Heilna du Plooy - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Heilna du Plooy

Research paper thumbnail of Vier skrywers met sterstatus

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurskynende kelk: Oor vorm en inhoud in die poësie. The transparent chalice: The relation between form and content in poetry (T T Cloete-erelesing, gelewer op 5 November 2009 te Potchefstroom / Paper read in honour of T T Cloete, Potchefstroom on 5 November 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Opperman, Diederik Johannes (1914–1985)

Routledge eBooks, Sep 10, 2018

<jats:p>Dirk Opperman is known as a poet whose poetry is deeply concerned with Africa as a ... more <jats:p>Dirk Opperman is known as a poet whose poetry is deeply concerned with Africa as a physical and symbolic space. As a dominant poetic figure from the late 1940s until his death, he exerted great influence in the sphere of Afrikaans literature as advisor on new manuscripts for publishers and as editor of comprehensive, canonizing collections of poetry. He also exerted great influence on young poets for whom he provided training in his so-called 'literary laboratory' in Stellenbosch.</jats:p>

Research paper thumbnail of Taking a line for a walk

Research paper thumbnail of T.T. Cloete: prospekteerder van die albasterblou waterplaneet - ’n inleiding

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 2, 1995

In this article the publication o f this special issue o f Literator is motivated by giving an in... more In this article the publication o f this special issue o f Literator is motivated by giving an introduction to the work o f T. T. Cloete as teacher o f literature, as critic and as poet. The contributions in the journal are then discussed and similarities and differences in the articles are indicated. The idea is pu t forward that an intertextual web, echoing the intertextual relations in the poetry and prose, is form ed by the various views in the articles. The article concludes with an extended bibliography o f studies on the work o f T. T. Cloete. 2. Cloete as gewaardeerde en merkwaardige Hguur Elke literatuur het sy merkwaardige figure. En hterêre figure verkry hierdie etiket om 'n verskeidenheid van redes. T.T. Cloete is onteenseglik een van die merkwaardige figure op die Afrikaanse literêre toneel. As literator, kritikus, digter, dramaturg, prosaskrywer en psalmverwerker (min of meer in chronologiese volgorde) het hy oor jare 'n reputasie opgebou en hierdie reputasie groei steeds. As 'n mens soveel hoede gedra het in jou lewe en steeds

Research paper thumbnail of Hanekraai (Daniel Hugo)

Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, Mar 13, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurlopende koord

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 26, 1999

Ttie endless ttiread This article discusses the volume o f short stories, Boereoorlogstories, whi... more Ttie endless ttiread This article discusses the volume o f short stories, Boereoorlogstories, which was compiled and edited by Jeanette Ferreira. The stories are all about the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and though some o f the stories simply retell history from the point o f view o f specific individuals, some o f the stories are indeed fine examples o f postmodernist fiction. In the best stories in the volume the narrators engage with history in a number o f ways: by indicating the fallacies o f historiography, by contrasting little narratives with the master narrative o f official historical documents, by emphasizing the textuality o f history and the necessity o f retelling the past. Personalized history and personalized interpretations o f historical facts and historical documents are used in attempting to find or create new identities. The use o f historiographical metafiction enables these narrators to interact with a present which is so complex and still so near that it can only be approached indirectly through stories.

Research paper thumbnail of Roman en film - stories in woorde en beelde ’n Voorstel vir ’n gevorderde kursus in literatuurwetenskap

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 6, 1992

Roman en film-stories in woorde en beelde 'n Voorstel vir 'n gevorderde kursus in literatuurweten... more Roman en film-stories in woorde en beelde 'n Voorstel vir 'n gevorderde kursus in literatuurwetenskap A b stract In this article a co u rse in narratology, in which th e em phasis falls on film s b ased o n specific novels, is discussed. T h e article is m ainly inform ative, giving details ab o u t th e princip les o n w hich th e co u rse is b ased , explaining th e way in w hich th e co u rse was developed and outlining th e co n ten ts o f th e course. In th e la st p a rt o f th e a rtic le th r e e ex a m p les o f th e a p p ro ac h w hich is follo w ed a re given an d th e b ib liog raphy can b e seen as a basic read in g list for such a course. T h e a rticle is an em p iric al re p o rt w h ich p u ts fo rw a rd a p o s s ib le w ay in w h ich th e s tu d y o f film s o n a n a d v a n c e d le v e l c a n be ap p ro ac h ed .

