Hilal Öztürk Küçük - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Hilal Öztürk Küçük
South African Journal of Business Management, 2020
Yönetim ve Ekonomi Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Marmara Üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler dergisi, Jun 24, 2022
Voting behavior is a complex process and voters may be affected by lots of different variables. R... more Voting behavior is a complex process and voters may be affected by lots of different variables. Religiosity and altruism are some of these variables. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intrinsic motivation sources on rational voting behavior. The second is to analyze the impact of rational voting behavior on consumer's (voter) attitudes. The sample was chosen from voters living in Turkey. Using a quantitative research model, data were gathered by a web-based online survey with 244 voters. Participants were determined by the convenience sampling method. The research hypotheses were tested by PLS Structural Equation Model. According to the findings of the research, while religiosity affects rational voting behavior, altruism has no effect. There is an also effect of rational voting behavior on voter's attitudes. Lastly, rational voting behavior varies by gender and salary status. The findings may help the parties in their decision process while preparing for elections.
Her seyin metalasmaya basladigi gunumuz tuketim toplumu icerisinde Musluman tuketici davranislari... more Her seyin metalasmaya basladigi gunumuz tuketim toplumu icerisinde Musluman tuketici davranislari bir merak konusu haline gelmistir. Tuketim toplumuna karsi direnmenin zor oldugu bu donemde tuketicilerin dindarlik duzeylerinin tuketim davranislari uzerindeki etkisi bu calismanin ozunu olusturmaktadir. Calismanin bir diger amaci ise Islam dininin onemle uzerinde durdugu sade bir yasamin (gonullu sadelik) aracilik etkisini arastirmaktir. Calismada nicel bir arastirma metodu kullanilarak, online anket araciligi ile Turkiye’de yasayan 18 yas ustu 523 tuketiciden veri toplanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS ve AMOS programi kullanilmistir. Yine degiskenlerin aracilik rolune iliskin etkinin hesaplanmasinda Sobel testinden faydalanilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgulara gore, Islami dindarlik olceginin ahlak boyutu Musluman Tuketici Davranisini aciklamada inanc ve ibadet boyutlarindan daha yuksek bir aciklayiciliga sahiptir. Yine, ahlak boyutunun gonullu sadelik uzerinde h...
International Business Research, 2016
The purpose of the study is to develop an original framework to explore the effects of brand cris... more The purpose of the study is to develop an original framework to explore the effects of brand crisis on green purchase intentions and willingness to pay more. This study composes of seven original concepts, which are perceived brand crisis, green brand image, green trust, green brand equity, green perceived value, green purchase intentions and willingness to pay more to develop an integrated model. For this reason, an online survey was carried out in testing the model that includes questions measuring the effects of these variables. Smart PLS structural equation modelling is applied to verify the research framework. A total of 504 questionnaires were collected from Turkish consumers living in Turkey. According to the findings acquired from the structural equation modelling, there is an impact of the perceived brand crisis on green brand image, green trust, green brand equity and green perceived value. Consequently, green brand equity and green perceived value except for green brand i...
Anahtar Kelimeler: Z Kuşağı, Oy Verme Davranışı, Sosyal Medya, Politik İlgilenim, Referans Grup J... more Anahtar Kelimeler: Z Kuşağı, Oy Verme Davranışı, Sosyal Medya, Politik İlgilenim, Referans Grup JEL Kodları: M30, M31, M38 Bu çalışmanın amacı teknoloji çağının çocukları olarak ifade edilen Z kuşağı seçmeninin oy verme davranışını araştırmaktır. 2023 yılı genel seçimlerinde yaklaşık 7 milyon genç seçmen oy kullanacaktır. Bu genç seçmenin sosyolojik, sosyo-psikolojik ve rasyonel oy verme davranışları üzerinde hangi faktörlerin etkili olacağı araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Z kuşağının aktif olarak kullandığı sosyal medya, etkisi altında kaldıkları referans gruplar ve sahip oldukları politik ilgilenimleri ile oy verme davranışları arasındaki ilişki araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmanın evrenini 2000 yılı ve civarı doğumlu Z kuşağı oluşturmaktadır. Veriler web tabanlı anket yöntemi ile 182 katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir. Katılımcılar kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırma modeli PLS (Kısmi En Küçük Kareler) tabanlı yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile test edilmi...
