ILARIA BONINI - (original) (raw)
Descrizione dell'erbario dei Cappuccini di s. Quirico, donato all'Università di Siena nel... more Descrizione dell'erbario dei Cappuccini di s. Quirico, donato all'Università di Siena nel 1987. Composto da più di cento esemplari di piante è qui catalogato e trattato da varie prospettive
Identifying areas susceptible to invasion by an alien species is a strategy of prevention. We use... more Identifying areas susceptible to invasion by an alien species is a strategy of prevention. We used national herbaria and global databases to assess the invasion trends of the two aquatic invasive species Ludwigia hexapetala and Ludwigia peploidessubsp. montevidensis in Italy. We defined the invasion status with invasions curves and predicted potentially suitable areas with Species Distribution Models based on WorldClim variables and the human footprint index. Low seasonal variation in temperature and precipitation, temperature ≥ 20 °C in the warmest, driest and wettest periods of the year and precipitation in the coldest period are the bioclimatic factors that most account for the potential distribution of the two species. The human footprint has lower relative importance than bioclimatic variables. All Italian peninsula appears as a suitable bioclimatic environment for the invasion of the two Ludwigia species, except the Alps and the highest peaks in the Apennine. Based on the curr...
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology
Biological Invasions
We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nutt... more We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii) in Italy, through an accurate census of all available herbarium and field records, dating between 1850 and 2019, and a rich literature collection describing the initial introduction and naturalisation phase that supports the results obtained by the occurrence records. Elodea canadensis arrived in Italy before 1866 and had two invasion phases, between the 1890s and 1920s and between the 1990s and 2000s; E. nuttallii, probably arrived in the 1970s, started invading in 2000 and the invasion is still ongoing. Botanical gardens and fish farming played a crucial role in dispersal and naturalisation of both species. The current invasion range of both species is centred in northern Italy, with scattered occurrences of E. canadensis in central and southern regions. River Po represents a dispersal barrier to the Mediterranean region and a strategic monitoring site to prevent the invasion in...
Contributo alla conoscenza delle briofite della Riserva Naturale biogenetica di Tocchi (Siena) To... more Contributo alla conoscenza delle briofite della Riserva Naturale biogenetica di Tocchi (Siena) Toscana Italia
A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plan... more A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist
Folia Geobotanica, 2016
Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into... more Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into the processes structuring the spatial distribution of taxonomic groups and is useful for conservation purposes, only a few studies on cross-taxon congruence focused on freshwater ecosystems and on the relations among vascular plants and lichens. We hypothesized here that, since vascular plants could be good surrogates of lichens in these ecosystems, it would be possible to assess the overall biodiversity of riparian habitats using plant data only. In this frame, we explored the relationship between (a) species richness and (b) community composition of plants and lichens in a wetland area located in central Italy to (i) assess whether vascular plants are good surrogates of lichens and (ii) to test the congruence of patterns of species richness and composition among plants and lichens along an ecological gradient. The general performance of plant species richness per se, as a biodiversity surrogate of lichens, had poor results. Nonetheless, the congruence in compositional patterns between lichens and vascular plants varied across habitats and was influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation. In general, we discussed how the strength of the studied relationships could be influenced by characteristics of the data (presence/absence vs. abundance), by the spatial scale, and by the features of the habitats. Overall, our data confirm that the more diverse and structurally complex the vegetation is, the more diverse are the lichen communities it hosts.
Nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca MAC-GEO, finanziato dalla Regione Toscana, rivolto alla d... more Nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca MAC-GEO, finanziato dalla Regione Toscana, rivolto alla definizione di un sistema decisionale integrato, da utilizzarsi nelle procedure di controllo di concessioni per lo sfruttamento di sistemi geotermici ad alta entalpia, gli autori hanno personalizzato e utilizzato il simulatore numerico open source TOUGH2, specificatamente nella versione implementata nel codice dedicato alla calibrazione di modelli iTOUGH2. TOUGH2, sviluppato a partire dagli anni ottanta, \ue8 il simulatore per bacini geotermici, ma non solo, di gran lunga pi\uf9 diffuso a scala internazionale; \ue8 molto robusto e, grazie alla sua struttura modulare, \ue8 molto flessibile. Permette di studiare flussi di fluidi non isotermi, multicomponente e multifase in mezzi porosi continui o fratturati con domini 1D, 2D e 3D e, grazie al metodo di discretizzazione alle Differenze Finite Integrali (IFDM), pu\uf2 anche gestire griglie raffittite con blocchi a geometria irregolare. \uc8 scritto in linguaggio Fortran e pertanto pu\uf2 essere facilmente utilizzato sotto diversi sistemi operativi. Nel presente lavoro si far\ue0 implicitamente riferimento alla versione realizzata in ambiente Linux. La discretizzazione del serbatoio geotermico con un elevato numero di blocchi migliora notevolmente l'accuratezza del risultato di una simulazione, ma pu\uf2 rappresentare un limite nei processi di history matching e nelle analisi di sensibilit\ue0, a causa dell'elevata quantit\ue0 di dati da gestire. Con script bash realizzati ad hoc, da lanciare in ambiente GRASS GIS ed utilizzando il modulo \u201cv.trimesh\u201d, \ue8 possibile generare griglie vettoriali irregolari 3D che rispettano le condizioni geometriche imposte dal metodo IFDM proprio di TOUGH2 e popolare automaticamente un modello numerico con parametri appropriati. Facendo ricorso a mappe raster di elevazione, rappresentative del modello geologico concettuale, si associa automaticamente ad ogni blocco della griglia il materiale che si considera pi\uf9 rappresentativo della realt\ue0. L'insieme di dati strutturati cos\uec ottenuto \ue8 quindi elaborato con una versione modificata ad hoc di AMESH (un codice FOS distribuito dal Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) per ottenere il file di input geometrico di TOUGH2. Infine, un software di visualizzazione (scritto in Java), ulteriore prodotto del gruppo di ricercatori, permette di analizzare i risultati della simulazione pi\uf9 speditamente. L'applicazione di tali strumenti sui grandi bacini geotermici ad alta entalpia della Toscana, ha dimostrato come essi consentano di ridurre sensibilmente i tempi di pre / post \u2013 processing nella simulazione full field, specificatamente nelle simulazioni, sia dirette che inverse, di sistemi che necessitino di raffittimenti irregolari
Chemosphere, 2000
The contribution of thermal springs and fumaroles to environmental levels of Al, As, B, Cd, Cu, F... more The contribution of thermal springs and fumaroles to environmental levels of Al, As, B, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mo, Pb, S, Sb and Zn was evaluated by means of lichens (Parmelia sulcata) and mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme) used as bioaccumulators. Compared to the data reported for unpolluted areas, accumulation of Hg, S and Al was found, with values of Hg and S in the same range as in the vicinity of geothermal power plants. Furthermore, fumaroles turned out to be a signi®cant source of atmospheric arsenic.
Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici (ANMS), 2019
Senese (SIMUS) tutela e valorizza il patrimonio scientifico che deriva dalla storia secolare dell... more Senese (SIMUS) tutela e valorizza il patrimonio scientifico che deriva dalla storia secolare dell' Ateneo. Il Museo Botanico (Orto Botanico ed Erbario) è attivo sul territorio regionale con uno sguardo particolare verso il pubblico scolastico, attraverso vari progetti (divulgazione, educazione, orientamento, alternanza scuola-lavoro) che producono reti e legami fra istituzioni diverse: università, associazioni, comuni e privati, con lo scopo di sviluppare nei giovani una maggiore conoscenza delle scienze e del metodo scientifico. Parole chiave: botanica, orto botanico, scuola, metodo scientifico.
Forest ecosystem monitoring in Tuscany (Italy): past activities, present status
Contribution to the Bryological Flora of Aspromonte (Calabria) – The Authors present a study of t... more Contribution to the Bryological Flora of Aspromonte (Calabria) – The Authors present a study of the bryological flora of some localities of Aspromonte (Calabria). A list of 128 taxa is given: 32 liverworts and 96 mosses; 20 species (5 liverworts and 15 mosses) are new findings for the Calabria region.
forestale e incendi in aree forestali del Monte Pisano: il caso di studio della Valle di Crespign... more forestale e incendi in aree forestali del Monte Pisano: il caso di studio della Valle di Crespignano (PI)-Toscana nord-occidentale. Forest landscape and fires in forested areas of Monte Pisano: the case study of Crespignano Valley
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2021
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2021
IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation ... more IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation Working Group of the Italian Botanical Society. IDPlanT currently includes 185 plant translocations. The establishment of a national database on plant translocation is a key step forward in data sharing and techniques improvement in this field of plant conservation. Supplemental data for this article is available online at .
