Isabella Pagano - (original) (raw)


Papers by Isabella Pagano

Research paper thumbnail of VLA Observations of dMe Stars (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/leto)

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Research paper thumbnail of VLA observation of dMe stars

Astronomy and Astrophysics

We present new VLA radio observations of a sample of dMe stars in X, U, K, and Q bands (from 8.4 ... more We present new VLA radio observations of a sample of dMe stars in X, U, K, and Q bands (from 8.4 to 43 GHz) obtained during an observing campaign in 1996 April-June. The aim of the project was to determine the spectral energy distributions of late-type dwarf flare stars to investigate the possible existence of an inversion of the spectrum slope at frequencies higher than 8 GHz. We also tried to constrain the possible emission mechanism at radio frequencies. We have detections in X band (8.4 GHz), for three sources (UV Cet, V 1054 Oph, and EV Lac), while all of our other measurements are upper limits. We discuss how the weak radio emission of some sources (e.g. AU Mic) and the coronal plasma properties deduced from X-ray observations constrain the coronal magnetic field properties.

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Research paper thumbnail of ISOPHOT Observations of the RS CVn-type Star II Peg

The RS CVn-type system II Pegasi was observed by ISOPHOT on ISO to derive spectrophotometric data... more The RS CVn-type system II Pegasi was observed by ISOPHOT on ISO to derive spectrophotometric data in the 2.5 - 12 micron range, and multifilter photometry between 3.6 and 200 microns. Contemporary to ISO observations we also secured: - millimeter data with the IRAM interferometer; - near infrared and optical photometry with the 91 cm and the 80 cm APT, respectively, at Catania Observatory. Preliminary data on the spectral distribution in the full 2.5 - 200 micron range indicate the presence of a remarkably well defined IR excess whose nature is under investigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kepler-423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very old solar-like star

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Field Camera Unit for WSO-UV: Phase A Study Report

World Space Observatory UltraViolet (WSO-UV) is a multipurpose space observatory, made by a 170 c... more World Space Observatory UltraViolet (WSO-UV) is a multipurpose space observatory, made by a 170 cm aperture telescope, capable of UV high-resolution spectroscopy, long slit low-resolution spectroscopy, and deep UV and optical imaging. With a nominal mission life time of 5 years, and a planned extension to 10 years, from a geosynchronous orbit with an inclination of 51.8 degrees, WSO-UV will provide observations of exceptional importance for the study of many unsolved astrophysical problems. WSO-UV is implemented in the framework of a collaboration between Russia (chair), China, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Ukraine. This book illustrates the results of the feasibility study for the Field Camera Unit (FCU), a multi-spectral radial instrument on the focal plane of WSO-UV. The book provides an overview of the key science topics that are drivers to the participation of the Italian astronomical community in the WSO-UV project. The science drivers here illustrated have been used to define th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Qatar-1 lc

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013A&A...554A..28C

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Research paper thumbnail of CHEOPS: A transit photometry mission for ESA's small mission programme

Hot Planets and Cool Stars, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The PLATO 2.0 mission

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Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Key problems in cool-star astrophysics

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Photospheric activity, rotation, and star-planet interaction of the planet-hosting star CoRoT-6

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnetic activity in the photosphere of CoRoT-Exo-2a

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of the major planet search surveys to EChO target selection

Experimental Astronomy

The EChO core science will be based on a three tier survey, each with increasing sensitivity, in ... more The EChO core science will be based on a three tier survey, each with increasing sensitivity, in order to study the population of exo-planets from super-Earths to Jupiter-like planets, in the very hot to temperate zones (temperatures of 300 K - 3000 K) of F to M-type host stars. To achieve a meaningful outcome an accurate selection of the target sample is needed. In this paper we analyse the targets, suitable for EChO observations, expected to result from a sample of present and forthcoming detection surveys. Exoplanets currently known are already sufficient to provide a large and diverse sample. However we expect the results from these surveys to increase the sample of smaller planets that will allow us to optimize the EChO sample selection.

