Indra Gumay Febryano - (original) (raw)
Papers by Indra Gumay Febryano
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Cantrang is a section of seine nets which has been banned in all regions of Indonesia. However, t... more Cantrang is a section of seine nets which has been banned in all regions of Indonesia. However, this policy can stir to pros and cons due to implementation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the success of the stage and the effectiveness of policy implementation on cantrang prohibition in Lampung Bay, Indonesia. Data were collected by interview, observation, and documentation studies, next the policy implementation was reviewed by the marketing policy studies then for further analyze was using ambiguity-conflict matrix. The result of this research shows the unsuccessful of the policy marketing on implementing cantrang prohibition policy from policy acceptance side and policy adoption, also on readiness strategy side is failed. Fisher community do not fulfil the policy and not become a part of it, hesitancy of local government as an executor of the policy, vertical conflict between fisherman and government. The analysis of ambiguity-conflict matrix gives the choice of effective...
Jurnal Rimba Lestari
Reptil adalah hewan berdarah dingin yang perlu diketahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataannya sebagai... more Reptil adalah hewan berdarah dingin yang perlu diketahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataannya sebagai bio-indikator lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataan jenis reptil. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2020-Januari 2021 di Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu Universitas Lampung. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan Metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) dengan kombinasi metode Time Search lalu hasilnya dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener dan indeks kemeretaan jenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat lima jenis reptil yang teramati yaitu cecak dinding (Hemidactylus frenatus), kadal kebun (Eutropis multifasciata), ular kadut belang (Hemalopsis buccata), Kadal rumput (Takydromus sexlineatus) dan ular welang (Bungarus candidus) dengan kategori keanekaragaman sedang. Hal ini karena habitat masih memiliki ketersediaan pakan yang cukup, sedangkan akibat adanya aktivitas manusia habitat sedikit m...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Community forest (HKm) is a social forestry scheme located in the country’s forests by empowering... more Community forest (HKm) is a social forestry scheme located in the country’s forests by empowering people around forest areas. Management carried out by communities around forests must enhance ecological aspects with sustainable forest management Forest health can be an option to support sustainable forest management. Through forest health assessment, one can find out the status, changes, and tendencies experienced by a forest. This research aims to find out the value of forest health status in community forest management Gapoktan Margo Rukun and Harapan Sentosa, KPHL Batu Tegi, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung. The stages of the implementation of this study are the determination of plot clusters, the collection of data on forest health indicators (productivity, biodiversity, vitality, and quality of the site), and the final assessment of forest health. This study obtained the value of forest health with a range of values of 3.30 – 8.75. The average health status value of the community is ...
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2020
Jurnal Nusa Sylva, Dec 11, 2018
Journal of The European Academy of Science and Arts, Salzburg, Austria, 2021
Folia Forestalia Polonica, 2021
The traditional house is one of the nature reserves that have the characteristics of various regi... more The traditional house is one of the nature reserves that have the characteristics of various regions and must be protected and preserved. This research aimed to explain the species of wood used in the manufacture of traditional Besemah houses in the Pelang Kenidai Village, Central Dempo District, Pagaralam City, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The implemented methodology of this study was a qualitative approach alongside a case study method. The wood species used in the preservation of traditional Besemah houses (ghumah baghi) consisted of three species: mersawa (Anisoptera sp.), surian (Toona sureni Merr.) and rasamala (Altingia excelsa Noronha). The government is expected to support the preservation of traditional houses through policies on preserving traditional houses, rehabilitating forests and land, cultivating the species of wood used as raw materials for making traditional houses, providing alternative species of other wood as a substitute for these woods, developing cult...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Cantrang is a trawl net and has been banned from use in Indonesian territory because it impacts e... more Cantrang is a trawl net and has been banned from use in Indonesian territory because it impacts environmental sustainability. Research is based on overfishing and exploitation that endanger ecosystem sustainability. The use of cantrang is illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing that damages marine resources and ecosystems. The research location was in Lampung Bay (Lempasing Fishery Port) Bandar Lampung, carried out for four months, from January to April 2019. This study aims to analyze the risk of implementing the cantrang ban. Data collection techniques with documentation study, interviews, observation. Cantrang prohibition is reviewed with a management approach to impact risk. The study results identified risks, namely political conflicts between stakeholders, fishermen’s social unrest, horizontal conflicts between fishermen and environmental damage, a decline in fishermen’s economy, and a high implementation budget to address risks. Risk analysis is an option that can ...
