Ioan Cuncev - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ioan Cuncev

Research paper thumbnail of Pressing needs for very long- term planning

ASTR Proceedings, 2024

REZUMAT. În ultimele decenii, societatea românească a fost gestionată de factorii decizionali în ... more REZUMAT. În ultimele decenii, societatea românească a fost gestionată de factorii decizionali în mod intuitiv, reacţionând mai mult la evenimente şi dezastre, luând decizii ad-hoc, haotic, fără să construiască strategii pe care să le fi realizat cu consecvenţă. Se amestecă în administrarea firmelor, se ciondănesc în mass-media, au supradimensionat aparatul birocratic, politicile lor nu au diferenţe importante între partide, dând semne de fosilizare. Câteva situaţii observate în realitate, ne arată că este necesară o schimbare majoră de paradigmă, de viziune strategică pe termen foarte lung din care să rezulte strategii pe orizonturi de timp mai reduse. Planificarea strategică pe termen foarte lung poate să fie stabilă şi transpartinică, facilitând coeziunea şi coerenţa planurilor. Cuvinte cheie: căderea generală a societăţii, cerinţe strategice pe termen foarte lung.
ABSTRACT. In the last decades, Romanian society was managed by decision-makers mostly intuitively, reacting more to events and disasters, making ad hoc, chaotic decisions, without building strategies that they have achieved with consistency. They meddle in the management of companies, they mess around in the mass media, they have oversized the bureaucratic apparatus, their policies have no important differences between political parties, showing signs of fossilization. Several situations observed in reality show us that a major paradigm shift, of a very long-term strategic vision is necessary, from which results the strategies on shorter time horizons. Very long-term strategic planning can be stable and could transcend the interests of political parties, facilitating the cohesion and coherence of plans.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentals in very long- term planning

ASTR Proceedings, 2024

REZUMAT. După ce, în ultimele decenii, au fost distruse aproape în totalitate, economia, educaţia... more REZUMAT. După ce, în ultimele decenii, au fost distruse aproape în totalitate, economia, educaţia, sistemul de sănătate, cultura, societatea în general, trebuie reconstruită civilizaţia românească, pe noi fundamente, considerând tendinţe de vârf. Fiind o acţiune complexă, reconstrucţia şi relansarea ţării pe drumul dezvoltării ar trebui planificată şi realizată pe baza unor strategii pe termen foarte lung din care să se extragă planurile pe termene tot mai detaliate. Strategiile trebuie să pornească de la principii fundamentale strategice care să ţintească obiectivele majore ale interesului naţional, precum şi obiectivele de interes din arena internaţională în care ţara este implicată. Dintre multele fundamente posibile, comentăm doar câteva, mai puţin discutate, spre exemplificare. Cuvinte cheie: politici vizionare, strategii pe termen foarte lung, obiective perene.
ABSTRACT. After the economy, education, health system, culture, society in general were almost completely destroyed in the last decades, the Romanian civilization must be rebuilt, on new foundations, considering top trends. Being a complex action, the reconstruction and relaunching of the country on the way to development could be planned and carried out on the basis of very longterm strategies from which the plans for more and more detailed terms can later be extracted. The strategies must start from fundamental strategic principles that target the major objectives of the national interest, as well as the objectives of interest in the international arena in which the country is involved. From many possible principles, we comment only a few, less discussed, for examplification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strange behaviours of profit- making systems

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, 2024

In the last decades, under the conditions of deep transformations of society, profit-making organ... more In the last decades, under the conditions of deep transformations of society, profit-making organizations have changed and diversified accordingly. As a result, many behavioral patterns of this kind of systems appeared in the market and in relation to the rest of society, but also inside them, among their own subsystems. Many of these behaviors are strange, being caused by the high speed of change and the cracks in the general social system that allow, even in the short term, excesses, slippages and effects that slow down the evolution of society for the better life of citizens.

