Niken Hartati - (original) (raw)
Papers by Niken Hartati
Journal of Cybersecurity
This study aims to test students’ cyber aggression models based on previous studies, especially t... more This study aims to test students’ cyber aggression models based on previous studies, especially those related to high school students’ Cyber Aggression behavior. Following the stages of adolescent development, this research uses the socio-ecological theoretical perspective of the cyber context. This study determines several predictive variables as risk factors and protective factors that have the most potential to influence student cyber aggression, such as perceived threats, school climate, and prejudice. The model tested in this study is the role of the perceived threat and school climate on students’ Cyber Aggression behavior mediated by prejudice. This study uses a quantitative approach with structural equation modeling analysis, namely the structural equation model (SEM). The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The subjects of this study are high school students who actively use social media every day, with 1118 students as respondents from several citi...
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang), Feb 13, 2018
Optimizing care for poor families in order to improve the subjective welfare of children in the c... more Optimizing care for poor families in order to improve the subjective welfare of children in the city of Padang. Poverty has a negative impact on parenting patterns that can reduce the subjective well-being (happiness) of children. The low subjective well-being of a child can lead to various psychosocial effects in the development of his personality. Until now, the intervention of poor families by the government is still focused on providing assistance for physiological needs, has not directly addressed the psychological aspect. This study aims to produce a model of care intervention in poor families to improve the subjective welfare of children (children's happiness). The results of this study can be donated to the government as input to poverty alleviation program intact. This research is conducted in two steps. The first stage of extracting data on patterns of poor family care, psychosocial issues in care, and subjective levels of child welfare. Data excavation by survey using open questionnaires and subjective welfare scales. The second phase of module compilation by integrating social support resources in the environment surrounding research subjects.
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang), Feb 24, 2017
Relationship self efficacy with subjective well being of the elderly living alone. This study was... more Relationship self efficacy with subjective well being of the elderly living alone. This study was a correlational study, which aims to examine the relationship between self-efficacy with subjective well being of elderly living in home alone. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with 70 research subjects. Data were analyzed using Pearson product moment from Karl using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results showed there is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy with subjective well being with rxy value of 0.970 and p = 0.000 (p <0.01). In this study subjective well being and self efficacy elderly who live in his own house at the high category.
This study aimed to explore the sources of teenagers� happiness who lived in orphanages through... more This study aimed to explore the sources of teenagers� happiness who lived in orphanages through three questions: 1) a happiest life event, 2) people who was perceived to support the happiness, and 3) factors supporting the perceived happiness. The study was conducted using mix method quantitative and qualitative approaches and data retrieval was done in two phases. First phase, a study involving 141 survey participants (male =69 and female = 72), generating the sources of the perceived happiness. Happiest life events consist of seven categories i.e.: social relationships (with family, friends, people at the orphanage and relations involving love/loved ones), achievement, leisure activity and religious activity. Those in favor of participants happiness are friends, family and people at the orphanages. Factors related to perceived support of happiness consists of internal factors i.e.: self (the determination, motivation, persistence, and autonomy) and external factors i.e.: social ...
Abstrack:Differences Psychological well-being of elderly by residences. The purpose of this resea... more Abstrack:Differences Psychological well-being of elderly by residences. The purpose of this research is to find out differences in psychological well-being of elderly who live in city and elderly who live in village. Design of this research is descriptive comparative and the subjects were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Subjects in this research are 40 elderly in city X and 40 elderly in village Y. Analyzed result by t-test, found p = 0.017 (p<0.05) which show that hypothesis on this research is accepted. Abstrak: Perbedaan Psychological Well-being pada Lansia Berdasarkan Lokasi Tempat Tinggal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran perbedaan psychological well-being pada lansia berdasarkan lokasi tempat tinggal.Meteode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif.Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif komparatif.Pengambilan subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pusposive sampling. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang l...