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2021
Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) is a forum on forest management activiti... more Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) is a forum on forest management activities that aim to improve community welfare. At present, the condition of the farming business is not effective, so it requires some rules as a measure of success. This study aims to analyze the institution of the Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) in the implementation of Village Forest Management. The research was conducted in Muara Danau Village, Semende Darat Laut Subdistrict, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province, from March to April 2020. Data were analyzed by using the SSBP approach. The results of the study showed the situation of farmers utilizing forest resources in the form of water sources and non-timber forest products. Smallholders manage the forest based on institutional structure stated in the AD/ART, and administrative sanctions. In terms of planting patterns in the arable land, the structure controls farmer behavior by using an agroforestry syste...
Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2020
One of the government policies to increase community participation in forest management is Forest... more One of the government policies to increase community participation in forest management is Forestry Partnership. The purpose of this study was to determines the process of forestry partnership implementation in KPHP Way Terusan. Data collection used in this research was interviews and then the data is analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the implementation process of forestry partnership was long enough and have a lot of challenges. The supporting factors in forestry partnership were the existence of high support done by the community towards forestry partnership programs, communities high trust to KPHP Way Terusan and high support by other related parties (stakeholders). Inhibit factors in forestry partnership were low capabilities of human resources, the problems within farmer groups organization, maintainless communications between government and farmer groups and low community participation.
The development of mangrove forests as a mean of ecotourism has high economic value. The purpose ... more The development of mangrove forests as a mean of ecotourism has high economic value. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic value of mangrove ecotourism. Determination of the sample is using the accidental sampling method. The d ata are collected by conducting interview and observation techniques in the field, the data will be analyzed descriptively and quantitatively through a travel cost method. The results show that ecotourism visitors come from inside and outside Lampung Province with an average travel cost is Rp 107.500/person/visit. The number of visitors reaches 1.200 people/year, so the economic value generated is Rp 129.000.000/year or Rp 1.038.647/ha/year. The object in the ecotourism location is quite simple, such as in the form of bridges, photo spots, seats, gazebo, and boats to surround the mangrove forest. The government and the community have an important role in the efforts to increase the economic value through the provision of facilities, quality and...
The existence of traditional house that are made of wood is very closely related to the preservat... more The existence of traditional house that are made of wood is very closely related to the preservat ion of the culture that develops in the community. The purpose of this research is to elucidate th e factors that may have influenced the community to maintain their traditional wooden houses. This study used a qualitative approach with case study method. Data collection was conducted by in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. The data obtained were then analysed to elaborate on the factors that may have influenced the community to maintain their traditional wooden-based houses which are commonly called ghumah baghi. The results of the study show that culture, inheritance, raw materials, economic conditions of the community, knowledge of the community, and government policies are the factors that may have encouraged the community to maintain the existence of their ghumah baghi.Involving the various related stakeholders, the government policy in ...
Abstrak.Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berperan penting dalam kegiatan konservasi; salah satunya adal... more Abstrak.Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berperan penting dalam kegiatan konservasi; salah satunya adalah mendukung pengembangan kegiatan wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi hewan-hewan langka dan dilindungi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis pohon sebagai pendukung wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi gajah sumatra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 14 spesies pohon penyusun hutan sekunder di Pusat Konservasi Gajah, Taman Nasional Way Kambas, dengan tiga jenis yang memiliki nilai indeks penting tertinggi yaitu puspa (Schiima walichii), jambuan (Psidium sp.), dansonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia).Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener tergolong sedang; begitu pula dengan kualitas keanekaragaman pohonnya. Pihak pengelola dapat melakukan reboisasi untuk meningkatkan keanekaragaman jenis pohon, terutama jenis-jenis pohon pakan alami gajah sumatra, sehingga keberadaannya dapat mendukung wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi ga...
