Hazan Wijaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Hazan Wijaya

Research paper thumbnail of perencanaan embung

Research paper thumbnail of Is short-term mating the maladaptive result of insecure attachment? A test of competing evolutionary perspectives

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2005

Different evolutionary perspectives offer competing views on short-term mating and attachment. So... more Different evolutionary perspectives offer competing views on short-term mating and attachment. Some theories argue that short-term mating results from insecure attachment, particularly the maladaptive attachment features of low self-esteem, interpersonal distrust, social avoidance, and emotional instability. Other theories posit that short-term mating is adaptive, having evolved as an ecologically contingent reproductive strategy. In this view, short-term mating has multiple origins-developmental, heritable, and situational-and may not be associated with the maladaptive traits of insecure attachment. Across several different cultures, short-term mating was moderately associated with insecure attachment, and insecure attachment was strongly related to maladaptive personality. However, shortterm mating was largely independent of maladaptive personality. In some cases, especially among young men, short-term mating was associated with adaptive personality traits, especially higher self-esteem. It is argued that although insecure romantic attachment is somewhat associated with short-term mating, the causal links between early parent-child attachment and shortterm mating are rather limited.

Research paper thumbnail of Insecure attachment predicts ambivalent social threat and reward perceptions in romantic relationships

Journal of Social and …, 2012

Although theoretical perspectives on adult attachment forward relational ambivalence as a definin... more Although theoretical perspectives on adult attachment forward relational ambivalence as a defining characteristic of at least some forms of insecurity, work demonstrating an ambivalent structure to the relational attitudes of insecure individuals has been rare. The current research examines the similarity and intensity of perceptions of social threat (i.e., concerns over rejection) and social reward (i.e., opportunities for intimacy) in romantic relationships. Using a sample of 1004 participants, evidence for relational ambivalence was found for both anxious and avoidant attachment. Individuals high in anxious attachment reported relatively similar and intense threat and reward perceptions, whereas individuals high in avoidant attachment showed evidence of similar, but not intense, threat and reward perceptions. Thus, the weighing of prospects for rejection and intimacy in romantic relationships arguably leads to what researchers traditionally think of as ambivalence for those high in attachment anxiety, but something more akin to indifference for those high in attachment avoidance. More broadly, this work provides a set of tools and methods for carefully examining ambivalence in close relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Enterobacteriaceae produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro alargado

Obrigada por ter aceitado orientar este meu percurso e pela generosidade com que partilhou comigo... more Obrigada por ter aceitado orientar este meu percurso e pela generosidade com que partilhou comigo os seus conhecimentos.

Research paper thumbnail of The Driwan's Cybermuseum


Driwancybermuseum's Blog. Just another WordPress... more Driwancybermuseum's Blog. Just another WordPress.com site. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions

Personal Relationships, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Pregledni znanstveni çlanek UDK 159.923: 316.47


