Imam Sukadi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Imam Sukadi
Waskita/Waskita : jurnal pendidikan nilai dan pembangunan karakter, Apr 30, 2024
The high rate of child marriage in Indonesia following the marriage dispensation procedure demand... more The high rate of child marriage in Indonesia following the marriage dispensation procedure demands an application to help judges decide the proposals accurately and effectively. This 4D development model research aims to create a standard reference in making decisions regarding the dispensation of marriage proposals using an application. The first stage is
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression.... more The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression. Muslim has rights and even has to think and argue. The right to freedom of expression should not violate the rights of other people because basically, every citizen has the right to freedom of opinion which has the same position. Freedom of opinion must also prioritize unity because the Indonesian nation is a nation that is diverse and rich in culture. This freedom of opinion must be used to spread good, and not for spreading evil and injustice. A person may express their opinion freely, as long as they do not violate the law, such as blasphemy, slander, against the truth, insulting other people's beliefs, or by following their own will. The understanding of freedom of opinion in religious moderation must be understood contextually because Indonesia has many cultures, and customs. Moderate in Islamic thought is to promote a tolerant attitude towards differences and openness to accept diversity.
Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021
In a social system it is not the nature of the means that matters. The focus of sociologists'... more In a social system it is not the nature of the means that matters. The focus of sociologists' attention lies in the problem of use as a process that is closely related to social systems. For example, in today's world there are people who do not want to eat pork, beef or horse, but for the cow, or horse, they are only a means, namely food for many people. This happens because of differences in value. In a social system there will be elements of pressure and tension. This arises because not even two people have exactly the same interpretation of the role and position of status, in any social system. The social system will experience pressure if there are differences in interpretation and when those differences turn into patterns of action. Tension is a form of behavior that cannot be separated from pressure because pressure is the source of restraint. This tension is closely related to the level of restraint received by a person from an individual or group. This restraint is i...
Women as nation asset who play a role in resumption process and creation of generation with high ... more Women as nation asset who play a role in resumption process and creation of generation with high quality are require to get guarantee to accomplishment of their rights. Involvement of men and woman in political area is a part that can not be separated in democratization process. Democracy give the largest opportunity to all citizen who have fulfilled the requiremets to be able to select and selected as representative of citizen without discrimination againt tribe, race, religion, and gender. From some general elections which have been executed, representative of women in parliament is still in minimum number. The low of women delegation in parliament can become indicator of the low role of woman in political party. Perempuan sebagai asset bangsa yang berperan dalam proses penerusan dan penciptaan generasi yang berkualitas perlu mendapatkan jaminan terhadap pemenuhan hak-haknya. Keterlibatan perempuan dan laki-laki di bidang politik adalah bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam proses dem...
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah, 2013
The lack of realization in state’s responsibility above waif in government operationalization due... more The lack of realization in state’s responsibility above waif in government operationalization due to the absence of good governance institutionalization in government system, absence of government strong will in waif care. Moreover, few constraints that happen in Indonesia’s child rights protection especially waif rights, such as : the implementation of law enforcement itself, related to the law enforcer capacity, facilities and its supporting infrastructure, the ineffectiveness of full government program due to the low level of Indonesian economic capacity, lack of society knowledge especially parents above child’s rights, lack of understanding and related institution and society above provisions on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, lack of establish in inter social coordination and government yet between social organization and inter sectored and international cooperation. Kurangnya terealisasinya tanggung jawab ...
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2014
The following work describes the development of a novel noninvasive transmucosal drug delivery sy... more The following work describes the development of a novel noninvasive transmucosal drug delivery system, the chitosan sponge matrix (CSM). It is composed of cationic chitosan (CS) nanoparticles (NPs) that encapsulate cisplatin (CDDP) embedded within a polymeric mucoadhesive CS matrix. CSM is designed to swell up when exposed to moisture, facilitating release of the NPs via diffusion across the matrix. CSM is intended to be administered topically and locally to mucosal tissues, with its initial indication being oral cancer (OC). Currently, intravenous (IV) administered CDDP is the gold standard chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of OC. However, its clinical use has been limited by its renal and hemotoxicity profile. We aim to locally administer CDDP via encapsulation in CS NPs and deliver them directly to the oral cavity with CSM. It is hypothesized that such a delivery device will greatly reduce any systemic toxicity and increase antitumor efficacy. This paper describes the ...
