Inge Schwank - (original) (raw)
Papers by Inge Schwank
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt eBooks, 2023
Dieses Buch ist ein Ergebnis des Projekts der Universität zu Köln "Heterogenität und Inklusion ge... more Dieses Buch ist ein Ergebnis des Projekts der Universität zu Köln "Heterogenität und Inklusion gestalten-Zukunftsstrategie Lehrer*innenbildung (ZuS)" und wurde im Rahmen der gemeinsamen "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" von Bund und Ländern aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01JA1815 gefördert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieses Buches liegt bei den Herausgeberinnen und Autor:innen. Dieser Titel wurde in das Programm des Verlages mittels eines Peer-Review-Verfahrens aufgenommen. Für weitere Informationen siehe Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen National bibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet abrufbar über 2023.lg. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Umschlagabbildung: macrovector/, modifiziert durch © Judith Hofmann. Korrektorat: Kerstin Hildebrandt. Druck und Bindung: AZ Druck und Datentechnik, Kempten. Printed in Germany 2023. Gedruckt auf chlorfrei gebleichtem alterungsbeständigem Papier. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt eBooks, 2023
Dieses Dokument steht unter folgender Creative Commons-Lizenz:[ more ](;)Dieses Dokument steht unter folgender Creative Commons-Lizenz: dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt unter folgenden Bedingungen vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen: Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. Dieses Werk bzw. dieser Inhalt darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden und es darf nicht bearbeitet, abgewandelt oder in anderer Weise verändert werden.
Inklusion digital! Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung
Inklusion und Digitalisierung sind im Begriff, die Gesellschaft in mehreren Dimensionen entscheid... more Inklusion und Digitalisierung sind im Begriff, die Gesellschaft in mehreren Dimensionen entscheidend zu verändern. Dazu gehört auch (schulische) Bildung. Inklusive und digitale Bildung als zentrale Aufgaben des Bildungssystems werden allerdings bislang zu selten im Verbund diskutiert. Digitale Bildung ist für die Ermöglichung gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe jedoch grundlegend und muss damit bedeutender Bestandteil von Bildungsprozessen sein. Inhaltlich baut der Sammelband auf ausgewählten Beiträgen der Online-Tagung „Inklusion digital! – Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung“ auf. Die Artikel spiegeln die aktuellen Diskussionen der Lehrkräfteaus-, -fortund -weiterbildung bezogen auf Inklusion und Digitalisierung aus fachdidaktischer, fachwissenschaftlicher, bildungswissenschaftlicher und sonderpädagogischer Perspektiven wider.
Computation Theory and Logic, In Memory of Dieter Rödding, 1987
Mathematische Zeitschriften und Wettbewerbe für Kinder und Jugendliche. Förderung für Talentierte und Interessierte über Grenzen hinweg
Der Kölner Uni-Mathe-Club (KUM-Club) ist ein Enrichmentprogramm für potentiell mathematisch begab... more Der Kölner Uni-Mathe-Club (KUM-Club) ist ein Enrichmentprogramm für potentiell mathematisch begabte Schüler*innen, die sich auf die Teilnahme an mathematischen Wettbewerben vorbereiten möchten. Im Artikel werden die Konzeption und Zielsetzung des KUM-Clubs beschrieben, zusätzlich werden typische Aufgaben und zugehörige Schülerlösungen präsentiert und diskutiert.
First Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 1999
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2020), 2020
This paper is concerned with the role of language in advanced mathematical thinking.I is argued t... more This paper is concerned with the role of language in advanced mathematical thinking.I is argued that some behaviors may arise from the application to mathematical language of some conventions of ordinary language. Grice's Cooperative Principle (CP) is introduced in order to explain some episodes that are not easily accounted for in terms of semantics only. Some examples of (undue) application of CP to mathematical language are given.I is argued that the application of CP to mathematical language in problem solving is closely linked to the poor use of mathematical knowledge and, more generally, to the attitudes and behaviors that Vinner (1997) names `pseudo-analytical'.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1987
A multi-object spectroscopy follow-up survey of galaxy clusters selected from the Red-sequence Cl... more A multi-object spectroscopy follow-up survey of galaxy clusters selected from the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (RCS) is being completed. About forty clusters were chosen with redshifts from 0.15 to 0.6, and in a wide range of richnesses. One of the main science drivers of this survey is a study of internal dynamics of clusters. We present some preliminary results for a subset of the clusters, including the correlation of optical richness with mass, and the mass-to-light ratio as a function of cluster mass.
