Igor Trbojevic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Igor Trbojevic

Research paper thumbnail of Distribucija, status i ishrana vuka (Canis lupus L.1758) na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine

Универзитет у Београду, Feb 19, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of DISTRIBUCIJA VUKA (Canis lupus L., 1758) U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI


Vuk (Canis lupus L., 1758) je vrsta kopnenog sisara koja je u prošlosti naseljavala cijeli evrops... more Vuk (Canis lupus L., 1758) je vrsta kopnenog sisara koja je u prošlosti naseljavala cijeli evropskikontinent, dok je danas njen areal smanjen na istočnu i jugoistočnu Evropu, sa sporadničnim pojavljivanjemmalih populacija u zapadnoj Evropi, na Iberijskom i Apeninskom poluostrvu. Vuk imarazličit status zaštite u Bosni i Hercegovini. U Republici Srpskoj je nezaštićen, dok u Federaciji Bosnei Hercegovine ima status lovostajem zaštićene vrste. Pokretanje sistematskih istraživanja ekologijeove predatorske vrste na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine predstavlja jedan od imperativa.Za analizu distribucije prikupljeno je 1013 pojedinačnih nalaza na teritoriji cijele Bosne i Hercegovine,od čega 737 odstrijeljene jedinke i 276 predacija na domaćim životinjama. Distribucija irelativna gustina vuka u BiH je prikazana na UTM (MGRS) mreži sa veličinom kvadrata (jedinicom)od 10x10 km.Vuk je registrovan u 196 kvadrata UTM mreže (19 600 km²). Najveća gustina vučije populacije se nalazina sjevernim dijelov...

Research paper thumbnail of Faunistički Nalazi Sa Planine Volujak: Prilog Poznavanju Faune Republike Srpske (Bosna I Hercegovina)

Research paper thumbnail of Invasive expansion of the golden jackals in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research paper thumbnail of Notoedrosis in a Household Cat - Case Report

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Dec 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Severe Form of Generalized Sarcoptic Mange with Secondary Piotraumatic Folliculitis in Dogs: Differential Diagnosis and Epizootiological Approach

Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, Jun 16, 2020

Кратак садржај: У овом раду је описан случај генерализоване саркоптес шуге (саркоптозе) код пса л... more Кратак садржај: У овом раду је описан случај генерализоване саркоптес шуге (саркоптозе) код пса луталице који је пронађен на подручју општине Котор Варош. Клиничким и дерматолошким прегледом постављена је сумња на саркоптес шугу код пса, што је потврђено налазом јаја и адултних облика шугарца Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. Као секундарна компликација шуге, утврђено је присуство стафилококног пиотрауматског фоликулитиса. Хематолошким прегледом установљена је анемија и леукоцитоза. У основној терапији је коришћен ивермектин (парентерално) у дози 0,4 mg/kg са цефалексином који је апликован перорално у дози 40 mg/kg сваких 12 сати. Терапија је трајала укупно 30 дана. Контролним прегледима нису установљени паразитски елементи у површински оструганој кожи. У дискусији овог рада су приказане епизоотиолошке карактеристике болести и наведене болести коже код паса, које се могу помијешати са шугом у свакодневној пракси. Кључне ријечи: саркоптес шуга, пас, пиотрауматски фоликулитис УВОД Саркоптес шуга (саркоптоза) паса је високо контагиозна, кожна паразитска болест узрокована шугарцем Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. Ова гриња паразитира у површинским слојевима епидермиса код карнивора. Постоји неколико специфичности везано за ову тешку дерматозу:-не постоје нови подаци о заступљености паразита код пса и других карнивора (вукови, лисице, шакали) у свијету;-дијагностика је захтјевна-мањи број гриња у кожи се детектује површинским стругањем коже. Болест спада у зоонозе. На основу лимитираног броја студија може се закључити да је данас саркоптес шуга ријетка болест, јер је Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол. XX, Бр.1-2, 141-151, 2020. Стевановић и сар.: Тежак облик генерализоване саркоптес шуге са секундарним пиотрауматским фоликулитисом код пса: епизоотиолошки и диференцијално дијагностички приступ


Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Dec 12, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Including biotic interactions in species distribution models improves the understanding of species niche: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe

ABSTRACTBiotic interactions are expected to influence species’ responses to climate change, but t... more ABSTRACTBiotic interactions are expected to influence species’ responses to climate change, but they are usually not included when predicting future range shifts. We assessed the importance of biotic interactions to understand future consequences of climate and land use change for biodiversity using as a model system the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Europe. By including biotic interactions using the spatial variation of energy contribution and habitat models of each food species, we showed that the use of biotic factors considerably improves our understanding of the distribution of brown bears. Predicted future range shifts, which included changes in the distribution of food species, varied greatly when considering various scenarios of change in biotic factors, warning about future indirect climate change effects. Our study confirmed that advancing our understanding of ecological networks of species interactions will improve future scenarios of biodiversity change, which is key for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Wolf diet and livestock depredation in North Bosnia and Herzegovina



Beaver is a semiaquatic mammal which inhabits suitable watercourses and water surfaces coveredby ... more Beaver is a semiaquatic mammal which inhabits suitable watercourses and water surfaces coveredby rich vegetation of woody and herbaceous species. In the past, it inhabited large areas fromsouth to the north European mainland, but in the early XX century, there were only six isolatedautochthonous populations left. The reason that led to the complete extinction of Eurasian beaverin Bosnia and Herzegovina is the same as in Europe - excessive hunting.Thanks to the actions of the beaver reintroduction to former habitats across Europe at the beginningof the XXI century, the beaver is again spread over a wider area. In Bosnia and Herzegovinabeavers were reintroduced in 2005 and 2006, thus making it the 26th country that has helped toincrease the number of beavers. With the reintroduction of the beaver on the territory of Bosniaand Herzegovina, it became protected species.In the period from 2009 to 2016 a total of 964 records about the presence of beavers was collected.Currently on the terr...

Research paper thumbnail of Canid guild changes in Europe: evidence for a continental-scale mesopredator release of golden jackal (Canis aureus)

Research paper thumbnail of Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes

Diversity and Distributions, 2021

AimThe recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from a decre... more AimThe recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled by forest cover increase and the consequent increase in availability of shelter and prey. We investigated whether land cover and human population density changes are related to the relative probability of occurrence of three European large carnivores: the grey wolf (Canis lupus), the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos).LocationEurope, west of 64° longitude.MethodsWe fitted multi‐temporal species distribution models using >50,000 occurrence points with time series of land cover, landscape configuration, protected areas, hunting regulations and human population density covering a 24‐year period (1992–2015). Within the temporal window considered, we then predicted changes in habitat suitability for large carnivores throughout Europe.ResultsBetween 1992 and 2015, the habitat suitabilit...

Research paper thumbnail of The first record of Eucoleus aerophilus in the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Balkan Journal of Wildlife Research, 2020

This paper represents the first report on the presence of a cardiorespiratory nematodes in the gr... more This paper represents the first report on the presence of a cardiorespiratory nematodes in the gray wolf from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The heart and lungs with corresponding trachea from wolves that were legally hunted from 2009 to 2019 have been analysed by routine post mortem macroscopical examination. A total of 25 heart samples were examined for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum, while five lungs with trachea samples were examined for the presence of lung nematodes. There was no confirmed presence of Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum, while the presence of species Eucoleus aerophilus was established in one case (20%). This study confirms that the gray wolf is a source of infection with Eucoleus aerophilus to other natural hosts.



