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Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Penerapan Model Transformasi Teks Cerita ke Bentuk Cerita Bergambar Bagi Guru SMK

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat UMUS, Aug 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Bagi Guru SMP MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Kota Tasikmalaya

Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Kurikulum Merdeka akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di jenjang pendidikan menengah pada tahun 202... more Kurikulum Merdeka akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di jenjang pendidikan menengah pada tahun 2024. Bahkan di tingkat SMP, khusus kelas VII, pada tahun ajaran 2023/2024 Kurikulum Merdeka sudah diberlakukan. Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka memerlukan pemahaman dan kesiapan guru tentang Kurikulum Merdeka dengan berbagai komponen dan aplikasinya. Kondisi realistis di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa guru SMP belum memahami secara utuh tentang Kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya tentang Capaian Pembelajaran, Tujuan Pembelajaran, Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran, dan Modul Ajar serta modifikasinya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman para guru tentang Kurikulum Merdeka dan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pendampingan pelatihan dalam bentuk workshop. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para guru telah memahami konsep Kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya Capaian Pembelajaran, Tujuan Pembelajaran, Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran, dan Mo...

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan strategi belajar bahasa

Aksara, Apr 30, 2023

The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. ... more The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. Moreover, graduates as prospective educators must not only have the graduate character as predetermined, but also transfer these characters to their students in the future. Therefore, a strategy is needed that makes it easier for students/learners as prospective educators to have the expected character. This study describes character strengthening through speaking learning with using Language Learning Strategies (LLS). This study uses the method of literature study. Character strengthening can be carried out in each LLS stage according to the selected SBB. In other words, strengthening character according to the goals and functions of education, 21st Century HR, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Social Revolution 5.0, and even Merdeka Learning-Independence Campus can be carried out in an integrated manner in speaking learning with using LLS.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Ragam Lisan Oleh Kader Bina Keluarga Balita Kota Administratif Tasikmalaya

Research paper thumbnail of Literat Melalui Presentasi

The literacy ability of the Indonesian nation is still not in line with expectations. One solutio... more The literacy ability of the Indonesian nation is still not in line with expectations. One solution to the problem is to integrate literacy in learning, especially presentation learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the integration of literacy in the presentation of learning to students in universities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The form of integrating literacy in presentation learning is by using an eclectic type of literacy (early literacy, basic literacy, library literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, or visual literacy) according to the needs at each stage of speaking, either at (1) pre-speaking stage, (2) speaking stage, and (3) post-speaking stage. Implementation of learning is done cooperatively student and stdent, collaboratively between student, lecturer, and instructor and interaction between student, lecturer, instructor, and learning materials. Thus, this strategy is expected to build a multiliterat and multicompetence students.

Research paper thumbnail of Drama “Lelakon Raden Bei Surio Retno” Karya F. Wiggers Dalam Perspektif Pendekatan Struktural Dan Pendekatan Sosiologis

Drama merupakan salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang memiliki manfaat bagi pembaca atau penontonny... more Drama merupakan salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang memiliki manfaat bagi pembaca atau penontonnya. Kebermanfaatan drama bagi pembaca atau penonton sangat bergantung pada keterpahaman mereka terhadap unsur-unsur drama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan unsur drama (alur, tokoh, watak tokoh, penokohan, latar, tema, dan dialog) serta hubungan antarunsur drama berdasarkan pendekatan struktural dan mendeskripsikan hubungan dengan kehidupan masyarakat berdasarkan pendekatan sosiologis sehingga bisa mendeskripsikan pula jenis dan kedudukan drama dalam periodisasi sastra Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis wacana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alur drama adalah alur maju. Tokoh yang terdapat dalam drama meliputi tokoh protagonis, tokoh antagonis, tokoh tritagonis, dan tokoh pembantu dengan watak tokoh yang sangat variatif. Penokohan yang digunakan adalah cara analitik dan dramatik. Latar yang terdapat dalam drama adalah latar tempat dan latar waktu. Tema drama adalah bahwa "hidup harus selalu baik dan benar" yang disampaikan oleh pengarang secara implisit. Dialog dalam drama komunikatif sehingga dapat mengungkapkan unsur-unsur drama lain dengan jelas. Secara struktural, hubungan antarunsur drama sangat erat kaitannya. Tokoh menggerakkan alur; latar mendukung tokoh dan karakternya; dialog mendeskripsikan alur, tokoh dan karakter tokoh, serta latar; alur, tokoh, karakter tokoh, latar, dan dialog mendukung tema sehingga unsur-unsur drama membangun drama secara utuh. Secara sosiologis, drama menggambarkan kehidupan masyarakat Jawa pada zaman Belanda. Drama yang dinalisis termasuk drama tragedi yang merupakan kritik sosial terhadap kehidupan pada zamannya dan termasuk drama realis pada periode Masa Kelahiran atau Masa Penjadian (1900-1945).

