Ida Ningrumsari - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ida Ningrumsari
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 8, 2022
Black soybean soyghurt is a very beneficial health drink because it contains good nutrition and a... more Black soybean soyghurt is a very beneficial health drink because it contains good nutrition and as an antibacterial. This study used a factorial 3 x 3 x 3 Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The collected data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If there is a significant difference with the control then it is continued with Duncan's multiple distance test. The results obtained are the best fat content of 1.978%, ash content of 0.241 and pH 4.055. All research results were in accordance with the 1992 Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Meanwhile, the inhibition zone of Lactobacillus acidophilus against Escherichia coli was 15.7 mm.
Black soybeans have been underutilized because of their black color. The purpose of this research... more Black soybeans have been underutilized because of their black color. The purpose of this research is to make black soybean soyghurt containing antioxidants with a research design using a factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Existing data were collected and then processed by analysis of variance (Anava). If there is a significant difference with the control, then it is continued with Duncan's multiple distance test. The results showed that there was an effect between the inoculum dose and fermentation time on an increase in protein by 175%, a decrease in water content by 11.15% and an increase in antioxidants by 55% and a decrease in pH by 41%. The level of preference for black soybean soyghurt is on average to like it very much on taste, while in terms of texture, color, aroma and thickness, it is like to like it a bit.
FoodTech: Jurnal Teknologi Pangan
Tempe is a traditional food made from fermented soybean seeds. The purpose of this study was to d... more Tempe is a traditional food made from fermented soybean seeds. The purpose of this study was to determine the fungus contained in tempeh by isolating and identifying the fungus and analyze the nutrients contained in it. Tempe samples were taken from traditional markets from 3 places. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory, sample analyzes were performed in duplicate. Based on the results of the study found that the fungus contained in tempe are 4 isolates of Aspergillus sp and 1 isolate of Rhizopus sp. Analysis of tempe nutrition that fulfills SNI 3144: 2009 requirements, namely tempe A, protein content 16,11%, fat 9,92% and water 33,459%, while fiber content 5,18% and ash 2,97% do not fulfill SNI 3144: 2009 requirements . Tempe B fulfills the requirements of SNI 344: 2009 for protein content 16,101%, fat 84%, water 37,75%, while ash content 3,12% and fiber 5,36% do not meet SNI 3144: 2009 requirements. Tempe C fulfills SNI 3144: 2009 requirements, namely Protein 16%, Fat 9.84% and...
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
Pullorum atau berak kapur adalah salah satu jenis penyakit yang menyerang anak ayam mulai umur ( ... more Pullorum atau berak kapur adalah salah satu jenis penyakit yang menyerang anak ayam mulai umur ( 0 – 10 ) hari. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh Salmonella pullorum . Untuk mengobati penyakit ini peternak sering menggunakan zat-zat kimia berbahaya seperti tetra chlor dan lain-lain. L acidophilus adalah salah satu bakteri asam laktat menghasilkan asam organik dan bakteriosin. Tujuan penelitian yaitu membuat pakan ayam broiler mengandung L.acidophilus yang berguna untuk menghambat S pullorum . Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu jenis pakan (R) terdiri dari R0, R1, R2, R3 dan R4. Faktor ke 2 metode pemberian pakan yaitu preventif dan simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis pakan yang dapat menghambat S pullorum secara preventif adalah R3 dan simultan R3, LD 50 S pullorum pada ayam broiler yaitu 10 7 , Zona hambat L acidophilus terhadap S pullorum secara in vitro yaitu 10 7 , Viabilitas L acidophi...
The study aimed to evaluate the administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed to improve the ... more The study aimed to evaluate the administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed to improve the quality of broiler chicken meat (Protein, Cholesterol) which was maintained for 35 days. The material used is 100 chickens that are 1 day old (DOC). The experiment used a laboratory experimental method with a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design with a treatment level consisting of feed type Ro = standard feed, R1 = R0 + Fermented corn husk 10%, R2 = R0 + Fermentation of 20% corn husk, R3 = R1 + L acidophilus 2% and R4 = R2 + L acidophilus 2%. Each treatment was repeated 4 times and each replication contained 5 chickens. The results of analysis of variance showed that administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed significantly affected the increase in protein (R1) and decreased cholesterol (R3) with an alpha level of 5%. The average protein content R1 = 21.8000 was not significantly different from R4 = 21.5500, while R2 = 21.0500 was significantly different from R3 = 20.6500...
