Israr ahmad khan - (original) (raw)

Papers by Israr ahmad khan

Research paper thumbnail of El-Bika'i i Islahi / Al-Biqaʻi and and Iṣlāhī

Context: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 11, 2022

Naučnici prepoznaju da u Kur'anu postoji sistem koherencije i da svaki ajet, veći i manji, predst... more Naučnici prepoznaju da u Kur'anu postoji sistem koherencije i da svaki ajet, veći i manji, predstavlja integralnu jedinicu Kur'ana. Postoje samo dva cjelovita tefsira (egzegeze) Kur'ana zasnovana na principu koherencije. Jedan je na arapskom, a drugi na urdu. Komparativna analiza tih dvaju djela pokazuje da je koherencija u arapskoj egzegezi bila u svojoj formativnoj fazi i da je do pune forme razvijena u urdu egzegezi. Koherencija Kur'ana pronađena u ovim dvjema egzegezama zaslužuje bližu analizu jer može pomoći u obnovi grandioznog zdanja islamske misli i života. Jedna od metoda tumačenja kur'anskih ajeta (ajat) poznata je kao nazmu l-Kur'an (koherentnost u Kur'anu). Prema ovoj metodi, Kur'an se smatra integralnom cjelinom i svi su njegovi ajeti u svakom poglavlju (sura) koherentni i kohezivni. 2 Samo su dva učenjaka koristila ovaj metod u svom tumačenju čitavog Kur'ana: Ebu l-Hasan Ibrahim ibn Omer Burhanuddin el-Bika'i i Emin Ahsen Islahi. Prva egzegeza je na arapskom, a druga na urdu. Ova studija pokušava komparativno analizirati ova dva djela i identificirati metode koje su učenjaci koristili kako bi bolje razumjeli Kur'an.

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of Tafsir Methodology

~ Abstract: It is recognized by scholars that there is a system of coherence in the Qur>an and... more ~ Abstract: It is recognized by scholars that there is a system of coherence in the Qur>an and that each and every verse, large and small, constitutes an integralunit of the Qur>an. There are only two complete tafsir (exigesis) of the Qur>an based on the principle of coherence. One is in Arabic and the other is in Urdu. A comparative analysis of the two works shows that the coherence found in the Arabic exegesis was in its formative phase and that it was developed to its full form in the Urdu exigesis. The coherence in the Qur> an found in the two exigesisdeserves closer analysis as it may assist the rebuilding of the grand edifice ofIslamic thought and life.

Research paper thumbnail of نظم القرآن من حيث المنهج لتفسير القرآن الكريم: دراسة تحليلية لمبادئه

القرآن الكريم هو مصدر ومنبع ل لصول والمبادى لحياة الإنسان التي تضمن الفلاح في الدنيا والآخرة. فمن... more القرآن الكريم هو مصدر ومنبع ل لصول والمبادى لحياة الإنسان التي تضمن الفلاح في الدنيا والآخرة. فمن الطبيعي أن الإنسان يقرأ و يتدبر الكتاب المنزل من الله سبحانه و تعالى لكي يفهم آياته فه م ا صحي ح ا مع الوعي التام. ولذلك قام العلماء بتفسير القرآن الكريم في كل قرن من القرون منذ عهد الصحابة رض ي الله عنهم. فالآن توجد تفاسير في عدد هائل في لغات كثي رة. ولا يزال العلماء يفسرون القرآن الكريم بهدف إفهام الناس الرسالة السماوية التي هي تخاطبهم مباشرة وتعلمهم ما لم يعلم وا. وقد استخدم المفسرون في تفسير القرآن الكريم عدة مناهج، منها: المأثور و الإجتهادي والفقهي والعلمي و الإشاري و البدعي و غيرها. و لأجل ذلك وقع ا لاختلاف الشاسع والخلاف الشديد بين العلماء والفقهاء والمفسرين في فهم معنى القرآن الكريم. فتفرق المسلمون في العصر الراهن في فهم الآيات القرآنية وإمتثالهم بها. والسبيل الوحيد لإخراج المسلمين من هذالفخ هو إنشاء منهج لتفسير القرآن الكريم من جديد. لأن التركيز في معظم التفاسير هو على المفردات القرآنية، فيحتاج الإنسان إلى التركيز على القرآن كله وليس على جزء من أجزاء القرآن فحسب. وفي الواقع ا ل...

