Hebert Jair Barrales Cureño - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Hebert Jair Barrales Cureño
In Mexico, more than 100 varieties of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) are planted, it is a highly prof... more In Mexico, more than 100 varieties of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) are planted, it is a highly profitable crop and represents an economic activity of national importance. Currently, it faces serious phytosanitary problems due to the presence of diseases such as the wilting of chili, caused by a complex of soil pathogens. To control these diseases, toxic and residual fungicides are used, which pollute the environment and induce genetic resistance in phytopathogens. Therefore, it is necessary to look for control alternatives to solve this problem, therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the antagonistic effect of Trichoderma spp., against the causal agents of wilting in in vitro confrontations by means of dual cultures. The study was carried out in 2016, at the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla, Huehuetla, Puebla, Mexico. Three Trichoderma isolates from avocado tree rhizospheres, T. viride, T. harzianum and T. asperellum and three isolates of the phytopathoge...
Revista CENIC, 2015
La Rauwolfia serpentina es una planta de la familia Apocynacea e de interés medicinal, distribuid... more La Rauwolfia serpentina es una planta de la familia Apocynacea e de interés medicinal, distribuida en zonas húmedas y cálidas de Asia, África, América tropical y Australia. Las especies de Rauwolfia sirven como materia prima para la extracción de alcaloides libres; para la obtención de extractos con un contenido estan darizado de alcaloides y para la preparación de polvos medicinales de sus raíces. La serpentina se utiliza sobre todo, para el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial y como sedante. El polvo de corteza y de raíz también se utilizan como: afrodisíaco, vomi tivo, purgante, disentérico, sedante y otros. Los principios activos son alcaloides como la ajmalicina, sarpagina, yohimbina y otros de tipo indólico que se encuentran en una concentración del 1 al 2 %. El cultivo de R. serpentina a través de semillas pres enta baja germinación y viabilidad. Por otro lado, la Rauwolfia , es una especie amenazada por la sobreexplotación. Por estos motivos hay una enorme necesidad de p...
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Biotecnología Vegetal, 2014
Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and i... more Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Taxol is obtained from Taxus spp. trees. It is found in low concentrations in the bark, needles and roots. The production is obtained by total chemical synthesis, but the process is very costly. The semi-synthesis is obtained from precursors like 10-diacetilbaccatina and baccatin III but has low production. On the other hand, the processes of in vitro culture of callus and cells are seen as a good strategy but in low yield. Therefore, it is urgent to find alternatives for the production of this drug due to the growing demand of Taxol and plant resource scarcity. The most promising way to large scale production of taxol is using in vitro fungi fermentation systems. The aim of this study was to present a review of the updated information in the scientific literature about the use of endophytic fungi in the production of this anticancer compound. We includes the definition of taxoids, the specific mechanism of biological action of Taxol on cancer cells, the enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of Taxol, quantitative methods for detection of taxol from fungi culture and the biotechnological alternative for Taxol production by bioavailability of endophytes of great biological importance from Taxus spp. Key words: apoptosis, biosynthesis, 10-deacetylbaccatin III, fungal Taxol, toxoids
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Abstract Various applications of omics sciences in the study of medicinal plants have been notice... more Abstract Various applications of omics sciences in the study of medicinal plants have been noticed in pharmacology field, specifically in drug discovery, treatment, and dose assessment. In metabolic engineering, the omics sciences support has been used in multicomplex analysis. Catharanthus roseus synthesize terpenoid indole alkaloids through a complex network, therefore it is becoming an excellent biological model in order to analyze metabolomics and fluxomics during alkaloid metabolism of this medicinally valuable plant. C. roseus plays a key role in the traditional medicine, which has been used to treat several diseases, as it contains alkaloids with antileukemic, sedative and antihypertensive properties. Therefore, the main purpose of this chapter is to discuss the spectrum of metabolomics and fluxomics studies performed in C. roseus, from the point of view of studies carried out directly in plants and in vitro culture as well as in the elicitation processes in suspended cells of C. roseus and the metabolic changes generated by the elicitation.