A research to find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour on the characteristic of ... more A research to find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour on the characteristic of bread had been carried out. The research aimed to find out the right ratio between tempeh flour and wheat flour so that could produce sweet bread with acceptable characteristics. The experiment method was applied by using Randomized Block Design, and consisted of 4 treatments those were A: Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (0 : 100), B : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (10 : 90), C : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (15 : 85), and D : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (20 : 80). To find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour in bread making, some characteristics were observed such as swelling power and organoleptic test which were color, texture and flavor. Result of the study showed that the addition of tempeh flour effected on the characteristics of sweet bread. The ratio of 10: 90 produced the best characteristic of bread based on organoleptic test.
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM
Penyakit pullorum dikenal dengan nama berak kapur atau berak putih (Bacilary white Diarrchae)yang... more Penyakit pullorum dikenal dengan nama berak kapur atau berak putih (Bacilary white Diarrchae)yang banyak menimbulkan kerugian bagi peternak, oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian dengantujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan (viabilitas) L acidophilus dalam pakan ayam broiler untukmenghambat penyakit pullorum. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan eksperimentallaboratorium, persamaan kuadratik dan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 1 faktorial dengan polaperlakuan konsentrasi L acidophilus dari 106-109 . Pertumbuhan terbaik dari L acidophilus yaituyang berumur 12 jam digunakan untuk menghambat Salmonella pullorum,sedangkanpertumbuhan S pullorum yang dapat menginfeksi ayam yaitu pada umur 15 jam.KonsentrasiL acidophilus yang dapat menghambat S pullorum secara in vitro yaitu 107, LD50 Salmonellapullorum in vivo ayam broiler pada 108. Viabilitas (ketahanan) L acidophilus dalam pakan bisabertahan hidup di atas 35 hari.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 8, 2022
Black soybean soyghurt is a very beneficial health drink because it contains good nutrition and a... more Black soybean soyghurt is a very beneficial health drink because it contains good nutrition and as an antibacterial. This study used a factorial 3 x 3 x 3 Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The collected data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If there is a significant difference with the control then it is continued with Duncan's multiple distance test. The results obtained are the best fat content of 1.978%, ash content of 0.241 and pH 4.055. All research results were in accordance with the 1992 Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Meanwhile, the inhibition zone of Lactobacillus acidophilus against Escherichia coli was 15.7 mm.
Black soybeans have been underutilized because of their black color. The purpose of this research... more Black soybeans have been underutilized because of their black color. The purpose of this research is to make black soybean soyghurt containing antioxidants with a research design using a factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Existing data were collected and then processed by analysis of variance (Anava). If there is a significant difference with the control, then it is continued with Duncan's multiple distance test. The results showed that there was an effect between the inoculum dose and fermentation time on an increase in protein by 175%, a decrease in water content by 11.15% and an increase in antioxidants by 55% and a decrease in pH by 41%. The level of preference for black soybean soyghurt is on average to like it very much on taste, while in terms of texture, color, aroma and thickness, it is like to like it a bit.
FoodTech: Jurnal Teknologi Pangan
Tempe is a traditional food made from fermented soybean seeds. The purpose of this study was to d... more Tempe is a traditional food made from fermented soybean seeds. The purpose of this study was to determine the fungus contained in tempeh by isolating and identifying the fungus and analyze the nutrients contained in it. Tempe samples were taken from traditional markets from 3 places. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory, sample analyzes were performed in duplicate. Based on the results of the study found that the fungus contained in tempe are 4 isolates of Aspergillus sp and 1 isolate of Rhizopus sp. Analysis of tempe nutrition that fulfills SNI 3144: 2009 requirements, namely tempe A, protein content 16,11%, fat 9,92% and water 33,459%, while fiber content 5,18% and ash 2,97% do not fulfill SNI 3144: 2009 requirements . Tempe B fulfills the requirements of SNI 344: 2009 for protein content 16,101%, fat 84%, water 37,75%, while ash content 3,12% and fiber 5,36% do not meet SNI 3144: 2009 requirements. Tempe C fulfills SNI 3144: 2009 requirements, namely Protein 16%, Fat 9.84% and...
