Heron Werner - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Heron Werner
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2006
Diagnostics, Nov 21, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2019
Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in th... more Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in the diagnosis of fetal anomalies and placenta evaluation. In general, two main technologies are used to obtain images within the uterus during pregnancy – ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). US examination is the primary method of gravid uterus assessment because it is patient-friendly, effective, cost-efficient and considered to be safe. MRI is generally used when US cannot provide sufficiently high-quality images. It offers high-resolution fetal and placenta imaging with excellent contrast that allows visualization of internal tissues. Placenta percreta is the most feared form of abnormally adherent placenta. Its incidence has increased because of high cesarean section rates. The main imaging findings in abnormally adherent placenta are: • Loss of the “clear zone” or irregularity of the hypoechoic plane in the myometrium underneath the placental bed. •Abnormal placental lacunae. Presence of numerous lacunae including some that are large and irregular often containing turbulent flow. • Bladder wall interruption. • Placental bulge. Deviation of the uterine serosa away from the expected plane. The uterine serosa appears intact, but the outline shape is distorted. • Focal exophytic mass. Placental tissue seen breaking through the uterine serosa and extending beyond it. • Color Doppler imaging shows uterovesical hypervascularity. • Bridging vessels appearing to extend from the placenta across the myometrium and beyond the serosa into the bladder or other organs. Often running perpendicular to the myometrium. The key concern of this talk will be: • The risk of placenta accreta increases according the number of Cesarean-section. • Placenta accreta is mostly associated with placenta previa. • The most sensitive US finding for placenta accreta is the presence of placenta lacunae, that can also be observed in MRI. • MRI may aid in diagnosis by demonstrating increased intraplacental vascularity, fibrin band of dark T2 signal and direct placental invasion of adjacent structures.
PubMed, Aug 1, 1994
Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus infections are very rare in adults but can occur in immunocompro... more Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus infections are very rare in adults but can occur in immunocompromised elderly people and in patients with chronic disease. We describe the clinical case of a 52-year-old woman with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, where we isolated C.fetus subsp. fetus from blood culture.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oct 1, 2021
Around one-third of twin pregnancies have monochorionic placentation and, in most cases, the two ... more Around one-third of twin pregnancies have monochorionic placentation and, in most cases, the two fetuses are connected by placental vascular anastomoses1,2. Monochorionic monoamniotic multiple pregnancy is a very rare event resulting from delayed splitting of a single blastocyst3. Here, we present the case of a pregnancy with two monoamniotic twin pairs resulting in a monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) quadruplet pregnancy. A 32-year-old healthy woman, gravida 2 para 1, was referred to our hospital at 12 weeks’ gestation with a diagnosis of dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy in which one fetus had a nuchal translucency (NT) measurement above the 99th centile. This was an unplanned pregnancy in which the woman had taken the morning after pill 24 h after unprotected intercourse. The woman had a positive urine pregnancy test, which was confirmed by ultrasound at 6 weeks’ gestation. At the same time, she tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), though she was asymptomatic and the disease had an uneventful course.
Experimental Dermatology, Feb 8, 2023
Subungual glomus tumors often remain undiagnosed for several years with patients seeing an averag... more Subungual glomus tumors often remain undiagnosed for several years with patients seeing an average of 2.5 dermatologists before the diagnosis is confirmed. We describe the use of biomodelling and 3D technologies that allows the detection of tumoral recurrences more easily, as well as providing supplementary information for the radiologist report, such as select anatomical structure analysis, images with 360° rotation and visualization in transparency mode for detailed anatomic analysis.
