quantity and quality of the production. The design of a dough mixing machine is a solu...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of the Chemical Physical Properties of Cassava Flour Modification (Mocaf) with the Use of Blondo or Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Dregs

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) is a yam flour that has been modified by fermentation using Lactic... more Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) is a yam flour that has been modified by fermentation using Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) that is sold freely in the community. The use of blondo is expected to replace the use of LAB because it is from VCO that has not been utilized properly. The LAB used in the production is from the production of VCO by fermentation. The study was conducted by using a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 3 repetation, as mocaf control used BIMO bacteria. Advanced testing used the Duncan New Mutiple Range Test (DNMRT) at a real level of 5%. Observations on mocaf flour include, pH flour, WHC, swelling and whitish flour. The observation resulted in a pH value of mocaf 6.43-5.44, WHC mocaf 207.7-231.3%, swelling mocaf 551-1650.33% and whitish mocaf 90.77-91.68.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengolahan Buah Naga menjadi Produk Pangan pada Kelompok Tani Nagari Simpang Sugiran, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas

Red dragon fruit is one of the agricultural commodities in Simpang Sugiran Village. Dragon fruit ... more Red dragon fruit is one of the agricultural commodities in Simpang Sugiran Village. Dragon fruit has many functions and properties for health. Based on monitoring in the field, farmers do not have the knowledge and skills in processing dragon fruit into various processed dragon fruit products to increase their selling value. In addition, the price of dragon fruit and farmer acceptance continues to decline while the number of farmers cultivating is increasing. The purpose of this activity was to increase community knowledge and skills in processing dragon fruit, and business management to increase the added value of dragon fruit cultivation. The results of community service activities indicated that the diversification of dragon fruit processing is one of the most effective ways to increase community income in the Simpang Sugiran village. Dragon fruit can be processed into various processed products using simple technology and can be done as a home industry. This community service ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Ubikayu (Manihot Utilissima) Pada Pembuatan Wajik Piuak Sebagai Pengembangan Makanan Tradisional Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota

Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh eBooks, Oct 7, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Glucose Syrup From Various Sources Of Starch

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Glucose syrup is a type of sugar that is widely used in the processed food industry, such as the ... more Glucose syrup is a type of sugar that is widely used in the processed food industry, such as the confectionery industry, beverages, and in addition can also be used as raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry and chemical industry. The large use of glucose syrup in the industry demands to review glucose syrup from other sources of starch because each region has different agricultural potential. This research was conducted to see how the properties of other starch sources are then compared to the standard that is from cassava starch so that it can be suggested for the use of other sources of starch. The program in this study was RAL 5 treatment 3 replays with one treatment as a control. Observation of glucose syrup in accordance with the standard glucose syrup namely SNI (Indonesia’s National Standards) No.01-2978-1992 covers raw material starch content, water content, ash content, and reducing sugar content. Further tests are conducted by way of Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test ...

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam dan Kota Payakumbuh

IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam d... more IbM Aplikasi Alat Pengering Kerupuk Solar Dryer pada Usaha Kerupuk Ubi Kamang di Kabupaten Agam dan Kota Payakumbuh

Research paper thumbnail of Diversifikasi Pengolahan Jamur Tiram pada Kelompok Tani Saraso, Kenagarian Batu Balang, Kecamatan Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas, 2020

Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated by Saraso farmer group Kenagarian Batu Balang, Harau Distr... more Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated by Saraso farmer group Kenagarian Batu Balang, Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The purpose of the activity was to increase knowledge and skills and empower the women of the Saraso Farmers Group, in the diversification of processed oyster mushroom products in order to increase the selling value. So far, the oyster mushrooms they cultivate are sold in fresh mushrooms, and only a few sell in processed food. The hope is that with this activity, the community can make various processed oyster mushrooms to add value to the sale which is expected to raise the family economy. The activity method was carried out by demonstration and hands-on practice. The results of community service activities showed that the women of the Saraso farmer group are able to process oyster mushrooms into various ready-to-consume products. Various processed mushrooms are made, namely Dendeng oyster mushroom, oyster mushroom beef, oyster mushroom satay, oyster mushro...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Ekonomi Pengoperasian Alat Dan Mesin Pengaduk Adonan Kerupuk Merah

