Herwin Suprijono - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Herwin Suprijono

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teknologi Rfid Dalam Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Persediaan Berbasis Erp DI Pt. Raja Besi Semarang

At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording ... more At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording which depends on the entry of the data operator as a human error. Beside that, manuat checking is done to control the production by comparing the exist database then it will a probtem for the storing depaftment. The aim of this research is fo design the hardware and softare as a support for RFID. Designing this softare is for Decision Support Sysfemn (DSS) of company management in planning and controling the supply. Qualitative method ris used in this research by applyirtg the planning of the system through the steps of life cyle development sysfem. Then the implementation concludes that RFID is a system needed in activity of reading data automatically which prevents the human error. Moreover, RFID is able to improve the product controlling system befter. lmplementation of the RFID and ERP technology can be used fo help the decision making in planning and controlling production.

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Jenis Cacat Pada Produk Industri Logam Komponen Kapal Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

Seminar Keinsinyuran Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur

ndustri logam, mesin, alat transportasi, dan maritime serta industry elktronika dan telematika m... more ndustri logam, mesin, alat transportasi, dan maritime serta industry elktronika dan telematika merupakan sector industry yang ditargetkan tumbuh sebesar 4.7% dan bernilai ekspor US$ 38.7 milyar oleh pemerintah. Akan tetapi kendala yang dihadapi adalah sektor ILMANTE (Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Maritim serta Industri Elektronika dan Telematika) belum mampu bersaing dengan produk luar negeri memiliki kualitas dan nilai jual lebih baik. Kota tegal yang merupakan salah satu sentra industri logam di Indonesia menjadi salah satu pusat perhatian pemerintah. Untuk mampu bersaing dengan kualitas produk luar negeri industri logam di Indonesia harus meningkatkan kualitas produknya. Salah satu metode untuk mempertahankan kualitas barang yang diproduksi adalah dengan menerapkan pengecekan kualitas. Object penelitian merupakan komponen kapal, dimana pengecekan kualitas produk masih dilakukan secara manual. Jenis cacat yang ditemukan produk adalah cacat jenis crack dan hole yan...

Research paper thumbnail of Smart Potato Grading using Image Processing and Fuzzy Grading System

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Research paper thumbnail of Defect Detection of Agricultural Commodities using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of control technology for mushroom production houses using the internet of things (IoT) in SMEs Omah Jamur Ungaran

Community Empowerment, 2022

Indonesians are currently well familiar with oyster mushroom cultivation. However, there are vari... more Indonesians are currently well familiar with oyster mushroom cultivation. However, there are various issues with cultivation. Omah Jamur Ungaran in Semarang Regency likewise has same problem. The issue is that the mushroom house's production is not optimum because controlling humidity is still done manually, by turning on the pump if the temperature and humidity are not ideal. This causes the mushroom house's humidity to fluctuate. Moreover, the pump's electrical consumption is erratic. This service activity's objective is to provide an automatic device to control humidity and temperature in the mushroom house for optimal mushroom production. The method is to employ IoT technology. The community service determined that the temperature and humidity management system in the oyster mushroom production room can be automated, with the sprayer pump turning on when the temperature reaches 29º C and off when the temperature reaches 28.5º C. Furthermore, using the Thingspeak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Aplikasi Smart Green Spatial Database untuk Meningkatkan Transaksi Penjualan dalam Bisnis Baru Pembibitan Jamur sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terdampak Covid-19

Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak dijumpai di sejumlah... more Jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak dijumpai di sejumlah kelurahan di Kota Semarang. Terdapat 18 kelompok tani (poktan) yang fokus budidaya jamur tiram. Ke-18 poktan tersebut tergabung dalam Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Jamur Tiram Kota Semarang. Pemerintah Kota Semarang telah mengalokasikan sejumlah dana untuk pengembangan komoditas ini. Namun adanya pandemi COVID-19, muncul sejumlah kendala yaitu pengadaan bibit dan pemasaran hasil panen. Termasuk diversifikasi bisnis baru yaitu pembibitan yang sebenarnya memiliki prospek yang baik di masa pandemi COVID-19 ini. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi dan wawancara dengan anggota poktan Bhumi Rejo Makmur, pandemi COVID-19 berpengaruh terhadap usaha. Selain pemasaran, bibit berkualitas juga sulit didapatkan. Saat ini poktan tidak menggunakan sistem informasi dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan kapasitas produksi masih sangat rendah yaitu sekali proses hanya 100 baglog. Kami menyusun dan mendi...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Proses Cutting Material Akrilik pada CNC Laser G-Weike LC6090 dengan Metode Simplex Centroid Design dan Optimasi Plot Multirespon