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Research paper thumbnail of Passing the systems among levels of quantum reality

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, 2023

The visible reality at a given moment is a result of the modification of the quantum states of th... more The visible reality at a given moment is a result of the modification of the quantum states of the observables of some systems from another level of quantum reality. The projection towards the new reality is done by collapsing some states described by simple wave functions or resulting from quantum superpositions. Collapses are also achieved through measurements of observables, influencing quantum phenomena, bringing some phenomena to another level of reality. These can pass from a higher level of quantum reality to another level, effectively measuring certain observables, but also through discoveries, studies, identifying the dynamics of the supply-demand balance from the "cloud" of the market's equilibrium points, the realization of new products or services, etc. That is, the still invisible objects will become visible by extracting them from the original quantum reality with the help of projectors, through collapses. The quantum state of the systems also changes through decoherence, through the interaction with the surrounding environment. In the following, some directions are suggested for the development of models for unitary treatment of objects from different levels of reality.

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Research paper thumbnail of With Noica between effectiveness and efficiency (Cu Noica între eficacitate şi eficienţă)

ASTR Proceedings, 2022

The development and management of systems in any field of activity is carried out in at least two... more The development and management of systems in any field of activity is carried out in at least two approaches, at the strategic level and at the operational level. That is, at the level and in societal interest, as well as at the level of projects. Those of general interest must be effective, resulting in strategic objectives with generative effects of development and quality of life, and the others are consequences of the first ones and aim at the efficiency of resource consumption for maximum results (profit, first of all). For both categories of problems there are performing methods and models, including software applications. In order to improve the working tools, according to the principle of lateral thinking, we try to add value by considering other paradigms of thought.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness and efficiency in quantum behavior of system

ZASTR2022 Proceedings, 2022

The behavior of a system occurs on at least two levels of reality: the superior one, strategic an... more The behavior of a system occurs on at least two levels of reality: the superior one, strategic and on long-term, works by optimizing its effectiveness, ensuring the coverage of the social demand; the lower one, operational, in the short and medium term, works by optimizing its efficiency, mainly aiming at maximum profit. The lower one is included into the upper one. The important challenge for both levels of reality, especially for the operational one, is managing the interaction with the quantum environment in which it operates.

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Research paper thumbnail of Istoricul Tractiunii PE Caile Ferate Române

The journal of transport history, Sep 1, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of IM7Danube - rezumat & summary

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Research paper thumbnail of Logrevers - rezumat & summary

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Modern der Fuhrung der Instandhaltungs und Reparaturtatigkeit der Schiffe

wp in the frame of cooperation with Bonn University (R&D Group for Industrial and Transport Policy), 23 June 1986, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of the Inland Navigation Systems

working paper, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Danube, a corridor from past to future

Ya en tiempos antiguos, el Danubio era una especie de corredor que estimulaba y facilitaba el des... more Ya en tiempos antiguos, el Danubio era una especie de corredor que estimulaba y facilitaba el desarrollo socioeconomico, el comercio y la movilidad; un canal de intercambio y civilizacion, que puede servir como ejemplo para las nuevas investigaciones y que deberia conducir a una progresion continua del destino natural del Danubio hacia Europa. El emperador romano Trajano creo una conexion directa multimodal (via de navegacion fluvial y terrestre) entre la zona septentrional del mar Adriatico y el mar Negro, que incluia el Danubio. Tal vez sea este el primer corredor europeo, cuyo extremo oriental (el valle de Acios-Carasu) constituye el precedente del canal Danubio-Mar Negro que se construiria dos milenios despues. En la actualidad, la relacion navegable entre el Mar Negro atraviesa varios paises que cuentan con redes de infraestructura de transporte desarralladas. A este respecto, es necesario promover las capacidades intermodales y multimodales del enlace Mar Negro-Mar del Norte, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in... more Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999. This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversi...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Management of Intermodality in Urban Transportation

