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Papers by Hugo Hernandez

Research paper thumbnail of Randomistic Data Elements

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Randomistics refers to the integration of the deterministic and random realms into a single world... more Randomistics refers to the integration of the deterministic and random realms into a single world. In this report, the general concept of randomistics will be discussed, considering all types of data elements. On one hand, it applies to either changing or unchanging data elements, which will be denoted as Variables and Invariants, respectively. Randomistics also applies to any type of data element, according to the nature of the values contained. In this sense, numerical/quantitative (either discrete or continuous) or categorical/qualitative randomistic data elements are discussed in detail, highlighting their main differences. Particularly, numerical randomistic data elements are characterized by special operators involving mathematical operations of the data element values, including the expected value operator, moment operators, the variance operator, and many others. Only a limited set of functions applies to categorical data elements. However, when the outcome of those functions is numerical, all mathematical operators can now be employed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics 2: Examples

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The First Law of Thermodynamics represents the principle of energy conservation applied to the in... more The First Law of Thermodynamics represents the principle of energy conservation applied to the interaction between different macroscopic systems. The traditional mathematical description of the First Law (e.g. dU=TdS-PdV) is rather simplistic and lack universal validity, as it is only valid when several implicit assumptions are met. For example, it only considers mechanical work done associated with a change in volume of a system, but completely neglects other types of work. On the other hand, it employs the concept of entropy which is not only ambiguous but also implies only heat associated with a temperature difference, neglecting other types of heat transfer that may take place at mesoscopic and/or microscopic levels. In addition, it does not consider mass transfer effects. In the previous report of this series, a more general representation of the First Law is obtained considering different conditions and different types of interactions between the systems. In this report, the expression previously obtained is applied to different representative examples, involving macroscopic systems with no volume change, gas systems with volume change, and even a case where mass transfer between the systems takes place.

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Research paper thumbnail of Essay: Common Pitfalls in Experimental Design

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Experimentation is the core of scientific research. Performing an experiment can be considered eq... more Experimentation is the core of scientific research. Performing an experiment can be considered equivalent to asking a question to Nature and waiting for an answer. Understanding a natural phenomenon usually requires doing many experiments until a satisfactory model of such phenomenon is obtained. There are infinite possible ways to plan a set of experiments for researching a certain phenomenon, and some are more efficient than others. Experimental Design, also known as Design of Experiments (DoE), provides a systematic approach to obtain efficient experimental arrangements for different research problems. Experimental Design emerged almost a Century ago based on statistical analysis. Some decades after the development of DoE methods, they became widely used in all fields of Science and Engineering. Unfortunately, these valuable tools have been presently employed without a proper knowledge resulting in potentially erroneous conclusions. The purpose of this essay is discussing several mistakes that may occur due to the incorrect use of DoE methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics 1: Fundamentals

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The First Law of Thermodynamics is the Principle of Conservation of Energy applied to the interac... more The First Law of Thermodynamics is the Principle of Conservation of Energy applied to the interaction between Systems. Such interaction is partially observed at a macroscopic scale, in the form of Work. The remaining interaction, taking place at the microscopic scale and not observed as macroscopic work, is denoted as Heat. Thus, the change in energy of a system can be interpreted as the sum of energies transferred in the form of (macroscopic) Work and (microscopic) Heat. However, there are different types of heat. The most common type of heat is proportional to the temperature difference between the systems, but there are other types which are independent of the systems temperatures. To avoid the incorrect use of the First Law, it is important to clearly understand the concepts of Heat and Work. In the first part of these series, these fundamental concepts are discussed in detail, and a general formulation of the First Law is presented. In the second part of the series, this general formulation is applied to a wide variety of representative interacting systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the Mean using Samples obtained from Finite Populations

