Ima Kusumanti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ima Kusumanti
Risalah kebijakan pertanian dan lingkungan, Apr 1, 2024
Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal t... more Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal tahun 2023. Lahan budidaya perkotaan yang semakin sempit, biaya pakan semakin mahal, dan ketersediaan air yang terbatas menjadi kendala pengembangan budidaya ikan air tawar di Kota Sukabumi. Salah satu solusi untuk menyiasati hal tersebut adalah pengembangan teknologi Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). RAS adalah teknologi budidaya dimana air dapat digunakan kembali setelah difilter secara mekanis dan biologis. Wadah pemeliharaan menggunakan bak bulat berdiameter 2 m dan diisi air dengan ketinggian 0,8 m berjumlah 6 bak. Volume air dalam setiap bak yaitu 2.152 L air. Benih yang digunakan berukuran 8-10 cm dengan kepadatan per bak 318 ekor/m 2. Parameter pengamatan yang dilihat adalah suhu, pH, DO, amoniak, nitrit, nitrat, dan pertumbuhan ikan. Aplikasi RAS membuktikan dapat menjaga kualitas air suhu, pH, DO, dan amoniak. Nilai pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup sistem RAS lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem sirkulasi, sehingga teknologi RAS dapat menjadi alternatif solusi teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan di daerah perkotaan.
Risalah kebijakan pertanian dan lingkungan, Apr 1, 2024
Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal t... more Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal tahun 2023. Lahan budidaya perkotaan yang semakin sempit, biaya pakan semakin mahal, dan ketersediaan air yang terbatas menjadi kendala pengembangan budidaya ikan air tawar di Kota Sukabumi. Salah satu solusi untuk menyiasati hal tersebut adalah pengembangan teknologi Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). RAS adalah teknologi budidaya dimana air dapat digunakan kembali setelah difilter secara mekanis dan biologis. Wadah pemeliharaan menggunakan bak bulat berdiameter 2 m dan diisi air dengan ketinggian 0,8 m berjumlah 6 bak. Volume air dalam setiap bak yaitu 2.152 L air. Benih yang digunakan berukuran 8-10 cm dengan kepadatan per bak 318 ekor/m 2. Parameter pengamatan yang dilihat adalah suhu, pH, DO, amoniak, nitrit, nitrat, dan pertumbuhan ikan. Aplikasi RAS membuktikan dapat menjaga kualitas air suhu, pH, DO, dan amoniak. Nilai pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup sistem RAS lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem sirkulasi, sehingga teknologi RAS dapat menjadi alternatif solusi teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan di daerah perkotaan.
International Journal of Community Service, May 29, 2023
Community Empowerment, Feb 29, 2024
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Nov 30, 2023
Policy Brief Pertanian, Kelautan, dan Biosains Tropika, Apr 18, 2024
Policy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut: 1) Petis ikan merupakan produk lokal y... more Policy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut: 1) Petis ikan merupakan produk lokal yang menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan masyarakat pesisir di Kabupaten Situbondo. 2) Produsen petis ikan didominasi oleh pelaku usaha skala rumah tangga. 3) Petis ikan belum terkemas dengan kemasan representatif dan belum berlabel. 4) Perlu pendampingan penerapan CPPB-IRT untuk peningkatan mutu dan keamanan petis ikan. Ringkasan Strategi yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan keamanan pangan petis ikan dari desa Kliensari-Panarukan diawali dengan melakukan pendataan dan penyuluhan terkait program "Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik untuk Industri Rumah Tangga (CPPB-IRT)" kepada para pelaku usaha skala rumah tangga. CPPB merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk memenuhi standar mutu atau persyaratan keamanan pangan yang ditetapkan untuk pangan menurut Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan Republik Indonesia. Pendampingan secara berkelanjutan diperlukan untuk penerapan CPPB-IRT di unit pelaku usaha. Melalui penerapan CPPB, industri pangan dapat menghasilkan pangan yang bermutu, layak dikonsumsi, dan aman bagi kesehatan. Keberhasilan penerapan CPPB-IRT akan menjadi hal yang memudahkan untuk pemenuhan persyaratan penerbitan SPP-IRT (Sertifikat Produksi Pangan-Industri Rumah Tangga). SPP-IRT merupakan jaminan tertulis yang diberikan oleh Bupati/Walikota cq. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota terhadap pangan IRT di wilayah kerjanya dalam rangka peredaran pangan IRT. Nomor P-IRT adalah nomor pangan produksi IRTP yang menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dari SPP-IRT dan wajib dicantumkan pada Label Pangan. Dengan demikian SPP-IRT merupakan bukti penyampaian komitmen pelaku usaha akan menjamin keamanan, mutu, dan gizi pangan yang diproduksi untuk diperdagangkan dalam kemasan eceran di wilayah Indonesia. Dengan menghasilkan pangan bermutu, aman dikonsumsi, niscaya kepercayaan masyarakat akan meningkat dan industri pangan bersangkutan akan berkembang pesat.