ÖZET Gen teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO) yaygınlaşmasıyla b... more ÖZET Gen teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO) yaygınlaşmasıyla başlamış ve üretimlerinde önemli artışlar meydana gelmiştir. Ancak tartışmalı olan bu ürünlere yönelik tüketicilerin tepkisinin çeşitli ülkelerde farklı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma çeşitli faktörlerin tüketicilerin GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik tutumuna etkisini incelemektedir. Araştırmada önerilen modelin verileri kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen tüketicilerle yapılan anketlerden elde edilmiş ve Kısmi En Küçük Kareler (SmartPLS) Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, tutum üzerinde GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik algılanan fayda ve risk ile birlikte bilinen markaların yaptığı markalamanın da etkili olabileceği bulunmuştur. Tüketici genel tutumunun algılanan risk üzerinde, tüketicide oluşan güvenin ise algılanan fayda üzerinde etkisi vardır. GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik tutum satın alma niyeti üzerinde etkilidir. ABSTRACT Genetically modified organisms (GMO) have become more common with the development of gene technology and their productions have significantly increased. However, it seems that consumer attitudes towards these products vary in different countries. This study investigates the effects of different variables on consumers' attitudes towards genetically modified products. The data of the model proposed were collected by a survey carried out on consumers being selected by convenience sampling method and analyzed by using Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) Structural Equation Modelling. According to the findings of the study, perceived benefit and risks as well as branding of premium brands had effects on consumer attitudes toward GMO products. General attitude of consumers have a significant effect on perceived risks and consumer trust affects perceived benefit. Consumer attitude has an effect on purchase intention.
As an intellectual property right, geographical indications (GI) are signs showing a exclusive qu... more As an intellectual property right, geographical indications (GI) are signs showing a exclusive quality, celebrity or other attributes specified with a territory, area, region or country of its origin. That means there is always a link between product and region. GIs are also names of regions used to brand goods and this label guarantees that the product has the unique characteristics. There are two types of GI labels, which are Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs). Protected designations of origin label covers products which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area. In Protected Geographical Indication label, at least one of the
stages of production, processing and preparation takes place in the region. These labels can be seen as tools to increase the quality of goods, protect biological resources and traditional knowledge and help the development of rural regions.
GI labels also help consumers distinguish premium quality and low quality products and guarantee that the product is not imitation. In this study, these advantages of GI labels are classified in three dimensions, which are economic support, culture-tradition and qualityauthenticity. The first dimension supports the rural economy and producers in the
production area. Producers can use this label to differentiate from their competitors and these products can be more expensive than other products. Additionally, this dimension provides employment for people living the region.
Secondly, culture and tradition dimension contributes to protect traditional production methods and culture of the region. People also have a chance to obtain information about the cultural identity of the region, not only about the product.
As a last dimension, quality and authenticity dimension provides consumers higher quality and authentic products.Because products with GI label provide higher quality, these concerns of consumers can be decreased and imitation and fraud can be prevented by this label. Taking into consideration the fact that there are lots of advantages of GI
labels, consumers, especially consumers who knows advantages of GI labels, can pay more for products with GI labels. There are limited numbers of researches in this study area in Turkey. Although there are almost 2500 local products, only 183 products have been labelled with geographical indications. That means the awareness of geographical indication is very low in Turkey. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate Turkish consumers’ perceptions towards products with geographical indication and their willingness to pay a premium price for these types of products. Considering the literature, a model including four hypotheses was developed. The data of the model proposed were collected by convenience sampling method with face to face questionnaire. Likert scale was used in
questionnaire (1- strongly disagree, 5- strongly agree). PLS (Partial Least Squares Method) was used to analyse the data. PLS (Partial Least Squares) structural equation modelling analyses the model and the relationship between structures.
PLS accomplishes extremely complex models and multicomponent structures, both directly and indirectly by analysing the paths. For this purpose, measurement
model and structural model were evaluated. Factor loadings, item reliability, Cronbach’s Alfa, Composite reliability, AVE (average variance extracted) and Fornell-Larcker criteria of the items and variables were used to check the reliability and validity in evaluating the measurement model. T test was applied to test the significances of the paths /relationships in the model. According to results of the study, three hypotheses were accepted and one hypothesis was rejected. ‘Culture and tradition' and 'quality and safety' dimensions affect the consumers' perceptions towards geographical indication.
This perception also affects the willingness to pay more for products with geographical indication. On the other hand, 'economic support' does not affect the consumers' perceptions with geographical indication by contrast with other
studies. It can be stemmed from the economic situation of sampling because it was found in the previous studies that a good educational background and socioeconomic
statue help increase the consumers’ geographical indication awareness. The results of this study provide valuable and important information. Since Turkey has an important potential in terms of traditional values and products, manufacturers can achieve a significant competitive advantage by differentiating
their products based on CI so that consumers can have an opportunity to consume better quality and healthy products.
