International Journal of Academics & Research, IJARKE Journals (original) (raw)

Thesis Chapters by International Journal of Academics & Research, IJARKE Journals

Research paper thumbnail of Portfolio Composition and Financial Performance of Mutual Funds in Kenya

Historically, the mutual funds in Kenya have had mixed performance, with some funds achieving str... more Historically, the mutual funds in Kenya have had mixed performance, with some funds achieving strong returns, while others
have struggled to perform. At the same time, portfolio composition of mutual funds in Kenya has been changing depending on
the investment objectives and strategies of each fund. This research explored portfolio composition and its effect on Kenya’s
mutual funds’ performance in the period 2019-2022. The objective was to assess portfolio composition (equity investment,
bonds investment and money market investment) and how the same affect financial performance of Kenyan mutual funds. The
study applied explanatory research design whereby using purposive sampling technique, the sample size for the study was 27
mutual funds registered and recognized as active by the Capital Market Authority as at June 2023. Secondary data was used
which was obtained from sources such as CMA, NSE, and mutual funds official website published financial reports, and
analyzed using SPSS where the process entailed descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and regression analysis. The
findings revealed that that equity investment, bonds investment and money market investment were each positively correlated
with financial performance of the mutual funds. The study concluded that equity investment, bonds investment and money
market investment significantly influence performance of the mutual funds. The research recommends a careful analysis of
equity investment options by fund managers before investing to ensure they identify equity investment alternative(s) that offer
better returns. Besides, they should consider introducing more robust diversification policies among other measures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Agile Project Management, Dynamic Capability and Performance: A Systematic Literature Review

Agile project management is often regarded as an immutable characteristic, with the implication t... more Agile project management is often regarded as an immutable characteristic, with the implication that businesses must always
undergo change. However, such advice misses the fact that although adjustments and transformations are frequently necessary,
they are not always required, may not even be practicable, and come at a cost. The adoption of agile methodologies is
necessary in the dynamic environment, and this paper provides a strengthened understanding of that necessity. The goal of this
study was to investigate agility from a more basic standpoint and explicitly connect it to dynamic capabilities. This paper was
anchored on the Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT) and supported by the Resource Based Theory. The current paper
employed systematic literature review to summarize the body of available literature in order to determine the current state of
agility as a project management methodology. This paper reveals how dynamic capabilities materialize at the sensing, seizing,
and reconfiguring levels within the organization's agile project management scope. Organisation seeking to identify ahead of
time which agile principles would be worth using in its projects a head of time can also benefit from the results. Additionally,
the paper enlightens managers and organizations on critical dynamic talents that should be fostered in order to support the
growth of agility and agile transformation within the company. The study recommends that organizations adapt business
resilience while also adopting business continuity strategies and climate resilience technologies. Organization should be able
to identify key possible disruptions that may negatively impact its business operations. Organizations also need to build a
robust strategy formulation and implementation regime to ensure the actualization of strategic objectives since they operate in
a competitive and dynamic business environment. Equally, organizations should encourage knowledge transfer and learning as
part of its culture in ensuring an upward growth in an organization. Future studies should look at how agile project
management and dynamic capabilities affect optimal performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Resource Allocation Management Strategy on Organizational Performance of Top Tier Commercial Banks in Nairobi County -Kenya

Commercial banks, like any business organization, prioritize favorable performance as a primary o... more Commercial banks, like any business organization, prioritize favorable performance as a primary objective. This study sought
to establish the relationship between resource allocation and organizational performance of top tier commercial banks in
Nairobi County, Kenya. This study was guided by resource-based view Theory and descriptive survey research design. The
study population was 314 respondents. A total of 228 participants made up the study's sample size. The study used stratified
and simple random sampling to identify the respondents. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyze data and data
was presented in form of tables and figures. Inferential statistics include regression analysis. The R-squared value of 0.409
suggests that 40.9% of the variance in organizational performance can be explained by resource allocation management
strategy. From the results, organizational structure management strategy has a positive and significant effect on organizational
performance of top tier commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya (β=0.596; p-value=0.000). The research concludes that
resource allocation management strategy plays a positive and notable role in influencing the organizational performance of
top-tier commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. The results indicate that factors such as the adequacy of resources,
timely allocation of resources, and resource allocation policies significantly impact the organizational performance of these
banks in Nairobi County. The study recommends that the management of commercial banks should ensure the accessibility of
human and financial resources. This could involve streamlining approval processes, providing employees with the necessary
training and equipment, and investing in technology and infrastructure that supports innovation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Job Rotation in Enhancing Employee Performance in Cement Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

The quality of human resources is essential to an organization's success, particularly in industr... more The quality of human resources is essential to an organization's success, particularly in industries like cement manufacturing. This study examined the impact of job rotation on employee performance in cement manufacturing companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), Kenya. With employee performance in the sector reported to be below expectations, the research aimed to assess the effects of job rotation on productivity. Using a correlational research design, data was collected from a sample of 443 employees through structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings highlight that job rotation significantly enhanced employee performance. This study contributes valuable insights for government bodies, HR managers, policymakers, and industry leaders on how structured training methods can improve workforce productivity in Kenya's cement industry.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Stakeholder Participation Evaluation on National Tourism Policy Implementation in Naivasha Sub County -Kenya

Stakeholder participation is a key component in sustainable tourism development which is also a b... more Stakeholder participation is a key component in sustainable tourism development which is also a basic requirement entrenched by the Kenyan Constitution. This study sought to evaluate stakeholder participation and National Tourism Policy implementation in Naivasha Sub-County. Specifically, the study investigated stakeholder participation evaluation influence on National Tourism Policy implementation which hypothesized that there was no significant influence of stakeholder evaluation influence on NTP implementation. The study was anchored on Stakeholder theory and Ladder of Participation theory. Mixed Methods based on pragmatic paradigm and concurrent embedded design was used. The study targeted 1099 respondents. A sample size of 353 was selected using purposive and probability sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect primary data using questionnaires and interviews schedule. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive statistics while inferential statistics used Linear Regression Analysis. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings indicated that evaluation had a positive significant influence (β3=0.332 and p =0.000) on National Tourism Policy implementation. The study concluded stakeholder participation evaluation had a significant influence leading to an improvement in National Tourism Policy implementation. The study recommends that stakeholders should have internal quality assurance departments in charge of evaluating progresses in their facilities which will enhance implementation of NTP. It further infers that evaluation plans should developed and all stakeholder involved and participate actively to enhance implementation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top Management Team Characteristics and Performance of Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nairobi -Kenya

Research indicates that the attributes of the top managers have an effect on organizations' outco... more Research indicates that the attributes of the top managers have an effect on organizations' outcome. The study investigated the association between humanitarian NGOs' performance and the top management team's characteristics. The study aimed to assess how the demographics, cognitive abilities, psychological traits, and behavioral characteristics of top management in humanitarian Non-Government Organizations in Nairobi affect their performance. The study is significant to senior management of humanitarian Non-Government Organizations in Nairobi, as well as scholars in the field of strategic management. This study was founded upon the Upper Echelons theory, the Resource-Based View theory, and the Balance Score Card model. In order to fulfill the study's objectives, a descriptive and explanatory research design was employed. The study aims to survey 486 high-level executives from the 68 humanitarian Non-Government Organizations located in Nairobi. The sample size was determined using purposive sampling. The study employed a semi-structured questionnaire to gather primary data. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.7 was used to assess reliability, and assessments of face, content, and construct validity were carried out. The study analyzed the qualitative data using content thematic analysis and the quantitative data using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The findings indicate that demographic characteristics, cognitive characteristics, psychological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of the Top Management Team reported a substantial impact on performance. Therefore, the study's findings indicated that adopted dimensions of the Top Management Team characteristics should be embraced by the humanitarian sector for improved performance. In addition, the study concludes that there is need to develop policies that ensure that the top managers are constituted in a manager that leverages from the diverse characteristics of the top management team. The study recommendations that further studies can be done while incorporating other dimensions of the Top Management Team characteristics not covered in the study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Parental Divorce on Mental Health among Youths in Westlands Nairobi -Kenya

