Ilari Karppi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ilari Karppi
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 1, 2004
On the Stages and Scales of Enlargement The May 2004 enlargement has brought European integration... more On the Stages and Scales of Enlargement The May 2004 enlargement has brought European integration to a stage where highly mixed expectations and sentiments are openly displayed. The step to be taken now is more controversial than any of its predecessors including the first enlargement of 1973. The uncertainties faced moreover reveal the impact of scale in societal processes-the fact that the particular spatio-temporal settings and the particular volumes will be decisive factors in determining the policy measures needed to guide the process in question.
Assessments and Structural Features
Springer eBooks, 1998
The 1985 White Paper on Completing the Internal Market proclaimed the four well-known liberties: ... more The 1985 White Paper on Completing the Internal Market proclaimed the four well-known liberties: free movement of goods, services, capital and labour. Quite a bit is known about the effects of trade and capital flows that cross the intra-EU borders. The same, however, cannot be said of the quantities of intra-EU labour force mobility.1 Likewise, surprisingly little is known of the qualifications of international migrants (Fischer and Straubhaar 1996: 145). Yet labour force mobility is crucial for the flexible production strategy and the well-educated multi-skilled personnel of the post-Fordist, knowledge-intensive globalised economy (Ruigrok and van Tulder 1995).
Public Management Review, Feb 3, 2020
Becoming smart? Pursuit of sustainability in urban policy design 1. Introduction: In a nexus of t... more Becoming smart? Pursuit of sustainability in urban policy design 1. Introduction: In a nexus of the smart and the sustainable Urbanists of different generations have praised cities for their dynamism and transformational capacities (e.g. Jacobs 1961; Chakrabarti 2013). Their evolution, assisted with the available technological and managerial capacities, has been thought to make better places for the all the more urban human species. Today's leading urban development narrative is one of a smart city, even if the concept defies a single authoritative interpretation. First, the contemporary debate on the phenomenon has had several historically and geographically-or situationallypeculiar points of origin (cf. Townsend 2014), even if most of its various readings seem to place at its core the amalgamation of big data and the intelligent instruments to utilize it (Ratti & Claudel 2016, 23-24; Carpo 2017, 18). Second, and of particular interest to public management, there is an apparent tension keeping the descriptive elements of the smart city discourse apart from its clearly prescriptive ones. This tension is caused by a prevailing dualism in the smart city discourse (Vanolo 2014, 886). While one leading concept of the smart city refers to urban development goals that can be promoted with different measures and tools, the other refers to a means of motivating diverse development projects (Rosati & Conti 2016). Yet, regardless of whether the smart city is understood as something that can be achieved through working with identified dimensions of 'the smart' (cf. Giffinger et al. 2007) or as the setting of a developmental agenda, one thing is clear: The resolute building of a smart city requires that those in charge are willing to work with (1) the urban data and (2) the tools that make the data matter in urban governance. Both of these elements are important because the data, more abundant and cheaper than ever This is the accepted manuscript of the article, which has been published in
Alue ja ympäristö, Feb 9, 2023
Journal of East-west Business, Sep 20, 2005
Since 1989, the Central and East European new market economies have implemented major governance ... more Since 1989, the Central and East European new market economies have implemented major governance reforms. Local administrations in these formerly centralized societies are gradually empowered to take a more strategic grip on their grassroots communities' developmental needs. However, public management-driven governance reforms are seen to constitute an ideologically rigid mainstream paradigm that diverts from the traditional Western market democracies' evolutionary institutional development trajectory. To implement large-scale governance restructuring, institutions such as EU or IMF have introduced powerful tools for monitoring, evaluating and assessing the pace of progress in the ways how the new market economies are governed. Still in a transitional stage, they need to accept these tools as ready-made parts delivered for their reforms. So far the tools utilized for the governance of policies run by the European institutions may themselves have been too centralizing and neglected the needs of more horizontal communication and learning from various grassroots communities' experiences. This may be counterproductive to an overall strive for enhanced European competitiveness.