Jurnal Ilmiah Giga, 2021

Operation of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process uses the appropriate parame... more Operation of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process uses the appropriate parameter settings in order to cut material optimally. It is known that CNC laser parameter settings on the machine are carried out by estimation or assumption because there is no reference or tabulation of parameter level settings on the machine which causes cutting process on the CNC laser to be less than optimal. Machine setting errors can result in mismatches of process results, so that the setting process is repeated on a trial error basis. This research is a continuation of previous research related to the optimization of the engraving process. This research focuses on optimizing the parameter setting level of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process. The material used is acrylic with 3mm, 5mm, and 10mm thickness. The setting parameters used are cutting speed and laser power. The optimization method uses a combination of Simplex Centroid Design and multi-response plot optimization. The response parameters used are actual processing time, dimensions of the length and width of the cut. The results of this study indicate that the optimal level of cutting process settings for 3mm thickness acrylic is 1.93037mm / s for speed and 56.6963% for power. Acrylic with a thickness of 5mm obtained an optimal level setting of 2.6mm / s for speed and 55% for power. 10mm thick acrylic obtained the optimal setting level of 1.1535mm / s for speed and 59.539% for power. 59.539% for power.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Minyak Terhadap Depolusi Air Limbah Pabrik Kertas Dalam Reaktor Alam Tanah

Pengadukan tanah untuk pemulihan reaktor ,alam tanah dengan menggunakan alat-alat berat seperti t... more Pengadukan tanah untuk pemulihan reaktor ,alam tanah dengan menggunakan alat-alat berat seperti traktor ataupun buldozer tidak terlepas dengan terjadinya tumpahan minyak bahan bakar atau minyak pelumas pada saat pengerjaan pengadukan tanah untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya polusi oleh turmpahan minyak terssebut ke dalam tanah perlu dikaji untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap depolusi air limbah ke dalam tanah. Sebagai parameter uji adalah digunakan minyak pelumas, minyak tanah dan minyak solar yang terutama paling banyak digunakan oleh umum maupun industri. Adapun cara pengujiannya ialah dengan mencampurkan minyak kedalam tanah dengan berbagai macam konsentrasi kemudian dilakukan uji batch dan diteruskan dengan continous flow. Dari hasil penelitian secara laboratoris diperoleh konsentrasi optimum minyak pelumas 60%, minyak tanah 70% dan minyak solar 70%. Dan ketiga jenis minyak tersebut memiliki kelarutan dalam air yang berbeda yaitu minyak peluas 1457, minyak tanah 1973, dan minyak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengenalan Pola Lintasan Berbasis Neural Network Pada Prototype Self-Driving Car

Elektrika, 2020

Self driving cars are an interesting topic to discuss due to the high level of traffic accidents ... more Self driving cars are an interesting topic to discuss due to the high level of traffic accidents that occur due to human error. Self driving cars are vehicles that can find out about the environment with minimal human intervention. Self driving itself has many development methods such as Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), cameras, radars, or a combination of these sensors. This study made a prototype self-driving car using a camera as a sensor and a neural network algorithm for pattern recognition. The pattern recognition in question is the image recognition of the path taken. The data that has been taken will later be converted into a matrix with dimensions of 320x120 according to the image resolution. Then the data will be trained to recognize the path pattern with the proportion of 7: 3 for training accuracy and validation accuracy. The resulting prediction has an accuracy of 76.86% for training accuracy and 75.24% for validation accuracy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan Alat Table Lathe untuk Menunjang Produksi Meubel Kayu UD. Mitra Abadi


AbstrakUD. Mitra Abadi dalam proses produksi produk furniturenya memiliki kendala terkait pembuat... more AbstrakUD. Mitra Abadi dalam proses produksi produk furniturenya memiliki kendala terkait pembuatan komponen furniture berdimensi silindris oleh karena keterbatasan alat. Sering kali pesanan konsumen tidak luput dari desain furniture yang menuntut beberapa bagian komponennya berdimensi silindris seperti kaki meja dan ornamen lain. Pembuatan komponen furniture berdimensi silindris tersebut membutuhkan mesin bubut (lathe) khusus kayu. Program pengabdian ini beriorentasi membuat alat bubut kayu dengan biaya ekonomis baik pembuatan dan operasional, dilengkapi dengan meja (table lathe) agar lebih ergonomis, dan mempertimbangkan aspek keamanan (safety) operasionalitas dari alat. Selain itu, dilakukan edukasi kepada UD. Mitra Abadi sebagai mitra terkait teknik operasi permesinan dan perawatan (maintenance) dari alat tersebut. Edukasi teknik operasi permesinan dan maintenance dari alat perlu dilakukan mengingat keterbatasan wawasan oleh mitra mengenai alat table lathe yang dibuat tersebut. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Papan Kayu Laminasi dari Limbah Kayu Jati di Kelompok Industri Meubel Rumahan Desa Mangunsari


