Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas - (original) (raw)
Papers by Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas
Neo-Victorian Tropes of Trauma, 2010
Castilla. Estudios de Literatura, 2019
Reseña del libro Hijas de un sueño, de Gerardo Rodríguez Salas (prólogo de Ángeles Mora, Granada,... more Reseña del libro Hijas de un sueño, de Gerardo Rodríguez Salas (prólogo de Ángeles Mora, Granada, Esdrújula, 2017). Cada una de las historias del volumen nos permite ser testigos del día a día de la gente corriente de Candiles, donde podemos escuchar el lenguaje popular de gentes sencillas y los sucesos cotidianos, en ocasiones teñidos por un realismo mágico o surrealismo que deja al descubierto el corazón más trágico del ser, pero a la vez también el más tierno y humilde. Rodríguez Salas recupera en esta colección de relatos el lenguaje popular, dentro de una corriente neorruralista, utilizando el modo de hablar de los pueblos andaluces, que aparece en unos diálogos que en ocasiones recuerdan al Lorca de La casa de Bernarda Alba.
Journal of Writing Research, 2016
In this study, university students are faced with the task of collaboratively writing an argument... more In this study, university students are faced with the task of collaboratively writing an argumentative synthesis from multiple sources. Specifically, in writing, they must integrate conflicting information on a particular issue obtained from reading two texts that present different perspectives. As research in this field has shown, university students' transactional beliefs about writing have a bearing on the quality of the texts that they write. In addition, studies on collaborative learning have demonstrated the role of constructive strategies in addressing controversy. Constructive strategies require an epistemic approach, which implies understanding and integrating opposing positions and rationales. Therefore, the specific aims of the study are to analyze the relationships between the following: (a) writing beliefs and the joint written synthesis, b) writing beliefs and the strategies used to address the controversies that emerge during collaborative writing, and (c) how students resolve controversies and the quality of their joint syntheses. The participants were 52 fourth-year psychology students at a state-run university in Madrid. The results show that transactional writing beliefs are associated with both the controversy strategies employed by members of student dyads and the quality of the joint syntheses. Furthermore, the strategies for addressing controversy are associated with the quality of the joint syntheses.
Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 2010
Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English
Cuerpos De Mujeres Miradas Representaciones E Identidades 2007 Isbn 978 84 338 4556 6 Pags 189 204, 2007
Proceedings from the 31st Aedean Conference Recurso Electronico 2008 Isbn 978 84 9749 278 2 Pags 451 459, 2008
Proceedings of the 30th International Aedean Conference Recurso Electronico 2007 Isbn 978 84 96826 31 1, 2007
Immersed within the hopelessness and decay of a world stigmatised by the oppressive forces of fas... more Immersed within the hopelessness and decay of a world stigmatised by the oppressive forces of fascism, germinating in the context of a lurking conflict, Virginia Woolf sets up a universe of grotesque figures through which the process of demolition of the solid pillars of the constraining socio-political system, based upon the dictatorial precepts of patriarchy, can be perpetrated. Of course, as pertains to the dual process inherent to the grotesque paradigm, beyond the debasement of the outmoded annihilating attempts from patriarchal authority, as well as the anachronous post-Victorian apparatus underneath, Woolf's resort to some of the central parameters of grotesque aesthetics simultaneously entails her vindication for the imperative necessity of destroying conventional categories and values, thereby promoting the creation of a renewed form of unconstrained existence. In tune with this twofold objective of destruction/renewal, this paper examines the presence of the grotesque in the novel, insofar as it represents the crucial instrument for the derision of anachronous values, at the same time as for the fostering of the advent of transformation of a world yearning for urgent renovation.
De Habitaciones Propias Y Otros Espacios Conquistados Estudios Sobre Mujeres Y Literatura En Lengua Inglesa En Homenaje a Blanca Lopez Roman 2006 Isbn 84 338 3946 2 Pags 89 104, 2006
Babel Afial Aspectos De Filologia Inglesa Y Alemana, 2008
Impelled by the urgency of a society threatened by the imminence of an international conflict, al... more Impelled by the urgency of a society threatened by the imminence of an international conflict, along with the oppressive impositions of growing fascism, Virginia Woolf proposes a radically unconventional insight into this world through the determined subversion of the established values and patterns. Accordingly, it is by setting up a carnivalesque pageant of the world, ruled over by a catalogue of grotesques directly inherited from the carnival tradition, such as the King of Fools or the Abbot of Unreason – its ecclesiastical embodiment that the narrator is enabled to promote the erosion and debunking of any form of centralized authority. Furthermore, as pertains to a carnival paradigm and its politics of praise and abuse, only through the debasement of the self-enclosing, monadic forms of power operating either in the name of royalty, Empire, religion, or patriarchy, will the process of regeneration of those prevailing structures and conceptions be thus fostered.
