Ingrid Zakrisson - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ingrid Zakrisson

Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a short version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale

Personality and Individual Differences, 2005

This study presents an attempt to develop a short (15 item) version of the Right-Wing Authoritari... more This study presents an attempt to develop a short (15 item) version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale (Altemeyer, 1998). Participants were three samples of high school and university students (17–50 years old). The scale developed had items that were shorter, with less extreme wording, and less reference to specific groups (e.g., women, homosexuals), i.e., relating to attitudes to be

Research paper thumbnail of Big Five Inventory (BFI) : Utprövning för svenska förhållanden

Big Five Inventory (BFI): Utprövning för svenska förhållanden Sammanfattning Big Five Inventory (... more Big Five Inventory (BFI): Utprövning för svenska förhållanden Sammanfattning Big Five Inventory (BFI) är ett test bestående av 44 påståenden avsett att mäta de fem grundläggande personlighetsdimensionerna Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism och Openness (John & Srivastava, 1999). Testet har utformats främst för forskningsändamål men någon systematisk utprövning för svenska förhållanden har inte gjorts. Enkäter distribuerades till fem olika undersökningsgrupper med varierande bakgrund (n=431, 45% män och 55% kvinnor), i ålder varierande från 18 till 80 år. Testet analyserades i relation till demografiska variabler, samt arbetslivsrelaterade faktorer såsom arbetsmotiv, intressen, yrkes-och utbildningsval, samt attityder och fördomar. Resultaten visade på en god reliabilitet (Cronbach's alpha-koefficienter varierande mellan .73 och .84), en tydlig faktorstruktur samt låga till måttliga korrelationer mellan dimensionerna. De fem personlighetsdimensionernas samband med de arbetslivsrelaterade faktorerna var i allmänhet i förväntad riktning. Särskilt tydligt var detta för dimensionen Openness. Inte i något fall visade resultaten samband som gick i motsatt riktning mot vad som förväntades. Slutsatsen är att BFI är ett tillförlitligt test som fungerar väl att användas främst i forsknings-och utbildningssyfte. Inledning Teorin bakom "the Big Five" finns väl beskriven i litteraturen (se t ex Pervin & John, 1999; Pervin, Cervone, & John, 2005). Bakgrunden till teorin startade bl a i upplevelsen av att många olika personlighetstester omfattade mer eller mindre identiska eller delvis överlappande personlighetsdimensioner (Mabon, 2004). Många analyser har sedan visat att mycket av variationen i olika mätinstrument kan sammanfattas i de fem dimensionerna Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism samt Openness. Extraversion (utåtriktning) handlar om kvantitet och intensitet i interpersonella relationer, behov av stimulans och aktivitet och förmåga till njutning. En person som är extravert är social, aktiv, pratsam, personorienterad, optimistisk, tillgiven och gillar att ha kul. En person som, å andra sidan, är introvert är reserverad, måttfull, otillgänglig, uppgiftsorienterad, tillbakadragen och tystlåten. Agreeableness (vänlighet) brukar definieras som graden av sympati, medkänsla i tankar, känslor och handlingar. En vänlig eller sympatisk person är godhjärtad, tillitsfull, hjälpsam, förlåtande, lättrogen och uppriktig. Personer på andra änden av skalan, dvs ovänliga och osympatiska, är cyniska, oförskämda, misstänksamma, samarbetsobenägna, hämndlystna, lättirriterade och manipulativa. Conscientiousness (noggrannhet, samvetsgrannhet) handlar om en persons grad av organisationsförmåga, uthållighet och målmedvetenhet. En person som befinner sig högt på skalan är organiserad, pålitlig, arbetar hårt, har självdisciplin, är punktlig, renlig, ambitiös och uthållig. En person som befinner sig lågt på skalan är lat, opålitlig, hållningslös, saknar mål, är oförsiktig, vårdslös och hedonistisk. 