Fluxomics in an omics science discipline that helps us to understand how nutrient flows are carri... more Fluxomics in an omics science discipline that helps us to understand how nutrient flows are carried out in diverse cellular systems. In this chapter we reviewed in detail the most important works regarding the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, in mycorrhizal fungi and their interaction with their respective hosts. With regard to the flow of carbon, it was observed that this nutrient is transported by various routes, from glycolysis to the Krebs cycle and the Glyoxylate cycle. On the other hand, nitrogen can be transported from sources such as inorganic, during the germination of the spores or from the roots to the host. Finally, the phosphorus enters the system through a group of phosphate shuttle to the mycorrhizal fungi and from there it is transported to the host plant. In this chapter, we will be able to understand more precisely, how the various nutrients that participate in this important biological interaction are transported and used, in order to optimize resources...
In this work was made a diagnostic analysis about the nutritional quality of indigenous children ... more In this work was made a diagnostic analysis about the nutritional quality of indigenous children of the community of Huehuetla, State of Puebla, Mexico is known as Totonacapan. The study was performed in the children´s garden “Jardin de ninos de Huehuetla” from 5 to 9th November 2015. In order to determine the nutritional quality in children from 3 to 5 years old was carried out anthropomorphic measurements through body mass index (BMI) and the amount of calorie ingested daily. The sample consists of 57 children, which were classified by age: 3, 4 and 5 years old. According to BMI, children of 3 years do not show symptoms of malnutrition; for children of four years old, only 7.1 % of female showed undernutrition signals. In the case of children of five years old, 30 % presented overweight and obesity (30 %). Totonaco children analyzed consumed between 800 to 1150 Kcal/day, indicating that there is not a direct relationship between daily calorie consumption against BMI. Finally, toto...
Uterine cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and human hepatocarcinoma (HuH-7) cell lines were obtained for cy... more Uterine cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and human hepatocarcinoma (HuH-7) cell lines were obtained for cytotoxicity testing at different doses with secondary metabolites (curcumin and gingerol) extracted from Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale, respectively. Cell lines of human hepatocarcinoma and carcinoma uterine cervix were grown with Dulbeco's Modified Eagle's Medium-High Glucose and it was enriched with 2 % of fetal bovine serum and added with 1.0 % of penicillin/streptomycin. The cell lines were preserved in liquid nitrogen. Freezing of the cell lines was done by a slow protocol with 90 % of fetal bovine serum and 10 % of dimethylsulphoxide. The freezing process was performed through slow changes of temperature in an ultrafreezer: -20 °C for one hour, -80 °C for 24 hours and the last step was performed into the nitrogen liquid. For the assays we used wells cultures of 96 microplates, each assay consisted of 15,000 HuH-7 and HeLa cells, respectively. On the well suspensions, were added the extract doses of C. longa and Z. officinale and blue trypan in order to assess the data of cell viability with methanethiosulfonate (MTS).
Fishing products are characterized for being highly perishable; therefore, preservation methods a... more Fishing products are characterized for being highly perishable; therefore, preservation methods are used to retain freshness and quality and extend shelf life. One of the factors that most impact the loss of freshness, quality, and shelf life is storage temperature. This study evaluated the effect of storage temperature (0 ºC and 5 °C) on the quality and shelf life of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) muscle during 20 days of storage. Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) and related compounds, K-value, pH, color, texture, water holding capacity (WHC), total volatile bases (TVB-N), and total count of mesophilic microorganisms were monitored. Both time and storage temperature had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the K-value, TVB-N, and total count of mesophilic microorganisms. The overall results of this study indicated that the edible quality of tilapia muscle was affected by storage temperature, observing a shelf life of 16 days at 0°C and 8 days at 5 ºC.
Agro Productividad
Objective: The identify and quantify, by high performance liquid chromatography,Nflavonoids from ... more Objective: The identify and quantify, by high performance liquid chromatography,Nflavonoids from leaf and stem extracts of Acer negundo.Design/methodology/approach: Ethanolic extracts of Acer negundo were analysed with high performance liquid chromatography to quantify and identify their major antioxidant flavonoids.Results: Leaf extracts had high concentrations of rutin (34.19 µg/mL) and catechin (33.97 µg/mL), intermediate concentrations of apigenin (19.05 µg/mL), gallic acid (19.04 µg/mL), ferulic acid (17.2 µg/mL) and 2.5 dihydroxybenzoic acid (12.72 µg/mL), and low concentrations of caffeic acid (6.15 µg/mL), quercetin-3-β-glucoside (4.97 µg/mL) and isorhamnetin (4.68 µg/mL). In the stem´s extracts, the highest concentrations were of ferulic acid (7.96 µg/mL), rutin (5.61 µg/mL) and catechin (4.37 µg/mL); medium concentration were identified for isorhamnetin (3.31 µg/mL) and quercetin-3-β-glucoside (2.01 µg/mL) and apigenin (0.79 µg/mL) was identified at the low concentrations....