Research paper thumbnail of Editor-in-Chief’s Note

Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of qu... more Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of quality research papers in both Arabic and English. Research denotes thorough investigation into and deliberation over an issue with a view to developing a totally novel idea or suggesting new interpretation of the currently existing idea. Mere compilation of various views from different quarters, or collection of materials on the issue concerned, or translation of a known or unknown work into another language may not be considered by the academia research. This issue of JIA (December 2015) consists of ten (10) articles, five in Arabic and five in English. They are all of high standard. Authors and co-authors of these papers deserve special appreciation for their genuine efforts in producing extraordinarily valuable works. JIA Editorial Board hopes that researchers will continue their intellectual contributions to the Journal. JIA policy concerning citation of sources in the footnotes continually favored Chicago Library Manual. But keeping in view the contemporary and widely-recognized trend of APA system in researches, books, and articles, the Editorial Board of JIA has decided to honor both trends in citation Chicago Manual and APA. In this issue one English paper is based on APA system and the rest follow Chicago Manual style. We have made efforts; and it is Allah to render it fruitful. All praise is due to Allah alone.

Research paper thumbnail of IndentifyingMaqasid al-Qur’an: A Critical Analysis Of Rashid Riaz’sviews

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077), 2012

This articleexaminesMuÍammadRashid Rida’s (1865-1935 C.E.) views of Maqasid al-Qur’an.Rida’s work... more This articleexaminesMuÍammadRashid Rida’s (1865-1935 C.E.) views of Maqasid al-Qur’an.Rida’s work on this subject is one of a few rear pieces that comprehensively deal with this emerging distinctive concept of understanding the Qur’Énic discourse. Thus, it is significant to view RiÌÉ’s insight and contribution to this subject.This article presents a critical analysis of the ten main objectives of the Qur’an that he dealt with in his book al-WaÍy al-MuÍammadÊ as well as TafsÊr al-ManÉr. This study mainly explores the methodological and logical strength of RiÌÉ’s identification of objectives of the Qur’an.

Research paper thumbnail of كلمة رئيس التحرير

The Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, 2015

مجلة الإسلام في آسيا اهتمت منذ بدايتها في عام 2004 بنشر البحوث القيمة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزي... more مجلة الإسلام في آسيا اهتمت منذ بدايتها في عام 2004 بنشر البحوث القيمة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. والمقصود بالبحث الفحص الدقيق والتدبر العميق في القضية المختارة للتوصل إلى فكرة جديدة، أوشرح جديد لفكرة معروفة. فأهل العلم والمعرفة لا يعتبرون الاكتفاء بجمع الآراء المختلفة من عدة مصادر، أو جمع المادة المتعلقة بموضوع ما بحثا، وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لترجمة المؤلفات المعروفة وغير المعروفة. وهذا العدد للمجلة (ديسيمبر 2015) يشتمل على عشرة بحوث، خمسة بالعربية وخمسة بالإنجليزية، وجميعها بحوث قيمة ذات جودة عالية، لذلك استحق مؤلفوها الإشادة والتقدير. ويرجو أعضاء هيئة تحرير المجلة من الباحثين التكرم بالمواظبة على إرسال مساهماتهم العلمية للمجلة. وسياسة المجلة منذ البدايات الاعتماد على كتيب مكتبة شيكاغو فيما يتعلق بذكر المصادر في الحواشي. ولكن بالنظر إلى تزايد الاهتمام بنظام ما يعرف بـ: (APA Style) على المستوى العلمي في العالم فقد قررت هيئة التحرير اعتماد كلا النظامين: (شكاغو و (APA في أبحاث المجلة. وفي هذا العدد اتبع أحد المقالات الإنجليزية المنشورة نظام .APA والسعي منا والتوفيق من الله سبحانه وتعالى، ونحمده على ذلك حمدا طيبا.