Jurnal Sains Terapan: Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian, Dec 30, 2021
Bioscientist, Jun 30, 2023
Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Re... more Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Regency. Production of fish paste is still dominated by household business scale. In addition to paying attention to chemical and microbiological quality, it is necessary to pay attention to sensory quality to meet the quality and food safety requirementsof the paste. Even, organoleptic quality greatly determines consumer acceptance to buy products. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of the organoleptic quality of four types of fish paste products produced by producers A, B, C, and D in Situbondo Regency. Testing on consumer acceptance is carried out by sensory testing using the hedonic test method. The sensory parameters tested included: color, aroma, taste, aftertaste, and overall acceptance of the paste. There are 9 hedonic scales used in this test, namely very dislike (1), really dislike (2), dislike (3), rather dislike (4), neutral (5), rather like (6), likes (7), likes very much (8), and likes very extremely (9). The numerical scale (1-9) is processed using ANOVA and Duncan's test. The results showed that the organoleptic quality of the four types of fish paste was rated somewhat neutral (5) to rather like (6). Among the four products, the fish paste D (5.84) and B (5.75) that are most accepted by consumers with characteristics: dark brown paste, the aroma of spices and fish are smelt, the savory taste is felt, the fishy aftertaste doesn't linger in the mouth, and the texture is homogeneous-elastic-soft. While the petis made by producer A got a preference value of 4.92 (ordinary) and the petis made by producer B with a preference value of 5.17 (ordinary).
Agrokreatif: jurnal ilmiah pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Jun 26, 2023
Aktivitas budidaya ikan nila di Desa Nagrak telah dilakukan sejak lama sebagai salah satu sumber ... more Aktivitas budidaya ikan nila di Desa Nagrak telah dilakukan sejak lama sebagai salah satu sumber penghasilan masyarakat. Usaha budidaya masih dilakukan secara tradisional seperti penggunaan kolam tanah, manajemen pemberian pakan yang mengandalkan pakan alami, pengemasan yang belum sesuai dengan standar, serta pemasaran ikan yang hanya menggunakan teknik getok tular (dari mulut ke mulut). Kendala yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah terbatasnya pengetahuan dalam memanfaatkan potensi budidaya dan pengolahan ikan nila, serta kurangnya perencanaan dan strategi dalam pemasaran produk. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan mengenai potensi pengembangan bisnis ikan nila, mengenalkan olahan ikan nila kecil bernama crispy baby fish sebagai camilan sehat bernilai ekonomis, serta menjelaskan gambaran analisis usaha, teknik pengemasan yang baik, dan pemasaran online. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode sosialisasi atau pemaparan materi kepada kelompok Pemberdaya Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) yang berjumlah 35 orang. Materi yang disampaikan adalah pengenalan budi daya ikan nila, potensi bisnis camilan ikan nila krispi, gambaran analisis usaha, dan strategi online marketing. Kesimpulan yang diperolah dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Nagrak adalah perlunya kegiatan yang sifatnya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan potensi bisnis ikan nila.