Research paper thumbnail of Student’s Self-Efficacy in Speaking Learning

This study aims to describe ways that can be used to improve students' self-efficacy in speaking ... more This study aims to describe ways that can be used to improve students' self-efficacy in speaking learning. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with literature study techniques. One of the causes of student speaking difficulties is anxiety. Anxiety is associated with low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his ability to complete a task or achieve a predetermined goal. Therefore, so that students' anxiety when speaking is reduced so that students can speak well, it is necessary to do ways to improve student self-efficacy in the learning process through four sources of self-efficacy, namely (1) mastery experience, (2) representative experience, (3) verbal persuasion or social persuasion, and (4) physiological and affective conditions. The source of self-efficacy used in learning is tailored to the needs, both the condition of students and existing facilities. Self-efficacy can be improved in each step of learning, both in pre-activity, core activities (preparation steps, presentation practice steps, speech/presentation steps, and presentation evaluation steps), and post-activity learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Expectation Regarding the Presentation Learning System

KnE Social Sciences, Jul 26, 2018

The purpose of this research was to describe students' expectations regarding the speaking learni... more The purpose of this research was to describe students' expectations regarding the speaking learning system, especially the presentation. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained through questionnaires and interviews about the expectations expressed by 139 undergraduate students and two lecturers on the components in the presentation learning system. The results of the research showed that the expectation of the students with regard to different presentation learning designed and implemented by the lecturers was in terms of learning materials, instructional media, and instructional techniques. These differences were caused by the differences in the students' and lecturers' perceptions and the lack of communication between them. The solution to the problem was that the lecturer should redesign the components of the presentation learning system by taking into account the students' needs.

Research paper thumbnail of PENGGUNAAN STRATEGI BELAJAR BAHASA DENGAN PENGUATAN EFIKASI DIRI BAGI PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA FORMAL : Studi Kuasieksperimen pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya)

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Strategi Belajar Bahasa Sebagai Pendukung Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Apr 1, 2014

Pendekatan sainstifik (observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, dan networking) yang d... more Pendekatan sainstifik (observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, dan networking) yang digunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013 menuntut pembelajar bukan hanya sampai menguasai konsep dan mencoba atau membuat, tetapi harus sampai mengomunikasikan hasil analisis, temuan, atau produknya kepada pembelajar atau pihak lain. Karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia bukan hanya diarahkan pada penguasaan kompetensi gramatikal, melainkan juga harus diarahkan pada penguasaan kompetensi sosiolinguistik, kompetensi wacana, dan kompetensi strategi. Untuk menguasai kompetensikompetensi tadi diperlukan strategi yang tepat dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan adalah Strategi Belajar Bahasa. Strategi Belajar Bahasa adalah tindakan spesifik yang diambil oleh pelajar untuk membuat belajar lebih mudah, lebih cepat, lebih menyenangkan, lebih mandiri, lebih efektif, dan lebih dapat dialihkan kepada situasi baru. Strategi Belajar Bahasa meliputi strategi memori, strategi kognitif, strategi kompensasi, strategi metakognitif, strategi afektif, dan strategi sosial.