Watershed Cisadane has been established as one of the 108 priority Watershed in Indonesia. Waters... more Watershed Cisadane has been established as one of the 108 priority Watershed in Indonesia. Watershed management is an important aspect in supporting the preservation of the surrounding area. The function of the upstream area as a water catchment area must be maintained by keeping the area utilization in order not to exceed the carrying capacity of the environment. The role of the community in the surrounding watershed area became important effort in order to preserve this function of Watershed. For that reason, this study aims to analyze the potential of local institutional support in watershed management. The research method is a case study in which data were collected through depth interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation. The data analysis was conducted using problem tree analysis (Groenendijk, 2003 in Granatri) then presented descriptively with a framework approach Situation - Structure - Conduct - Performance (Kartodihardjo et al. 2004). This study shows ...
Wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak fungsi seperti fisik, ekologi, dan ekonomi dengan keberadaan mang... more Wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak fungsi seperti fisik, ekologi, dan ekonomi dengan keberadaan mangrove didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan luasan mangrove yang berada di Kota Karang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik interpretasi citra dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) terhadap perubahan luasan tahun 2012, 2015, 2017, dan 2019. Data perubahan luasan mangrove selanjutnya di analisis dengan hasil wawancara secara langsung terhadap perubahan luasan yang terjadi untuk mengetahui penyebab perubahan luasan lahan mangrove. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahun 2015 terdapat penurunan luasan mangrove seluas 0,4781 ha karena pengembangan wilayah pesisir menuju Pulau Pasaran. Tahun 2017-2019 peningkatan terjadi karena kemampuan mangrove menyesuaikan diri dengan habitatnya sehingga luasan meningkat ke arah lautan seluas 1,139 ha. Peningkatan luasan mangrove di wilayah pesisir perkotaan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk ditetapkan sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau disamp...
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2021
The existence of the LPHD is considered important, because it can improve the standard of living ... more The existence of the LPHD is considered important, because it can improve the standard of living of the community around the forest area as well as be able to maintain the stability of the forest ecosystem, one of which is the LPHD Muara Danau, but its management is still considered not optimal in developing agroforestry businesses. This study aims to analyze the performance of the LPHD Muara Danau in village forest management. The research methodology are interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that the performance of the Muara Danau LPHD was categorized as quite good, this was seen from three aspects, namely institutional, area and business management. The institutional management aspect is measured based on the participation of the management and LPHD members in participating in the activities as many as >75% of the members are present in the activity (91%) and the type of binding group rules in the form...
Silva Balcanica, 2020
Small islands are extremely vulnerable to ecosystem disturbances. One of the common factors im-pa... more Small islands are extremely vulnerable to ecosystem disturbances. One of the common factors im-pacting on island ecosystems is the rise of tourism activity and the associated conversion of man-grove forest’s function into tourism’s supporting facility. Those changes will ultimately affect the diversity of bird species inhabiting the island. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the structure of a bird community in the mangrove forests of the Pahawang Island. The study used the transect method with tracking implemented. The obtained data were analysed using the Shannon-Wienner diversity index. We recorded 28 species from 21 families. Out of 21 families, Columbidae had the highest number of species (three species). Seven feeding guilds were observed during the present study, the maximum number of species belonged to the insectivore group and the minimum – to the nectarivore and omnivore (1 species each) guilds. Based on the abundance rank, the most abundant species was the cave swif...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is one of the agricultural biomass. Palm oil solid waste that is rel... more Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is one of the agricultural biomass. Palm oil solid waste that is relatively easy to find is empty fruit bunches (EFB). EFB biomass is converted into pellets to get a uniform size, then heated through torrefaction into bioenergy so that its utilization is more optimal and can increase economic value. Torrefaction is slow heating of biomass with a temperature range of 200oC-300oC with a state of little oxygen or without oxygen. Torrefaction was carried out using an electric furnace with a target temperature of 280oC and a duration of 20 minutes. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of torrefaction on the chemical properties of EFB pellets. The results of this study are hemicellulose and cellulose decreased by 0,58% - 0,77%, this happens because hemicellulose and cellulose are degraded with increasing temperature and time of torrefaction. This is confirmed by changes in the line spectrum for FT-IR analysis where C-O, C=C, C-H, and O-H experi...
Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 2018
The changes in the composition of plant species and cropping patterns have occurred in the manage... more The changes in the composition of plant species and cropping patterns have occurred in the management of Damar agroforest in Desa Kesugihan, Lampung Selatan. There are some reasons that farmers consider to make decisions in choosing plant species and cropping patterns. This study aimed to identify the reasons of farmers in the decision making of plant species selection and cropping pattern on agroforestry management of damar. Primary data collection was conducted by using an in-depth interview method on seven key informants and participant observation. The collected data is qualitative data and analyzed descriptively based on the real-life choice theory by Gladwin. The results showed that there was a change of plant species composition and cropping pattern on resin agroforestry to become cocoa agroforestry. This is affected by income, production continuity, gestation period, ease of maintenance and harvest, local knowledge and tolerance of the main plant to be planted with another c...
Jurnal Belantara, 2020
Visitors' perception can be used as a source to develop ecotourism object. The purpose of thi... more Visitors' perception can be used as a source to develop ecotourism object. The purpose of this research was to explain visitors' perception towards the development of ecotourism object in Liwa Botanical Garden. The data taken through closed-interview, observation and literature study. The data collected was analyzed by one score one indicator. The result of the research showed that the attraction object in Liwa Botanical Garden was quite satisfying: infrastructures, facilities, and services were categorized as satisfying: however the acomodation was less satisfying. The additional and restoration of plant collection, food stalls, parking lot, guard post, gate, the color of footpath, children play zone, and camping ground need to be fixed.
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Cantrang is a section of seine nets which has been banned in all regions of Indonesia. However, t... more Cantrang is a section of seine nets which has been banned in all regions of Indonesia. However, this policy can stir to pros and cons due to implementation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the success of the stage and the effectiveness of policy implementation on cantrang prohibition in Lampung Bay, Indonesia. Data were collected by interview, observation, and documentation studies, next the policy implementation was reviewed by the marketing policy studies then for further analyze was using ambiguity-conflict matrix. The result of this research shows the unsuccessful of the policy marketing on implementing cantrang prohibition policy from policy acceptance side and policy adoption, also on readiness strategy side is failed. Fisher community do not fulfil the policy and not become a part of it, hesitancy of local government as an executor of the policy, vertical conflict between fisherman and government. The analysis of ambiguity-conflict matrix gives the choice of effective...
Jurnal Rimba Lestari
Reptil adalah hewan berdarah dingin yang perlu diketahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataannya sebagai... more Reptil adalah hewan berdarah dingin yang perlu diketahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataannya sebagai bio-indikator lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan kemerataan jenis reptil. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2020-Januari 2021 di Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu Universitas Lampung. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan Metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) dengan kombinasi metode Time Search lalu hasilnya dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener dan indeks kemeretaan jenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat lima jenis reptil yang teramati yaitu cecak dinding (Hemidactylus frenatus), kadal kebun (Eutropis multifasciata), ular kadut belang (Hemalopsis buccata), Kadal rumput (Takydromus sexlineatus) dan ular welang (Bungarus candidus) dengan kategori keanekaragaman sedang. Hal ini karena habitat masih memiliki ketersediaan pakan yang cukup, sedangkan akibat adanya aktivitas manusia habitat sedikit m...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Community forest (HKm) is a social forestry scheme located in the country’s forests by empowering... more Community forest (HKm) is a social forestry scheme located in the country’s forests by empowering people around forest areas. Management carried out by communities around forests must enhance ecological aspects with sustainable forest management Forest health can be an option to support sustainable forest management. Through forest health assessment, one can find out the status, changes, and tendencies experienced by a forest. This research aims to find out the value of forest health status in community forest management Gapoktan Margo Rukun and Harapan Sentosa, KPHL Batu Tegi, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung. The stages of the implementation of this study are the determination of plot clusters, the collection of data on forest health indicators (productivity, biodiversity, vitality, and quality of the site), and the final assessment of forest health. This study obtained the value of forest health with a range of values of 3.30 – 8.75. The average health status value of the community is ...