Research paper thumbnail of Leroux, Etienne (1922–1989)

Routledge eBooks, Oct 15, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Elisabeth Eybers: die volgehoue 'edel spel

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 6, 1991

This article pays tribute to Elisabeth Eybers who was not only the first woman to publish a volum... more This article pays tribute to Elisabeth Eybers who was not only the first woman to publish a volume of poetry in Afrikaans, but who has also received num erous awards for her poetry over the years. She has rejcently b e en aw ard ed th e P.C. H o o ftp rijs, th e m o st p re stig io u s lite ra ry aw ard in the N etherlands. The relcvance o f her work is indicated by a discussion o f her unique position in the A frikaans an d D utch literary w orlds, and by proposing a new readin g of a well-known poem to illustrate the point of view that good poetry can always be reread in relevant ways. * In die onderhoud met Lieske en O tten (1990) beantwoord Eybers die vraag o f sy 'n vroulike skrywer as voorbeeld gehad het soos volg; "Thuis had ik, dankzij mijn m oeder, >4 room o f o n e 's own van V irginia W oolf gelezen ... In het A frikaans b esto n d en e r geen dichtcressen,-Belydenis in die skem ering was de e e rste b u n d e l van een d ic h te re s ... E r w aren wel al verhalen van vrouw en verschenen.' D aar is sekerlik wel vrocer gedigte deur ander digteresse geskryf, m aar sover ek kon vasstel, kan 'n m ens E y b ers h ier glo d at sy in d e rd a a d d ie e e rste d ig te re s was w at 'n b u ndel gepubliseer het. 59 digste van haar digtersloopbaan (wat hopelik nog nie verby is nie!) is dat sy oor soveel jare die digtersaktiwiteit kon volhou en steeds beter gedigte geskryf het.3 Die meeste kritici iŝ Elisabeth Eybcrs ontvang die volgendc prysc vir haar work; Die Hertzogprys-vir Die slil avontuur en Belydenis in die skemeríng. Die V /A. Hofmeyrprys-vir Kwanet (saam met M ER, H enriette Grové en Ina Rousseau) Die Akademieprys-vir vertaalde werk: Die os en die esel van die krip van Jules Superviclle. Die Hertzogprys-vir Onderdak. Die CNA-prys-vir K m is o f m um. D ie CNA-prys-vir Binder. Die W A. Hofmeyrprys-vir Einder. Die CNA-prys-vir Bestand.

Research paper thumbnail of Intertekstualiteit as simbiotiese saam-bestaan: twee naamgenote en ’n belese engel

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 30, 1998

Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. It is ... more Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. It is traditionalism that gives tradition such a bad name-J. Pelican. bstract Intertextuality as symbiosis: two namesakes and an erudite angel This article focuses on the relations among the variety o f texts which are referred to in the story "Dr. Diedericks leer om te lag" by T.T. Cloete. The apparently explicit allusions become much more complex when analysed closely. Cloete's story becomes a postmodernist discourse in which precursors, sources and "other voices" are creatively "misread". In the process o f transforming an older text, Van Melle's story "Oom Diederik leer om te huil" gains a new lease on life, but the boundaries o f literature are also challenged by incorporating philosophical writings and popular medical books into the story. A metaphysical layer surfaces in the interpretation o f the story as the directions o f the erudite angelic figure to 1 Eliot (1919) in Stallman (1949:379). 2 Pelican (1984:69).

Research paper thumbnail of Listening to the wind in the trees: meaning, interpretation and literary theory

Acta Theologica, Oct 13, 2004

In this article the literary theories which dominated textual studies during the twentieth centur... more In this article the literary theories which dominated textual studies during the twentieth century are discussed briefly, indicating the philosophical roots of these theories. The article points out that whereas theories during the greater part of the twentieth century tended to encourage a more "open" approach to meaning and textuality, there are clear indications of a new awareness of textual constraints in the last decade. The point is made that interpreters and translators should be aware of the philosophical implications as well as of the textual constraints in the different forms of textual processing. In conclusion the responsibility of translators and interpreters of religious texts is emphasised. Yet releasement toward things and openness to the mystery never happen of themselves. They do not befall us accidentally. Both flourish only through persistent, courageous thinking. Heidegger Memorial Address.

