IWAN SATRIAWAN - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat
Masalah pandemi Covid-19 telah memperburuk kemampuan keluarga untuk bertahan menyelamatkan keutuh... more Masalah pandemi Covid-19 telah memperburuk kemampuan keluarga untuk bertahan menyelamatkan keutuhan keluarga. Hal ini ditandai dengan terus meningkatnya angka perceraian. Di Sleman misalnya, tercatat ada 1.106 pasangan bercerai hingga Juli 2020 lalu. Setidaknya ada empat pilar ketahanan keluarga yang terdampak kelangsungan sebuah keluarga yang berujung meningkatnya angka perceraian di masa pandemi Covid-19 antara lain ketahanan fisik, ekonomi, sosial psikologi dan sosial budaya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan empat pilar keluarga tangguh melalui pendampingan gerakan ECCOHEALTH (Economis, Communication, and Healthy). Kajian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan mengajukan daftar pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner kepada warga di Umbulharjo dan Ambarketawang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu FGD (Focus Group Discussion), wawancara, penyuluhan, dan pelatihan. Evaluasi diberikan dengan memberikan sejumlah pertanyaan-pernyataan untuk masing-masing mat...
Jurnal Konstitusi
The single candidate became a political phenomenon in Indonesia. However, the phenomenon rarely h... more The single candidate became a political phenomenon in Indonesia. However, the phenomenon rarely happens, consistently increasing the number of single candidates in the local election. This research aims to analyze whether this political phenomenon alerts democracy decadency or a typical circumstance in a democratic state. The method used in this research is doctrinal legal research. The result shows several reasons the single candidate consistently increases from event-to-event sort of an epidemic virus that could spread across the province. Some factors supporting the rise of the single-candidate phenomenon, for instance, the local parliamentary threshold of proposing the candidate, public distrust to the political parties, disfunction of a political party to giving a political education for its members and constituents, and the political parties tend to avoid the political risks of losing (incumbent). Finally, this single candidate phenomenon is a bad alert for democracy developme...
International Joint Seminar Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta & International Islamic University Malaysia, Dec 10, 2009
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation, 2020
FH UMY, Aug 19, 2016
The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is a must for a democratic and rule of law st... more The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is a must for a democratic and rule of law state, inlcuding Indonesia. The violation of constitutional rights in Indonesia still exists and massive in exercising government authories. This kind of violation is committed by government againsts the 1945 Constitution. While, Indonesia as a state, has an obligation to guarantee and protect its citizens as the conception of a democratic and rule of law state. The research aims to discuss the urgency of the constitutional complaint in the Constitutional Court in order to protect the constitutional rights of citizens in Indonesia. The research is a doctrinal research which used statute and case law approach. The result of research shows that constitutional complaint mechanism is necessarily needed and urgent to be implemented as an effort to protect constitutional rights of citizens as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is an important pillar of modern democratic state. Therefore, the constitution has also provide mechanism in relation to the complaints of citizens. In implementing constitutional complaint mechanism, it can be achieved through 5 th amendment of the 1945 Constitution, exactly in Article 24C on the Constitutional Court authorities, by adding the number of justices in the Constitutional Court with twin-court system inside, and it can be also through revision of the Constitutional Court Act by adding some provisions on constitutional complaint imperatively.