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The error involved in the estimation of the mean value of a population depends on both the sample... more The error involved in the estimation of the mean value of a population depends on both the sample size and the population size. Conventional expressions for determining the standard error in the estimation of the mean have been obtained under the assumption of independence between the elements in the sample. Unfortunately, for finite populations, the elements are not independent from each other, but they are correlated since the distribution of remaining elements in the population changes after an element is sampled. In this report, a general expression for the estimation error of the mean of finite populations is derived. As the population size increases, the estimation error approaches the conventional expression for infinite populations. An illustrative example is used to show the validity of the general expression obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local Properties Fluctuation in Microcanonical (NVE) Systems

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The properties of molecular systems are typically fluctuating due to the permanent motion and int... more The properties of molecular systems are typically fluctuating due to the permanent motion and interaction (including collisions) of their molecules. Due to our inability to track the position and determine the energy of all molecules in the system at all times, those fluctuations seem to be random. Thus, randomistic models (combining deterministic and random terms) can be used to describe the behavior of local properties in a molecular system. In particular, a microcanonical (NVE) system is considered for the present analysis. As an illustrative example, the randomistic models for describing the fluctuations expected in monoatomic ideal gas systems are reported.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Continuous Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The binomial distribution is a well-known example of discrete probability distribution. Only two ... more The binomial distribution is a well-known example of discrete probability distribution. Only two outcomes are possible for each independent trial in a binomial experiment. In this report, a continuous approximation is proposed for describing the discrete binomial probability function, which can then be used to represent an analogous binomial continuous variable. The proposed approximation consists of a correction to the combinatorial number approximated by using Stirling's equation, followed by a Taylor series approximation truncated after the second power. As a result, a normal or Gaussian distribution function is obtained. The error of the proposed approximation decays with the number of trials considered. However, even for small numbers of trials (e.g. less than 10), the approximation can be considered satisfactory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local Average Probabilities of Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Local indistinguishability of the values of a randomistic variable (due to resolution limitations... more Local indistinguishability of the values of a randomistic variable (due to resolution limitations, measurement uncertainty or any other cause), have a discretization effect on the probability distribution function of the variable. In this report, analytical expressions for determining the probability distributions after locally averaging variable values are presented. As a particular case, local conditional averaging is observed when the discretization of a variable affects the probability distribution function of a dependent variable. These expressions are then applied to some representative examples in order to illustrate the procedure. In the case of continuous variables, after local averaging a variable, the original probability density function transforms into a series of step-like, local uniform functions, resembling a histogram. As the size of the local region considered decreases, the resulting probability distribution function coincides with the original, exact distribution function. On the other hand, as the local region size increases, the distribution function resembles a histogram with fewer bins, until a single uniform distribution is finally obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrained Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Randomistic variables integrate the realms of deterministic and random variables. Randomistic var... more Randomistic variables integrate the realms of deterministic and random variables. Randomistic variables are represented by probability distribution functions, and in the case of continuous variables, also by probability density functions (just like random variables). Any randomistic variable can be subject to external constraints on its possible values. Thus, the resulting probability distribution of the constrained variable may be different from the probability distribution of the original variable. In this report, general expressions for analytically determining the probability distribution functions (or probability density functions) of constrained randomistic variables are presented. These expressions are extended to constraints involving multiple, independent randomistic variables. Several illustrative examples, with different degrees of difficulty, are included. These examples show that constrained randomistic variables represent the solution to a wide variety of problems, including algebraic systems of equations, inequalities, magic squares, etc. Further improvements in analytical and numerical methods for finding constrained probability functions would be highly desirable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rounding Error Propagation: Bias and Uncertainty

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Any rounding operation of a value causes loss of information, and thus, introduces error. Two typ... more Any rounding operation of a value causes loss of information, and thus, introduces error. Two types of error are involved: Systematic error (bias) and random error (uncertainty). Uncertainty is always introduced for any type of rounding employed. Bias is directly introduced only when lower ("floor") and upper ("ceiling") types of rounding are used. Central rounding is in principle unbiased, but bias may emerge in the case of nonlinear operations. The purpose of this report is discussing the propagation of both types of rounding error when rounded values are used in common mathematical operations. The basic mathematical operations considered are addition/subtraction, product, and natural powers. These operations can be used to evaluate the propagation of error in power series, which then are used to describe error propagation for any arbitrary nonlinear function. Even when power series approximations can be obtained for any arbitrary reference value, it is highly recommended using the corresponding rounded value as reference. The error propagation expressions obtained are implemented in R language to facilitate the calculations. A couple of examples are included to illustrate the evaluation of error propagation. These examples also show that truncating the power series after the linear term already provides a good estimation of error propagation (using the rounded value as reference point for the power series expansion).