POVZETEK Teorija navezanosti je danes med najbolj odmevnimi in obširnimi teorijami na SRGURþMX SV... more POVZETEK Teorija navezanosti je danes med najbolj odmevnimi in obširnimi teorijami na SRGURþMX SVLKRORJLMH 2PRJRþD ELRVRFLDOQR LQ YVHåLYOMHQMVNR UD]XPHYDQMH oblikovanja, ohranjanja in razdora odnosov, kot tudi, kako odnosi vplivajo na RVHEH NL VR YDQMH YNOMXþHQH %RZOE\ SR 5KROHV LQ 6LPSVRQ .OMXE precejšnji priljubljenosti teorije v svetu pa v Sloveniji skorajda ni raziskav, ki bi SUHXþHYDOH VWLO QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL ýODQHN SULQDãD JURE RULV WHRULMH QDYH zanosti v odraslosti (Hazan in Shaver, 1987), ki izhaja iz teorije navezanosti v otroštvu, ugotovitve raziskav o povezavi med stilom navezanosti in partnerskimi odnosi ter pregled ugotovitev raziskav o povezavi med stilom navezanosti in RVHEQRVWQLPL ]QDþLOQRVWPL .OMXþQH EHVHGH QDYH]DQRVW RGUDVOL SDUWQHUVNL RGQRVL RVHEQRVW ABSTRACT ADULT ATTACHMENT Attachment theory is among the most sweeping, comprehensive theories in psychology today. It offers a biosocial, lifespan account of how relationships form, are maintained, and dissolve and how relationships influence the persons involved in them (Bowlby, 1979, in Rholes and Simpson, 204). Despite its worldwide popularity research of adult attachment theory concepts in Slovenia is rather rare. This article presents basic information about adult romantic attachment theory , which stems from Bowlby's attachment theory, and an overview of research about relationship between adult attachment and romantic relationships as well as personality. Erika Tomec: Navezanost v odraslosti .OMXE SUHFHMãQML SULOMXEOMHQRVWL WHRULMH QDYH]DQRVWL Y VYHWX SUHXþHYDQMH QMHQLK SUHGSRVWDYN Y 6ORYHQLML QL ]HOR UD]ãLUMHQR 6 SRGURþMHP QDYH]DQRVWL Y RWURãWYX VH SUL QDV åH GHVHWOHWMH XNYDUMD =ODWND &XJPDV QSU SRGURþMH QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL SD RVWDMD UHODWLYQR SUH]UWR ± NRW HQR RG SUHXþHYDQLK VSUHPHQOMLYN MR ODKNR QDMGHPR Y diplomskih (npr. Hladky Turk, 2005), magistrskih (npr. Kobal, 2001) in doktorskih QDORJDK QSU 3DKROH = YLGLND WHRULMH LQ NOLQLþQRWHUDSHYWVNHJD SULVWRSD VH V SRGURþMHP QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL XNYDUMD .DWDULQD .RPSDQ(U]DU = åHOMR GD bi koncept navezanosti v odraslosti postal raziskovalno bolj zanimiv tudi pri nas, smo se RGORþLOL ]D REMDYR SULþXMRþHJD þODQND NL Y ]DþHWNX SRY]HPD JODYQH ]QDþLOQRVWL %RZO byjeve teorije navezanosti, sledi predstavitev teorije navezanosti v odraslosti (Hazan in 6KDYHU ]DNOMXþL SD VH ] GYHPD SRGSRJODYMHPD NL SRQD]DUMDWD SRYH]DQRVW VWLOD navezanosti v odraslosti s funkcioniranjem v partnerskih odnosih in s posameznikovimi RVHEQRVWQLPL ]QDþLOQRVWPL Navezanost v otroštvu 7HRULMR QDYH]DQRVWL MH Y ãWLULGHVHWLK OHWLK SUHMãQMHJD VWROHWMD ]DþHO UD]YLMDWL -RKQ Bowlby (19071990; Hazan in Shaver 1987 in 1994; Fraley 2004). Poskušal je razumeti LQWHQ]LYQL VWUHV SUL RWURFLK NL VR ELOL ORþHQL RG VWDUãHY 2SD]LO MH GD ER RWURN QDUHGLO VNRUDM YVH GD EL SUHSUHþLO ORþLWHY R]LURPD SRQRYQR Y]SRVWDYLO EOLåLQR V VWDUãHP GD VH QD ORþLWHY RG]RYH Y QDSRYHGOMLYHP ]DSRUHGMX HPRFLRQDOQLK UHDNFLM ± SURWHVW DNWLYQR LVNDQMH VWDUãD LQ ]DYUDþDQMH GUXJLK REXS SDVLYQRVW åDORVW RGFHSLWHY DNWLYQR L]RJLEDQMH VWDUãX WHU GD LPD åH NUDWND ORþLWHY RG VNUEQLND GDOMãL XþLQHN YHþML VWUDK SUHG ]DSXãþHQRVWMR LVNDQMH IL]LþQHJD VWLND LQ WRODåEH =DUDGL XQLYHU]DOQRVWL SRMDYD MH %RZOE\ menil, da je navezanost med otrokom in skrbnikom rezultat evolucije. Otrokovo SUHåLYHWMH MH Y ]DþHWNX SRYVHP RGYLVQR RG VNUEL LQ ]DãþLWH RGUDVOLK 7HNRP HYROXFLMH VR RWURFL ]DWR UD]YLOL VNORS YHGHQM QSU MRN LVNDQMH LQ ]QDþLOQRVWL QSU YHOLNH RþL NDWHULK IXQNFLMD MH SULWHJQLWL SR]RUQRVW LQ RKUDQLWL VNUEQLNRYR EOLåLQR 2GUDVOL VH QD RWURND RG zovejo s komplementarnim vedenjskim sistemom -sistemom skrbi (ang. caregiving).