CODATU XI: world congress: Towards more attractive …, 2004

ABSTRACT: The central idea of this paper is to promote the management of intermodality in urban t... more ABSTRACT: The central idea of this paper is to promote the management of intermodality in urban transportation. The continuous management of intermodality, starting at strategic level with intermodality policy management and then, at all the decision making levels until final ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Transdisciplinarity approaches to mobility  (based on quantum reality)

ASTR Days, published in Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, Vol. 7, Issue 1 / 2022, pp. 121-130, 2022

Rezumat. Abordări transdisciplinare ale mobilității Dezvoltarea sustenabilă intensă a societății ... more Rezumat. Abordări transdisciplinare ale mobilității Dezvoltarea sustenabilă intensă a societății cunoașterii duce la activități umane și tehnologii tot mai complexe, precum și la concepte teoretice ramificate în toate direcțiile, sofisticând cerințele utilizatorilor pentru produse, servicii și mobilitate. Cresc performanțele unităților de producție și logistică, mobilitatea mărfurilor și a călătorilor, vitezele de schimbare și de reacție la solicitările consumatorilor, calitatea vieții. În competiția dintre producție, logistică și circulația informației, care devine o realitate cuantică, este necesară cunoașterea rapidă a indicatorilor prin care se măsoară, se analizează și se fac predicții ale activităților. Calitatea lor constă în evitarea imaginilor deformate în diferite niveluri de realitate. Se creează instrumente de lucru transdisciplinare, structuri organizatorice și manageriale specifice diferitelor niveluri de realitate. Se integrează mintea și psihicul oamenilor cu realitatea fizică, rezultând psihologia cuantică prin care factorul uman controlează sistemele de mobilitate.
Summary. Transdisciplinarity approaches to mobility The intense sustainable development of the knowledge society through the complexity of human activities, technologies, as well as theoretical concepts branched in all directions, have sophisticated user needs for products and services, for mobility. Following the performance of production and logistic units, the mobility of goods and passengers, the speeds of change and reaction to consumer demands, the quality of life is increasing. In the competition between production, logistics and circulation of information, which is becoming a quantum reality, it is necessary to quickly know the indicators by which to measure, analyze and make predictions of the activities that take place. Their quality means the avoidance of distorted images in different reality levels. It creates transdisciplinary work tools, and organizational and managerial structures for different reality levels. These systems integrate people's minds and psyches with physical reality, resulting the quantum psychology through which the human factor controls mobility.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transdisciplinarity based on Category Theory

ASTR Days, published in Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, Vol. 6, Issue 4 / 2021, 2021

Rezumat. Transdisciplinaritatea prin teoria categoriilor. Realitatea fizică poate fi caracterizat... more Rezumat. Transdisciplinaritatea prin teoria categoriilor. Realitatea fizică poate fi caracterizată prin teoria categoriilor care aduce în prim plan transdisciplinaritatea prin invarianții și tiparele structurale și de management comune multor domenii. Aplicând modelul gândirii categoriale în universul sistemelor, se deschid oportunităţi pentru modelarea lor, dar şi pentru procedurile de planificare, management şi evaluare a acestora. Structurile și conceptele din realitatea fizică, precum și relațiile dintre ele, devin obiecte și morfisme prin modelarea categorială, fiind valabile în multe domenii. Obiectele pot fi agregate prin relaţiile dintre ele, în obiecte tot mai complexe care corespund cerinţelor utilizatorilor din societatea cunoașterii. În acest context, teoria categoriilor oferă instrumentele de lucru pentru modelarea transdisciplinară a sistemelor pe diferite niveluri de realitate tot mai sofisticate.
Summary. Transdisciplinarity based on Category Theory. Physical reality can be characterized by the theory of categories that brings to the fore transdisciplinarity through invariants and structural and management patterns common to many fields. Applying the model of thinking the universe of systems according to category theory, many opportunities open for their modeling, but also for their planning, management and evaluation procedures. Structures and concepts in physical reality, as well as the relationships between them, become objects and morphisms through category theory, thus being valid in many fields. Objects can be aggregated through the relationships between them, in increasingly complex objects that meet the requirements of users in the knowledge society. In this respect, category theory provides the working tools for transdisciplinary modeling of systems on different levels of increasingly sophisticated reality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transporturile Romane la Interferenta Rutelor Intra si Extra Europene