Ovaj rad predstavlja novi korak u razumijevanju stvarnog stanja populacije mrkog medvjeda (Ursus ... more Ovaj rad predstavlja novi korak u razumijevanju stvarnog stanja populacije mrkog medvjeda (Ursus arctos)koji nastanjuje područja Republike Srpske (RS). Rezultati dobijeni anketiranjem 38 od 42 (91%) organizacijekoje upravljaju medvjedima u RS (lovačke organizacije, šumska gazdinstva i nacionalni parkovi)služe kao osnova za razvoj boljeg upravljanja i zaštite vrste. Anketirani ispitanici imali su veoma visokoopšte mišljenje o medvjedima, što je ocijenjeno prosječnom ocjenom 4,6 (od 1 − vrlo loše do 5 − odlično).Većina ispitanika (74%) nije bila sigurna koji je stvarni broj medvjeda u RS. Nedostatak implementacijeCITES-a u RS prepoznat je kao važna potreba za promjenom postojećeg zakonodavstva (65% mišljenja).U 79% lovišta su zabilježene štete od medvjeda, najčešće na stoci (40%) i pčelinjacima (37%). Prisutnostmedvjeda s problematičnim ponašanjem u RS prijavilo je 50% ispitanika, a to je manifestovano kroz stalnopojavljivanje šteta (58% ispitanika), napade na ljude (11%) i kretanju k...

Research paper thumbnail of The golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: density of territorial groups, population trend and distribution range

Mammal Research, 2018

In this article, we present the results of the first systematic surveys of golden jackal in Bosni... more In this article, we present the results of the first systematic surveys of golden jackal in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The population status and distribution of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in B&H was largely unknown, and the few existing literature records mention their presence at only five localities in the country. We interviewed managers of all the hunting grounds in B&H and reviewed available jackal hunting records from 2000 to 2016. In total, we collected 212 records of legally harvested jackals. We observed an increasing trend of harvested jackals in B&H (on average 35% annual increase) during this same period. Using acoustic (play-back) method, we confirmed the presence of 80 territorial jackal groups along six transects covering 3081 km². We estimated density to be a minimum of 0.33 groups/10 km² in northern B&H and 0.10 groups/10 km² in central B&H. Jackal groups were located at significantly lower altitudes in respect to available area along the transects. We present a distribution map of confirmed jackal occurrences in B&H, which indicates that the core area of jackal distribution in the country is currently located along the Sava River and its tributaries in the northern part of B&H. Jackals are sporadically present in the rest of the country, where grey wolves (Canis lupus) probably limit their presence. In total, jackal presence has been detected in 19% (109 out of 586) of 10x10 km grid cells covering the country. The primary factor driving expanding population of jackals in northern B&H appears to be immigration of jackals from Croatia and Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Severe Verminous Pneumonia Caused by Natural Mixed Infection with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Angiostrongylus chabaudi in a European Wildcat from Western Balkan Area

Acta Parasitologica, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Species distribution models as a tool to predict range expansion after reintroduction: A case study on Eurasian beavers ( Castor fiber )

Journal for Nature Conservation, 2017

Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of r... more Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of reintroduction operations by identifying the main areas most likely to be colonized by the reintroduced species. We used SDMs to identify the potential distribution of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) reintroduced to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004-2006 after being historically driven to extinction by overhunting. Models were also used to carry out a gap analysis to assess the degree of protection granted by the national reserve networks to the potentially expanding population. Distances from hydrographic network, broadleaved forest, main watercourses and farmland were the main factors influencing model performance. We estimated that suitable habitat covers 14.0 % (31,000 km²) of the whole study area. In Serbia, in 2004-2013 beavers expanded their range at a mean colonization speed of 70.9 ± 12.8 km/year (mean ± SD). Only 2.89% of and 9.72% of beaver's suitable habitat lie within the national network of protected areas of Bosnia and Serbia respectively. We detected new potential areas where beavers will likely settle in the near future, advising on where further monitoring should be focused. We also identified low suitability areas to be targeted with appropriate management to improve their conditions as well as important regions falling outside reserve boundaries where protection should be granted.