2 Neuroticism definieras som emotionell instabilitet. En person högt på skalan är känslosam, osäker och nervös, oroar sig för mycket, t ex sin hälsa. En person som är känslomässigt stabil är lugn och avslappnad, inte känslosam, säker, uthållig och nöjd med sig själv. Openness (öppenhet), slutligen, berör öppenhet för nya erfarenheter och intellektuell stimulans. En person som är öppen är nyfiken, har breda intressen, är kreativ och originell, fantasirik och otraditionell. En sluten person, å andra sidan, är konventionell, står med båda fötterna på jorden, har begränsade intressen, är inte artistisk och inte analytisk. Teorin inte bara sammanfattar den brokiga uppsjö av trait-teorier som finns inom personlighetsområdet, utan den binder samman så skilda perspektiv som biologiska, behavioristiska och socialkognitiva synsätt på personlighet (Pervin, Cervone, & John, 2005). Personligheten ses som grundad i vårt biologiska arv, men påverkas och utvecklas av de konkreta erfarenheter vi gör, under vår uppväxt och i vårt dagliga liv. Syfte Det finns flera olika tester som mäter de fem personlighetsdimensionerna och de subdimensioner som de är uppbyggda av. Dessa är i allmänhet omfattande med många uppgifter (items). BFI är ett test i kortform som utformats främst för forskningsändamål. Vid jämförelser med flera konventionella tester på området har det dock visat på god överensstämmelse (John & Srivastava, 1999). Testet har utformats främst för forskningsändamål men någon systematisk utprövning för svenska förhållanden har inte gjorts. I första hand är det tänkt att testet ska kunna användas i utbildningssyfte, för studenter som i sin utbildning behöver pröva på hur man använder psykologiska test, t ex för rekrytering och urval. Syftet med denna studie var därför att utvärdera testet avseende dess reliabilitet och validitet. Först beskrivs hur utprövningen har gått till, och sedan resultat avseende testets tillförlitlighet. I resultatavsnittet beskrivs också de mer specifika hypoteser som testats. I bilagor finns själva testet (Bilaga 1), anvisningar för testadministration och poängberäkning (Bilaga 2), samt tabeller med jämförelsedata för olika grupper (Bilaga 3). Metod Denna utprövning bygger på insamlade data vid fem tillfällen, där testets dimensioner har analyserats tillsammans med ett antal andra variabler. I vissa fall har dessa undersökningar ingått som undervisningsmoment i olika utbildningar, i andra fall har data insamlats inom ramen för studenters uppsatsarbeten. Deltagare Totalt 431 personer ingår i studien, varav 193 (45 %) är män och 233 (55 %) är kvinnor (5 personer har ej uppgivit kön). Åldern varierar mellan 18 år och 80 år. Grupp 1 består av 62 handläggare vid en statlig myndighet (14 män och 44 kvinnor, 4 personer uppgav inte kön). Åldern varierade från 21 till 69 år, med en medelåder på 36 år och en standardavvikelse på 11 år. Undersökningen genomfördes av Andersson, Jonsson, och Karlsson (2007). Grupp 2 består av 63 studenter på en kvällskurs i kreativitet och problemlösning på högskolenivå. Det var 22 män och 41 kvinnor. Åldern varierade från 21 till 50 år, med en medelålder på 32 år, och en standardavvikelse på 9 år. Undersökningen genomfördes hösten 2002.

