

Research paper thumbnail of Advanced optimization models for the location of charging stations in e-mobility

arXiv (Cornell University), Sep 29, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Lecturers’ Perspective on Application Features to Support Students’ Final Project

Journal of Software, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Fitur Image Cropping Berbasis Web

Sebuah situs web merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh... more Sebuah situs web merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh organisasi dalam menyebarkan informasi. Salah satu kebutuhan utama dalam mengelola sebuah situs web adalah untuk menambah dan memperbaharui artikel dalam situs web, baik berupa tulisan maupun berupa gambar atau foto yang menyertainya. Dalam menambahkan sebuah foto dalam artikel web, seringkali ditemui permasalahan bahwa foto yang akan diupload harus terlebih dahulu diedit dengan menggunakan aplikasi editor gambar, setidaknya melakukan proses cropping untuk memperbaiki komposisi gambar. Terkait dengan hal ini dibutuhkan pengembangan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk memotong area gambar (crop) seperti layaknya fitur standar yang ditemui pada aplikasi editor populer di pasaran. Fitur ini dikembangkan dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat dimanfaatkan langsung pada halaman editor artikel, sehingga memudahkan administrator tanpa perlu membuka aplikasi lain yang juga belu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture for multi-enterprise E-business

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Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile IniAtauItu sebagai Media Tanya Jawab Berbasis Komunitas

Dalam menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dan aktivitas sehari-hari, umumnya seseorang dapat men... more Dalam menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dan aktivitas sehari-hari, umumnya seseorang dapat mengalami kesulitan dikarenakan oleh rasa bimbang, misalnya dari dua buah pilihan baju yang ada, manakah yang lebih bagus dipakai. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan demikian bersifat subjektif, dimana informasi dapat diperoleh dengan lebih maksimal apabila menggunakan social search (misalnya dengan media sosial) ketimbang search engine yang menyediakan data dan fakta. Akan tetapi, pada media sosial terdapat beberapa keterbatasan pula dan tidak fokus pada topik lifestyle. Tugas akhir ini berupaya untuk memberikan solusi berupa aplikasi mobile IniAtauItu untuk membantu pengguna menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dengan menerima feedback dari orang lain berupa preferensi atau komentar. Aplikasi dibuat menggunakan arsitektur klien-server, dimana aplikasi berbasis Android bertindak sebagai klien, dan Firebase digunakan untuk mendukung sisi server. Hasil akhir menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi IniAtauItu dapat d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Query Expansion using Collaborative Filtering Algorithm

Information Retrieval, the techniques of recovering relevant information from a data set, suffers... more Information Retrieval, the techniques of recovering relevant information from a data set, suffers from the term mismatch problem: the indexers and the users do often not use the same vocabulary. Query Expansion is a technique used to solve the term mismatch problem by adding terms from previously identified pieces of information to the original query. In existing IR systems based on the Vector Space Model, the terms in the expanded query are often weighted with Rocchio’s algorithm for relevance feedback. Instead of Rocchio’s method, I propose a novel query expansion method based on predictive algorithms used for Collaborative Filtering. The proposed method uses the query-document similarity to predict the weights of the terms that do not occur in the original query. It can calculate weights for terms that do not occur in the relevant document set which can be useful in interactive systems. The original Collaborative Filtering algorithm was extended so that it could handle negative feedback (in addition to positive feedback). Experiments show that the method is efficient for positive feedback, especially at low recall and for blind feedback when there are many non-relevant documents in the set used for positive feedback. However, the current implementation of the method is not efficient for negative feedback. Gustaf Brandberg, Uppsala University/KDD R&D Laboratories: Query Expansion using Collaborative Filtering Algorithm 2 Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible had not Mr. Kazuo Hashimoto, head of the Internet Applications Group and Vice President of KDD R&D Laboratories, generously invited me to his department for a six month internship. All the staff of the Internet Applications Group helped me in small and big matters. I especially would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Keiichiro Hoashi for the inspiration, feedback and support he gave me throughout the project. With the help of Ms. Shiho Kaneko and Ms. Kiyoko Uehara, I learned to understand and speak enough Japanese to get by in everyday life. Mrs. Chizuko Mochizuki and Mrs. Sachiko Hirota of the Support Division cared for me solved any practical problem I had. The company’s soccer team helped me exercise my body and rest my brain. I am grateful to these people and other who helped me completing this report and made my internship at KDD R&D Laboratories truly memorable. Finally, I would like to thank the Sweden-Japan Foundation (SJF) for covering some of my expenses during my stay in Japan. KDD !"#$%&'()*+,-./(01&23(-.( 4(5 678 9:;<=> ?@ A B(C(D%E( FG > > HIJKL8 M G ? %&'()*+,-./(01&23(-NO <=> ?@ PQ RS T UV> > W XY <= ?@ Z[ \> ] ^ > > _`ab8 cbde8 \ fghYijk l > > mnopb8 qrsb8 <=> ?@ t u v: w*x(y(z <= ?@