Research paper thumbnail of Qur'anic concept of ideal human society

Research paper thumbnail of The Theory of Abrogation: A Critical Evaluation

Research paper thumbnail of Quranic studies : an introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Coherence in the qur'an: principles and applications

The differences and at times seemingly contradictory interpretation of Qurʾanic āyāt (verses) by ... more The differences and at times seemingly contradictory interpretation of Qurʾanic āyāt (verses) by scholars belies the notion that the Qurʾanic message is universal and relevant to all situations and settings. One reason for this problem is the erroneous belief that the Qurʾanic āyāt do not form an integral whole. It needs be emphasized that the Qurʾanic statements constitute an integral whole. To appreciate this integral aspect of the Qurʾanic statements, it is necessary to identify the linkages among āyāt of a surah (chapter) by following certain principles.

Research paper thumbnail of Arguments for abrogation in the Qur'an: A critique

Many Muslim scholars such as Abu ‘Ubayd (d.224 A.H.), al-Nahhaas (d.377 A.H.), Makki (d.437 A.H.)... more Many Muslim scholars such as Abu ‘Ubayd (d.224 A.H.), al-Nahhaas (d.377 A.H.), Makki (d.437 A.H.), Ibn al-‘Arabi (d543 A.H.), ibn al-Jawzi (d.597 A.H.), al-Zarkashi (d.794 A.H.), al-Suyuti (d.911 A.H.), al-Dehlawi (d.1176 A.H.), and al-Zurqani (d.1948 C.E.) have aggressively argued that some verses—ranging from five hundred to only five—of the Qur’an are practically invalid due to the apparent conflict between them and other verses on the same subject matter. The arguments are based on some Qur’anic verses, statements attributed to Companions, those ascribed to later generation scholars, claim about the existence of abrogated verses in the Qur’an, and the claim of Ijmaa‘ of the Muslim ummah. Some other Muslim scholars have argued to rebut the theory of abrogation in the Qur’an. The debate is still going on. The Muslim ummah stands confused over this issue. There is a need of looking at all the arguments advanced either in favor or against abrogation and analyzing them critically so ...

Research paper thumbnail of Amin Ahsan Islahi

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Amin Ahsan Islahi (1903-97), an illustrious Islamic scholar from India, is the author of the Urdu... more Amin Ahsan Islahi (1903-97), an illustrious Islamic scholar from India, is the author of the Urdu-language Tadabbur-e-Qur’an, the first tafs¥r of its kind. In it, he has applied a unique method of interpreting the revealed words that, he rightly claims, he actually borrowed from his great teacher `Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi (1861-1930). According to him, this methodology leads to the unity of meaning and hence to the unity of thought. Its salient feature is what he refers to as “coherence in the Qur’an” (na`m al-Qur’OEn). Identifying the coherence between the Qur’an’s verses enables the commentator to establish cohesion among apparently conflicting passages within a s´rah. Coherence is not merely an academic witticism (la‹¥fah `ilm¥yah); rather, it is an intellectual endeavor (al-sa`y¥ al-`ilm¥) based on the Qur’anic principle of deliberation (al-tadabbur) to apply certain rules to the text in order to unfold the truth enshrined in the divine statements. Islahi’s work is a methodologica...

Research paper thumbnail of The Authentication of Hadith

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Muslim scholars deserve appreciation for their invaluable contribution toward preserving the hadi... more Muslim scholars deserve appreciation for their invaluable contribution toward preserving the hadith literature’s authenticity. However, much more needs to be done to further strengthen its authenticity. Such great hadith authorities as Malik ibn Anas (d. 179 AH), Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 AH), al-Darimi (d. 255 AH), al-Bukhari (d. 256 AH), Muslim (d. 261 AH), Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH), Abu Da’ud (d. 275 AH), al-Tirmidhi (d. 279 AH), al-Nasa’I (d. 303 AH), al-Darqutni (d. 385 AH), and al-Bayhaqi (d. 457 AH) did their best to identify original, authentic, and valid versions of the hadiths, mainly through verifying the chain of narrators (sanad). However, they did not check the text (matn) with the same zeal. This remains the case today, even to the extent that scrutinizing the text scrutiny is considered forbidden. While further verification of hadiths is still needed, this “closed door” toward verifying the text’s validity must be opened. The present article represents an attempt to redef...