Modelos físicos de fetos criados por meio de dados da ressonância magnética, tomografia computado... more Modelos físicos de fetos criados por meio de dados da ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada e ultrassonografia: histórico, descrição e potenciais aplicações
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2019
Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in th... more Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in the diagnosis of fetal anomalies. In general, two main technologies are used to obtain images within the uterus during pregnancy – three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound (US) examination is the primary method of fetal assessment because it is patient-friendly, effective, cost-efficient and considered to be safe. MRI is generally used when US cannot provide sufficiently high-quality images. It offers high-resolution fetal imaging with excellent contrast that allows visualization of internal tissues. Additive manufacturing (AM) is the automatic, layer by-layer construction of physical models using solid free-form fabrication. The first AM techniques were used in the late 1980s to produce models and prototypes. The use of AM in the biomedical sector has increased steadily over the past decade. Different uses have been reported widely in the medical literature, but little has been published on its application to the gravid uterus, so we applied AM technology to fetal images obtained by 3DUS and MRI. Fetoscopy is a technique that utilizes a small camera to examine and perform procedures on the fetus. The term ‘virtual fetoscopy’ describes the creation and evaluation of representations of the fetus and surrounding structures using spatial information derived from imaging sources other than the fetoscope itself. We believe that virtual and physical models can help in the tactile and interactive study of complex abnormalities in multiple disciplines. They may also be useful for prospective parents because a 3D physical model with the characteristics of the fetus should allow a more direct emotional connection to their unborn child. The key concern of this talk will show how to obtain high-quality 3D images from US and MRI and the use of AM and virtual navigation.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Mar 6, 2019
Figure 1 3D transvaginal ultrasound images using multiplanar mode (a) and rendering mode (b), sho... more Figure 1 3D transvaginal ultrasound images using multiplanar mode (a) and rendering mode (b), showing sagittal view of rectovaginal septum (arrows), cervix (C), rectum () and posterior fornix (arrowhead).
Radiologia Brasileira, Dec 1, 2012
Prenatal Diagnosis, 1987
Fetal echocardiography was used to identify a cardiac rhabdomyoma in the second trimester. The co... more Fetal echocardiography was used to identify a cardiac rhabdomyoma in the second trimester. The combination of this finding with a maternal history of Tuberous Sclerosis allowed the patient and her family to make a more educated decision regarding termination of the pregnancy. Post mortem examination of the fetus confirmed the prenatal findings. This case report demonstrates the importance of ultrasound evaluation of the fetus at risk of recurrence of a genetic syndrome in which one or more anatomical defects might be seen.
Radiologia Brasileira, Jun 1, 2020
Objective: To evaluate and reconstruct three-dimensional images of vascularization along the fall... more Objective: To evaluate and reconstruct three-dimensional images of vascularization along the fallopian tube (FT), as well as to determine its relationship with the ovary and ovarian fimbria, and to quantify the blood vessels along the FT according to its anatomical segments, using confocal microtomography (micro-CT). Materials and Methods: Nine specimens (six FTs and three FTs with ovaries) were fixed in a solution of 10% formalin for > 24 h at room temperature. Iodine staining was performed by soaking the specimens in 10% Lugol's solution for 24 h. All specimens were evaluated using micro-CT. A morphometric analysis was performed on the reconstructed images to quantify the vascular distribution along the FT. Results: In the FTs evaluated, the density of blood vessels was significantly greater in the fimbrial segments than in the isthmic segments (p < 0.05). The ovarian fimbria was clearly identified, demonstrating the important relationship between these vessels and the FT fimbriae. Conclusion: We believe that the vascularization in the fimbriae is greater than and disproportional that in the other segments of FT, and that the ovarian fimbria plays an important role in the development of that difference.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Jun 22, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2023
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, Sep 20, 2022
Jornal Brasileiro de Ginecologia, 2020