CERME1 was the first conference of the new Society ERME, i.e., the European Society for Research ... more CERME1 was the first conference of the new Society ERME, i.e., the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. At the time of publication of these proceedings (August 1999), this Society is going through a two-year constitutive process. It is a very exciting time for mathematics education in Europe. To launch the new society, in May 1997, mathematics educators from 16 countries met to discuss what a European society in mathematics education research might look like. The meeting took place in Haus Ohrbeck, near Osnabrueck in Germany. Representatives from these countries formed the initial Constitutive Committee of ERME. After an energetic two days, with considerable argument and voluble exchange, it was agreed that the founding philosophy of the Society should be one involving Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration throughout Europe. 2. Tools and Technologies in Mathematical Didactics Colette Laborde (F); Richard Noss (UK); Sergei Rakov (Ukr); Angel Gutierrez (S). 3. From a Study of Teaching Practices to issues in Teacher Education Konrad Krainer (A); Fred Goffree (NL). 4. Social Interactions in Mathematical Learning Situations Goetz Krummheuer (G); Joao Matos (P); Alain Mercier (F). 5. Mathematical Thinking and Learning as Cognitive Processes Inge Schwank (G); Emanuila Gelfman (R); Elena Nardi (Gr). 6. School Algebra: Epistemological and Educational Issues Paolo Boero (I); Christer Bergsten (Sw); Josep Gascon (S). 7. Research Paradigms and Methodologies and their relation to questions in Mathematics Education Milan Hejny (CR); Christine Shiu (UK); Juan Diaz Godino (S); Herman Maier (G). When group leaders had agreed to act, a process for receiving and reviewing papers had to be put in place. It was agreed at the original May meeting that papers should be submitted to a group, and that, as far as possible, reviewers would be prospective members of a group. Each prospective participant could be asked to review up to three papers. In addition to participants, group leaders could identify other suitable reviewers within the topic of the group. The review process was to be based on scientific criteria and designed to be sympathetic and supportive. Thus a peer review process was set in place, with reviewers writing reviews directly to authors, and copies with recommendations for acceptance, modification or rejection to the group leaders. Group leaders would make the final decisions on accepted papers as a result of reading reviewers' comments and recommendations. Group Leaders were encouraged to recommend to authors ways of modifying their paper: additions needed, references to European Research in Mathematics Education I 25 related papers etc. Papers not relevant to the area of the group would be rejected, or might be redirected to another group. Papers would be read by three reviewers who would be asked to comment on the following: Theoretical framework and related literature, methodology (if appropriate), statement and discussion of results, clarity, relevance to CERME-1 audience. Specific guidelines for review were provided by the Programme Committee, based on PME (The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education) reviewing criteria which were adapted slightly to the specific aims of CERME1. Thus the process of paper selection was as follows: 1. Author submits paper to a group. 2. Paper goes through the Group's review process. 3. Comments are sent to the author, as is the review recommendation. 4. If the recommendation is accept, the paper is sent for reading in advance to all members of the group. This is its 'presentation'.
The work was prepared in such a way that-after the reviewing process-all accepted papers were dis... more The work was prepared in such a way that-after the reviewing process-all accepted papers were distributed to the prospected group members. In the spirit of CERME the group leaders decided that during the sessions the accepted papers would not be orally presented one by one. For the purpose of the stimulation of a goal-orientated, in depth discussion six general themes had been identified and two members of the group were asked to give a general introduction referring to the papers fitting each theme and to current research developments. The themes and the introduction presenters are as follows:
Predicative thinking is thinking in terms of relations and judgments; functional thinking is thin... more Predicative thinking is thinking in terms of relations and judgments; functional thinking is thinking in terms of available actions and achievable effects. Depending on the way of thinking the orientation in the world, the type of sources for getting insight are not the same. E.g. it should be visible in different eye movements. In addition to our qualitative experiments, recently we started to run a study based on EEG-methods while students were solving logical pattern fitting tasks. The EEG complexity during predicative thinking decreased in comparison to functional thinking and mental relaxation, with this reduction being most pronounced over the parietal and right cortex. A reduction in dimensional complexity during functional thinking which was concentrated over the left central cortex, although significant, was less clear.