Research paper thumbnail of Faunistic Findings from Volujak Mountain: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The first, after a long absence of any scientific research, faunal findings from the area of the ... more The first, after a long absence of any scientific research, faunal findings from the area of the Volujak Mountain (southeast of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) were presented. In addition to listing the diversity of mammal fauna, data on other faunistic groups (birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates) were also recorded. Various methods were used to detect the presence of the fauna of the research area: established transects, trapping with livetraps, netting for catching bats, recording organisms with an ultrasonic detector, photo-traps and visual observation. For 17 days of research, in July and August 2023, a total of 53 taxa were registered. Keystone and endangered species are distinguished: greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), Balkan chamois (Rupicapra r. balcanicus), meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) and the beech longhorn beetle (Morimus funereus). The area is very important in terms of biodiversity, and it needs to be protected.

Research paper thumbnail of Direct and indirect impacts of climate change and land use change over biodiversity: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe

Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, 2018

Climate and land use changes are the main drivers of biodiversity loss and species distribution r... more Climate and land use changes are the main drivers of biodiversity loss and species distribution range contractions. Previous studies have primarily explored the direct effects of these drivers on biodiversity while ignoring the indirect effects that come through other species. Models ignoring these mechanisms are prone to erroneous predictions of how global change impacts biodiversity, which impedes our ability to make effective management decision for biodiversity conservation. Here, we focus on the brown bear (Ursus arctos), a well-studied omnivore species that has trophic interactions with many different taxa. We aim understand how direct and indirect impacts of climate and land use change would affect the future distribution and vulnerability of different populations across Europe. We first conducted a literature search in Web of Science and Google Scholar to gather all available brown bear diet studies in Europe, based on faecal or stomach content. From the 32 identified studies, we selected 16 in which food items were described at the species level. In total, we compiled information on ~100 species that are generally consumed by brown bears. We constructed a spatial dataset assigning diet to different populations. We download well-defined and located occurrence data for all species found in the diet of the from brown bear from GBIF. To build reliable species distribution models for all these species, we used biomod2 in R that provides multiple algorithms and allows generating ensemble of species predictions per species. We control for the potential spatial bias in GBIF in the selection of pseudo-absence data following recommendation by Phillips et al. 2006. Single species distribution models for all species found in the diet were finally built in function of current climate and land use data. Using different scenarios for climate and land use change, we projected the future distributions of the brown bear diet species. Finally, using these projections and scenarios, we calculated the potential current and future suitable habitats of brown bear in Europe in function of its diet, climate and land use. The range dynamic of the brown bear was best explained by considering both direct and indirect impacts. Accounting for diet (indirect effect) buffered the direct impact of climate and land use change. Our results highlight the importance of taking a food-web ecosystem approach to evaluate the impact of global changes and predict modifications in the distribution and vulnerability of species.peerReviewe

Research paper thumbnail of European agreements for nature conservation need to explicitly address wolf-dog hybridisation

Biological Conservation, 2020

Abstract Hybridisation between wolves and dogs is increasingly reported in Europe. Nonetheless, n... more Abstract Hybridisation between wolves and dogs is increasingly reported in Europe. Nonetheless, no systematic survey has ever been attempted at the continental scale. We made the first assessment of wolf-dog hybridisation (WDH) occurrence in Europe and analysed how the phenomenon is addressed by international legislation and managed at the country level. We found that WDH is reported in all nine extant European wolf populations, and in 21 out of 26 countries for which we received information. The two main international legal instruments (i.e., the Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention) do not explicitly mention the threat posed by hybridisation but do provide guidance promoting control of free-ranging wolf-dog hybrids. However, we recorded poor compliance with such recommendations in most European countries, and a lack of coordination in addressing WDH among countries sharing the same wolf population. Alarmingly, we revealed a lack of well-designed and implemented country-wide genetic surveys to detect and monitor hybridisation, both relevant pre-requisites to effectively implement WDH management. By recommending criteria for an operative definition of “hybrid”, we also suggest improvements to enhance WDH-related policy at the European scale.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribucija, status i ishrana vuka (Canis lupus L.1758) na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine

Универзитет у Београду, Feb 19, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of DISTRIBUCIJA VUKA (Canis lupus L., 1758) U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI


Vuk (Canis lupus L., 1758) je vrsta kopnenog sisara koja je u prošlosti naseljavala cijeli evrops... more Vuk (Canis lupus L., 1758) je vrsta kopnenog sisara koja je u prošlosti naseljavala cijeli evropskikontinent, dok je danas njen areal smanjen na istočnu i jugoistočnu Evropu, sa sporadničnim pojavljivanjemmalih populacija u zapadnoj Evropi, na Iberijskom i Apeninskom poluostrvu. Vuk imarazličit status zaštite u Bosni i Hercegovini. U Republici Srpskoj je nezaštićen, dok u Federaciji Bosnei Hercegovine ima status lovostajem zaštićene vrste. Pokretanje sistematskih istraživanja ekologijeove predatorske vrste na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine predstavlja jedan od imperativa.Za analizu distribucije prikupljeno je 1013 pojedinačnih nalaza na teritoriji cijele Bosne i Hercegovine,od čega 737 odstrijeljene jedinke i 276 predacija na domaćim životinjama. Distribucija irelativna gustina vuka u BiH je prikazana na UTM (MGRS) mreži sa veličinom kvadrata (jedinicom)od 10x10 km.Vuk je registrovan u 196 kvadrata UTM mreže (19 600 km²). Najveća gustina vučije populacije se nalazina sjevernim dijelov...

Research paper thumbnail of Faunistički Nalazi Sa Planine Volujak: Prilog Poznavanju Faune Republike Srpske (Bosna I Hercegovina)

Research paper thumbnail of Invasive expansion of the golden jackals in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research paper thumbnail of Notoedrosis in a Household Cat - Case Report

Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Dec 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Severe Form of Generalized Sarcoptic Mange with Secondary Piotraumatic Folliculitis in Dogs: Differential Diagnosis and Epizootiological Approach

Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, Jun 16, 2020

Кратак садржај: У овом раду је описан случај генерализоване саркоптес шуге (саркоптозе) код пса л... more Кратак садржај: У овом раду је описан случај генерализоване саркоптес шуге (саркоптозе) код пса луталице који је пронађен на подручју општине Котор Варош. Клиничким и дерматолошким прегледом постављена је сумња на саркоптес шугу код пса, што је потврђено налазом јаја и адултних облика шугарца Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. Као секундарна компликација шуге, утврђено је присуство стафилококног пиотрауматског фоликулитиса. Хематолошким прегледом установљена је анемија и леукоцитоза. У основној терапији је коришћен ивермектин (парентерално) у дози 0,4 mg/kg са цефалексином који је апликован перорално у дози 40 mg/kg сваких 12 сати. Терапија је трајала укупно 30 дана. Контролним прегледима нису установљени паразитски елементи у површински оструганој кожи. У дискусији овог рада су приказане епизоотиолошке карактеристике болести и наведене болести коже код паса, које се могу помијешати са шугом у свакодневној пракси. Кључне ријечи: саркоптес шуга, пас, пиотрауматски фоликулитис УВОД Саркоптес шуга (саркоптоза) паса је високо контагиозна, кожна паразитска болест узрокована шугарцем Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. Ова гриња паразитира у површинским слојевима епидермиса код карнивора. Постоји неколико специфичности везано за ову тешку дерматозу:-не постоје нови подаци о заступљености паразита код пса и других карнивора (вукови, лисице, шакали) у свијету;-дијагностика је захтјевна-мањи број гриња у кожи се детектује површинским стругањем коже. Болест спада у зоонозе. На основу лимитираног броја студија може се закључити да је данас саркоптес шуга ријетка болест, јер је Ветеринарски журнал Републике Српске (Бања Лука), Вол. XX, Бр.1-2, 141-151, 2020. Стевановић и сар.: Тежак облик генерализоване саркоптес шуге са секундарним пиотрауматским фоликулитисом код пса: епизоотиолошки и диференцијално дијагностички приступ


Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Dec 12, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Including biotic interactions in species distribution models improves the understanding of species niche: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe

ABSTRACTBiotic interactions are expected to influence species’ responses to climate change, but t... more ABSTRACTBiotic interactions are expected to influence species’ responses to climate change, but they are usually not included when predicting future range shifts. We assessed the importance of biotic interactions to understand future consequences of climate and land use change for biodiversity using as a model system the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Europe. By including biotic interactions using the spatial variation of energy contribution and habitat models of each food species, we showed that the use of biotic factors considerably improves our understanding of the distribution of brown bears. Predicted future range shifts, which included changes in the distribution of food species, varied greatly when considering various scenarios of change in biotic factors, warning about future indirect climate change effects. Our study confirmed that advancing our understanding of ecological networks of species interactions will improve future scenarios of biodiversity change, which is key for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Wolf diet and livestock depredation in North Bosnia and Herzegovina



Beaver is a semiaquatic mammal which inhabits suitable watercourses and water surfaces coveredby ... more Beaver is a semiaquatic mammal which inhabits suitable watercourses and water surfaces coveredby rich vegetation of woody and herbaceous species. In the past, it inhabited large areas fromsouth to the north European mainland, but in the early XX century, there were only six isolatedautochthonous populations left. The reason that led to the complete extinction of Eurasian beaverin Bosnia and Herzegovina is the same as in Europe - excessive hunting.Thanks to the actions of the beaver reintroduction to former habitats across Europe at the beginningof the XXI century, the beaver is again spread over a wider area. In Bosnia and Herzegovinabeavers were reintroduced in 2005 and 2006, thus making it the 26th country that has helped toincrease the number of beavers. With the reintroduction of the beaver on the territory of Bosniaand Herzegovina, it became protected species.In the period from 2009 to 2016 a total of 964 records about the presence of beavers was collected.Currently on the terr...

Research paper thumbnail of Canid guild changes in Europe: evidence for a continental-scale mesopredator release of golden jackal (Canis aureus)

Research paper thumbnail of Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes

Diversity and Distributions, 2021

AimThe recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from a decre... more AimThe recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled by forest cover increase and the consequent increase in availability of shelter and prey. We investigated whether land cover and human population density changes are related to the relative probability of occurrence of three European large carnivores: the grey wolf (Canis lupus), the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos).LocationEurope, west of 64° longitude.MethodsWe fitted multi‐temporal species distribution models using >50,000 occurrence points with time series of land cover, landscape configuration, protected areas, hunting regulations and human population density covering a 24‐year period (1992–2015). Within the temporal window considered, we then predicted changes in habitat suitability for large carnivores throughout Europe.ResultsBetween 1992 and 2015, the habitat suitabilit...

Research paper thumbnail of The first record of Eucoleus aerophilus in the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Balkan Journal of Wildlife Research, 2020

This paper represents the first report on the presence of a cardiorespiratory nematodes in the gr... more This paper represents the first report on the presence of a cardiorespiratory nematodes in the gray wolf from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The heart and lungs with corresponding trachea from wolves that were legally hunted from 2009 to 2019 have been analysed by routine post mortem macroscopical examination. A total of 25 heart samples were examined for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum, while five lungs with trachea samples were examined for the presence of lung nematodes. There was no confirmed presence of Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum, while the presence of species Eucoleus aerophilus was established in one case (20%). This study confirms that the gray wolf is a source of infection with Eucoleus aerophilus to other natural hosts.



