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Papers by Ian Warwick

Research paper thumbnail of Music and refugees’ wellbeing in contexts of protracted displacement

Health Education Journal, 2018

Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the relationship between music ... more Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the relationship between music practice and the wellbeing of young refugees, by examining the perspectives of Yazidi music participants aged 11–18. Design: Focused exploratory case study design, informed by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which provided the conceptual framework for the research. Setting: A camp in northern Greece, where people from Iraq and Syria had been living for up to a year. Method: Data were collected over a 5-week period through participant observation of individual music lessons and group music workshops involving between 3–12 participants. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sub-sample of six participants (three boys and three girls) aged 11–18. Results: Findings indicate that activities involving music practice can impact positively on young people’s wellbeing, enabling the development of emotional expression, improved social relations, self-knowledge and po...

Research paper thumbnail of PSHE CPD for Teachers and Nurses: options for the future

In order to improve the quality of PSHE provision in schools, the DfES and DH have established tw... more In order to improve the quality of PSHE provision in schools, the DfES and DH have established two PSHE CPD programmes, one for teachers and the other for community and school nurses. ... Since the inception of these programmes in November, 2001 and April, 2003 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Young people's same-sex relationships, sexual health and well-being

Some sixty years ago the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed that all human beings are... more Some sixty years ago the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed that all human beings are equal in dignity in rights and in freedoms without distinction of any kind. More recently there have been growing struggles to delineate and achieve sexual rights or the rights of all persons to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality free of coercion discrimination and violence. But what do concepts such as sexuality and sexual rights really mean? Are they useful in advancing agendas in the field of development? And how might these notions be applied to matters of public health in general and young peoples health in particular? These are some of the issues that will be explored in this chapter. The focus is on some of the less-often talked about forms of sexual expression among young people namely same-sex relationships and practices and associated sexual identities. (excerpt)

Research paper thumbnail of Learning about AIDS: Participatory health education strategies for health educators with a responsibility for education about AIDS

Research paper thumbnail of Producing and using community health education films in low- and middle-income countries

Health Education Journal, 2018

Objective: To analyse the production and use of health education films in Kenya, Tanzania and Zam... more Objective: To analyse the production and use of health education films in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. Design: Review of community health education films and their use by three partner organisations. Methods: A focused content analysis of 18 community health education films was conducted, and three exemplar films were selected for more detailed review. Interviews were carried out with four film production personnel and seven project workers using the films in health education projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. Concepts drawn from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and Anchored Instruction informed the study. Findings: The films, produced primarily for use across sub-Saharan Africa, mostly conveyed biological information and addressed behavioural issues related to maternal and child health topics. The predominantly low-literacy audiences reached by the projects may further benefit from localised content highlighting the social determinants of health through engaging narrativ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Education in Promoting Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health

... Warwick, Ian and Aggleton, Peter (2002) The Role of Education in Promoting Young People&a... more ... Warwick, Ian and Aggleton, Peter (2002) The Role of Education in Promoting Young People'sSexual and Reproductive Health. Other. Safe Passages to Adulthood, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton. Full text not available from this repository. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Network Analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights

Development in Practice, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of HIV health promotion activity map for Greater London

… : Sigma Research & …, 1999

Our thanks to all those agencies who provided the data represented in the following report, espec... more Our thanks to all those agencies who provided the data represented in the following report, especially those who sat with us for hours describing their health promotion activity. Thanks also to those individuals who read earlier, wordier and more tortuous drafts of this report. Earlier drafts ...