Indian Phytopathology
The reduction in the spread of bean common mosaic virus under field conditions is usually an indi... more The reduction in the spread of bean common mosaic virus under field conditions is usually an indicator of the degree of progress in the accumulation of quantitative resistance. In the present work, we present the capacity to reduce field dissemination. Bean genotypes of advanced breeding cycles (C4, C5, C6 and C7) with genotypes of zero cycle (C0) and commercial varieties were compared. Each experimental unit consisted of four furrows, whose plants of two rows were inoculated with the virus, and the plants of the other two furrows were left without inoculation. Despite the high incidence when inoculated, the yields in some advanced cycle genotypes were high, compared to certain C0 genotypes. Assessing the ability to stop the spread of the disease under field conditions and to appreciate its effect on yield is not common in breeding work, however, it is a necessary element to track and evaluate the progress of the breeding process. There were differences in the incidence of advanced cycle genotypes when there was a decrease in the incidence of BCMV due to the natural inoculation and dissemination of the virus (without inoculation) with respect to the original parent populations, which generally showed greater damage, both inoculated and of natural dissemination.
Mexican Journal of Biotechnology
Se tomaron las secuencias de la indolicidina y protegrina-4 del banco de datos de la Universidad ... more Se tomaron las secuencias de la indolicidina y protegrina-4 del banco de datos de la Universidad de Nebraska, USA y se mandaron sintetizar a la empresa EZBiolab Co., pero con la peculiaridad de que no cuentan con amidación y acetilación, estos péptidos consisten de 13 y 18 residuos, respectivamente y con 95% de pureza. Estos se utilizaron para estimar su actividad antimicrobiana contra una concentración celular de 1 x 106 cels/mL de Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus epidermidis. La efectividad de los antimicrobianos se cuantificó a través de Unidades Formadoras de Colonias (UFCs) después de 1 hora de exposición a 20, 50 y 100 uM de cada péptido y se estimó la velocidad específica de muerte (Kd) y la velocidad específica de crecimiento aparente (micro-net) de las bacterias. Con los parámetros cinéticos obtenidos se modeló el tiempo de extinción y el crecimiento de las bacterias in vitro; la mayor actividad de ambos péptidos se observó contra E. coli en todas las conce...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas
En México se siembran más de 100 variedades de chile (Capsicum annuum L.), es un cultivo altame... more En México se siembran más de 100 variedades de chile (Capsicum annuum L.), es un cultivo altamente redituable y representa una actividad económica de importancia nacional. Actualmente, enfrenta graves problemas fitosanitarios por la presencia de enfermedades como la marchitez del chile, causada por un complejo de patógenos de suelo. Para el control de estas enfermedades, se utilizan fungicidas tóxicos y residuales, que contaminan el ambiente e inducen resistencia genética en los fitopatógenos. Por ello, es necesario buscar alternativas de control para solucionar este problema, por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto antagónico de Trichoderma spp., contra los agentes causales de marchitez en confrontaciones in vitro mediante cultivos duales. El estudio se llevó acabo en 2016, en la Universidad Intercultural de Estado de Puebla, Huehuetla, Puebla, México. Se evaluaron tres aislamientos de Trichoderma provenientes de la rizósferas de árboles de aguacate, T. virid...
Ciência Rural
ABSTRACT: Two chemical treatments, five enzymatic (pectinase, lipase, hemicellulase, hemicellulos... more ABSTRACT: Two chemical treatments, five enzymatic (pectinase, lipase, hemicellulase, hemicellulose-cellulase or lipase-pectinase) and one microbiological (Bacillus subtilis) treatment were evaluated to obtain glucosamine hydrochloride (Gluc-HCl) from the chitin obtained from crab (Callinectes bellicosus) exoskeletons. Chemical treatments were referred as Method A (HCl hydrolysis during 75 min at 90°C) and Method B (HCl hydrolysis during 20 min and 14 h of rest). Glucosamine and, in some cases, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine were identified and quantified by HPLC. Treatments with the greater concentrations of Gluc-HCl in descending order were: lipase (94.4 mg/g), microbiological (45.7 mg/g), lipase-pectinase (22.9 mg/g), hemicellulase-cellulase (20.9 mg/g), hemicellulase (15.3 mg/g), pectinase (10.7 mg/g), Chemical A (7.3mg/g) and Chemical B (7.3mg/g). In terms of yield, the best treatments in descending order were: pectinase (94%), microbiological (94%), hemicellulase (92%), lipase (91%), C...
