Ida Ayu Made Budiwati - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ida Ayu Made Budiwati
AIP conference proceedings, 2024
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2018
The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numeri... more The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numerically where RC structures of 2, 3, and 4 storey were modelled to reveal their seismic behaviour. Nonlinear static pushover analysis was also carried out to determine its performance. The structures were strengthened using steel frames, steel braces or infill walls with concentric openings. RC open frame structure (MF) was firstly designed in accordance with Indonesian Code, SNI 2847:2013. The MF model was then strengthened, particularly in the middle span, either with steel frame on surrounding beams and columns (MFF) or reinforced with X, A, or V steel bracing (BFX, BFA, and BFV). The bracing model was further added with steel frames (FBFX, FBFA, and FBFV). The MF was also reinforced with infill walls with concentric opening of 20%, 40%, and 60% (IF20, IF40, and IF60). From the results of the analyses, it can be concluded that the addition of bracing with and without steel frames and infill walls with concentric opening can stiffen the structures. Steel framed brace model was the most rigid one. The level of performance of the reinforced MF model using steel bracing with and without steel frames increased from Immediate Occupancy (IO) to Operational Level (B), but the level decreased into Collapse Prevention (CP) for the model with infill walls. The performance of RC reinforced with steel frames remained at Immediate Occupancy (IO) level.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Penggunaan material komposit dalam dunia konstruksi telah mengarah kepada penggunaan Concrete-Fil... more Penggunaan material komposit dalam dunia konstruksi telah mengarah kepada penggunaan Concrete-Filled Tubes (CFT). Selain secara eksperimental, dengan meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan formulasi elemen hingga memungkinkan dilakukan penelitian secara analitik melalui aplikasi berbasis metode elemen hingga (FEM). ABAQUS dengan fitur Concrete Damage Plasticity, dapat digunakan untuk pemodelan keruntuhan beton yang mampu memprediksi perilaku inelastisnya. Dengan aplikasi ini, interaksi antar elemen dimodelkan dengan surface to surface contact dengan friction coeffition beton dan baja sebesar 0,2, sedangkan baja dan baja sebesar 0,1. Beban aksial diaplikasikan secara konstan pada bagian bebas yang diikuti dengan beban lateral siklik yang mengacu pada SNI 7834-2012. Studi pengaruh ketebalan baja dan eksentrisitas gaya lateral dilakukan dengan menggunakan true stress dan true strain sebagai input aplikasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan ketebalan baja hingga 50% dapat meningkatkan kapasitas beban, kapasitas drift, dan daktilitas. Peningkatan ketebalan baja juga dapat memperkecil panjang sendi plastis dan distribusi tegangan maksimum pada kolom CFT. Sedangkan, hasil uji eksentrisitas gaya lateral hingga 400 mm menghasilkan kecenderungan terbalik dengan peningkatan ketebalan baja, tetapi distribusi tegangan maksimum juga terjadi pada kolom CFT. Dari hasil validasi analisis FEM memberikan prediksi yang baik dengan keakuratan diatas 95% dan pola keruntuhan yang menyerupai hasil uji eksperimental.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Analysing confined masonry (CM) with strengthening around the opening (analytical model) was cond... more Analysing confined masonry (CM) with strengthening around the opening (analytical model) was conducted numerically. The opening variations were centric and eccentric opening doors with an opening ratio of 16.93% and 31.75%; centric and eccentric opening windows with opening ratios of 10.16% and 19.05%. This analysis aims to apply the procedure for analysing the CM models by using layered shell elements and also comparing the behaviour and performance of each model. The masonry and frames were modelled using layered shell elements in SAP2000 software and analysis were done by using nonlinear static pushover analysis. This analysis starts by making a validation model based on other experimental work and comparing the behaviour of the structure modelled in the form of CM without openings and CM with openings. The results show that both models have load-displacement diagrams similar to the experimental results. By using the same modelling method applied to the analytical model, it was f...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This study aims to analyze of the structural behavior of two-story building under the combination... more This study aims to analyze of the structural behavior of two-story building under the combination of earthquake forces and tsunami hydrodynamic forces, with model variations included the percentage of wall’s opening and thickness. The 3-D modeling of two-story buildings were conducted in this study using software SAP 2000; the first model consisted of wall panels with the percentage of openings of 0% (PD0), 25% (PD25), 35% (PD35), and 50% (PD50), while the second model included buildings with 150 mm and 250 mm wall thickness. In addition, the hydrodynamic force predicted by numerical simulations based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) was compared to that of predicted by semi-empirical design equations. The results of the wall panel modeling show that the greater the percentage of wall’s opening, the smaller the hydrodynamic load that can be carried out by the structure and hence, the lesser the stresses on the wall. The increase of building’s wall thickness from 150 mm to 250...