Jurnal Mina Sains, Nov 10, 2022
Aplikasi tepung kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp. untuk meningkatkan performa kualitas air budidaya dan... more Aplikasi tepung kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp. untuk meningkatkan performa kualitas air budidaya dan pertumbuhan udang vaname perlu dianalisis. Kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp sebagai sumber stimulan yang dibutuhkan bakteri untuk bertahan pada proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi di lingkungan budidaya sebagai salah satu alternatif ujicoba sistem bioremediasi yang ramah lingkungan. Sifat yang cenderung mesofilik dan sumber ion organik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri, kulit labu dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan aktivitas bakteri nitrifikasi denitrifikasi di lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dosis terbaik tepung kulit labu sebagai bahan biostimulasi untuk pertumbuhan bakteri nitrifikasi denitrifikasi pada pengelolaan kualitas air sehingga mendukung pertumbuhan udang vaname. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu pemberian tepung kulit labu dengan dosis 2%, 4%, 6% per 20 L air dan perlakuan kontrol. Pemberian tepung kulit labu dapat meningkatkan kinerja bakteri dan kelimpahan dalam proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi. Aktivitas bakteri nitrifikasi terlihat dari adanya nilai ammonia yang relatif lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Ammonia paling baik pada perlakuan 6% nitrit paling baik di perlakuan 4%. Perlakuan tepung labu 4% efektif dalam pemeliharaan selama 30 hari yang dapat menjaga kualitas air tetap stabil dan pertumbuhan udang vaname yang meningkat.
Sains Natural, Jan 27, 2022
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAli... more Content from this work may be used under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0
Eduvest, Dec 31, 2022
Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian pe... more Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian people. Silver Arowana is a type of freshwater ornamental fish originating from Brazil and belonging to the Osteoglossum genus. Problems in arowana fish farming include water quality, disease, nutrition and spawning (breeding). An important problem in enlarging silver arowana fish seeds is one of the maintenance media. Water quality is an external factor that plays a role in supporting fish growth. Water quality management has been one of the inhibiting factors in aquaculture, because it requires time, procedures and several stages to assess aquaculture water quality parameters, so farmers are late in handling the fish which results in death. Monitoring water quality that is practical, efficient and easy according to the development of IOT-based information technology 4.0 is urgently needed by cultivators to control fish in real time so that fish survival can be optimized. The research will be carried out for two years, namely 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the first phase of the research is to create an IOT-based Water Quality Monitoring System (SIMONAIR), while the second stage of research aims to apply the use of SIMONAIR to support the growth of arowana fish. The research was conducted at the Vocational School of IPB and in collaboration with a partner, namely CV Viez Aquatics. Phase 1 research will focus on the manufacture and calibration of SIMONAIR. Phase 2 research The use of the SIMONAIR application on silver arowana fish given different feed treatments. The overall research results are a technology package for silver arowana fish cultivation with high technology for the community or fish farmers
E3S web of conferences, 2022
The Indonesian government has facilitated farmers through the role of agricultural extensionists ... more The Indonesian government has facilitated farmers through the role of agricultural extensionists (AE). Covid-19 pandemic has caused heavily impacts on the fisheries sector especially on the socioeconomic conditions of the stakeholders, e.g., fishers, fish farmers, traders, as well as consumers. This impact on aquaculture is about its production is largely influenced by the demand from the food service sectors, processing factories, and export. Movement restrictions of fish farmers and less demand from consumers needs to maintaining the stocks of cultured commodities becomes more expensive as most of the products could not be harvested. From the snow ball sampling methods and research interview, the covid-19 pandemic makes the fish processing industry decrease more than 56%. It impacts 3 main activities, such as reducing demand for fish, low prices due to cancellation of shipment by buyer and lack of technical service provider. This decrease has a positive impact on the community to overcome the existing problem, diversifying the product and recognize need for new strategies to identify marketing opportunities that use technology.