The theory of functional / predicative thinking, once developed to describe differences in studen... more The theory of functional / predicative thinking, once developed to describe differences in students’ behaviour while solving programming tasks, is applied to analyse eye-movements while solving tasks of visual pattern completion (QuaDiPF-tasks, Schwank 1998/2000). Predicative thinking requires that in order to meaningfully complete the pattern the subject has to get involved with the logic of the static structure of the pattern, functional thinking requires to get involved in a dynamic reading of the logic of the pattern. The QuaDiPF-tasks proved to be useful in other experiments to predict typical functional or predicative behaviour of the subjects. The eye-movement-study is a second approach after an EEG-study to use not only qualitative methods for the classification of problem solving behaviour, but also quantitative ones. 1. Qualitative investigations of functional/predicative thinking In the very first days of the theory of predicative versus functional thinking (Schwank 1986,...
The Zingy-Math-Olympiad [ZMO] was held over 13 years with a total of 2102 third graders (~49.43% ... more The Zingy-Math-Olympiad [ZMO] was held over 13 years with a total of 2102 third graders (~49.43% girls) in the context of university seminars on mathematical giftedness. The almost achieved gender parity is ensured by the requirement that one girl and one boy per participating class should be sent to the ZMO as their mathematics representatives. The tasks, which vary in their degree of difficulty, are divided into 7 rubrics: R1 simple arithmetical introductory tasks, R2 & R3 more demanding arithmetical skills tasks, R4 combinatorically solvable tasks, R5 word problems, R6 pattern and geometric figure tasks, R7 final tasks. The students’ performance in the seminar consists in developing task sets and the evaluation with final scoring of the task completions, all based on research and discussions on relevant literature. In accordance with previous research, there is a tendency for the participating boys to be (slightly) superior to the participating girls, especially in the peak perfo...
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt eBooks, 2023
Dieses Buch ist ein Ergebnis des Projekts der Universität zu Köln "Heterogenität und Inklusion ge... more Dieses Buch ist ein Ergebnis des Projekts der Universität zu Köln "Heterogenität und Inklusion gestalten-Zukunftsstrategie Lehrer*innenbildung (ZuS)" und wurde im Rahmen der gemeinsamen "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" von Bund und Ländern aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01JA1815 gefördert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieses Buches liegt bei den Herausgeberinnen und Autor:innen. Dieser Titel wurde in das Programm des Verlages mittels eines Peer-Review-Verfahrens aufgenommen. Für weitere Informationen siehe Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen National bibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet abrufbar über 2023.lg. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Umschlagabbildung: macrovector/, modifiziert durch © Judith Hofmann. Korrektorat: Kerstin Hildebrandt. Druck und Bindung: AZ Druck und Datentechnik, Kempten. Printed in Germany 2023. Gedruckt auf chlorfrei gebleichtem alterungsbeständigem Papier. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt eBooks, 2023
Dieses Dokument steht unter folgender Creative Commons-Lizenz:[ more ](;)Dieses Dokument steht unter folgender Creative Commons-Lizenz: dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt unter folgenden Bedingungen vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen: Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. Dieses Werk bzw. dieser Inhalt darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden und es darf nicht bearbeitet, abgewandelt oder in anderer Weise verändert werden.
Inklusion digital! Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung
Inklusion und Digitalisierung sind im Begriff, die Gesellschaft in mehreren Dimensionen entscheid... more Inklusion und Digitalisierung sind im Begriff, die Gesellschaft in mehreren Dimensionen entscheidend zu verändern. Dazu gehört auch (schulische) Bildung. Inklusive und digitale Bildung als zentrale Aufgaben des Bildungssystems werden allerdings bislang zu selten im Verbund diskutiert. Digitale Bildung ist für die Ermöglichung gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe jedoch grundlegend und muss damit bedeutender Bestandteil von Bildungsprozessen sein. Inhaltlich baut der Sammelband auf ausgewählten Beiträgen der Online-Tagung „Inklusion digital! – Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung“ auf. Die Artikel spiegeln die aktuellen Diskussionen der Lehrkräfteaus-, -fortund -weiterbildung bezogen auf Inklusion und Digitalisierung aus fachdidaktischer, fachwissenschaftlicher, bildungswissenschaftlicher und sonderpädagogischer Perspektiven wider.