The behavior of reinforced concrete frame with infill wall (RDP) has been studied numerically by ... more The behavior of reinforced concrete frame with infill wall (RDP) has been studied numerically by modeling the RDP structure using the LUSAS software. The results were compared to other researchers’ results that conducted laboratory test and used SAP programs. The results of analysis using SAP show that the proposed model that subjected to load up to the maximum limit show similar behavior to the laboratory tests results in which parameters such as secant modulus for concrete and wall materials based on graphs of stress-strain relationships and a reduction in moment of inertia due to the crack of beam-column are taken into account. The model using LUSAS did not adopt this method instead applied plastic elastic material and non-linear analysis. The results of the analysis are still not in proportional to the magnitude of the laboratory test results, but the behavior of the load and deflection indicates similar form. The analysis models show the maximum stress points that occur on the ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 2019
Dalam perencanaan struktur rangka dinding pengisi (RDP) diperlukan data propertis dari dinding pa... more Dalam perencanaan struktur rangka dinding pengisi (RDP) diperlukan data propertis dari dinding pasangan berupa nilai kuat tekan dan modulus elastisitasnya. Di Indonesia belum tersedia standar nilai dari data propertis pasangan dinding dan material pembentuknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi dan menambah informasi mengenai karakteristik pasangan bata merah dari produsen bata merah lokal Tulikup. Pengujian karakteristik unit bata merah seperti dimensi, penyerapan air, dan kuat tekan mengacu pada SNI 15-0686-1989 dan kuat tekan mortar menggunakan SNI 03-6825-2002. Dua variasi campuran mortar yang digunakan yaitu perbandingan berat semen portland dan pasir 1:3 dan 1:4. Pengujian pasangan bata merah mengacu pada BS EN 1052-1:1999 untuk menentukan nilai kuat tekan, modulus elastisitas, dan pola retak. Dimensi bata merah Tulikup diperoleh panjang (P) 22,5 cm, lebar (b) 11 cm dan tebal (t) 5,1 cm. Kuat tekan bata merah Tulikup diperoleh sebesar 5,15 N/mm2 dan penyerapan air se...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 2019
Struktur rangka terbreis (BF) merupakan sistem rangka batang vertikal yang dapat memberikan ketah... more Struktur rangka terbreis (BF) merupakan sistem rangka batang vertikal yang dapat memberikan ketahanan terhadap gaya lateral (gempa). Alternatif lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menahan beban lateral adalah dengan menggunakan sistem struktur diagrid (DIA) yang merupakan sistem struktur dengan breising diagonal dengan sudut tertentu yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai kolom. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan perilaku struktur baja DIA dengan BF. Struktur DIA dirancang dengan variasi kemiringan sudut 54o, 65o, 70o, dan 77o sedangkan struktur BF menggunakan tipe X-2 lantai pada gedung berukuran 25 m x 25 m dan tinggi total 56 m. Kedua sistem struktur didesain agar memenuhi simpangan antar lantai ijin tidak melebihi 0,020 hsx dan nilai stress ratio kurang dari 1,0. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa model DIA 65 merupakan struktur yang paling kaku diantara model yang lainnya, sedangkan gaya-gaya pada model BF lebih kecil dari model DIA. Model DIA77 membutuhkan material ba...
Abstrak: Denah bangunan yang lengkung dengan jari-jari (R) yang disesuaikan dengan lokasi banguna... more Abstrak: Denah bangunan yang lengkung dengan jari-jari (R) yang disesuaikan dengan lokasi bangunan merupakan alternatif perencana untuk mendapatkan pemandangan yang bagus. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dinamis dari lima buah model struktur dengan variasi kelengkungan denah R=∞, R=122, R=108, R=94, dan R=80 meter yang meliputi waktu getar alami struktur, gaya geser dasar, perpindahan antar lantai, kecepatan dan percepatan lantai, dan gaya-gaya dalam pada elemen struktur. Analisis 3D dilakukan terhadap struktur hotel 4 lantai dengan tinggi tingkat 3,5 meter yang berada pada kondisi tanah keras. Kelima model struktur memiliki dimensi pelat, balok dan kolom serta massa tingkat dan mutu material yang sama. Prilaku dinamis diperoleh dari analisis riwayat waktu mengkuti average acceleration dari Newmark dimana nilai γ = 1/2 dan β = 1/4. Adapun catatan gempa yang digunakan adalah gempa EL-Centro 1940. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa denah lengkung dibandingkan dengan R...