Introdução: A sirenomelia consiste no desenvolvimento anômalo da região caudal do corpo fetal e é... more Introdução: A sirenomelia consiste no desenvolvimento anômalo da região caudal do corpo fetal e é uma síndrome rara e letal, que acomete 1:100.000 nascidos vivos, com predomínio no sexo masculino. Suas principais características são, além da fusão dos membros inferiores, presença de artéria umbilical única e alterações variadas no trato geniturinário. O diagnóstico da sirenomelia deve ser feito, idealmente, por exame ultrassonográfico, no 1o trimestre, quando o feto ainda se encontra em um ambiente de normodramnia e com capacidade de movimentação. Atualmente, todos os casos de sirenomelia publicados apresentam oligodramnia severa/adramnia. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de sirenomelia do tipo VI que cursou com normodramnia, diagnosticado no Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Descrição do Caso: Paciente, 30 anos, sem comorbidades, encaminhada para acompanhamento pré-natal no Instituto Fernandes Figueira na 29a semana de gestação, com ultrassonografia externa que evidenciava ausência de membro inferior direito e de bexiga, além de ressonância magnética que descrevia agenesia sacral, rim esquerdo de dimensões reduzidas, bexiga visualizada, pouco distendida, e rim direito não visualizado, além de outras malformações. No exame ultrassonográfico admissional do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, foi observada oligodramnia leve, rins de difícil visualização, aparentemente pélvicos, e membros inferiores fundidos. Os achados sugeriam um caso de sirenomelia. A paciente foi admitida para acompanhamento no serviço e ultrassonografias posteriores descreviam um ambiente intrauterino de normodramnia. Com 36 semanas, a paciente evoluiu com trabalho de parto em apresentação córmica, sendo encaminhada para cesariana. Houve rotura de membranas ovulares no ato operatório com saída de líquido claro. O recém-nascido (RN) foi encaminhado para a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) com Apgar 4/5/7. Realizados, apenas, cuidados paliativos por conta do prognóstico reservado. RN evolui para óbito neonatal no 3o dia e foi encaminhado para necropsia, que evidenciou atresia de esôfago com fístula distal, agenesia renal bilateral, agenesia de bexiga e ureteres, fusionamento de membros inferiores com apenas um fêmur e uma tíbia, além de outras malformações associadas. Conclusão: No caso, os achados ultrassonográficos eram sugestivos de sirenomelia e a necropsia confirmou agenesia renal bilateral. Apesar disso, o feto não cursou com oligodramnia nem com a sequência de Potter, como esperado. Na literatura, foi encontrado apenas um outro caso de normodramnia associado à agenesia renal bilateral. A incógnita dos casos é a origem do líquido amniótico e a hipótese por nós levantada é que seja formado, nos dois casos, por secreção pulmonar. Os fetos apresentavam, coincidentemente, agenesia do trato gastrointestinal (atresia de esôfago x atresia duodenal) — o que poderia garantir a não deglutição dos fluidos, favorecendo o acúmulo deles e levando à manutenção de volume normal de líquido amniótico.
Journal of Ultrasound, Jan 4, 2017
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 2020
Polish Journal of Radiology, 2019
Purpose: To evaluate in three dimensions (3D) the human endosalpinx and reconstruct its surface a... more Purpose: To evaluate in three dimensions (3D) the human endosalpinx and reconstruct its surface along its different anatomical segments, without the injection or insertion of luminal contrasts, using confocal microtomography (micro-CT). Material and methods: 15 fallopian tubes (FT) from 14 women in reproductive age from procedures for benign disease or sterilization were selected. The specimens were fixed in formalin and stained with Lugol solution. Micro-CT studies were conducted on the specimens using protocols adapted from biological studies, to acquire images to reconstruct in 3D the endosalpinx surface. Results: From these specimens, 6 presented the intra-mural segment, 14 presented the isthmus and 15 presented the ampulla and fimbria segment of the FT. The specimen presented tissue definition, and contrast sufficient for FT endosalpinx morphological analysis and lumen definition. The intramural portion presented initially a mucosal projection toward the lumen, bending on its own axis, and increased numbers of projections towards the isthmic portion, where the projections become longer more numerous. The endosalpinx becomes more tortuous, the lumen diameter increases and the mucosal projections become more bulky in the ampullary portion, with the projections less present on the antimesenteric side. The infundibular portion is marked with the organized and predictable endosalpinx, the abdominal ostium is cleared demonstrated, with the reduction of the endosalpinx volume. The fimbria demonstrated a small relation between fringes and intratubal endosalpinx. Conclusions: Microscopic anatomy of different segments of the human FT mucosa can be analyzed and reconstructed in 3D with histological correlation using micro-CT.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2006