Computation Theory and Logic, In Memory of Dieter Rödding, 1987
Mathematische Zeitschriften und Wettbewerbe für Kinder und Jugendliche. Förderung für Talentierte und Interessierte über Grenzen hinweg
Der Kölner Uni-Mathe-Club (KUM-Club) ist ein Enrichmentprogramm für potentiell mathematisch begab... more Der Kölner Uni-Mathe-Club (KUM-Club) ist ein Enrichmentprogramm für potentiell mathematisch begabte Schüler*innen, die sich auf die Teilnahme an mathematischen Wettbewerben vorbereiten möchten. Im Artikel werden die Konzeption und Zielsetzung des KUM-Clubs beschrieben, zusätzlich werden typische Aufgaben und zugehörige Schülerlösungen präsentiert und diskutiert.
First Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 1999
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2020), 2020
This paper is concerned with the role of language in advanced mathematical thinking.I is argued t... more This paper is concerned with the role of language in advanced mathematical thinking.I is argued that some behaviors may arise from the application to mathematical language of some conventions of ordinary language. Grice's Cooperative Principle (CP) is introduced in order to explain some episodes that are not easily accounted for in terms of semantics only. Some examples of (undue) application of CP to mathematical language are given.I is argued that the application of CP to mathematical language in problem solving is closely linked to the poor use of mathematical knowledge and, more generally, to the attitudes and behaviors that Vinner (1997) names `pseudo-analytical'.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1987
A multi-object spectroscopy follow-up survey of galaxy clusters selected from the Red-sequence Cl... more A multi-object spectroscopy follow-up survey of galaxy clusters selected from the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (RCS) is being completed. About forty clusters were chosen with redshifts from 0.15 to 0.6, and in a wide range of richnesses. One of the main science drivers of this survey is a study of internal dynamics of clusters. We present some preliminary results for a subset of the clusters, including the correlation of optical richness with mass, and the mass-to-light ratio as a function of cluster mass.
CERME1 was the first conference of the new Society ERME, i.e., the European Society for Research ... more CERME1 was the first conference of the new Society ERME, i.e., the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. At the time of publication of these proceedings (August 1999), this Society is going through a two-year constitutive process. It is a very exciting time for mathematics education in Europe. To launch the new society, in May 1997, mathematics educators from 16 countries met to discuss what a European society in mathematics education research might look like. The meeting took place in Haus Ohrbeck, near Osnabrueck in Germany. Representatives from these countries formed the initial Constitutive Committee of ERME. After an energetic two days, with considerable argument and voluble exchange, it was agreed that the founding philosophy of the Society should be one involving Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration throughout Europe. 2. Tools and Technologies in Mathematical Didactics Colette Laborde (F); Richard Noss (UK); Sergei Rakov (Ukr); Angel Gutierrez (S). 3. From a Study of Teaching Practices to issues in Teacher Education Konrad Krainer (A); Fred Goffree (NL). 4. Social Interactions in Mathematical Learning Situations Goetz Krummheuer (G); Joao Matos (P); Alain Mercier (F). 5. Mathematical Thinking and Learning as Cognitive Processes Inge Schwank (G); Emanuila Gelfman (R); Elena Nardi (Gr). 6. School Algebra: Epistemological and Educational Issues Paolo Boero (I); Christer Bergsten (Sw); Josep Gascon (S). 7. Research Paradigms and Methodologies and their relation to questions in Mathematics Education Milan Hejny (CR); Christine Shiu (UK); Juan Diaz Godino (S); Herman Maier (G). When group leaders had agreed to act, a process for receiving and reviewing papers had to be put in place. It was agreed at the original May meeting that papers should be submitted to a group, and that, as far as possible, reviewers would be prospective members of a group. Each prospective participant could be asked to review up to three papers. In addition to participants, group leaders could identify other suitable reviewers within the topic of the group. The review process was to be based on scientific criteria and designed to be sympathetic and supportive. Thus a peer review process was set in place, with reviewers writing reviews directly to authors, and copies with recommendations for acceptance, modification or rejection to the group leaders. Group leaders would make the final decisions on accepted papers as a result of reading reviewers' comments and recommendations. Group Leaders were encouraged to recommend to authors ways of modifying their paper: additions needed, references to European Research in Mathematics Education I 25 related papers etc. Papers not relevant to the area of the group would be rejected, or might be redirected to another group. Papers would be read by three reviewers who would be asked to comment on the following: Theoretical framework and related literature, methodology (if appropriate), statement and discussion of results, clarity, relevance to CERME-1 audience. Specific guidelines for review were provided by the Programme Committee, based on PME (The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education) reviewing criteria which were adapted slightly to the specific aims of CERME1. Thus the process of paper selection was as follows: 1. Author submits paper to a group. 2. Paper goes through the Group's review process. 3. Comments are sent to the author, as is the review recommendation. 4. If the recommendation is accept, the paper is sent for reading in advance to all members of the group. This is its 'presentation'.