The establishment of Constitutional Court in 2003 has given a new impetus to democracy in the con... more The establishment of Constitutional Court in 2003 has given a new impetus to democracy in the constitutional system of Indonesia. After more than a decade of its existence there is a need to ascertain the role of the Court in the process of consolidating democracy and determine, if any, of its impact to the country and effect on democracy. The primary question is whether the Constitutional Court has managed to achieve expectation of the people and fulfil its democratic role in upholding the constitutional principles and institutionalizing democratic values in Indonesia? In trying to answer the question this article initially discusses the theoretical aspect and political background of the emergence and development of constitutional court globally, together with discussion on the meaning, significance and relevance of democracy, democratic consolidation, judicial review and election. The ensuing discussion is constitutional and political setting and backdrop relating to the emergence and establishment of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia. The article then proceeds to examine whether the Constitutional Court, through it powers and decisions relating to election matters, have influenced the agenda of strengthening democratic consolidation in the country. This study concludes that the emergence of the Constitutional Court as an organ for constitutional adjudication mechanism is the result of development of modern idea of democratic government which is based on the rule of law, doctrine of separation of powers, and the protection of fundamental rights of citizens. The findings in this article pointed to the conclusion that the Constitutional Court, through its powers and decisions, improves the quality of legislation and elections. The improvements have positive consequences to democracy because it strengthen democratic values, protects fundamental rights of citizen, and conducts checks and balances mechanism among state institutions
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation, 2020
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Tulisan ini mengkaji pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan risiko bencana dan... more Tulisan ini mengkaji pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan risiko bencana dan mengevaluasi tingkat pemahaman warga negara terhadap hak-hak konstitusionalnya dalam kondisi bencana dengan mengambil sampel kawasan rawan bencana Gunung Merapi, Yogyakarta. Kajian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan mengajukan daftar pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner kepada responden. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan rentan bencana sudah diatur dalam UUD 1945 dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada di mana pemerintah pusat maupun daerah memiliki kewajiban untuk memenuhi hak-hak dasar warga negara dalam upaya penanggulangan pasca bencana. Namun demikian, karena ketidakpahaman warga negara yang terdampak bencana terkait hak-hak konstitusionalnya, tidak jarang pemerintah pusat maupun daerah baik dengan sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja lalai dalam memenuhi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara...
Indonesia Private Law Review, 2021
The location for the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) construction involved in land di... more The location for the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) construction involved in land disputes during the land acquisition process. The land acquisition will always lead to disputes or conflicts with the affected people. It is even more complicated if, in the development process, the ruling elite intervenes, external forces outside the local community that are not directly related to the development. This article deals with the question of the government's public perceptions of the legal polemic of land dispute settlement based on Law No.2 of 2012, and concentrates to examine a new model of land dispute resolution from the perspective of affected communities against NYIA. This research is normative-empirical based on primary and secondary data, namely a literature study, field study, using purposive sampling with interviews, FGD, observation, and qualitative descriptive analysis. The result showed the failure of formal litigation and non-litigation approaches offered by...
The research aims at evaluating the role of the Constitutional Court in consolidating democracy i... more The research aims at evaluating the role of the Constitutional Court in consolidating democracy in Indonesia from 2003 to 2013. Examinations are made on the court’s decisions regarding judicial review of acts, disputes concerning jurisdiction among state organs and disputes on the results of elections. The research is a doctrinal legal research and applied law research. The research also involves a historical, statute, and comparative law approach. The result of the research shows that the Constitutional Court has played a significant role in the consolidation of democracy in Indonesia since 2003 to 2013 through its decisions in judicial review of acts and resolving election disputes. However, Constitutional Court hasn’t made significant impact in the promotion of democracy relating to disputes on jurisdiction among the state organs. It is believed that the failure of the Court to consolidate democracy through its decisions regarding dispute concerning jurisdiction among state organ...
Pemberlakuan Syari'at Islam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalan (NAD) telah menimbulkan kontroversi d... more Pemberlakuan Syari'at Islam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalan (NAD) telah menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan ahli hukum di Indonesia. Walaupun penerapan Syari'at Islam di Aceh telah memiliki payung hukum yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh, perdebatan di seputar penerapan Syari'at Islam di Aceh belum selesai.Pasal 4 ayat (1) UU No. 44 Tahun 1999 menyatakan bahwa penyelenggaraan kehidupan beragama di Aceh diwujudkan dalam bentuk pelaksanaan Syari'at Islam. Dalam rangka perwujudan hal di atas, maka telah disahkan beberapa peraturan Perundang-undangan seperti Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus bagi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh sebagai Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Qanun Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Nomor 10 Tahun 2002 tentang Peradilan Syari'at Islam dan Qanun Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Nomor 11 Tahun 2002 tentang Pelaksanaan Syari'at Islam di Bidang Aqidah, Ibadah d...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 2020
This article addresses an importance of supervision of constitutional judges. Why? Two of Indones... more This article addresses an importance of supervision of constitutional judges. Why? Two of Indonesian Constitutional Court Judges have been arrested due to the bribery case. The bribery case which involved the Chairman of Justice of the Constitutional Court has become a reason to provide the new Law regarding the Judicial Commission. Even the Constitutional Court arguing that the supervision of the Judicial Commission is not constitutional based on two legal reasoning. The supervision of the Judicial Commission for Constitutional Judges is arguably unconstitutional. But on the contrary, Supreme Judges and Judges of the lower courts become the object of supervision of the Judicial Commission. This article concludes that keeping the honour of the Constitutional Court requires an external supervision. Judicial Commission can be functionalized as an external supervision, such as practiced in Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Italy and Conseil Superieur de La Magistrature, French. Both have authority to the giving consideration in the appointment of judges and disciplinary judges and supervision.