Es Revista De Filologia Inglesa, 2010
activa de la sociedad, al mismo tiempo que sale a la luz una ya distorsionada e ilógica realidad ... more activa de la sociedad, al mismo tiempo que sale a la luz una ya distorsionada e ilógica realidad socio-cultural.
Miscelanea a Journal of English and American Studies, 2011
Towards an Understanding of the English Language Past Present and Future Studies in Honour of Fernando Serrano 2005 Isbn 84 338 3349 9 Pags 177 191, 2005
The connection between foolery and the figure of the carnival king is patently revealing of this ... more The connection between foolery and the figure of the carnival king is patently revealing of this reverse side of official truth. Certainly, the mock monarch of the festivity is often identified as a real buffoon, who rather than honoured, is scorned, insulted, and beaten by his people. Moreover, as Bakhtin has noted, this episode constitutes a most authentic expression of ambivalence and ambiguity insofar as it entails the simultaneous presence of two carnival kings-the debunked, old monarch, whom Bakhtin describes as showing the clown's red face, representative of all that is removed and despised, and the young one, symbolical of renewal and the prospect of regeneration and change. Volviendo al quisquilloso de la jeta roja, apaleado y satisfecho "como un rey o dos", ¿no es este en el fondo un rey de carnaval? [...] mientras todos piensan 6 All emphasis as in the original que el quisquilloso (el rey viejo) ha sido molido a palos, éste brinca vivito y coleando (rey nuevo) (ibid: 180). Indeed, as Bakhtin insistently remarks, far from constituting exclusively an instrument of derision and ridiculization, carnival laughter entails deeper implications, insofar as it encapsulates the deep ambivalence that is inherent to carnival celebrations. Hence, while it evidently mocks and debases any form of superiority, it simultaneously buttresses regeneration, insofar as it contains both poles of crisis and change. Bakhtin explains this fact by reference to ancient ritual forms of laughter and their connection with reproduction and rebirth after death. All forms of ritual laughter were linked with death and rebirth, with the reproductive act, with symbols of the reproductive force. Ritual laughter was a reaction to crises 7 in the life of the sun [...], crises in the life of a deity, in the life of the world and of man [....] In it, ridicule was fused with rejoicing. [....] Carnivalistic laughter likewise is directed toward something higher [....] Laughter embraces both poles of change, [...] with crisis itself. Combined in the act of carnival laughter are death and rebirth, negation (a smirk) and affirmation (rejoicing laughter) (1929: 127). The process of regeneration effected by laughter is achieved by the negation of imposed patterns and restrictions, as well as by asserting the body's earthliness and corporeality. Accordingly, during carnival, a blunt opposition against classical conceptions of the higher stratum is accomplished through the enhancement and validation of its counterpart, the most patently material and low, purely representative of the earth as a powerfully regenerating force, as well as of the inexhaustible potential people. Under the carnival perspective, as Bakhtin has signalled, this material and corporeal principle becomes the center of the new vision of the world (1984: 364). On the basis of these organizing parameters, Bakhtin observes the emergence of grotesque realism as a representational aesthetic axis of carnival. Indeed, within the pattern of the grotesque, the major constitutive principles of carnival are encapsulated. Hence, the grotesque body, with hyperbole, exaggeration, and excess as its defining features, becomes the most radical opposition against completion, definition, and closure as governing patterns. In this sense, whereas the classical conception of the body was linked to the idea of achievement and perfection, the grotesque body exhibits the purest essence of indefinition and incompletion in its most exaggerated expression: En la base de las imágenes grotescas encontramos una concepción particular del todo corporal y de sus límites 8. Las fronteras entre el cuerpo y el mundo, y entre los diferentes cuerpos, están trazados de manera muy diferente a la de las imágenes clásicas y naturalistas (1984: 284).