Research paper thumbnail of Classification of Abrogation in the Qur’an

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Most classical-era Qur’anic studies scholars, among then Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam (d. 224 A... more Most classical-era Qur’anic studies scholars, among then Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam (d. 224 AH), Makki ibn Abi Talib (d. 437 AH), Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH), Badr al-Din al- Zarkashi (d. 794 AH), and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH) were enthusiastic supporters of the theory of abrogation. They claimed that the Qur’an contains three types of abrogation1: suspension of certain verses’ practical dimension only, expurgation of both the verses and their rulings, and exclusion of the verses even though their rulings are still valid. To substantiate their approach, they advanced hadiths comprising statements supposedly made by both the Companions (Sahabah) and the Followers (Tabi`un). A rational and critical scrutiny of these hadiths will reveal whether they can form the basis of such arguments. I will check the nature of these hadiths’ chains of narrators and weigh the views attributed to early Muslim scholars against reason. As regards the first category, several of my...

Research paper thumbnail of Ramadan: A Soul-Searching and Ethical-Mentoring Month for the Entire Muslim Ummah

The Journal of Social Sciences Research

Indeed, Islamic worships encourage the spiritual and ethical domains of human life. The main obje... more Indeed, Islamic worships encourage the spiritual and ethical domains of human life. The main objective of Islamic worship is the attainment of the state of righteousness (taqwa) to become closer to Allah Almighty. The human being, with overall nature and inbuilt system, invariably needs refurbishing of thoughts and renewal of behavioral strengths. For that matter, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Provider, the Controller of the universe, Allah Almighty has prescribed, among other worships, the entire month of Ramadan as that of fasting to achieve the goal. Ramadan offers opportunities for those who fast to get closer to Allah, beseech Him earnestly, internalize the messages of the Qur’an, develop themselves intellectually, accustomed to looking at the things critically, seek His forgiveness, orientate themselves morally, treat the beloved ones with love and compassion, and remember those in the society who were left behind in the material competition. With this training availed in th...

Research paper thumbnail of Muslim Scholars’ Contribution in Hadith Authentication

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

During and after the caliphate of the third Caliph, ‘UthmÉn ibn ‘AffÉn people from different back... more During and after the caliphate of the third Caliph, ‘UthmÉn ibn ‘AffÉn people from different backgrounds and persuasions with criminal mentality tried to corrupt the ×adÊth of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Muslim scholars, on the other hand, did not remain silent spectators of the alarming situation; they rose to the occasion and did all that they could to preserve the authenticity and sanctity of sayings of the Prophet (s.a.w.). This preservation and authentication were ensured from both angles, chain of the reporters, and text of the report. This paper represents a humble attempt to introduce contributions of some scholars in the past as well as today towards authentication of ×adÊth.

Research paper thumbnail of Jihad as an Essential Principle of Human Life An Understanding from the Qur’anic Perspective

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Many a Qur’anic concept has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by both protagonists and antago... more Many a Qur’anic concept has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by both protagonists and antagonists. JihÉdis one such Qur’anic term. Today its meaning, purpose, and application appear confusing. The most popular import of this term is war against the enemies of Islam. Does this meaning of jihÉd commensurate with its Qur’anic usage? Or have Muslim scholars and commentators of the Qur’Én imposed their own idea of jihÉd in the minds of the people? To resolve this entangled and misunderstood Qur’anic usage of jihÉd in an objective manner is a big challenge to the Muslim scholars of the post-modern era. The word jihÉdhas occurred in the Qur’Én forty one times, eleven times in Makkan revelations and the remaining thirty times in Madinan revelations. It has been used in both noun and verb forms. In order to understand, and interpret the concept ofjihÉd in the Qur’Én, one has to read it within the contexts it has occurred. To read a statement in isolation of its context is in sheer contr...