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 1997
Planning Theory, Dec 4, 2015
In this article, we aim to understand how planning theory and practice should approach new urban ... more In this article, we aim to understand how planning theory and practice should approach new urban entities and their transforming meanings. We argue that planning practice has difficulties in identifying and recognising developmental processes where the human attachment to the local environment gradually changes the identity and use of an area. Instead, these processes are interpreted as disruptions in the planned course of action. We illustrate our viewpoint with an empirical example from Finland. The case is about a significant spot of biodiversity in a completely man-made environment. The study serves as an example of how artefacts actively co-shape the events and environment around them and thus create a relationship between humans and their surroundings. Drawing on a science and technology studies-inspired perspective on the relationships between human and non-human actors, we stress the importance of artefacts, local setting and processual development in urban planning.
Page 1. Tiehallinnon selvityksiä 25/2004 Tie-ja liikenneolojen alueelliset merkitykset Tienpidon ... more Page 1. Tiehallinnon selvityksiä 25/2004 Tie-ja liikenneolojen alueelliset merkitykset Tienpidon suhde alueelliseen kehitykseen Seppo Lampinen, Ilari Karppi, Anna Saarlo, Jani Hanhijärvi Page 2. Page 3. Seppo Lampinen, Ilari Karppi, Anna Saarlo, Jani Hanhijärvi ...
Maankäyttö, asuminen ja kestävä julkinen talous (JULMA)-projekti on kuudesta erillisestä osatutki... more Maankäyttö, asuminen ja kestävä julkinen talous (JULMA)-projekti on kuudesta erillisestä osatutkimuksesta sekä näiden välisestä vuoropuhelusta koostunut tutkimushanke.
The developmental setup of local communities is growing in complexity. Normative planning of land... more The developmental setup of local communities is growing in complexity. Normative planning of land, discussed here as production of space, designated for different functions has been largely replaced with communicative processes. They aim at negotiated order reached between planning authorities, various stakeholder groups and, in general, citizens. This production becomes all the more complicated as the development processes have to do with existing municipal centres with their established patterns of service distribution and consumption-and duly constructed elements that add the environment's imageability, legibility and visibility. The task becomes even more challenging if established municipal central business districts (CBD) are deemed outdated or are otherwise required to be put in a process of total renewal, with public and private services relocated and key flows redirected. Changes of his magnitude put entire local communities to such a stress that they can hardly be imagined without major change of external attractors that threaten to overwhelm the existing CBD structure with its established functions. This report deals with the administrative and service centre of Lempäälä (pop. ca. 16 000) in the Tampere city region (pop. ca. 315 000). Its external attractors were changed by construction of a gigantic business park with Finland's largest shopping centre at the distance of 6 km from the old CBD. This text deals with the strategies for the old CBD renewal for facing the externally induced challenge. The report is based on an empirical analysis carried out in 2006-2007. A stepwise process of qualitative and in several stages interactive and/or participatory data collection was carried out with an aim of creating a shared vision of the outlines of newly designed CBD for Lempäälä municipality. The project team consisted of researchers from the Department of Regional Studies as well as from private architect and retail consultant agencies. The research started with two internet-based inquiries of attributes that citizens attach to the Lempäälä CBD, as well as identified problems and desirable developmental trends. The inquiry was based on open questions with illustrations showing the potentials reached with urban design. This stage was followed with nine focus group sessions where the ideas collected in the first stage were discussed thoroughly with actor groups such as decision-makers, senior citizens, young people or city developers. The issues were developed further in a seminar organised with the municipal council and the executive group with key senior officials, led by the municipal manager. The issue specifically focused in this paper, deals with the services, and the degree to which they constitute the idea of a viable CBD in the pressure of the established core of Finland's second-largest metropolitan area (Tampere) at the distance of 18 km and the new business park/shopping centre in the immediate vicinity (6 km), both with an excellent motorway access. The second key issue touched upon in this paper is methodologically weighted. It deals with the preparation of a large-scale transformation process to be carried out as a part of strategic change management within the sphere of self-governing local administrative entity, and the role that publicity and open communication may have in it. The report introduces the actual outcomes of the process. The municipality of Lempäälä is committed to utilise the experiences it has gained from the management of the large-scale planning and construction process of the business park/shopping centre in the redesigning process of its CBD. The report also discusses the role of information and knowledge in their various forms in the process of creating favourable conditions for the CBD renewal and the new patterns of service distribution and consumption in an established small town-like environment and cultural landscape.