Pada materi pengantar ini akan dibahas beberapa pokok bahasan yaitu: Pengertian Hukum Tata Negara... more Pada materi pengantar ini akan dibahas beberapa pokok bahasan yaitu: Pengertian Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Ilmu Negara dan Hubungan antara ketiga Ilmu Hukum tersebut. Ketiga jenis ilmu hukum di atas, sama-sama berobyekkan Negara. Sebelum mengetahui perbedaan hubungan antara ketiga ilmu di atas, akan dikemukakan terlebih dahulu pengertian Negara menurut beberapa ahli hukum tata Negara. Menurut Roger dan Soultau, Negara adalah alat (agency) atau wewenang (authority) yang mengatur atau mengendalikan persoalan-persoalan bersama atas nama masyarakat. Sedangkan menurut Max Weber, Negara adalah suatu masyarakat yang mempunyai monopoli dalam penggunaan kekerasan fisik secara sah dalam suatu wilayah.
The experience of some countries shows that parliamentary sovereignty creates problems of hegemon... more The experience of some countries shows that parliamentary sovereignty creates problems of hegemony of majority which has the potential to ignore minority. One of democratic responses to the evil of the majority is the emergence of the concept of constitutional democracy. The tyranny of majority against the rights of the minority is warded off by constitutional safeguards enforced primarily by the court. This is one of the reasons why Malaysia and Indonesia adopt the doctrine of constitutional supremacy when they achieved independence in 1957 and in 1945 respectively. In spite of close proximity in terms of territory and sharing cultural and historical heritages the two countries have fundamental structural constitutional differences. This paper aims at comparing constitutional adjudication as one of the mechanisms of constitutional democracy in both countries. The establishment of the Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2003, and the functions of the superior courts in Malaysia are p...
Kasus-kasus suap dan pelanggaran kode etik yang terjadi pada hakim konstitusi menimbulkan pertany... more Kasus-kasus suap dan pelanggaran kode etik yang terjadi pada hakim konstitusi menimbulkan pertanyaan serius tentang kualitas independensi dan integritas dari hakim Konstitusi yang berdampak pada menurunnya kepercayaan publik kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji akar permasalahan yang terjadi pada kasus-kasus yang terjadi pada hakim MK dan secara spesifik mengevaluasi mekanisme seleksi pengangkatan hakim konstitusi di Indonesia dan bagaimanakah implikasinya terhadap independensi dan integritas hakim konstitusi. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi model mekanisme seleksi yang lebih baik, transparan, dan akuntabel dalam seleksi hakim MK agar menghasilkan hakim yang lebih independen dan berintegritas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatif-empiris, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui interview dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara mekanisme seleksi hakim konstitusi dan ...