Di Sumatera Barat, sentra industri kerupuk merah terdapat di daerah Piladang Kecamatan Akabiluru ... more Di Sumatera Barat, sentra industri kerupuk merah terdapat di daerah Piladang Kecamatan Akabiluru Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dan jumlah industri ini terus meningkat (14, 16 % pada tahun 2011) seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan kerupuk merah. Namun, permasalahan pada industri kerupuk merah ini adalah teknologi pengolahan yang masih sederhana (manual) dari hulu sampai ke hilir dalam proses produksi kerupuk merah yang membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga kerja yang banyak sehingga biaya operasionalnya pun menjadi besar. Kapasitas produsi kerupuk merah sangat ditentukan oleh proses pencampuran adonan (proses awal) yang selama ini 3-4 orang tenaga pria sebagai tenaga pengaduknya yang mengaduk adonanan 500 kg selama 2,5 jam – 3 jam. Proses ini menjadi pekerjaan yang melelahkan, membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan menurunkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi. Oleh karena itu, didesignlah alat pencampur adonan kerupuk merah yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan efisien waktu serta lebih h...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Metoda Ekstraksi Terhadap Karakteristik Ekstrak Pekat Pigmen Antosianin Dari Buah Senduduk (Melastoma Malabathricum L.) Serta Kajian Aktivitas Antioksidannya

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metoda ekstraksi yang terbaik dalam pembuatan ekstrak p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metoda ekstraksi yang terbaik dalam pembuatan ekstrak pekat pigmen antosianin dari buah senduduk. Faktor-faktor yang akan ditentukan diantaranya suhu ekstraksi, jenis pelarut dan konsentrasi asam sitrat. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap. Tahap pertama bertujuan untuk menentukan suhu ekstraksi pigmen antosianin buah senduduk. Suhu ekstrasi yang dilaksanakan adalah ekstraksi pada suhu dingin (8oC) dan ekstraksi pada suhu kamar (25oC). Tahap kedua bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis pelarut dan konsentrasi asam sitrat dalam ekstraksi antosianin bubuk buah senduduk. Jenis pelarut yang digunakan adalah aquades dan etanol, konsentrasi asam sitrat yang digunakan adalah 0%, 1%, 3%, 5% dan 7%. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsentrasi antosianin, pH dan total asam. Perlakuan terbaik akan diuji aktivitas antioksidannya. Hasil penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa suhu yang paling optimal dalam ekstraksi pigmen antosianin buah senduduk...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN UBI KAYU (Manihot utillisima) DALAM PEMBUATAN KWETIAU

Kwetiau adalah sejenis mi berwarna putih yang berasal dari Tionghoa namun dengan ukuran yang lebi... more Kwetiau adalah sejenis mi berwarna putih yang berasal dari Tionghoa namun dengan ukuran yang lebih lebar. Mi ini berbahan baku tepung beras, dengan karakteristik tidak kenyal seperti mi biasa dari terigu. Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengganti pati dari tepung beras dengan pati dari ubi kayu. Walaupun demikian penggantian bahan ini diharapkan tidak mengurangi nilai gizi pada kwetiau yang dihasilkan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kandungan gizi yang terkandung pada kwetiau yang dihasilkan. Jumlah ubi kayu yang ditambahkan dimulai dari 0-40%. Penambahan ubi kayu akan mengurangi penggunaan tepung beras. Pada penelitian ini ada 5 perlakuan dengan 1 kontrol tanpa penambahan ubi kayu dan ulangan 3. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAL dengan uji lanjutan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah uji proksimat. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adala...

Research paper thumbnail of IPTEK bagi masyarakat (IBM) Keripik singkong aneka rasa dipayakumbuh

The program aims is to increase the production capacity and the product quality of traditional fo... more The program aims is to increase the production capacity and the product quality of traditional food in traditional food business, namely cassava chips in Payakumbuh. The application of the casava’s chopper/slicer machine, the mixing of seasoning (Molen) and the oil dryer (spinner) have been able to increase the production capacity and quality of cassava chips which produced by the partners. As a result, the comparation of the production before could only increased to 60 kgs per week and now can be increased to 180 kgs per week. The casava chips anekarasa productshave been produced by using this technology processinghave been selling to the market with assorted flavors (fresh, spicy, savory, maicih, and brown). Based on the chemical test, the qualityvariety flavors cassava chips which have been processed using the mechanical machines as desribed above , it has the quality standard and meet SNI requirement and can be stored up to 1 month with 5.2% water contents, 15.3% fat content and...