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, Apr 1, 2021
Previous research has proven that individuals raised in intact family structures have better psyc... more Previous research has proven that individuals raised in intact family structures have better psychological well-being and academic achievement than those raised in non-intact families. However, these findings emphasize only the nuclear family and have not considered the living arrangement factor that allows social support from extended families such as those in the Minang community. This study involved N = 201 students of Minang ethnicity from intact families (n = 160) and non-intact families (n = 41) who lived with nuclear families (n = 162) and extended families (n = 39). The sampling technique was carried out with convenient sampling. The instrument used is the translated Ryff's PWB (Psychological Well-Being) scale with a reliability of 0.912. Meanwhile, data on academic achievement was obtained through the participants' IPK (cumulative grade point index). Family structure data is obtained from participants' answers to the marital status of biological parents. The living arrangement data is obtained from the answer to whom the participants live with to determine the presence/absence of extended family members in their home. The analysis showed no differences in psychological well-being and academic achievement regarding family structure and living arrangements. However, the interactions between groups showed differences in PWB between groups of participants from intact families and groups of non-intact families who lived with only nuclear families. This research shows the importance of paying attention to the context of the participants' socio-cultural environment, producing different conclusions from previous findings
Suku Minang memiliki sistem kekerabatan matrilineal di mana kesejahteraan seorang anak menjadi ta... more Suku Minang memiliki sistem kekerabatan matrilineal di mana kesejahteraan seorang anak menjadi tanggung jawab bersama keluarga besar ibu (communal) yang dipimpin oleh mamak (saudara laki-laki ibu). Akan tetapi, penelitian-penelitian dalam bidang sosiologi memberikan bukti bahwa sistem kekerabatan tersebut sudah memudar dan peran mamak sudah digantikan oleh bapak seiring dengan menguatnya praktik keluarga inti (nuclear family). Penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi tema-tema dalam makna pemberian dukungan dari perspektif mamak kepada kemenakan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 298 laki-laki Minang yang memiliki kemenakan (anak dari saudara perempuannya) dan berdomisili di provinsi Sumatra Barat yang secara tradisional mempraktikan sistem kekerabatan matrilineal. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan open-ended questionaire, dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemberian dukungan sosial dari mamak kepada kemenakan masih dilaku...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Local Wisdom, INCOLWIS 2019, August 29-30, 2019, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019
Basic literacy was needed in the digital era. Given that low-class students are preoccupied with ... more Basic literacy was needed in the digital era. Given that low-class students are preoccupied with technology, it is feared that they do not recognize the Minangkabau children's game culture, one of which is the game manakok. While on the other hand, technology was increasingly making students' egocentric higher. Bringing the alpha generation closer to the culture of the manakok game in West Sumatra to succeed in the early reading and writing learning is the aim of this study. This research was conducted with literature studies. The results of the study show the emergence of the view that the manakok game as one of the cultures of Minangkabau children is assumed to be able to deliver early reading and writing learning in realizing basic literacy. Early reading and writing learning by using manakok games can be one of the new views in the world of education that learning can be realized with local wisdom. Manakok games can also build social attitudes among students by realizing familiarity in the game process. Although most students do not recognize the manakok game, familiarizing students with the culture of local wisdom is still better than the technological sophistication that shapes the ego slump.
The child’s welfare in the matrilineal society is become the maternal kinship responsibility, whi... more The child’s welfare in the matrilineal society is become the maternal kinship responsibility, while the father’s role in the family nonexistent. This situation makes children avoid parental divorce'snegative impacts because they still have maternal relatives as the primary social support source. But the results of research on the Minang community in West Sumatra, Indonesia, show a shift in the role of the members of the matrilineal kinship system, which makes the father’s role more strength for children. This phenomenon leaves the question of whether the kinship system still functions as a social support source for children of divorce. The study was conducted using a qualitative interpretative phenomenology analysis approach involving three Minangnese participants from divorced families. This study aims to reveal social support in the matrilineal kinship system based on experiences and interpretations as children of divorced families. The main question posed is, “How do particip...
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, Jun 30, 2017
Penelitian ini melibatkan subjek yang berafiliasi dengan suku Minangkabau, berusia remaja, yang t... more Penelitian ini melibatkan subjek yang berafiliasi dengan suku Minangkabau, berusia remaja, yang terdiri dari representasi subjek berusia remaja dengan tingkat pendidikan SMP dan SMA. Penelitian ini sendiri bertujuan untuk menggali makna kebahagiaan berdasarkan perspektif subjek dan mengenali sumber-sumber kebahagiaannya sekaligus sumber ketidakbahagiaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan kuesioner terbuka (open ended questionnaire) dengan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang definisi kebahagiaan dan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat subjek merasa bahagia dan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat subyek merasa sangat tidak bahagia. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan remaja bersumber dari keluarga, prestasi, teman, rekreasi, materi dan aktivitas religi. Sumber ketidakbahagiaannya juga keluarga, prestasi, teman, orang lain, kecelakaan, bencana alam, dan diri sendiri. Makna kebahagiaan dibagi menjadi beberapa dimensi yaitu bentuk kebahagiaan, sumber kebahagiaan, status kebahagiaan, dan manfaat.