Research paper thumbnail of Women rate the competence of their occupational role higher than men do: Evidence from two different samples

Current Psychology, 2022

Gender stereotypes play a potent role in how the work of men and women is perceived and valued. S... more Gender stereotypes play a potent role in how the work of men and women is perceived and valued. Stereotypes also influence the way people look upon themselves. In the present research, two studies are reported where men and women at work rated the degree of warmth and competence of a person with their own occupation, and how they think people in general would perceive a person in the same occupation. A wider gap between own perceptions and that of people in general was expected for women than for men, as it was assumed that the view of other people’s perceptions would serve as a proxy for stereotype threat for women. Study 1 comprised 449 participants (74 % women) working within the public sector, mainly in social, caring, and education professions, and Study 2 comprised a convenience sample of 189 participants (70 % women) from a variety of sectors and professions. Both studies yielded consistent results; contradictory to what was expected, men and women did not differ in terms of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Does method matter? : Understanding experience data collected through different mobile techniques

Knowledge on the influence of methods on research outcomes is scarce within experience studies. I... more Knowledge on the influence of methods on research outcomes is scarce within experience studies. In this study, GPS devices were compared to smartphones to collect experience data in theme parks. Departing from the relevance of epistemology, it was assumed that the choice of method influences the results. We show that data collection modalities themselves influence empirical results when it comes to the number of reported experiences and their level of conveyed detail. The reported categories however are similar among the methods. We can also show that, and in which way, method choice influences the outcome of studies related to experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Arbetstidsförkortning sex timmars arbetsdag - en väg till både hälsa och effektivitet? : Resultatrapport

Osterundshems projekt med arbetstidsforkortning har foljts upp under ett och ett halvt ar. Denna ... more Osterundshems projekt med arbetstidsforkortning har foljts upp under ett och ett halvt ar. Denna slutrapport baseras pa en enkatundersokning som genomforts tre ganger under projektets gang samt ana ...

Research paper thumbnail of “What about the child issue?” Group negotiations of gender and parenthood contracts in recruitment situations

Society, Health & Vulnerability

Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However,... more Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However, inequality and discrimination are not easily avoided. The aim of this study was to investigate how argumentation related to parenthood and careers takes form in group discussions of a fictional recruitment situation, and how stereotypes such as competence and warmth are manifested in such discussions. Thirty-five ad-hoc groups of university students were asked to make a choice between three candidates for a consultancy position. The first two candidates were a man and a woman, while the third alternately was described either as a man or a woman described as having a newborn child. Parenthood was sometimes seen as reducing competence, but it was more often viewed as adding to competence. Parenthood was also considered to add warmth to the organization. Interestingly, all groups avoided relating the parenthood issue to gender. Three conversation patterns were found, differing in the amount of elaboration of the topic of parenthood and work. It was concluded that the most elaborated kind seems to foster a situation where implicit norms are made visible more easily.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture, Language and Emotion

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture

Research paper thumbnail of “What about the child issue?” Group negotiations of gender and parenthood contracts in recruitment situations

Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However,... more Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However, inequality and discrimination are not easily avoided. The aim of this study was to investigate how argumentation related to parenthood and careers takes form in group discussions of a fictional recruitment situation, and how stereotypes such as competence and warmth are manifested in such discussions. Thirty-five ad-hoc groups of university students were asked to make a choice between three candidates for a consultancy position. The first two candidates were a man and a woman, while the third alternately was described either as a man or a woman described as having a newborn child. Parenthood was sometimes seen as reducing competence, but it was more often viewed as adding to competence. Parenthood was also considered to add warmth to the organization. Interestingly, all groups avoided relating the parenthood issue to gender. Three conversation patterns were found, differing in the amount of elaboration of the topic of parenthood and work. It was concluded that the most elaborated kind seems to foster a situation where implicit norms are made visible more easily.

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational dilemmas in voluntary associations. : Paper presented at the EGPA annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Ambivalent sexism: a tool for understanding and improving gender relations in organizations

Scandinavian journal of psychology, 2012

This study tested predictions regarding ambivalent sexism, previously studied cross-culturally, h... more This study tested predictions regarding ambivalent sexism, previously studied cross-culturally, here "within-culturally", between groups from different organizational settings. Based on three samples (334 adults in general, 744 industrial employees, and 189 high school students), completing a Swedish version of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), the results revealed that men scored higher on hostile and benevolent sexism than women, and high school students scored higher than both adult samples on both forms of sexism. The results generally confirmed the predictions; the gender gap in benevolent sexism decreased as a function of increasing levels of general sexism and the correlation between hostile and benevolent sexism decreased with higher levels of general sexism. In fact, the groups scoring highest on general sexism displayed significant negative correlations indicating a polarized ideology of women among these groups. Implications, both theoretical and practical,...