Abstrak : Lokasi Indonesia yang berada diantara empat sistem tektonik aktif menyebabkan Indonesia... more Abstrak : Lokasi Indonesia yang berada diantara empat sistem tektonik aktif menyebabkan Indonesia memiliki tingkat resiko gempa yang cukup tinggi. Dalam kondisinya terjadinya gempa kuat diharapkan bangunan pusat pelayanan utama yang penting terhadap penyelamatan setelah gempa terjadi seperti bangunan rumah sakit, bangunan penyimpanan air dan bangunan lainya yang non gedung, tidak boleh mengalami kerusakan yang berat sehingga tidak berfungsi. Salah satunya bangunan gedung rumah sakit perlu direncanakan untuk memiliki ketahanan terhadap gempa. Daktilitas penuh menjadi alternatif dalam perencanaan struktur tahan gempa dan syarat pendetailan dibutuhkan yang detail. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah dapat memahami penggunaan gedung tahan gempa dengan menggunakan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dengan RSNI 03-1726-xxxx. Rencana lokasi gedung ini adalah di wilayah Denpasar dan termasuk wilayah gempa kuat berfungsi sebagai gedung rumah sakit, ukuran denah 12,25 m x 20,75 m, dengan 4 l...
Research on reinforced concrete structure with and without infill wall has been done by modeling ... more Research on reinforced concrete structure with and without infill wall has been done by modeling the same structure as open frame (OF) and infilled frame (RDP) to compare in their stiffness, force distribution and dimensional changes. In RDP model, the wall is modeled as equivalent diagonal struts with one, two and three struts. Seven-storey building structure is taken as a reference and structures of 4 and 10 floors are used as comparison. To observe the effect of wall discontinuity at ground level additional 4 models were made for the 7 storey building by removing one, four, six, and all nine walls at ground level (RDP7S3SS1, RDP7S3SS2, RDP7S3SS3, and RDP7S3SS4). For seven-storey model, RDP structures with one, two, and three struts have a comparable lateral stiffness but it tends to increase for model with many struts. Compared to OF, RDP structure with one, two, and three struts have smaller lateral deformation with ratio 0,655; 0,636, and 0,612, respectively. Bending moment, sh...
Pada perancangan struktur gedung, pengaruh gaya gempa merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk... more Pada perancangan struktur gedung, pengaruh gaya gempa merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan, terutama untuk gedung-gedung yang berada pada wilayah yang sering dilanda gempa besar. Pada SNI 03-1726-2002 dan RSNI 03-1726-201X, selain konsep peta hazard gempa yang berbeda, juga terdapat perbedaan pada prosedur perhitungan beban gempa respons spektrum. Pada SNI 03-1726-2002, terdapat sedikit parameter yang harus ditentukan dan parameter tersebut sudah tersedia pada tabel dan grafik. Sedangkan pada RSNI 03-1726-201X, parameter yang harus ditentukan lebih banyak dan lebih mendetil dibandingkan SNI 03-1726-2002. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan gedung fiktif tidak beraturan 5 tingkat yang difungsikan sebagai kantor sebuah bank yang berlokasi di kota Denpasar. Struktur gedung menggunakan konstruksi beton bertulang dengan sistem struktur open frame (SRPMK). Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa nilai base shear yang dihasilkan oleh beban gempa RSNI 03-...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dari struktur three-sided arch (TSA) yang meru... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dari struktur three-sided arch (TSA) yang merupakan salah satu alternatif dari struktur box culvert (BC). Perilaku kedua struktur dibandingkan melalui pemodelan elemen hingga pada program SAP2000. Pemodelan model validasi merupakan tahap awal dalam penelitian ini, yang dibuat berdasarkan pada hasil uji laboratorium oleh peneliti lain. Hasil pemodelan validasi menunjukkan bahwa pemodelan dengan elemen frame (MFR) dan shell (MSH) lebih mendekati hasil uji laboratorium, sedangkan elemen solid (MSO) jauh berbeda sehingga tidak digunakan dalam model aplikasi. Setelah metode pemodelan valid, selanjutnya dilakukan pemodelan aplikasi BC dan TSA yang memiliki panjang bentang bervariasi. Model aplikasi yang dibuat meliputi BC dan TSA dengan bentang 4 m (BC4 dan TSA4), 5 m (BC5 dan TSA5), 7 m (BC7 dan TSA7), 9 m (BC9 dan TSA9) dan 11 m (BC11 dan TSA11) dengan tebal pelat atas 400 mm pada model BC dan 300 mm pada TSA. Deformasi kedua model dian...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The confined wall structure (CWS) of medium-rise buildings are generally built with walls of the ... more The confined wall structure (CWS) of medium-rise buildings are generally built with walls of the same thickness. It causes stress at the bottom wall-story to become the highest. Numerical analysis was conducted to evaluate the behavior of CWS with wall density index variations. Three 4-story CWS buildings with different wall thicknesses were modeled in finite element software. Model 1 (M1) considered the same wall thickness for the whole building; M2 and M3 varied the thickness where the top floor wall was the thinnest. The calculation of wall density index (WDI) was performed on all three models. The results showed that the value of WDI calculated using the transformation method is the closest because it takes into account the differences in material quality and its value meets the standard requirements. Analysis results showed that the drift ratio for all three models were less than 0.2%, which also fulfilled the requirement. However, M3 showed the highest displacement. Compressiv...