Mental health is the overall well-being emotionally, psychologically and socially. It determines ... more Mental health is the overall well-being emotionally, psychologically and socially. It determines how we deal with stress, depression, eating disorders, dementia, autism, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and psychotic disorders for instance schizophrenia. Mental health is important throughout our life form childhood, adolescence to adulthood. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of parental divorce on mental health among youths in Westlands Nairobi, Kenya. The study was supported by Attachment theory. Descriptive and correlational survey research designs were used in this study. This study's target population consisted of 149,892 young people. 401 respondents were chosen for this study using basic random selection and stratified sampling techniques. To gather primary data, the study employed closed-ended questionnaires with a Likert scale framework. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential Statistics. Under descriptive statistics, the study applied mean and standard deviation. Under inferential statistics, the study used correlation and simple regression analyses. The findings of this study were presented in tables and figures. The study established that, young adults from divorced families find it difficult to enter marriage because of the bad experience they have about it. Further, the study established that, parental divorce had a positive, weak and insignificant relationship with mental health of youths in Westlands. The study recommended that parents should solve an issue regarding their marriages themselves before involving third parties. This would reduce interference, incitement and rumor mongering that may harm resolution process. Further, the study recommended that, whenever parents are solving issues, they should not involve children from the onset. This ensured that, children remain neutral and don’t take sides. In addition, the study recommended that, parents should seek professional advice and, divorce should be the last resort. Also, they can involve neutral family members, church elders and/or pastors as they amicably solve problems threatening their marriage. Further, in the event of divorce, parents should agree on children’s care, in terms of education and other basic needs. This would reduce trauma, mental issues and other sides effects related with divorce on children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Stakeholders' Involvement Actions on the Performance of NHIF Branches in Western Kenya

As a key component of strategic management, strategic planning plays an increasingly important ro... more As a key component of strategic management, strategic planning plays an increasingly important role in stimulating organizational performance. How well NHIF offices in Western Kenya do in terms of meeting their mission to provide excellent health insurance to all Kenyans at a price they can afford will be gauged by the organization's commitment to, and success with, long-term strategic planning. Some progress has been achieved, but these changes still pose questions of fairness, efficiency, practicability, and long-term viability. This motivates the present research, which aims to determine how the National Hospital Insurance Fund's branches in Western Kenya region benefit from strategic planning techniques. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of strategic planning practices on performance of National Hospital Insurance Fund in Western Kenya branches. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the effect of stakeholders` involvement on the performance of NHIF branches in Western Kenya, establish the effect of environmental scanning on the performance of NHIF branches in Western Kenya and determine the effect of top management support on the performance NHIF branches in Western Kenya. The study was based on three theories namely resource-based theory, Ansoff strategic success theory and strategic choice theory. This study employed a descriptive research design to carry out an investigation between performance and strategic planning practices of NHIF. The target population for the study was 195 employees from the functional departments of NHIF in Western Kenya in the eleven branches of Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, Siaya, Vihiga, Busia, Mumias, Bungoma and Kakamega. Stratified sampling technique was used to select a representative sample of 145 respondents. The primary data for the study was collected using closed ended questionnaires. The study adopted Cronbach’s metrics of alpha to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Regression, Correlation and ANOVA). The findings showed a significant positive relationship between strategic planning practices and performance of NHIF in western Kenya, where strategic planning practices alone are able to explain 43.6% of the variance in the performance of NHIF. The study recommended that the management should promote a disciplined, results-driven approach to strategic planning. There should be a favourable association between strategy management methods and an organization's willingness to involve its employees in developing effective strategic planning processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Integrated Practice Units' Strategy on the Performance of County Referral Hospitals in Kenya

The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in hospital management is meant to achieve ... more The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in hospital management is meant to achieve high health outcomes at low
costs. The resultant effects are increasing value to the patients as well as attaining universal health coverage. The main
objective of the study was to determine the influence of integrated practice units’ strategy on the performance of County
referral hospitals in Kenya. The research was anchored on value-based theory. The study was founded on positivism research
philosophy. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study area was the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB)
counties in Kenya. The study population was 1400 employees of fourteen (14) county referral hospitals in the Lake Region
Economic Bloc. The study adopted the stratified random sampling method, in which the management employees were
stratified, and then the respondents were selected randomly within each stratum. The strata consisted of; hospital management
board, departmental (top level) management and sub-departmental (middle level) management. The study sample size was
four hundred and forty five (405) respondents determined using Yamane formula yielding three hundred and twelve (312)
respondents plus a 30% (93) increase to cater for non-response. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire that was
dropped and picked after two weeks. Content validity was checked and an average content validity index (CVI) of 0.8 was
attained, which met the recommended threshold of 0.75. Reliability was tested through a pilot test and an average Cronbach
alpha coefficient (α) score of 0.748 was attained, which is above the recommended score of at least 0.7. Data was analyzed
using descriptive statistics which include mean, standard deviation, variance, frequency distribution and percentages. For
inferential statistics, the study used simple regression analysis to establish the causal relationships as conceptualized. Pearson
correlation was used to test the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Data was
presented in tables, graphs, pie charts, frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that there was a significant positive
relationship between Integrated Practice Units strategy and County hospitals performance. The results indicate that 45.3% of
the variance in the hospital’s performance was attributable to Integrated Practice Units strategy. In theory, policy and practice,
the study findings supported the position that county referral hospitals ought to invest in Integrated Practice Units strategy to
achieve the outcomes of high quality healthcare services at affordable cost, thus enhanced performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic Strategies and Competitive Advantage of Maize Seed Companies  in Kirinyaga County – Kenya

To achieve competitive advantage, maize seed companies must navigate a dynamic and disruptive com... more To achieve competitive advantage, maize seed companies must navigate a dynamic and disruptive commercial landscape
characterized by intense competition. . This study aimed to investigate the effects of generic strategies on competitive
advantage on maize seed companies in Kirinyaga county, Kenya. The research objectives were to investigate the effect of cost
leadership strategy, differentiation, distribution, and channel strategy and focus strategy on competitive advantage of maize
seed companies in Kirinyaga county. The study was anchored on resource-based view theory and competitive advantage
theory and adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 24 registered maize seed companies in Kenya.
Samples were drawn from middle level managers from sales and marketing, finance and strategy, research and development
and production departments. Four staffs from every company making a total of 96 respondents were purposively sampled.
Questionnaires were used to collect data and research questions were prior subjected to validity and reliability test to ensure
they met the required standard. Data collected was analyzed by both descriptive analysis such as mean, standard deviation,
frequencies, and inferential analysis such as correlation and regression coefficient. Information derived was latter displayed in
tables and figures. The key finding of the study showed that cost leadership strategy, differentiation, distribution, and channel
together with focus strategy were widely used by maize seed companies in Kirinyaga and they had a positive influence on
competitive advantage of these firms with regression coefficient of r=0.612, r=0.244, r=1.008 r=0.043 respectively. The
findings revealed that distribution and channel strategy had greatest influence on competitive advantage of maize seed
companies while focus strategy had the least influence on competitive advantage. The study recommends that maize seed
companies explore their evolving cost economics and makes use of various methods to differentiate their products and services
while strengthening their distribution network ensuring they obtain much information on their customers to understand their
needs when and where required.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Bundled Payments for Care Cycles Strategy on the  Performance of County Referral Hospitals in Kenya