Ovaj rad predstavlja novi korak u razumijevanju stvarnog stanja populacije mrkog medvjeda (Ursus ... more Ovaj rad predstavlja novi korak u razumijevanju stvarnog stanja populacije mrkog medvjeda (Ursus arctos)koji nastanjuje područja Republike Srpske (RS). Rezultati dobijeni anketiranjem 38 od 42 (91%) organizacijekoje upravljaju medvjedima u RS (lovačke organizacije, šumska gazdinstva i nacionalni parkovi)služe kao osnova za razvoj boljeg upravljanja i zaštite vrste. Anketirani ispitanici imali su veoma visokoopšte mišljenje o medvjedima, što je ocijenjeno prosječnom ocjenom 4,6 (od 1 − vrlo loše do 5 − odlično).Većina ispitanika (74%) nije bila sigurna koji je stvarni broj medvjeda u RS. Nedostatak implementacijeCITES-a u RS prepoznat je kao važna potreba za promjenom postojećeg zakonodavstva (65% mišljenja).U 79% lovišta su zabilježene štete od medvjeda, najčešće na stoci (40%) i pčelinjacima (37%). Prisutnostmedvjeda s problematičnim ponašanjem u RS prijavilo je 50% ispitanika, a to je manifestovano kroz stalnopojavljivanje šteta (58% ispitanika), napade na ljude (11%) i kretanju k...

Research paper thumbnail of The golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: density of territorial groups, population trend and distribution range

Mammal Research, 2018

In this article, we present the results of the first systematic surveys of golden jackal in Bosni... more In this article, we present the results of the first systematic surveys of golden jackal in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The population status and distribution of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in B&H was largely unknown, and the few existing literature records mention their presence at only five localities in the country. We interviewed managers of all the hunting grounds in B&H and reviewed available jackal hunting records from 2000 to 2016. In total, we collected 212 records of legally harvested jackals. We observed an increasing trend of harvested jackals in B&H (on average 35% annual increase) during this same period. Using acoustic (play-back) method, we confirmed the presence of 80 territorial jackal groups along six transects covering 3081 km². We estimated density to be a minimum of 0.33 groups/10 km² in northern B&H and 0.10 groups/10 km² in central B&H. Jackal groups were located at significantly lower altitudes in respect to available area along the transects. We present a distribution map of confirmed jackal occurrences in B&H, which indicates that the core area of jackal distribution in the country is currently located along the Sava River and its tributaries in the northern part of B&H. Jackals are sporadically present in the rest of the country, where grey wolves (Canis lupus) probably limit their presence. In total, jackal presence has been detected in 19% (109 out of 586) of 10x10 km grid cells covering the country. The primary factor driving expanding population of jackals in northern B&H appears to be immigration of jackals from Croatia and Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Severe Verminous Pneumonia Caused by Natural Mixed Infection with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Angiostrongylus chabaudi in a European Wildcat from Western Balkan Area

Acta Parasitologica, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Species distribution models as a tool to predict range expansion after reintroduction: A case study on Eurasian beavers ( Castor fiber )

Journal for Nature Conservation, 2017

Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of r... more Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of reintroduction operations by identifying the main areas most likely to be colonized by the reintroduced species. We used SDMs to identify the potential distribution of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) reintroduced to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004-2006 after being historically driven to extinction by overhunting. Models were also used to carry out a gap analysis to assess the degree of protection granted by the national reserve networks to the potentially expanding population. Distances from hydrographic network, broadleaved forest, main watercourses and farmland were the main factors influencing model performance. We estimated that suitable habitat covers 14.0 % (31,000 km²) of the whole study area. In Serbia, in 2004-2013 beavers expanded their range at a mean colonization speed of 70.9 ± 12.8 km/year (mean ± SD). Only 2.89% of and 9.72% of beaver's suitable habitat lie within the national network of protected areas of Bosnia and Serbia respectively. We detected new potential areas where beavers will likely settle in the near future, advising on where further monitoring should be focused. We also identified low suitability areas to be targeted with appropriate management to improve their conditions as well as important regions falling outside reserve boundaries where protection should be granted.