Research paper thumbnail of Speaking learning based on multimedia

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Oct 28, 2021

Learning media is one component that determines the success of learning. Learning media that shou... more Learning media is one component that determines the success of learning. Learning media that should be used in the present day is a learning medium that facilitates students to be students and graduates are multi-competent, multi-literate, critical thinking, creative, innovative, able to cooperate and collaborate. Learning media that have these characteristics are learning media that combine, collaborate, or integrate several learning media, for example images, graphics, audio, and so on. Because the media uses several media, the media is referred to as multimedia. The multimedia chosen in speaking learning, especially on presentation, should be relevant to the needs of learning materials and learning objectives at each stage of the speaking, which includes (1) pre-speaking stages (e.g. group presentation videos used to analyze concepts and presentation aspects; e-books, journals online, online articles, e-mails used to determine the topics, develop topics, and compose the content of speech, etc.) (b) speaking stage, and (3) post-speaking stage. The use of multimedia in each stage of speaking facilitates students to succeed in learning

Research paper thumbnail of Cerita Pendek “Nyanyian Daun Teh” Dalam Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis

Research paper thumbnail of Student Presentations Upgrades Through Use of Language Learning Strategies

Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning, Oct 31, 2017

This research is experimental testing of Language Learning Strategies to improve student presenta... more This research is experimental testing of Language Learning Strategies to improve student presentation at the

Research paper thumbnail of The Professionalism of Indonesian Teachers in The Future

Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning, Mar 30, 2018

Teachers are the most crucial factor in learning. Therefore, the process and success of learning ... more Teachers are the most crucial factor in learning. Therefore, the process and success of learning as a determinant of the quality of education in the future were determined by the professionalism of teachers. The professionalism of Indonesian teachers in the future must be in line with the demands of their profession, namely (1) having teacher competence covering pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence, (2) realizing Indonesian language learning in accordance with current curriculum , (3) implementing the paradigm of 21st century learning that has nationalism, global perspective, and multi-literacy to produce graduates who have soft skill and hard skills that are superior and competitive so that they become qualified human resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Orientasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada Era VUCA

Bahasa: Jurnal Keilmuan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to describe the use of the Problem Based Learning model in Indone... more The purpose of this research is to describe the use of the Problem Based Learning model in Indonesian Language Learning in the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) era. VUCA is a condition that shows rapid, unpredictable, uncertain, complex, and unpredictable changes in various fields, especially education. In this study used the method of literature study. The data analysis techniques used were (1) Examining VUCA and its possible problems and solutions in learning Indonesian, (2) Examining various components in learning Indonesian that might be a solution to the problems encountered in learning Indonesian, (3) Determine components that have great opportunities as solutions to overcome problems in the VUCA era, namely learning models because in the use of learning models other learning components can be integrated. (4) Synchronization between the characteristics of the problems that might arise in the VUCA era, general learning principles (scientific approach), ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Modul Ajar Berbasis Model POE2WE Bagi Guru Sekolah Penggerak Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru

Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Pelatihan merupakan sebuah aktivitas terprogram yang dapat membantu guru dalam mempelajari penget... more Pelatihan merupakan sebuah aktivitas terprogram yang dapat membantu guru dalam mempelajari pengetahuan atau keterampilan. Dengan mempelajari pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru, kerja guru dalam perannya masing-masing di tempat kerja akan meningkat. Salah satu pelatihan yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk menyusun modul ajar. Penyusunan modul ajar harus dapat menjawab dan memecahkan masalah atau pun kesulitan dalam belajar. Terdapat sejumlah materi pembelajaran yang sering sekali siswa sulit untuk memahaminya ataupun guru sulit untuk menyampaikannnya. Kesulitan tersebut dapat terjadi karena materi tersebut abstrak, rumit, asing, dan sebagainya. Untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini maka perlu dikembangkan modul ajar yang tepat. Program sekolah penggerak adalah upaya untuk mewujudkan visi pendidikan Indonesia dalam mewujudkan Indonesia maju yang berdaulat, mandiri, dan berkepribadian melalui terciptanya Pelajar Pancasila. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut harus...