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
The numerical study was conducted to determine equation of diagonal strut width to model infilled... more The numerical study was conducted to determine equation of diagonal strut width to model infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures with reinforced opening. The equation is necessary because, despite the opening, infill masonry wall in RC frame is capable of strengthening existing structures. Validation models of diagonal strut (ST) and shell elements (SH) were first made in SAP2000 to mimic the behavior of tested infilled frame RC structures with opening reported by others. The valid models were then used to predict the equivalent width of diagonal strut for the infill wall with opening percentage of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%. The fitted data were then plotted and simple regression analysis was used to obtain equation that correlate between the opening percentage (r) and the stiffness reduction coefficient (c) associated with the wall opening. The proposed equation was then applied to model 2-6 storey infilled frames together with the shell element models for the wall opening ratios of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%. It was revealed that the ST and SH models can mimic the true behavior of tested infilled RC frame with reinforced opening up to the maximum load. The equivalent strut width formula is then proposed in the form of wds = (d/4).c and c = (1.0565r 2-2.281r + 1.3764). The d is diagonal length of the strut. Interestingly enough, the model with door opening is stronger than the model with window opening of equal opening ratio. More interestingly, the model with door opening is stronger than the model with solid infill due to the contribution of lintels to stiffen the structure. The data obtained from these models suggest that despite the opening, the infill wall should be considered in modeling the structure to have more accurate response.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numeri... more The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numerically where RC structures of 2, 3, and 4 storey were modelled to reveal their seismic behaviour. Nonlinear static pushover analysis was also carried out to determine its performance. The structures were strengthened using steel frames, steel braces or infill walls with concentric openings. RC open frame structure (MF) was firstly designed in accordance with Indonesian Code, SNI 2847:2013. The MF model was then strengthened, particularly in the middle span, either with steel frame on surrounding beams and columns (MFF) or reinforced with X, A, or V steel bracing (BFX, BFA, and BFV). The bracing model was further added with steel frames (FBFX, FBFA, and FBFV). The MF was also reinforced with infill walls with concentric opening of 20%, 40%, and 60% (IF20, IF40, and IF60). From the results of the analyses, it can be concluded that the addition of bracing with and without steel frames and infill walls with concentric opening can stiffen the structures. Steel framed brace model was the most rigid one. The level of performance of the reinforced MF model using steel bracing with and without steel frames increased from Immediate Occupancy (IO) to Operational Level (B), but the level decreased into Collapse Prevention (CP) for the model with infill walls. The performance of RC reinforced with steel frames remained at Immediate Occupancy (IO) level.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Seismic performance of RC frame structures was investigated by creating 3-D models of the frame w... more Seismic performance of RC frame structures was investigated by creating 3-D models of the frame with additional solid RC infill wall along the height of Honolulu Building prescribed in FEMA design examples. Layered-shell element (LSE) was used to model the infill wall and gap element was introduced at the interface between the wall and the bounding frames. The modelling technique was validated against test results reported in the literature prior to its application on the 12 story building. The push over curves of all models were compared to obtain the most efficient model that conform to the strength and stiffness requirement of the seismic codes of Indonesia. The results showed that the non-linear behaviour of RC frame with RC infill wall can be modelled accurately using LSE and gap element. The RC wall addition improved the strength, stiffness and performance of the frame significantly. The most efficient model was that with infill wall up to the first 4 story levels in which, th...
International Journal of Technology, 2019
Openings in the walls of infilled frame structural systems are very common. Reinforcement around ... more Openings in the walls of infilled frame structural systems are very common. Reinforcement around the wall openings confines and strengthens the wall, making an infilled frame with a confined opening (IFcO) a reliable structural system for seismically active regions. To encourage the application of IFcO, an analysis method is proposed by introducing a simple equivalent diagonal strut formula with reduced width due to the wall opening. Finite element models using shell elements were used as reference to develop strut width formula for IFcO with varying opening ratios (r) and diagonal angles (θ). The formula was verified against previous test results and then applied for the design of 3 and 5-story buildings, consisting of IFcOs with r of 30, 60 and 80% to represent medium, large and very large openings. The seismic responses of the strut models were then compared to those of the shell and the bare frame models. The effect of the opening on internal forces, frame reinforcement, wall stresses and soft story mechanisms were also investigated.