Katherine Mansfield Studies, 2009
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Los feminismos como herramientas de cambio social (II): De la violencia contra las mujeres a la construcción del pensamiento feminista. Eds. Victoria A. Ferrer Pérez y Esperanza Bosch Fiol. Palma de Mallorca: Intern de Publicacions i Intercanvi Científic Universitat de les Illes Balears., 2007
Este artículo estudia la representación del concepto de fertilidad y maternidad en la obra de cua... more Este artículo estudia la representación del concepto de fertilidad y maternidad en la obra de cuatro conocidos representantes de la literatura en lengua inglesa (Thomas Hardy, Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf y Eavan Boland), y cómo dicha conceptualización refleja una serie de momentos fundamentales de la construcción del pensamiento feminista: 1) el protofeminismo; 2) el sufragismo; 3) el feminismo postmodernista. En la obra de Hardy, se perfilan formas alternativas de representación de una maternidad libre sin salidas narrativas, que no existen dado que no se han forjado como teoría en la evolución del pensamiento feminista; de este modo, la representación que dicho autor hace de la maternidad se corresponde con los supuestos teóricos del movimiento protofeminista. En la obra de Mansfield, por el contrario, la maternidad se rechaza abiertamente como una imposición social y como una perpetuación de los cimientos sobre los que se basan las instituciones victorianas; su conceptual...
Odisea: Revista de estudios ingleses, 2005
Insofar as the influence of myths and ritualistic practices on Modernist artists becomes evident,... more Insofar as the influence of myths and ritualistic practices on Modernist artists becomes evident, this paper explores the still underestimated degree of convergence between Harrison's theories, as a direct inheritor of Frazer's major postulates, and some of Virginia Woolf's fictional works. Indeed, whereas some descriptive outlines of such connection have been carried out, the present analysis aims to reach further by examining the narrator's particular form of appropriation-occasionally through sheer mockery and subversion-of such traditions, which will undoubtedly shed light on Woolf's actual apprehension of the society of her time.
New Perspectives on English Studies. Proceedings from the 32nd AEDEAN Conference. Eds. Marian Amengual, María Juan and Joana Salazar, 2009
Against Doing Nothing: Evil and Its Manifestations. Eds. Shilinka Smith & Shona Hill., 2010
Neo-Victorian Tropes of Trauma, 2010
Castilla. Estudios de Literatura, 2019
Reseña del libro Hijas de un sueño, de Gerardo Rodríguez Salas (prólogo de Ángeles Mora, Granada,... more Reseña del libro Hijas de un sueño, de Gerardo Rodríguez Salas (prólogo de Ángeles Mora, Granada, Esdrújula, 2017). Cada una de las historias del volumen nos permite ser testigos del día a día de la gente corriente de Candiles, donde podemos escuchar el lenguaje popular de gentes sencillas y los sucesos cotidianos, en ocasiones teñidos por un realismo mágico o surrealismo que deja al descubierto el corazón más trágico del ser, pero a la vez también el más tierno y humilde. Rodríguez Salas recupera en esta colección de relatos el lenguaje popular, dentro de una corriente neorruralista, utilizando el modo de hablar de los pueblos andaluces, que aparece en unos diálogos que en ocasiones recuerdan al Lorca de La casa de Bernarda Alba.
Journal of Writing Research, 2016
In this study, university students are faced with the task of collaboratively writing an argument... more In this study, university students are faced with the task of collaboratively writing an argumentative synthesis from multiple sources. Specifically, in writing, they must integrate conflicting information on a particular issue obtained from reading two texts that present different perspectives. As research in this field has shown, university students' transactional beliefs about writing have a bearing on the quality of the texts that they write. In addition, studies on collaborative learning have demonstrated the role of constructive strategies in addressing controversy. Constructive strategies require an epistemic approach, which implies understanding and integrating opposing positions and rationales. Therefore, the specific aims of the study are to analyze the relationships between the following: (a) writing beliefs and the joint written synthesis, b) writing beliefs and the strategies used to address the controversies that emerge during collaborative writing, and (c) how students resolve controversies and the quality of their joint syntheses. The participants were 52 fourth-year psychology students at a state-run university in Madrid. The results show that transactional writing beliefs are associated with both the controversy strategies employed by members of student dyads and the quality of the joint syntheses. Furthermore, the strategies for addressing controversy are associated with the quality of the joint syntheses.
Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 2010
Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English
Cuerpos De Mujeres Miradas Representaciones E Identidades 2007 Isbn 978 84 338 4556 6 Pags 189 204, 2007
Proceedings from the 31st Aedean Conference Recurso Electronico 2008 Isbn 978 84 9749 278 2 Pags 451 459, 2008
Proceedings of the 30th International Aedean Conference Recurso Electronico 2007 Isbn 978 84 96826 31 1, 2007
Immersed within the hopelessness and decay of a world stigmatised by the oppressive forces of fas... more Immersed within the hopelessness and decay of a world stigmatised by the oppressive forces of fascism, germinating in the context of a lurking conflict, Virginia Woolf sets up a universe of grotesque figures through which the process of demolition of the solid pillars of the constraining socio-political system, based upon the dictatorial precepts of patriarchy, can be perpetrated. Of course, as pertains to the dual process inherent to the grotesque paradigm, beyond the debasement of the outmoded annihilating attempts from patriarchal authority, as well as the anachronous post-Victorian apparatus underneath, Woolf's resort to some of the central parameters of grotesque aesthetics simultaneously entails her vindication for the imperative necessity of destroying conventional categories and values, thereby promoting the creation of a renewed form of unconstrained existence. In tune with this twofold objective of destruction/renewal, this paper examines the presence of the grotesque in the novel, insofar as it represents the crucial instrument for the derision of anachronous values, at the same time as for the fostering of the advent of transformation of a world yearning for urgent renovation.
De Habitaciones Propias Y Otros Espacios Conquistados Estudios Sobre Mujeres Y Literatura En Lengua Inglesa En Homenaje a Blanca Lopez Roman 2006 Isbn 84 338 3946 2 Pags 89 104, 2006
Babel Afial Aspectos De Filologia Inglesa Y Alemana, 2008
Impelled by the urgency of a society threatened by the imminence of an international conflict, al... more Impelled by the urgency of a society threatened by the imminence of an international conflict, along with the oppressive impositions of growing fascism, Virginia Woolf proposes a radically unconventional insight into this world through the determined subversion of the established values and patterns. Accordingly, it is by setting up a carnivalesque pageant of the world, ruled over by a catalogue of grotesques directly inherited from the carnival tradition, such as the King of Fools or the Abbot of Unreason – its ecclesiastical embodiment that the narrator is enabled to promote the erosion and debunking of any form of centralized authority. Furthermore, as pertains to a carnival paradigm and its politics of praise and abuse, only through the debasement of the self-enclosing, monadic forms of power operating either in the name of royalty, Empire, religion, or patriarchy, will the process of regeneration of those prevailing structures and conceptions be thus fostered.
Es Revista De Filologia Inglesa, 2010
activa de la sociedad, al mismo tiempo que sale a la luz una ya distorsionada e ilógica realidad ... more activa de la sociedad, al mismo tiempo que sale a la luz una ya distorsionada e ilógica realidad socio-cultural.
Miscelanea a Journal of English and American Studies, 2011
Towards an Understanding of the English Language Past Present and Future Studies in Honour of Fernando Serrano 2005 Isbn 84 338 3349 9 Pags 177 191, 2005
The connection between foolery and the figure of the carnival king is patently revealing of this ... more The connection between foolery and the figure of the carnival king is patently revealing of this reverse side of official truth. Certainly, the mock monarch of the festivity is often identified as a real buffoon, who rather than honoured, is scorned, insulted, and beaten by his people. Moreover, as Bakhtin has noted, this episode constitutes a most authentic expression of ambivalence and ambiguity insofar as it entails the simultaneous presence of two carnival kings-the debunked, old monarch, whom Bakhtin describes as showing the clown's red face, representative of all that is removed and despised, and the young one, symbolical of renewal and the prospect of regeneration and change. Volviendo al quisquilloso de la jeta roja, apaleado y satisfecho "como un rey o dos", ¿no es este en el fondo un rey de carnaval? [...] mientras todos piensan 6 All emphasis as in the original que el quisquilloso (el rey viejo) ha sido molido a palos, éste brinca vivito y coleando (rey nuevo) (ibid: 180). Indeed, as Bakhtin insistently remarks, far from constituting exclusively an instrument of derision and ridiculization, carnival laughter entails deeper implications, insofar as it encapsulates the deep ambivalence that is inherent to carnival celebrations. Hence, while it evidently mocks and debases any form of superiority, it