AbstrakTerdapat beberapa jenis limbah kayu dari hasil proses produksi diantaranya adalah limbah s... more AbstrakTerdapat beberapa jenis limbah kayu dari hasil proses produksi diantaranya adalah limbah serbuk kayu limbah serutan kayu, limbah serpihan kayu, dan limbah potongan kayu. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk memberi nilai tambah pada setiap jenis limbah kayu tersebut diantaranya adalah pembuatan kayu laminasi, kayu partikel, MDF, HDF, briket kayu, ornamen kayu, dan lain-lain. Program pengabdian ini memanfaatkan limbah potongan kayu jati menjadi produk papan kayu laminasi dan bekerja sama dengan kelompok industri meubel rumahan Desa Mangunsari di Kabupaten Semarang. Kelompok industri tersebut memiliki limbah-limbah kayu berbagai jenis dengan kuantitas yang tergolong melimpah namun belum ada perlakuan (treatment) sama sekali terkait limbah tersebut selain hanya dimanfaatkan untuk memasak dan dibuang ke lingkungan. Edukasi dan pelatihan dilakukan melalui program ini untuk membantu mitra dalam membuat limbah kayu jati menjadi papan kayu laminasi dengan memanfaatkan alat kerja seperti ta...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teknologi Rfid Dalam Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Persediaan Berbasis Erp DI Pt. Raja Besi Semarang

Jurnal Dian, 2011

At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording ... more At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording which depends on the entry of the data operator as a human error. Beside that, manuat checking is done to control the production by comparing the exist database then it will a probtem for the storing depaftment. The aim of this research is fo design the hardware and softare as a support for RFID. Designing this softare is for Decision Support Sysfemn (DSS) of company management in planning and controling the supply. Qualitative method ris used in this research by applyirtg the planning of the system through the steps of life cyle development sysfem. Then the implementation concludes that RFID is a system needed in activity of reading data automatically which prevents the human error. Moreover, RFID is able to improve the product controlling system befter. lmplementation of the RFID and ERP technology can be used fo help the decision making in planning and controlling production.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasound Pada Tongkat Putih Untuk Peringatan Dini Bagi Penyandang Tuna Netra

Jurnal Dian, 2011

A cane that is usually used by the visually impaired person called as white cane. lt is a mechani... more A cane that is usually used by the visually impaired person called as white cane. lt is a mechanic tool to detect the things on the ground, uneven surfaces, holes, sfar'rs, puddles and other obstructions. The problem of using the cane r.s the user should actively use fi to grope anything in front of him. The cane can not detect the other obstruction which is far from fhe users and it absolutely makes the users uncomforted. Another problem is the white cane just only can detect by groping or tactile oblects. The application of ultrasound wave on white cane for the visually impaired person is based on sonar to detect any obstruction toward the man. Ihris research consisfs of three sfeps; analysis, implementation and evaluation. The result shows thaf fhis cane provides a vibration as early information aboutthe ob1'ects which are about 240 inches from the man. lt will also strongly vibrate when the obstruction is less than 40 rnches.

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi, Distribusi, Permintaan Pasar Dan Sosial Budaya


Penerapan program pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) untuk mengintensifkan lahan garam dan m... more Penerapan program pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) untuk mengintensifkan lahan garam dan mendongkrak produktivitas garam rakyat dinilai lamban. Program Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat (PUGAR) perlu diberdayakan lagi sehingga mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani garam dan mensukseskan swasembada garam industri pada tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) berdasarkan aspek produksi, distribusi, permintaan garam industri Jawa Tengah. Menentukan tingkat pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat di wilayah Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membagikan kuisioner kepada petani gara, melakukan FGD dan wawancara kemudian melakukan analisis teknis untuk menentukan tingkat pemeberdayaan dan strategi pemeberdayaan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah aspek produksi yang berkaitan dengan teknologi tingkat keberdayaan rendah, aspek distribusi, dan permintaan pasar rendah serta aspek sosbud dan keberlanjutan usaha tinggi.Aksi tindak prioritas jangka pendek adalah optimalisasi teknologi terapan untuk proses produksi, perbaikan rantai distribusi dan informasi pasar yang berkelanjutan sehingga tercipta stabilitas usaha garam rakyat.