Nordic cooperation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swede... more Nordic cooperation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for cooperation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic cooperation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum for cooperation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic cooperation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are coordinated by the Nordic ministers for cooperation , the Nordic Committee for cooperation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2012
The paper consists of three layers that converge on the development of urban communities. Firstly... more The paper consists of three layers that converge on the development of urban communities. Firstly, and empirically it focuses on a particular local development process currently carried out in a rapidly growing urban region in Southern Finland. This process is studied in more detail in the last two sections of the paper with a view on a) what has been accomplished this far and b) what may follow on the basis of past development. The paper’s second layer is more conceptual. The scope of this discussion is set with a fair share of ingrained pragmatism, and it will be opened with a deliberatively quick philosophical cut on what may be argued about the potentials and desires of individual citizens in and endeavour to take active roles as co-designers of their living environments. After these introductory lines the focus will be shifted to more or less institutional preconditions that may allow citizens to have such an active role. Found in key positions in this instance is the evolution of institutions that have the capacity to effect in our ways to pursue good and meaningful life. The topic will be discussed within relational spaces set by these institutions – but keeping in mind the actually changing territorial contexts where our everyday experiences unfold. Historically the scope for this unfolding has been made with the help of various systems of belief and knowledge. They still hold a key role in the process of explaining it – and setting narratives for us to grasp how it takes place. The third layer is actually a diagonal that pierces the conceptual and empirical layers. Its core consists of mechanisms that facilitate the impacts that various actors need to use in order to leave their mark in community planning schemes. Not infrequently these mechanisms are something that the actors need to actively find – even if citizen and stakeholder participation is generally a standard feature in planning legislation in all highly developed economies. The planning case discussed in this paper includes a description of measures taken by the studied community planners as they seek to construct the interfaces with which the insights and creativity held by the community members can be embedded in the formal planning process.
Katsauksessa selvitetään valittuja ajankohtaisia teemoja alueellista kehittämistä eri näkökulmist... more Katsauksessa selvitetään valittuja ajankohtaisia teemoja alueellista kehittämistä eri näkökulmista tarkastelevassa kirjallisuudessa. Siinä otetaan kantaa myös joukkoon kehittämishaasteiden jäsentymistä koskevia keskusteluja. Tarkasteltavaksi valikoituneet aiheet keskittyvät pääasiassa käytännöllisiin kysymyksiin, jollaisia maakunnallinen liitto kohtaa aluekehittämistyössä ja maakunnallisessa suunnittelussa. Tällaisesta tulevaan kehitykseen varautuvasta suunnitteluorientaatiosta johtuen katsauksen huomio kohdistuu erilaisiin kohdattaviksi tuleviin haasteisiin ja mahdollisuuksiin. Materiaalin hankinnassa on keskitytty ensiksikin tuoreisiin julkaisuihin (2003-2009) ja toiseksi pohjoismaisiin esimerkkeihin, joiden konteksti tavalla tai toisella muistuttaa kehittämisasetelmaa Pirkanmaalla. Tällaisin valintakriteerein esimerkkeihin on pyritty saamaan lisää käytännönläheisyyttä. Julkaisujen lisäksi on käyty läpi eräiden keskeisten suomalaisten aluekehityksen parissa työskentelevien toimijoiden julkaisu- ja projektihakemistoja viime vuosilta. Raportin teema-alueet on jäsennetty yhteistyössä Pirkanmaan liiton suunnittelu- ja kehittämistehtävistä vastaavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Tehdyt sisältöratkaisut ovat kuitenkin olleet raportin vastuullisten kirjoittajien käsissä. Raportti on jatkoa muutama vuosi sitten tässä sarjassa julkaistulle Ajankohtaista alueellisessa kehittämisessä -katsaukselle. Edellisen raportin yleiskatsauksellisuudesta tämän tekstin erottaa fokusoituminen selvästi rajatumpaan joukkoon aihepiirejä