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Versus Non-Competitive Goals in Group Decision-Making

Small Group Research, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences in Social Dominance Orientation: Gender Invariance May Be Situation Invariance

Sex Roles, 2008

Most studies of gender differences in social dominance orientation (SDO) have investigated settin... more Most studies of gender differences in social dominance orientation (SDO) have investigated settings more or less hierarchy-enhancing. The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in SDO (1) within social structures varying in equality-enhancement, i.e., communities differing in political equality between men and women, and (2) settings where equality was maximized and held constant, i.e., democratic, voluntary associations,

Research paper thumbnail of Social attitudes and education: Self-selection or socialization?

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1998

The aim of this study was to replicate earlier findings concerning the relationship between socia... more The aim of this study was to replicate earlier findings concerning the relationship between social attitudes and educational direction and field of study, by addressing further the causality issue. The sample comprised 256 Swedish adolescents from metropolitan Stockholm attending the two lowest grades in secondary school (modal age was 17 years). The main findings of the previous study were replicated, although the statistical power was weaker. Two higher-order attitude dimensions (labeled Political-economic conservatism and Social conservatism) discriminated between six groups, based on combinations of the two aspects of education. The main picture evidenced a socialization effect regarding Political-economic conservatism and a self-selection explanation for Social conservatism. Introducing intellectual ability as an independent variable in the causal model, affecting both educational direction and social attitudes, weakened the relationship, as compared to the previous study.

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Dilemmas in Voluntary Associations

International Journal of Public Administration, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Emotions in motion: tourist experiences in time and space

Current Issues in Tourism, 2012

The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology enables the study of tourists&a... more The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology enables the study of tourists' activities and movement patterns in real time. But what does this information tell us about tourists' subjective experiences? The present paper accounts for the results from four case studies: two event studies and two destination studies. Two of these took place in the wintertime, and two in

Research paper thumbnail of Tracking tourists: Mobility, experiences and the supply-demand gap in a Swedish mountain resort

Journal of Tourism …, 2011

This study focuses on method development in the areas of visitor and experience tracking. It is a... more This study focuses on method development in the areas of visitor and experience tracking. It is about understanding experiences in a time-spatial framework made up by visits to a particular destination. These issues were identified as central for destination stakeholders in their attempts at meeting or exceeding visitor expectations at their destination. Development of methods here thus aims at supporting producers in generating such knowledge. The approach that emerged was to track and measure tourism experiences with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, follow-up surveys and in-depth interviews. The empirical findings are from a case study of the Swedish mountain resort Åre during the summer of 2008. Results in general partly confirmed what key destination stakeholders intuitively thought of different aspects of the destination, but also brought out new knowledge which seems to have implications for the preparations for coming seasons. These include the realization of the destination"s unique qualities for "the comfort-seeking nature based tourist" and insights about visitor movements in time and space. On the basis of the latter, three new tourist typologies emerged as potential target groups; the excursion, activity, and village families.

Research paper thumbnail of What matters most to prejudice: Big Five personality, Social Dominance Orientation, or Right-Wing Authoritarianism?

European Journal of Personality, 2004

Whereas previous research has studied the relation of either (i) personality with prejudice, (ii)... more Whereas previous research has studied the relation of either (i) personality with prejudice, (ii) personality with social dominance orientation (SDO) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), or (iii) SDO and RWA with prejudice, the present research integrates all approaches within the same model. In our study (N ¼ 183), various causal models of the relationships among the Big Five, SDO, RWA, and Generalized Prejudice are proposed and tested. Generalized Prejudice scores were obtained from a factor analysis of the scores on various prejudice instruments (racism, sexism, prejudice toward homosexuals, and mentally disabled people), which yielded a one-factor solution. The best-fitting causal model, which was our suggested hypothetical model, showed that Big Five personality had no direct effect on Generalized Prejudice but an indirect effect transmitted through RWA and SDO, where RWA seems to capture personality aspects to a greater extent than SDO. Specifically, Generalized Prejudice was affected indirectly by Extraversion, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness through RWA, and by Agreeableness through SDO, whereas Neuroticism had no effect at all. The results are discussed against the background of previous research and the personality and social psychology approaches to the study of prejudice.

Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a short version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale

Personality and Individual Differences, 2005

This study presents an attempt to develop a short (15 item) version of the Right-Wing Authoritari... more This study presents an attempt to develop a short (15 item) version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale (Altemeyer, 1998). Participants were three samples of high school and university students (17–50 years old). The scale developed had items that were shorter, with less extreme wording, and less reference to specific groups (e.g., women, homosexuals), i.e., relating to attitudes to be

Research paper thumbnail of Big Five Inventory (BFI) : Utprövning för svenska förhållanden

Big Five Inventory (BFI): Utprövning för svenska förhållanden Sammanfattning Big Five Inventory (... more Big Five Inventory (BFI): Utprövning för svenska förhållanden Sammanfattning Big Five Inventory (BFI) är ett test bestående av 44 påståenden avsett att mäta de fem grundläggande personlighetsdimensionerna Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism och Openness (John & Srivastava, 1999). Testet har utformats främst för forskningsändamål men någon systematisk utprövning för svenska förhållanden har inte gjorts. Enkäter distribuerades till fem olika undersökningsgrupper med varierande bakgrund (n=431, 45% män och 55% kvinnor), i ålder varierande från 18 till 80 år. Testet analyserades i relation till demografiska variabler, samt arbetslivsrelaterade faktorer såsom arbetsmotiv, intressen, yrkes-och utbildningsval, samt attityder och fördomar. Resultaten visade på en god reliabilitet (Cronbach's alpha-koefficienter varierande mellan .73 och .84), en tydlig faktorstruktur samt låga till måttliga korrelationer mellan dimensionerna. De fem personlighetsdimensionernas samband med de arbetslivsrelaterade faktorerna var i allmänhet i förväntad riktning. Särskilt tydligt var detta för dimensionen Openness. Inte i något fall visade resultaten samband som gick i motsatt riktning mot vad som förväntades. Slutsatsen är att BFI är ett tillförlitligt test som fungerar väl att användas främst i forsknings-och utbildningssyfte. Inledning Teorin bakom "the Big Five" finns väl beskriven i litteraturen (se t ex Pervin & John, 1999; Pervin, Cervone, & John, 2005). Bakgrunden till teorin startade bl a i upplevelsen av att många olika personlighetstester omfattade mer eller mindre identiska eller delvis överlappande personlighetsdimensioner (Mabon, 2004). Många analyser har sedan visat att mycket av variationen i olika mätinstrument kan sammanfattas i de fem dimensionerna Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism samt Openness. Extraversion (utåtriktning) handlar om kvantitet och intensitet i interpersonella relationer, behov av stimulans och aktivitet och förmåga till njutning. En person som är extravert är social, aktiv, pratsam, personorienterad, optimistisk, tillgiven och gillar att ha kul. En person som, å andra sidan, är introvert är reserverad, måttfull, otillgänglig, uppgiftsorienterad, tillbakadragen och tystlåten. Agreeableness (vänlighet) brukar definieras som graden av sympati, medkänsla i tankar, känslor och handlingar. En vänlig eller sympatisk person är godhjärtad, tillitsfull, hjälpsam, förlåtande, lättrogen och uppriktig. Personer på andra änden av skalan, dvs ovänliga och osympatiska, är cyniska, oförskämda, misstänksamma, samarbetsobenägna, hämndlystna, lättirriterade och manipulativa. Conscientiousness (noggrannhet, samvetsgrannhet) handlar om en persons grad av organisationsförmåga, uthållighet och målmedvetenhet. En person som befinner sig högt på skalan är organiserad, pålitlig, arbetar hårt, har självdisciplin, är punktlig, renlig, ambitiös och uthållig. En person som befinner sig lågt på skalan är lat, opålitlig, hållningslös, saknar mål, är oförsiktig, vårdslös och hedonistisk. 