Research paper thumbnail of Boekbesprekings

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, Mar 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Rabie, Jan (1920–2001)

Routledge eBooks, Oct 15, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of New Voices Rewriting the Community

Research paper thumbnail of Rutger Kopland (1934-2012)

Pretoria : Van Schaik eBooks, 2019

This chapter gives an overview of the life and word of the Dutch well known poet Rutger Kopland (... more This chapter gives an overview of the life and word of the Dutch well known poet Rutger Kopland (1934-2012). The themes and stylistic characterics as wel as the evolution and variation of his poetry are closely looked at and situatied in the Dutch literary context of that era and combined with the respons by critics and the public. Everyone of his of his fourteen poetry collections are commented in chronological order

Research paper thumbnail of Boekresensies/Book reviews

Journal of Literary Studies, Mar 1, 1991

... Ofskoon Opperman gesê het dat Van Wyk Louw soos 'n waaistertjakkals ál sy spore doodgeve... more ... Ofskoon Opperman gesê het dat Van Wyk Louw soos 'n waaistertjakkals ál sy spore doodgevee het, was die geluk telkens aan Van Vuuren se kant. ... 'n Ander studie in Afrikaans wat die problematiek van die psigoanalise aanraak, is Anita Lindenberg seGetelesko ...

Research paper thumbnail of Die huis as domein : 'n ganse lewe in 'n intieme ruimte

Stilet : Tydskrif van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, Sep 1, 2002

In this article, the metaphorical implications of the house in Donkermaan by Andre P. Brink are a... more In this article, the metaphorical implications of the house in Donkermaan by Andre P. Brink are analysed and discussed. Gaston Bachelard's views about the importance of space in the "imagined being" of man, expressed in his book The poetics of space (1969), are exploited to explore the spatial aspects of the narrative. The analyses focuses particularly on the house as the central meaningful space in the novel. According to Bachelard the experience of space is determined by human imagination. Experience and memory are linked irrevocably to the spatial dimension of life and therefore spatial memories are characterized by partiality and particularity. In this article the physical and psychological aspects of the representation of space in Donkermaan are discussed and linked to the "intertextual space" created in the narrative, which can be regarded not only as the collective unconscious of language and literature, but also as the ultimate "home" of the narrator.

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurskynende kelk: Oor vorm en inhoud in die poësie. The transparent chalice: The relation between form and content in poetry (T T Cloete-erelesing, gelewer op 5 November 2009 te Potchefstroom / Paper read in honour of T T Cloete, Potchefstroom on 5 November 2009)

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of TT Cloete ... 'n waardige nalatenskap : in dankbare herinnering

Daar is die bekende uitspraak wat se as 'n ou man sterf, staan daar 'n biblioteek in ligt... more Daar is die bekende uitspraak wat se as 'n ou man sterf, staan daar 'n biblioteek in ligte laaie, en van die afsterwe van TT Cloete, 'n mens van baie boeke, is dit inderdaad waar.

Research paper thumbnail of Vier skrywers met sterstatus

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurskynende kelk: Oor vorm en inhoud in die poësie. The transparent chalice: The relation between form and content in poetry (T T Cloete-erelesing, gelewer op 5 November 2009 te Potchefstroom / Paper read in honour of T T Cloete, Potchefstroom on 5 November 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Opperman, Diederik Johannes (1914–1985)

Routledge eBooks, Sep 10, 2018

<jats:p>Dirk Opperman is known as a poet whose poetry is deeply concerned with Africa as a ... more <jats:p>Dirk Opperman is known as a poet whose poetry is deeply concerned with Africa as a physical and symbolic space. As a dominant poetic figure from the late 1940s until his death, he exerted great influence in the sphere of Afrikaans literature as advisor on new manuscripts for publishers and as editor of comprehensive, canonizing collections of poetry. He also exerted great influence on young poets for whom he provided training in his so-called 'literary laboratory' in Stellenbosch.</jats:p>

Research paper thumbnail of Taking a line for a walk

Research paper thumbnail of T.T. Cloete: prospekteerder van die albasterblou waterplaneet - ’n inleiding

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 2, 1995

In this article the publication o f this special issue o f Literator is motivated by giving an in... more In this article the publication o f this special issue o f Literator is motivated by giving an introduction to the work o f T. T. Cloete as teacher o f literature, as critic and as poet. The contributions in the journal are then discussed and similarities and differences in the articles are indicated. The idea is pu t forward that an intertextual web, echoing the intertextual relations in the poetry and prose, is form ed by the various views in the articles. The article concludes with an extended bibliography o f studies on the work o f T. T. Cloete. 2. Cloete as gewaardeerde en merkwaardige Hguur Elke literatuur het sy merkwaardige figure. En hterêre figure verkry hierdie etiket om 'n verskeidenheid van redes. T.T. Cloete is onteenseglik een van die merkwaardige figure op die Afrikaanse literêre toneel. As literator, kritikus, digter, dramaturg, prosaskrywer en psalmverwerker (min of meer in chronologiese volgorde) het hy oor jare 'n reputasie opgebou en hierdie reputasie groei steeds. As 'n mens soveel hoede gedra het in jou lewe en steeds

Research paper thumbnail of Hanekraai (Daniel Hugo)

Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, Mar 13, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurlopende koord

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 26, 1999

Ttie endless ttiread This article discusses the volume o f short stories, Boereoorlogstories, whi... more Ttie endless ttiread This article discusses the volume o f short stories, Boereoorlogstories, which was compiled and edited by Jeanette Ferreira. The stories are all about the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and though some o f the stories simply retell history from the point o f view o f specific individuals, some o f the stories are indeed fine examples o f postmodernist fiction. In the best stories in the volume the narrators engage with history in a number o f ways: by indicating the fallacies o f historiography, by contrasting little narratives with the master narrative o f official historical documents, by emphasizing the textuality o f history and the necessity o f retelling the past. Personalized history and personalized interpretations o f historical facts and historical documents are used in attempting to find or create new identities. The use o f historiographical metafiction enables these narrators to interact with a present which is so complex and still so near that it can only be approached indirectly through stories.

Research paper thumbnail of Roman en film - stories in woorde en beelde ’n Voorstel vir ’n gevorderde kursus in literatuurwetenskap

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 6, 1992

Roman en film-stories in woorde en beelde 'n Voorstel vir 'n gevorderde kursus in literatuurweten... more Roman en film-stories in woorde en beelde 'n Voorstel vir 'n gevorderde kursus in literatuurwetenskap A b stract In this article a co u rse in narratology, in which th e em phasis falls on film s b ased o n specific novels, is discussed. T h e article is m ainly inform ative, giving details ab o u t th e princip les o n w hich th e co u rse is b ased , explaining th e way in w hich th e co u rse was developed and outlining th e co n ten ts o f th e course. In th e la st p a rt o f th e a rtic le th r e e ex a m p les o f th e a p p ro ac h w hich is follo w ed a re given an d th e b ib liog raphy can b e seen as a basic read in g list for such a course. T h e a rticle is an em p iric al re p o rt w h ich p u ts fo rw a rd a p o s s ib le w ay in w h ich th e s tu d y o f film s o n a n a d v a n c e d le v e l c a n be ap p ro ac h ed .

Research paper thumbnail of Leroux, Etienne (1922–1989)

Routledge eBooks, Oct 15, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Elisabeth Eybers: die volgehoue 'edel spel

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, May 6, 1991

This article pays tribute to Elisabeth Eybers who was not only the first woman to publish a volum... more This article pays tribute to Elisabeth Eybers who was not only the first woman to publish a volume of poetry in Afrikaans, but who has also received num erous awards for her poetry over the years. She has rejcently b e en aw ard ed th e P.C. H o o ftp rijs, th e m o st p re stig io u s lite ra ry aw ard in the N etherlands. The relcvance o f her work is indicated by a discussion o f her unique position in the A frikaans an d D utch literary w orlds, and by proposing a new readin g of a well-known poem to illustrate the point of view that good poetry can always be reread in relevant ways. * In die onderhoud met Lieske en O tten (1990) beantwoord Eybers die vraag o f sy 'n vroulike skrywer as voorbeeld gehad het soos volg; "Thuis had ik, dankzij mijn m oeder, >4 room o f o n e 's own van V irginia W oolf gelezen ... In het A frikaans b esto n d en e r geen dichtcressen,-Belydenis in die skem ering was de e e rste b u n d e l van een d ic h te re s ... E r w aren wel al verhalen van vrouw en verschenen.' D aar is sekerlik wel vrocer gedigte deur ander digteresse geskryf, m aar sover ek kon vasstel, kan 'n m ens E y b ers h ier glo d at sy in d e rd a a d d ie e e rste d ig te re s was w at 'n b u ndel gepubliseer het. 59 digste van haar digtersloopbaan (wat hopelik nog nie verby is nie!) is dat sy oor soveel jare die digtersaktiwiteit kon volhou en steeds beter gedigte geskryf het.3 Die meeste kritici iŝ Elisabeth Eybcrs ontvang die volgendc prysc vir haar work; Die Hertzogprys-vir Die slil avontuur en Belydenis in die skemeríng. Die V /A. Hofmeyrprys-vir Kwanet (saam met M ER, H enriette Grové en Ina Rousseau) Die Akademieprys-vir vertaalde werk: Die os en die esel van die krip van Jules Superviclle. Die Hertzogprys-vir Onderdak. Die CNA-prys-vir K m is o f m um. D ie CNA-prys-vir Binder. Die W A. Hofmeyrprys-vir Einder. Die CNA-prys-vir Bestand.