Population health is a core contributor to economic growth of countries, hence the need for count... more Population health is a core contributor to economic growth of countries, hence the need for countries to develop healthcare
systems that yield better healthcare outcomes at affordable costs. The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in
hospital management is meant to achieve high health outcomes at low costs. The main objective of the study was to determine
the influence of bundled payments for care cycles strategy on the performance of County referral hospitals in Kenya. The
research was anchored on value-based theory. The study was founded on positivism research philosophy. The study adopted a
descriptive research design. The study area was the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) counties in Kenya. The study
population was 1400 employees of fourteen (14) county referral hospitals in the Lake Region Economic Bloc. The study
adopted the stratified random sampling method, in which the management employees were stratified, and then the respondents
were selected randomly within each stratum. The strata consisted of; hospital management board, departmental (top level)
management and sub-departmental (middle level) management. The study sample size was four hundred and forty five (405)
respondents determined using Yamane formula yielding three hundred and twelve (312) respondents plus a 30% (93) increase
to cater for non-response. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire that was dropped and picked after two weeks.
Content validity was checked and a content validity index (CVI) of 0.8 was attained, which met the recommended threshold of
0.75. Reliability was tested through a pilot test and an average Cronbach alpha coefficient (α) score of 0.748 was attained,
which is above the recommended score of at least 0.7. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which include mean,
standard deviation, variance, frequency distribution and percentages. For inferential statistics, the study used simple, multiple
and hierarchical regression to establish the causal relationships as conceptualized. Pearson correlation was used to test the
strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Data was presented in tables, graphs, pie charts,
frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between bundled
payments for care cycles strategy and County hospitals performance. The results indicate that 32.9% of the variance in the
hospital’s performance, was attributable to bundled payments for care cycles strategy. In theory, policy and practice, the study
findings supported the position that county referral hospitals ought to invest in bundled payments for care cycle’s strategy to
achieve the outcomes of high quality healthcare services at affordable cost, thus enhanced performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Credit Modeling Accuracy in the Financial Sector: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE

Credit modeling especially in the financial sector, faces significant challenges in deep learning... more Credit modeling especially in the financial sector, faces significant challenges in deep learning applications. Accurate credit
modeling is essential for financial institutions to assess credit risk and make informed lending decisions. However,
complexities arise due to inaccuracies influenced by datasets, modeling algorithms, and sampling techniques. This study
sought to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) in enhancing
credit Modeling. The SMOTE model integrates traditional and machine learning methods, including logistic regression,
decision trees, Random Forest, Neural Networks, and Support Vector Machines. Using a diverse dataset, it incorporates
borrower characteristics like age, income, and credit score, and loan details such as amount, interest rate, and term. The model
focused on balancing data distribution, creating synthetic samples, and optimizing performance to surpass baseline models
across metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, confusion matrix, and F1 score. Findings revealed that there was limited
adoption of advanced models amongst financial institutions in Meru County, due to their complexity and training demands.
Further findings reveal that, applying SMOTE improved class balance, particularly by enhancing Decision Trees and Random
Forests in accuracy and error reduction. Random Forests with SMOTE showed the most significant improvements, suggesting
its effectiveness in addressing class imbalance and enhancing predictive performance. Adopting SMOTE-enhanced Random
Forests offers robust tools for credit risk management, advocating for increased quantitative model adoption and collaboration
among financial institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Government Agricultural Initiatives on the Economic Growth of Small Scale Farmers in Juba County -Central Equatorial State, South Sudan

The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of government agricultural initiatives on the ... more The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of government agricultural initiatives on the economic growth of the small scale farmers in Juba County. The specific objectives were to analyze the effect of provision of agricultural inputs, evaluate the effect of infrastructure on the economics growth of the small scale farmers in Juba County and determine the effect of government agricultural training programs on the economic growth of the small scale farmers Juba. Musgrave Theory of Public Expenditure Growth, Wagner Theory of Organic State and Keynesian Theory were used to support the study. The study targeted a population of 145 farmers in Juba County. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, will be used to summarize demographic characteristics and economic indicators. Inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis and regression modeling, was employed to examine the relationship between government agriculture initiatives and farmers' economic growth. It was concluded that farm inputs had a negative moderate relationship and significant statistical effect on economic growth. Infrastructure had a weak positive relationship that with economic growth and was statistically significant. Training programs had no statistical significant effect on economic growth of the small scale farmers. The study recommended for provision of agricultural inputs like improved seeds, loans and fertilizers; improved infrastructure such as access to market, dams and working irrigation schemes; and also supportive agriculture training programs like exhibitions, shows and availability of agriculture and extension officers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employee Welfare Programs and Job Satisfaction: A Critical Literature Review

Employee welfare programs constitute any employer-provided perks and comforts beyond earnings and... more Employee welfare programs constitute any employer-provided perks and comforts beyond earnings and compensation.
Employee welfare programs promote motivation and performance by increasing employee engagement. Policies pertaining to
employee welfare are essential for inspiring employees to give their all when doing their jobs. The greatest productivity from
employees can only be obtained by any business if those workers love and are dedicated to their work. Conversely, when
workers' needs are met, they experience a sense of motivation. By offering social services and programs, job satisfaction can
be increased. Work satisfaction is a complex notion that measures an employee's attitude and inner mental condition and aids
in striking a balance between the relationship between the company and the employee. Contented employees are an
organization's most precious asset, whereas disgruntled ones are essentially inconsequential. The main elements that must be
taken into consideration for overall job satisfaction are the welfare program, flexible work schedule, supervisor-subordinate
relationship, career advancement, work recognition, objective work environment, and relationships with colleagues. Employee
welfare involves the provisions of various services, facilities and amenities for the benefit of the employees for improved
standard of living. It is part of the efforts of management of an organization to meet the needs of their workforce to improve
their productive capacity. Employee welfare is directed towards ensuring that the employees are happy and comfortable, to
perform their tasks effectively. Employee welfare has been relevant in recent times for greater achievement of desired goals of
various organizations. There is the need to provide a good working environment, staff quarters or accommodation, health care
services, safety and appropriate remuneration. Failure of organizations to adequately take the welfare of their staff into
consideration could lead to poor performance and low productivity. This paper adopted a qualitative research design which
entailed a critical review of literature on the effect of employee welfare programs. The rationale for this design was to
interrogate views, methods, and findings of authors on the relationships among study variables. Therefore, the study used
secondary data obtained from journal articles, books, publications, and conference papers drawn globally. The review mainly
used content analysis which were mentioned, and discussions specific to the study variables were identified, analyzed and
critiqued. The findings revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between job satisfaction and employee
welfare programs. The health and well-being of their employees has been given a top priority by their companies, as seen by
the comprehensive benefit plans and secure health care they offer. Employers facilitate employees' accumulation of unused
sick days over the course of a year for use when necessary. Some firms even pay back their workers for sick days that aren't
used. Many issues related to employee health exist, some of which are unavoidable, and they all affect both the overall
performance of an organization and the productivity of its individual employees. Finally, it is imperative to note that some
employers now recognize that addressing employee welfare is one way of positive and effective human resource management
which is critical to organizational performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of -IBMJ Vol 6 Issue

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Reward Strategies on Employee Performance in Public Institutions in South Sudan: A Case of Juba University