Research paper thumbnail of Design and implementation of blood pressure measuring and oximetry (Android based)

2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), 2012


Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Proses Cutting Mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 dengan Metode Full Factorial Design dan Optimasi Plot Multi Respon

Jurnal PASTI, 2020

Penelitian pada mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 terkait optimasi untuk proses cutting material ka... more Penelitian pada mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 terkait optimasi untuk proses cutting material kayu. Kendala operasionalitas mesin adalah level faktor setting untuk depth of cut, spindle speed, dan motion speed masih berdasarkan asumsi dan perkiraan. Mesin tersebut belum memiliki acuan tabulasi level faktor setting yang optimal terhadap beberapa jenis material seperti kayu, logam, akrilik, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Design of Experiment (DoE) dengan metode Full Factorial Design untuk mengetahui formulasi matematis dari pengujian yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya, dilakukan optimasi plot multi respon untuk mengetahui level setting optimal dengan parameter efisiensi waktu proses dan kesesuaian dimensi hasil proses meliputi depth, length, dan width. Penelitian ini menggunakan kayu mahoni sebagai material dengan dimensi uji sampel berukuran 20x20x20 mm menggunakan mata pahat end mill 4 flute berdiameter 3 mm. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui level faktor setting optimal depth of...

Research paper thumbnail of Vibration-Signature-Based Inter-Turn Short Circuit Identification in a Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Multiple Hidden Layer Back Propagation Neural Networks

International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), 2018

Inter-turn short circuits in stator windings area fairly common fault in induction motors. Early ... more Inter-turn short circuits in stator windings area fairly common fault in induction motors. Early detection of this type of fault will greatly assist in sustaining production processes in manufacture. This paper proposes a method to detect inter-turn short circuits in stator windings at an early stage. The proposed method consists of four steps: (1) preprocessing by decomposing the signal into detail and approximation signals using a wavelet transform, (2) converting the first detail signal into a frequency-based signal using fast Fourier transform, (3) calculating the values of statistical features for the signal in time and frequency domains and (4) identifying faults using a back propagation neural network (BPNN). Using BPNN architecture with 3 hidden layers and 75 neurons per layer, the identified recognition rate was96.67% with a mean square error of 1.39×10-5. The validity of the proposed method is excellent based on a receiver operating characteristic analysis, with a precision level of 94.66%.

Research paper thumbnail of Design and development of heavy-lift hexacopter for heavy payload

2017 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), 2017

Research on multicopter nowadays is rapidly growing in many fields of application. One of the pro... more Research on multicopter nowadays is rapidly growing in many fields of application. One of the problems in the multicopter application is the ability to lift a heavy load that requires the careful design and selection of the proper type of multicopter for its ability in carrying out the missions involving the heavy load lifting. One type of multicopters that is often used is hexacopter. This paper describes the design of hexacopter that lift a heavy load. The design is done by calculating and analyzing the constraints and the criteria by the aid of software. The first flight experiment proved the capability of the designed heavy-lift hexacopter to fly in stable attitude while carrying a heavy load.

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude and Altitude Control of a Quadcopter Using Neural Network Based Direct Inverse Control Scheme

Advanced Science Letters, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Development of an attitude control system of a heavy-lift hexacopter using Elman recurrent neural networks

2016 22nd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2016

Hexacopter is a type of multicopter that can be used to lift a heavy load, hence very convinient ... more Hexacopter is a type of multicopter that can be used to lift a heavy load, hence very convinient to be utilised in agricultural fields. As the consequence, however, the attitude control of this hexacopter is rather difficult compare with that of a quadcopter with four motors, due to gyroscopic effet of the additional motors and in its combination with the heavy loads. In this paper, we have developed a direct inverse controller system using an Elman neural networks for the attitude and altitude control of the hexacopter. Experiments are conductet using a flight data taken from a test-bed system. Results show that the attitude characteritics of the heavy-lift hexacopter can be controlled successfully, especially when an optimized Elman neural networks as the direct inverse controller system is utilized.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teknologi Rfid Dalam Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Persediaan Berbasis Erp DI Pt. Raja Besi Semarang