Seminar Incertrans & Arlog – Politica transporturilor in context european, 6 nov. , 1992

Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje compa... more Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje comparative, cere edificarea unei retele logistice coerente in Europa, atat ca infrastructura, cat si ca diversitate a serviciilor. Se va trece foarte repede, de la relatii la retele de transport, un producator va dori sa se aprovizioneze in amonte de la tot mai multi furnizori, iar produsele sale vor ajunge in aval la tot mai multi consumatori. Exista deja retele regionale in Europa, unele avand un puternic caracter multimodal, care vor trebui integrate la nivel continental. Dintre acestea, pot fi considerate si cele doua macrozone logistice: zona vest-europeana ce se intinde din sudul Angliei pana in nordul Italiei (banana albastra) si zona central-est europeana pe care o putem numi “cortina logistica“. Fiecare dintre acestea are o sinergie interna specifica ce nu poate fi ignorata, dar care trebuie reorientata intr-o perspectiva noua, continentala.

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Research paper thumbnail of Danube, a corridor from past to future

Tst Transportes Servicios Y Telecomunicaciones, 2006

Since ancient times the Danube was a sort of corridor that stimulated and facilitated socio-econo... more Since ancient times the Danube was a sort of corridor that stimulated and facilitated socio-economic development, trade and mobility, a waterway of trade and civilization, which may be a lesson for new researches that should lead to the continued in development of the Danube’s natural destiny toward Europe. The Roman emperor Trajan performed a direct multimodal link (inland waterway and terrestrial) between the north area of the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea, including the Danube. This is perhaps the first European corridor whose Eastern end (the Axios-Carasu Valley) represents the forerunner of Danube-Black Sea canal that would be built two millennia later. Nowadays the Black Sea – North Sea navigation link crosses several countries having strongly developed transport infrastructure networks. In this respect, it is necessary to promote the inter- and multi-modal abilities of the Black Sea-North Sea link, in a logistics concept.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9,“Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging …

Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in... more Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Themis Compendium on NAS Waterborne TMS and FTMS

Themis project papers, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Pressing needs for very long- term planning

ASTR Proceedings, 2024

REZUMAT. În ultimele decenii, societatea românească a fost gestionată de factorii decizionali în ... more REZUMAT. În ultimele decenii, societatea românească a fost gestionată de factorii decizionali în mod intuitiv, reacţionând mai mult la evenimente şi dezastre, luând decizii ad-hoc, haotic, fără să construiască strategii pe care să le fi realizat cu consecvenţă. Se amestecă în administrarea firmelor, se ciondănesc în mass-media, au supradimensionat aparatul birocratic, politicile lor nu au diferenţe importante între partide, dând semne de fosilizare. Câteva situaţii observate în realitate, ne arată că este necesară o schimbare majoră de paradigmă, de viziune strategică pe termen foarte lung din care să rezulte strategii pe orizonturi de timp mai reduse. Planificarea strategică pe termen foarte lung poate să fie stabilă şi transpartinică, facilitând coeziunea şi coerenţa planurilor. Cuvinte cheie: căderea generală a societăţii, cerinţe strategice pe termen foarte lung.
ABSTRACT. In the last decades, Romanian society was managed by decision-makers mostly intuitively, reacting more to events and disasters, making ad hoc, chaotic decisions, without building strategies that they have achieved with consistency. They meddle in the management of companies, they mess around in the mass media, they have oversized the bureaucratic apparatus, their policies have no important differences between political parties, showing signs of fossilization. Several situations observed in reality show us that a major paradigm shift, of a very long-term strategic vision is necessary, from which results the strategies on shorter time horizons. Very long-term strategic planning can be stable and could transcend the interests of political parties, facilitating the cohesion and coherence of plans.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentals in very long- term planning