Research paper thumbnail of Psikolinguistik Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan strategi belajar bahasa

AKSARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. ... more The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. Moreover, graduates as prospective educators must not only have the graduate character as predetermined, but also transfer these characters to their students in the future. Therefore, a strategy is needed that makes it easier for students/learners as prospective educators to have the expected character. This study describes character strengthening through speaking learning with using Language Learning Strategies (LLS). This study uses the method of literature study. Character strengthening can be carried out in each LLS stage according to the selected SBB. In other words, strengthening character according to the goals and functions of education, 21st Century HR, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Social Revolution 5.0, and even Merdeka Learning-Independence Campus can be carried out in an integrated manner in speaking learning with using LLS. Keywords: character, speaking learning, Language Lear...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar 2 Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi DI Sekolah Dasar

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

The Indonesian government's attempt to improve the literacy skills of elementary school students ... more The Indonesian government's attempt to improve the literacy skills of elementary school students is to implement the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program for teaching campuses. Hence, the research described in this article is to investigate the information about the implementation of the Teaching Campus Students 2 program to improve elementary school students' literacy skills. In addition, the research also involved the barriers, strategies, and evaluation results regarding student literacy. The research used a qualitative research method with a case study design through semi-structured interviews to find out the students' barriers, strategies, and evaluation results. The participants involved 20 students in the Teaching Campus program who were based in elementary schools and spread over the West Java provinces. The data used in the research was a qualitative analysis, which consisted of three activity lines, they are the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results indicate that the improvement of students' literacy skills was increased enough. It can be seen from the increased students' interest in reading, the skill to process information, how to find out problems, and students' skills to provide solutions to the problem. Various innovative learning strategies were successfully designed by Teaching Campus Students 2 and made it one of the factors that made students' literacy skills increase well enough.

Research paper thumbnail of Cerita Pendek “Nyanyian Daun Teh” Dalam Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Penerapan Model Transformasi Teks Cerita ke Bentuk Cerita Bergambar Bagi Guru SMK

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat UMUS, Aug 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Bagi Guru SMP MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Kota Tasikmalaya

Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Kurikulum Merdeka akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di jenjang pendidikan menengah pada tahun 202... more Kurikulum Merdeka akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di jenjang pendidikan menengah pada tahun 2024. Bahkan di tingkat SMP, khusus kelas VII, pada tahun ajaran 2023/2024 Kurikulum Merdeka sudah diberlakukan. Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka memerlukan pemahaman dan kesiapan guru tentang Kurikulum Merdeka dengan berbagai komponen dan aplikasinya. Kondisi realistis di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa guru SMP belum memahami secara utuh tentang Kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya tentang Capaian Pembelajaran, Tujuan Pembelajaran, Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran, dan Modul Ajar serta modifikasinya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman para guru tentang Kurikulum Merdeka dan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pendampingan pelatihan dalam bentuk workshop. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para guru telah memahami konsep Kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya Capaian Pembelajaran, Tujuan Pembelajaran, Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran, dan Mo...

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan strategi belajar bahasa

Aksara, Apr 30, 2023

The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. ... more The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. Moreover, graduates as prospective educators must not only have the graduate character as predetermined, but also transfer these characters to their students in the future. Therefore, a strategy is needed that makes it easier for students/learners as prospective educators to have the expected character. This study describes character strengthening through speaking learning with using Language Learning Strategies (LLS). This study uses the method of literature study. Character strengthening can be carried out in each LLS stage according to the selected SBB. In other words, strengthening character according to the goals and functions of education, 21st Century HR, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Social Revolution 5.0, and even Merdeka Learning-Independence Campus can be carried out in an integrated manner in speaking learning with using LLS.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Ragam Lisan Oleh Kader Bina Keluarga Balita Kota Administratif Tasikmalaya