After political reform in 1998 Indonesia has made many efforts and significant progress to establ... more After political reform in 1998 Indonesia has made many efforts and significant progress to establish a truly democratic government. This paper highlights some progressive democratic changes in Indonesia since 1998. The paper is based on doctrinal research with qualitative method. The result of research shows that there are some important democratic changes have been achieved. Three matters shall be highlighted in this paper. Firstly, the principle of democratic state based on the rule of law has been formulated clearly in the 1945 Constitution after amendment. The experience of bureaucratic-authoritarian system in Soeharto regime has given a meaningful lesson for Indonesia to create a more democratic country based on rule of law. Secondly, Indonesia had successfully gained the democratic transition which proved by the successful general elections in 1999, 2004 and 2009. This successful democratic election has made Indonesia been recognized as one of the largest democratic country in...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat
Masalah pandemi Covid-19 telah memperburuk kemampuan keluarga untuk bertahan menyelamatkan keutuh... more Masalah pandemi Covid-19 telah memperburuk kemampuan keluarga untuk bertahan menyelamatkan keutuhan keluarga. Hal ini ditandai dengan terus meningkatnya angka perceraian. Di Sleman misalnya, tercatat ada 1.106 pasangan bercerai hingga Juli 2020 lalu. Setidaknya ada empat pilar ketahanan keluarga yang terdampak kelangsungan sebuah keluarga yang berujung meningkatnya angka perceraian di masa pandemi Covid-19 antara lain ketahanan fisik, ekonomi, sosial psikologi dan sosial budaya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan empat pilar keluarga tangguh melalui pendampingan gerakan ECCOHEALTH (Economis, Communication, and Healthy). Kajian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan mengajukan daftar pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner kepada warga di Umbulharjo dan Ambarketawang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu FGD (Focus Group Discussion), wawancara, penyuluhan, dan pelatihan. Evaluasi diberikan dengan memberikan sejumlah pertanyaan-pernyataan untuk masing-masing mat...
Jurnal Konstitusi
The single candidate became a political phenomenon in Indonesia. However, the phenomenon rarely h... more The single candidate became a political phenomenon in Indonesia. However, the phenomenon rarely happens, consistently increasing the number of single candidates in the local election. This research aims to analyze whether this political phenomenon alerts democracy decadency or a typical circumstance in a democratic state. The method used in this research is doctrinal legal research. The result shows several reasons the single candidate consistently increases from event-to-event sort of an epidemic virus that could spread across the province. Some factors supporting the rise of the single-candidate phenomenon, for instance, the local parliamentary threshold of proposing the candidate, public distrust to the political parties, disfunction of a political party to giving a political education for its members and constituents, and the political parties tend to avoid the political risks of losing (incumbent). Finally, this single candidate phenomenon is a bad alert for democracy developme...
International Joint Seminar Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta & International Islamic University Malaysia, Dec 10, 2009
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation, 2020
FH UMY, Aug 19, 2016
The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is a must for a democratic and rule of law st... more The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is a must for a democratic and rule of law state, inlcuding Indonesia. The violation of constitutional rights in Indonesia still exists and massive in exercising government authories. This kind of violation is committed by government againsts the 1945 Constitution. While, Indonesia as a state, has an obligation to guarantee and protect its citizens as the conception of a democratic and rule of law state. The research aims to discuss the urgency of the constitutional complaint in the Constitutional Court in order to protect the constitutional rights of citizens in Indonesia. The research is a doctrinal research which used statute and case law approach. The result of research shows that constitutional complaint mechanism is necessarily needed and urgent to be implemented as an effort to protect constitutional rights of citizens as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. The protection of constitutional rights of citizens is an important pillar of modern democratic state. Therefore, the constitution has also provide mechanism in relation to the complaints of citizens. In implementing constitutional complaint mechanism, it can be achieved through 5 th amendment of the 1945 Constitution, exactly in Article 24C on the Constitutional Court authorities, by adding the number of justices in the Constitutional Court with twin-court system inside, and it can be also through revision of the Constitutional Court Act by adding some provisions on constitutional complaint imperatively.