At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording ... more At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording which depends on the entry of the data operator as a human error. Beside that, manuat checking is done to control the production by comparing the exist database then it will a probtem for the storing depaftment. The aim of this research is fo design the hardware and softare as a support for RFID. Designing this softare is for Decision Support Sysfemn (DSS) of company management in planning and controling the supply. Qualitative method ris used in this research by applyirtg the planning of the system through the steps of life cyle development sysfem. Then the implementation concludes that RFID is a system needed in activity of reading data automatically which prevents the human error. Moreover, RFID is able to improve the product controlling system befter. lmplementation of the RFID and ERP technology can be used fo help the decision making in planning and controlling production.

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Jenis Cacat Pada Produk Industri Logam Komponen Kapal Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

Seminar Keinsinyuran Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur

ndustri logam, mesin, alat transportasi, dan maritime serta industry elktronika dan telematika m... more ndustri logam, mesin, alat transportasi, dan maritime serta industry elktronika dan telematika merupakan sector industry yang ditargetkan tumbuh sebesar 4.7% dan bernilai ekspor US$ 38.7 milyar oleh pemerintah. Akan tetapi kendala yang dihadapi adalah sektor ILMANTE (Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Maritim serta Industri Elektronika dan Telematika) belum mampu bersaing dengan produk luar negeri memiliki kualitas dan nilai jual lebih baik. Kota tegal yang merupakan salah satu sentra industri logam di Indonesia menjadi salah satu pusat perhatian pemerintah. Untuk mampu bersaing dengan kualitas produk luar negeri industri logam di Indonesia harus meningkatkan kualitas produknya. Salah satu metode untuk mempertahankan kualitas barang yang diproduksi adalah dengan menerapkan pengecekan kualitas. Object penelitian merupakan komponen kapal, dimana pengecekan kualitas produk masih dilakukan secara manual. Jenis cacat yang ditemukan produk adalah cacat jenis crack dan hole yan...

Research paper thumbnail of Smart Potato Grading using Image Processing and Fuzzy Grading System

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Research paper thumbnail of Defect Detection of Agricultural Commodities using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of control technology for mushroom production houses using the internet of things (IoT) in SMEs Omah Jamur Ungaran

Community Empowerment, 2022

Indonesians are currently well familiar with oyster mushroom cultivation. However, there are vari... more Indonesians are currently well familiar with oyster mushroom cultivation. However, there are various issues with cultivation. Omah Jamur Ungaran in Semarang Regency likewise has same problem. The issue is that the mushroom house's production is not optimum because controlling humidity is still done manually, by turning on the pump if the temperature and humidity are not ideal. This causes the mushroom house's humidity to fluctuate. Moreover, the pump's electrical consumption is erratic. This service activity's objective is to provide an automatic device to control humidity and temperature in the mushroom house for optimal mushroom production. The method is to employ IoT technology. The community service determined that the temperature and humidity management system in the oyster mushroom production room can be automated, with the sprayer pump turning on when the temperature reaches 29º C and off when the temperature reaches 28.5º C. Furthermore, using the Thingspeak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Aplikasi Smart Green Spatial Database untuk Meningkatkan Transaksi Penjualan dalam Bisnis Baru Pembibitan Jamur sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terdampak Covid-19

Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak dijumpai di sejumlah... more Jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak dijumpai di sejumlah kelurahan di Kota Semarang. Terdapat 18 kelompok tani (poktan) yang fokus budidaya jamur tiram. Ke-18 poktan tersebut tergabung dalam Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Jamur Tiram Kota Semarang. Pemerintah Kota Semarang telah mengalokasikan sejumlah dana untuk pengembangan komoditas ini. Namun adanya pandemi COVID-19, muncul sejumlah kendala yaitu pengadaan bibit dan pemasaran hasil panen. Termasuk diversifikasi bisnis baru yaitu pembibitan yang sebenarnya memiliki prospek yang baik di masa pandemi COVID-19 ini. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi dan wawancara dengan anggota poktan Bhumi Rejo Makmur, pandemi COVID-19 berpengaruh terhadap usaha. Selain pemasaran, bibit berkualitas juga sulit didapatkan. Saat ini poktan tidak menggunakan sistem informasi dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan kapasitas produksi masih sangat rendah yaitu sekali proses hanya 100 baglog. Kami menyusun dan mendi...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Proses Cutting Material Akrilik pada CNC Laser G-Weike LC6090 dengan Metode Simplex Centroid Design dan Optimasi Plot Multirespon