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Attachment Style on the Using Behavior of Social Network Sites-With Self-Disclosure as a Mediator

Research paper thumbnail of Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands

… of personality and …, 2003

and 118 Members of the International Sexuality Description Project Evolutionary psychologists hav... more and 118 Members of the International Sexuality Description Project Evolutionary psychologists have hypothesized that men and women possess both long-term and shortterm mating strategies, with men's short-term strategy differentially rooted in the desire for sexual variety. In this article, findings from a cross-cultural survey of 16,288 people across 10 major world regions (including North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South/Southeast Asia, and East Asia) demonstrate that sex differences in the desire for sexual variety are culturally universal throughout these world regions. Sex differences were evident regardless of whether mean, median, distributional, or categorical indexes of sexual differentiation were evaluated. Sex differences were evident regardless of the measures used to evaluate them. Among contemporary theories of human mating, pluralistic approaches that hypothesize sex differences in the evolved design of short-term mating provide the most compelling account of these robust empirical findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns and Universals of Adult Romantic Attachment Across 62 Cultural RegionsAre Models of Self and of Other Pancultural Constructs?

Journal of Cross- …, 2004

As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 6... more As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 62 cultural regions completed the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), a self-report measure of adult romantic attachment. Correlational analyses within each culture suggested that the Model of Self and the Model of Other scales of the RQ were psychometrically valid within most cultures. Contrary to expectations, the Model of Self and Model of Other dimensions of the RQ did not underlie the four-category model of attachment in the same way across all cultures. Analyses of specific attachment styles revealed that secure romantic attachment was normative in 79% of cultures and that preoccupied romantic attachment was particularly prevalent in East Asian cultures. Finally, the romantic attachment profiles of individual nations were correlated with sociocultural indicators in ways that supported evolutionary theories of romantic attachment and basic human mating strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of perencanaan embung

Research paper thumbnail of Is short-term mating the maladaptive result of insecure attachment? A test of competing evolutionary perspectives

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2005

Different evolutionary perspectives offer competing views on short-term mating and attachment. So... more Different evolutionary perspectives offer competing views on short-term mating and attachment. Some theories argue that short-term mating results from insecure attachment, particularly the maladaptive attachment features of low self-esteem, interpersonal distrust, social avoidance, and emotional instability. Other theories posit that short-term mating is adaptive, having evolved as an ecologically contingent reproductive strategy. In this view, short-term mating has multiple origins-developmental, heritable, and situational-and may not be associated with the maladaptive traits of insecure attachment. Across several different cultures, short-term mating was moderately associated with insecure attachment, and insecure attachment was strongly related to maladaptive personality. However, shortterm mating was largely independent of maladaptive personality. In some cases, especially among young men, short-term mating was associated with adaptive personality traits, especially higher self-esteem. It is argued that although insecure romantic attachment is somewhat associated with short-term mating, the causal links between early parent-child attachment and shortterm mating are rather limited.

Research paper thumbnail of Insecure attachment predicts ambivalent social threat and reward perceptions in romantic relationships

Journal of Social and …, 2012

Although theoretical perspectives on adult attachment forward relational ambivalence as a definin... more Although theoretical perspectives on adult attachment forward relational ambivalence as a defining characteristic of at least some forms of insecurity, work demonstrating an ambivalent structure to the relational attitudes of insecure individuals has been rare. The current research examines the similarity and intensity of perceptions of social threat (i.e., concerns over rejection) and social reward (i.e., opportunities for intimacy) in romantic relationships. Using a sample of 1004 participants, evidence for relational ambivalence was found for both anxious and avoidant attachment. Individuals high in anxious attachment reported relatively similar and intense threat and reward perceptions, whereas individuals high in avoidant attachment showed evidence of similar, but not intense, threat and reward perceptions. Thus, the weighing of prospects for rejection and intimacy in romantic relationships arguably leads to what researchers traditionally think of as ambivalence for those high in attachment anxiety, but something more akin to indifference for those high in attachment avoidance. More broadly, this work provides a set of tools and methods for carefully examining ambivalence in close relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Enterobacteriaceae produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro alargado

Obrigada por ter aceitado orientar este meu percurso e pela generosidade com que partilhou comigo... more Obrigada por ter aceitado orientar este meu percurso e pela generosidade com que partilhou comigo os seus conhecimentos.