CRC Press eBooks, May 15, 2023
A study was conducted to determine the influence of feed substituted with full-fat Black Soldier ... more A study was conducted to determine the influence of feed substituted with full-fat Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) on growth performance and blood profile of IPB D1 chickens for 11 weeks. Five hundred and fifteen IPB D1 chickens were randomly divided into three treatment groups (T0, T1, and T2) comprised of one hundred and seventy-one chicks (T0), and one hundred and seventy-two chicks for each T1 and T2 treatment with three repetitions that consist of fifty-five to sixty chickens. The groups consist of control feed ration (without BSFL)/ T0), 5% BSFL (T1), and 7.5% BSFL (T2). Each treatment level was used for two kinds of diets, starter (0-7 weeks) and grower (8-11 weeks). The variable observed were feed intake, body weight, feed conversion, mortality, and blood profile (RBC, WBC, HB, leucocyte differentiation). Data collected were subjected to a One-way analysis of variance. Results show an insignificant effect (p>0.05) on the growth performance parameters. Body weight at treatment T0, T1, and T2 are 609.31 AE 50.45 g/bird; 588.67 AE 8.11 g/bird; and 604.44 AE 7.70 g/bird respectively at the end of the starter period (8 weeks), and 992 AE 84.5 g/bird; 937.08 AE 15.95 g/bird; and 957.9 AE 61.49 g/bird respectively at 11 weeks. The IPB D1 Chicken fed with T2 diet (7.5% BSFL) had the best Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of the other treatment at the starter period and grower period. The chickens fed with T2 diet had the highest hemoglobin level than other treatments, and total RBC was at normal standard. These findings suggest that the substitution of BSFL on feed (7.5%) potential to increase feed efficiency and show a normal level of hemoglobin and RBC.
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi
Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Re... more Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Regency. Production of fish paste is still dominated by household business scale. In addition to paying attention to chemical and microbiological quality, it is necessary to pay attention to sensory quality to meet the quality and food safety requirementsof the paste. Even, organoleptic quality greatly determines consumer acceptance to buy products. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of the organoleptic quality of four types of fish paste products produced by producers A, B, C, and D in Situbondo Regency. Testing on consumer acceptance is carried out by sensory testing using the hedonic test method. The sensory parameters tested included: color, aroma, taste, aftertaste, and overall acceptance of the paste. There are 9 hedonic scales used in this test, namely very dislike (1), really dislike (2), dislike (3), rather dislike (4), neutral (5), rather like (6), likes (7), likes ...
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Tilapia cultivation in Nagrak Village has been practiced for a long time as one of the community&... more Tilapia cultivation in Nagrak Village has been practiced for a long time as one of the community's sources of income. The aquaculture business is still carried out traditionally such as the use of ground ponds, feeding management that relies on natural feed, packaging that is not in accordance with standards, and fish marketing that only uses the direct selling technique (word of mouth). The obstacles faced by partners are limited knowledge on utilizing the potential of tilapia cultivation and processing, as well as the lack of planning and strategies of product marketing. This community service activity aims to provide insight into the potential for tilapia business development, introduce processed small tilapia fish called crispy baby fish as a healthy snack with economic value, and explain the description of business analysis, good packaging techniques, and online marketing. This activity was carried out with a socialization method or presentation of material to the Family We...
Pond bottom sediment conditions influence shrimp culture. As benthic organisms, shrimp are mainly... more Pond bottom sediment conditions influence shrimp culture. As benthic organisms, shrimp are mainly on the surface of the pond bottom, so cultivation preparations related to improving sediment quality are essential. Pond bottom practice, such as drying, liming, and fertilizing, is common. However, in bottom pond conditions where total drying cannot be carried out, other treatments are needed, such as the addition of hydrogen peroxide. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding hydrogen peroxide in pond sediments on the performance of shrimp growth and water quality. The study was conducted with five doses of hydrogen peroxide (0.25 mL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 2 mL) mixed with 350 g of pond soil sediment. Ten shrimps with an average weight of 0,27±0,03 g were put into the rearing container, which had been given pond bottom sediment according to the treatment. The results showed that the 2 mL hydrogen peroxide treatment gave the best results on the growth rate and average we...
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian pe... more Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian people. Silver Arowana is a type of freshwater ornamental fish originating from Brazil and belonging to the Osteoglossum genus. Problems in arowana fish farming include water quality, disease, nutrition and spawning (breeding). An important problem in enlarging silver arowana fish seeds is one of the maintenance media. Water quality is an external factor that plays a role in supporting fish growth. Water quality management has been one of the inhibiting factors in aquaculture, because it requires time, procedures and several stages to assess aquaculture water quality parameters, so farmers are late in handling the fish which results in death. Monitoring water quality that is practical, efficient and easy according to the development of IOT-based information technology 4.0 is urgently needed by cultivators to control fish in real time so that fish survival can be optimized. The research wil...