Page 1. Risalah HUKUM Fakultas Hukum Unmul, Juni 2011, Hal. 34 - 46 Vol. 7, No. 1 ISSN 021-969X M... more Page 1. Risalah HUKUM Fakultas Hukum Unmul, Juni 2011, Hal. 34 - 46 Vol. 7, No. 1 ISSN 021-969X Matinya Hukum Dalam Proses Penegakan Hukum Di Indonesia (The Powerless of Law in the Process of Law Enforcement in Indonesia) ...
Pada prinsipnya sistem pemerintahan itu mengacu pada bentuk hubungan antara lembaga legislatif de... more Pada prinsipnya sistem pemerintahan itu mengacu pada bentuk hubungan antara lembaga legislatif dengan lembaga eksekutif. sistem pemerintahan berasal dari gabungan dua kata system dan pemerintahan. sistem pemerintahan adalah sistem hubungan antara organ eksekutif dan organ legislatif. Tujuan pemerintahan negara pada umumnya didasarkan pada cita-cita atau tujuan negara. Tujuan pemerintahan negara Indonesia adalah melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, serta ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dan keadilan social. Lembagalembaga yang berada dalam satu sistem pemerintahan Indonesia bekerja secara bersama dan saling menunjang untuk terwujudnya tujuan dari pemerintahan di negara Indonesi
Konstitusi mengamanatkan negara mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang termaktub dalam pasal-pasal d... more Konstitusi mengamanatkan negara mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang termaktub dalam pasal-pasal di Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, namun dalam realitanya, negara seakan tidak memiliki kekuatan membentuk masyarakat yang sejahtera. Konsepsi negara hukum kesejahteraan Indonesia menghendaki setiap tindakan negara atau pemerintah harus berdasarkan hukum, menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, menjadikan konsep welfare state sebagai landasan kedudukan dan fungsi pemerintah (bestuursfunctie) dalam mengemban tugas, dan tanggung jawab yang lebih luas untuk mensejahterakan rakyat serta menjadikan keadilan sosial. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dalam Pasal 34 Ayat 1 menyatakan bahwa fakir miskin dan anak-anak yang terlantar dipelihara oleh negara. Dengan demikian negara bertanggung jawab untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar fakir miskin dan anak-anak terlantar yaitu kebutuhan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan, dan dalam pelaksaan pemeliharaan anak-anak terlantar di Indonesia dilakukan dengan memberikan ha...
korban merupakan salah satu bentuk perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan sendi-sendi kemanusiaan. Ha... more korban merupakan salah satu bentuk perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan sendi-sendi kemanusiaan. Hal ini menyebabkan perbuatan kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan salah satu perbuatan yang melanggar HAM sehingga dibutuhkan instrumen-instrumen hukum yang mampu memberikan perlindungan kepada perempuan-perempuan yang menjadi korban serta mampu menghapus kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada perempuan sebagai korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Analisis bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah preskriptip analisis yang merupakan penelitian dalam jenis penelitian hukum normatif.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 2021
The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression.... more The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression. Muslim has rights and even has to think and argue. The right to freedom of expression should not violate the rights of other people because basically, every citizen has the right to freedom of opinion which has the same position. Freedom of opinion must also prioritize unity because the Indonesian nation is a nation that is diverse and rich in culture. This freedom of opinion must be used to spread good, and not for spreading evil and injustice. A person may express their opinion freely, as long as they do not violate the law, such as blasphemy, slander, against the truth, insulting other people's beliefs, or by following their own will. The understanding of freedom of opinion in religious moderation must be understood contextually because Indonesia has many cultures, and customs. Moderate in Islamic thought is to promote a tolerant attitude towards differences and openness to accep...