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Research paper thumbnail of Calculus of Probabilities of Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

This report summarizes the principles of the calculus of probabilities applied to real, quantitat... more This report summarizes the principles of the calculus of probabilities applied to real, quantitative randomistic variables. These principles are consistent with the conventional theories of probability, sets and logic. In addition, this calculus of probabilities applies to both random and deterministic variables, as well as their linear combinations (randomistic variables). Most equations involved in the calculus of probabilities are expressed in terms of set membership functions, which can be either Boolean (binary values of 0 and 1) or Fuzzy (real values between 0 and 1). A direct extension of the calculus of probabilities to multivariate situations is also included.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Model Structure Identification 2 Nonlinear Regression

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Nonlinear regression consists in finding the best possible model parameter values of a given homo... more Nonlinear regression consists in finding the best possible model parameter values of a given homoscedastic mathematical structure with nonlinear functions of the model parameters. In this report, the second part of the series, the mathematical structure of models with nonlinear functions of their parameters is optimized, resulting in the minimum estimation of model error variance. The uncertainty in the estimation of model parameters is evaluated using a linear approximation of the model about the optimal model parameter values found. The homoscedasticity of model residuals must be evaluated to validate this important assumption. The model structure identification procedure is implemented in R language and shown in the Appendix. Several examples are considered for illustrating the optimization procedure. In many practical situations, the optimal model obtained has heteroscedastic residuals. If the purpose of the model is only describing the experimental observations, the violation of the homoscedastic assumption may not be critical. However, for explanatory or extrapolating models, the presence of heteroscedastic residuals may lead to flawed conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Scedasticity using H-values

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

A statistical test of scedasticity indicates, with a given confidence, whether a set of observati... more A statistical test of scedasticity indicates, with a given confidence, whether a set of observations has a constant (homoscedastic) or a variable (heteroscedastic) standard deviation with respect to any associated reference variable. Many different tests of scedasticity are available, in part due to the difficulty for unequivocally determining the scedasticity of a data set, particularly for non-normal and for small samples. In addition, the lack of an objective criterion for decision (significance level) increases the uncertainty involved in the evaluation. In this report, a new test of scedasticity is proposed based on the statistical distribution of the R 2 coefficient describing the behavior of the standard deviation of the data, and considering an optimal significance level that minimizes the total test error. The decision of the test is determined by a proposed H-value, resulting from the logarithm of the ratio between the Pvalue of the test and the optimal significance level. If H>0 then the data is homoscedastic. If H<0 then the data is heteroscedastic. The performance of the proposed test was found satisfactory and competitive compared to established tests of scedasticity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Confusion and Illusions in Collision Theory

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Material collisions (and interaction processes in general) play an important role in most, if not... more Material collisions (and interaction processes in general) play an important role in most, if not all, physicochemical phenomena observed in Nature including (but not limited to): Chemical reactions, diffusion, viscosity, adhesion, pressure, transmission of forces, sound, and momentum and heat transfer, just to mention a few. It is quite surprising that a unique, clear, objective definition of "collision" is missing in most scientific textbooks and encyclopedias. In this report, some missing definitions in collision theory are proposed aiming at providing a more clear language, and at avoiding the confusion emerging from the lack of objective definitions. In addition, the illusion of elasticity of collisions is discussed. While elastic collisions are clearly defined as collisions with no change in the macroscopic translational kinetic energy of the bodies, the subjective definition of the bodies, and the inevitable simultaneous occurrence of multiple additional collisions involving internal components and/or external bodies may lead to different conclusions about the elastic character of a collision. Interaction processes involving composite bodies (having multiple components and an internal structure, like all bodies known to us so far) are typically inelastic or superelastic, but the overall result of many consecutive interactions, may resemble an elastic behavior. True perfectly elastic interactions can only be observed between isolated pairs of rigid, indivisible, structureless bodies, like the hypothetical "true atoms" proposed by the ancient Greeks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulating Gay-Lussac's Free Expansion Experiment

