Hazim Fazlic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Hazim Fazlic
Journal of ecumenical studies, 2015
This essay examines the role of religious leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina in current interfa... more This essay examines the role of religious leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina in current interfaith work and, more importantly, in the reconciliation process within the postwar of independence society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It therefore focuses on the challenges religious leaders face when it comes to rebuilding relations among Muslim, Orthodox, and Catholic communities. Among these challenges are the ability to engage actively with others, to have the voice of religious leaders separate from that of political leaders, and to engage political leaders in the process of reconciliation, even when it goes against their political desires. All these considerations are contingent upon an understanding that political leadership has a need to continue a status quo of separation through which their power base has grown. This essay argues that a relationship with, and an independence from, past and present political elites has been one of the most difficult barriers for religious communities in undertaking any significant reconciliation process based on religious values. Any future reconciliation and interfaith work carried out by the religious communities in Bosnia depends, to a large extent, upon this relationship.
With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the ... more With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the policies of the new communist regime was to relegate religion entirely to the private sphere and to reduce the influence of religious communities in the public sphere. As a number of its legacies were expropriated, the Islamic Community of Yugoslavia was in need of new sources of funding. In order to reform a centuries-long practice of collection and distribution of religious contributions, zakat, and sadaqat al-fitr, a theoretical framework was needed to allow for that reform. This paper examines the origins of a fatwa that regulated and formulated the collection and distribution of the above fund. The fatwa was issued by Husein Djozo, a religious official and scholar from the former Yugoslavia. This work examines Djozo as an author of the fatwa, the influence the renowned Muslim reformers had on him, and the effects of the fatwa on religious activities of Yugoslav Muslims. Introduction...
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2015
Abstract The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early t... more Abstract The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries left a significant impact on the population of the region, especially on the Muslims. Muslim intellectual life was strongly influenced by the arrival of a new political and social order and cultural and religious value system. During this period, Balkan Muslims painfully and irreversibly became an administrative part of Europe. The aim of this paper is to examine the main themes which characterized the writings of Bosnian Muslim intellectuals in the post-Ottoman period, particularly on the eve of and during the Second World War. This work examines the writings of Mehmed Handžić, a prominent Bosnian scholar that were published in the El-Hidaje Periodical from 1939 to 1945. The paper brings the scholar's views and commentaries on a variety of topics such as the impoverished Muslim state, the history of Islam and Muslims, and patriotism and nationalism from the Muslim point of view. In most ofHandžić’swritings the focus is on Muslim intellectual responses to the new political and social changes as well as challenges of the ongoing Second World War. However, hiswritings and reflections continue to have far-reaching effects on Bosnian Muslims and remain relevant to the Bosnian Muslim situation at the beginning of the twenty-first century as the world observes the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in 2015.
Journal of Islamic Studies, 2015
This thesis contributes to the study of religions, particularly Islam, in the successor states of... more This thesis contributes to the study of religions, particularly Islam, in the successor states of former Yugoslavia from 1989 to 2009. The theoretical contributions of this work lie in the comparison of the communist and post-communist periods, where clear similarities and differences have been drawn for better understanding of the continuity between them. Current works on the state of Islam and Muslim communities in the Balkans have mainly focused on recent developments without insight into the conditions and effects of religious life under communism. This work is concerned with the continuity of religious practice from the communist period, religious changes and the revival of Islam at the institutional, public, intellectual and individual level. The thesis begins with a historical background of the region and the arrival of Islam. It moves then to examine constitutional and legislative changes regarding religion and their impact on Islam. After analysing the most visible signs of...
Glasnik IZ-e, 2020
Ovaj rad ima za cilj istražiti odgovore bošnjačkih džemata na prostoru Sjeverne Amerike na izazov... more Ovaj rad ima za cilj istražiti odgovore bošnjačkih džemata na prostoru Sjeverne Amerike na izazov pandemije i zatvorenosti američkog društva tokom većeg dijela 2020 godine. Poseban akcent stavlja se na izvođenje vjeronauke, kao jedne od najvažnijih aktivnosti u džematima. U izradi ovog rada korištene su informacije dostupne na web stranici Islamske Zajednice Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (IZBSA), dopisi i instrukcije imamima i džematima od strane rukovodstva IZBSA, rezultati ankete sprovedene od strane Ureda sa vjerske poslova IZBSA među imamima tokom mjeseca oktobra, a o načinu izvođenja vjerske nastave tokom pandemije. Također, autor se koristio i ličnom korespondencijom sa pojedinim imamima, ali i vlastitim iskustvom rada i djelovanja kao imama tokom pandemije u široj okolini Čikaga.