Mexican journal of biotechnology
La aplicación eficaz de bioprocesos en sistemas de células y órganos vegetales presenta actualmen... more La aplicación eficaz de bioprocesos en sistemas de células y órganos vegetales presenta actualmente un elevado número de casos exitosos con respecto a la producción de metabolitos secundarios. El cultivo in vitro de células vegetales es una alternativa biotecnológica útil en la producción de los mismos siendo que debido a la complejidad que muestran aún no es posible sintetizarlos en laboratorio. La amplia gama de metabolitos que son sintetizados por las células vegetales incluye fármacos, sabores, fragancias, cosméticos, pigmentos naturales y pesticidas. En particular, los factores considerados en el diseño de bioprocesos y bioproductos incluyen a la reología, agregación, luz, pH, temperatura, agitación, mezclado, la aireación y las concentraciones de oxígeno, así como la sensibilidad al estrés hidrodinámico. Otros elementos importantes son el modo de cultivo y el tipo de biorreactor a utilizar. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las ventajas y desventajas del uso de biorreac...
Data in brief, 2018
This systematic determination of morphological and phytochemical data was conducted with the purp... more This systematic determination of morphological and phytochemical data was conducted with the purpose of conserving and identifying the phylogenetic relationship among the Vanilla species of the Totonacapan region in Mexico to increase awareness of the genetic biodiversity. Samples of Vanilla planifolia, V. planifolia cv. "oreja de burro", V. pompona, V. insignis, and V. inodora, are distributed across 19 municipalities of the State of Veracruz and 19 municipalities of the State of Puebla. Morphological data parameters were determined in situ and included leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, stem diameter, stem thickness, node distance, stem texture degree, flower colour intensity, and fruit length. Similarly, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, and terpenes were determined by specifically phytochemical tests and quantified by thin layer chromatography. Both, morphological and phytochemical data parameters, were successfully used in assembling dendrograms...
Catharanthus roseus, 2017
Different techniques of in vitro cultures of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus are availabl... more Different techniques of in vitro cultures of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus are available. In this regard, the plant is a source of important secondary metabolites that are compounds widely used in pharmacology. For instance, vinblastine and vincristine are alkaloids employed in the treatment of leukemia. This chapter discusses the techniques mostly used in the field of modern biotechnology, such as the in vitro culture of callus and suspension cells, as well as those related to organs, roots, and seedlings. Similarly, the chapter encompasses the types of explant cultures used, induction rates, and the culture environment, jointly with hormones and concentration employed. Also discussed is the level of production of each category of alkaloids according to the type of in vitro culture. Similarly, new metabolites obtained from suspension cell cultures of Catharanthus roseus, along with major pharmacological studies recently conducted, are contained in the chapter.
ABSTRACT Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cance... more ABSTRACT Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Taxol is obtained from Taxus spp trees. It is found in low concentrations in the bark, needles and roots. The production is obtained by total chemical synthesis, but the process is very costly. The semi-synthesis is obtained from precursors like 10-diacetilbaccatina and baccatin III but has low production. On the other hand, the processes of in vitro culture of callus and cells are seen as a good strategy but in low yield. Therefore, it is urgent to find alternatives for the production of this drug due to the growing demand of Taxol and plant resource scarcity. The most promising way to large scale production of taxol is using in vitro fungi fermentation systems. The aim of this study was to present a review of the updated information in the scientific literature about the use of endophytic fungi in the production of this anticancer compo...
La aplicación de este descubrimiento en medicina, en la búsqueda de una cura contra el cáncer, ha... more La aplicación de este descubrimiento en medicina, en la búsqueda de una cura contra el cáncer, ha permitido reproducir en el laboratorio moléculas que los científicos han encontrado en los mares. Una de ellas es la discodermolida, un compuesto orgánico creado por un pequeño invertebrado marino, la esponja de mar Discodermia dissoluta, otra es la diazonamida A, que en la naturaleza es producida por el tunicado Diazona angulata y ha resultado efectiva contra las células cancerosas de colon.