Research paper thumbnail of Sensory Characteristic of Cassava (Manihot utilissima) Using in The Making of Kwetiau

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Kwetiau is a type noodles originating from the Chinese region with raw materials of rice flour. T... more Kwetiau is a type noodles originating from the Chinese region with raw materials of rice flour. The use of rice flour as food is high enough plus rice is the main commodity for staple food. Therefore, the research aims to see the extent which cassava can replace rice flour but has no effect on the sensory characteristics. The added cassava formulation ranges from 0-40% of the total raw materials used. Increasing amount of cassava will decrease the amount of rice flour used. This study used the design of RAL 5 treatments, 3 repeats with one treatment as control. Organoletic observations include color, texture, taste and, flavor. The advanced test is done by the way of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) on a 5% real level. Based on the results of organoletic analysis of the chosen treatment is the use of cassava 30% (treatment D) with the value of proximate: water content of 57,89%, ash content 0,94%, protein content 2,13%, fat content 2,46% and carbohydrate content of 36,42%.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Preliminary Treatment on Cassava (Manihot utilissima) on the Quality of Analog Rice Produced

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The research of analog rice cassava has been conducted in the Laboratory of Food Processing Agric... more The research of analog rice cassava has been conducted in the Laboratory of Food Processing Agricultural Polytechnic State of Payakumbuh, and the Laboratory of Agricultural Technology Andalas University, Padang. Research conducted with the aim to search for materials that can shorten the fermentation time of cassava which is usually by natural fermentation, so as to produce analog rice with the best quality. The design used in this research is Complete Random Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. One treatment as a control is cassava that is soaked naturally and 4 treatments with the addition of material in the form of curd, yeast of bread, yeast of tempe and yeast of tape. Advanced test carried out by means Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) on the real level of 5%. Based on the research that has been done the treatment chosen is the treatment with the addition of bread yeast in fermentation (C). The results of the chemical test of analog rice with the treatment ...

Research paper thumbnail of Wuak Piuak Organoleptic Study of Traditional Food Modified Using Cassava (Manihot Utilissima)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015

Wuak piuak is a kind of traditional food comes from Kapur IX, Limapuluh Kota Regency. It is usual... more Wuak piuak is a kind of traditional food comes from Kapur IX, Limapuluh Kota Regency. It is usually presented in local traditional events. The Existence of this food unfortunately started to be disappeared and slowly not recognized by young generations.. It is expected by modifying this kind of food using cassava will make it known back. Complete Randomly Design (CRD) was used in this case by five treatments and three replications for organoleptic test. The test be assessed by asking which kind of most preferred product from some treatments of texture, colour, aroma, taste, appearance. The high value stated the most preferred product whereas the lowest value was most un-preferred one. Advanced test from data was done by using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5 % significance level. The result showed that the treatment by adding 100% of cassava was the most preferred and had high value of texture, aroma, colour and taste.

Research paper thumbnail of Processing Methode Effect to Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Quality After Storaging

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emu... more Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emulsion in some ways like heat using, centrifugation, fermentation, inducement and acid using. The difference of oil extraction ways will influence produced oil quality and oil storage capacity then. Low quality oil will be boosting earlier damage process while storage time. Therefore, it had been done a research in Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechnic state of Payakumbuh. The design used in this research was Complete Random Design (CRD) by 5 (five) actions and 3 (Three) repetitions. For the advance test would be done by Duncan's New Multiple Rang Test (DNMRT) at about 5 % real level. The Observations that had been done in this research were free fat acid, peroxide number and saponification number in storaged dark glass bottle VCO. The result of research showed the VCO oil that had the best quality after storaging was the oil made by centrifugation process with 0,68% free fat acid value, 5,49 % meq/Kg oil peroxide number and 205,05 mg KOH/g oil saponification number.