Takvim, 2020
Voda u Kur anu
Preporod, 2021
Oni koji rade sa ljudima i čiji je rad izložen sudu javnosti nerijetko se susreću sa kritikama i ... more Oni koji rade sa ljudima i čiji je rad izložen sudu javnosti nerijetko se susreću sa kritikama i pohvalama na rezultate svoga rada. Mnogi koji iznose kritike su dobronamjerni, ali zbog neiskustva, nerazumijevanja i pomanjkanja mudrosti nisu u stanju uputiti konstruktivnu kritiku na najbolji način. Također, oni koji su kritikovani počesto se ljute i prepiru zbog upućene kritike, a nerijetko postaju depresivni i razočarani zbog mišljenja jednog ili više pojedinaca o njihovom radu ili ličnosti. S druge strane, prekomjerno hvaljenje osobe može dovesti do uobraženosti i oholosti iste, te se i sa ovom, takozvanom pozitivnom kritikom, mora biti pažljiv i razumjeti njene koristi i štete. U svome djelu el-Ahlak vel-Sijer, Moral i ponašanje, veliki islamski učenjak Ibn Hazm el-Endelusi govori o negativnim kritikama koje znaju naljutiti i poniziti, i pohvalama, koje znaju ohrabriti, ali i pobuditi aroganciju i taštu. U ovome tekstu osvrnućemo se na rad ovog istaknutog islamskog učenjaka u kontekstu negativne i pozitivne kritike. U bosanskom jeziku ustaljena je upotreba riječi kritika za negativnu kritiku, a pohvala za pozitivnu kritiku, te ćemo ova dva termina ovdje tako i koristiti.
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 2018
With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the ... more With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the policies of the new communist regime was to relegate religion entirely to the private sphere and to reduce the influence of religious communities in the public sphere. As a number of its legacies were expropriated, the Islamic Community of Yugoslavia was in need of new sources of funding. In order to reform a centuries-long practice of collection and distribution of religious contributions, zakat, and sadaqat al-fitr, a theoretical framework was needed to allow for that reform. This paper examines the origins of a fatwa that regulated and formulated the collection and distribution of the above fund. The fatwa was issued by Husein Djozo, a religious official and scholar from the former Yugoslavia. This work examines Djozo as an author of the fatwa, the influence the renowned Muslim reformers had on him, and the effects of the fatwa on religious activities of Yugoslav Muslims.
The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth ... more The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries left a significant impact on the population of the region, especially on the Muslims. Muslim intellectual life was strongly influenced by the arrival of a new political and social order and cultural and religious value system. During this period, Balkan Muslims painfully and irreversibly became an administrative part of Europe. The aim of this paper is to examine the main themes which characterized the writings of Bosnian Muslim intellectuals in the post-Ottoman period, particularly on the eve of and during the Second World War. This work examines the writings of Mehmed Handžić, a prominent Bosnian scholar that were published in the El-Hidaje Periodical from 1939 to 1945. The paper brings the scholar's views and commentaries on a variety of topics such as the impoverished Muslim state, the history of Islam and Muslims, and patriotism and nationalism from the Muslim point of view. In most ofHandžić'swritings the focus is on Muslim intellectual responses to the new political and social changes as well as challenges of the ongoing Second World War. However, hiswritings and reflections continue to have far-reaching effects on Bosnian Muslims and remain relevant to the Bosnian Muslim situation at the beginning of the twenty-first century as the world observes the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in 2015.
Prijevod teksta od Louay M Safi objavljen u Novom Muallimu
Book Reviews by Hazim Fazlic
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe
The Muslim World Book Review, 2012
Drafts by Hazim Fazlic
www.icnab.com, 2021
Nedavno je Institut za porodicu i omladinu (The Family & Youth Institute) objavio istraživanje o ... more Nedavno je Institut za porodicu i omladinu (The Family & Youth Institute) objavio istraživanje o mentalnom zdravlju muslimanske omladine u Americi. Pod omladinom ovdje se misli na tinejdžere i studente na koledžima i univerzitetima. Istraživanje me je zainteresiralo kao imama, odgajatelja, a prije svega roditelja, te mi je namjera u ovom kratkom radu osvrnuti se na rezultate ovog akademskog poduhvata. U istraživanju je navedeno nekoliko problema sa kojim se muslimanska omladina sučeljava po pitanju mentalnog zdravlja. Najveći procenat odnosi se na pritisak i stresne situacije, te tako 19% muslimanske omladine teže podnosi pritisak i stresne situacije nego što je to normalno. Oko 13% omladine pati od anksioznosti, 15% ima problema sa naglom promjenom raspoloženja, a 16% ima teškoće u koncentraciji i problema sa ADHD. Oko 3% omladine ima problema sa opojnim drogama. Od ostalih problema sa kojim se omladina susreće a na koje otpada skoro 20%, su razne vrste traume, nasilja u porodici i druge konfliktne situacije.1
Journal of ecumenical studies, 2015
This essay examines the role of religious leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina in current interfa... more This essay examines the role of religious leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina in current interfaith work and, more importantly, in the reconciliation process within the postwar of independence society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It therefore focuses on the challenges religious leaders face when it comes to rebuilding relations among Muslim, Orthodox, and Catholic communities. Among these challenges are the ability to engage actively with others, to have the voice of religious leaders separate from that of political leaders, and to engage political leaders in the process of reconciliation, even when it goes against their political desires. All these considerations are contingent upon an understanding that political leadership has a need to continue a status quo of separation through which their power base has grown. This essay argues that a relationship with, and an independence from, past and present political elites has been one of the most difficult barriers for religious communities in undertaking any significant reconciliation process based on religious values. Any future reconciliation and interfaith work carried out by the religious communities in Bosnia depends, to a large extent, upon this relationship.