In Mexico, more than 100 varieties of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) are planted, it is a highly prof... more In Mexico, more than 100 varieties of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) are planted, it is a highly profitable crop and represents an economic activity of national importance. Currently, it faces serious phytosanitary problems due to the presence of diseases such as the wilting of chili, caused by a complex of soil pathogens. To control these diseases, toxic and residual fungicides are used, which pollute the environment and induce genetic resistance in phytopathogens. Therefore, it is necessary to look for control alternatives to solve this problem, therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the antagonistic effect of Trichoderma spp., against the causal agents of wilting in in vitro confrontations by means of dual cultures. The study was carried out in 2016, at the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla, Huehuetla, Puebla, Mexico. Three Trichoderma isolates from avocado tree rhizospheres, T. viride, T. harzianum and T. asperellum and three isolates of the phytopathoge...
Revista CENIC, 2015
La Rauwolfia serpentina es una planta de la familia Apocynacea e de interés medicinal, distribuid... more La Rauwolfia serpentina es una planta de la familia Apocynacea e de interés medicinal, distribuida en zonas húmedas y cálidas de Asia, África, América tropical y Australia. Las especies de Rauwolfia sirven como materia prima para la extracción de alcaloides libres; para la obtención de extractos con un contenido estan darizado de alcaloides y para la preparación de polvos medicinales de sus raíces. La serpentina se utiliza sobre todo, para el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial y como sedante. El polvo de corteza y de raíz también se utilizan como: afrodisíaco, vomi tivo, purgante, disentérico, sedante y otros. Los principios activos son alcaloides como la ajmalicina, sarpagina, yohimbina y otros de tipo indólico que se encuentran en una concentración del 1 al 2 %. El cultivo de R. serpentina a través de semillas pres enta baja germinación y viabilidad. Por otro lado, la Rauwolfia , es una especie amenazada por la sobreexplotación. Por estos motivos hay una enorme necesidad de p...
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Biotecnología Vegetal, 2014
Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and i... more Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Taxol is obtained from Taxus spp. trees. It is found in low concentrations in the bark, needles and roots. The production is obtained by total chemical synthesis, but the process is very costly. The semi-synthesis is obtained from precursors like 10-diacetilbaccatina and baccatin III but has low production. On the other hand, the processes of in vitro culture of callus and cells are seen as a good strategy but in low yield. Therefore, it is urgent to find alternatives for the production of this drug due to the growing demand of Taxol and plant resource scarcity. The most promising way to large scale production of taxol is using in vitro fungi fermentation systems. The aim of this study was to present a review of the updated information in the scientific literature about the use of endophytic fungi in the production of this anticancer compound. We includes the definition of taxoids, the specific mechanism of biological action of Taxol on cancer cells, the enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of Taxol, quantitative methods for detection of taxol from fungi culture and the biotechnological alternative for Taxol production by bioavailability of endophytes of great biological importance from Taxus spp. Key words: apoptosis, biosynthesis, 10-deacetylbaccatin III, fungal Taxol, toxoids
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Abstract Various applications of omics sciences in the study of medicinal plants have been notice... more Abstract Various applications of omics sciences in the study of medicinal plants have been noticed in pharmacology field, specifically in drug discovery, treatment, and dose assessment. In metabolic engineering, the omics sciences support has been used in multicomplex analysis. Catharanthus roseus synthesize terpenoid indole alkaloids through a complex network, therefore it is becoming an excellent biological model in order to analyze metabolomics and fluxomics during alkaloid metabolism of this medicinally valuable plant. C. roseus plays a key role in the traditional medicine, which has been used to treat several diseases, as it contains alkaloids with antileukemic, sedative and antihypertensive properties. Therefore, the main purpose of this chapter is to discuss the spectrum of metabolomics and fluxomics studies performed in C. roseus, from the point of view of studies carried out directly in plants and in vitro culture as well as in the elicitation processes in suspended cells of C. roseus and the metabolic changes generated by the elicitation.