Research paper thumbnail of Literat Melalui Presentasi

The literacy ability of the Indonesian nation is still not in line with expectations. One solutio... more The literacy ability of the Indonesian nation is still not in line with expectations. One solution to the problem is to integrate literacy in learning, especially presentation learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the integration of literacy in the presentation of learning to students in universities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The form of integrating literacy in presentation learning is by using an eclectic type of literacy (early literacy, basic literacy, library literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, or visual literacy) according to the needs at each stage of speaking, either at (1) pre-speaking stage, (2) speaking stage, and (3) post-speaking stage. Implementation of learning is done cooperatively student and stdent, collaboratively between student, lecturer, and instructor and interaction between student, lecturer, instructor, and learning materials. Thus, this strategy is expected to build a multiliterat and multicompetence students.

Research paper thumbnail of Drama “Lelakon Raden Bei Surio Retno” Karya F. Wiggers Dalam Perspektif Pendekatan Struktural Dan Pendekatan Sosiologis

Drama merupakan salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang memiliki manfaat bagi pembaca atau penontonny... more Drama merupakan salah satu bentuk karya sastra yang memiliki manfaat bagi pembaca atau penontonnya. Kebermanfaatan drama bagi pembaca atau penonton sangat bergantung pada keterpahaman mereka terhadap unsur-unsur drama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan unsur drama (alur, tokoh, watak tokoh, penokohan, latar, tema, dan dialog) serta hubungan antarunsur drama berdasarkan pendekatan struktural dan mendeskripsikan hubungan dengan kehidupan masyarakat berdasarkan pendekatan sosiologis sehingga bisa mendeskripsikan pula jenis dan kedudukan drama dalam periodisasi sastra Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis wacana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alur drama adalah alur maju. Tokoh yang terdapat dalam drama meliputi tokoh protagonis, tokoh antagonis, tokoh tritagonis, dan tokoh pembantu dengan watak tokoh yang sangat variatif. Penokohan yang digunakan adalah cara analitik dan dramatik. Latar yang terdapat dalam drama adalah latar tempat dan latar waktu. Tema drama adalah bahwa "hidup harus selalu baik dan benar" yang disampaikan oleh pengarang secara implisit. Dialog dalam drama komunikatif sehingga dapat mengungkapkan unsur-unsur drama lain dengan jelas. Secara struktural, hubungan antarunsur drama sangat erat kaitannya. Tokoh menggerakkan alur; latar mendukung tokoh dan karakternya; dialog mendeskripsikan alur, tokoh dan karakter tokoh, serta latar; alur, tokoh, karakter tokoh, latar, dan dialog mendukung tema sehingga unsur-unsur drama membangun drama secara utuh. Secara sosiologis, drama menggambarkan kehidupan masyarakat Jawa pada zaman Belanda. Drama yang dinalisis termasuk drama tragedi yang merupakan kritik sosial terhadap kehidupan pada zamannya dan termasuk drama realis pada periode Masa Kelahiran atau Masa Penjadian (1900-1945).

Research paper thumbnail of Student’s Self-Efficacy in Speaking Learning

This study aims to describe ways that can be used to improve students' self-efficacy in speaking ... more This study aims to describe ways that can be used to improve students' self-efficacy in speaking learning. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with literature study techniques. One of the causes of student speaking difficulties is anxiety. Anxiety is associated with low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his ability to complete a task or achieve a predetermined goal. Therefore, so that students' anxiety when speaking is reduced so that students can speak well, it is necessary to do ways to improve student self-efficacy in the learning process through four sources of self-efficacy, namely (1) mastery experience, (2) representative experience, (3) verbal persuasion or social persuasion, and (4) physiological and affective conditions. The source of self-efficacy used in learning is tailored to the needs, both the condition of students and existing facilities. Self-efficacy can be improved in each step of learning, both in pre-activity, core activities (preparation steps, presentation practice steps, speech/presentation steps, and presentation evaluation steps), and post-activity learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Expectation Regarding the Presentation Learning System

KnE Social Sciences, Jul 26, 2018

The purpose of this research was to describe students' expectations regarding the speaking learni... more The purpose of this research was to describe students' expectations regarding the speaking learning system, especially the presentation. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained through questionnaires and interviews about the expectations expressed by 139 undergraduate students and two lecturers on the components in the presentation learning system. The results of the research showed that the expectation of the students with regard to different presentation learning designed and implemented by the lecturers was in terms of learning materials, instructional media, and instructional techniques. These differences were caused by the differences in the students' and lecturers' perceptions and the lack of communication between them. The solution to the problem was that the lecturer should redesign the components of the presentation learning system by taking into account the students' needs.