Heikki Rantala, Ilari Karppi, Inka Paananen: Organisaation arviointipolitiikka ja vaikutustietoje... more Heikki Rantala, Ilari Karppi, Inka Paananen: Organisaation arviointipolitiikka ja vaikutustietojen yhteensovittaminen. Menetelmiä määrällisen ja laadullisen vaikutustiedon jalostamiseen. [Organisation's evaluation policy and impact data management. Some methods to process quantitative and qualitative impact data.] Helsinki 2003. Finnish Road Administration. Finnra internal publications 45/2003. 66 p. + app. 5 p.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 1, 2004
On the Stages and Scales of Enlargement The May 2004 enlargement has brought European integration... more On the Stages and Scales of Enlargement The May 2004 enlargement has brought European integration to a stage where highly mixed expectations and sentiments are openly displayed. The step to be taken now is more controversial than any of its predecessors including the first enlargement of 1973. The uncertainties faced moreover reveal the impact of scale in societal processes-the fact that the particular spatio-temporal settings and the particular volumes will be decisive factors in determining the policy measures needed to guide the process in question.
Assessments and Structural Features
Springer eBooks, 1998
The 1985 White Paper on Completing the Internal Market proclaimed the four well-known liberties: ... more The 1985 White Paper on Completing the Internal Market proclaimed the four well-known liberties: free movement of goods, services, capital and labour. Quite a bit is known about the effects of trade and capital flows that cross the intra-EU borders. The same, however, cannot be said of the quantities of intra-EU labour force mobility.1 Likewise, surprisingly little is known of the qualifications of international migrants (Fischer and Straubhaar 1996: 145). Yet labour force mobility is crucial for the flexible production strategy and the well-educated multi-skilled personnel of the post-Fordist, knowledge-intensive globalised economy (Ruigrok and van Tulder 1995).
Public Management Review, Feb 3, 2020
Becoming smart? Pursuit of sustainability in urban policy design 1. Introduction: In a nexus of t... more Becoming smart? Pursuit of sustainability in urban policy design 1. Introduction: In a nexus of the smart and the sustainable Urbanists of different generations have praised cities for their dynamism and transformational capacities (e.g. Jacobs 1961; Chakrabarti 2013). Their evolution, assisted with the available technological and managerial capacities, has been thought to make better places for the all the more urban human species. Today's leading urban development narrative is one of a smart city, even if the concept defies a single authoritative interpretation. First, the contemporary debate on the phenomenon has had several historically and geographically-or situationallypeculiar points of origin (cf. Townsend 2014), even if most of its various readings seem to place at its core the amalgamation of big data and the intelligent instruments to utilize it (Ratti & Claudel 2016, 23-24; Carpo 2017, 18). Second, and of particular interest to public management, there is an apparent tension keeping the descriptive elements of the smart city discourse apart from its clearly prescriptive ones. This tension is caused by a prevailing dualism in the smart city discourse (Vanolo 2014, 886). While