Penelitian dilatar belakangi pengundangan Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan La... more Penelitian dilatar belakangi pengundangan Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan yang memiliki misi untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan di Indonesia. Tapi pada faktanya yang terjadi di Kota Malang adalah proses alihfungsi lahan masih berlangsung walaupun sudah ada paket regulasi yang melindunginya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat faktor penghambat efektifitas perlindungan hukum terhadap lahan pertanian produktif di Kota Malang dan solusi yang bisa diambil dalam rangka untuk memberikan perlindungan secara hukum terhadap lahan pertanian produktif di Kota Malang. Untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah terhadap dua tujuan penelitian di atas, maka penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis sosiologis dengan pendekatan nondoktrinal dan doktrinal secara sekaligus yang bertumpu pada dua sumber data, yaitu primer dan sekunder yang didapat melalui metode wawancara dan dokumentasi dan dianalisis de...
Legal protection for children is to give protection to the child so that the rights of children a... more Legal protection for children is to give protection to the child so that the rights of children as perpetrators of crime narcotics more secure so that the child can live, and grow optimally in accordance with the dignity and the dignity of humanity. Form of legal protection of children as perpetrators of crime narcotics is by implement a diversion. Diversi in fact also has the goal to keeping the child spared from negative effects of the application of the criminal. Diversion also has the essence to keep guarantee the child grow and develop both physically and mentally.Perlindungan hukum bagi anak adalah memberikan perlindungan kepada anak agar hak-hak anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika lebih terjamin sehingga anak bisa hidup, tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan. Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap anak sebagai pelaku tidak pidana narkotika adalah dengan menerapkan diversi. Diversi pada hakikatnya juga mempunyai tujuan agar ana...
Waskita/Waskita : jurnal pendidikan nilai dan pembangunan karakter, Apr 30, 2024
The high rate of child marriage in Indonesia following the marriage dispensation procedure demand... more The high rate of child marriage in Indonesia following the marriage dispensation procedure demands an application to help judges decide the proposals accurately and effectively. This 4D development model research aims to create a standard reference in making decisions regarding the dispensation of marriage proposals using an application. The first stage is
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression.... more The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression. Muslim has rights and even has to think and argue. The right to freedom of expression should not violate the rights of other people because basically, every citizen has the right to freedom of opinion which has the same position. Freedom of opinion must also prioritize unity because the Indonesian nation is a nation that is diverse and rich in culture. This freedom of opinion must be used to spread good, and not for spreading evil and injustice. A person may express their opinion freely, as long as they do not violate the law, such as blasphemy, slander, against the truth, insulting other people's beliefs, or by following their own will. The understanding of freedom of opinion in religious moderation must be understood contextually because Indonesia has many cultures, and customs. Moderate in Islamic thought is to promote a tolerant attitude towards differences and openness to accept diversity.
Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021
In a social system it is not the nature of the means that matters. The focus of sociologists'... more In a social system it is not the nature of the means that matters. The focus of sociologists' attention lies in the problem of use as a process that is closely related to social systems. For example, in today's world there are people who do not want to eat pork, beef or horse, but for the cow, or horse, they are only a means, namely food for many people. This happens because of differences in value. In a social system there will be elements of pressure and tension. This arises because not even two people have exactly the same interpretation of the role and position of status, in any social system. The social system will experience pressure if there are differences in interpretation and when those differences turn into patterns of action. Tension is a form of behavior that cannot be separated from pressure because pressure is the source of restraint. This tension is closely related to the level of restraint received by a person from an individual or group. This restraint is i...