Descrizione dell'erbario dei Cappuccini di s. Quirico, donato all'Università di Siena nel... more Descrizione dell'erbario dei Cappuccini di s. Quirico, donato all'Università di Siena nel 1987. Composto da più di cento esemplari di piante è qui catalogato e trattato da varie prospettive
Identifying areas susceptible to invasion by an alien species is a strategy of prevention. We use... more Identifying areas susceptible to invasion by an alien species is a strategy of prevention. We used national herbaria and global databases to assess the invasion trends of the two aquatic invasive species Ludwigia hexapetala and Ludwigia peploidessubsp. montevidensis in Italy. We defined the invasion status with invasions curves and predicted potentially suitable areas with Species Distribution Models based on WorldClim variables and the human footprint index. Low seasonal variation in temperature and precipitation, temperature ≥ 20 °C in the warmest, driest and wettest periods of the year and precipitation in the coldest period are the bioclimatic factors that most account for the potential distribution of the two species. The human footprint has lower relative importance than bioclimatic variables. All Italian peninsula appears as a suitable bioclimatic environment for the invasion of the two Ludwigia species, except the Alps and the highest peaks in the Apennine. Based on the curr...
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology
Biological Invasions
We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nutt... more We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii) in Italy, through an accurate census of all available herbarium and field records, dating between 1850 and 2019, and a rich literature collection describing the initial introduction and naturalisation phase that supports the results obtained by the occurrence records. Elodea canadensis arrived in Italy before 1866 and had two invasion phases, between the 1890s and 1920s and between the 1990s and 2000s; E. nuttallii, probably arrived in the 1970s, started invading in 2000 and the invasion is still ongoing. Botanical gardens and fish farming played a crucial role in dispersal and naturalisation of both species. The current invasion range of both species is centred in northern Italy, with scattered occurrences of E. canadensis in central and southern regions. River Po represents a dispersal barrier to the Mediterranean region and a strategic monitoring site to prevent the invasion in...
Contributo alla conoscenza delle briofite della Riserva Naturale biogenetica di Tocchi (Siena) To... more Contributo alla conoscenza delle briofite della Riserva Naturale biogenetica di Tocchi (Siena) Toscana Italia
A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plan... more A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist
Folia Geobotanica, 2016
Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into... more Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into the processes structuring the spatial distribution of taxonomic groups and is useful for conservation purposes, only a few studies on cross-taxon congruence focused on freshwater ecosystems and on the relations among vascular plants and lichens. We hypothesized here that, since vascular plants could be good surrogates of lichens in these ecosystems, it would be possible to assess the overall biodiversity of riparian habitats using plant data only. In this frame, we explored the relationship between (a) species richness and (b) community composition of plants and lichens in a wetland area located in central Italy to (i) assess whether vascular plants are good surrogates of lichens and (ii) to test the congruence of patterns of species richness and composition among plants and lichens along an ecological gradient. The general performance of plant species richness per se, as a biodiversity surrogate of lichens, had poor results. Nonetheless, the congruence in compositional patterns between lichens and vascular plants varied across habitats and was influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation. In general, we discussed how the strength of the studied relationships could be influenced by characteristics of the data (presence/absence vs. abundance), by the spatial scale, and by the features of the habitats. Overall, our data confirm that the more diverse and structurally complex the vegetation is, the more diverse are the lichen communities it hosts.
Nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca MAC-GEO, finanziato dalla Regione Toscana, rivolto alla d... more Nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca MAC-GEO, finanziato dalla Regione Toscana, rivolto alla definizione di un sistema decisionale integrato, da utilizzarsi nelle procedure di controllo di concessioni per lo sfruttamento di sistemi geotermici ad alta entalpia, gli autori hanno personalizzato e utilizzato il simulatore numerico open source TOUGH2, specificatamente nella versione implementata nel codice dedicato alla calibrazione di modelli iTOUGH2. TOUGH2, sviluppato a partire dagli anni ottanta, \ue8 il simulatore per bacini geotermici, ma non solo, di gran lunga pi\uf9 diffuso a scala internazionale; \ue8 molto robusto e, grazie alla sua struttura modulare, \ue8 molto flessibile. Permette di studiare flussi di fluidi non isotermi, multicomponente e multifase in mezzi porosi continui o fratturati con domini 1D, 2D e 3D e, grazie al metodo di discretizzazione alle Differenze Finite Integrali (IFDM), pu\uf2 anche gestire griglie raffittite con blocchi a geometria irregolare. \uc8 scritto in linguaggio Fortran e pertanto pu\uf2 essere facilmente utilizzato sotto diversi sistemi operativi. Nel presente lavoro si far\ue0 implicitamente riferimento alla versione realizzata in ambiente Linux. La discretizzazione del serbatoio geotermico con un elevato numero di blocchi migliora notevolmente l'accuratezza del risultato di una simulazione, ma pu\uf2 rappresentare un limite nei processi di history matching e nelle analisi di sensibilit\ue0, a causa dell'elevata quantit\ue0 di dati da gestire. Con script bash realizzati ad hoc, da lanciare in ambiente GRASS GIS ed utilizzando il modulo \u201cv.trimesh\u201d, \ue8 possibile generare griglie vettoriali irregolari 3D che rispettano le condizioni geometriche imposte dal metodo IFDM proprio di TOUGH2 e popolare automaticamente un modello numerico con parametri appropriati. Facendo ricorso a mappe raster di elevazione, rappresentative del modello geologico concettuale, si associa automaticamente ad ogni blocco della griglia il materiale che si considera pi\uf9 rappresentativo della realt\ue0. L'insieme di dati strutturati cos\uec ottenuto \ue8 quindi elaborato con una versione modificata ad hoc di AMESH (un codice FOS distribuito dal Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) per ottenere il file di input geometrico di TOUGH2. Infine, un software di visualizzazione (scritto in Java), ulteriore prodotto del gruppo di ricercatori, permette di analizzare i risultati della simulazione pi\uf9 speditamente. L'applicazione di tali strumenti sui grandi bacini geotermici ad alta entalpia della Toscana, ha dimostrato come essi consentano di ridurre sensibilmente i tempi di pre / post \u2013 processing nella simulazione full field, specificatamente nelle simulazioni, sia dirette che inverse, di sistemi che necessitino di raffittimenti irregolari
Chemosphere, 2000
The contribution of thermal springs and fumaroles to environmental levels of Al, As, B, Cd, Cu, F... more The contribution of thermal springs and fumaroles to environmental levels of Al, As, B, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mo, Pb, S, Sb and Zn was evaluated by means of lichens (Parmelia sulcata) and mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme) used as bioaccumulators. Compared to the data reported for unpolluted areas, accumulation of Hg, S and Al was found, with values of Hg and S in the same range as in the vicinity of geothermal power plants. Furthermore, fumaroles turned out to be a signi®cant source of atmospheric arsenic.
Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici (ANMS), 2019
Senese (SIMUS) tutela e valorizza il patrimonio scientifico che deriva dalla storia secolare dell... more Senese (SIMUS) tutela e valorizza il patrimonio scientifico che deriva dalla storia secolare dell' Ateneo. Il Museo Botanico (Orto Botanico ed Erbario) è attivo sul territorio regionale con uno sguardo particolare verso il pubblico scolastico, attraverso vari progetti (divulgazione, educazione, orientamento, alternanza scuola-lavoro) che producono reti e legami fra istituzioni diverse: università, associazioni, comuni e privati, con lo scopo di sviluppare nei giovani una maggiore conoscenza delle scienze e del metodo scientifico. Parole chiave: botanica, orto botanico, scuola, metodo scientifico.
Forest ecosystem monitoring in Tuscany (Italy): past activities, present status
Contribution to the Bryological Flora of Aspromonte (Calabria) – The Authors present a study of t... more Contribution to the Bryological Flora of Aspromonte (Calabria) – The Authors present a study of the bryological flora of some localities of Aspromonte (Calabria). A list of 128 taxa is given: 32 liverworts and 96 mosses; 20 species (5 liverworts and 15 mosses) are new findings for the Calabria region.
forestale e incendi in aree forestali del Monte Pisano: il caso di studio della Valle di Crespign... more forestale e incendi in aree forestali del Monte Pisano: il caso di studio della Valle di Crespignano (PI)-Toscana nord-occidentale. Forest landscape and fires in forested areas of Monte Pisano: the case study of Crespignano Valley
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2021
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2021
IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation ... more IDPlanT is the Italian Database of Plant Translocation, an initiative of the Nature Conservation Working Group of the Italian Botanical Society. IDPlanT currently includes 185 plant translocations. The establishment of a national database on plant translocation is a key step forward in data sharing and techniques improvement in this field of plant conservation. Supplemental data for this article is available online at .