Research paper thumbnail of Homophobia, sexual orientation and schools: A review and implications for action

Research paper thumbnail of The emotional well-being and mental health of young Londoners A focused review of evidence

… Unit, Institute of …, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Health education, sexuality and AIDS

Research paper thumbnail of More than Knowledge Transfer? Alumni Perspectives on the Value of Postgraduate Study for International Development

Progress in Development Studies, 2022

This article considers findings from the ‘More Than Knowledge Transfer’ research project, which w... more This article considers findings from the ‘More Than Knowledge Transfer’ research project, which was concerned with understanding the personal and professional trajectories of alumni from postgraduate programmes in education and international development. The article reflects on qualitative data to explore four key questions: what alumni value about their postgraduate study; the perceived usefulness of different types of learnings; how these are seen as connected to, or disconnected from, development practice; and how they are shaped by the expectations that students bring with them to the programme and their existing experiences in the international development field. The article suggests a need to problematize assumed dichotomies between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ or ‘skills’ and ‘criticality’ and instead consider how these relationships may be shaped by students’ own backgrounds and positionalities. It argues that supporting students to engage critically with, and move and build conn...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of the pilot drug education standard of the PSHE CPD programme

Research paper thumbnail of Healthy and health promoting colleges - identifying an evidence base

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Good Practice

Research paper thumbnail of First do no harm: using ‘ethical triage’ to minimise causing harm when undertaking educational research among vulnerable participants

Journal of Further and Higher Education

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding novice teachers’ perspectives on China’s sexuality education: a study based on the national pre-service teacher education programme

Research paper thumbnail of Higher education as a space for promoting the psychosocial well-being of refugee students

Health Education Journal

Objective: This study aimed to investigate how well a single higher education institution (HEI) w... more Objective: This study aimed to investigate how well a single higher education institution (HEI) was perceived to be meeting the psychosocial support needs of refugee students and to identify possible ways in which the HEI might better promote refugee students’ psychosocial well-being. Design: Adopting an exploratory, focused case study design, the research employed a qualitative interpretive approach utilising three data collection methods: narrative inquiry, Photovoice and key informant interviews. The social ecological model and the health-promoting university approach guided the enquiry and analysis. Setting: A single HEI in London, UK. Results: Refugee student-participants reported stressful and traumatic experiences at different points in their migratory experience. Participants were motivated by being involved in education but identified barriers to seeking institutional support to improve their health and well-being. Student-participants and staff identified ways in which sup...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning environment and emotional well-being: A qualitative study of undergraduate nursing students

Research paper thumbnail of LEARNING LESSONS: A report on two research studies informing The National Healthy School Standard (NHSS)

Research paper thumbnail of Music and refugees’ wellbeing in contexts of protracted displacement

Health Education Journal, 2018

Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the relationship between music ... more Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the relationship between music practice and the wellbeing of young refugees, by examining the perspectives of Yazidi music participants aged 11–18. Design: Focused exploratory case study design, informed by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which provided the conceptual framework for the research. Setting: A camp in northern Greece, where people from Iraq and Syria had been living for up to a year. Method: Data were collected over a 5-week period through participant observation of individual music lessons and group music workshops involving between 3–12 participants. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sub-sample of six participants (three boys and three girls) aged 11–18. Results: Findings indicate that activities involving music practice can impact positively on young people’s wellbeing, enabling the development of emotional expression, improved social relations, self-knowledge and po...

Research paper thumbnail of PSHE CPD for Teachers and Nurses: options for the future

In order to improve the quality of PSHE provision in schools, the DfES and DH have established tw... more In order to improve the quality of PSHE provision in schools, the DfES and DH have established two PSHE CPD programmes, one for teachers and the other for community and school nurses. ... Since the inception of these programmes in November, 2001 and April, 2003 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Young people's same-sex relationships, sexual health and well-being

Some sixty years ago the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed that all human beings are... more Some sixty years ago the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed that all human beings are equal in dignity in rights and in freedoms without distinction of any kind. More recently there have been growing struggles to delineate and achieve sexual rights or the rights of all persons to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality free of coercion discrimination and violence. But what do concepts such as sexuality and sexual rights really mean? Are they useful in advancing agendas in the field of development? And how might these notions be applied to matters of public health in general and young peoples health in particular? These are some of the issues that will be explored in this chapter. The focus is on some of the less-often talked about forms of sexual expression among young people namely same-sex relationships and practices and associated sexual identities. (excerpt)

Research paper thumbnail of Learning about AIDS: Participatory health education strategies for health educators with a responsibility for education about AIDS

Research paper thumbnail of Producing and using community health education films in low- and middle-income countries