South African Journal of Business Management, 2020
Yönetim ve Ekonomi Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Marmara Üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler dergisi, Jun 24, 2022
Voting behavior is a complex process and voters may be affected by lots of different variables. R... more Voting behavior is a complex process and voters may be affected by lots of different variables. Religiosity and altruism are some of these variables. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intrinsic motivation sources on rational voting behavior. The second is to analyze the impact of rational voting behavior on consumer's (voter) attitudes. The sample was chosen from voters living in Turkey. Using a quantitative research model, data were gathered by a web-based online survey with 244 voters. Participants were determined by the convenience sampling method. The research hypotheses were tested by PLS Structural Equation Model. According to the findings of the research, while religiosity affects rational voting behavior, altruism has no effect. There is an also effect of rational voting behavior on voter's attitudes. Lastly, rational voting behavior varies by gender and salary status. The findings may help the parties in their decision process while preparing for elections.
Her seyin metalasmaya basladigi gunumuz tuketim toplumu icerisinde Musluman tuketici davranislari... more Her seyin metalasmaya basladigi gunumuz tuketim toplumu icerisinde Musluman tuketici davranislari bir merak konusu haline gelmistir. Tuketim toplumuna karsi direnmenin zor oldugu bu donemde tuketicilerin dindarlik duzeylerinin tuketim davranislari uzerindeki etkisi bu calismanin ozunu olusturmaktadir. Calismanin bir diger amaci ise Islam dininin onemle uzerinde durdugu sade bir yasamin (gonullu sadelik) aracilik etkisini arastirmaktir. Calismada nicel bir arastirma metodu kullanilarak, online anket araciligi ile Turkiye’de yasayan 18 yas ustu 523 tuketiciden veri toplanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS ve AMOS programi kullanilmistir. Yine degiskenlerin aracilik rolune iliskin etkinin hesaplanmasinda Sobel testinden faydalanilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgulara gore, Islami dindarlik olceginin ahlak boyutu Musluman Tuketici Davranisini aciklamada inanc ve ibadet boyutlarindan daha yuksek bir aciklayiciliga sahiptir. Yine, ahlak boyutunun gonullu sadelik uzerinde h...
International Business Research, 2016
The purpose of the study is to develop an original framework to explore the effects of brand cris... more The purpose of the study is to develop an original framework to explore the effects of brand crisis on green purchase intentions and willingness to pay more. This study composes of seven original concepts, which are perceived brand crisis, green brand image, green trust, green brand equity, green perceived value, green purchase intentions and willingness to pay more to develop an integrated model. For this reason, an online survey was carried out in testing the model that includes questions measuring the effects of these variables. Smart PLS structural equation modelling is applied to verify the research framework. A total of 504 questionnaires were collected from Turkish consumers living in Turkey. According to the findings acquired from the structural equation modelling, there is an impact of the perceived brand crisis on green brand image, green trust, green brand equity and green perceived value. Consequently, green brand equity and green perceived value except for green brand i...
Anahtar Kelimeler: Z Kuşağı, Oy Verme Davranışı, Sosyal Medya, Politik İlgilenim, Referans Grup J... more Anahtar Kelimeler: Z Kuşağı, Oy Verme Davranışı, Sosyal Medya, Politik İlgilenim, Referans Grup JEL Kodları: M30, M31, M38 Bu çalışmanın amacı teknoloji çağının çocukları olarak ifade edilen Z kuşağı seçmeninin oy verme davranışını araştırmaktır. 2023 yılı genel seçimlerinde yaklaşık 7 milyon genç seçmen oy kullanacaktır. Bu genç seçmenin sosyolojik, sosyo-psikolojik ve rasyonel oy verme davranışları üzerinde hangi faktörlerin etkili olacağı araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Z kuşağının aktif olarak kullandığı sosyal medya, etkisi altında kaldıkları referans gruplar ve sahip oldukları politik ilgilenimleri ile oy verme davranışları arasındaki ilişki araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmanın evrenini 2000 yılı ve civarı doğumlu Z kuşağı oluşturmaktadır. Veriler web tabanlı anket yöntemi ile 182 katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir. Katılımcılar kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırma modeli PLS (Kısmi En Küçük Kareler) tabanlı yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile test edilmi...