one leading concept of the smart city refers to urban development goals that can be promoted with different measures and tools, the other refers to a means of motivating diverse development projects (Rosati & Conti 2016). Yet, regardless of whether the smart city is understood as something that can be achieved through working with identified dimensions of 'the smart' (cf. Giffinger et al. 2007) or as the setting of a developmental agenda, one thing is clear: The resolute building of a smart city requires that those in charge are willing to work with (1) the urban data and (2) the tools that make the data matter in urban governance. Both of these elements are important because the data, more abundant and cheaper than ever This is the accepted manuscript of the article, which has been published in
Alue ja ympäristö, Feb 9, 2023
Journal of East-west Business, Sep 20, 2005
Since 1989, the Central and East European new market economies have implemented major governance ... more Since 1989, the Central and East European new market economies have implemented major governance reforms. Local administrations in these formerly centralized societies are gradually empowered to take a more strategic grip on their grassroots communities' developmental needs. However, public management-driven governance reforms are seen to constitute an ideologically rigid mainstream paradigm that diverts from the traditional Western market democracies' evolutionary institutional development trajectory. To implement large-scale governance restructuring, institutions such as EU or IMF have introduced powerful tools for monitoring, evaluating and assessing the pace of progress in the ways how the new market economies are governed. Still in a transitional stage, they need to accept these tools as ready-made parts delivered for their reforms. So far the tools utilized for the governance of policies run by the European institutions may themselves have been too centralizing and neglected the needs of more horizontal communication and learning from various grassroots communities' experiences. This may be counterproductive to an overall strive for enhanced European competitiveness.
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 1997
Planning Theory, Dec 4, 2015
In this article, we aim to understand how planning theory and practice should approach new urban ... more In this article, we aim to understand how planning theory and practice should approach new urban entities and their transforming meanings. We argue that planning practice has difficulties in identifying and recognising developmental processes where the human attachment to the local environment gradually changes the identity and use of an area. Instead, these processes are interpreted as disruptions in the planned course of action. We illustrate our viewpoint with an empirical example from Finland. The case is about a significant spot of biodiversity in a completely man-made environment. The study serves as an example of how artefacts actively co-shape the events and environment around them and thus create a relationship between humans and their surroundings. Drawing on a science and technology studies-inspired perspective on the relationships between human and non-human actors, we stress the importance of artefacts, local setting and processual development in urban planning.
Page 1. Tiehallinnon selvityksiä 25/2004 Tie-ja liikenneolojen alueelliset merkitykset Tienpidon ... more Page 1. Tiehallinnon selvityksiä 25/2004 Tie-ja liikenneolojen alueelliset merkitykset Tienpidon suhde alueelliseen kehitykseen Seppo Lampinen, Ilari Karppi, Anna Saarlo, Jani Hanhijärvi Page 2. Page 3. Seppo Lampinen, Ilari Karppi, Anna Saarlo, Jani Hanhijärvi ...
Maankäyttö, asuminen ja kestävä julkinen talous (JULMA)-projekti on kuudesta erillisestä osatutki... more Maankäyttö, asuminen ja kestävä julkinen talous (JULMA)-projekti on kuudesta erillisestä osatutkimuksesta sekä näiden välisestä vuoropuhelusta koostunut tutkimushanke.