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed... more Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed to flow from one flask into another identical but empty flask, to show that thermal effects (cooling of the first vessel and warming of the second) were not caused by residual air present in the empty flask. While he successfully rejected such hypothesis, no alternative explanation was proposed for these effects. Classical and statistical thermodynamics have been used to explain the experimental results, but unfortunately, they are not entirely satisfactory. In this report, a different hypothesis is proposed where temperature changes in the flasks are caused by an unbalanced distribution of molecules, since the empty vessel is initially filled by the fastest molecules. Due to the low molecular density initially observed in the empty flask, temperature measurements are strongly influenced by the thermal behavior of the thermometer. A theoretical model and a simplified numerical simulation of the system are found to qualitatively support the proposed hypothesis as a potential explanation of the experimental results obtained by Gay-Lussac and other researchers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Model Structure Identification. 1. Multiple Linear Regression

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

This is the first part of a series of reports discussing different strategies for optimizing the ... more This is the first part of a series of reports discussing different strategies for optimizing the structure of mathematical models fitted from experimental data. In this report, the concept of randomistic models is introduced along with the general formulation of the multi-objective optimization problem of model structure identification. Different approaches can be used to solve this problem, depending on the set of possible models considered. In the case of mathematical models with linear parameters, a stepwise multiple linear regression procedure can be used. In particular, a stepwise strategy in both directions (backward elimination and forward selection) is suggested based on the selection of relevant terms for the model prioritized on their absolute linear correlation coefficients with respect to the response variable, followed by the identification of statistically significant or explanatory terms based on optimal significant levels. Two additional constraints can be included, considering a lower limit in the normality value of the residuals (normality assumption check), as well as a lower limit in standard residual error (avoiding model overfitting). This stepwise strategy, which successfully overcomes several limitations of conventional stepwise regression, is implemented as a function (steplm) in R language, and different examples are presented to illustrate its use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: Definition and Properties

In this report, a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (B) is defined by analogy to the concep... more In this report, a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (B) is defined by analogy to the concept of the standard Gaussian distribution. The most important statistical properties of B, as well as a simple method for generating random numbers from the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are presented. Given that the properties of B are already known, it is advantageous to describe any arbitrary Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as a function of the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution B. By using this approach, it is possible to demonstrate that the temperature of a material is a function only of the fluctuating component of the average molecular kinetic energy, and that it is independent of its macroscopic kinetic energy.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Mathematical Reflection on the Origin of the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Momentum

ForsChem Research Reports, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, from a mathematical point of view, the universal val... more The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, from a mathematical point of view, the universal validity of the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. It will also be shown that these conservation laws are a natural consequence of the motion of matter. Finally, the implications of energy and momentum conservation to the collision between two particles are considered, and the validity of the Born-Mayer interaction potential as the reason for collision is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Variance algebra applied to dynamical systems

In this paper, the basic concept of variance algebra is used for describing fluctuation in dynami... more In this paper, the basic concept of variance algebra is used for describing fluctuation in dynamical systems. By expressing any random variable as a function of standard random variables (e.g. standard white noise, standard Markovian), the algebra of the expected value and the variance is greatly simplified and easier to apply. Through three different case studies, the validity and usefulness of variance algebra for modeling fluctuation in dynamical systems is demonstrated. The stochastic model can be simulated using Monte Carlo simulation by generating the corresponding random numbers for each type of random variable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Emulsion Polymerization

Materials Science and Technology, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomistic Data Elements