Journal of Cybersecurity
This study aims to test students’ cyber aggression models based on previous studies, especially t... more This study aims to test students’ cyber aggression models based on previous studies, especially those related to high school students’ Cyber Aggression behavior. Following the stages of adolescent development, this research uses the socio-ecological theoretical perspective of the cyber context. This study determines several predictive variables as risk factors and protective factors that have the most potential to influence student cyber aggression, such as perceived threats, school climate, and prejudice. The model tested in this study is the role of the perceived threat and school climate on students’ Cyber Aggression behavior mediated by prejudice. This study uses a quantitative approach with structural equation modeling analysis, namely the structural equation model (SEM). The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The subjects of this study are high school students who actively use social media every day, with 1118 students as respondents from several citi...
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang), Feb 13, 2018
Optimizing care for poor families in order to improve the subjective welfare of children in the c... more Optimizing care for poor families in order to improve the subjective welfare of children in the city of Padang. Poverty has a negative impact on parenting patterns that can reduce the subjective well-being (happiness) of children. The low subjective well-being of a child can lead to various psychosocial effects in the development of his personality. Until now, the intervention of poor families by the government is still focused on providing assistance for physiological needs, has not directly addressed the psychological aspect. This study aims to produce a model of care intervention in poor families to improve the subjective welfare of children (children's happiness). The results of this study can be donated to the government as input to poverty alleviation program intact. This research is conducted in two steps. The first stage of extracting data on patterns of poor family care, psychosocial issues in care, and subjective levels of child welfare. Data excavation by survey using open questionnaires and subjective welfare scales. The second phase of module compilation by integrating social support resources in the environment surrounding research subjects.
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang), Feb 24, 2017
Relationship self efficacy with subjective well being of the elderly living alone. This study was... more Relationship self efficacy with subjective well being of the elderly living alone. This study was a correlational study, which aims to examine the relationship between self-efficacy with subjective well being of elderly living in home alone. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with 70 research subjects. Data were analyzed using Pearson product moment from Karl using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results showed there is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy with subjective well being with rxy value of 0.970 and p = 0.000 (p <0.01). In this study subjective well being and self efficacy elderly who live in his own house at the high category.
This study aimed to explore the sources of teenagers� happiness who lived in orphanages through... more This study aimed to explore the sources of teenagers� happiness who lived in orphanages through three questions: 1) a happiest life event, 2) people who was perceived to support the happiness, and 3) factors supporting the perceived happiness. The study was conducted using mix method quantitative and qualitative approaches and data retrieval was done in two phases. First phase, a study involving 141 survey participants (male =69 and female = 72), generating the sources of the perceived happiness. Happiest life events consist of seven categories i.e.: social relationships (with family, friends, people at the orphanage and relations involving love/loved ones), achievement, leisure activity and religious activity. Those in favor of participants happiness are friends, family and people at the orphanages. Factors related to perceived support of happiness consists of internal factors i.e.: self (the determination, motivation, persistence, and autonomy) and external factors i.e.: social ...
Abstrack:Differences Psychological well-being of elderly by residences. The purpose of this resea... more Abstrack:Differences Psychological well-being of elderly by residences. The purpose of this research is to find out differences in psychological well-being of elderly who live in city and elderly who live in village. Design of this research is descriptive comparative and the subjects were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Subjects in this research are 40 elderly in city X and 40 elderly in village Y. Analyzed result by t-test, found p = 0.017 (p<0.05) which show that hypothesis on this research is accepted. Abstrak: Perbedaan Psychological Well-being pada Lansia Berdasarkan Lokasi Tempat Tinggal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran perbedaan psychological well-being pada lansia berdasarkan lokasi tempat tinggal.Meteode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif.Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif komparatif.Pengambilan subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pusposive sampling. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang l...