The study’s general goal was to analyze the effects of rewards strategies on the performance of e... more The study’s general goal was to analyze the effects of rewards strategies on the performance of employees in Juba University.
In particular, it will seek to establish the effects of monetary rewards, promotion schemes and recognition on employee
performance in the organization. The study was guided by three theories namely; the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,
Expectancy and Equity Theory. The targeted population was Juba university employees who are categorized as senior staff,
middle-level staff and the support staff. Case study design was adopted for the study that also targeted 70 employees. The
purposive sampling technique was used due to the small study population. The data was collected using pretested
questionnaires that contained closed ended items. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study
concluded that monetary rewards had a positive moderate significant relationship with employee performance. Monetary
rewards positively affected employee performance but it was concluded that the effect was not statistically insignificant.
Promotion schemes related positively employee performance and the relationship was moderate and significant. Promotion
schemes affected employee performance nevertheless the effect is insignificant. Recognition had a strong and positive
relationship with employee performance. It was also concluded that recognition had a statistically positive significant effect on
employee performance. The study recommended that the current monetary rewards should be improved in a way that they can
be used to attract new employees and also to retain the current ones. In order to increase employee performance the
management should improve on area of fairness in its promotions criteria. The study recommended that some form of
informal recognition should be practiced my management. A study has been proposed on reward strategies that were not
incorporated in this study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Working Conditions on the Performance of Three-Star Hotels  in Kisii County – Kenya

Employee welfare is essential to any organization since it brings into existence the growth of th... more Employee welfare is essential to any organization since it brings into existence the growth of the organization as well as the
comfort and improvement of employees. The beneficial factors that are attached to employees include good working
conditions which lead to the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization. The study sought to determine the effect
employee working conditions on performance of three-star hotels in Kisii County. Philanthropy Theory was used. Descriptive
survey design was used to test the hypothesis because it accurately represented the target population. The target population of
the study consisted of 297 employees working in three-star hotels. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were
used to select the respondents. The sample size was 242. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaires. Pilot
study was conducted in Maya Holiday Point Hotel situated near Sameta Hills in Ogembo Sub-County using questionnaires to
measure reliability. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods, correlation analysis was done using
Pearson product moment correlation. The study used simple regression model to test the effects of the employee welfare
determinants on organizational performance. Tables, charts, graphs frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation and
figures were used to present the results. The findings indicated that employee working conditions had a positive and significant
relationship with organizational performance of three-star hotels in Kisii County in Kenya. The study concludes that working
conditions enhance organizational performance in hotels. The study recommends that hotels need to work towards recognizing
their staff appropriately so that they can exhibit improved organization performance. Hotels need to fully embrace better
working conditions due to its benefits to the human resource pool.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderating Effects of Regulatory Policies on Table Banking and Value  Creation among Rural Small and Micro Enterprises in Nyamira County – Kenya

Value creation is a multi-dimensional concept which denotes satisfaction on customers while its w... more Value creation is a multi-dimensional concept which denotes satisfaction on customers while its wider insinuation embraces
returns on owners‟ investments. Value creation contributes to sustainable competitive advantage in the micro enterprise sector
through creation of new jobs, fostering innovation and creativity, creation of new markets and consumers, a higher tax base,
and alleviation of poverty. A wide array of studies has been done on Small and Micro Enterprises, particularly on the
development and growth of rural economies. However, existing literature has not identified a value creation Framework for
rural small and micro enterprises practicing craft entrepreneurship in Nyamira County, Kenya. It is on this basis that the
current study sought to establish the effect of regulatory policies on the relationship between table banking and value creation
among rural small and micro enterprises in Nyamira County, Kenya. This study was anchored on Resource Based View
theory. The researcher adopted a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Target population of 1,846 with a sample size of
443 respondents established through the Yamane (1967) formula, were picked using stratified sampling technique.
Questionnaire was the main data collection tool. The reliability test was done using Cronbach alpha while validity test was
based on expert‟s judgment. Describing respondents‟ profiles and research variables; means, standard deviations and
coefficient of variation were used. Pearson‟s correlation was used to examine the relationship between the study variables
while multiple regression analysis was done to test study hypotheses. The study findings indicated that there was a significant
relationship between table banking and value creation, where table banking explained 4.4% of the variance in value creation
for rural small and micro enterprises. Further, the results indicated a strong relationship between table banking, regulatory
policies and value creation outcome, with table banking and regulatory policies explaining 44.8% of the changes on value
creation outcome. This implies that regulatory policies contributed 40.1% on the relationship between table banking and value
creation. The county government of Nyamira will benefit in formulating new regulatory policies intended to transform the
Rural Small and Micro Enterprise sector into a value creation engine for both social and economic development. Small and
micro enterprise owners will benefit from new knowledge in the growth and development of their craft businesses. Future
researchers will gain new insights by developing themes for further study. The study focused on three business crafts;
beekeeping, fish farming and brick making.

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Innovations and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises  in Embu County – Kenya

Small and Medium Enterprises face substantial challenges, with a significant number failing to su... more Small and Medium Enterprises face substantial challenges, with a significant number failing to survive beyond their second
year of operation although they play a vital role in promoting economic growth and creating jobs. Thus, financial innovations
may stabilize and strengthen this sector. New financial products and techniques to improve business operations are becoming
more required due to rapid technology advances. Financial innovations and SMEs' financial performance in Embu County,
Kenya, were examined. The study examined how product, process, and system changes affected Embu County SMEs'
financial performance. The study used the diffusion of innovation theory, Schumpeter's theory, and the contestable theory. The
major unit of observation is Embu County SMEs, with 250 in the sample frame. The sample included SMEs that had been
operating from 2019, spanning five years (2019-2023). Primary data was acquired via structured questionnaires. Data was
analyzed using SPSS 23.0. Multicollinearity, Normality, Stationarity, Heteroscedasticity, Autocorrelation, and Random or
Fixed Effect tests were performed. Means and standard deviations were used for descriptive analysis and panel regressions and
Pearson's product moment correlation analysis for inferential analysis. Tables showed results. The researcher followed
integrity, informed permission, secrecy, anonymity, privacy, and research independence. Other authors were credited in the
study. The correlation analysis showed that product and process innovations had weak positive relationships with financial
performance, while system innovations had moderate weak relationships. Product and process advancements improved
financial performance statistically, according to FGLS regression. However, system innovation negatively impacted financial
performance statistically. The study found that product and process improvements boost financial performance whereas system
innovations lower it. Thus, the study recommends establishing the Embu SME Innovation and Growth Fund, conducting
ongoing studies to identify the most effective process innovations, creating incentives like grants and tax breaks, and
understanding the underlying causes of system innovations' negative effects and disseminating their findings to inform better

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Research paper thumbnail of -IBMJ Vol 6 Issue

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Research paper thumbnail of Portfolio Composition and Financial Performance of Mutual Funds in Kenya

Historically, the mutual funds in Kenya have had mixed performance, with some funds achieving str... more Historically, the mutual funds in Kenya have had mixed performance, with some funds achieving strong returns, while others
have struggled to perform. At the same time, portfolio composition of mutual funds in Kenya has been changing depending on
the investment objectives and strategies of each fund. This research explored portfolio composition and its effect on Kenya’s
mutual funds’ performance in the period 2019-2022. The objective was to assess portfolio composition (equity investment,
bonds investment and money market investment) and how the same affect financial performance of Kenyan mutual funds. The
study applied explanatory research design whereby using purposive sampling technique, the sample size for the study was 27
mutual funds registered and recognized as active by the Capital Market Authority as at June 2023. Secondary data was used
which was obtained from sources such as CMA, NSE, and mutual funds official website published financial reports, and
analyzed using SPSS where the process entailed descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and regression analysis. The
findings revealed that that equity investment, bonds investment and money market investment were each positively correlated
with financial performance of the mutual funds. The study concluded that equity investment, bonds investment and money
market investment significantly influence performance of the mutual funds. The research recommends a careful analysis of
equity investment options by fund managers before investing to ensure they identify equity investment alternative(s) that offer
better returns. Besides, they should consider introducing more robust diversification policies among other measures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Agile Project Management, Dynamic Capability and Performance: A Systematic Literature Review