The work was prepared in such a way that-after the reviewing process-all accepted papers were dis... more The work was prepared in such a way that-after the reviewing process-all accepted papers were distributed to the prospected group members. In the spirit of CERME the group leaders decided that during the sessions the accepted papers would not be orally presented one by one. For the purpose of the stimulation of a goal-orientated, in depth discussion six general themes had been identified and two members of the group were asked to give a general introduction referring to the papers fitting each theme and to current research developments. The themes and the introduction presenters are as follows:
Predicative thinking is thinking in terms of relations and judgments; functional thinking is thin... more Predicative thinking is thinking in terms of relations and judgments; functional thinking is thinking in terms of available actions and achievable effects. Depending on the way of thinking the orientation in the world, the type of sources for getting insight are not the same. E.g. it should be visible in different eye movements. In addition to our qualitative experiments, recently we started to run a study based on EEG-methods while students were solving logical pattern fitting tasks. The EEG complexity during predicative thinking decreased in comparison to functional thinking and mental relaxation, with this reduction being most pronounced over the parietal and right cortex. A reduction in dimensional complexity during functional thinking which was concentrated over the left central cortex, although significant, was less clear.
The theory of functional / predicative thinking, once developed to describe differences in studen... more The theory of functional / predicative thinking, once developed to describe differences in students’ behaviour while solving programming tasks, is applied to analyse eye-movements while solving tasks of visual pattern completion (QuaDiPF-tasks, Schwank 1998/2000). Predicative thinking requires that in order to meaningfully complete the pattern the subject has to get involved with the logic of the static structure of the pattern, functional thinking requires to get involved in a dynamic reading of the logic of the pattern. The QuaDiPF-tasks proved to be useful in other experiments to predict typical functional or predicative behaviour of the subjects. The eye-movement-study is a second approach after an EEG-study to use not only qualitative methods for the classification of problem solving behaviour, but also quantitative ones. 1. Qualitative investigations of functional/predicative thinking In the very first days of the theory of predicative versus functional thinking (Schwank 1986,...
The Zingy-Math-Olympiad [ZMO] was held over 13 years with a total of 2102 third graders (~49.43% ... more The Zingy-Math-Olympiad [ZMO] was held over 13 years with a total of 2102 third graders (~49.43% girls) in the context of university seminars on mathematical giftedness. The almost achieved gender parity is ensured by the requirement that one girl and one boy per participating class should be sent to the ZMO as their mathematics representatives. The tasks, which vary in their degree of difficulty, are divided into 7 rubrics: R1 simple arithmetical introductory tasks, R2 & R3 more demanding arithmetical skills tasks, R4 combinatorically solvable tasks, R5 word problems, R6 pattern and geometric figure tasks, R7 final tasks. The students’ performance in the seminar consists in developing task sets and the evaluation with final scoring of the task completions, all based on research and discussions on relevant literature. In accordance with previous research, there is a tendency for the participating boys to be (slightly) superior to the participating girls, especially in the peak perfo...