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Research paper thumbnail of VLA Observations of dMe Stars (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/leto)

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Research paper thumbnail of VLA observation of dMe stars

Astronomy and Astrophysics

We present new VLA radio observations of a sample of dMe stars in X, U, K, and Q bands (from 8.4 ... more We present new VLA radio observations of a sample of dMe stars in X, U, K, and Q bands (from 8.4 to 43 GHz) obtained during an observing campaign in 1996 April-June. The aim of the project was to determine the spectral energy distributions of late-type dwarf flare stars to investigate the possible existence of an inversion of the spectrum slope at frequencies higher than 8 GHz. We also tried to constrain the possible emission mechanism at radio frequencies. We have detections in X band (8.4 GHz), for three sources (UV Cet, V 1054 Oph, and EV Lac), while all of our other measurements are upper limits. We discuss how the weak radio emission of some sources (e.g. AU Mic) and the coronal plasma properties deduced from X-ray observations constrain the coronal magnetic field properties.

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Research paper thumbnail of ISOPHOT Observations of the RS CVn-type Star II Peg

The RS CVn-type system II Pegasi was observed by ISOPHOT on ISO to derive spectrophotometric data... more The RS CVn-type system II Pegasi was observed by ISOPHOT on ISO to derive spectrophotometric data in the 2.5 - 12 micron range, and multifilter photometry between 3.6 and 200 microns. Contemporary to ISO observations we also secured: - millimeter data with the IRAM interferometer; - near infrared and optical photometry with the 91 cm and the 80 cm APT, respectively, at Catania Observatory. Preliminary data on the spectral distribution in the full 2.5 - 200 micron range indicate the presence of a remarkably well defined IR excess whose nature is under investigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kepler-423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very old solar-like star

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Field Camera Unit for WSO-UV: Phase A Study Report

World Space Observatory UltraViolet (WSO-UV) is a multipurpose space observatory, made by a 170 c... more World Space Observatory UltraViolet (WSO-UV) is a multipurpose space observatory, made by a 170 cm aperture telescope, capable of UV high-resolution spectroscopy, long slit low-resolution spectroscopy, and deep UV and optical imaging. With a nominal mission life time of 5 years, and a planned extension to 10 years, from a geosynchronous orbit with an inclination of 51.8 degrees, WSO-UV will provide observations of exceptional importance for the study of many unsolved astrophysical problems. WSO-UV is implemented in the framework of a collaboration between Russia (chair), China, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Ukraine. This book illustrates the results of the feasibility study for the Field Camera Unit (FCU), a multi-spectral radial instrument on the focal plane of WSO-UV. The book provides an overview of the key science topics that are drivers to the participation of the Italian astronomical community in the WSO-UV project. The science drivers here illustrated have been used to define th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Qatar-1 lc

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013A&A...554A..28C

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Research paper thumbnail of CHEOPS: A transit photometry mission for ESA's small mission programme

Hot Planets and Cool Stars, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The PLATO 2.0 mission

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Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Key problems in cool-star astrophysics

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Photospheric activity, rotation, and star-planet interaction of the planet-hosting star CoRoT-6

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnetic activity in the photosphere of CoRoT-Exo-2a

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of the major planet search surveys to EChO target selection

Experimental Astronomy

The EChO core science will be based on a three tier survey, each with increasing sensitivity, in ... more The EChO core science will be based on a three tier survey, each with increasing sensitivity, in order to study the population of exo-planets from super-Earths to Jupiter-like planets, in the very hot to temperate zones (temperatures of 300 K - 3000 K) of F to M-type host stars. To achieve a meaningful outcome an accurate selection of the target sample is needed. In this paper we analyse the targets, suitable for EChO observations, expected to result from a sample of present and forthcoming detection surveys. Exoplanets currently known are already sufficient to provide a large and diverse sample. However we expect the results from these surveys to increase the sample of smaller planets that will allow us to optimize the EChO sample selection.

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