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2020
Jurnal Nusa Sylva, Dec 11, 2018
Journal of The European Academy of Science and Arts, Salzburg, Austria, 2021
Folia Forestalia Polonica, 2021
The traditional house is one of the nature reserves that have the characteristics of various regi... more The traditional house is one of the nature reserves that have the characteristics of various regions and must be protected and preserved. This research aimed to explain the species of wood used in the manufacture of traditional Besemah houses in the Pelang Kenidai Village, Central Dempo District, Pagaralam City, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The implemented methodology of this study was a qualitative approach alongside a case study method. The wood species used in the preservation of traditional Besemah houses (ghumah baghi) consisted of three species: mersawa (Anisoptera sp.), surian (Toona sureni Merr.) and rasamala (Altingia excelsa Noronha). The government is expected to support the preservation of traditional houses through policies on preserving traditional houses, rehabilitating forests and land, cultivating the species of wood used as raw materials for making traditional houses, providing alternative species of other wood as a substitute for these woods, developing cult...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Cantrang is a trawl net and has been banned from use in Indonesian territory because it impacts e... more Cantrang is a trawl net and has been banned from use in Indonesian territory because it impacts environmental sustainability. Research is based on overfishing and exploitation that endanger ecosystem sustainability. The use of cantrang is illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing that damages marine resources and ecosystems. The research location was in Lampung Bay (Lempasing Fishery Port) Bandar Lampung, carried out for four months, from January to April 2019. This study aims to analyze the risk of implementing the cantrang ban. Data collection techniques with documentation study, interviews, observation. Cantrang prohibition is reviewed with a management approach to impact risk. The study results identified risks, namely political conflicts between stakeholders, fishermen’s social unrest, horizontal conflicts between fishermen and environmental damage, a decline in fishermen’s economy, and a high implementation budget to address risks. Risk analysis is an option that can ...
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2021
Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) is a forum on forest management activiti... more Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) is a forum on forest management activities that aim to improve community welfare. At present, the condition of the farming business is not effective, so it requires some rules as a measure of success. This study aims to analyze the institution of the Muara Danau Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) in the implementation of Village Forest Management. The research was conducted in Muara Danau Village, Semende Darat Laut Subdistrict, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province, from March to April 2020. Data were analyzed by using the SSBP approach. The results of the study showed the situation of farmers utilizing forest resources in the form of water sources and non-timber forest products. Smallholders manage the forest based on institutional structure stated in the AD/ART, and administrative sanctions. In terms of planting patterns in the arable land, the structure controls farmer behavior by using an agroforestry syste...
Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2020
One of the government policies to increase community participation in forest management is Forest... more One of the government policies to increase community participation in forest management is Forestry Partnership. The purpose of this study was to determines the process of forestry partnership implementation in KPHP Way Terusan. Data collection used in this research was interviews and then the data is analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the implementation process of forestry partnership was long enough and have a lot of challenges. The supporting factors in forestry partnership were the existence of high support done by the community towards forestry partnership programs, communities high trust to KPHP Way Terusan and high support by other related parties (stakeholders). Inhibit factors in forestry partnership were low capabilities of human resources, the problems within farmer groups organization, maintainless communications between government and farmer groups and low community participation.