With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the ... more With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the policies of the new communist regime was to relegate religion entirely to the private sphere and to reduce the influence of religious communities in the public sphere. As a number of its legacies were expropriated, the Islamic Community of Yugoslavia was in need of new sources of funding. In order to reform a centuries-long practice of collection and distribution of religious contributions, zakat, and sadaqat al-fitr, a theoretical framework was needed to allow for that reform. This paper examines the origins of a fatwa that regulated and formulated the collection and distribution of the above fund. The fatwa was issued by Husein Djozo, a religious official and scholar from the former Yugoslavia. This work examines Djozo as an author of the fatwa, the influence the renowned Muslim reformers had on him, and the effects of the fatwa on religious activities of Yugoslav Muslims. Introduction...
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2015
Abstract The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early t... more Abstract The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries left a significant impact on the population of the region, especially on the Muslims. Muslim intellectual life was strongly influenced by the arrival of a new political and social order and cultural and religious value system. During this period, Balkan Muslims painfully and irreversibly became an administrative part of Europe. The aim of this paper is to examine the main themes which characterized the writings of Bosnian Muslim intellectuals in the post-Ottoman period, particularly on the eve of and during the Second World War. This work examines the writings of Mehmed Handžić, a prominent Bosnian scholar that were published in the El-Hidaje Periodical from 1939 to 1945. The paper brings the scholar's views and commentaries on a variety of topics such as the impoverished Muslim state, the history of Islam and Muslims, and patriotism and nationalism from the Muslim point of view. In most ofHandžić’swritings the focus is on Muslim intellectual responses to the new political and social changes as well as challenges of the ongoing Second World War. However, hiswritings and reflections continue to have far-reaching effects on Bosnian Muslims and remain relevant to the Bosnian Muslim situation at the beginning of the twenty-first century as the world observes the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in 2015.
Journal of Islamic Studies, 2015
This thesis contributes to the study of religions, particularly Islam, in the successor states of... more This thesis contributes to the study of religions, particularly Islam, in the successor states of former Yugoslavia from 1989 to 2009. The theoretical contributions of this work lie in the comparison of the communist and post-communist periods, where clear similarities and differences have been drawn for better understanding of the continuity between them. Current works on the state of Islam and Muslim communities in the Balkans have mainly focused on recent developments without insight into the conditions and effects of religious life under communism. This work is concerned with the continuity of religious practice from the communist period, religious changes and the revival of Islam at the institutional, public, intellectual and individual level. The thesis begins with a historical background of the region and the arrival of Islam. It moves then to examine constitutional and legislative changes regarding religion and their impact on Islam. After analysing the most visible signs of...
Glasnik IZ-e, 2020
Ovaj rad ima za cilj istražiti odgovore bošnjačkih džemata na prostoru Sjeverne Amerike na izazov... more Ovaj rad ima za cilj istražiti odgovore bošnjačkih džemata na prostoru Sjeverne Amerike na izazov pandemije i zatvorenosti američkog društva tokom većeg dijela 2020 godine. Poseban akcent stavlja se na izvođenje vjeronauke, kao jedne od najvažnijih aktivnosti u džematima. U izradi ovog rada korištene su informacije dostupne na web stranici Islamske Zajednice Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (IZBSA), dopisi i instrukcije imamima i džematima od strane rukovodstva IZBSA, rezultati ankete sprovedene od strane Ureda sa vjerske poslova IZBSA među imamima tokom mjeseca oktobra, a o načinu izvođenja vjerske nastave tokom pandemije. Također, autor se koristio i ličnom korespondencijom sa pojedinim imamima, ali i vlastitim iskustvom rada i djelovanja kao imama tokom pandemije u široj okolini Čikaga.