The establishment of Constitutional Court in 2003 has given a new impetus to democracy in the con... more The establishment of Constitutional Court in 2003 has given a new impetus to democracy in the constitutional system of Indonesia. After more than a decade of its existence there is a need to ascertain the role of the Court in the process of consolidating democracy and determine, if any, of its impact to the country and effect on democracy. The primary question is whether the Constitutional Court has managed to achieve expectation of the people and fulfil its democratic role in upholding the constitutional principles and institutionalizing democratic values in Indonesia? In trying to answer the question this article initially discusses the theoretical aspect and political background of the emergence and development of constitutional court globally, together with discussion on the meaning, significance and relevance of democracy, democratic consolidation, judicial review and election. The ensuing discussion is constitutional and political setting and backdrop relating to the emergence and establishment of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia. The article then proceeds to examine whether the Constitutional Court, through it powers and decisions relating to election matters, have influenced the agenda of strengthening democratic consolidation in the country. This study concludes that the emergence of the Constitutional Court as an organ for constitutional adjudication mechanism is the result of development of modern idea of democratic government which is based on the rule of law, doctrine of separation of powers, and the protection of fundamental rights of citizens. The findings in this article pointed to the conclusion that the Constitutional Court, through its powers and decisions, improves the quality of legislation and elections. The improvements have positive consequences to democracy because it strengthen democratic values, protects fundamental rights of citizen, and conducts checks and balances mechanism among state institutions
The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation, 2020
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Tulisan ini mengkaji pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan risiko bencana dan... more Tulisan ini mengkaji pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan risiko bencana dan mengevaluasi tingkat pemahaman warga negara terhadap hak-hak konstitusionalnya dalam kondisi bencana dengan mengambil sampel kawasan rawan bencana Gunung Merapi, Yogyakarta. Kajian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan mengajukan daftar pertanyaan dalam bentuk kuesioner kepada responden. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan hak-hak konstitusional warga negara di kawasan rentan bencana sudah diatur dalam UUD 1945 dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada di mana pemerintah pusat maupun daerah memiliki kewajiban untuk memenuhi hak-hak dasar warga negara dalam upaya penanggulangan pasca bencana. Namun demikian, karena ketidakpahaman warga negara yang terdampak bencana terkait hak-hak konstitusionalnya, tidak jarang pemerintah pusat maupun daerah baik dengan sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja lalai dalam memenuhi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara...
Indonesia Private Law Review, 2021
The location for the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) construction involved in land di... more The location for the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) construction involved in land disputes during the land acquisition process. The land acquisition will always lead to disputes or conflicts with the affected people. It is even more complicated if, in the development process, the ruling elite intervenes, external forces outside the local community that are not directly related to the development. This article deals with the question of the government's public perceptions of the legal polemic of land dispute settlement based on Law No.2 of 2012, and concentrates to examine a new model of land dispute resolution from the perspective of affected communities against NYIA. This research is normative-empirical based on primary and secondary data, namely a literature study, field study, using purposive sampling with interviews, FGD, observation, and qualitative descriptive analysis. The result showed the failure of formal litigation and non-litigation approaches offered by...
The research aims at evaluating the role of the Constitutional Court in consolidating democracy i... more The research aims at evaluating the role of the Constitutional Court in consolidating democracy in Indonesia from 2003 to 2013. Examinations are made on the court’s decisions regarding judicial review of acts, disputes concerning jurisdiction among state organs and disputes on the results of elections. The research is a doctrinal legal research and applied law research. The research also involves a historical, statute, and comparative law approach. The result of the research shows that the Constitutional Court has played a significant role in the consolidation of democracy in Indonesia since 2003 to 2013 through its decisions in judicial review of acts and resolving election disputes. However, Constitutional Court hasn’t made significant impact in the promotion of democracy relating to disputes on jurisdiction among the state organs. It is believed that the failure of the Court to consolidate democracy through its decisions regarding dispute concerning jurisdiction among state organ...
Pemberlakuan Syari'at Islam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalan (NAD) telah menimbulkan kontroversi d... more Pemberlakuan Syari'at Islam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalan (NAD) telah menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan ahli hukum di Indonesia. Walaupun penerapan Syari'at Islam di Aceh telah memiliki payung hukum yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh, perdebatan di seputar penerapan Syari'at Islam di Aceh belum selesai.Pasal 4 ayat (1) UU No. 44 Tahun 1999 menyatakan bahwa penyelenggaraan kehidupan beragama di Aceh diwujudkan dalam bentuk pelaksanaan Syari'at Islam. Dalam rangka perwujudan hal di atas, maka telah disahkan beberapa peraturan Perundang-undangan seperti Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus bagi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh sebagai Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Qanun Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Nomor 10 Tahun 2002 tentang Peradilan Syari'at Islam dan Qanun Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Nomor 11 Tahun 2002 tentang Pelaksanaan Syari'at Islam di Bidang Aqidah, Ibadah d...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 2020
This article addresses an importance of supervision of constitutional judges. Why? Two of Indones... more This article addresses an importance of supervision of constitutional judges. Why? Two of Indonesian Constitutional Court Judges have been arrested due to the bribery case. The bribery case which involved the Chairman of Justice of the Constitutional Court has become a reason to provide the new Law regarding the Judicial Commission. Even the Constitutional Court arguing that the supervision of the Judicial Commission is not constitutional based on two legal reasoning. The supervision of the Judicial Commission for Constitutional Judges is arguably unconstitutional. But on the contrary, Supreme Judges and Judges of the lower courts become the object of supervision of the Judicial Commission. This article concludes that keeping the honour of the Constitutional Court requires an external supervision. Judicial Commission can be functionalized as an external supervision, such as practiced in Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Italy and Conseil Superieur de La Magistrature, French. Both have authority to the giving consideration in the appointment of judges and disciplinary judges and supervision.