Women as nation asset who play a role in resumption process and creation of generation with high ... more Women as nation asset who play a role in resumption process and creation of generation with high quality are require to get guarantee to accomplishment of their rights. Involvement of men and woman in political area is a part that can not be separated in democratization process. Democracy give the largest opportunity to all citizen who have fulfilled the requiremets to be able to select and selected as representative of citizen without discrimination againt tribe, race, religion, and gender. From some general elections which have been executed, representative of women in parliament is still in minimum number. The low of women delegation in parliament can become indicator of the low role of woman in political party. Perempuan sebagai asset bangsa yang berperan dalam proses penerusan dan penciptaan generasi yang berkualitas perlu mendapatkan jaminan terhadap pemenuhan hak-haknya. Keterlibatan perempuan dan laki-laki di bidang politik adalah bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam proses dem...
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah, 2013
The lack of realization in state’s responsibility above waif in government operationalization due... more The lack of realization in state’s responsibility above waif in government operationalization due to the absence of good governance institutionalization in government system, absence of government strong will in waif care. Moreover, few constraints that happen in Indonesia’s child rights protection especially waif rights, such as : the implementation of law enforcement itself, related to the law enforcer capacity, facilities and its supporting infrastructure, the ineffectiveness of full government program due to the low level of Indonesian economic capacity, lack of society knowledge especially parents above child’s rights, lack of understanding and related institution and society above provisions on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, lack of establish in inter social coordination and government yet between social organization and inter sectored and international cooperation. Kurangnya terealisasinya tanggung jawab ...
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2014
The following work describes the development of a novel noninvasive transmucosal drug delivery sy... more The following work describes the development of a novel noninvasive transmucosal drug delivery system, the chitosan sponge matrix (CSM). It is composed of cationic chitosan (CS) nanoparticles (NPs) that encapsulate cisplatin (CDDP) embedded within a polymeric mucoadhesive CS matrix. CSM is designed to swell up when exposed to moisture, facilitating release of the NPs via diffusion across the matrix. CSM is intended to be administered topically and locally to mucosal tissues, with its initial indication being oral cancer (OC). Currently, intravenous (IV) administered CDDP is the gold standard chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of OC. However, its clinical use has been limited by its renal and hemotoxicity profile. We aim to locally administer CDDP via encapsulation in CS NPs and deliver them directly to the oral cavity with CSM. It is hypothesized that such a delivery device will greatly reduce any systemic toxicity and increase antitumor efficacy. This paper describes the ...
Page 1. Risalah HUKUM Fakultas Hukum Unmul, Juni 2011, Hal. 34 - 46 Vol. 7, No. 1 ISSN 021-969X M... more Page 1. Risalah HUKUM Fakultas Hukum Unmul, Juni 2011, Hal. 34 - 46 Vol. 7, No. 1 ISSN 021-969X Matinya Hukum Dalam Proses Penegakan Hukum Di Indonesia (The Powerless of Law in the Process of Law Enforcement in Indonesia) ...
Pada prinsipnya sistem pemerintahan itu mengacu pada bentuk hubungan antara lembaga legislatif de... more Pada prinsipnya sistem pemerintahan itu mengacu pada bentuk hubungan antara lembaga legislatif dengan lembaga eksekutif. sistem pemerintahan berasal dari gabungan dua kata system dan pemerintahan. sistem pemerintahan adalah sistem hubungan antara organ eksekutif dan organ legislatif. Tujuan pemerintahan negara pada umumnya didasarkan pada cita-cita atau tujuan negara. Tujuan pemerintahan negara Indonesia adalah melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, serta ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dan keadilan social. Lembagalembaga yang berada dalam satu sistem pemerintahan Indonesia bekerja secara bersama dan saling menunjang untuk terwujudnya tujuan dari pemerintahan di negara Indonesi
Konstitusi mengamanatkan negara mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang termaktub dalam pasal-pasal d... more Konstitusi mengamanatkan negara mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang termaktub dalam pasal-pasal di Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, namun dalam realitanya, negara seakan tidak memiliki kekuatan membentuk masyarakat yang sejahtera. Konsepsi negara hukum kesejahteraan Indonesia menghendaki setiap tindakan negara atau pemerintah harus berdasarkan hukum, menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, menjadikan konsep welfare state sebagai landasan kedudukan dan fungsi pemerintah (bestuursfunctie) dalam mengemban tugas, dan tanggung jawab yang lebih luas untuk mensejahterakan rakyat serta menjadikan keadilan sosial. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dalam Pasal 34 Ayat 1 menyatakan bahwa fakir miskin dan anak-anak yang terlantar dipelihara oleh negara. Dengan demikian negara bertanggung jawab untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar fakir miskin dan anak-anak terlantar yaitu kebutuhan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan, dan dalam pelaksaan pemeliharaan anak-anak terlantar di Indonesia dilakukan dengan memberikan ha...