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings. Shape Modeling International 2003

2003 Shape Modeling International., 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Up gradation of Network monitoring Software with Absolute Zero Downtime and no Performance Loss Using Double virtualization

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Telematic requirements for a mobile and wireless healthcare system derived from enterprise models

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2003. ConTEL 2003., 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linguistically Motivated Probabilistic Model of Information Retrieval

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Intermediate measurement node for extension of WSN coverage

Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Trust Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

Recent Trends in Network Security and Applications, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Managing Enhanced Network Services: A Pragmatic View

The convergence of public and private networks and the rise of the Internet as a global medium fo... more The convergence of public and private networks and the rise of the Internet as a global medium for information exchange and economics are prompting corporations to augment existing business computing models. New information technology initiatives for collaboration and business exchange are essential to gain competitive advantage. These initiatives are being realized through emerging applications (e.g., e-Commerce, groupware applications, multimedia) over converging private and public boundaries. Enterprise strategies are requiring timely evolution of network infrastructure and management to support delivery and management of enduser and network services. Within this context, quality of service, security, productivity, and infrastructure efficiency are critical to achieving bottom-line business results. In this paper, we take a closer look at policybased management as an enabling technology and paradigm shift for Intel's Information Technology organization. We explore the dimensi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mean shift segmentation on Enhanced Color image

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study and Analysis of Image Inpainting Techniques

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review on Matching For Sketch Technique

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Moving Toward Shibboleth Authentication: A Canadian Academic Library’s Perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Hybrid Multilevel Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Bluetooth Messenger: an Android Messenger app based on Bluetooth Connectivity

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Information visualization for mobile devices: A novel approach based on the MagicEyeView

2008 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Advanced optimization models for the location of charging stations in e-mobility

arXiv (Cornell University), Sep 29, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Lecturers’ Perspective on Application Features to Support Students’ Final Project

Journal of Software, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Fitur Image Cropping Berbasis Web

Sebuah situs web merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh... more Sebuah situs web merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh organisasi dalam menyebarkan informasi. Salah satu kebutuhan utama dalam mengelola sebuah situs web adalah untuk menambah dan memperbaharui artikel dalam situs web, baik berupa tulisan maupun berupa gambar atau foto yang menyertainya. Dalam menambahkan sebuah foto dalam artikel web, seringkali ditemui permasalahan bahwa foto yang akan diupload harus terlebih dahulu diedit dengan menggunakan aplikasi editor gambar, setidaknya melakukan proses cropping untuk memperbaiki komposisi gambar. Terkait dengan hal ini dibutuhkan pengembangan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk memotong area gambar (crop) seperti layaknya fitur standar yang ditemui pada aplikasi editor populer di pasaran. Fitur ini dikembangkan dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat dimanfaatkan langsung pada halaman editor artikel, sehingga memudahkan administrator tanpa perlu membuka aplikasi lain yang juga belu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture for multi-enterprise E-business

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Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile IniAtauItu sebagai Media Tanya Jawab Berbasis Komunitas

Dalam menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dan aktivitas sehari-hari, umumnya seseorang dapat men... more Dalam menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dan aktivitas sehari-hari, umumnya seseorang dapat mengalami kesulitan dikarenakan oleh rasa bimbang, misalnya dari dua buah pilihan baju yang ada, manakah yang lebih bagus dipakai. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan demikian bersifat subjektif, dimana informasi dapat diperoleh dengan lebih maksimal apabila menggunakan social search (misalnya dengan media sosial) ketimbang search engine yang menyediakan data dan fakta. Akan tetapi, pada media sosial terdapat beberapa keterbatasan pula dan tidak fokus pada topik lifestyle. Tugas akhir ini berupaya untuk memberikan solusi berupa aplikasi mobile IniAtauItu untuk membantu pengguna menentukan pilihan terkait lifestyle dengan menerima feedback dari orang lain berupa preferensi atau komentar. Aplikasi dibuat menggunakan arsitektur klien-server, dimana aplikasi berbasis Android bertindak sebagai klien, dan Firebase digunakan untuk mendukung sisi server. Hasil akhir menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi IniAtauItu dapat d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Query Expansion using Collaborative Filtering Algorithm