Research paper thumbnail of Editor-in-Chief’s Note

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of qu... more Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of quality research papers in both Arabic and English. Research denotes thorough investigation into and deliberation over an issue with a view to developing a totally novel idea or suggesting new interpretation of the currently existing idea. Mere compilation of various views from different quarters, or collection of materials on the issue concerned, or translation of a known or unknown work into another language may not be considered by the academia research.This issue of JIA (December 2015) consists of ten (10) articles, five in Arabic and five in English. They are all of high standard. Authors and co-authors of these papers deserve special appreciation for their genuine efforts in producing extraordinarily valuable works. JIA Editorial Board hopes that researchers will continue their intellectual contributions to the Journal.JIA policy concerning citation of sources in the footnotes contin...

Research paper thumbnail of Qur’anic Interpretation and Phenomenon of Ellipsis and Brevity: A Critical Analysis (Tafsiran Al Quran dan Fenomena Elipsis dan Brevity: Analisis Kritikal)

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Scholars of Qur’anic Studies like al-ZarkashÊ (d.794 A.H.) and al-SuyËÏÊ (d.911 A.H.) have dealt ... more Scholars of Qur’anic Studies like al-ZarkashÊ (d.794 A.H.) and al-SuyËÏÊ (d.911 A.H.) have dealt in detail with Qur’anic ellipsis and brevity (Íadhf and ÊÉz) in their respective works on Qur’anic Studies. Commentators of the Qur’an like al-ÙabarÊ (d.310 A.H.), al-ZamakhsharÊ (d.538 A.H.), and al-RÉzÊ (d.606 A.H.) have identified phenomenon of ellipsis and brevity at several places in the Qur’an. Yet, this feature of the Qur’an could not get proper recognition in the methodology of Qur’anic interpretation. The Qur’an came down in the linguistic style of Arabs in general and Quraysh in particular who loved to apply ellipsis and brevity in their poetry and prose. Any poem or oration deplete with this style was not appreciated by Arabs. One of the main reasons for the Arabs’ acceptance of the Qur’an as the most effective and highly moving discourse was its brevity (ÊjÉz) due to the ellipsis (Íadhf) of details of the matter concerned. It seems then quite pertinent to interpret the Qur’an...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Entity and Attributes of God: An Islamic Perspective Mengenal pasti Entiti dan Sifat-Sifat Allah: Satu Perspektif Islam

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Concept of Supreme Being is as old as the human history itself. But the idea of entity and attrib... more Concept of Supreme Being is as old as the human history itself. But the idea of entity and attributes of that Being varies from culture to culture and religion to religion. Islam gives very vivid image of God, namely Allah in terms of His entity, attributes, and nature of relationships with the creature, including man. The Arabic word Allah denotes in English “The God”. He is Only One without any partner. He is totally unseen. He is the Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Controller of the entire universe. All that is in the earth and heavens belong to Him. Nothing is unto like Him. His power is infinite. He is as close to man as his jugular vein. He is the Most-Merciful, the Most-Beneficent. He is eternal with no beginning and end. He interacts with man and communicates to him every moment. He is Just and loves those who subscribe to justice. He has forbidden injustice for Himself as well as for man. He is Generous and commands man to interact with others generously. In order to be close...