Diagnostics, Nov 21, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2019
Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in th... more Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in the diagnosis of fetal anomalies and placenta evaluation. In general, two main technologies are used to obtain images within the uterus during pregnancy – ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). US examination is the primary method of gravid uterus assessment because it is patient-friendly, effective, cost-efficient and considered to be safe. MRI is generally used when US cannot provide sufficiently high-quality images. It offers high-resolution fetal and placenta imaging with excellent contrast that allows visualization of internal tissues. Placenta percreta is the most feared form of abnormally adherent placenta. Its incidence has increased because of high cesarean section rates. The main imaging findings in abnormally adherent placenta are: • Loss of the “clear zone” or irregularity of the hypoechoic plane in the myometrium underneath the placental bed. •Abnormal placental lacunae. Presence of numerous lacunae including some that are large and irregular often containing turbulent flow. • Bladder wall interruption. • Placental bulge. Deviation of the uterine serosa away from the expected plane. The uterine serosa appears intact, but the outline shape is distorted. • Focal exophytic mass. Placental tissue seen breaking through the uterine serosa and extending beyond it. • Color Doppler imaging shows uterovesical hypervascularity. • Bridging vessels appearing to extend from the placenta across the myometrium and beyond the serosa into the bladder or other organs. Often running perpendicular to the myometrium. The key concern of this talk will be: • The risk of placenta accreta increases according the number of Cesarean-section. • Placenta accreta is mostly associated with placenta previa. • The most sensitive US finding for placenta accreta is the presence of placenta lacunae, that can also be observed in MRI. • MRI may aid in diagnosis by demonstrating increased intraplacental vascularity, fibrin band of dark T2 signal and direct placental invasion of adjacent structures.
PubMed, Aug 1, 1994
Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus infections are very rare in adults but can occur in immunocompro... more Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus infections are very rare in adults but can occur in immunocompromised elderly people and in patients with chronic disease. We describe the clinical case of a 52-year-old woman with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, where we isolated C.fetus subsp. fetus from blood culture.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oct 1, 2021
Around one-third of twin pregnancies have monochorionic placentation and, in most cases, the two ... more Around one-third of twin pregnancies have monochorionic placentation and, in most cases, the two fetuses are connected by placental vascular anastomoses1,2. Monochorionic monoamniotic multiple pregnancy is a very rare event resulting from delayed splitting of a single blastocyst3. Here, we present the case of a pregnancy with two monoamniotic twin pairs resulting in a monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) quadruplet pregnancy. A 32-year-old healthy woman, gravida 2 para 1, was referred to our hospital at 12 weeks’ gestation with a diagnosis of dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy in which one fetus had a nuchal translucency (NT) measurement above the 99th centile. This was an unplanned pregnancy in which the woman had taken the morning after pill 24 h after unprotected intercourse. The woman had a positive urine pregnancy test, which was confirmed by ultrasound at 6 weeks’ gestation. At the same time, she tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), though she was asymptomatic and the disease had an uneventful course.
Experimental Dermatology, Feb 8, 2023
Subungual glomus tumors often remain undiagnosed for several years with patients seeing an averag... more Subungual glomus tumors often remain undiagnosed for several years with patients seeing an average of 2.5 dermatologists before the diagnosis is confirmed. We describe the use of biomodelling and 3D technologies that allows the detection of tumoral recurrences more easily, as well as providing supplementary information for the radiologist report, such as select anatomical structure analysis, images with 360° rotation and visualization in transparency mode for detailed anatomic analysis.