Research paper thumbnail of The Driwan's Cybermuseum


Driwancybermuseum's Blog. Just another WordPress... more Driwancybermuseum's Blog. Just another WordPress.com site. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions

Personal Relationships, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Pregledni znanstveni çlanek UDK 159.923: 316.47


POVZETEK Teorija navezanosti je danes med najbolj odmevnimi in obširnimi teorijami na SRGURþMX SV... more POVZETEK Teorija navezanosti je danes med najbolj odmevnimi in obširnimi teorijami na SRGURþMX SVLKRORJLMH 2PRJRþD ELRVRFLDOQR LQ YVHåLYOMHQMVNR UD]XPHYDQMH oblikovanja, ohranjanja in razdora odnosov, kot tudi, kako odnosi vplivajo na RVHEH NL VR YDQMH YNOMXþHQH %RZOE\ SR 5KROHV LQ 6LPSVRQ .OMXE precejšnji priljubljenosti teorije v svetu pa v Sloveniji skorajda ni raziskav, ki bi SUHXþHYDOH VWLO QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL ýODQHN SULQDãD JURE RULV WHRULMH QDYH zanosti v odraslosti (Hazan in Shaver, 1987), ki izhaja iz teorije navezanosti v otroštvu, ugotovitve raziskav o povezavi med stilom navezanosti in partnerskimi odnosi ter pregled ugotovitev raziskav o povezavi med stilom navezanosti in RVHEQRVWQLPL ]QDþLOQRVWPL .OMXþQH EHVHGH QDYH]DQRVW RGUDVOL SDUWQHUVNL RGQRVL RVHEQRVW ABSTRACT ADULT ATTACHMENT Attachment theory is among the most sweeping, comprehensive theories in psychology today. It offers a biosocial, lifespan account of how relationships form, are maintained, and dissolve and how relationships influence the persons involved in them (Bowlby, 1979, in Rholes and Simpson, 204). Despite its worldwide popularity research of adult attachment theory concepts in Slovenia is rather rare. This article presents basic information about adult romantic attachment theory , which stems from Bowlby's attachment theory, and an overview of research about relationship between adult attachment and romantic relationships as well as personality. Erika Tomec: Navezanost v odraslosti .OMXE SUHFHMãQML SULOMXEOMHQRVWL WHRULMH QDYH]DQRVWL Y VYHWX SUHXþHYDQMH QMHQLK SUHGSRVWDYN Y 6ORYHQLML QL ]HOR UD]ãLUMHQR 6 SRGURþMHP QDYH]DQRVWL Y RWURãWYX VH SUL QDV åH GHVHWOHWMH XNYDUMD =ODWND &XJPDV QSU SRGURþMH QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL SD RVWDMD UHODWLYQR SUH]UWR ± NRW HQR RG SUHXþHYDQLK VSUHPHQOMLYN MR ODKNR QDMGHPR Y diplomskih (npr. Hladky Turk, 2005), magistrskih (npr. Kobal, 2001) in doktorskih QDORJDK QSU 3DKROH = YLGLND WHRULMH LQ NOLQLþQRWHUDSHYWVNHJD SULVWRSD VH V SRGURþMHP QDYH]DQRVWL Y RGUDVORVWL XNYDUMD .DWDULQD .RPSDQ(U]DU = åHOMR GD bi koncept navezanosti v odraslosti postal raziskovalno bolj zanimiv tudi pri nas, smo se RGORþLOL ]D REMDYR SULþXMRþHJD þODQND NL Y ]DþHWNX SRY]HPD JODYQH ]QDþLOQRVWL %RZO byjeve teorije navezanosti, sledi predstavitev teorije navezanosti v odraslosti (Hazan in 6KDYHU ]DNOMXþL SD VH ] GYHPD SRGSRJODYMHPD NL SRQD]DUMDWD SRYH]DQRVW VWLOD navezanosti v odraslosti s funkcioniranjem v partnerskih odnosih in s posameznikovimi RVHEQRVWQLPL ]QDþLOQRVWPL Navezanost v otroštvu 7HRULMR QDYH]DQRVWL MH Y ãWLULGHVHWLK OHWLK SUHMãQMHJD VWROHWMD ]DþHO UD]YLMDWL -RKQ Bowlby (19071990; Hazan in Shaver 1987 in 1994; Fraley 2004). Poskušal je razumeti LQWHQ]LYQL VWUHV SUL RWURFLK NL VR ELOL ORþHQL RG VWDUãHY 2SD]LO MH GD ER RWURN QDUHGLO VNRUDM YVH GD EL SUHSUHþLO ORþLWHY R]LURPD SRQRYQR Y]SRVWDYLO EOLåLQR V VWDUãHP GD VH QD ORþLWHY RG]RYH Y QDSRYHGOMLYHP ]DSRUHGMX HPRFLRQDOQLK UHDNFLM ± SURWHVW DNWLYQR LVNDQMH VWDUãD LQ ]DYUDþDQMH GUXJLK REXS SDVLYQRVW åDORVW RGFHSLWHY DNWLYQR L]RJLEDQMH VWDUãX WHU GD LPD åH NUDWND ORþLWHY RG VNUEQLND GDOMãL XþLQHN YHþML VWUDK SUHG ]DSXãþHQRVWMR LVNDQMH IL]LþQHJD VWLND LQ WRODåEH =DUDGL XQLYHU]DOQRVWL SRMDYD MH %RZOE\ menil, da je navezanost med otrokom in skrbnikom rezultat evolucije. Otrokovo SUHåLYHWMH MH Y ]DþHWNX SRYVHP RGYLVQR RG VNUEL LQ ]DãþLWH RGUDVOLK 7HNRP HYROXFLMH VR RWURFL ]DWR UD]YLOL VNORS YHGHQM QSU MRN LVNDQMH LQ ]QDþLOQRVWL QSU YHOLNH RþL NDWHULK IXQNFLMD MH SULWHJQLWL SR]RUQRVW LQ RKUDQLWL VNUEQLNRYR EOLåLQR 2GUDVOL VH QD RWURND RG zovejo s komplementarnim vedenjskim sistemom -sistemom skrbi (ang. caregiving).