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Randomistics refers to the integration of the deterministic and random realms into a single world... more Randomistics refers to the integration of the deterministic and random realms into a single world. In this report, the general concept of randomistics will be discussed, considering all types of data elements. On one hand, it applies to either changing or unchanging data elements, which will be denoted as Variables and Invariants, respectively. Randomistics also applies to any type of data element, according to the nature of the values contained. In this sense, numerical/quantitative (either discrete or continuous) or categorical/qualitative randomistic data elements are discussed in detail, highlighting their main differences. Particularly, numerical randomistic data elements are characterized by special operators involving mathematical operations of the data element values, including the expected value operator, moment operators, the variance operator, and many others. Only a limited set of functions applies to categorical data elements. However, when the outcome of those functions is numerical, all mathematical operators can now be employed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics 2: Examples

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The First Law of Thermodynamics represents the principle of energy conservation applied to the in... more The First Law of Thermodynamics represents the principle of energy conservation applied to the interaction between different macroscopic systems. The traditional mathematical description of the First Law (e.g. dU=TdS-PdV) is rather simplistic and lack universal validity, as it is only valid when several implicit assumptions are met. For example, it only considers mechanical work done associated with a change in volume of a system, but completely neglects other types of work. On the other hand, it employs the concept of entropy which is not only ambiguous but also implies only heat associated with a temperature difference, neglecting other types of heat transfer that may take place at mesoscopic and/or microscopic levels. In addition, it does not consider mass transfer effects. In the previous report of this series, a more general representation of the First Law is obtained considering different conditions and different types of interactions between the systems. In this report, the expression previously obtained is applied to different representative examples, involving macroscopic systems with no volume change, gas systems with volume change, and even a case where mass transfer between the systems takes place.

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Research paper thumbnail of Essay: Common Pitfalls in Experimental Design

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Experimentation is the core of scientific research. Performing an experiment can be considered eq... more Experimentation is the core of scientific research. Performing an experiment can be considered equivalent to asking a question to Nature and waiting for an answer. Understanding a natural phenomenon usually requires doing many experiments until a satisfactory model of such phenomenon is obtained. There are infinite possible ways to plan a set of experiments for researching a certain phenomenon, and some are more efficient than others. Experimental Design, also known as Design of Experiments (DoE), provides a systematic approach to obtain efficient experimental arrangements for different research problems. Experimental Design emerged almost a Century ago based on statistical analysis. Some decades after the development of DoE methods, they became widely used in all fields of Science and Engineering. Unfortunately, these valuable tools have been presently employed without a proper knowledge resulting in potentially erroneous conclusions. The purpose of this essay is discussing several mistakes that may occur due to the incorrect use of DoE methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics 1: Fundamentals

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The First Law of Thermodynamics is the Principle of Conservation of Energy applied to the interac... more The First Law of Thermodynamics is the Principle of Conservation of Energy applied to the interaction between Systems. Such interaction is partially observed at a macroscopic scale, in the form of Work. The remaining interaction, taking place at the microscopic scale and not observed as macroscopic work, is denoted as Heat. Thus, the change in energy of a system can be interpreted as the sum of energies transferred in the form of (macroscopic) Work and (microscopic) Heat. However, there are different types of heat. The most common type of heat is proportional to the temperature difference between the systems, but there are other types which are independent of the systems temperatures. To avoid the incorrect use of the First Law, it is important to clearly understand the concepts of Heat and Work. In the first part of these series, these fundamental concepts are discussed in detail, and a general formulation of the First Law is presented. In the second part of the series, this general formulation is applied to a wide variety of representative interacting systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the Mean using Samples obtained from Finite Populations