ASTR Proceedings, 2024

REZUMAT. După ce, în ultimele decenii, au fost distruse aproape în totalitate, economia, educaţia... more REZUMAT. După ce, în ultimele decenii, au fost distruse aproape în totalitate, economia, educaţia, sistemul de sănătate, cultura, societatea în general, trebuie reconstruită civilizaţia românească, pe noi fundamente, considerând tendinţe de vârf. Fiind o acţiune complexă, reconstrucţia şi relansarea ţării pe drumul dezvoltării ar trebui planificată şi realizată pe baza unor strategii pe termen foarte lung din care să se extragă planurile pe termene tot mai detaliate. Strategiile trebuie să pornească de la principii fundamentale strategice care să ţintească obiectivele majore ale interesului naţional, precum şi obiectivele de interes din arena internaţională în care ţara este implicată. Dintre multele fundamente posibile, comentăm doar câteva, mai puţin discutate, spre exemplificare. Cuvinte cheie: politici vizionare, strategii pe termen foarte lung, obiective perene.
ABSTRACT. After the economy, education, health system, culture, society in general were almost completely destroyed in the last decades, the Romanian civilization must be rebuilt, on new foundations, considering top trends. Being a complex action, the reconstruction and relaunching of the country on the way to development could be planned and carried out on the basis of very longterm strategies from which the plans for more and more detailed terms can later be extracted. The strategies must start from fundamental strategic principles that target the major objectives of the national interest, as well as the objectives of interest in the international arena in which the country is involved. From many possible principles, we comment only a few, less discussed, for examplification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strange behaviours of profit- making systems

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, 2024

In the last decades, under the conditions of deep transformations of society, profit-making organ... more In the last decades, under the conditions of deep transformations of society, profit-making organizations have changed and diversified accordingly. As a result, many behavioral patterns of this kind of systems appeared in the market and in relation to the rest of society, but also inside them, among their own subsystems. Many of these behaviors are strange, being caused by the high speed of change and the cracks in the general social system that allow, even in the short term, excesses, slippages and effects that slow down the evolution of society for the better life of citizens.

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Research paper thumbnail of Passing the systems among levels of quantum reality

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, 2023

The visible reality at a given moment is a result of the modification of the quantum states of th... more The visible reality at a given moment is a result of the modification of the quantum states of the observables of some systems from another level of quantum reality. The projection towards the new reality is done by collapsing some states described by simple wave functions or resulting from quantum superpositions. Collapses are also achieved through measurements of observables, influencing quantum phenomena, bringing some phenomena to another level of reality. These can pass from a higher level of quantum reality to another level, effectively measuring certain observables, but also through discoveries, studies, identifying the dynamics of the supply-demand balance from the "cloud" of the market's equilibrium points, the realization of new products or services, etc. That is, the still invisible objects will become visible by extracting them from the original quantum reality with the help of projectors, through collapses. The quantum state of the systems also changes through decoherence, through the interaction with the surrounding environment. In the following, some directions are suggested for the development of models for unitary treatment of objects from different levels of reality.

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Research paper thumbnail of With Noica between effectiveness and efficiency (Cu Noica între eficacitate şi eficienţă)

ASTR Proceedings, 2022

The development and management of systems in any field of activity is carried out in at least two... more The development and management of systems in any field of activity is carried out in at least two approaches, at the strategic level and at the operational level. That is, at the level and in societal interest, as well as at the level of projects. Those of general interest must be effective, resulting in strategic objectives with generative effects of development and quality of life, and the others are consequences of the first ones and aim at the efficiency of resource consumption for maximum results (profit, first of all). For both categories of problems there are performing methods and models, including software applications. In order to improve the working tools, according to the principle of lateral thinking, we try to add value by considering other paradigms of thought.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness and efficiency in quantum behavior of system

ZASTR2022 Proceedings, 2022

The behavior of a system occurs on at least two levels of reality: the superior one, strategic an... more The behavior of a system occurs on at least two levels of reality: the superior one, strategic and on long-term, works by optimizing its effectiveness, ensuring the coverage of the social demand; the lower one, operational, in the short and medium term, works by optimizing its efficiency, mainly aiming at maximum profit. The lower one is included into the upper one. The important challenge for both levels of reality, especially for the operational one, is managing the interaction with the quantum environment in which it operates.