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white... more The pullorum disease is known by the name of defecating chalk or white defecation (Bacilary white Diarrchae) which causes a lot of losses for breeders, therefore conducted research with the aim to know the resilience (viability) L acidophilus in broiler chicken feed with the aim to inhibit pullorum disease. The research design uses laboratory experimental, quadratic equations and Completely Randomized Design (RAL) 1 factorial with L acidophilus concentration of 10 6 -10 9 . Pre-study observed the best growth curve of L acidophilus , the results showed that at 12 hours, the results of this study were used to inhibit Salmonella pullorum , while the best growth curve of S pullorum that can infect the chickens is at the age of 15 hours. For L acidophilus concentrations which can inhibit S pullorum done in vitro ie at concentration 10 7 , LD 50 Salmonella pullorum in vivo broiler on 10 8 . Viability of L acidophilus in feed can survive above 35 days.
Pullorum atau berak kapur adalah salah satu jenis penyakit yang menyerang anak ayam mulai umur ( ... more Pullorum atau berak kapur adalah salah satu jenis penyakit yang menyerang anak ayam mulai umur ( 0 – 10 ) hari. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh Salmonella pullorum . Untuk mengobati penyakit ini peternak sering menggunakan zat-zat kimia berbahaya seperti tetra chlor dan lain-lain. L acidophilus adalah salah satu bakteri asam laktat menghasilkan asam organik dan bakteriosin. Tujuan penelitian yaitu membuat pakan ayam broiler mengandung L.acidophilus yang berguna untuk menghambat S pullorum . Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu jenis pakan (R) terdiri dari R0, R1, R2, R3 dan R4. Faktor ke 2 metode pemberian pakan yaitu preventif dan simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis pakan yang dapat menghambat S pullorum secara preventif adalah R3 dan simultan R3, LD 50 S pullorum pada ayam broiler yaitu 10 7 , Zona hambat L acidophilus terhadap S pullorum secara in vitro yaitu 10 7 , Viabilitas L acidophi...
The study aimed to evaluate the administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed to improve the ... more The study aimed to evaluate the administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed to improve the quality of broiler chicken meat (Protein, Cholesterol) which was maintained for 35 days. The material used is 100 chickens that are 1 day old (DOC). The experiment used a laboratory experimental method with a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design with a treatment level consisting of feed type Ro = standard feed, R1 = R0 + Fermented corn husk 10%, R2 = R0 + Fermentation of 20% corn husk, R3 = R1 + L acidophilus 2% and R4 = R2 + L acidophilus 2%. Each treatment was repeated 4 times and each replication contained 5 chickens. The results of analysis of variance showed that administration of L acidophilus in fermented feed significantly affected the increase in protein (R1) and decreased cholesterol (R3) with an alpha level of 5%. The average protein content R1 = 21.8000 was not significantly different from R4 = 21.5500, while R2 = 21.0500 was significantly different from R3 = 20.6500...
A research to find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour on the characteristic of ... more A research to find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour on the characteristic of bread had been carried out. The research aimed to find out the right ratio between tempeh flour and wheat flour so that could produce sweet bread with acceptable characteristics. The experiment method was applied by using Randomized Block Design, and consisted of 4 treatments those were A: Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (0 : 100), B : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (10 : 90), C : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (15 : 85), and D : Ratio tempeh flour and wheat flour (20 : 80). To find out the ratio effect of tempeh flour and wheat flour in bread making, some characteristics were observed such as swelling power and organoleptic test which were color, texture and flavor. Result of the study showed that the addition of tempeh flour effected on the characteristics of sweet bread. The ratio of 10: 90 produced the best characteristic of bread based on organoleptic test.
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM
Penyakit pullorum dikenal dengan nama berak kapur atau berak putih (Bacilary white Diarrchae)yang... more Penyakit pullorum dikenal dengan nama berak kapur atau berak putih (Bacilary white Diarrchae)yang banyak menimbulkan kerugian bagi peternak, oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian dengantujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan (viabilitas) L acidophilus dalam pakan ayam broiler untukmenghambat penyakit pullorum. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan eksperimentallaboratorium, persamaan kuadratik dan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 1 faktorial dengan polaperlakuan konsentrasi L acidophilus dari 106-109 . Pertumbuhan terbaik dari L acidophilus yaituyang berumur 12 jam digunakan untuk menghambat Salmonella pullorum,sedangkanpertumbuhan S pullorum yang dapat menginfeksi ayam yaitu pada umur 15 jam.KonsentrasiL acidophilus yang dapat menghambat S pullorum secara in vitro yaitu 107, LD50 Salmonellapullorum in vivo ayam broiler pada 108. Viabilitas (ketahanan) L acidophilus dalam pakan bisabertahan hidup di atas 35 hari.