Takvim, 2020
Voda u Kur anu
Preporod, 2021
Oni koji rade sa ljudima i čiji je rad izložen sudu javnosti nerijetko se susreću sa kritikama i ... more Oni koji rade sa ljudima i čiji je rad izložen sudu javnosti nerijetko se susreću sa kritikama i pohvalama na rezultate svoga rada. Mnogi koji iznose kritike su dobronamjerni, ali zbog neiskustva, nerazumijevanja i pomanjkanja mudrosti nisu u stanju uputiti konstruktivnu kritiku na najbolji način. Također, oni koji su kritikovani počesto se ljute i prepiru zbog upućene kritike, a nerijetko postaju depresivni i razočarani zbog mišljenja jednog ili više pojedinaca o njihovom radu ili ličnosti. S druge strane, prekomjerno hvaljenje osobe može dovesti do uobraženosti i oholosti iste, te se i sa ovom, takozvanom pozitivnom kritikom, mora biti pažljiv i razumjeti njene koristi i štete. U svome djelu el-Ahlak vel-Sijer, Moral i ponašanje, veliki islamski učenjak Ibn Hazm el-Endelusi govori o negativnim kritikama koje znaju naljutiti i poniziti, i pohvalama, koje znaju ohrabriti, ali i pobuditi aroganciju i taštu. U ovome tekstu osvrnućemo se na rad ovog istaknutog islamskog učenjaka u kontekstu negativne i pozitivne kritike. U bosanskom jeziku ustaljena je upotreba riječi kritika za negativnu kritiku, a pohvala za pozitivnu kritiku, te ćemo ova dva termina ovdje tako i koristiti.
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 2018
With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the ... more With the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia became a de facto communist country. One of the policies of the new communist regime was to relegate religion entirely to the private sphere and to reduce the influence of religious communities in the public sphere. As a number of its legacies were expropriated, the Islamic Community of Yugoslavia was in need of new sources of funding. In order to reform a centuries-long practice of collection and distribution of religious contributions, zakat, and sadaqat al-fitr, a theoretical framework was needed to allow for that reform. This paper examines the origins of a fatwa that regulated and formulated the collection and distribution of the above fund. The fatwa was issued by Husein Djozo, a religious official and scholar from the former Yugoslavia. This work examines Djozo as an author of the fatwa, the influence the renowned Muslim reformers had on him, and the effects of the fatwa on religious activities of Yugoslav Muslims.
The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth ... more The withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from the Balkans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries left a significant impact on the population of the region, especially on the Muslims. Muslim intellectual life was strongly influenced by the arrival of a new political and social order and cultural and religious value system. During this period, Balkan Muslims painfully and irreversibly became an administrative part of Europe. The aim of this paper is to examine the main themes which characterized the writings of Bosnian Muslim intellectuals in the post-Ottoman period, particularly on the eve of and during the Second World War. This work examines the writings of Mehmed Handžić, a prominent Bosnian scholar that were published in the El-Hidaje Periodical from 1939 to 1945. The paper brings the scholar's views and commentaries on a variety of topics such as the impoverished Muslim state, the history of Islam and Muslims, and patriotism and nationalism from the Muslim point of view. In most ofHandžić'swritings the focus is on Muslim intellectual responses to the new political and social changes as well as challenges of the ongoing Second World War. However, hiswritings and reflections continue to have far-reaching effects on Bosnian Muslims and remain relevant to the Bosnian Muslim situation at the beginning of the twenty-first century as the world observes the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in 2015.
Prijevod teksta od Louay M Safi objavljen u Novom Muallimu
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe
The Muslim World Book Review, 2012
www.icnab.com, 2021
Nedavno je Institut za porodicu i omladinu (The Family & Youth Institute) objavio istraživanje o ... more Nedavno je Institut za porodicu i omladinu (The Family & Youth Institute) objavio istraživanje o mentalnom zdravlju muslimanske omladine u Americi. Pod omladinom ovdje se misli na tinejdžere i studente na koledžima i univerzitetima. Istraživanje me je zainteresiralo kao imama, odgajatelja, a prije svega roditelja, te mi je namjera u ovom kratkom radu osvrnuti se na rezultate ovog akademskog poduhvata. U istraživanju je navedeno nekoliko problema sa kojim se muslimanska omladina sučeljava po pitanju mentalnog zdravlja. Najveći procenat odnosi se na pritisak i stresne situacije, te tako 19% muslimanske omladine teže podnosi pritisak i stresne situacije nego što je to normalno. Oko 13% omladine pati od anksioznosti, 15% ima problema sa naglom promjenom raspoloženja, a 16% ima teškoće u koncentraciji i problema sa ADHD. Oko 3% omladine ima problema sa opojnim drogama. Od ostalih problema sa kojim se omladina susreće a na koje otpada skoro 20%, su razne vrste traume, nasilja u porodici i druge konfliktne situacije.1