Modelos físicos de fetos criados por meio de dados da ressonância magnética, tomografia computado... more Modelos físicos de fetos criados por meio de dados da ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada e ultrassonografia: histórico, descrição e potenciais aplicações
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2019
Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in th... more Advances in image-scanning technology have led to vast improvements in medicine, especially in the diagnosis of fetal anomalies. In general, two main technologies are used to obtain images within the uterus during pregnancy – three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound (US) examination is the primary method of fetal assessment because it is patient-friendly, effective, cost-efficient and considered to be safe. MRI is generally used when US cannot provide sufficiently high-quality images. It offers high-resolution fetal imaging with excellent contrast that allows visualization of internal tissues. Additive manufacturing (AM) is the automatic, layer by-layer construction of physical models using solid free-form fabrication. The first AM techniques were used in the late 1980s to produce models and prototypes. The use of AM in the biomedical sector has increased steadily over the past decade. Different uses have been reported widely in the medical literature, but little has been published on its application to the gravid uterus, so we applied AM technology to fetal images obtained by 3DUS and MRI. Fetoscopy is a technique that utilizes a small camera to examine and perform procedures on the fetus. The term ‘virtual fetoscopy’ describes the creation and evaluation of representations of the fetus and surrounding structures using spatial information derived from imaging sources other than the fetoscope itself. We believe that virtual and physical models can help in the tactile and interactive study of complex abnormalities in multiple disciplines. They may also be useful for prospective parents because a 3D physical model with the characteristics of the fetus should allow a more direct emotional connection to their unborn child. The key concern of this talk will show how to obtain high-quality 3D images from US and MRI and the use of AM and virtual navigation.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Mar 6, 2019
Figure 1 3D transvaginal ultrasound images using multiplanar mode (a) and rendering mode (b), sho... more Figure 1 3D transvaginal ultrasound images using multiplanar mode (a) and rendering mode (b), showing sagittal view of rectovaginal septum (arrows), cervix (C), rectum () and posterior fornix (arrowhead).
Radiologia Brasileira, Dec 1, 2012
Prenatal Diagnosis, 1987
Fetal echocardiography was used to identify a cardiac rhabdomyoma in the second trimester. The co... more Fetal echocardiography was used to identify a cardiac rhabdomyoma in the second trimester. The combination of this finding with a maternal history of Tuberous Sclerosis allowed the patient and her family to make a more educated decision regarding termination of the pregnancy. Post mortem examination of the fetus confirmed the prenatal findings. This case report demonstrates the importance of ultrasound evaluation of the fetus at risk of recurrence of a genetic syndrome in which one or more anatomical defects might be seen.
Radiologia Brasileira, Jun 1, 2020
Objective: To evaluate and reconstruct three-dimensional images of vascularization along the fall... more Objective: To evaluate and reconstruct three-dimensional images of vascularization along the fallopian tube (FT), as well as to determine its relationship with the ovary and ovarian fimbria, and to quantify the blood vessels along the FT according to its anatomical segments, using confocal microtomography (micro-CT). Materials and Methods: Nine specimens (six FTs and three FTs with ovaries) were fixed in a solution of 10% formalin for > 24 h at room temperature. Iodine staining was performed by soaking the specimens in 10% Lugol's solution for 24 h. All specimens were evaluated using micro-CT. A morphometric analysis was performed on the reconstructed images to quantify the vascular distribution along the FT. Results: In the FTs evaluated, the density of blood vessels was significantly greater in the fimbrial segments than in the isthmic segments (p < 0.05). The ovarian fimbria was clearly identified, demonstrating the important relationship between these vessels and the FT fimbriae. Conclusion: We believe that the vascularization in the fimbriae is greater than and disproportional that in the other segments of FT, and that the ovarian fimbria plays an important role in the development of that difference.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Jun 22, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2023
Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, Sep 20, 2022
Jornal Brasileiro de Ginecologia, 2020