AIP conference proceedings, 2024
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2018
The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numeri... more The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numerically where RC structures of 2, 3, and 4 storey were modelled to reveal their seismic behaviour. Nonlinear static pushover analysis was also carried out to determine its performance. The structures were strengthened using steel frames, steel braces or infill walls with concentric openings. RC open frame structure (MF) was firstly designed in accordance with Indonesian Code, SNI 2847:2013. The MF model was then strengthened, particularly in the middle span, either with steel frame on surrounding beams and columns (MFF) or reinforced with X, A, or V steel bracing (BFX, BFA, and BFV). The bracing model was further added with steel frames (FBFX, FBFA, and FBFV). The MF was also reinforced with infill walls with concentric opening of 20%, 40%, and 60% (IF20, IF40, and IF60). From the results of the analyses, it can be concluded that the addition of bracing with and without steel frames and infill walls with concentric opening can stiffen the structures. Steel framed brace model was the most rigid one. The level of performance of the reinforced MF model using steel bracing with and without steel frames increased from Immediate Occupancy (IO) to Operational Level (B), but the level decreased into Collapse Prevention (CP) for the model with infill walls. The performance of RC reinforced with steel frames remained at Immediate Occupancy (IO) level.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Penggunaan material komposit dalam dunia konstruksi telah mengarah kepada penggunaan Concrete-Fil... more Penggunaan material komposit dalam dunia konstruksi telah mengarah kepada penggunaan Concrete-Filled Tubes (CFT). Selain secara eksperimental, dengan meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan formulasi elemen hingga memungkinkan dilakukan penelitian secara analitik melalui aplikasi berbasis metode elemen hingga (FEM). ABAQUS dengan fitur Concrete Damage Plasticity, dapat digunakan untuk pemodelan keruntuhan beton yang mampu memprediksi perilaku inelastisnya. Dengan aplikasi ini, interaksi antar elemen dimodelkan dengan surface to surface contact dengan friction coeffition beton dan baja sebesar 0,2, sedangkan baja dan baja sebesar 0,1. Beban aksial diaplikasikan secara konstan pada bagian bebas yang diikuti dengan beban lateral siklik yang mengacu pada SNI 7834-2012. Studi pengaruh ketebalan baja dan eksentrisitas gaya lateral dilakukan dengan menggunakan true stress dan true strain sebagai input aplikasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan ketebalan baja hingga 50% dapat meningkatkan kapasitas beban, kapasitas drift, dan daktilitas. Peningkatan ketebalan baja juga dapat memperkecil panjang sendi plastis dan distribusi tegangan maksimum pada kolom CFT. Sedangkan, hasil uji eksentrisitas gaya lateral hingga 400 mm menghasilkan kecenderungan terbalik dengan peningkatan ketebalan baja, tetapi distribusi tegangan maksimum juga terjadi pada kolom CFT. Dari hasil validasi analisis FEM memberikan prediksi yang baik dengan keakuratan diatas 95% dan pola keruntuhan yang menyerupai hasil uji eksperimental.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Analysing confined masonry (CM) with strengthening around the opening (analytical model) was cond... more Analysing confined masonry (CM) with strengthening around the opening (analytical model) was conducted numerically. The opening variations were centric and eccentric opening doors with an opening ratio of 16.93% and 31.75%; centric and eccentric opening windows with opening ratios of 10.16% and 19.05%. This analysis aims to apply the procedure for analysing the CM models by using layered shell elements and also comparing the behaviour and performance of each model. The masonry and frames were modelled using layered shell elements in SAP2000 software and analysis were done by using nonlinear static pushover analysis. This analysis starts by making a validation model based on other experimental work and comparing the behaviour of the structure modelled in the form of CM without openings and CM with openings. The results show that both models have load-displacement diagrams similar to the experimental results. By using the same modelling method applied to the analytical model, it was f...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This study aims to analyze of the structural behavior of two-story building under the combination... more This study aims to analyze of the structural behavior of two-story building under the combination of earthquake forces and tsunami hydrodynamic forces, with model variations included the percentage of wall’s opening and thickness. The 3-D modeling of two-story buildings were conducted in this study using software SAP 2000; the first model consisted of wall panels with the percentage of openings of 0% (PD0), 25% (PD25), 35% (PD35), and 50% (PD50), while the second model included buildings with 150 mm and 250 mm wall thickness. In addition, the hydrodynamic force predicted by numerical simulations based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) was compared to that of predicted by semi-empirical design equations. The results of the wall panel modeling show that the greater the percentage of wall’s opening, the smaller the hydrodynamic load that can be carried out by the structure and hence, the lesser the stresses on the wall. The increase of building’s wall thickness from 150 mm to 250...