2 Neuroticism definieras som emotionell instabilitet. En person högt på skalan är känslosam, osäker och nervös, oroar sig för mycket, t ex sin hälsa. En person som är känslomässigt stabil är lugn och avslappnad, inte känslosam, säker, uthållig och nöjd med sig själv. Openness (öppenhet), slutligen, berör öppenhet för nya erfarenheter och intellektuell stimulans. En person som är öppen är nyfiken, har breda intressen, är kreativ och originell, fantasirik och otraditionell. En sluten person, å andra sidan, är konventionell, står med båda fötterna på jorden, har begränsade intressen, är inte artistisk och inte analytisk. Teorin inte bara sammanfattar den brokiga uppsjö av trait-teorier som finns inom personlighetsområdet, utan den binder samman så skilda perspektiv som biologiska, behavioristiska och socialkognitiva synsätt på personlighet (Pervin, Cervone, & John, 2005). Personligheten ses som grundad i vårt biologiska arv, men påverkas och utvecklas av de konkreta erfarenheter vi gör, under vår uppväxt och i vårt dagliga liv. Syfte Det finns flera olika tester som mäter de fem personlighetsdimensionerna och de subdimensioner som de är uppbyggda av. Dessa är i allmänhet omfattande med många uppgifter (items). BFI är ett test i kortform som utformats främst för forskningsändamål. Vid jämförelser med flera konventionella tester på området har det dock visat på god överensstämmelse (John & Srivastava, 1999). Testet har utformats främst för forskningsändamål men någon systematisk utprövning för svenska förhållanden har inte gjorts. I första hand är det tänkt att testet ska kunna användas i utbildningssyfte, för studenter som i sin utbildning behöver pröva på hur man använder psykologiska test, t ex för rekrytering och urval. Syftet med denna studie var därför att utvärdera testet avseende dess reliabilitet och validitet. Först beskrivs hur utprövningen har gått till, och sedan resultat avseende testets tillförlitlighet. I resultatavsnittet beskrivs också de mer specifika hypoteser som testats. I bilagor finns själva testet (Bilaga 1), anvisningar för testadministration och poängberäkning (Bilaga 2), samt tabeller med jämförelsedata för olika grupper (Bilaga 3). Metod Denna utprövning bygger på insamlade data vid fem tillfällen, där testets dimensioner har analyserats tillsammans med ett antal andra variabler. I vissa fall har dessa undersökningar ingått som undervisningsmoment i olika utbildningar, i andra fall har data insamlats inom ramen för studenters uppsatsarbeten. Deltagare Totalt 431 personer ingår i studien, varav 193 (45 %) är män och 233 (55 %) är kvinnor (5 personer har ej uppgivit kön). Åldern varierar mellan 18 år och 80 år. Grupp 1 består av 62 handläggare vid en statlig myndighet (14 män och 44 kvinnor, 4 personer uppgav inte kön). Åldern varierade från 21 till 69 år, med en medelåder på 36 år och en standardavvikelse på 11 år. Undersökningen genomfördes av Andersson, Jonsson, och Karlsson (2007). Grupp 2 består av 63 studenter på en kvällskurs i kreativitet och problemlösning på högskolenivå. Det var 22 män och 41 kvinnor. Åldern varierade från 21 till 50 år, med en medelålder på 32 år, och en standardavvikelse på 9 år. Undersökningen genomfördes hösten 2002.