Introdução: A sirenomelia consiste no desenvolvimento anômalo da região caudal do corpo fetal e é... more Introdução: A sirenomelia consiste no desenvolvimento anômalo da região caudal do corpo fetal e é uma síndrome rara e letal, que acomete 1:100.000 nascidos vivos, com predomínio no sexo masculino. Suas principais características são, além da fusão dos membros inferiores, presença de artéria umbilical única e alterações variadas no trato geniturinário. O diagnóstico da sirenomelia deve ser feito, idealmente, por exame ultrassonográfico, no 1o trimestre, quando o feto ainda se encontra em um ambiente de normodramnia e com capacidade de movimentação. Atualmente, todos os casos de sirenomelia publicados apresentam oligodramnia severa/adramnia. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de sirenomelia do tipo VI que cursou com normodramnia, diagnosticado no Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Descrição do Caso: Paciente, 30 anos, sem comorbidades, encaminhada para acompanhamento pré-natal no Instituto Fernandes Figueira na 29a semana de gestação, com ultrassonografia externa que evidenciava ausência de membro inferior direito e de bexiga, além de ressonância magnética que descrevia agenesia sacral, rim esquerdo de dimensões reduzidas, bexiga visualizada, pouco distendida, e rim direito não visualizado, além de outras malformações. No exame ultrassonográfico admissional do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, foi observada oligodramnia leve, rins de difícil visualização, aparentemente pélvicos, e membros inferiores fundidos. Os achados sugeriam um caso de sirenomelia. A paciente foi admitida para acompanhamento no serviço e ultrassonografias posteriores descreviam um ambiente intrauterino de normodramnia. Com 36 semanas, a paciente evoluiu com trabalho de parto em apresentação córmica, sendo encaminhada para cesariana. Houve rotura de membranas ovulares no ato operatório com saída de líquido claro. O recém-nascido (RN) foi encaminhado para a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) com Apgar 4/5/7. Realizados, apenas, cuidados paliativos por conta do prognóstico reservado. RN evolui para óbito neonatal no 3o dia e foi encaminhado para necropsia, que evidenciou atresia de esôfago com fístula distal, agenesia renal bilateral, agenesia de bexiga e ureteres, fusionamento de membros inferiores com apenas um fêmur e uma tíbia, além de outras malformações associadas. Conclusão: No caso, os achados ultrassonográficos eram sugestivos de sirenomelia e a necropsia confirmou agenesia renal bilateral. Apesar disso, o feto não cursou com oligodramnia nem com a sequência de Potter, como esperado. Na literatura, foi encontrado apenas um outro caso de normodramnia associado à agenesia renal bilateral. A incógnita dos casos é a origem do líquido amniótico e a hipótese por nós levantada é que seja formado, nos dois casos, por secreção pulmonar. Os fetos apresentavam, coincidentemente, agenesia do trato gastrointestinal (atresia de esôfago x atresia duodenal) — o que poderia garantir a não deglutição dos fluidos, favorecendo o acúmulo deles e levando à manutenção de volume normal de líquido amniótico.
Journal of Ultrasound, Jan 4, 2017
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 2020
Polish Journal of Radiology, 2019
Purpose: To evaluate in three dimensions (3D) the human endosalpinx and reconstruct its surface a... more Purpose: To evaluate in three dimensions (3D) the human endosalpinx and reconstruct its surface along its different anatomical segments, without the injection or insertion of luminal contrasts, using confocal microtomography (micro-CT). Material and methods: 15 fallopian tubes (FT) from 14 women in reproductive age from procedures for benign disease or sterilization were selected. The specimens were fixed in formalin and stained with Lugol solution. Micro-CT studies were conducted on the specimens using protocols adapted from biological studies, to acquire images to reconstruct in 3D the endosalpinx surface. Results: From these specimens, 6 presented the intra-mural segment, 14 presented the isthmus and 15 presented the ampulla and fimbria segment of the FT. The specimen presented tissue definition, and contrast sufficient for FT endosalpinx morphological analysis and lumen definition. The intramural portion presented initially a mucosal projection toward the lumen, bending on its own axis, and increased numbers of projections towards the isthmic portion, where the projections become longer more numerous. The endosalpinx becomes more tortuous, the lumen diameter increases and the mucosal projections become more bulky in the ampullary portion, with the projections less present on the antimesenteric side. The infundibular portion is marked with the organized and predictable endosalpinx, the abdominal ostium is cleared demonstrated, with the reduction of the endosalpinx volume. The fimbria demonstrated a small relation between fringes and intratubal endosalpinx. Conclusions: Microscopic anatomy of different segments of the human FT mucosa can be analyzed and reconstructed in 3D with histological correlation using micro-CT.