The behavior of reinforced concrete frame with infill wall (RDP) has been studied numerically by ... more The behavior of reinforced concrete frame with infill wall (RDP) has been studied numerically by modeling the RDP structure using the LUSAS software. The results were compared to other researchers’ results that conducted laboratory test and used SAP programs. The results of analysis using SAP show that the proposed model that subjected to load up to the maximum limit show similar behavior to the laboratory tests results in which parameters such as secant modulus for concrete and wall materials based on graphs of stress-strain relationships and a reduction in moment of inertia due to the crack of beam-column are taken into account. The model using LUSAS did not adopt this method instead applied plastic elastic material and non-linear analysis. The results of the analysis are still not in proportional to the magnitude of the laboratory test results, but the behavior of the load and deflection indicates similar form. The analysis models show the maximum stress points that occur on the ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 2019
Dalam perencanaan struktur rangka dinding pengisi (RDP) diperlukan data propertis dari dinding pa... more Dalam perencanaan struktur rangka dinding pengisi (RDP) diperlukan data propertis dari dinding pasangan berupa nilai kuat tekan dan modulus elastisitasnya. Di Indonesia belum tersedia standar nilai dari data propertis pasangan dinding dan material pembentuknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi dan menambah informasi mengenai karakteristik pasangan bata merah dari produsen bata merah lokal Tulikup. Pengujian karakteristik unit bata merah seperti dimensi, penyerapan air, dan kuat tekan mengacu pada SNI 15-0686-1989 dan kuat tekan mortar menggunakan SNI 03-6825-2002. Dua variasi campuran mortar yang digunakan yaitu perbandingan berat semen portland dan pasir 1:3 dan 1:4. Pengujian pasangan bata merah mengacu pada BS EN 1052-1:1999 untuk menentukan nilai kuat tekan, modulus elastisitas, dan pola retak. Dimensi bata merah Tulikup diperoleh panjang (P) 22,5 cm, lebar (b) 11 cm dan tebal (t) 5,1 cm. Kuat tekan bata merah Tulikup diperoleh sebesar 5,15 N/mm2 dan penyerapan air se...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 2019
Struktur rangka terbreis (BF) merupakan sistem rangka batang vertikal yang dapat memberikan ketah... more Struktur rangka terbreis (BF) merupakan sistem rangka batang vertikal yang dapat memberikan ketahanan terhadap gaya lateral (gempa). Alternatif lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menahan beban lateral adalah dengan menggunakan sistem struktur diagrid (DIA) yang merupakan sistem struktur dengan breising diagonal dengan sudut tertentu yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai kolom. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan perilaku struktur baja DIA dengan BF. Struktur DIA dirancang dengan variasi kemiringan sudut 54o, 65o, 70o, dan 77o sedangkan struktur BF menggunakan tipe X-2 lantai pada gedung berukuran 25 m x 25 m dan tinggi total 56 m. Kedua sistem struktur didesain agar memenuhi simpangan antar lantai ijin tidak melebihi 0,020 hsx dan nilai stress ratio kurang dari 1,0. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa model DIA 65 merupakan struktur yang paling kaku diantara model yang lainnya, sedangkan gaya-gaya pada model BF lebih kecil dari model DIA. Model DIA77 membutuhkan material ba...
Abstrak: Denah bangunan yang lengkung dengan jari-jari (R) yang disesuaikan dengan lokasi banguna... more Abstrak: Denah bangunan yang lengkung dengan jari-jari (R) yang disesuaikan dengan lokasi bangunan merupakan alternatif perencana untuk mendapatkan pemandangan yang bagus. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dinamis dari lima buah model struktur dengan variasi kelengkungan denah R=∞, R=122, R=108, R=94, dan R=80 meter yang meliputi waktu getar alami struktur, gaya geser dasar, perpindahan antar lantai, kecepatan dan percepatan lantai, dan gaya-gaya dalam pada elemen struktur. Analisis 3D dilakukan terhadap struktur hotel 4 lantai dengan tinggi tingkat 3,5 meter yang berada pada kondisi tanah keras. Kelima model struktur memiliki dimensi pelat, balok dan kolom serta massa tingkat dan mutu material yang sama. Prilaku dinamis diperoleh dari analisis riwayat waktu mengkuti average acceleration dari Newmark dimana nilai γ = 1/2 dan β = 1/4. Adapun catatan gempa yang digunakan adalah gempa EL-Centro 1940. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa denah lengkung dibandingkan dengan R...