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The error involved in the estimation of the mean value of a population depends on both the sample... more The error involved in the estimation of the mean value of a population depends on both the sample size and the population size. Conventional expressions for determining the standard error in the estimation of the mean have been obtained under the assumption of independence between the elements in the sample. Unfortunately, for finite populations, the elements are not independent from each other, but they are correlated since the distribution of remaining elements in the population changes after an element is sampled. In this report, a general expression for the estimation error of the mean of finite populations is derived. As the population size increases, the estimation error approaches the conventional expression for infinite populations. An illustrative example is used to show the validity of the general expression obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local Properties Fluctuation in Microcanonical (NVE) Systems

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The properties of molecular systems are typically fluctuating due to the permanent motion and int... more The properties of molecular systems are typically fluctuating due to the permanent motion and interaction (including collisions) of their molecules. Due to our inability to track the position and determine the energy of all molecules in the system at all times, those fluctuations seem to be random. Thus, randomistic models (combining deterministic and random terms) can be used to describe the behavior of local properties in a molecular system. In particular, a microcanonical (NVE) system is considered for the present analysis. As an illustrative example, the randomistic models for describing the fluctuations expected in monoatomic ideal gas systems are reported.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Continuous Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

The binomial distribution is a well-known example of discrete probability distribution. Only two ... more The binomial distribution is a well-known example of discrete probability distribution. Only two outcomes are possible for each independent trial in a binomial experiment. In this report, a continuous approximation is proposed for describing the discrete binomial probability function, which can then be used to represent an analogous binomial continuous variable. The proposed approximation consists of a correction to the combinatorial number approximated by using Stirling's equation, followed by a Taylor series approximation truncated after the second power. As a result, a normal or Gaussian distribution function is obtained. The error of the proposed approximation decays with the number of trials considered. However, even for small numbers of trials (e.g. less than 10), the approximation can be considered satisfactory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local Average Probabilities of Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Local indistinguishability of the values of a randomistic variable (due to resolution limitations... more Local indistinguishability of the values of a randomistic variable (due to resolution limitations, measurement uncertainty or any other cause), have a discretization effect on the probability distribution function of the variable. In this report, analytical expressions for determining the probability distributions after locally averaging variable values are presented. As a particular case, local conditional averaging is observed when the discretization of a variable affects the probability distribution function of a dependent variable. These expressions are then applied to some representative examples in order to illustrate the procedure. In the case of continuous variables, after local averaging a variable, the original probability density function transforms into a series of step-like, local uniform functions, resembling a histogram. As the size of the local region considered decreases, the resulting probability distribution function coincides with the original, exact distribution function. On the other hand, as the local region size increases, the distribution function resembles a histogram with fewer bins, until a single uniform distribution is finally obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrained Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Randomistic variables integrate the realms of deterministic and random variables. Randomistic var... more Randomistic variables integrate the realms of deterministic and random variables. Randomistic variables are represented by probability distribution functions, and in the case of continuous variables, also by probability density functions (just like random variables). Any randomistic variable can be subject to external constraints on its possible values. Thus, the resulting probability distribution of the constrained variable may be different from the probability distribution of the original variable. In this report, general expressions for analytically determining the probability distribution functions (or probability density functions) of constrained randomistic variables are presented. These expressions are extended to constraints involving multiple, independent randomistic variables. Several illustrative examples, with different degrees of difficulty, are included. These examples show that constrained randomistic variables represent the solution to a wide variety of problems, including algebraic systems of equations, inequalities, magic squares, etc. Further improvements in analytical and numerical methods for finding constrained probability functions would be highly desirable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rounding Error Propagation: Bias and Uncertainty

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

Any rounding operation of a value causes loss of information, and thus, introduces error. Two typ... more Any rounding operation of a value causes loss of information, and thus, introduces error. Two types of error are involved: Systematic error (bias) and random error (uncertainty). Uncertainty is always introduced for any type of rounding employed. Bias is directly introduced only when lower ("floor") and upper ("ceiling") types of rounding are used. Central rounding is in principle unbiased, but bias may emerge in the case of nonlinear operations. The purpose of this report is discussing the propagation of both types of rounding error when rounded values are used in common mathematical operations. The basic mathematical operations considered are addition/subtraction, product, and natural powers. These operations can be used to evaluate the propagation of error in power series, which then are used to describe error propagation for any arbitrary nonlinear function. Even when power series approximations can be obtained for any arbitrary reference value, it is highly recommended using the corresponding rounded value as reference. The error propagation expressions obtained are implemented in R language to facilitate the calculations. A couple of examples are included to illustrate the evaluation of error propagation. These examples also show that truncating the power series after the linear term already provides a good estimation of error propagation (using the rounded value as reference point for the power series expansion).