Risalah kebijakan pertanian dan lingkungan, Apr 1, 2024
Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal t... more Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal tahun 2023. Lahan budidaya perkotaan yang semakin sempit, biaya pakan semakin mahal, dan ketersediaan air yang terbatas menjadi kendala pengembangan budidaya ikan air tawar di Kota Sukabumi. Salah satu solusi untuk menyiasati hal tersebut adalah pengembangan teknologi Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). RAS adalah teknologi budidaya dimana air dapat digunakan kembali setelah difilter secara mekanis dan biologis. Wadah pemeliharaan menggunakan bak bulat berdiameter 2 m dan diisi air dengan ketinggian 0,8 m berjumlah 6 bak. Volume air dalam setiap bak yaitu 2.152 L air. Benih yang digunakan berukuran 8-10 cm dengan kepadatan per bak 318 ekor/m 2. Parameter pengamatan yang dilihat adalah suhu, pH, DO, amoniak, nitrit, nitrat, dan pertumbuhan ikan. Aplikasi RAS membuktikan dapat menjaga kualitas air suhu, pH, DO, dan amoniak. Nilai pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup sistem RAS lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem sirkulasi, sehingga teknologi RAS dapat menjadi alternatif solusi teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan di daerah perkotaan.
Risalah kebijakan pertanian dan lingkungan, Apr 1, 2024
Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal t... more Ikan lele mulai dibudidayakan oleh UMKM Sujafish Farm Kecamatan Cikole, Kota Sukabumi pada awal tahun 2023. Lahan budidaya perkotaan yang semakin sempit, biaya pakan semakin mahal, dan ketersediaan air yang terbatas menjadi kendala pengembangan budidaya ikan air tawar di Kota Sukabumi. Salah satu solusi untuk menyiasati hal tersebut adalah pengembangan teknologi Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). RAS adalah teknologi budidaya dimana air dapat digunakan kembali setelah difilter secara mekanis dan biologis. Wadah pemeliharaan menggunakan bak bulat berdiameter 2 m dan diisi air dengan ketinggian 0,8 m berjumlah 6 bak. Volume air dalam setiap bak yaitu 2.152 L air. Benih yang digunakan berukuran 8-10 cm dengan kepadatan per bak 318 ekor/m 2. Parameter pengamatan yang dilihat adalah suhu, pH, DO, amoniak, nitrit, nitrat, dan pertumbuhan ikan. Aplikasi RAS membuktikan dapat menjaga kualitas air suhu, pH, DO, dan amoniak. Nilai pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup sistem RAS lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem sirkulasi, sehingga teknologi RAS dapat menjadi alternatif solusi teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan di daerah perkotaan.
International Journal of Community Service, May 29, 2023
Community Empowerment, Feb 29, 2024
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Nov 30, 2023
Policy Brief Pertanian, Kelautan, dan Biosains Tropika, Apr 18, 2024
Policy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut: 1) Petis ikan merupakan produk lokal y... more Policy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut: 1) Petis ikan merupakan produk lokal yang menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan masyarakat pesisir di Kabupaten Situbondo. 2) Produsen petis ikan didominasi oleh pelaku usaha skala rumah tangga. 3) Petis ikan belum terkemas dengan kemasan representatif dan belum berlabel. 4) Perlu pendampingan penerapan CPPB-IRT untuk peningkatan mutu dan keamanan petis ikan. Ringkasan Strategi yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan keamanan pangan petis ikan dari desa Kliensari-Panarukan diawali dengan melakukan pendataan dan penyuluhan terkait program "Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik untuk Industri Rumah Tangga (CPPB-IRT)" kepada para pelaku usaha skala rumah tangga. CPPB merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk memenuhi standar mutu atau persyaratan keamanan pangan yang ditetapkan untuk pangan menurut Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan Republik Indonesia. Pendampingan secara berkelanjutan diperlukan untuk penerapan CPPB-IRT di unit pelaku usaha. Melalui penerapan CPPB, industri pangan dapat menghasilkan pangan yang bermutu, layak dikonsumsi, dan aman bagi kesehatan. Keberhasilan penerapan CPPB-IRT akan menjadi hal yang memudahkan untuk pemenuhan persyaratan penerbitan SPP-IRT (Sertifikat Produksi Pangan-Industri Rumah Tangga). SPP-IRT merupakan jaminan tertulis yang diberikan oleh Bupati/Walikota cq. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota terhadap pangan IRT di wilayah kerjanya dalam rangka peredaran pangan IRT. Nomor P-IRT adalah nomor pangan produksi IRTP yang menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dari SPP-IRT dan wajib dicantumkan pada Label Pangan. Dengan demikian SPP-IRT merupakan bukti penyampaian komitmen pelaku usaha akan menjamin keamanan, mutu, dan gizi pangan yang diproduksi untuk diperdagangkan dalam kemasan eceran di wilayah Indonesia. Dengan menghasilkan pangan bermutu, aman dikonsumsi, niscaya kepercayaan masyarakat akan meningkat dan industri pangan bersangkutan akan berkembang pesat.