Agile project management is often regarded as an immutable characteristic, with the implication t... more Agile project management is often regarded as an immutable characteristic, with the implication that businesses must always
undergo change. However, such advice misses the fact that although adjustments and transformations are frequently necessary,
they are not always required, may not even be practicable, and come at a cost. The adoption of agile methodologies is
necessary in the dynamic environment, and this paper provides a strengthened understanding of that necessity. The goal of this
study was to investigate agility from a more basic standpoint and explicitly connect it to dynamic capabilities. This paper was
anchored on the Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT) and supported by the Resource Based Theory. The current paper
employed systematic literature review to summarize the body of available literature in order to determine the current state of
agility as a project management methodology. This paper reveals how dynamic capabilities materialize at the sensing, seizing,
and reconfiguring levels within the organization's agile project management scope. Organisation seeking to identify ahead of
time which agile principles would be worth using in its projects a head of time can also benefit from the results. Additionally,
the paper enlightens managers and organizations on critical dynamic talents that should be fostered in order to support the
growth of agility and agile transformation within the company. The study recommends that organizations adapt business
resilience while also adopting business continuity strategies and climate resilience technologies. Organization should be able
to identify key possible disruptions that may negatively impact its business operations. Organizations also need to build a
robust strategy formulation and implementation regime to ensure the actualization of strategic objectives since they operate in
a competitive and dynamic business environment. Equally, organizations should encourage knowledge transfer and learning as
part of its culture in ensuring an upward growth in an organization. Future studies should look at how agile project
management and dynamic capabilities affect optimal performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Resource Allocation Management Strategy on Organizational Performance of Top Tier Commercial Banks in Nairobi County -Kenya

Commercial banks, like any business organization, prioritize favorable performance as a primary o... more Commercial banks, like any business organization, prioritize favorable performance as a primary objective. This study sought
to establish the relationship between resource allocation and organizational performance of top tier commercial banks in
Nairobi County, Kenya. This study was guided by resource-based view Theory and descriptive survey research design. The
study population was 314 respondents. A total of 228 participants made up the study's sample size. The study used stratified
and simple random sampling to identify the respondents. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyze data and data
was presented in form of tables and figures. Inferential statistics include regression analysis. The R-squared value of 0.409
suggests that 40.9% of the variance in organizational performance can be explained by resource allocation management
strategy. From the results, organizational structure management strategy has a positive and significant effect on organizational
performance of top tier commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya (β=0.596; p-value=0.000). The research concludes that
resource allocation management strategy plays a positive and notable role in influencing the organizational performance of
top-tier commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. The results indicate that factors such as the adequacy of resources,
timely allocation of resources, and resource allocation policies significantly impact the organizational performance of these
banks in Nairobi County. The study recommends that the management of commercial banks should ensure the accessibility of
human and financial resources. This could involve streamlining approval processes, providing employees with the necessary
training and equipment, and investing in technology and infrastructure that supports innovation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Job Rotation in Enhancing Employee Performance in Cement Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

The quality of human resources is essential to an organization's success, particularly in industr... more The quality of human resources is essential to an organization's success, particularly in industries like cement manufacturing. This study examined the impact of job rotation on employee performance in cement manufacturing companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), Kenya. With employee performance in the sector reported to be below expectations, the research aimed to assess the effects of job rotation on productivity. Using a correlational research design, data was collected from a sample of 443 employees through structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings highlight that job rotation significantly enhanced employee performance. This study contributes valuable insights for government bodies, HR managers, policymakers, and industry leaders on how structured training methods can improve workforce productivity in Kenya's cement industry.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Stakeholder Participation Evaluation on National Tourism Policy Implementation in Naivasha Sub County -Kenya

Stakeholder participation is a key component in sustainable tourism development which is also a b... more Stakeholder participation is a key component in sustainable tourism development which is also a basic requirement entrenched by the Kenyan Constitution. This study sought to evaluate stakeholder participation and National Tourism Policy implementation in Naivasha Sub-County. Specifically, the study investigated stakeholder participation evaluation influence on National Tourism Policy implementation which hypothesized that there was no significant influence of stakeholder evaluation influence on NTP implementation. The study was anchored on Stakeholder theory and Ladder of Participation theory. Mixed Methods based on pragmatic paradigm and concurrent embedded design was used. The study targeted 1099 respondents. A sample size of 353 was selected using purposive and probability sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect primary data using questionnaires and interviews schedule. Quantitative data was analysed through descriptive statistics while inferential statistics used Linear Regression Analysis. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings indicated that evaluation had a positive significant influence (β3=0.332 and p =0.000) on National Tourism Policy implementation. The study concluded stakeholder participation evaluation had a significant influence leading to an improvement in National Tourism Policy implementation. The study recommends that stakeholders should have internal quality assurance departments in charge of evaluating progresses in their facilities which will enhance implementation of NTP. It further infers that evaluation plans should developed and all stakeholder involved and participate actively to enhance implementation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Top Management Team Characteristics and Performance of Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nairobi -Kenya

Research indicates that the attributes of the top managers have an effect on organizations' outco... more Research indicates that the attributes of the top managers have an effect on organizations' outcome. The study investigated the association between humanitarian NGOs' performance and the top management team's characteristics. The study aimed to assess how the demographics, cognitive abilities, psychological traits, and behavioral characteristics of top management in humanitarian Non-Government Organizations in Nairobi affect their performance. The study is significant to senior management of humanitarian Non-Government Organizations in Nairobi, as well as scholars in the field of strategic management. This study was founded upon the Upper Echelons theory, the Resource-Based View theory, and the Balance Score Card model. In order to fulfill the study's objectives, a descriptive and explanatory research design was employed. The study aims to survey 486 high-level executives from the 68 humanitarian Non-Government Organizations located in Nairobi. The sample size was determined using purposive sampling. The study employed a semi-structured questionnaire to gather primary data. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.7 was used to assess reliability, and assessments of face, content, and construct validity were carried out. The study analyzed the qualitative data using content thematic analysis and the quantitative data using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The findings indicate that demographic characteristics, cognitive characteristics, psychological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of the Top Management Team reported a substantial impact on performance. Therefore, the study's findings indicated that adopted dimensions of the Top Management Team characteristics should be embraced by the humanitarian sector for improved performance. In addition, the study concludes that there is need to develop policies that ensure that the top managers are constituted in a manager that leverages from the diverse characteristics of the top management team. The study recommendations that further studies can be done while incorporating other dimensions of the Top Management Team characteristics not covered in the study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Parental Divorce on Mental Health among Youths in Westlands Nairobi -Kenya