Research paper thumbnail of Women rate the competence of their occupational role higher than men do: Evidence from two different samples

Current Psychology, 2022

Gender stereotypes play a potent role in how the work of men and women is perceived and valued. S... more Gender stereotypes play a potent role in how the work of men and women is perceived and valued. Stereotypes also influence the way people look upon themselves. In the present research, two studies are reported where men and women at work rated the degree of warmth and competence of a person with their own occupation, and how they think people in general would perceive a person in the same occupation. A wider gap between own perceptions and that of people in general was expected for women than for men, as it was assumed that the view of other people’s perceptions would serve as a proxy for stereotype threat for women. Study 1 comprised 449 participants (74 % women) working within the public sector, mainly in social, caring, and education professions, and Study 2 comprised a convenience sample of 189 participants (70 % women) from a variety of sectors and professions. Both studies yielded consistent results; contradictory to what was expected, men and women did not differ in terms of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Does method matter? : Understanding experience data collected through different mobile techniques

Knowledge on the influence of methods on research outcomes is scarce within experience studies. I... more Knowledge on the influence of methods on research outcomes is scarce within experience studies. In this study, GPS devices were compared to smartphones to collect experience data in theme parks. Departing from the relevance of epistemology, it was assumed that the choice of method influences the results. We show that data collection modalities themselves influence empirical results when it comes to the number of reported experiences and their level of conveyed detail. The reported categories however are similar among the methods. We can also show that, and in which way, method choice influences the outcome of studies related to experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Arbetstidsförkortning sex timmars arbetsdag - en väg till både hälsa och effektivitet? : Resultatrapport

Osterundshems projekt med arbetstidsforkortning har foljts upp under ett och ett halvt ar. Denna ... more Osterundshems projekt med arbetstidsforkortning har foljts upp under ett och ett halvt ar. Denna slutrapport baseras pa en enkatundersokning som genomforts tre ganger under projektets gang samt ana ...

Research paper thumbnail of “What about the child issue?” Group negotiations of gender and parenthood contracts in recruitment situations

Society, Health & Vulnerability

Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However,... more Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However, inequality and discrimination are not easily avoided. The aim of this study was to investigate how argumentation related to parenthood and careers takes form in group discussions of a fictional recruitment situation, and how stereotypes such as competence and warmth are manifested in such discussions. Thirty-five ad-hoc groups of university students were asked to make a choice between three candidates for a consultancy position. The first two candidates were a man and a woman, while the third alternately was described either as a man or a woman described as having a newborn child. Parenthood was sometimes seen as reducing competence, but it was more often viewed as adding to competence. Parenthood was also considered to add warmth to the organization. Interestingly, all groups avoided relating the parenthood issue to gender. Three conversation patterns were found, differing in the amount of elaboration of the topic of parenthood and work. It was concluded that the most elaborated kind seems to foster a situation where implicit norms are made visible more easily.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture, Language and Emotion

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture

Research paper thumbnail of “What about the child issue?” Group negotiations of gender and parenthood contracts in recruitment situations

Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However,... more Men and women becoming parents are supposed to have equal opportunities in working life. However, inequality and discrimination are not easily avoided. The aim of this study was to investigate how argumentation related to parenthood and careers takes form in group discussions of a fictional recruitment situation, and how stereotypes such as competence and warmth are manifested in such discussions. Thirty-five ad-hoc groups of university students were asked to make a choice between three candidates for a consultancy position. The first two candidates were a man and a woman, while the third alternately was described either as a man or a woman described as having a newborn child. Parenthood was sometimes seen as reducing competence, but it was more often viewed as adding to competence. Parenthood was also considered to add warmth to the organization. Interestingly, all groups avoided relating the parenthood issue to gender. Three conversation patterns were found, differing in the amount of elaboration of the topic of parenthood and work. It was concluded that the most elaborated kind seems to foster a situation where implicit norms are made visible more easily.

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational dilemmas in voluntary associations. : Paper presented at the EGPA annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Ambivalent sexism: a tool for understanding and improving gender relations in organizations

Scandinavian journal of psychology, 2012

This study tested predictions regarding ambivalent sexism, previously studied cross-culturally, h... more This study tested predictions regarding ambivalent sexism, previously studied cross-culturally, here "within-culturally", between groups from different organizational settings. Based on three samples (334 adults in general, 744 industrial employees, and 189 high school students), completing a Swedish version of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), the results revealed that men scored higher on hostile and benevolent sexism than women, and high school students scored higher than both adult samples on both forms of sexism. The results generally confirmed the predictions; the gender gap in benevolent sexism decreased as a function of increasing levels of general sexism and the correlation between hostile and benevolent sexism decreased with higher levels of general sexism. In fact, the groups scoring highest on general sexism displayed significant negative correlations indicating a polarized ideology of women among these groups. Implications, both theoretical and practical,...