Research paper thumbnail of El-Bika'i i Islahi / Al-Biqaʻi and and Iṣlāhī

Context: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 11, 2022

Naučnici prepoznaju da u Kur'anu postoji sistem koherencije i da svaki ajet, veći i manji, predst... more Naučnici prepoznaju da u Kur'anu postoji sistem koherencije i da svaki ajet, veći i manji, predstavlja integralnu jedinicu Kur'ana. Postoje samo dva cjelovita tefsira (egzegeze) Kur'ana zasnovana na principu koherencije. Jedan je na arapskom, a drugi na urdu. Komparativna analiza tih dvaju djela pokazuje da je koherencija u arapskoj egzegezi bila u svojoj formativnoj fazi i da je do pune forme razvijena u urdu egzegezi. Koherencija Kur'ana pronađena u ovim dvjema egzegezama zaslužuje bližu analizu jer može pomoći u obnovi grandioznog zdanja islamske misli i života. Jedna od metoda tumačenja kur'anskih ajeta (ajat) poznata je kao nazmu l-Kur'an (koherentnost u Kur'anu). Prema ovoj metodi, Kur'an se smatra integralnom cjelinom i svi su njegovi ajeti u svakom poglavlju (sura) koherentni i kohezivni. 2 Samo su dva učenjaka koristila ovaj metod u svom tumačenju čitavog Kur'ana: Ebu l-Hasan Ibrahim ibn Omer Burhanuddin el-Bika'i i Emin Ahsen Islahi. Prva egzegeza je na arapskom, a druga na urdu. Ova studija pokušava komparativno analizirati ova dva djela i identificirati metode koje su učenjaci koristili kako bi bolje razumjeli Kur'an.

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of Tafsir Methodology

~ Abstract: It is recognized by scholars that there is a system of coherence in the Qur>an and... more ~ Abstract: It is recognized by scholars that there is a system of coherence in the Qur>an and that each and every verse, large and small, constitutes an integralunit of the Qur>an. There are only two complete tafsir (exigesis) of the Qur>an based on the principle of coherence. One is in Arabic and the other is in Urdu. A comparative analysis of the two works shows that the coherence found in the Arabic exegesis was in its formative phase and that it was developed to its full form in the Urdu exigesis. The coherence in the Qur> an found in the two exigesisdeserves closer analysis as it may assist the rebuilding of the grand edifice ofIslamic thought and life.

Research paper thumbnail of نظم القرآن من حيث المنهج لتفسير القرآن الكريم: دراسة تحليلية لمبادئه

القرآن الكريم هو مصدر ومنبع ل لصول والمبادى لحياة الإنسان التي تضمن الفلاح في الدنيا والآخرة. فمن... more القرآن الكريم هو مصدر ومنبع ل لصول والمبادى لحياة الإنسان التي تضمن الفلاح في الدنيا والآخرة. فمن الطبيعي أن الإنسان يقرأ و يتدبر الكتاب المنزل من الله سبحانه و تعالى لكي يفهم آياته فه م ا صحي ح ا مع الوعي التام. ولذلك قام العلماء بتفسير القرآن الكريم في كل قرن من القرون منذ عهد الصحابة رض ي الله عنهم. فالآن توجد تفاسير في عدد هائل في لغات كثي رة. ولا يزال العلماء يفسرون القرآن الكريم بهدف إفهام الناس الرسالة السماوية التي هي تخاطبهم مباشرة وتعلمهم ما لم يعلم وا. وقد استخدم المفسرون في تفسير القرآن الكريم عدة مناهج، منها: المأثور و الإجتهادي والفقهي والعلمي و الإشاري و البدعي و غيرها. و لأجل ذلك وقع ا لاختلاف الشاسع والخلاف الشديد بين العلماء والفقهاء والمفسرين في فهم معنى القرآن الكريم. فتفرق المسلمون في العصر الراهن في فهم الآيات القرآنية وإمتثالهم بها. والسبيل الوحيد لإخراج المسلمين من هذالفخ هو إنشاء منهج لتفسير القرآن الكريم من جديد. لأن التركيز في معظم التفاسير هو على المفردات القرآنية، فيحتاج الإنسان إلى التركيز على القرآن كله وليس على جزء من أجزاء القرآن فحسب. وفي الواقع ا ل...