Jurnal Sains Terapan: Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian, Dec 30, 2021
Bioscientist, Jun 30, 2023
Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Re... more Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Regency. Production of fish paste is still dominated by household business scale. In addition to paying attention to chemical and microbiological quality, it is necessary to pay attention to sensory quality to meet the quality and food safety requirementsof the paste. Even, organoleptic quality greatly determines consumer acceptance to buy products. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of the organoleptic quality of four types of fish paste products produced by producers A, B, C, and D in Situbondo Regency. Testing on consumer acceptance is carried out by sensory testing using the hedonic test method. The sensory parameters tested included: color, aroma, taste, aftertaste, and overall acceptance of the paste. There are 9 hedonic scales used in this test, namely very dislike (1), really dislike (2), dislike (3), rather dislike (4), neutral (5), rather like (6), likes (7), likes very much (8), and likes very extremely (9). The numerical scale (1-9) is processed using ANOVA and Duncan's test. The results showed that the organoleptic quality of the four types of fish paste was rated somewhat neutral (5) to rather like (6). Among the four products, the fish paste D (5.84) and B (5.75) that are most accepted by consumers with characteristics: dark brown paste, the aroma of spices and fish are smelt, the savory taste is felt, the fishy aftertaste doesn't linger in the mouth, and the texture is homogeneous-elastic-soft. While the petis made by producer A got a preference value of 4.92 (ordinary) and the petis made by producer B with a preference value of 5.17 (ordinary).
Agrokreatif: jurnal ilmiah pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Jun 26, 2023
Aktivitas budidaya ikan nila di Desa Nagrak telah dilakukan sejak lama sebagai salah satu sumber ... more Aktivitas budidaya ikan nila di Desa Nagrak telah dilakukan sejak lama sebagai salah satu sumber penghasilan masyarakat. Usaha budidaya masih dilakukan secara tradisional seperti penggunaan kolam tanah, manajemen pemberian pakan yang mengandalkan pakan alami, pengemasan yang belum sesuai dengan standar, serta pemasaran ikan yang hanya menggunakan teknik getok tular (dari mulut ke mulut). Kendala yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah terbatasnya pengetahuan dalam memanfaatkan potensi budidaya dan pengolahan ikan nila, serta kurangnya perencanaan dan strategi dalam pemasaran produk. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan mengenai potensi pengembangan bisnis ikan nila, mengenalkan olahan ikan nila kecil bernama crispy baby fish sebagai camilan sehat bernilai ekonomis, serta menjelaskan gambaran analisis usaha, teknik pengemasan yang baik, dan pemasaran online. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode sosialisasi atau pemaparan materi kepada kelompok Pemberdaya Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) yang berjumlah 35 orang. Materi yang disampaikan adalah pengenalan budi daya ikan nila, potensi bisnis camilan ikan nila krispi, gambaran analisis usaha, dan strategi online marketing. Kesimpulan yang diperolah dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Nagrak adalah perlunya kegiatan yang sifatnya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan potensi bisnis ikan nila.