The development of mangrove forests as a mean of ecotourism has high economic value. The purpose ... more The development of mangrove forests as a mean of ecotourism has high economic value. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic value of mangrove ecotourism. Determination of the sample is using the accidental sampling method. The d ata are collected by conducting interview and observation techniques in the field, the data will be analyzed descriptively and quantitatively through a travel cost method. The results show that ecotourism visitors come from inside and outside Lampung Province with an average travel cost is Rp 107.500/person/visit. The number of visitors reaches 1.200 people/year, so the economic value generated is Rp 129.000.000/year or Rp 1.038.647/ha/year. The object in the ecotourism location is quite simple, such as in the form of bridges, photo spots, seats, gazebo, and boats to surround the mangrove forest. The government and the community have an important role in the efforts to increase the economic value through the provision of facilities, quality and...
The existence of traditional house that are made of wood is very closely related to the preservat... more The existence of traditional house that are made of wood is very closely related to the preservat ion of the culture that develops in the community. The purpose of this research is to elucidate th e factors that may have influenced the community to maintain their traditional wooden houses. This study used a qualitative approach with case study method. Data collection was conducted by in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. The data obtained were then analysed to elaborate on the factors that may have influenced the community to maintain their traditional wooden-based houses which are commonly called ghumah baghi. The results of the study show that culture, inheritance, raw materials, economic conditions of the community, knowledge of the community, and government policies are the factors that may have encouraged the community to maintain the existence of their ghumah baghi.Involving the various related stakeholders, the government policy in ...
Abstrak.Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berperan penting dalam kegiatan konservasi; salah satunya adal... more Abstrak.Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berperan penting dalam kegiatan konservasi; salah satunya adalah mendukung pengembangan kegiatan wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi hewan-hewan langka dan dilindungi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis pohon sebagai pendukung wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi gajah sumatra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 14 spesies pohon penyusun hutan sekunder di Pusat Konservasi Gajah, Taman Nasional Way Kambas, dengan tiga jenis yang memiliki nilai indeks penting tertinggi yaitu puspa (Schiima walichii), jambuan (Psidium sp.), dansonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia).Keanekaragaman jenis pohon berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener tergolong sedang; begitu pula dengan kualitas keanekaragaman pohonnya. Pihak pengelola dapat melakukan reboisasi untuk meningkatkan keanekaragaman jenis pohon, terutama jenis-jenis pohon pakan alami gajah sumatra, sehingga keberadaannya dapat mendukung wisata pendidikan berbasis konservasi ga...
Watershed Cisadane has been established as one of the 108 priority Watershed in Indonesia. Waters... more Watershed Cisadane has been established as one of the 108 priority Watershed in Indonesia. Watershed management is an important aspect in supporting the preservation of the surrounding area. The function of the upstream area as a water catchment area must be maintained by keeping the area utilization in order not to exceed the carrying capacity of the environment. The role of the community in the surrounding watershed area became important effort in order to preserve this function of Watershed. For that reason, this study aims to analyze the potential of local institutional support in watershed management. The research method is a case study in which data were collected through depth interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation. The data analysis was conducted using problem tree analysis (Groenendijk, 2003 in Granatri) then presented descriptively with a framework approach Situation - Structure - Conduct - Performance (Kartodihardjo et al. 2004). This study shows ...
Wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak fungsi seperti fisik, ekologi, dan ekonomi dengan keberadaan mang... more Wilayah pesisir memiliki banyak fungsi seperti fisik, ekologi, dan ekonomi dengan keberadaan mangrove didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan luasan mangrove yang berada di Kota Karang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik interpretasi citra dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) terhadap perubahan luasan tahun 2012, 2015, 2017, dan 2019. Data perubahan luasan mangrove selanjutnya di analisis dengan hasil wawancara secara langsung terhadap perubahan luasan yang terjadi untuk mengetahui penyebab perubahan luasan lahan mangrove. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahun 2015 terdapat penurunan luasan mangrove seluas 0,4781 ha karena pengembangan wilayah pesisir menuju Pulau Pasaran. Tahun 2017-2019 peningkatan terjadi karena kemampuan mangrove menyesuaikan diri dengan habitatnya sehingga luasan meningkat ke arah lautan seluas 1,139 ha. Peningkatan luasan mangrove di wilayah pesisir perkotaan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk ditetapkan sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau disamp...