Research paper thumbnail of Editor-in-Chief’s Note

Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of qu... more Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of quality research papers in both Arabic and English. Research denotes thorough investigation into and deliberation over an issue with a view to developing a totally novel idea or suggesting new interpretation of the currently existing idea. Mere compilation of various views from different quarters, or collection of materials on the issue concerned, or translation of a known or unknown work into another language may not be considered by the academia research. This issue of JIA (December 2015) consists of ten (10) articles, five in Arabic and five in English. They are all of high standard. Authors and co-authors of these papers deserve special appreciation for their genuine efforts in producing extraordinarily valuable works. JIA Editorial Board hopes that researchers will continue their intellectual contributions to the Journal. JIA policy concerning citation of sources in the footnotes continually favored Chicago Library Manual. But keeping in view the contemporary and widely-recognized trend of APA system in researches, books, and articles, the Editorial Board of JIA has decided to honor both trends in citation Chicago Manual and APA. In this issue one English paper is based on APA system and the rest follow Chicago Manual style. We have made efforts; and it is Allah to render it fruitful. All praise is due to Allah alone.

Research paper thumbnail of IndentifyingMaqasid al-Qur’an: A Critical Analysis Of Rashid Riaz’sviews

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077), 2012

This articleexaminesMuÍammadRashid Rida’s (1865-1935 C.E.) views of Maqasid al-Qur’an.Rida’s work... more This articleexaminesMuÍammadRashid Rida’s (1865-1935 C.E.) views of Maqasid al-Qur’an.Rida’s work on this subject is one of a few rear pieces that comprehensively deal with this emerging distinctive concept of understanding the Qur’Énic discourse. Thus, it is significant to view RiÌÉ’s insight and contribution to this subject.This article presents a critical analysis of the ten main objectives of the Qur’an that he dealt with in his book al-WaÍy al-MuÍammadÊ as well as TafsÊr al-ManÉr. This study mainly explores the methodological and logical strength of RiÌÉ’s identification of objectives of the Qur’an.

Research paper thumbnail of كلمة رئيس التحرير

The Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, 2015

مجلة الإسلام في آسيا اهتمت منذ بدايتها في عام 2004 بنشر البحوث القيمة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزي... more مجلة الإسلام في آسيا اهتمت منذ بدايتها في عام 2004 بنشر البحوث القيمة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. والمقصود بالبحث الفحص الدقيق والتدبر العميق في القضية المختارة للتوصل إلى فكرة جديدة، أوشرح جديد لفكرة معروفة. فأهل العلم والمعرفة لا يعتبرون الاكتفاء بجمع الآراء المختلفة من عدة مصادر، أو جمع المادة المتعلقة بموضوع ما بحثا، وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لترجمة المؤلفات المعروفة وغير المعروفة. وهذا العدد للمجلة (ديسيمبر 2015) يشتمل على عشرة بحوث، خمسة بالعربية وخمسة بالإنجليزية، وجميعها بحوث قيمة ذات جودة عالية، لذلك استحق مؤلفوها الإشادة والتقدير. ويرجو أعضاء هيئة تحرير المجلة من الباحثين التكرم بالمواظبة على إرسال مساهماتهم العلمية للمجلة. وسياسة المجلة منذ البدايات الاعتماد على كتيب مكتبة شيكاغو فيما يتعلق بذكر المصادر في الحواشي. ولكن بالنظر إلى تزايد الاهتمام بنظام ما يعرف بـ: (APA Style) على المستوى العلمي في العالم فقد قررت هيئة التحرير اعتماد كلا النظامين: (شكاغو و (APA في أبحاث المجلة. وفي هذا العدد اتبع أحد المقالات الإنجليزية المنشورة نظام .APA والسعي منا والتوفيق من الله سبحانه وتعالى، ونحمده على ذلك حمدا طيبا.

Research paper thumbnail of Qur'anic concept of ideal human society

Research paper thumbnail of The Theory of Abrogation: A Critical Evaluation

Research paper thumbnail of Quranic studies : an introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Coherence in the qur'an: principles and applications

The differences and at times seemingly contradictory interpretation of Qurʾanic āyāt (verses) by ... more The differences and at times seemingly contradictory interpretation of Qurʾanic āyāt (verses) by scholars belies the notion that the Qurʾanic message is universal and relevant to all situations and settings. One reason for this problem is the erroneous belief that the Qurʾanic āyāt do not form an integral whole. It needs be emphasized that the Qurʾanic statements constitute an integral whole. To appreciate this integral aspect of the Qurʾanic statements, it is necessary to identify the linkages among āyāt of a surah (chapter) by following certain principles.