Fluxomics in an omics science discipline that helps us to understand how nutrient flows are carri... more Fluxomics in an omics science discipline that helps us to understand how nutrient flows are carried out in diverse cellular systems. In this chapter we reviewed in detail the most important works regarding the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, in mycorrhizal fungi and their interaction with their respective hosts. With regard to the flow of carbon, it was observed that this nutrient is transported by various routes, from glycolysis to the Krebs cycle and the Glyoxylate cycle. On the other hand, nitrogen can be transported from sources such as inorganic, during the germination of the spores or from the roots to the host. Finally, the phosphorus enters the system through a group of phosphate shuttle to the mycorrhizal fungi and from there it is transported to the host plant. In this chapter, we will be able to understand more precisely, how the various nutrients that participate in this important biological interaction are transported and used, in order to optimize resources...
In this work was made a diagnostic analysis about the nutritional quality of indigenous children ... more In this work was made a diagnostic analysis about the nutritional quality of indigenous children of the community of Huehuetla, State of Puebla, Mexico is known as Totonacapan. The study was performed in the children´s garden “Jardin de ninos de Huehuetla” from 5 to 9th November 2015. In order to determine the nutritional quality in children from 3 to 5 years old was carried out anthropomorphic measurements through body mass index (BMI) and the amount of calorie ingested daily. The sample consists of 57 children, which were classified by age: 3, 4 and 5 years old. According to BMI, children of 3 years do not show symptoms of malnutrition; for children of four years old, only 7.1 % of female showed undernutrition signals. In the case of children of five years old, 30 % presented overweight and obesity (30 %). Totonaco children analyzed consumed between 800 to 1150 Kcal/day, indicating that there is not a direct relationship between daily calorie consumption against BMI. Finally, toto...
Uterine cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and human hepatocarcinoma (HuH-7) cell lines were obtained for cy... more Uterine cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and human hepatocarcinoma (HuH-7) cell lines were obtained for cytotoxicity testing at different doses with secondary metabolites (curcumin and gingerol) extracted from Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale, respectively. Cell lines of human hepatocarcinoma and carcinoma uterine cervix were grown with Dulbeco's Modified Eagle's Medium-High Glucose and it was enriched with 2 % of fetal bovine serum and added with 1.0 % of penicillin/streptomycin. The cell lines were preserved in liquid nitrogen. Freezing of the cell lines was done by a slow protocol with 90 % of fetal bovine serum and 10 % of dimethylsulphoxide. The freezing process was performed through slow changes of temperature in an ultrafreezer: -20 °C for one hour, -80 °C for 24 hours and the last step was performed into the nitrogen liquid. For the assays we used wells cultures of 96 microplates, each assay consisted of 15,000 HuH-7 and HeLa cells, respectively. On the well suspensions, were added the extract doses of C. longa and Z. officinale and blue trypan in order to assess the data of cell viability with methanethiosulfonate (MTS).
Fishing products are characterized for being highly perishable; therefore, preservation methods a... more Fishing products are characterized for being highly perishable; therefore, preservation methods are used to retain freshness and quality and extend shelf life. One of the factors that most impact the loss of freshness, quality, and shelf life is storage temperature. This study evaluated the effect of storage temperature (0 ºC and 5 °C) on the quality and shelf life of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) muscle during 20 days of storage. Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) and related compounds, K-value, pH, color, texture, water holding capacity (WHC), total volatile bases (TVB-N), and total count of mesophilic microorganisms were monitored. Both time and storage temperature had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the K-value, TVB-N, and total count of mesophilic microorganisms. The overall results of this study indicated that the edible quality of tilapia muscle was affected by storage temperature, observing a shelf life of 16 days at 0°C and 8 days at 5 ºC.
Agro Productividad
Objective: The identify and quantify, by high performance liquid chromatography,Nflavonoids from ... more Objective: The identify and quantify, by high performance liquid chromatography,Nflavonoids from leaf and stem extracts of Acer negundo.Design/methodology/approach: Ethanolic extracts of Acer negundo were analysed with high performance liquid chromatography to quantify and identify their major antioxidant flavonoids.Results: Leaf extracts had high concentrations of rutin (34.19 µg/mL) and catechin (33.97 µg/mL), intermediate concentrations of apigenin (19.05 µg/mL), gallic acid (19.04 µg/mL), ferulic acid (17.2 µg/mL) and 2.5 dihydroxybenzoic acid (12.72 µg/mL), and low concentrations of caffeic acid (6.15 µg/mL), quercetin-3-β-glucoside (4.97 µg/mL) and isorhamnetin (4.68 µg/mL). In the stem´s extracts, the highest concentrations were of ferulic acid (7.96 µg/mL), rutin (5.61 µg/mL) and catechin (4.37 µg/mL); medium concentration were identified for isorhamnetin (3.31 µg/mL) and quercetin-3-β-glucoside (2.01 µg/mL) and apigenin (0.79 µg/mL) was identified at the low concentrations....