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Research paper thumbnail of Calculus of Probabilities of Randomistic Variables

ForsChem Research Reports, 2024

This report summarizes the principles of the calculus of probabilities applied to real, quantitat... more This report summarizes the principles of the calculus of probabilities applied to real, quantitative randomistic variables. These principles are consistent with the conventional theories of probability, sets and logic. In addition, this calculus of probabilities applies to both random and deterministic variables, as well as their linear combinations (randomistic variables). Most equations involved in the calculus of probabilities are expressed in terms of set membership functions, which can be either Boolean (binary values of 0 and 1) or Fuzzy (real values between 0 and 1). A direct extension of the calculus of probabilities to multivariate situations is also included.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Model Structure Identification 2 Nonlinear Regression

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Nonlinear regression consists in finding the best possible model parameter values of a given homo... more Nonlinear regression consists in finding the best possible model parameter values of a given homoscedastic mathematical structure with nonlinear functions of the model parameters. In this report, the second part of the series, the mathematical structure of models with nonlinear functions of their parameters is optimized, resulting in the minimum estimation of model error variance. The uncertainty in the estimation of model parameters is evaluated using a linear approximation of the model about the optimal model parameter values found. The homoscedasticity of model residuals must be evaluated to validate this important assumption. The model structure identification procedure is implemented in R language and shown in the Appendix. Several examples are considered for illustrating the optimization procedure. In many practical situations, the optimal model obtained has heteroscedastic residuals. If the purpose of the model is only describing the experimental observations, the violation of the homoscedastic assumption may not be critical. However, for explanatory or extrapolating models, the presence of heteroscedastic residuals may lead to flawed conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Scedasticity using H-values

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

A statistical test of scedasticity indicates, with a given confidence, whether a set of observati... more A statistical test of scedasticity indicates, with a given confidence, whether a set of observations has a constant (homoscedastic) or a variable (heteroscedastic) standard deviation with respect to any associated reference variable. Many different tests of scedasticity are available, in part due to the difficulty for unequivocally determining the scedasticity of a data set, particularly for non-normal and for small samples. In addition, the lack of an objective criterion for decision (significance level) increases the uncertainty involved in the evaluation. In this report, a new test of scedasticity is proposed based on the statistical distribution of the R 2 coefficient describing the behavior of the standard deviation of the data, and considering an optimal significance level that minimizes the total test error. The decision of the test is determined by a proposed H-value, resulting from the logarithm of the ratio between the Pvalue of the test and the optimal significance level. If H>0 then the data is homoscedastic. If H<0 then the data is heteroscedastic. The performance of the proposed test was found satisfactory and competitive compared to established tests of scedasticity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Confusion and Illusions in Collision Theory

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Material collisions (and interaction processes in general) play an important role in most, if not... more Material collisions (and interaction processes in general) play an important role in most, if not all, physicochemical phenomena observed in Nature including (but not limited to): Chemical reactions, diffusion, viscosity, adhesion, pressure, transmission of forces, sound, and momentum and heat transfer, just to mention a few. It is quite surprising that a unique, clear, objective definition of "collision" is missing in most scientific textbooks and encyclopedias. In this report, some missing definitions in collision theory are proposed aiming at providing a more clear language, and at avoiding the confusion emerging from the lack of objective definitions. In addition, the illusion of elasticity of collisions is discussed. While elastic collisions are clearly defined as collisions with no change in the macroscopic translational kinetic energy of the bodies, the subjective definition of the bodies, and the inevitable simultaneous occurrence of multiple additional collisions involving internal components and/or external bodies may lead to different conclusions about the elastic character of a collision. Interaction processes involving composite bodies (having multiple components and an internal structure, like all bodies known to us so far) are typically inelastic or superelastic, but the overall result of many consecutive interactions, may resemble an elastic behavior. True perfectly elastic interactions can only be observed between isolated pairs of rigid, indivisible, structureless bodies, like the hypothetical "true atoms" proposed by the ancient Greeks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulating Gay-Lussac's Free Expansion Experiment