Jurnal Mina Sains, Nov 10, 2022
Aplikasi tepung kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp. untuk meningkatkan performa kualitas air budidaya dan... more Aplikasi tepung kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp. untuk meningkatkan performa kualitas air budidaya dan pertumbuhan udang vaname perlu dianalisis. Kulit labu Curcubitaeae sp sebagai sumber stimulan yang dibutuhkan bakteri untuk bertahan pada proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi di lingkungan budidaya sebagai salah satu alternatif ujicoba sistem bioremediasi yang ramah lingkungan. Sifat yang cenderung mesofilik dan sumber ion organik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri, kulit labu dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan aktivitas bakteri nitrifikasi denitrifikasi di lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dosis terbaik tepung kulit labu sebagai bahan biostimulasi untuk pertumbuhan bakteri nitrifikasi denitrifikasi pada pengelolaan kualitas air sehingga mendukung pertumbuhan udang vaname. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu pemberian tepung kulit labu dengan dosis 2%, 4%, 6% per 20 L air dan perlakuan kontrol. Pemberian tepung kulit labu dapat meningkatkan kinerja bakteri dan kelimpahan dalam proses nitrifikasi dan denitrifikasi. Aktivitas bakteri nitrifikasi terlihat dari adanya nilai ammonia yang relatif lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Ammonia paling baik pada perlakuan 6% nitrit paling baik di perlakuan 4%. Perlakuan tepung labu 4% efektif dalam pemeliharaan selama 30 hari yang dapat menjaga kualitas air tetap stabil dan pertumbuhan udang vaname yang meningkat.
Sains Natural, Jan 27, 2022
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAli... more Content from this work may be used under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0
Eduvest, Dec 31, 2022
Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian pe... more Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian people. Silver Arowana is a type of freshwater ornamental fish originating from Brazil and belonging to the Osteoglossum genus. Problems in arowana fish farming include water quality, disease, nutrition and spawning (breeding). An important problem in enlarging silver arowana fish seeds is one of the maintenance media. Water quality is an external factor that plays a role in supporting fish growth. Water quality management has been one of the inhibiting factors in aquaculture, because it requires time, procedures and several stages to assess aquaculture water quality parameters, so farmers are late in handling the fish which results in death. Monitoring water quality that is practical, efficient and easy according to the development of IOT-based information technology 4.0 is urgently needed by cultivators to control fish in real time so that fish survival can be optimized. The research will be carried out for two years, namely 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the first phase of the research is to create an IOT-based Water Quality Monitoring System (SIMONAIR), while the second stage of research aims to apply the use of SIMONAIR to support the growth of arowana fish. The research was conducted at the Vocational School of IPB and in collaboration with a partner, namely CV Viez Aquatics. Phase 1 research will focus on the manufacture and calibration of SIMONAIR. Phase 2 research The use of the SIMONAIR application on silver arowana fish given different feed treatments. The overall research results are a technology package for silver arowana fish cultivation with high technology for the community or fish farmers
E3S web of conferences, 2022
The Indonesian government has facilitated farmers through the role of agricultural extensionists ... more The Indonesian government has facilitated farmers through the role of agricultural extensionists (AE). Covid-19 pandemic has caused heavily impacts on the fisheries sector especially on the socioeconomic conditions of the stakeholders, e.g., fishers, fish farmers, traders, as well as consumers. This impact on aquaculture is about its production is largely influenced by the demand from the food service sectors, processing factories, and export. Movement restrictions of fish farmers and less demand from consumers needs to maintaining the stocks of cultured commodities becomes more expensive as most of the products could not be harvested. From the snow ball sampling methods and research interview, the covid-19 pandemic makes the fish processing industry decrease more than 56%. It impacts 3 main activities, such as reducing demand for fish, low prices due to cancellation of shipment by buyer and lack of technical service provider. This decrease has a positive impact on the community to overcome the existing problem, diversifying the product and recognize need for new strategies to identify marketing opportunities that use technology.