Abstrak : Lokasi Indonesia yang berada diantara empat sistem tektonik aktif menyebabkan Indonesia... more Abstrak : Lokasi Indonesia yang berada diantara empat sistem tektonik aktif menyebabkan Indonesia memiliki tingkat resiko gempa yang cukup tinggi. Dalam kondisinya terjadinya gempa kuat diharapkan bangunan pusat pelayanan utama yang penting terhadap penyelamatan setelah gempa terjadi seperti bangunan rumah sakit, bangunan penyimpanan air dan bangunan lainya yang non gedung, tidak boleh mengalami kerusakan yang berat sehingga tidak berfungsi. Salah satunya bangunan gedung rumah sakit perlu direncanakan untuk memiliki ketahanan terhadap gempa. Daktilitas penuh menjadi alternatif dalam perencanaan struktur tahan gempa dan syarat pendetailan dibutuhkan yang detail. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah dapat memahami penggunaan gedung tahan gempa dengan menggunakan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dengan RSNI 03-1726-xxxx. Rencana lokasi gedung ini adalah di wilayah Denpasar dan termasuk wilayah gempa kuat berfungsi sebagai gedung rumah sakit, ukuran denah 12,25 m x 20,75 m, dengan 4 l...
Research on reinforced concrete structure with and without infill wall has been done by modeling ... more Research on reinforced concrete structure with and without infill wall has been done by modeling the same structure as open frame (OF) and infilled frame (RDP) to compare in their stiffness, force distribution and dimensional changes. In RDP model, the wall is modeled as equivalent diagonal struts with one, two and three struts. Seven-storey building structure is taken as a reference and structures of 4 and 10 floors are used as comparison. To observe the effect of wall discontinuity at ground level additional 4 models were made for the 7 storey building by removing one, four, six, and all nine walls at ground level (RDP7S3SS1, RDP7S3SS2, RDP7S3SS3, and RDP7S3SS4). For seven-storey model, RDP structures with one, two, and three struts have a comparable lateral stiffness but it tends to increase for model with many struts. Compared to OF, RDP structure with one, two, and three struts have smaller lateral deformation with ratio 0,655; 0,636, and 0,612, respectively. Bending moment, sh...
Pada perancangan struktur gedung, pengaruh gaya gempa merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk... more Pada perancangan struktur gedung, pengaruh gaya gempa merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan, terutama untuk gedung-gedung yang berada pada wilayah yang sering dilanda gempa besar. Pada SNI 03-1726-2002 dan RSNI 03-1726-201X, selain konsep peta hazard gempa yang berbeda, juga terdapat perbedaan pada prosedur perhitungan beban gempa respons spektrum. Pada SNI 03-1726-2002, terdapat sedikit parameter yang harus ditentukan dan parameter tersebut sudah tersedia pada tabel dan grafik. Sedangkan pada RSNI 03-1726-201X, parameter yang harus ditentukan lebih banyak dan lebih mendetil dibandingkan SNI 03-1726-2002. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan gedung fiktif tidak beraturan 5 tingkat yang difungsikan sebagai kantor sebuah bank yang berlokasi di kota Denpasar. Struktur gedung menggunakan konstruksi beton bertulang dengan sistem struktur open frame (SRPMK). Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa nilai base shear yang dihasilkan oleh beban gempa RSNI 03-...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dari struktur three-sided arch (TSA) yang meru... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku dari struktur three-sided arch (TSA) yang merupakan salah satu alternatif dari struktur box culvert (BC). Perilaku kedua struktur dibandingkan melalui pemodelan elemen hingga pada program SAP2000. Pemodelan model validasi merupakan tahap awal dalam penelitian ini, yang dibuat berdasarkan pada hasil uji laboratorium oleh peneliti lain. Hasil pemodelan validasi menunjukkan bahwa pemodelan dengan elemen frame (MFR) dan shell (MSH) lebih mendekati hasil uji laboratorium, sedangkan elemen solid (MSO) jauh berbeda sehingga tidak digunakan dalam model aplikasi. Setelah metode pemodelan valid, selanjutnya dilakukan pemodelan aplikasi BC dan TSA yang memiliki panjang bentang bervariasi. Model aplikasi yang dibuat meliputi BC dan TSA dengan bentang 4 m (BC4 dan TSA4), 5 m (BC5 dan TSA5), 7 m (BC7 dan TSA7), 9 m (BC9 dan TSA9) dan 11 m (BC11 dan TSA11) dengan tebal pelat atas 400 mm pada model BC dan 300 mm pada TSA. Deformasi kedua model dian...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The confined wall structure (CWS) of medium-rise buildings are generally built with walls of the ... more The confined wall structure (CWS) of medium-rise buildings are generally built with walls of the same thickness. It causes stress at the bottom wall-story to become the highest. Numerical analysis was conducted to evaluate the behavior of CWS with wall density index variations. Three 4-story CWS buildings with different wall thicknesses were modeled in finite element software. Model 1 (M1) considered the same wall thickness for the whole building; M2 and M3 varied the thickness where the top floor wall was the thinnest. The calculation of wall density index (WDI) was performed on all three models. The results showed that the value of WDI calculated using the transformation method is the closest because it takes into account the differences in material quality and its value meets the standard requirements. Analysis results showed that the drift ratio for all three models were less than 0.2%, which also fulfilled the requirement. However, M3 showed the highest displacement. Compressiv...