Health Education Journal, 2018

Objective: To analyse the production and use of health education films in Kenya, Tanzania and Zam... more Objective: To analyse the production and use of health education films in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. Design: Review of community health education films and their use by three partner organisations. Methods: A focused content analysis of 18 community health education films was conducted, and three exemplar films were selected for more detailed review. Interviews were carried out with four film production personnel and seven project workers using the films in health education projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. Concepts drawn from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and Anchored Instruction informed the study. Findings: The films, produced primarily for use across sub-Saharan Africa, mostly conveyed biological information and addressed behavioural issues related to maternal and child health topics. The predominantly low-literacy audiences reached by the projects may further benefit from localised content highlighting the social determinants of health through engaging narrativ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Education in Promoting Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health

... Warwick, Ian and Aggleton, Peter (2002) The Role of Education in Promoting Young People&a... more ... Warwick, Ian and Aggleton, Peter (2002) The Role of Education in Promoting Young People'sSexual and Reproductive Health. Other. Safe Passages to Adulthood, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton. Full text not available from this repository. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Network Analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights

Development in Practice, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of HIV health promotion activity map for Greater London

… : Sigma Research & …, 1999

Our thanks to all those agencies who provided the data represented in the following report, espec... more Our thanks to all those agencies who provided the data represented in the following report, especially those who sat with us for hours describing their health promotion activity. Thanks also to those individuals who read earlier, wordier and more tortuous drafts of this report. Earlier drafts ...

Research paper thumbnail of Homophobia, sexual orientation and schools: A review and implications for action

Research paper thumbnail of The emotional well-being and mental health of young Londoners A focused review of evidence

… Unit, Institute of …, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Health education, sexuality and AIDS

Research paper thumbnail of More than Knowledge Transfer? Alumni Perspectives on the Value of Postgraduate Study for International Development

Progress in Development Studies, 2022

This article considers findings from the ‘More Than Knowledge Transfer’ research project, which w... more This article considers findings from the ‘More Than Knowledge Transfer’ research project, which was concerned with understanding the personal and professional trajectories of alumni from postgraduate programmes in education and international development. The article reflects on qualitative data to explore four key questions: what alumni value about their postgraduate study; the perceived usefulness of different types of learnings; how these are seen as connected to, or disconnected from, development practice; and how they are shaped by the expectations that students bring with them to the programme and their existing experiences in the international development field. The article suggests a need to problematize assumed dichotomies between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ or ‘skills’ and ‘criticality’ and instead consider how these relationships may be shaped by students’ own backgrounds and positionalities. It argues that supporting students to engage critically with, and move and build conn...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of the pilot drug education standard of the PSHE CPD programme

Research paper thumbnail of Healthy and health promoting colleges - identifying an evidence base

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Good Practice

Research paper thumbnail of First do no harm: using ‘ethical triage’ to minimise causing harm when undertaking educational research among vulnerable participants

Journal of Further and Higher Education

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding novice teachers’ perspectives on China’s sexuality education: a study based on the national pre-service teacher education programme

Research paper thumbnail of Higher education as a space for promoting the psychosocial well-being of refugee students

Health Education Journal

Objective: This study aimed to investigate how well a single higher education institution (HEI) w... more Objective: This study aimed to investigate how well a single higher education institution (HEI) was perceived to be meeting the psychosocial support needs of refugee students and to identify possible ways in which the HEI might better promote refugee students’ psychosocial well-being. Design: Adopting an exploratory, focused case study design, the research employed a qualitative interpretive approach utilising three data collection methods: narrative inquiry, Photovoice and key informant interviews. The social ecological model and the health-promoting university approach guided the enquiry and analysis. Setting: A single HEI in London, UK. Results: Refugee student-participants reported stressful and traumatic experiences at different points in their migratory experience. Participants were motivated by being involved in education but identified barriers to seeking institutional support to improve their health and well-being. Student-participants and staff identified ways in which sup...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning environment and emotional well-being: A qualitative study of undergraduate nursing students

Research paper thumbnail of LEARNING LESSONS: A report on two research studies informing The National Healthy School Standard (NHSS)