Jurnal Ilmiah Giga, 2021

Operation of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process uses the appropriate parame... more Operation of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process uses the appropriate parameter settings in order to cut material optimally. It is known that CNC laser parameter settings on the machine are carried out by estimation or assumption because there is no reference or tabulation of parameter level settings on the machine which causes cutting process on the CNC laser to be less than optimal. Machine setting errors can result in mismatches of process results, so that the setting process is repeated on a trial error basis. This research is a continuation of previous research related to the optimization of the engraving process. This research focuses on optimizing the parameter setting level of the G-Weike LC6090 CNC laser machine for cutting process. The material used is acrylic with 3mm, 5mm, and 10mm thickness. The setting parameters used are cutting speed and laser power. The optimization method uses a combination of Simplex Centroid Design and multi-response plot optimization. The response parameters used are actual processing time, dimensions of the length and width of the cut. The results of this study indicate that the optimal level of cutting process settings for 3mm thickness acrylic is 1.93037mm / s for speed and 56.6963% for power. Acrylic with a thickness of 5mm obtained an optimal level setting of 2.6mm / s for speed and 55% for power. 10mm thick acrylic obtained the optimal setting level of 1.1535mm / s for speed and 59.539% for power. 59.539% for power.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Minyak Terhadap Depolusi Air Limbah Pabrik Kertas Dalam Reaktor Alam Tanah

Pengadukan tanah untuk pemulihan reaktor ,alam tanah dengan menggunakan alat-alat berat seperti t... more Pengadukan tanah untuk pemulihan reaktor ,alam tanah dengan menggunakan alat-alat berat seperti traktor ataupun buldozer tidak terlepas dengan terjadinya tumpahan minyak bahan bakar atau minyak pelumas pada saat pengerjaan pengadukan tanah untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya polusi oleh turmpahan minyak terssebut ke dalam tanah perlu dikaji untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap depolusi air limbah ke dalam tanah. Sebagai parameter uji adalah digunakan minyak pelumas, minyak tanah dan minyak solar yang terutama paling banyak digunakan oleh umum maupun industri. Adapun cara pengujiannya ialah dengan mencampurkan minyak kedalam tanah dengan berbagai macam konsentrasi kemudian dilakukan uji batch dan diteruskan dengan continous flow. Dari hasil penelitian secara laboratoris diperoleh konsentrasi optimum minyak pelumas 60%, minyak tanah 70% dan minyak solar 70%. Dan ketiga jenis minyak tersebut memiliki kelarutan dalam air yang berbeda yaitu minyak peluas 1457, minyak tanah 1973, dan minyak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengenalan Pola Lintasan Berbasis Neural Network Pada Prototype Self-Driving Car

Elektrika, 2020

Self driving cars are an interesting topic to discuss due to the high level of traffic accidents ... more Self driving cars are an interesting topic to discuss due to the high level of traffic accidents that occur due to human error. Self driving cars are vehicles that can find out about the environment with minimal human intervention. Self driving itself has many development methods such as Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), cameras, radars, or a combination of these sensors. This study made a prototype self-driving car using a camera as a sensor and a neural network algorithm for pattern recognition. The pattern recognition in question is the image recognition of the path taken. The data that has been taken will later be converted into a matrix with dimensions of 320x120 according to the image resolution. Then the data will be trained to recognize the path pattern with the proportion of 7: 3 for training accuracy and validation accuracy. The resulting prediction has an accuracy of 76.86% for training accuracy and 75.24% for validation accuracy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan Alat Table Lathe untuk Menunjang Produksi Meubel Kayu UD. Mitra Abadi


AbstrakUD. Mitra Abadi dalam proses produksi produk furniturenya memiliki kendala terkait pembuat... more AbstrakUD. Mitra Abadi dalam proses produksi produk furniturenya memiliki kendala terkait pembuatan komponen furniture berdimensi silindris oleh karena keterbatasan alat. Sering kali pesanan konsumen tidak luput dari desain furniture yang menuntut beberapa bagian komponennya berdimensi silindris seperti kaki meja dan ornamen lain. Pembuatan komponen furniture berdimensi silindris tersebut membutuhkan mesin bubut (lathe) khusus kayu. Program pengabdian ini beriorentasi membuat alat bubut kayu dengan biaya ekonomis baik pembuatan dan operasional, dilengkapi dengan meja (table lathe) agar lebih ergonomis, dan mempertimbangkan aspek keamanan (safety) operasionalitas dari alat. Selain itu, dilakukan edukasi kepada UD. Mitra Abadi sebagai mitra terkait teknik operasi permesinan dan perawatan (maintenance) dari alat tersebut. Edukasi teknik operasi permesinan dan maintenance dari alat perlu dilakukan mengingat keterbatasan wawasan oleh mitra mengenai alat table lathe yang dibuat tersebut. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Papan Kayu Laminasi dari Limbah Kayu Jati di Kelompok Industri Meubel Rumahan Desa Mangunsari