Research paper thumbnail of PENGGUNAAN STRATEGI BELAJAR BAHASA DENGAN PENGUATAN EFIKASI DIRI BAGI PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA FORMAL : Studi Kuasieksperimen pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya)

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Strategi Belajar Bahasa Sebagai Pendukung Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Apr 1, 2014

Pendekatan sainstifik (observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, dan networking) yang d... more Pendekatan sainstifik (observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, dan networking) yang digunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013 menuntut pembelajar bukan hanya sampai menguasai konsep dan mencoba atau membuat, tetapi harus sampai mengomunikasikan hasil analisis, temuan, atau produknya kepada pembelajar atau pihak lain. Karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia bukan hanya diarahkan pada penguasaan kompetensi gramatikal, melainkan juga harus diarahkan pada penguasaan kompetensi sosiolinguistik, kompetensi wacana, dan kompetensi strategi. Untuk menguasai kompetensikompetensi tadi diperlukan strategi yang tepat dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan adalah Strategi Belajar Bahasa. Strategi Belajar Bahasa adalah tindakan spesifik yang diambil oleh pelajar untuk membuat belajar lebih mudah, lebih cepat, lebih menyenangkan, lebih mandiri, lebih efektif, dan lebih dapat dialihkan kepada situasi baru. Strategi Belajar Bahasa meliputi strategi memori, strategi kognitif, strategi kompensasi, strategi metakognitif, strategi afektif, dan strategi sosial.

Research paper thumbnail of Speaking learning based on multimedia

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Oct 28, 2021

Learning media is one component that determines the success of learning. Learning media that shou... more Learning media is one component that determines the success of learning. Learning media that should be used in the present day is a learning medium that facilitates students to be students and graduates are multi-competent, multi-literate, critical thinking, creative, innovative, able to cooperate and collaborate. Learning media that have these characteristics are learning media that combine, collaborate, or integrate several learning media, for example images, graphics, audio, and so on. Because the media uses several media, the media is referred to as multimedia. The multimedia chosen in speaking learning, especially on presentation, should be relevant to the needs of learning materials and learning objectives at each stage of the speaking, which includes (1) pre-speaking stages (e.g. group presentation videos used to analyze concepts and presentation aspects; e-books, journals online, online articles, e-mails used to determine the topics, develop topics, and compose the content of speech, etc.) (b) speaking stage, and (3) post-speaking stage. The use of multimedia in each stage of speaking facilitates students to succeed in learning

Research paper thumbnail of Cerita Pendek “Nyanyian Daun Teh” Dalam Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis

Research paper thumbnail of Student Presentations Upgrades Through Use of Language Learning Strategies

Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning, Oct 31, 2017

This research is experimental testing of Language Learning Strategies to improve student presenta... more This research is experimental testing of Language Learning Strategies to improve student presentation at the

Research paper thumbnail of The Professionalism of Indonesian Teachers in The Future

Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning, Mar 30, 2018

Teachers are the most crucial factor in learning. Therefore, the process and success of learning ... more Teachers are the most crucial factor in learning. Therefore, the process and success of learning as a determinant of the quality of education in the future were determined by the professionalism of teachers. The professionalism of Indonesian teachers in the future must be in line with the demands of their profession, namely (1) having teacher competence covering pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence, (2) realizing Indonesian language learning in accordance with current curriculum , (3) implementing the paradigm of 21st century learning that has nationalism, global perspective, and multi-literacy to produce graduates who have soft skill and hard skills that are superior and competitive so that they become qualified human resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Orientasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada Era VUCA