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed... more Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed to flow from one flask into another identical but empty flask, to show that thermal effects (cooling of the first vessel and warming of the second) were not caused by residual air present in the empty flask. While he successfully rejected such hypothesis, no alternative explanation was proposed for these effects. Classical and statistical thermodynamics have been used to explain the experimental results, but unfortunately, they are not entirely satisfactory. In this report, a different hypothesis is proposed where temperature changes in the flasks are caused by an unbalanced distribution of molecules, since the empty vessel is initially filled by the fastest molecules. Due to the low molecular density initially observed in the empty flask, temperature measurements are strongly influenced by the thermal behavior of the thermometer. A theoretical model and a simplified numerical simulation of the system are found to qualitatively support the proposed hypothesis as a potential explanation of the experimental results obtained by Gay-Lussac and other researchers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Model Structure Identification. 1. Multiple Linear Regression

ForsChem Research Reports, 2023

This is the first part of a series of reports discussing different strategies for optimizing the ... more This is the first part of a series of reports discussing different strategies for optimizing the structure of mathematical models fitted from experimental data. In this report, the concept of randomistic models is introduced along with the general formulation of the multi-objective optimization problem of model structure identification. Different approaches can be used to solve this problem, depending on the set of possible models considered. In the case of mathematical models with linear parameters, a stepwise multiple linear regression procedure can be used. In particular, a stepwise strategy in both directions (backward elimination and forward selection) is suggested based on the selection of relevant terms for the model prioritized on their absolute linear correlation coefficients with respect to the response variable, followed by the identification of statistically significant or explanatory terms based on optimal significant levels. Two additional constraints can be included, considering a lower limit in the normality value of the residuals (normality assumption check), as well as a lower limit in standard residual error (avoiding model overfitting). This stepwise strategy, which successfully overcomes several limitations of conventional stepwise regression, is implemented as a function (steplm) in R language, and different examples are presented to illustrate its use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: Definition and Properties

In this report, a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (B) is defined by analogy to the concep... more In this report, a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (B) is defined by analogy to the concept of the standard Gaussian distribution. The most important statistical properties of B, as well as a simple method for generating random numbers from the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are presented. Given that the properties of B are already known, it is advantageous to describe any arbitrary Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as a function of the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution B. By using this approach, it is possible to demonstrate that the temperature of a material is a function only of the fluctuating component of the average molecular kinetic energy, and that it is independent of its macroscopic kinetic energy.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Mathematical Reflection on the Origin of the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Momentum

ForsChem Research Reports, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, from a mathematical point of view, the universal val... more The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, from a mathematical point of view, the universal validity of the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. It will also be shown that these conservation laws are a natural consequence of the motion of matter. Finally, the implications of energy and momentum conservation to the collision between two particles are considered, and the validity of the Born-Mayer interaction potential as the reason for collision is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Variance algebra applied to dynamical systems

In this paper, the basic concept of variance algebra is used for describing fluctuation in dynami... more In this paper, the basic concept of variance algebra is used for describing fluctuation in dynamical systems. By expressing any random variable as a function of standard random variables (e.g. standard white noise, standard Markovian), the algebra of the expected value and the variance is greatly simplified and easier to apply. Through three different case studies, the validity and usefulness of variance algebra for modeling fluctuation in dynamical systems is demonstrated. The stochastic model can be simulated using Monte Carlo simulation by generating the corresponding random numbers for each type of random variable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Emulsion Polymerization

Materials Science and Technology, 2006

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