Mental health is the overall well-being emotionally, psychologically and socially. It determines ... more Mental health is the overall well-being emotionally, psychologically and socially. It determines how we deal with stress, depression, eating disorders, dementia, autism, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and psychotic disorders for instance schizophrenia. Mental health is important throughout our life form childhood, adolescence to adulthood. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of parental divorce on mental health among youths in Westlands Nairobi, Kenya. The study was supported by Attachment theory. Descriptive and correlational survey research designs were used in this study. This study's target population consisted of 149,892 young people. 401 respondents were chosen for this study using basic random selection and stratified sampling techniques. To gather primary data, the study employed closed-ended questionnaires with a Likert scale framework. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential Statistics. Under descriptive statistics, the study applied mean and standard deviation. Under inferential statistics, the study used correlation and simple regression analyses. The findings of this study were presented in tables and figures. The study established that, young adults from divorced families find it difficult to enter marriage because of the bad experience they have about it. Further, the study established that, parental divorce had a positive, weak and insignificant relationship with mental health of youths in Westlands. The study recommended that parents should solve an issue regarding their marriages themselves before involving third parties. This would reduce interference, incitement and rumor mongering that may harm resolution process. Further, the study recommended that, whenever parents are solving issues, they should not involve children from the onset. This ensured that, children remain neutral and don’t take sides. In addition, the study recommended that, parents should seek professional advice and, divorce should be the last resort. Also, they can involve neutral family members, church elders and/or pastors as they amicably solve problems threatening their marriage. Further, in the event of divorce, parents should agree on children’s care, in terms of education and other basic needs. This would reduce trauma, mental issues and other sides effects related with divorce on children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Stakeholders' Involvement Actions on the Performance of NHIF Branches in Western Kenya

As a key component of strategic management, strategic planning plays an increasingly important ro... more As a key component of strategic management, strategic planning plays an increasingly important role in stimulating organizational performance. How well NHIF offices in Western Kenya do in terms of meeting their mission to provide excellent health insurance to all Kenyans at a price they can afford will be gauged by the organization's commitment to, and success with, long-term strategic planning. Some progress has been achieved, but these changes still pose questions of fairness, efficiency, practicability, and long-term viability. This motivates the present research, which aims to determine how the National Hospital Insurance Fund's branches in Western Kenya region benefit from strategic planning techniques. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of strategic planning practices on performance of National Hospital Insurance Fund in Western Kenya branches. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the effect of stakeholders` involvement on the performance of NHIF branches in Western Kenya, establish the effect of environmental scanning on the performance of NHIF branches in Western Kenya and determine the effect of top management support on the performance NHIF branches in Western Kenya. The study was based on three theories namely resource-based theory, Ansoff strategic success theory and strategic choice theory. This study employed a descriptive research design to carry out an investigation between performance and strategic planning practices of NHIF. The target population for the study was 195 employees from the functional departments of NHIF in Western Kenya in the eleven branches of Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, Siaya, Vihiga, Busia, Mumias, Bungoma and Kakamega. Stratified sampling technique was used to select a representative sample of 145 respondents. The primary data for the study was collected using closed ended questionnaires. The study adopted Cronbach’s metrics of alpha to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Regression, Correlation and ANOVA). The findings showed a significant positive relationship between strategic planning practices and performance of NHIF in western Kenya, where strategic planning practices alone are able to explain 43.6% of the variance in the performance of NHIF. The study recommended that the management should promote a disciplined, results-driven approach to strategic planning. There should be a favourable association between strategy management methods and an organization's willingness to involve its employees in developing effective strategic planning processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Integrated Practice Units' Strategy on the Performance of County Referral Hospitals in Kenya

The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in hospital management is meant to achieve ... more The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in hospital management is meant to achieve high health outcomes at low
costs. The resultant effects are increasing value to the patients as well as attaining universal health coverage. The main
objective of the study was to determine the influence of integrated practice units’ strategy on the performance of County
referral hospitals in Kenya. The research was anchored on value-based theory. The study was founded on positivism research
philosophy. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study area was the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB)
counties in Kenya. The study population was 1400 employees of fourteen (14) county referral hospitals in the Lake Region
Economic Bloc. The study adopted the stratified random sampling method, in which the management employees were
stratified, and then the respondents were selected randomly within each stratum. The strata consisted of; hospital management
board, departmental (top level) management and sub-departmental (middle level) management. The study sample size was
four hundred and forty five (405) respondents determined using Yamane formula yielding three hundred and twelve (312)
respondents plus a 30% (93) increase to cater for non-response. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire that was
dropped and picked after two weeks. Content validity was checked and an average content validity index (CVI) of 0.8 was
attained, which met the recommended threshold of 0.75. Reliability was tested through a pilot test and an average Cronbach
alpha coefficient (α) score of 0.748 was attained, which is above the recommended score of at least 0.7. Data was analyzed
using descriptive statistics which include mean, standard deviation, variance, frequency distribution and percentages. For
inferential statistics, the study used simple regression analysis to establish the causal relationships as conceptualized. Pearson
correlation was used to test the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Data was
presented in tables, graphs, pie charts, frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that there was a significant positive
relationship between Integrated Practice Units strategy and County hospitals performance. The results indicate that 45.3% of
the variance in the hospital’s performance was attributable to Integrated Practice Units strategy. In theory, policy and practice,
the study findings supported the position that county referral hospitals ought to invest in Integrated Practice Units strategy to
achieve the outcomes of high quality healthcare services at affordable cost, thus enhanced performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Generic Strategies and Competitive Advantage of Maize Seed Companies  in Kirinyaga County – Kenya

To achieve competitive advantage, maize seed companies must navigate a dynamic and disruptive com... more To achieve competitive advantage, maize seed companies must navigate a dynamic and disruptive commercial landscape
characterized by intense competition. . This study aimed to investigate the effects of generic strategies on competitive
advantage on maize seed companies in Kirinyaga county, Kenya. The research objectives were to investigate the effect of cost
leadership strategy, differentiation, distribution, and channel strategy and focus strategy on competitive advantage of maize
seed companies in Kirinyaga county. The study was anchored on resource-based view theory and competitive advantage
theory and adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 24 registered maize seed companies in Kenya.
Samples were drawn from middle level managers from sales and marketing, finance and strategy, research and development
and production departments. Four staffs from every company making a total of 96 respondents were purposively sampled.
Questionnaires were used to collect data and research questions were prior subjected to validity and reliability test to ensure
they met the required standard. Data collected was analyzed by both descriptive analysis such as mean, standard deviation,
frequencies, and inferential analysis such as correlation and regression coefficient. Information derived was latter displayed in
tables and figures. The key finding of the study showed that cost leadership strategy, differentiation, distribution, and channel
together with focus strategy were widely used by maize seed companies in Kirinyaga and they had a positive influence on
competitive advantage of these firms with regression coefficient of r=0.612, r=0.244, r=1.008 r=0.043 respectively. The
findings revealed that distribution and channel strategy had greatest influence on competitive advantage of maize seed
companies while focus strategy had the least influence on competitive advantage. The study recommends that maize seed
companies explore their evolving cost economics and makes use of various methods to differentiate their products and services
while strengthening their distribution network ensuring they obtain much information on their customers to understand their
needs when and where required.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Bundled Payments for Care Cycles Strategy on the  Performance of County Referral Hospitals in Kenya

Population health is a core contributor to economic growth of countries, hence the need for count... more Population health is a core contributor to economic growth of countries, hence the need for countries to develop healthcare
systems that yield better healthcare outcomes at affordable costs. The adoption of the value-based healthcare strategies in
hospital management is meant to achieve high health outcomes at low costs. The main objective of the study was to determine
the influence of bundled payments for care cycles strategy on the performance of County referral hospitals in Kenya. The
research was anchored on value-based theory. The study was founded on positivism research philosophy. The study adopted a
descriptive research design. The study area was the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) counties in Kenya. The study
population was 1400 employees of fourteen (14) county referral hospitals in the Lake Region Economic Bloc. The study
adopted the stratified random sampling method, in which the management employees were stratified, and then the respondents
were selected randomly within each stratum. The strata consisted of; hospital management board, departmental (top level)
management and sub-departmental (middle level) management. The study sample size was four hundred and forty five (405)
respondents determined using Yamane formula yielding three hundred and twelve (312) respondents plus a 30% (93) increase
to cater for non-response. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire that was dropped and picked after two weeks.
Content validity was checked and a content validity index (CVI) of 0.8 was attained, which met the recommended threshold of
0.75. Reliability was tested through a pilot test and an average Cronbach alpha coefficient (α) score of 0.748 was attained,
which is above the recommended score of at least 0.7. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which include mean,
standard deviation, variance, frequency distribution and percentages. For inferential statistics, the study used simple, multiple
and hierarchical regression to establish the causal relationships as conceptualized. Pearson correlation was used to test the
strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Data was presented in tables, graphs, pie charts,
frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between bundled
payments for care cycles strategy and County hospitals performance. The results indicate that 32.9% of the variance in the
hospital’s performance, was attributable to bundled payments for care cycles strategy. In theory, policy and practice, the study
findings supported the position that county referral hospitals ought to invest in bundled payments for care cycle’s strategy to
achieve the outcomes of high quality healthcare services at affordable cost, thus enhanced performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Credit Modeling Accuracy in the Financial Sector: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE

Credit modeling especially in the financial sector, faces significant challenges in deep learning... more Credit modeling especially in the financial sector, faces significant challenges in deep learning applications. Accurate credit
modeling is essential for financial institutions to assess credit risk and make informed lending decisions. However,
complexities arise due to inaccuracies influenced by datasets, modeling algorithms, and sampling techniques. This study
sought to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) in enhancing
credit Modeling. The SMOTE model integrates traditional and machine learning methods, including logistic regression,
decision trees, Random Forest, Neural Networks, and Support Vector Machines. Using a diverse dataset, it incorporates
borrower characteristics like age, income, and credit score, and loan details such as amount, interest rate, and term. The model
focused on balancing data distribution, creating synthetic samples, and optimizing performance to surpass baseline models
across metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, confusion matrix, and F1 score. Findings revealed that there was limited
adoption of advanced models amongst financial institutions in Meru County, due to their complexity and training demands.
Further findings reveal that, applying SMOTE improved class balance, particularly by enhancing Decision Trees and Random
Forests in accuracy and error reduction. Random Forests with SMOTE showed the most significant improvements, suggesting
its effectiveness in addressing class imbalance and enhancing predictive performance. Adopting SMOTE-enhanced Random
Forests offers robust tools for credit risk management, advocating for increased quantitative model adoption and collaboration
among financial institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Government Agricultural Initiatives on the Economic Growth of Small Scale Farmers in Juba County -Central Equatorial State, South Sudan

The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of government agricultural initiatives on the ... more The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of government agricultural initiatives on the economic growth of the small scale farmers in Juba County. The specific objectives were to analyze the effect of provision of agricultural inputs, evaluate the effect of infrastructure on the economics growth of the small scale farmers in Juba County and determine the effect of government agricultural training programs on the economic growth of the small scale farmers Juba. Musgrave Theory of Public Expenditure Growth, Wagner Theory of Organic State and Keynesian Theory were used to support the study. The study targeted a population of 145 farmers in Juba County. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, will be used to summarize demographic characteristics and economic indicators. Inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis and regression modeling, was employed to examine the relationship between government agriculture initiatives and farmers' economic growth. It was concluded that farm inputs had a negative moderate relationship and significant statistical effect on economic growth. Infrastructure had a weak positive relationship that with economic growth and was statistically significant. Training programs had no statistical significant effect on economic growth of the small scale farmers. The study recommended for provision of agricultural inputs like improved seeds, loans and fertilizers; improved infrastructure such as access to market, dams and working irrigation schemes; and also supportive agriculture training programs like exhibitions, shows and availability of agriculture and extension officers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employee Welfare Programs and Job Satisfaction: A Critical Literature Review

Employee welfare programs constitute any employer-provided perks and comforts beyond earnings and... more Employee welfare programs constitute any employer-provided perks and comforts beyond earnings and compensation.
Employee welfare programs promote motivation and performance by increasing employee engagement. Policies pertaining to
employee welfare are essential for inspiring employees to give their all when doing their jobs. The greatest productivity from
employees can only be obtained by any business if those workers love and are dedicated to their work. Conversely, when
workers' needs are met, they experience a sense of motivation. By offering social services and programs, job satisfaction can
be increased. Work satisfaction is a complex notion that measures an employee's attitude and inner mental condition and aids
in striking a balance between the relationship between the company and the employee. Contented employees are an
organization's most precious asset, whereas disgruntled ones are essentially inconsequential. The main elements that must be
taken into consideration for overall job satisfaction are the welfare program, flexible work schedule, supervisor-subordinate
relationship, career advancement, work recognition, objective work environment, and relationships with colleagues. Employee
welfare involves the provisions of various services, facilities and amenities for the benefit of the employees for improved
standard of living. It is part of the efforts of management of an organization to meet the needs of their workforce to improve
their productive capacity. Employee welfare is directed towards ensuring that the employees are happy and comfortable, to
perform their tasks effectively. Employee welfare has been relevant in recent times for greater achievement of desired goals of
various organizations. There is the need to provide a good working environment, staff quarters or accommodation, health care
services, safety and appropriate remuneration. Failure of organizations to adequately take the welfare of their staff into
consideration could lead to poor performance and low productivity. This paper adopted a qualitative research design which
entailed a critical review of literature on the effect of employee welfare programs. The rationale for this design was to
interrogate views, methods, and findings of authors on the relationships among study variables. Therefore, the study used
secondary data obtained from journal articles, books, publications, and conference papers drawn globally. The review mainly
used content analysis which were mentioned, and discussions specific to the study variables were identified, analyzed and
critiqued. The findings revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between job satisfaction and employee
welfare programs. The health and well-being of their employees has been given a top priority by their companies, as seen by
the comprehensive benefit plans and secure health care they offer. Employers facilitate employees' accumulation of unused
sick days over the course of a year for use when necessary. Some firms even pay back their workers for sick days that aren't
used. Many issues related to employee health exist, some of which are unavoidable, and they all affect both the overall
performance of an organization and the productivity of its individual employees. Finally, it is imperative to note that some
employers now recognize that addressing employee welfare is one way of positive and effective human resource management
which is critical to organizational performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of -IBMJ Vol 6 Issue

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Reward Strategies on Employee Performance in Public Institutions in South Sudan: A Case of Juba University

The study’s general goal was to analyze the effects of rewards strategies on the performance of e... more The study’s general goal was to analyze the effects of rewards strategies on the performance of employees in Juba University.
In particular, it will seek to establish the effects of monetary rewards, promotion schemes and recognition on employee
performance in the organization. The study was guided by three theories namely; the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,
Expectancy and Equity Theory. The targeted population was Juba university employees who are categorized as senior staff,
middle-level staff and the support staff. Case study design was adopted for the study that also targeted 70 employees. The
purposive sampling technique was used due to the small study population. The data was collected using pretested
questionnaires that contained closed ended items. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study
concluded that monetary rewards had a positive moderate significant relationship with employee performance. Monetary
rewards positively affected employee performance but it was concluded that the effect was not statistically insignificant.
Promotion schemes related positively employee performance and the relationship was moderate and significant. Promotion
schemes affected employee performance nevertheless the effect is insignificant. Recognition had a strong and positive
relationship with employee performance. It was also concluded that recognition had a statistically positive significant effect on
employee performance. The study recommended that the current monetary rewards should be improved in a way that they can
be used to attract new employees and also to retain the current ones. In order to increase employee performance the
management should improve on area of fairness in its promotions criteria. The study recommended that some form of
informal recognition should be practiced my management. A study has been proposed on reward strategies that were not
incorporated in this study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Working Conditions on the Performance of Three-Star Hotels  in Kisii County – Kenya