Research paper thumbnail of Intertekstualiteit as simbiotiese saam-bestaan: twee naamgenote en ’n belese engel

Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 30, 1998

Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. It is ... more Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. It is traditionalism that gives tradition such a bad name-J. Pelican. bstract Intertextuality as symbiosis: two namesakes and an erudite angel This article focuses on the relations among the variety o f texts which are referred to in the story "Dr. Diedericks leer om te lag" by T.T. Cloete. The apparently explicit allusions become much more complex when analysed closely. Cloete's story becomes a postmodernist discourse in which precursors, sources and "other voices" are creatively "misread". In the process o f transforming an older text, Van Melle's story "Oom Diederik leer om te huil" gains a new lease on life, but the boundaries o f literature are also challenged by incorporating philosophical writings and popular medical books into the story. A metaphysical layer surfaces in the interpretation o f the story as the directions o f the erudite angelic figure to 1 Eliot (1919) in Stallman (1949:379). 2 Pelican (1984:69).

Research paper thumbnail of Listening to the wind in the trees: meaning, interpretation and literary theory

Acta Theologica, Oct 13, 2004

In this article the literary theories which dominated textual studies during the twentieth centur... more In this article the literary theories which dominated textual studies during the twentieth century are discussed briefly, indicating the philosophical roots of these theories. The article points out that whereas theories during the greater part of the twentieth century tended to encourage a more "open" approach to meaning and textuality, there are clear indications of a new awareness of textual constraints in the last decade. The point is made that interpreters and translators should be aware of the philosophical implications as well as of the textual constraints in the different forms of textual processing. In conclusion the responsibility of translators and interpreters of religious texts is emphasised. Yet releasement toward things and openness to the mystery never happen of themselves. They do not befall us accidentally. Both flourish only through persistent, courageous thinking. Heidegger Memorial Address.

Research paper thumbnail of Boekbesprekings

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, Mar 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Rabie, Jan (1920–2001)

Routledge eBooks, Oct 15, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of New Voices Rewriting the Community

Research paper thumbnail of Rutger Kopland (1934-2012)

Pretoria : Van Schaik eBooks, 2019

This chapter gives an overview of the life and word of the Dutch well known poet Rutger Kopland (... more This chapter gives an overview of the life and word of the Dutch well known poet Rutger Kopland (1934-2012). The themes and stylistic characterics as wel as the evolution and variation of his poetry are closely looked at and situatied in the Dutch literary context of that era and combined with the respons by critics and the public. Everyone of his of his fourteen poetry collections are commented in chronological order

Research paper thumbnail of Boekresensies/Book reviews

Journal of Literary Studies, Mar 1, 1991

... Ofskoon Opperman gesê het dat Van Wyk Louw soos 'n waaistertjakkals ál sy spore doodgeve... more ... Ofskoon Opperman gesê het dat Van Wyk Louw soos 'n waaistertjakkals ál sy spore doodgevee het, was die geluk telkens aan Van Vuuren se kant. ... 'n Ander studie in Afrikaans wat die problematiek van die psigoanalise aanraak, is Anita Lindenberg seGetelesko ...

Research paper thumbnail of Die huis as domein : 'n ganse lewe in 'n intieme ruimte

Stilet : Tydskrif van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, Sep 1, 2002

In this article, the metaphorical implications of the house in Donkermaan by Andre P. Brink are a... more In this article, the metaphorical implications of the house in Donkermaan by Andre P. Brink are analysed and discussed. Gaston Bachelard's views about the importance of space in the "imagined being" of man, expressed in his book The poetics of space (1969), are exploited to explore the spatial aspects of the narrative. The analyses focuses particularly on the house as the central meaningful space in the novel. According to Bachelard the experience of space is determined by human imagination. Experience and memory are linked irrevocably to the spatial dimension of life and therefore spatial memories are characterized by partiality and particularity. In this article the physical and psychological aspects of the representation of space in Donkermaan are discussed and linked to the "intertextual space" created in the narrative, which can be regarded not only as the collective unconscious of language and literature, but also as the ultimate "home" of the narrator.

Research paper thumbnail of Die deurskynende kelk: Oor vorm en inhoud in die poësie. The transparent chalice: The relation between form and content in poetry (T T Cloete-erelesing, gelewer op 5 November 2009 te Potchefstroom / Paper read in honour of T T Cloete, Potchefstroom on 5 November 2009)

Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of TT Cloete ... 'n waardige nalatenskap : in dankbare herinnering

Daar is die bekende uitspraak wat se as 'n ou man sterf, staan daar 'n biblioteek in ligt... more Daar is die bekende uitspraak wat se as 'n ou man sterf, staan daar 'n biblioteek in ligte laaie, en van die afsterwe van TT Cloete, 'n mens van baie boeke, is dit inderdaad waar.