The developmental setup of local communities is growing in complexity. Normative planning of land... more The developmental setup of local communities is growing in complexity. Normative planning of land, discussed here as production of space, designated for different functions has been largely replaced with communicative processes. They aim at negotiated order reached between planning authorities, various stakeholder groups and, in general, citizens. This production becomes all the more complicated as the development processes have to do with existing municipal centres with their established patterns of service distribution and consumption-and duly constructed elements that add the environment's imageability, legibility and visibility. The task becomes even more challenging if established municipal central business districts (CBD) are deemed outdated or are otherwise required to be put in a process of total renewal, with public and private services relocated and key flows redirected. Changes of his magnitude put entire local communities to such a stress that they can hardly be imagined without major change of external attractors that threaten to overwhelm the existing CBD structure with its established functions. This report deals with the administrative and service centre of Lempäälä (pop. ca. 16 000) in the Tampere city region (pop. ca. 315 000). Its external attractors were changed by construction of a gigantic business park with Finland's largest shopping centre at the distance of 6 km from the old CBD. This text deals with the strategies for the old CBD renewal for facing the externally induced challenge. The report is based on an empirical analysis carried out in 2006-2007. A stepwise process of qualitative and in several stages interactive and/or participatory data collection was carried out with an aim of creating a shared vision of the outlines of newly designed CBD for Lempäälä municipality. The project team consisted of researchers from the Department of Regional Studies as well as from private architect and retail consultant agencies. The research started with two internet-based inquiries of attributes that citizens attach to the Lempäälä CBD, as well as identified problems and desirable developmental trends. The inquiry was based on open questions with illustrations showing the potentials reached with urban design. This stage was followed with nine focus group sessions where the ideas collected in the first stage were discussed thoroughly with actor groups such as decision-makers, senior citizens, young people or city developers. The issues were developed further in a seminar organised with the municipal council and the executive group with key senior officials, led by the municipal manager. The issue specifically focused in this paper, deals with the services, and the degree to which they constitute the idea of a viable CBD in the pressure of the established core of Finland's second-largest metropolitan area (Tampere) at the distance of 18 km and the new business park/shopping centre in the immediate vicinity (6 km), both with an excellent motorway access. The second key issue touched upon in this paper is methodologically weighted. It deals with the preparation of a large-scale transformation process to be carried out as a part of strategic change management within the sphere of self-governing local administrative entity, and the role that publicity and open communication may have in it. The report introduces the actual outcomes of the process. The municipality of Lempäälä is committed to utilise the experiences it has gained from the management of the large-scale planning and construction process of the business park/shopping centre in the redesigning process of its CBD. The report also discusses the role of information and knowledge in their various forms in the process of creating favourable conditions for the CBD renewal and the new patterns of service distribution and consumption in an established small town-like environment and cultural landscape.
Nordic cooperation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swede... more Nordic cooperation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for cooperation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic cooperation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum for cooperation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic cooperation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are coordinated by the Nordic ministers for cooperation , the Nordic Committee for cooperation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2012
The paper consists of three layers that converge on the development of urban communities. Firstly... more The paper consists of three layers that converge on the development of urban communities. Firstly, and empirically it focuses on a particular local development process currently carried out in a rapidly growing urban region in Southern Finland. This process is studied in more detail in the last two sections of the paper with a view on a) what has been accomplished this far and b) what may follow on the basis of past development. The paper’s second layer is more conceptual. The scope of this discussion is set with a fair share of ingrained pragmatism, and it will be opened with a deliberatively quick philosophical cut on what may be argued about the potentials and desires of individual citizens in and endeavour to take active roles as co-designers of their living environments. After these introductory lines the focus will be shifted to more or less institutional preconditions that may allow citizens to have such an active role. Found in key positions in this instance is the evolution of institutions that have the capacity to effect in our ways to pursue good and meaningful life. The topic will be discussed within relational spaces set by these institutions – but keeping in mind the actually changing territorial contexts where our everyday experiences unfold. Historically the scope for this unfolding has been made with the help of various systems of belief and knowledge. They still hold a key role in the process of explaining it – and setting narratives for us to grasp how it takes place. The third layer is actually a diagonal that pierces the conceptual and empirical layers. Its core consists of mechanisms that facilitate the impacts that various actors need to use in order to leave their mark in community planning schemes. Not infrequently these mechanisms are something that the actors need to actively find – even if citizen and stakeholder participation is generally a standard feature in planning legislation in all highly developed economies. The planning case discussed in this paper includes a description of measures taken by the studied community planners as they seek to construct the interfaces with which the insights and creativity held by the community members can be embedded in the formal planning process.