Employee welfare is essential to any organization since it brings into existence the growth of th... more Employee welfare is essential to any organization since it brings into existence the growth of the organization as well as the
comfort and improvement of employees. The beneficial factors that are attached to employees include good working
conditions which lead to the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization. The study sought to determine the effect
employee working conditions on performance of three-star hotels in Kisii County. Philanthropy Theory was used. Descriptive
survey design was used to test the hypothesis because it accurately represented the target population. The target population of
the study consisted of 297 employees working in three-star hotels. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were
used to select the respondents. The sample size was 242. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaires. Pilot
study was conducted in Maya Holiday Point Hotel situated near Sameta Hills in Ogembo Sub-County using questionnaires to
measure reliability. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods, correlation analysis was done using
Pearson product moment correlation. The study used simple regression model to test the effects of the employee welfare
determinants on organizational performance. Tables, charts, graphs frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation and
figures were used to present the results. The findings indicated that employee working conditions had a positive and significant
relationship with organizational performance of three-star hotels in Kisii County in Kenya. The study concludes that working
conditions enhance organizational performance in hotels. The study recommends that hotels need to work towards recognizing
their staff appropriately so that they can exhibit improved organization performance. Hotels need to fully embrace better
working conditions due to its benefits to the human resource pool.

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderating Effects of Regulatory Policies on Table Banking and Value  Creation among Rural Small and Micro Enterprises in Nyamira County – Kenya

Value creation is a multi-dimensional concept which denotes satisfaction on customers while its w... more Value creation is a multi-dimensional concept which denotes satisfaction on customers while its wider insinuation embraces
returns on owners‟ investments. Value creation contributes to sustainable competitive advantage in the micro enterprise sector
through creation of new jobs, fostering innovation and creativity, creation of new markets and consumers, a higher tax base,
and alleviation of poverty. A wide array of studies has been done on Small and Micro Enterprises, particularly on the
development and growth of rural economies. However, existing literature has not identified a value creation Framework for
rural small and micro enterprises practicing craft entrepreneurship in Nyamira County, Kenya. It is on this basis that the
current study sought to establish the effect of regulatory policies on the relationship between table banking and value creation
among rural small and micro enterprises in Nyamira County, Kenya. This study was anchored on Resource Based View
theory. The researcher adopted a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Target population of 1,846 with a sample size of
443 respondents established through the Yamane (1967) formula, were picked using stratified sampling technique.
Questionnaire was the main data collection tool. The reliability test was done using Cronbach alpha while validity test was
based on expert‟s judgment. Describing respondents‟ profiles and research variables; means, standard deviations and
coefficient of variation were used. Pearson‟s correlation was used to examine the relationship between the study variables
while multiple regression analysis was done to test study hypotheses. The study findings indicated that there was a significant
relationship between table banking and value creation, where table banking explained 4.4% of the variance in value creation
for rural small and micro enterprises. Further, the results indicated a strong relationship between table banking, regulatory
policies and value creation outcome, with table banking and regulatory policies explaining 44.8% of the changes on value
creation outcome. This implies that regulatory policies contributed 40.1% on the relationship between table banking and value
creation. The county government of Nyamira will benefit in formulating new regulatory policies intended to transform the
Rural Small and Micro Enterprise sector into a value creation engine for both social and economic development. Small and
micro enterprise owners will benefit from new knowledge in the growth and development of their craft businesses. Future
researchers will gain new insights by developing themes for further study. The study focused on three business crafts;
beekeeping, fish farming and brick making.

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Innovations and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises  in Embu County – Kenya

Small and Medium Enterprises face substantial challenges, with a significant number failing to su... more Small and Medium Enterprises face substantial challenges, with a significant number failing to survive beyond their second
year of operation although they play a vital role in promoting economic growth and creating jobs. Thus, financial innovations
may stabilize and strengthen this sector. New financial products and techniques to improve business operations are becoming
more required due to rapid technology advances. Financial innovations and SMEs' financial performance in Embu County,
Kenya, were examined. The study examined how product, process, and system changes affected Embu County SMEs'
financial performance. The study used the diffusion of innovation theory, Schumpeter's theory, and the contestable theory. The
major unit of observation is Embu County SMEs, with 250 in the sample frame. The sample included SMEs that had been
operating from 2019, spanning five years (2019-2023). Primary data was acquired via structured questionnaires. Data was
analyzed using SPSS 23.0. Multicollinearity, Normality, Stationarity, Heteroscedasticity, Autocorrelation, and Random or
Fixed Effect tests were performed. Means and standard deviations were used for descriptive analysis and panel regressions and
Pearson's product moment correlation analysis for inferential analysis. Tables showed results. The researcher followed
integrity, informed permission, secrecy, anonymity, privacy, and research independence. Other authors were credited in the
study. The correlation analysis showed that product and process innovations had weak positive relationships with financial
performance, while system innovations had moderate weak relationships. Product and process advancements improved
financial performance statistically, according to FGLS regression. However, system innovation negatively impacted financial
performance statistically. The study found that product and process improvements boost financial performance whereas system
innovations lower it. Thus, the study recommends establishing the Embu SME Innovation and Growth Fund, conducting
ongoing studies to identify the most effective process innovations, creating incentives like grants and tax breaks, and
understanding the underlying causes of system innovations' negative effects and disseminating their findings to inform better

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Inventory Management on Business Performance of Electronic Companies in Mogadishu, Somalia

The study will be examining the role of inventory management and costreduction in organization in... more The study will be examining the role of inventory management and costreduction in organization in Electronic Companies. Nowadays, we usually think ofstocks being held by organizations to allow efficient and continuous operations.Managers are aware of the vital roles inventory plays in the activities of organizations.The research design of this study will be quantitative design. In addition, clear definitionof the details of the quantitative makes the desired statistical analyses possible, andusually improves the usefulness of the results. The Electronic Companies are TargetPopulation .Research instruments can be helpful tools to your research study,. Becausethe information needed can be easily and quickly gathered from the respondents, and itcan target respondents in widely dispersed locations, in questionnaire development,Research instrument used in the Data collection is questionnaire to measure thevariable(s), characteristic(s), or information of interest, often a behavioral orps...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Financing on the Growth of Family Businesses in Kenya

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2017

Financing has remained one of the key managerial problems that keep confronting business enterpri... more Financing has remained one of the key managerial problems that keep confronting business enterprises today. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of financing on the growth of family businesses in Kenya, with specific interest in the County Government of Mombasa. The parameters of financing used were planning for funds and financial leverage. Mixed research approach was used to carry out this study. The target population comprised of the owners and managers of family businesses across different business sectors in the region. There were 48,187 registered businesses as at 31 st December, 2015. A sample size of 397 family businesses was drawn using Slovin’s formula from which a response of 309 was obtained. Purposive sampling was then employed considering the nature of family businesses being carried out. Sample business units were selected deliberately by the researcher from the sample size. Both primary and secondary data were collected for this study. Data analys...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Non-Performing Loans on the Financial Perfomance of Banks: A Case of Posb 2012-2014. By Rumbidzai Rosemary Njaravani

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Credit Documentation on Loan Portfolio Performance in Commercial Banks in Mombasa County: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank

The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of credit documentation on loan por... more The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of credit documentation on loan portfolio performance among Kenyan commercial banks. The study targeted 76 management staff of the Kenya Commercial Bank. The study adopted descriptive research design. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the sample size. The sample of 64 was calculated using the mathematical approach developed by Miller and Brewer. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. A pilot study was conducted prior to undertaking the main study with the aim of testing the instrument’s reliability and validity. The collected data was analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. The study established that the bank usually finds out the customer’s past transactions before authorizing any loan. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents agreed with the statement that past transactions determine the amount of loan issued and the bank usually research on the cust...

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