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Attachment Style on the Using Behavior of Social Network Sites-With Self-Disclosure as a Mediator

Research paper thumbnail of Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands

… of personality and …, 2003

and 118 Members of the International Sexuality Description Project Evolutionary psychologists hav... more and 118 Members of the International Sexuality Description Project Evolutionary psychologists have hypothesized that men and women possess both long-term and shortterm mating strategies, with men's short-term strategy differentially rooted in the desire for sexual variety. In this article, findings from a cross-cultural survey of 16,288 people across 10 major world regions (including North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South/Southeast Asia, and East Asia) demonstrate that sex differences in the desire for sexual variety are culturally universal throughout these world regions. Sex differences were evident regardless of whether mean, median, distributional, or categorical indexes of sexual differentiation were evaluated. Sex differences were evident regardless of the measures used to evaluate them. Among contemporary theories of human mating, pluralistic approaches that hypothesize sex differences in the evolved design of short-term mating provide the most compelling account of these robust empirical findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns and Universals of Adult Romantic Attachment Across 62 Cultural RegionsAre Models of Self and of Other Pancultural Constructs?

Journal of Cross- …, 2004

As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 6... more As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 62 cultural regions completed the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), a self-report measure of adult romantic attachment. Correlational analyses within each culture suggested that the Model of Self and the Model of Other scales of the RQ were psychometrically valid within most cultures. Contrary to expectations, the Model of Self and Model of Other dimensions of the RQ did not underlie the four-category model of attachment in the same way across all cultures. Analyses of specific attachment styles revealed that secure romantic attachment was normative in 79% of cultures and that preoccupied romantic attachment was particularly prevalent in East Asian cultures. Finally, the romantic attachment profiles of individual nations were correlated with sociocultural indicators in ways that supported evolutionary theories of romantic attachment and basic human mating strategies.