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Versus Non-Competitive Goals in Group Decision-Making

Small Group Research, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences in Social Dominance Orientation: Gender Invariance May Be Situation Invariance

Sex Roles, 2008

Most studies of gender differences in social dominance orientation (SDO) have investigated settin... more Most studies of gender differences in social dominance orientation (SDO) have investigated settings more or less hierarchy-enhancing. The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in SDO (1) within social structures varying in equality-enhancement, i.e., communities differing in political equality between men and women, and (2) settings where equality was maximized and held constant, i.e., democratic, voluntary associations,

Research paper thumbnail of Social attitudes and education: Self-selection or socialization?

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1998

The aim of this study was to replicate earlier findings concerning the relationship between socia... more The aim of this study was to replicate earlier findings concerning the relationship between social attitudes and educational direction and field of study, by addressing further the causality issue. The sample comprised 256 Swedish adolescents from metropolitan Stockholm attending the two lowest grades in secondary school (modal age was 17 years). The main findings of the previous study were replicated, although the statistical power was weaker. Two higher-order attitude dimensions (labeled Political-economic conservatism and Social conservatism) discriminated between six groups, based on combinations of the two aspects of education. The main picture evidenced a socialization effect regarding Political-economic conservatism and a self-selection explanation for Social conservatism. Introducing intellectual ability as an independent variable in the causal model, affecting both educational direction and social attitudes, weakened the relationship, as compared to the previous study.

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Dilemmas in Voluntary Associations

International Journal of Public Administration, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Emotions in motion: tourist experiences in time and space

Current Issues in Tourism, 2012

The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology enables the study of tourists&a... more The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology enables the study of tourists' activities and movement patterns in real time. But what does this information tell us about tourists' subjective experiences? The present paper accounts for the results from four case studies: two event studies and two destination studies. Two of these took place in the wintertime, and two in

Research paper thumbnail of Tracking tourists: Mobility, experiences and the supply-demand gap in a Swedish mountain resort

Journal of Tourism …, 2011

This study focuses on method development in the areas of visitor and experience tracking. It is a... more This study focuses on method development in the areas of visitor and experience tracking. It is about understanding experiences in a time-spatial framework made up by visits to a particular destination. These issues were identified as central for destination stakeholders in their attempts at meeting or exceeding visitor expectations at their destination. Development of methods here thus aims at supporting producers in generating such knowledge. The approach that emerged was to track and measure tourism experiences with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, follow-up surveys and in-depth interviews. The empirical findings are from a case study of the Swedish mountain resort Åre during the summer of 2008. Results in general partly confirmed what key destination stakeholders intuitively thought of different aspects of the destination, but also brought out new knowledge which seems to have implications for the preparations for coming seasons. These include the realization of the destination"s unique qualities for "the comfort-seeking nature based tourist" and insights about visitor movements in time and space. On the basis of the latter, three new tourist typologies emerged as potential target groups; the excursion, activity, and village families.

Research paper thumbnail of What matters most to prejudice: Big Five personality, Social Dominance Orientation, or Right-Wing Authoritarianism?

European Journal of Personality, 2004

Whereas previous research has studied the relation of either (i) personality with prejudice, (ii)... more Whereas previous research has studied the relation of either (i) personality with prejudice, (ii) personality with social dominance orientation (SDO) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), or (iii) SDO and RWA with prejudice, the present research integrates all approaches within the same model. In our study (N ¼ 183), various causal models of the relationships among the Big Five, SDO, RWA, and Generalized Prejudice are proposed and tested. Generalized Prejudice scores were obtained from a factor analysis of the scores on various prejudice instruments (racism, sexism, prejudice toward homosexuals, and mentally disabled people), which yielded a one-factor solution. The best-fitting causal model, which was our suggested hypothetical model, showed that Big Five personality had no direct effect on Generalized Prejudice but an indirect effect transmitted through RWA and SDO, where RWA seems to capture personality aspects to a greater extent than SDO. Specifically, Generalized Prejudice was affected indirectly by Extraversion, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness through RWA, and by Agreeableness through SDO, whereas Neuroticism had no effect at all. The results are discussed against the background of previous research and the personality and social psychology approaches to the study of prejudice.