Research paper thumbnail of Faunistic Findings from Volujak Mountain: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The first, after a long absence of any scientific research, faunal findings from the area of the ... more The first, after a long absence of any scientific research, faunal findings from the area of the Volujak Mountain (southeast of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) were presented. In addition to listing the diversity of mammal fauna, data on other faunistic groups (birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates) were also recorded. Various methods were used to detect the presence of the fauna of the research area: established transects, trapping with livetraps, netting for catching bats, recording organisms with an ultrasonic detector, photo-traps and visual observation. For 17 days of research, in July and August 2023, a total of 53 taxa were registered. Keystone and endangered species are distinguished: greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), Balkan chamois (Rupicapra r. balcanicus), meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) and the beech longhorn beetle (Morimus funereus). The area is very important in terms of biodiversity, and it needs to be protected.

Research paper thumbnail of Direct and indirect impacts of climate change and land use change over biodiversity: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe

Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, 2018

Climate and land use changes are the main drivers of biodiversity loss and species distribution r... more Climate and land use changes are the main drivers of biodiversity loss and species distribution range contractions. Previous studies have primarily explored the direct effects of these drivers on biodiversity while ignoring the indirect effects that come through other species. Models ignoring these mechanisms are prone to erroneous predictions of how global change impacts biodiversity, which impedes our ability to make effective management decision for biodiversity conservation. Here, we focus on the brown bear (Ursus arctos), a well-studied omnivore species that has trophic interactions with many different taxa. We aim understand how direct and indirect impacts of climate and land use change would affect the future distribution and vulnerability of different populations across Europe. We first conducted a literature search in Web of Science and Google Scholar to gather all available brown bear diet studies in Europe, based on faecal or stomach content. From the 32 identified studies, we selected 16 in which food items were described at the species level. In total, we compiled information on ~100 species that are generally consumed by brown bears. We constructed a spatial dataset assigning diet to different populations. We download well-defined and located occurrence data for all species found in the diet of the from brown bear from GBIF. To build reliable species distribution models for all these species, we used biomod2 in R that provides multiple algorithms and allows generating ensemble of species predictions per species. We control for the potential spatial bias in GBIF in the selection of pseudo-absence data following recommendation by Phillips et al. 2006. Single species distribution models for all species found in the diet were finally built in function of current climate and land use data. Using different scenarios for climate and land use change, we projected the future distributions of the brown bear diet species. Finally, using these projections and scenarios, we calculated the potential current and future suitable habitats of brown bear in Europe in function of its diet, climate and land use. The range dynamic of the brown bear was best explained by considering both direct and indirect impacts. Accounting for diet (indirect effect) buffered the direct impact of climate and land use change. Our results highlight the importance of taking a food-web ecosystem approach to evaluate the impact of global changes and predict modifications in the distribution and vulnerability of species.peerReviewe

Research paper thumbnail of European agreements for nature conservation need to explicitly address wolf-dog hybridisation

Biological Conservation, 2020

Abstract Hybridisation between wolves and dogs is increasingly reported in Europe. Nonetheless, n... more Abstract Hybridisation between wolves and dogs is increasingly reported in Europe. Nonetheless, no systematic survey has ever been attempted at the continental scale. We made the first assessment of wolf-dog hybridisation (WDH) occurrence in Europe and analysed how the phenomenon is addressed by international legislation and managed at the country level. We found that WDH is reported in all nine extant European wolf populations, and in 21 out of 26 countries for which we received information. The two main international legal instruments (i.e., the Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention) do not explicitly mention the threat posed by hybridisation but do provide guidance promoting control of free-ranging wolf-dog hybrids. However, we recorded poor compliance with such recommendations in most European countries, and a lack of coordination in addressing WDH among countries sharing the same wolf population. Alarmingly, we revealed a lack of well-designed and implemented country-wide genetic surveys to detect and monitor hybridisation, both relevant pre-requisites to effectively implement WDH management. By recommending criteria for an operative definition of “hybrid”, we also suggest improvements to enhance WDH-related policy at the European scale.