simultaneously buttresses regeneration, insofar as it contains both poles of crisis and change. Bakhtin explains this fact by reference to ancient ritual forms of laughter and their connection with reproduction and rebirth after death. All forms of ritual laughter were linked with death and rebirth, with the reproductive act, with symbols of the reproductive force. Ritual laughter was a reaction to crises 7 in the life of the sun [...], crises in the life of a deity, in the life of the world and of man [....] In it, ridicule was fused with rejoicing. [....] Carnivalistic laughter likewise is directed toward something higher [....] Laughter embraces both poles of change, [...] with crisis itself. Combined in the act of carnival laughter are death and rebirth, negation (a smirk) and affirmation (rejoicing laughter) (1929: 127). The process of regeneration effected by laughter is achieved by the negation of imposed patterns and restrictions, as well as by asserting the body's earthliness and corporeality. Accordingly, during carnival, a blunt opposition against classical conceptions of the higher stratum is accomplished through the enhancement and validation of its counterpart, the most patently material and low, purely representative of the earth as a powerfully regenerating force, as well as of the inexhaustible potential people. Under the carnival perspective, as Bakhtin has signalled, this material and corporeal principle becomes the center of the new vision of the world (1984: 364). On the basis of these organizing parameters, Bakhtin observes the emergence of grotesque realism as a representational aesthetic axis of carnival. Indeed, within the pattern of the grotesque, the major constitutive principles of carnival are encapsulated. Hence, the grotesque body, with hyperbole, exaggeration, and excess as its defining features, becomes the most radical opposition against completion, definition, and closure as governing patterns. In this sense, whereas the classical conception of the body was linked to the idea of achievement and perfection, the grotesque body exhibits the purest essence of indefinition and incompletion in its most exaggerated expression: En la base de las imágenes grotescas encontramos una concepción particular del todo corporal y de sus límites 8. Las fronteras entre el cuerpo y el mundo, y entre los diferentes cuerpos, están trazados de manera muy diferente a la de las imágenes clásicas y naturalistas (1984: 284).
Katherine Mansfield Studies, 2009
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Los feminismos como herramientas de cambio social (II): De la violencia contra las mujeres a la construcción del pensamiento feminista. Eds. Victoria A. Ferrer Pérez y Esperanza Bosch Fiol. Palma de Mallorca: Intern de Publicacions i Intercanvi Científic Universitat de les Illes Balears., 2007
Este artículo estudia la representación del concepto de fertilidad y maternidad en la obra de cua... more Este artículo estudia la representación del concepto de fertilidad y maternidad en la obra de cuatro conocidos representantes de la literatura en lengua inglesa (Thomas Hardy, Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf y Eavan Boland), y cómo dicha conceptualización refleja una serie de momentos fundamentales de la construcción del pensamiento feminista: 1) el protofeminismo; 2) el sufragismo; 3) el feminismo postmodernista. En la obra de Hardy, se perfilan formas alternativas de representación de una maternidad libre sin salidas narrativas, que no existen dado que no se han forjado como teoría en la evolución del pensamiento feminista; de este modo, la representación que dicho autor hace de la maternidad se corresponde con los supuestos teóricos del movimiento protofeminista. En la obra de Mansfield, por el contrario, la maternidad se rechaza abiertamente como una imposición social y como una perpetuación de los cimientos sobre los que se basan las instituciones victorianas; su conceptual...
Odisea: Revista de estudios ingleses, 2005
Insofar as the influence of myths and ritualistic practices on Modernist artists becomes evident,... more Insofar as the influence of myths and ritualistic practices on Modernist artists becomes evident, this paper explores the still underestimated degree of convergence between Harrison's theories, as a direct inheritor of Frazer's major postulates, and some of Virginia Woolf's fictional works. Indeed, whereas some descriptive outlines of such connection have been carried out, the present analysis aims to reach further by examining the narrator's particular form of appropriation-occasionally through sheer mockery and subversion-of such traditions, which will undoubtedly shed light on Woolf's actual apprehension of the society of her time.
New Perspectives on English Studies. Proceedings from the 32nd AEDEAN Conference. Eds. Marian Amengual, María Juan and Joana Salazar, 2009
Against Doing Nothing: Evil and Its Manifestations. Eds. Shilinka Smith & Shona Hill., 2010