korban merupakan salah satu bentuk perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan sendi-sendi kemanusiaan. Ha... more korban merupakan salah satu bentuk perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan sendi-sendi kemanusiaan. Hal ini menyebabkan perbuatan kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan salah satu perbuatan yang melanggar HAM sehingga dibutuhkan instrumen-instrumen hukum yang mampu memberikan perlindungan kepada perempuan-perempuan yang menjadi korban serta mampu menghapus kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada perempuan sebagai korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Analisis bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah preskriptip analisis yang merupakan penelitian dalam jenis penelitian hukum normatif.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 2021
The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression.... more The principle of democracy upholds the rights of every citizen in terms of freedom of expression. Muslim has rights and even has to think and argue. The right to freedom of expression should not violate the rights of other people because basically, every citizen has the right to freedom of opinion which has the same position. Freedom of opinion must also prioritize unity because the Indonesian nation is a nation that is diverse and rich in culture. This freedom of opinion must be used to spread good, and not for spreading evil and injustice. A person may express their opinion freely, as long as they do not violate the law, such as blasphemy, slander, against the truth, insulting other people's beliefs, or by following their own will. The understanding of freedom of opinion in religious moderation must be understood contextually because Indonesia has many cultures, and customs. Moderate in Islamic thought is to promote a tolerant attitude towards differences and openness to accep...
Penelitian dilatar belakangi pengundangan Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan La... more Penelitian dilatar belakangi pengundangan Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan yang memiliki misi untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan di Indonesia. Tapi pada faktanya yang terjadi di Kota Malang adalah proses alihfungsi lahan masih berlangsung walaupun sudah ada paket regulasi yang melindunginya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat faktor penghambat efektifitas perlindungan hukum terhadap lahan pertanian produktif di Kota Malang dan solusi yang bisa diambil dalam rangka untuk memberikan perlindungan secara hukum terhadap lahan pertanian produktif di Kota Malang. Untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah terhadap dua tujuan penelitian di atas, maka penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis sosiologis dengan pendekatan nondoktrinal dan doktrinal secara sekaligus yang bertumpu pada dua sumber data, yaitu primer dan sekunder yang didapat melalui metode wawancara dan dokumentasi dan dianalisis de...
Legal protection for children is to give protection to the child so that the rights of children a... more Legal protection for children is to give protection to the child so that the rights of children as perpetrators of crime narcotics more secure so that the child can live, and grow optimally in accordance with the dignity and the dignity of humanity. Form of legal protection of children as perpetrators of crime narcotics is by implement a diversion. Diversi in fact also has the goal to keeping the child spared from negative effects of the application of the criminal. Diversion also has the essence to keep guarantee the child grow and develop both physically and mentally.Perlindungan hukum bagi anak adalah memberikan perlindungan kepada anak agar hak-hak anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika lebih terjamin sehingga anak bisa hidup, tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan. Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap anak sebagai pelaku tidak pidana narkotika adalah dengan menerapkan diversi. Diversi pada hakikatnya juga mempunyai tujuan agar ana...