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
The numerical study was conducted to determine equation of diagonal strut width to model infilled... more The numerical study was conducted to determine equation of diagonal strut width to model infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures with reinforced opening. The equation is necessary because, despite the opening, infill masonry wall in RC frame is capable of strengthening existing structures. Validation models of diagonal strut (ST) and shell elements (SH) were first made in SAP2000 to mimic the behavior of tested infilled frame RC structures with opening reported by others. The valid models were then used to predict the equivalent width of diagonal strut for the infill wall with opening percentage of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%. The fitted data were then plotted and simple regression analysis was used to obtain equation that correlate between the opening percentage (r) and the stiffness reduction coefficient (c) associated with the wall opening. The proposed equation was then applied to model 2-6 storey infilled frames together with the shell element models for the wall opening ratios of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%. It was revealed that the ST and SH models can mimic the true behavior of tested infilled RC frame with reinforced opening up to the maximum load. The equivalent strut width formula is then proposed in the form of wds = (d/4).c and c = (1.0565r 2-2.281r + 1.3764). The d is diagonal length of the strut. Interestingly enough, the model with door opening is stronger than the model with window opening of equal opening ratio. More interestingly, the model with door opening is stronger than the model with solid infill due to the contribution of lintels to stiffen the structure. The data obtained from these models suggest that despite the opening, the infill wall should be considered in modeling the structure to have more accurate response.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numeri... more The behaviour of the structure of reinforced concrete (RC) due to seismic load was studied numerically where RC structures of 2, 3, and 4 storey were modelled to reveal their seismic behaviour. Nonlinear static pushover analysis was also carried out to determine its performance. The structures were strengthened using steel frames, steel braces or infill walls with concentric openings. RC open frame structure (MF) was firstly designed in accordance with Indonesian Code, SNI 2847:2013. The MF model was then strengthened, particularly in the middle span, either with steel frame on surrounding beams and columns (MFF) or reinforced with X, A, or V steel bracing (BFX, BFA, and BFV). The bracing model was further added with steel frames (FBFX, FBFA, and FBFV). The MF was also reinforced with infill walls with concentric opening of 20%, 40%, and 60% (IF20, IF40, and IF60). From the results of the analyses, it can be concluded that the addition of bracing with and without steel frames and infill walls with concentric opening can stiffen the structures. Steel framed brace model was the most rigid one. The level of performance of the reinforced MF model using steel bracing with and without steel frames increased from Immediate Occupancy (IO) to Operational Level (B), but the level decreased into Collapse Prevention (CP) for the model with infill walls. The performance of RC reinforced with steel frames remained at Immediate Occupancy (IO) level.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Seismic performance of RC frame structures was investigated by creating 3-D models of the frame w... more Seismic performance of RC frame structures was investigated by creating 3-D models of the frame with additional solid RC infill wall along the height of Honolulu Building prescribed in FEMA design examples. Layered-shell element (LSE) was used to model the infill wall and gap element was introduced at the interface between the wall and the bounding frames. The modelling technique was validated against test results reported in the literature prior to its application on the 12 story building. The push over curves of all models were compared to obtain the most efficient model that conform to the strength and stiffness requirement of the seismic codes of Indonesia. The results showed that the non-linear behaviour of RC frame with RC infill wall can be modelled accurately using LSE and gap element. The RC wall addition improved the strength, stiffness and performance of the frame significantly. The most efficient model was that with infill wall up to the first 4 story levels in which, th...
International Journal of Technology, 2019
Openings in the walls of infilled frame structural systems are very common. Reinforcement around ... more Openings in the walls of infilled frame structural systems are very common. Reinforcement around the wall openings confines and strengthens the wall, making an infilled frame with a confined opening (IFcO) a reliable structural system for seismically active regions. To encourage the application of IFcO, an analysis method is proposed by introducing a simple equivalent diagonal strut formula with reduced width due to the wall opening. Finite element models using shell elements were used as reference to develop strut width formula for IFcO with varying opening ratios (r) and diagonal angles (θ). The formula was verified against previous test results and then applied for the design of 3 and 5-story buildings, consisting of IFcOs with r of 30, 60 and 80% to represent medium, large and very large openings. The seismic responses of the strut models were then compared to those of the shell and the bare frame models. The effect of the opening on internal forces, frame reinforcement, wall stresses and soft story mechanisms were also investigated.