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Research paper thumbnail of Istoricul Tractiunii PE Caile Ferate Române

The journal of transport history, Sep 1, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of IM7Danube - rezumat & summary

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Research paper thumbnail of Logrevers - rezumat & summary

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Modern der Fuhrung der Instandhaltungs und Reparaturtatigkeit der Schiffe

wp in the frame of cooperation with Bonn University (R&D Group for Industrial and Transport Policy), 23 June 1986, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of the Inland Navigation Systems

working paper, 1976

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Research paper thumbnail of Danube, a corridor from past to future

Ya en tiempos antiguos, el Danubio era una especie de corredor que estimulaba y facilitaba el des... more Ya en tiempos antiguos, el Danubio era una especie de corredor que estimulaba y facilitaba el desarrollo socioeconomico, el comercio y la movilidad; un canal de intercambio y civilizacion, que puede servir como ejemplo para las nuevas investigaciones y que deberia conducir a una progresion continua del destino natural del Danubio hacia Europa. El emperador romano Trajano creo una conexion directa multimodal (via de navegacion fluvial y terrestre) entre la zona septentrional del mar Adriatico y el mar Negro, que incluia el Danubio. Tal vez sea este el primer corredor europeo, cuyo extremo oriental (el valle de Acios-Carasu) constituye el precedente del canal Danubio-Mar Negro que se construiria dos milenios despues. En la actualidad, la relacion navegable entre el Mar Negro atraviesa varios paises que cuentan con redes de infraestructura de transporte desarralladas. A este respecto, es necesario promover las capacidades intermodales y multimodales del enlace Mar Negro-Mar del Norte, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in... more Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999. This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversi...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Management of Intermodality in Urban Transportation

CODATU XI: world congress: Towards more attractive …, 2004

ABSTRACT: The central idea of this paper is to promote the management of intermodality in urban t... more ABSTRACT: The central idea of this paper is to promote the management of intermodality in urban transportation. The continuous management of intermodality, starting at strategic level with intermodality policy management and then, at all the decision making levels until final ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Transdisciplinarity approaches to mobility  (based on quantum reality)

ASTR Days, published in Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, Vol. 7, Issue 1 / 2022, pp. 121-130, 2022

Rezumat. Abordări transdisciplinare ale mobilității Dezvoltarea sustenabilă intensă a societății ... more Rezumat. Abordări transdisciplinare ale mobilității Dezvoltarea sustenabilă intensă a societății cunoașterii duce la activități umane și tehnologii tot mai complexe, precum și la concepte teoretice ramificate în toate direcțiile, sofisticând cerințele utilizatorilor pentru produse, servicii și mobilitate. Cresc performanțele unităților de producție și logistică, mobilitatea mărfurilor și a călătorilor, vitezele de schimbare și de reacție la solicitările consumatorilor, calitatea vieții. În competiția dintre producție, logistică și circulația informației, care devine o realitate cuantică, este necesară cunoașterea rapidă a indicatorilor prin care se măsoară, se analizează și se fac predicții ale activităților. Calitatea lor constă în evitarea imaginilor deformate în diferite niveluri de realitate. Se creează instrumente de lucru transdisciplinare, structuri organizatorice și manageriale specifice diferitelor niveluri de realitate. Se integrează mintea și psihicul oamenilor cu realitatea fizică, rezultând psihologia cuantică prin care factorul uman controlează sistemele de mobilitate.
Summary. Transdisciplinarity approaches to mobility The intense sustainable development of the knowledge society through the complexity of human activities, technologies, as well as theoretical concepts branched in all directions, have sophisticated user needs for products and services, for mobility. Following the performance of production and logistic units, the mobility of goods and passengers, the speeds of change and reaction to consumer demands, the quality of life is increasing. In the competition between production, logistics and circulation of information, which is becoming a quantum reality, it is necessary to quickly know the indicators by which to measure, analyze and make predictions of the activities that take place. Their quality means the avoidance of distorted images in different reality levels. It creates transdisciplinary work tools, and organizational and managerial structures for different reality levels. These systems integrate people's minds and psyches with physical reality, resulting the quantum psychology through which the human factor controls mobility.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transdisciplinarity based on Category Theory