AbstrakTerdapat beberapa jenis limbah kayu dari hasil proses produksi diantaranya adalah limbah s... more AbstrakTerdapat beberapa jenis limbah kayu dari hasil proses produksi diantaranya adalah limbah serbuk kayu limbah serutan kayu, limbah serpihan kayu, dan limbah potongan kayu. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk memberi nilai tambah pada setiap jenis limbah kayu tersebut diantaranya adalah pembuatan kayu laminasi, kayu partikel, MDF, HDF, briket kayu, ornamen kayu, dan lain-lain. Program pengabdian ini memanfaatkan limbah potongan kayu jati menjadi produk papan kayu laminasi dan bekerja sama dengan kelompok industri meubel rumahan Desa Mangunsari di Kabupaten Semarang. Kelompok industri tersebut memiliki limbah-limbah kayu berbagai jenis dengan kuantitas yang tergolong melimpah namun belum ada perlakuan (treatment) sama sekali terkait limbah tersebut selain hanya dimanfaatkan untuk memasak dan dibuang ke lingkungan. Edukasi dan pelatihan dilakukan melalui program ini untuk membantu mitra dalam membuat limbah kayu jati menjadi papan kayu laminasi dengan memanfaatkan alat kerja seperti ta...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teknologi Rfid Dalam Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Persediaan Berbasis Erp DI Pt. Raja Besi Semarang

Jurnal Dian, 2011

At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording ... more At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording which depends on the entry of the data operator as a human error. Beside that, manuat checking is done to control the production by comparing the exist database then it will a probtem for the storing depaftment. The aim of this research is fo design the hardware and softare as a support for RFID. Designing this softare is for Decision Support Sysfemn (DSS) of company management in planning and controling the supply. Qualitative method ris used in this research by applyirtg the planning of the system through the steps of life cyle development sysfem. Then the implementation concludes that RFID is a system needed in activity of reading data automatically which prevents the human error. Moreover, RFID is able to improve the product controlling system befter. lmplementation of the RFID and ERP technology can be used fo help the decision making in planning and controlling production.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasound Pada Tongkat Putih Untuk Peringatan Dini Bagi Penyandang Tuna Netra

Jurnal Dian, 2011

A cane that is usually used by the visually impaired person called as white cane. lt is a mechani... more A cane that is usually used by the visually impaired person called as white cane. lt is a mechanic tool to detect the things on the ground, uneven surfaces, holes, sfar'rs, puddles and other obstructions. The problem of using the cane r.s the user should actively use fi to grope anything in front of him. The cane can not detect the other obstruction which is far from fhe users and it absolutely makes the users uncomforted. Another problem is the white cane just only can detect by groping or tactile oblects. The application of ultrasound wave on white cane for the visually impaired person is based on sonar to detect any obstruction toward the man. Ihris research consisfs of three sfeps; analysis, implementation and evaluation. The result shows thaf fhis cane provides a vibration as early information aboutthe ob1'ects which are about 240 inches from the man. lt will also strongly vibrate when the obstruction is less than 40 rnches.

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi, Distribusi, Permintaan Pasar Dan Sosial Budaya


Penerapan program pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) untuk mengintensifkan lahan garam dan m... more Penerapan program pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) untuk mengintensifkan lahan garam dan mendongkrak produktivitas garam rakyat dinilai lamban. Program Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat (PUGAR) perlu diberdayakan lagi sehingga mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani garam dan mensukseskan swasembada garam industri pada tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat (PUGAR) berdasarkan aspek produksi, distribusi, permintaan garam industri Jawa Tengah. Menentukan tingkat pemberdayaan usaha garam rakyat di wilayah Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membagikan kuisioner kepada petani gara, melakukan FGD dan wawancara kemudian melakukan analisis teknis untuk menentukan tingkat pemeberdayaan dan strategi pemeberdayaan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah aspek produksi yang berkaitan dengan teknologi tingkat keberdayaan rendah, aspek distribusi, dan permintaan pasar rendah serta aspek sosbud dan keberlanjutan usaha tinggi.Aksi tindak prioritas jangka pendek adalah optimalisasi teknologi terapan untuk proses produksi, perbaikan rantai distribusi dan informasi pasar yang berkelanjutan sehingga tercipta stabilitas usaha garam rakyat.