Bahasa: Jurnal Keilmuan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to describe the use of the Problem Based Learning model in Indone... more The purpose of this research is to describe the use of the Problem Based Learning model in Indonesian Language Learning in the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) era. VUCA is a condition that shows rapid, unpredictable, uncertain, complex, and unpredictable changes in various fields, especially education. In this study used the method of literature study. The data analysis techniques used were (1) Examining VUCA and its possible problems and solutions in learning Indonesian, (2) Examining various components in learning Indonesian that might be a solution to the problems encountered in learning Indonesian, (3) Determine components that have great opportunities as solutions to overcome problems in the VUCA era, namely learning models because in the use of learning models other learning components can be integrated. (4) Synchronization between the characteristics of the problems that might arise in the VUCA era, general learning principles (scientific approach), ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Modul Ajar Berbasis Model POE2WE Bagi Guru Sekolah Penggerak Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru

Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Pelatihan merupakan sebuah aktivitas terprogram yang dapat membantu guru dalam mempelajari penget... more Pelatihan merupakan sebuah aktivitas terprogram yang dapat membantu guru dalam mempelajari pengetahuan atau keterampilan. Dengan mempelajari pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru, kerja guru dalam perannya masing-masing di tempat kerja akan meningkat. Salah satu pelatihan yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk menyusun modul ajar. Penyusunan modul ajar harus dapat menjawab dan memecahkan masalah atau pun kesulitan dalam belajar. Terdapat sejumlah materi pembelajaran yang sering sekali siswa sulit untuk memahaminya ataupun guru sulit untuk menyampaikannnya. Kesulitan tersebut dapat terjadi karena materi tersebut abstrak, rumit, asing, dan sebagainya. Untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini maka perlu dikembangkan modul ajar yang tepat. Program sekolah penggerak adalah upaya untuk mewujudkan visi pendidikan Indonesia dalam mewujudkan Indonesia maju yang berdaulat, mandiri, dan berkepribadian melalui terciptanya Pelajar Pancasila. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut harus...

Research paper thumbnail of Psikolinguistik Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan strategi belajar bahasa

AKSARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. ... more The character that must be possessed by graduates, especially prospective educators, is complex. Moreover, graduates as prospective educators must not only have the graduate character as predetermined, but also transfer these characters to their students in the future. Therefore, a strategy is needed that makes it easier for students/learners as prospective educators to have the expected character. This study describes character strengthening through speaking learning with using Language Learning Strategies (LLS). This study uses the method of literature study. Character strengthening can be carried out in each LLS stage according to the selected SBB. In other words, strengthening character according to the goals and functions of education, 21st Century HR, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Social Revolution 5.0, and even Merdeka Learning-Independence Campus can be carried out in an integrated manner in speaking learning with using LLS. Keywords: character, speaking learning, Language Lear...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar 2 Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi DI Sekolah Dasar

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

The Indonesian government's attempt to improve the literacy skills of elementary school students ... more The Indonesian government's attempt to improve the literacy skills of elementary school students is to implement the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program for teaching campuses. Hence, the research described in this article is to investigate the information about the implementation of the Teaching Campus Students 2 program to improve elementary school students' literacy skills. In addition, the research also involved the barriers, strategies, and evaluation results regarding student literacy. The research used a qualitative research method with a case study design through semi-structured interviews to find out the students' barriers, strategies, and evaluation results. The participants involved 20 students in the Teaching Campus program who were based in elementary schools and spread over the West Java provinces. The data used in the research was a qualitative analysis, which consisted of three activity lines, they are the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results indicate that the improvement of students' literacy skills was increased enough. It can be seen from the increased students' interest in reading, the skill to process information, how to find out problems, and students' skills to provide solutions to the problem. Various innovative learning strategies were successfully designed by Teaching Campus Students 2 and made it one of the factors that made students' literacy skills increase well enough.

Research paper thumbnail of Cerita Pendek “Nyanyian Daun Teh” Dalam Tinjauan Analisis Wacana Kritis