Indian Phytopathology
The reduction in the spread of bean common mosaic virus under field conditions is usually an indi... more The reduction in the spread of bean common mosaic virus under field conditions is usually an indicator of the degree of progress in the accumulation of quantitative resistance. In the present work, we present the capacity to reduce field dissemination. Bean genotypes of advanced breeding cycles (C4, C5, C6 and C7) with genotypes of zero cycle (C0) and commercial varieties were compared. Each experimental unit consisted of four furrows, whose plants of two rows were inoculated with the virus, and the plants of the other two furrows were left without inoculation. Despite the high incidence when inoculated, the yields in some advanced cycle genotypes were high, compared to certain C0 genotypes. Assessing the ability to stop the spread of the disease under field conditions and to appreciate its effect on yield is not common in breeding work, however, it is a necessary element to track and evaluate the progress of the breeding process. There were differences in the incidence of advanced cycle genotypes when there was a decrease in the incidence of BCMV due to the natural inoculation and dissemination of the virus (without inoculation) with respect to the original parent populations, which generally showed greater damage, both inoculated and of natural dissemination.
Mexican Journal of Biotechnology
Se tomaron las secuencias de la indolicidina y protegrina-4 del banco de datos de la Universidad ... more Se tomaron las secuencias de la indolicidina y protegrina-4 del banco de datos de la Universidad de Nebraska, USA y se mandaron sintetizar a la empresa EZBiolab Co., pero con la peculiaridad de que no cuentan con amidación y acetilación, estos péptidos consisten de 13 y 18 residuos, respectivamente y con 95% de pureza. Estos se utilizaron para estimar su actividad antimicrobiana contra una concentración celular de 1 x 106 cels/mL de Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus epidermidis. La efectividad de los antimicrobianos se cuantificó a través de Unidades Formadoras de Colonias (UFCs) después de 1 hora de exposición a 20, 50 y 100 uM de cada péptido y se estimó la velocidad específica de muerte (Kd) y la velocidad específica de crecimiento aparente (micro-net) de las bacterias. Con los parámetros cinéticos obtenidos se modeló el tiempo de extinción y el crecimiento de las bacterias in vitro; la mayor actividad de ambos péptidos se observó contra E. coli en todas las conce...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas
En México se siembran más de 100 variedades de chile (Capsicum annuum L.), es un cultivo altame... more En México se siembran más de 100 variedades de chile (Capsicum annuum L.), es un cultivo altamente redituable y representa una actividad económica de importancia nacional. Actualmente, enfrenta graves problemas fitosanitarios por la presencia de enfermedades como la marchitez del chile, causada por un complejo de patógenos de suelo. Para el control de estas enfermedades, se utilizan fungicidas tóxicos y residuales, que contaminan el ambiente e inducen resistencia genética en los fitopatógenos. Por ello, es necesario buscar alternativas de control para solucionar este problema, por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto antagónico de Trichoderma spp., contra los agentes causales de marchitez en confrontaciones in vitro mediante cultivos duales. El estudio se llevó acabo en 2016, en la Universidad Intercultural de Estado de Puebla, Huehuetla, Puebla, México. Se evaluaron tres aislamientos de Trichoderma provenientes de la rizósferas de árboles de aguacate, T. virid...
Ciência Rural
ABSTRACT: Two chemical treatments, five enzymatic (pectinase, lipase, hemicellulase, hemicellulos... more ABSTRACT: Two chemical treatments, five enzymatic (pectinase, lipase, hemicellulase, hemicellulose-cellulase or lipase-pectinase) and one microbiological (Bacillus subtilis) treatment were evaluated to obtain glucosamine hydrochloride (Gluc-HCl) from the chitin obtained from crab (Callinectes bellicosus) exoskeletons. Chemical treatments were referred as Method A (HCl hydrolysis during 75 min at 90°C) and Method B (HCl hydrolysis during 20 min and 14 h of rest). Glucosamine and, in some cases, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine were identified and quantified by HPLC. Treatments with the greater concentrations of Gluc-HCl in descending order were: lipase (94.4 mg/g), microbiological (45.7 mg/g), lipase-pectinase (22.9 mg/g), hemicellulase-cellulase (20.9 mg/g), hemicellulase (15.3 mg/g), pectinase (10.7 mg/g), Chemical A (7.3mg/g) and Chemical B (7.3mg/g). In terms of yield, the best treatments in descending order were: pectinase (94%), microbiological (94%), hemicellulase (92%), lipase (91%), C...