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2021
The existence of the LPHD is considered important, because it can improve the standard of living ... more The existence of the LPHD is considered important, because it can improve the standard of living of the community around the forest area as well as be able to maintain the stability of the forest ecosystem, one of which is the LPHD Muara Danau, but its management is still considered not optimal in developing agroforestry businesses. This study aims to analyze the performance of the LPHD Muara Danau in village forest management. The research methodology are interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that the performance of the Muara Danau LPHD was categorized as quite good, this was seen from three aspects, namely institutional, area and business management. The institutional management aspect is measured based on the participation of the management and LPHD members in participating in the activities as many as >75% of the members are present in the activity (91%) and the type of binding group rules in the form...
Silva Balcanica, 2020
Small islands are extremely vulnerable to ecosystem disturbances. One of the common factors im-pa... more Small islands are extremely vulnerable to ecosystem disturbances. One of the common factors im-pacting on island ecosystems is the rise of tourism activity and the associated conversion of man-grove forest’s function into tourism’s supporting facility. Those changes will ultimately affect the diversity of bird species inhabiting the island. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the structure of a bird community in the mangrove forests of the Pahawang Island. The study used the transect method with tracking implemented. The obtained data were analysed using the Shannon-Wienner diversity index. We recorded 28 species from 21 families. Out of 21 families, Columbidae had the highest number of species (three species). Seven feeding guilds were observed during the present study, the maximum number of species belonged to the insectivore group and the minimum – to the nectarivore and omnivore (1 species each) guilds. Based on the abundance rank, the most abundant species was the cave swif...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is one of the agricultural biomass. Palm oil solid waste that is rel... more Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is one of the agricultural biomass. Palm oil solid waste that is relatively easy to find is empty fruit bunches (EFB). EFB biomass is converted into pellets to get a uniform size, then heated through torrefaction into bioenergy so that its utilization is more optimal and can increase economic value. Torrefaction is slow heating of biomass with a temperature range of 200oC-300oC with a state of little oxygen or without oxygen. Torrefaction was carried out using an electric furnace with a target temperature of 280oC and a duration of 20 minutes. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of torrefaction on the chemical properties of EFB pellets. The results of this study are hemicellulose and cellulose decreased by 0,58% - 0,77%, this happens because hemicellulose and cellulose are degraded with increasing temperature and time of torrefaction. This is confirmed by changes in the line spectrum for FT-IR analysis where C-O, C=C, C-H, and O-H experi...
Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 2018
The changes in the composition of plant species and cropping patterns have occurred in the manage... more The changes in the composition of plant species and cropping patterns have occurred in the management of Damar agroforest in Desa Kesugihan, Lampung Selatan. There are some reasons that farmers consider to make decisions in choosing plant species and cropping patterns. This study aimed to identify the reasons of farmers in the decision making of plant species selection and cropping pattern on agroforestry management of damar. Primary data collection was conducted by using an in-depth interview method on seven key informants and participant observation. The collected data is qualitative data and analyzed descriptively based on the real-life choice theory by Gladwin. The results showed that there was a change of plant species composition and cropping pattern on resin agroforestry to become cocoa agroforestry. This is affected by income, production continuity, gestation period, ease of maintenance and harvest, local knowledge and tolerance of the main plant to be planted with another c...
Jurnal Belantara, 2020
Visitors' perception can be used as a source to develop ecotourism object. The purpose of thi... more Visitors' perception can be used as a source to develop ecotourism object. The purpose of this research was to explain visitors' perception towards the development of ecotourism object in Liwa Botanical Garden. The data taken through closed-interview, observation and literature study. The data collected was analyzed by one score one indicator. The result of the research showed that the attraction object in Liwa Botanical Garden was quite satisfying: infrastructures, facilities, and services were categorized as satisfying: however the acomodation was less satisfying. The additional and restoration of plant collection, food stalls, parking lot, guard post, gate, the color of footpath, children play zone, and camping ground need to be fixed.