Pada materi pengantar ini akan dibahas beberapa pokok bahasan yaitu: Pengertian Hukum Tata Negara... more Pada materi pengantar ini akan dibahas beberapa pokok bahasan yaitu: Pengertian Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Ilmu Negara dan Hubungan antara ketiga Ilmu Hukum tersebut. Ketiga jenis ilmu hukum di atas, sama-sama berobyekkan Negara. Sebelum mengetahui perbedaan hubungan antara ketiga ilmu di atas, akan dikemukakan terlebih dahulu pengertian Negara menurut beberapa ahli hukum tata Negara. Menurut Roger dan Soultau, Negara adalah alat (agency) atau wewenang (authority) yang mengatur atau mengendalikan persoalan-persoalan bersama atas nama masyarakat. Sedangkan menurut Max Weber, Negara adalah suatu masyarakat yang mempunyai monopoli dalam penggunaan kekerasan fisik secara sah dalam suatu wilayah.
The experience of some countries shows that parliamentary sovereignty creates problems of hegemon... more The experience of some countries shows that parliamentary sovereignty creates problems of hegemony of majority which has the potential to ignore minority. One of democratic responses to the evil of the majority is the emergence of the concept of constitutional democracy. The tyranny of majority against the rights of the minority is warded off by constitutional safeguards enforced primarily by the court. This is one of the reasons why Malaysia and Indonesia adopt the doctrine of constitutional supremacy when they achieved independence in 1957 and in 1945 respectively. In spite of close proximity in terms of territory and sharing cultural and historical heritages the two countries have fundamental structural constitutional differences. This paper aims at comparing constitutional adjudication as one of the mechanisms of constitutional democracy in both countries. The establishment of the Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2003, and the functions of the superior courts in Malaysia are p...
Kasus-kasus suap dan pelanggaran kode etik yang terjadi pada hakim konstitusi menimbulkan pertany... more Kasus-kasus suap dan pelanggaran kode etik yang terjadi pada hakim konstitusi menimbulkan pertanyaan serius tentang kualitas independensi dan integritas dari hakim Konstitusi yang berdampak pada menurunnya kepercayaan publik kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji akar permasalahan yang terjadi pada kasus-kasus yang terjadi pada hakim MK dan secara spesifik mengevaluasi mekanisme seleksi pengangkatan hakim konstitusi di Indonesia dan bagaimanakah implikasinya terhadap independensi dan integritas hakim konstitusi. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi model mekanisme seleksi yang lebih baik, transparan, dan akuntabel dalam seleksi hakim MK agar menghasilkan hakim yang lebih independen dan berintegritas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatif-empiris, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui interview dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara mekanisme seleksi hakim konstitusi dan ...
After political reform in 1998 Indonesia has made many efforts and significant progress to establ... more After political reform in 1998 Indonesia has made many efforts and significant progress to establish a truly democratic government. This paper highlights some progressive democratic changes in Indonesia since 1998. The paper is based on doctrinal research with qualitative method. The result of research shows that there are some important democratic changes have been achieved. Three matters shall be highlighted in this paper. Firstly, the principle of democratic state based on the rule of law has been formulated clearly in the 1945 Constitution after amendment. The experience of bureaucratic-authoritarian system in Soeharto regime has given a meaningful lesson for Indonesia to create a more democratic country based on rule of law. Secondly, Indonesia had successfully gained the democratic transition which proved by the successful general elections in 1999, 2004 and 2009. This successful democratic election has made Indonesia been recognized as one of the largest democratic country in...