Mexican journal of biotechnology
La aplicación eficaz de bioprocesos en sistemas de células y órganos vegetales presenta actualmen... more La aplicación eficaz de bioprocesos en sistemas de células y órganos vegetales presenta actualmente un elevado número de casos exitosos con respecto a la producción de metabolitos secundarios. El cultivo in vitro de células vegetales es una alternativa biotecnológica útil en la producción de los mismos siendo que debido a la complejidad que muestran aún no es posible sintetizarlos en laboratorio. La amplia gama de metabolitos que son sintetizados por las células vegetales incluye fármacos, sabores, fragancias, cosméticos, pigmentos naturales y pesticidas. En particular, los factores considerados en el diseño de bioprocesos y bioproductos incluyen a la reología, agregación, luz, pH, temperatura, agitación, mezclado, la aireación y las concentraciones de oxígeno, así como la sensibilidad al estrés hidrodinámico. Otros elementos importantes son el modo de cultivo y el tipo de biorreactor a utilizar. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las ventajas y desventajas del uso de biorreac...
Data in brief, 2018
This systematic determination of morphological and phytochemical data was conducted with the purp... more This systematic determination of morphological and phytochemical data was conducted with the purpose of conserving and identifying the phylogenetic relationship among the Vanilla species of the Totonacapan region in Mexico to increase awareness of the genetic biodiversity. Samples of Vanilla planifolia, V. planifolia cv. "oreja de burro", V. pompona, V. insignis, and V. inodora, are distributed across 19 municipalities of the State of Veracruz and 19 municipalities of the State of Puebla. Morphological data parameters were determined in situ and included leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, stem diameter, stem thickness, node distance, stem texture degree, flower colour intensity, and fruit length. Similarly, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, and terpenes were determined by specifically phytochemical tests and quantified by thin layer chromatography. Both, morphological and phytochemical data parameters, were successfully used in assembling dendrograms...
Catharanthus roseus, 2017
Different techniques of in vitro cultures of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus are availabl... more Different techniques of in vitro cultures of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus are available. In this regard, the plant is a source of important secondary metabolites that are compounds widely used in pharmacology. For instance, vinblastine and vincristine are alkaloids employed in the treatment of leukemia. This chapter discusses the techniques mostly used in the field of modern biotechnology, such as the in vitro culture of callus and suspension cells, as well as those related to organs, roots, and seedlings. Similarly, the chapter encompasses the types of explant cultures used, induction rates, and the culture environment, jointly with hormones and concentration employed. Also discussed is the level of production of each category of alkaloids according to the type of in vitro culture. Similarly, new metabolites obtained from suspension cell cultures of Catharanthus roseus, along with major pharmacological studies recently conducted, are contained in the chapter.
ABSTRACT Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cance... more ABSTRACT Taxol is a drug used in the chemotherapy of breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, liver cancers, and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Taxol is obtained from Taxus spp trees. It is found in low concentrations in the bark, needles and roots. The production is obtained by total chemical synthesis, but the process is very costly. The semi-synthesis is obtained from precursors like 10-diacetilbaccatina and baccatin III but has low production. On the other hand, the processes of in vitro culture of callus and cells are seen as a good strategy but in low yield. Therefore, it is urgent to find alternatives for the production of this drug due to the growing demand of Taxol and plant resource scarcity. The most promising way to large scale production of taxol is using in vitro fungi fermentation systems. The aim of this study was to present a review of the updated information in the scientific literature about the use of endophytic fungi in the production of this anticancer compo...
La aplicación de este descubrimiento en medicina, en la búsqueda de una cura contra el cáncer, ha... more La aplicación de este descubrimiento en medicina, en la búsqueda de una cura contra el cáncer, ha permitido reproducir en el laboratorio moléculas que los científicos han encontrado en los mares. Una de ellas es la discodermolida, un compuesto orgánico creado por un pequeño invertebrado marino, la esponja de mar Discodermia dissoluta, otra es la diazonamida A, que en la naturaleza es producida por el tunicado Diazona angulata y ha resultado efectiva contra las células cancerosas de colon.