ASTR Days, published in Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, Vol. 6, Issue 4 / 2021, 2021

Rezumat. Transdisciplinaritatea prin teoria categoriilor. Realitatea fizică poate fi caracterizat... more Rezumat. Transdisciplinaritatea prin teoria categoriilor. Realitatea fizică poate fi caracterizată prin teoria categoriilor care aduce în prim plan transdisciplinaritatea prin invarianții și tiparele structurale și de management comune multor domenii. Aplicând modelul gândirii categoriale în universul sistemelor, se deschid oportunităţi pentru modelarea lor, dar şi pentru procedurile de planificare, management şi evaluare a acestora. Structurile și conceptele din realitatea fizică, precum și relațiile dintre ele, devin obiecte și morfisme prin modelarea categorială, fiind valabile în multe domenii. Obiectele pot fi agregate prin relaţiile dintre ele, în obiecte tot mai complexe care corespund cerinţelor utilizatorilor din societatea cunoașterii. În acest context, teoria categoriilor oferă instrumentele de lucru pentru modelarea transdisciplinară a sistemelor pe diferite niveluri de realitate tot mai sofisticate.
Summary. Transdisciplinarity based on Category Theory. Physical reality can be characterized by the theory of categories that brings to the fore transdisciplinarity through invariants and structural and management patterns common to many fields. Applying the model of thinking the universe of systems according to category theory, many opportunities open for their modeling, but also for their planning, management and evaluation procedures. Structures and concepts in physical reality, as well as the relationships between them, become objects and morphisms through category theory, thus being valid in many fields. Objects can be aggregated through the relationships between them, in increasingly complex objects that meet the requirements of users in the knowledge society. In this respect, category theory provides the working tools for transdisciplinary modeling of systems on different levels of increasingly sophisticated reality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transporturile Romane la Interferenta Rutelor Intra si Extra Europene

Seminar Incertrans & Arlog – Politica transporturilor in context european, 6 nov. , 1992

Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje compa... more Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje comparative, cere edificarea unei retele logistice coerente in Europa, atat ca infrastructura, cat si ca diversitate a serviciilor. Se va trece foarte repede, de la relatii la retele de transport, un producator va dori sa se aprovizioneze in amonte de la tot mai multi furnizori, iar produsele sale vor ajunge in aval la tot mai multi consumatori. Exista deja retele regionale in Europa, unele avand un puternic caracter multimodal, care vor trebui integrate la nivel continental. Dintre acestea, pot fi considerate si cele doua macrozone logistice: zona vest-europeana ce se intinde din sudul Angliei pana in nordul Italiei (banana albastra) si zona central-est europeana pe care o putem numi “cortina logistica“. Fiecare dintre acestea are o sinergie interna specifica ce nu poate fi ignorata, dar care trebuie reorientata intr-o perspectiva noua, continentala.