CRC Press eBooks, May 15, 2023
A study was conducted to determine the influence of feed substituted with full-fat Black Soldier ... more A study was conducted to determine the influence of feed substituted with full-fat Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) on growth performance and blood profile of IPB D1 chickens for 11 weeks. Five hundred and fifteen IPB D1 chickens were randomly divided into three treatment groups (T0, T1, and T2) comprised of one hundred and seventy-one chicks (T0), and one hundred and seventy-two chicks for each T1 and T2 treatment with three repetitions that consist of fifty-five to sixty chickens. The groups consist of control feed ration (without BSFL)/ T0), 5% BSFL (T1), and 7.5% BSFL (T2). Each treatment level was used for two kinds of diets, starter (0-7 weeks) and grower (8-11 weeks). The variable observed were feed intake, body weight, feed conversion, mortality, and blood profile (RBC, WBC, HB, leucocyte differentiation). Data collected were subjected to a One-way analysis of variance. Results show an insignificant effect (p>0.05) on the growth performance parameters. Body weight at treatment T0, T1, and T2 are 609.31 AE 50.45 g/bird; 588.67 AE 8.11 g/bird; and 604.44 AE 7.70 g/bird respectively at the end of the starter period (8 weeks), and 992 AE 84.5 g/bird; 937.08 AE 15.95 g/bird; and 957.9 AE 61.49 g/bird respectively at 11 weeks. The IPB D1 Chicken fed with T2 diet (7.5% BSFL) had the best Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of the other treatment at the starter period and grower period. The chickens fed with T2 diet had the highest hemoglobin level than other treatments, and total RBC was at normal standard. These findings suggest that the substitution of BSFL on feed (7.5%) potential to increase feed efficiency and show a normal level of hemoglobin and RBC.
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi
Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Re... more Fish paste is a local product which is a source of income for coastal communities in Situbondo Regency. Production of fish paste is still dominated by household business scale. In addition to paying attention to chemical and microbiological quality, it is necessary to pay attention to sensory quality to meet the quality and food safety requirementsof the paste. Even, organoleptic quality greatly determines consumer acceptance to buy products. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of the organoleptic quality of four types of fish paste products produced by producers A, B, C, and D in Situbondo Regency. Testing on consumer acceptance is carried out by sensory testing using the hedonic test method. The sensory parameters tested included: color, aroma, taste, aftertaste, and overall acceptance of the paste. There are 9 hedonic scales used in this test, namely very dislike (1), really dislike (2), dislike (3), rather dislike (4), neutral (5), rather like (6), likes (7), likes ...
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Tilapia cultivation in Nagrak Village has been practiced for a long time as one of the community&... more Tilapia cultivation in Nagrak Village has been practiced for a long time as one of the community's sources of income. The aquaculture business is still carried out traditionally such as the use of ground ponds, feeding management that relies on natural feed, packaging that is not in accordance with standards, and fish marketing that only uses the direct selling technique (word of mouth). The obstacles faced by partners are limited knowledge on utilizing the potential of tilapia cultivation and processing, as well as the lack of planning and strategies of product marketing. This community service activity aims to provide insight into the potential for tilapia business development, introduce processed small tilapia fish called crispy baby fish as a healthy snack with economic value, and explain the description of business analysis, good packaging techniques, and online marketing. This activity was carried out with a socialization method or presentation of material to the Family We...
Pond bottom sediment conditions influence shrimp culture. As benthic organisms, shrimp are mainly... more Pond bottom sediment conditions influence shrimp culture. As benthic organisms, shrimp are mainly on the surface of the pond bottom, so cultivation preparations related to improving sediment quality are essential. Pond bottom practice, such as drying, liming, and fertilizing, is common. However, in bottom pond conditions where total drying cannot be carried out, other treatments are needed, such as the addition of hydrogen peroxide. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding hydrogen peroxide in pond sediments on the performance of shrimp growth and water quality. The study was conducted with five doses of hydrogen peroxide (0.25 mL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 2 mL) mixed with 350 g of pond soil sediment. Ten shrimps with an average weight of 0,27±0,03 g were put into the rearing container, which had been given pond bottom sediment according to the treatment. The results showed that the 2 mL hydrogen peroxide treatment gave the best results on the growth rate and average we...
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian pe... more Arwana fish is an ornamental fish that has high aesthetic value and is popular with Indonesian people. Silver Arowana is a type of freshwater ornamental fish originating from Brazil and belonging to the Osteoglossum genus. Problems in arowana fish farming include water quality, disease, nutrition and spawning (breeding). An important problem in enlarging silver arowana fish seeds is one of the maintenance media. Water quality is an external factor that plays a role in supporting fish growth. Water quality management has been one of the inhibiting factors in aquaculture, because it requires time, procedures and several stages to assess aquaculture water quality parameters, so farmers are late in handling the fish which results in death. Monitoring water quality that is practical, efficient and easy according to the development of IOT-based information technology 4.0 is urgently needed by cultivators to control fish in real time so that fish survival can be optimized. The research wil...