Information Retrieval, the techniques of recovering relevant information from a data set, suffers... more Information Retrieval, the techniques of recovering relevant information from a data set, suffers from the term mismatch problem: the indexers and the users do often not use the same vocabulary. Query Expansion is a technique used to solve the term mismatch problem by adding terms from previously identified pieces of information to the original query. In existing IR systems based on the Vector Space Model, the terms in the expanded query are often weighted with Rocchio’s algorithm for relevance feedback. Instead of Rocchio’s method, I propose a novel query expansion method based on predictive algorithms used for Collaborative Filtering. The proposed method uses the query-document similarity to predict the weights of the terms that do not occur in the original query. It can calculate weights for terms that do not occur in the relevant document set which can be useful in interactive systems. The original Collaborative Filtering algorithm was extended so that it could handle negative feedback (in addition to positive feedback). Experiments show that the method is efficient for positive feedback, especially at low recall and for blind feedback when there are many non-relevant documents in the set used for positive feedback. However, the current implementation of the method is not efficient for negative feedback. Gustaf Brandberg, Uppsala University/KDD R&D Laboratories: Query Expansion using Collaborative Filtering Algorithm 2 Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible had not Mr. Kazuo Hashimoto, head of the Internet Applications Group and Vice President of KDD R&D Laboratories, generously invited me to his department for a six month internship. All the staff of the Internet Applications Group helped me in small and big matters. I especially would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Keiichiro Hoashi for the inspiration, feedback and support he gave me throughout the project. With the help of Ms. Shiho Kaneko and Ms. Kiyoko Uehara, I learned to understand and speak enough Japanese to get by in everyday life. Mrs. Chizuko Mochizuki and Mrs. Sachiko Hirota of the Support Division cared for me solved any practical problem I had. The company’s soccer team helped me exercise my body and rest my brain. I am grateful to these people and other who helped me completing this report and made my internship at KDD R&D Laboratories truly memorable. Finally, I would like to thank the Sweden-Japan Foundation (SJF) for covering some of my expenses during my stay in Japan. KDD !"#$%&'()*+,-./(01&23(-.( 4(5 678 9:;<=> ?@ A B(C(D%E( FG > > HIJKL8 M G ? %&'()*+,-./(01&23(-NO <=> ?@ PQ RS T UV> > W XY <= ?@ Z[ \> ] ^ > > _`ab8 cbde8 \ fghYijk l > > mnopb8 qrsb8 <=> ?@ t u v: w*x(y(z <= ?@

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings. Shape Modeling International 2003

2003 Shape Modeling International., 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Up gradation of Network monitoring Software with Absolute Zero Downtime and no Performance Loss Using Double virtualization

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Telematic requirements for a mobile and wireless healthcare system derived from enterprise models

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2003. ConTEL 2003., 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A Linguistically Motivated Probabilistic Model of Information Retrieval

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Intermediate measurement node for extension of WSN coverage

Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Trust Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

Recent Trends in Network Security and Applications, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Managing Enhanced Network Services: A Pragmatic View

The convergence of public and private networks and the rise of the Internet as a global medium fo... more The convergence of public and private networks and the rise of the Internet as a global medium for information exchange and economics are prompting corporations to augment existing business computing models. New information technology initiatives for collaboration and business exchange are essential to gain competitive advantage. These initiatives are being realized through emerging applications (e.g., e-Commerce, groupware applications, multimedia) over converging private and public boundaries. Enterprise strategies are requiring timely evolution of network infrastructure and management to support delivery and management of enduser and network services. Within this context, quality of service, security, productivity, and infrastructure efficiency are critical to achieving bottom-line business results. In this paper, we take a closer look at policybased management as an enabling technology and paradigm shift for Intel's Information Technology organization. We explore the dimensi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mean shift segmentation on Enhanced Color image

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study and Analysis of Image Inpainting Techniques

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review on Matching For Sketch Technique

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Moving Toward Shibboleth Authentication: A Canadian Academic Library’s Perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Hybrid Multilevel Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Bluetooth Messenger: an Android Messenger app based on Bluetooth Connectivity

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Information visualization for mobile devices: A novel approach based on the MagicEyeView

2008 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2008

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