ÖZET Gen teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO) yaygınlaşmasıyla b... more ÖZET Gen teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO) yaygınlaşmasıyla başlamış ve üretimlerinde önemli artışlar meydana gelmiştir. Ancak tartışmalı olan bu ürünlere yönelik tüketicilerin tepkisinin çeşitli ülkelerde farklı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma çeşitli faktörlerin tüketicilerin GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik tutumuna etkisini incelemektedir. Araştırmada önerilen modelin verileri kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen tüketicilerle yapılan anketlerden elde edilmiş ve Kısmi En Küçük Kareler (SmartPLS) Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, tutum üzerinde GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik algılanan fayda ve risk ile birlikte bilinen markaların yaptığı markalamanın da etkili olabileceği bulunmuştur. Tüketici genel tutumunun algılanan risk üzerinde, tüketicide oluşan güvenin ise algılanan fayda üzerinde etkisi vardır. GDO'lu ürünlere yönelik tutum satın alma niyeti üzerinde etkilidir. ABSTRACT Genetically modified organisms (GMO) have become more common with the development of gene technology and their productions have significantly increased. However, it seems that consumer attitudes towards these products vary in different countries. This study investigates the effects of different variables on consumers' attitudes towards genetically modified products. The data of the model proposed were collected by a survey carried out on consumers being selected by convenience sampling method and analyzed by using Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) Structural Equation Modelling. According to the findings of the study, perceived benefit and risks as well as branding of premium brands had effects on consumer attitudes toward GMO products. General attitude of consumers have a significant effect on perceived risks and consumer trust affects perceived benefit. Consumer attitude has an effect on purchase intention.
As an intellectual property right, geographical indications (GI) are signs showing a exclusive qu... more As an intellectual property right, geographical indications (GI) are signs showing a exclusive quality, celebrity or other attributes specified with a territory, area, region or country of its origin. That means there is always a link between product and region. GIs are also names of regions used to brand goods and this label guarantees that the product has the unique characteristics. There are two types of GI labels, which are Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs). Protected designations of origin label covers products which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area. In Protected Geographical Indication label, at least one of the
stages of production, processing and preparation takes place in the region. These labels can be seen as tools to increase the quality of goods, protect biological resources and traditional knowledge and help the development of rural regions.
GI labels also help consumers distinguish premium quality and low quality products and guarantee that the product is not imitation. In this study, these advantages of GI labels are classified in three dimensions, which are economic support, culture-tradition and qualityauthenticity. The first dimension supports the rural economy and producers in the
production area. Producers can use this label to differentiate from their competitors and these products can be more expensive than other products. Additionally, this dimension provides employment for people living the region.
Secondly, culture and tradition dimension contributes to protect traditional production methods and culture of the region. People also have a chance to obtain information about the cultural identity of the region, not only about the product.
As a last dimension, quality and authenticity dimension provides consumers higher quality and authentic products.Because products with GI label provide higher quality, these concerns of consumers can be decreased and imitation and fraud can be prevented by this label. Taking into consideration the fact that there are lots of advantages of GI
labels, consumers, especially consumers who knows advantages of GI labels, can pay more for products with GI labels. There are limited numbers of researches in this study area in Turkey. Although there are almost 2500 local products, only 183 products have been labelled with geographical indications. That means the awareness of geographical indication is very low in Turkey. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate Turkish consumers’ perceptions towards products with geographical indication and their willingness to pay a premium price for these types of products. Considering the literature, a model including four hypotheses was developed. The data of the model proposed were collected by convenience sampling method with face to face questionnaire. Likert scale was used in
questionnaire (1- strongly disagree, 5- strongly agree). PLS (Partial Least Squares Method) was used to analyse the data. PLS (Partial Least Squares) structural equation modelling analyses the model and the relationship between structures.
PLS accomplishes extremely complex models and multicomponent structures, both directly and indirectly by analysing the paths. For this purpose, measurement
model and structural model were evaluated. Factor loadings, item reliability, Cronbach’s Alfa, Composite reliability, AVE (average variance extracted) and Fornell-Larcker criteria of the items and variables were used to check the reliability and validity in evaluating the measurement model. T test was applied to test the significances of the paths /relationships in the model. According to results of the study, three hypotheses were accepted and one hypothesis was rejected. ‘Culture and tradition' and 'quality and safety' dimensions affect the consumers' perceptions towards geographical indication.
This perception also affects the willingness to pay more for products with geographical indication. On the other hand, 'economic support' does not affect the consumers' perceptions with geographical indication by contrast with other
studies. It can be stemmed from the economic situation of sampling because it was found in the previous studies that a good educational background and socioeconomic
statue help increase the consumers’ geographical indication awareness. The results of this study provide valuable and important information. Since Turkey has an important potential in terms of traditional values and products, manufacturers can achieve a significant competitive advantage by differentiating
their products based on CI so that consumers can have an opportunity to consume better quality and healthy products.