Katsauksessa selvitetään valittuja ajankohtaisia teemoja alueellista kehittämistä eri näkökulmist... more Katsauksessa selvitetään valittuja ajankohtaisia teemoja alueellista kehittämistä eri näkökulmista tarkastelevassa kirjallisuudessa. Siinä otetaan kantaa myös joukkoon kehittämishaasteiden jäsentymistä koskevia keskusteluja. Tarkasteltavaksi valikoituneet aiheet keskittyvät pääasiassa käytännöllisiin kysymyksiin, jollaisia maakunnallinen liitto kohtaa aluekehittämistyössä ja maakunnallisessa suunnittelussa. Tällaisesta tulevaan kehitykseen varautuvasta suunnitteluorientaatiosta johtuen katsauksen huomio kohdistuu erilaisiin kohdattaviksi tuleviin haasteisiin ja mahdollisuuksiin. Materiaalin hankinnassa on keskitytty ensiksikin tuoreisiin julkaisuihin (2003-2009) ja toiseksi pohjoismaisiin esimerkkeihin, joiden konteksti tavalla tai toisella muistuttaa kehittämisasetelmaa Pirkanmaalla. Tällaisin valintakriteerein esimerkkeihin on pyritty saamaan lisää käytännönläheisyyttä. Julkaisujen lisäksi on käyty läpi eräiden keskeisten suomalaisten aluekehityksen parissa työskentelevien toimijoiden julkaisu- ja projektihakemistoja viime vuosilta. Raportin teema-alueet on jäsennetty yhteistyössä Pirkanmaan liiton suunnittelu- ja kehittämistehtävistä vastaavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Tehdyt sisältöratkaisut ovat kuitenkin olleet raportin vastuullisten kirjoittajien käsissä. Raportti on jatkoa muutama vuosi sitten tässä sarjassa julkaistulle Ajankohtaista alueellisessa kehittämisessä -katsaukselle. Edellisen raportin yleiskatsauksellisuudesta tämän tekstin erottaa fokusoituminen selvästi rajatumpaan joukkoon aihepiirejä
Heikki Rantala, Ilari Karppi, Inka Paananen: Organisaation arviointipolitiikka ja vaikutustietoje... more Heikki Rantala, Ilari Karppi, Inka Paananen: Organisaation arviointipolitiikka ja vaikutustietojen yhteensovittaminen. Menetelmiä määrällisen ja laadullisen vaikutustiedon jalostamiseen. [Organisation's evaluation policy and impact data management. Some methods to process quantitative and qualitative impact data.] Helsinki 2003. Finnish Road Administration. Finnra internal publications 45/2003. 66 p. + app. 5 p.
Toimiva kaupunkiympäristö on yksi hyvinvointia edistävän elämän rakennusaineista. Liikkumisen hel... more Toimiva kaupunkiympäristö on yksi hyvinvointia edistävän elämän rakennusaineista. Liikkumisen helppous on puolestaan osa kaupungin toimivuutta. Tampereen raitiotien kaltaiset saavutettavuutta parantavat raidehankkeet ovat esimerkkejä investointivetoisesta kaupunkikehittämisestä. Jotta suuren mittaluokan hankkeilla olisi potentiaalia toimia strategisina yhdyskuntakehittämisen välineinä, niitä ei tule tarkastella yksin liikennettä palvelevina järjestelminä. Olennaista on hankkeiden kytkeminen ympäröivään kaupunkirakenteeseen ja sen toimintoihin. Tampereella raitiotie näyttäytyykin merkittävän joukkoliikennehankkeen ohella keinona hallita kasvua ja edistää kaupunkirakenteen kestävyyttä. Osana kaupunkiseudun yhteistyötä raitiotien ylikunnalliset jatkeet edellyttävät kuntien yhteistä sopimista keskeisissä kehittämiskysymyksissä. Kuntapäättäjien onkin kyettävä ylittämään hallinto- ja kuntarajoja sekä tunnistettava raidejärjestelmään sitoutumisen mittaluokka ja aikajänne. Kapean sektorilähtöisen tarkastelun sijaan tämä edellyttää kaupunkisuunnittelulta kokonaisvaltaisempaa näkökulmaa.