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Research paper thumbnail of Danube, a corridor from past to future

Tst Transportes Servicios Y Telecomunicaciones, 2006

Since ancient times the Danube was a sort of corridor that stimulated and facilitated socio-econo... more Since ancient times the Danube was a sort of corridor that stimulated and facilitated socio-economic development, trade and mobility, a waterway of trade and civilization, which may be a lesson for new researches that should lead to the continued in development of the Danube’s natural destiny toward Europe. The Roman emperor Trajan performed a direct multimodal link (inland waterway and terrestrial) between the north area of the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea, including the Danube. This is perhaps the first European corridor whose Eastern end (the Axios-Carasu Valley) represents the forerunner of Danube-Black Sea canal that would be built two millennia later. Nowadays the Black Sea – North Sea navigation link crosses several countries having strongly developed transport infrastructure networks. In this respect, it is necessary to promote the inter- and multi-modal abilities of the Black Sea-North Sea link, in a logistics concept.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9,“Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging …

Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in... more Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Themis Compendium on NAS Waterborne TMS and FTMS

Themis project papers, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Perfectionarea metodei frecventei in optimizarea circuitelor hamiltoniene

referat de lucru (working paper), 1979

Metoda frecventei a fost elaborata de Habr si consta in introducerea in circuit a arcelor cele ma... more Metoda frecventei a fost elaborata de Habr si consta in introducerea in circuit a arcelor cele mai avantajoase fata de intreaga retea de comunicatii. Pentru perfectionarea metodei, se propune a fi investigate concepte informationale pentru imbunatatirea criteriului de apreciere a candidaturii arcelor la formarea ciclului optim.

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Research paper thumbnail of CODE TEN-CORDIS_project_44675_en.pdf

4th R&D EU Program, 1999

The general aim of the CODE-TEN project is to assist with decision-making in the complex environm... more The general aim of the CODE-TEN project is to assist with decision-making in the complex environment of contemporary transport geography characterized by the new concept of 'corridor'. It provides a comprehensive strategic assessment methodology that can apply to corridors and will seek to identify and present major policy-related issues and the associated scenarios and assumptions in a consistent way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transporturile Romane la Interferenta Rutelor Intra si Extra Europene

Seminar Incertrans – Politica transporturilor in context european, nov. , 1992

Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje compa... more Extinderea schimburilor ignorand distantele de transport, dar avand in vedere alte avantaje comparative, cere edificarea unei retele logistice coerente in Europa, atat ca infrastructura, cat si ca diversitate a serviciilor. Se va trece foarte repede, de la relatii la retele de transport, un producator va dori sa se aprovizioneze in amonte de la tot mai multi furnizori, iar produsele sale vor ajunge in aval la tot mai multi consumatori. Exista deja retele regionale in Europa, unele avand un puternic caracter multimodal, care vor trebui integrate la nivel continental. Dintre acestea, pot fi mentionate si cele doua macrozone logistice: zona vest-europeana ce se intinde din sudul Angliei pana in nordul Italiei (banana albastra) si zona central-est europeana pe care o putem numi “cortina logistica“. Fiecare dintre acestea are o sinergie interna specifica ce nu poate fi ignorata, dar care trebuie reorientata intr-o perspectiva noua, continentala.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eastern-European Needs and Inland Shipping Innovation

CO-OPET Conference, 25 –26 May 2004, Brussels, 2004

The energy efficiency in inland shipping became a core problem after 1973 when the share of energ... more The energy efficiency in inland shipping became a core problem after 1973 when the share of energy in total cost became more than 25%.
The concept of energy conservation has been used in Romania as “decreasing of energy consumption”, “decreasing of specific energy consumption”, “energy saving”, “energy economy” etc.
The meaning of energy conservation was described as being:
• Increase in energy efficiency using the existing technologies.
• Replace the existing technologies with new energy efficiency technologies.
• Restructuring the economy taking into consideration the energy efficiency of production.
• Promotion of alternative sources of energy.
• Measures to reduce the consuming of energy.
The policy of energy conservation was built considering the advantages, like:
• Decreasing of fuel imports.
• Reduction of polluting emissions, knowing that the pollution increases with energy consumption.
• Stimulating of R&D for new energy efficiency technologies.
The main categories of losses considered are coming, form:
• Technical imperfections of equipment.
• Bad operation and maintenance of the equipment.
• Deviations from optimal regime of operation of equipment.
• Output wastes.
• Bad condition of storage of the energy etc.

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