Research paper thumbnail of Design and implementation of blood pressure measuring and oximetry (Android based)

2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), 2012


Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Proses Cutting Mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 dengan Metode Full Factorial Design dan Optimasi Plot Multi Respon

Jurnal PASTI, 2020

Penelitian pada mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 terkait optimasi untuk proses cutting material ka... more Penelitian pada mesin CNC Router G-Weike WK1212 terkait optimasi untuk proses cutting material kayu. Kendala operasionalitas mesin adalah level faktor setting untuk depth of cut, spindle speed, dan motion speed masih berdasarkan asumsi dan perkiraan. Mesin tersebut belum memiliki acuan tabulasi level faktor setting yang optimal terhadap beberapa jenis material seperti kayu, logam, akrilik, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Design of Experiment (DoE) dengan metode Full Factorial Design untuk mengetahui formulasi matematis dari pengujian yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya, dilakukan optimasi plot multi respon untuk mengetahui level setting optimal dengan parameter efisiensi waktu proses dan kesesuaian dimensi hasil proses meliputi depth, length, dan width. Penelitian ini menggunakan kayu mahoni sebagai material dengan dimensi uji sampel berukuran 20x20x20 mm menggunakan mata pahat end mill 4 flute berdiameter 3 mm. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui level faktor setting optimal depth of...

Research paper thumbnail of Vibration-Signature-Based Inter-Turn Short Circuit Identification in a Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Multiple Hidden Layer Back Propagation Neural Networks

International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), 2018

Inter-turn short circuits in stator windings area fairly common fault in induction motors. Early ... more Inter-turn short circuits in stator windings area fairly common fault in induction motors. Early detection of this type of fault will greatly assist in sustaining production processes in manufacture. This paper proposes a method to detect inter-turn short circuits in stator windings at an early stage. The proposed method consists of four steps: (1) preprocessing by decomposing the signal into detail and approximation signals using a wavelet transform, (2) converting the first detail signal into a frequency-based signal using fast Fourier transform, (3) calculating the values of statistical features for the signal in time and frequency domains and (4) identifying faults using a back propagation neural network (BPNN). Using BPNN architecture with 3 hidden layers and 75 neurons per layer, the identified recognition rate was96.67% with a mean square error of 1.39×10-5. The validity of the proposed method is excellent based on a receiver operating characteristic analysis, with a precision level of 94.66%.

Research paper thumbnail of Design and development of heavy-lift hexacopter for heavy payload

2017 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), 2017

Research on multicopter nowadays is rapidly growing in many fields of application. One of the pro... more Research on multicopter nowadays is rapidly growing in many fields of application. One of the problems in the multicopter application is the ability to lift a heavy load that requires the careful design and selection of the proper type of multicopter for its ability in carrying out the missions involving the heavy load lifting. One type of multicopters that is often used is hexacopter. This paper describes the design of hexacopter that lift a heavy load. The design is done by calculating and analyzing the constraints and the criteria by the aid of software. The first flight experiment proved the capability of the designed heavy-lift hexacopter to fly in stable attitude while carrying a heavy load.

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude and Altitude Control of a Quadcopter Using Neural Network Based Direct Inverse Control Scheme

Advanced Science Letters, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Development of an attitude control system of a heavy-lift hexacopter using Elman recurrent neural networks

2016 22nd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2016

Hexacopter is a type of multicopter that can be used to lift a heavy load, hence very convinient ... more Hexacopter is a type of multicopter that can be used to lift a heavy load, hence very convinient to be utilised in agricultural fields. As the consequence, however, the attitude control of this hexacopter is rather difficult compare with that of a quadcopter with four motors, due to gyroscopic effet of the additional motors and in its combination with the heavy loads. In this paper, we have developed a direct inverse controller system using an Elman neural networks for the attitude and altitude control of the hexacopter. Experiments are conductet using a flight data taken from a test-bed system. Results show that the attitude characteritics of the heavy-lift hexacopter can be controlled successfully, especially when an optimized Elman neural networks as the direct inverse controller system is utilized.