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, Apr 1, 2021
Previous research has proven that individuals raised in intact family structures have better psyc... more Previous research has proven that individuals raised in intact family structures have better psychological well-being and academic achievement than those raised in non-intact families. However, these findings emphasize only the nuclear family and have not considered the living arrangement factor that allows social support from extended families such as those in the Minang community. This study involved N = 201 students of Minang ethnicity from intact families (n = 160) and non-intact families (n = 41) who lived with nuclear families (n = 162) and extended families (n = 39). The sampling technique was carried out with convenient sampling. The instrument used is the translated Ryff's PWB (Psychological Well-Being) scale with a reliability of 0.912. Meanwhile, data on academic achievement was obtained through the participants' IPK (cumulative grade point index). Family structure data is obtained from participants' answers to the marital status of biological parents. The living arrangement data is obtained from the answer to whom the participants live with to determine the presence/absence of extended family members in their home. The analysis showed no differences in psychological well-being and academic achievement regarding family structure and living arrangements. However, the interactions between groups showed differences in PWB between groups of participants from intact families and groups of non-intact families who lived with only nuclear families. This research shows the importance of paying attention to the context of the participants' socio-cultural environment, producing different conclusions from previous findings
Suku Minang memiliki sistem kekerabatan matrilineal di mana kesejahteraan seorang anak menjadi ta... more Suku Minang memiliki sistem kekerabatan matrilineal di mana kesejahteraan seorang anak menjadi tanggung jawab bersama keluarga besar ibu (communal) yang dipimpin oleh mamak (saudara laki-laki ibu). Akan tetapi, penelitian-penelitian dalam bidang sosiologi memberikan bukti bahwa sistem kekerabatan tersebut sudah memudar dan peran mamak sudah digantikan oleh bapak seiring dengan menguatnya praktik keluarga inti (nuclear family). Penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi tema-tema dalam makna pemberian dukungan dari perspektif mamak kepada kemenakan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 298 laki-laki Minang yang memiliki kemenakan (anak dari saudara perempuannya) dan berdomisili di provinsi Sumatra Barat yang secara tradisional mempraktikan sistem kekerabatan matrilineal. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan open-ended questionaire, dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemberian dukungan sosial dari mamak kepada kemenakan masih dilaku...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Local Wisdom, INCOLWIS 2019, August 29-30, 2019, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019
Basic literacy was needed in the digital era. Given that low-class students are preoccupied with ... more Basic literacy was needed in the digital era. Given that low-class students are preoccupied with technology, it is feared that they do not recognize the Minangkabau children's game culture, one of which is the game manakok. While on the other hand, technology was increasingly making students' egocentric higher. Bringing the alpha generation closer to the culture of the manakok game in West Sumatra to succeed in the early reading and writing learning is the aim of this study. This research was conducted with literature studies. The results of the study show the emergence of the view that the manakok game as one of the cultures of Minangkabau children is assumed to be able to deliver early reading and writing learning in realizing basic literacy. Early reading and writing learning by using manakok games can be one of the new views in the world of education that learning can be realized with local wisdom. Manakok games can also build social attitudes among students by realizing familiarity in the game process. Although most students do not recognize the manakok game, familiarizing students with the culture of local wisdom is still better than the technological sophistication that shapes the ego slump.
The child’s welfare in the matrilineal society is become the maternal kinship responsibility, whi... more The child’s welfare in the matrilineal society is become the maternal kinship responsibility, while the father’s role in the family nonexistent. This situation makes children avoid parental divorce'snegative impacts because they still have maternal relatives as the primary social support source. But the results of research on the Minang community in West Sumatra, Indonesia, show a shift in the role of the members of the matrilineal kinship system, which makes the father’s role more strength for children. This phenomenon leaves the question of whether the kinship system still functions as a social support source for children of divorce. The study was conducted using a qualitative interpretative phenomenology analysis approach involving three Minangnese participants from divorced families. This study aims to reveal social support in the matrilineal kinship system based on experiences and interpretations as children of divorced families. The main question posed is, “How do particip...
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, Jun 30, 2017
Penelitian ini melibatkan subjek yang berafiliasi dengan suku Minangkabau, berusia remaja, yang t... more Penelitian ini melibatkan subjek yang berafiliasi dengan suku Minangkabau, berusia remaja, yang terdiri dari representasi subjek berusia remaja dengan tingkat pendidikan SMP dan SMA. Penelitian ini sendiri bertujuan untuk menggali makna kebahagiaan berdasarkan perspektif subjek dan mengenali sumber-sumber kebahagiaannya sekaligus sumber ketidakbahagiaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan kuesioner terbuka (open ended questionnaire) dengan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang definisi kebahagiaan dan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat subjek merasa bahagia dan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat subyek merasa sangat tidak bahagia. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan remaja bersumber dari keluarga, prestasi, teman, rekreasi, materi dan aktivitas religi. Sumber ketidakbahagiaannya juga keluarga, prestasi, teman, orang lain, kecelakaan, bencana alam, dan diri sendiri. Makna kebahagiaan dibagi menjadi beberapa dimensi yaitu bentuk kebahagiaan, sumber kebahagiaan, status kebahagiaan, dan manfaat.