Research paper thumbnail of Arguments for abrogation in the Qur'an: A critique

Many Muslim scholars such as Abu ‘Ubayd (d.224 A.H.), al-Nahhaas (d.377 A.H.), Makki (d.437 A.H.)... more Many Muslim scholars such as Abu ‘Ubayd (d.224 A.H.), al-Nahhaas (d.377 A.H.), Makki (d.437 A.H.), Ibn al-‘Arabi (d543 A.H.), ibn al-Jawzi (d.597 A.H.), al-Zarkashi (d.794 A.H.), al-Suyuti (d.911 A.H.), al-Dehlawi (d.1176 A.H.), and al-Zurqani (d.1948 C.E.) have aggressively argued that some verses—ranging from five hundred to only five—of the Qur’an are practically invalid due to the apparent conflict between them and other verses on the same subject matter. The arguments are based on some Qur’anic verses, statements attributed to Companions, those ascribed to later generation scholars, claim about the existence of abrogated verses in the Qur’an, and the claim of Ijmaa‘ of the Muslim ummah. Some other Muslim scholars have argued to rebut the theory of abrogation in the Qur’an. The debate is still going on. The Muslim ummah stands confused over this issue. There is a need of looking at all the arguments advanced either in favor or against abrogation and analyzing them critically so ...

Research paper thumbnail of Amin Ahsan Islahi

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Amin Ahsan Islahi (1903-97), an illustrious Islamic scholar from India, is the author of the Urdu... more Amin Ahsan Islahi (1903-97), an illustrious Islamic scholar from India, is the author of the Urdu-language Tadabbur-e-Qur’an, the first tafs¥r of its kind. In it, he has applied a unique method of interpreting the revealed words that, he rightly claims, he actually borrowed from his great teacher `Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi (1861-1930). According to him, this methodology leads to the unity of meaning and hence to the unity of thought. Its salient feature is what he refers to as “coherence in the Qur’an” (na`m al-Qur’OEn). Identifying the coherence between the Qur’an’s verses enables the commentator to establish cohesion among apparently conflicting passages within a s´rah. Coherence is not merely an academic witticism (la‹¥fah `ilm¥yah); rather, it is an intellectual endeavor (al-sa`y¥ al-`ilm¥) based on the Qur’anic principle of deliberation (al-tadabbur) to apply certain rules to the text in order to unfold the truth enshrined in the divine statements. Islahi’s work is a methodologica...

Research paper thumbnail of The Authentication of Hadith

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Muslim scholars deserve appreciation for their invaluable contribution toward preserving the hadi... more Muslim scholars deserve appreciation for their invaluable contribution toward preserving the hadith literature’s authenticity. However, much more needs to be done to further strengthen its authenticity. Such great hadith authorities as Malik ibn Anas (d. 179 AH), Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 AH), al-Darimi (d. 255 AH), al-Bukhari (d. 256 AH), Muslim (d. 261 AH), Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH), Abu Da’ud (d. 275 AH), al-Tirmidhi (d. 279 AH), al-Nasa’I (d. 303 AH), al-Darqutni (d. 385 AH), and al-Bayhaqi (d. 457 AH) did their best to identify original, authentic, and valid versions of the hadiths, mainly through verifying the chain of narrators (sanad). However, they did not check the text (matn) with the same zeal. This remains the case today, even to the extent that scrutinizing the text scrutiny is considered forbidden. While further verification of hadiths is still needed, this “closed door” toward verifying the text’s validity must be opened. The present article represents an attempt to redef...

Research paper thumbnail of Classification of Abrogation in the Qur’an

American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences

Most classical-era Qur’anic studies scholars, among then Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam (d. 224 A... more Most classical-era Qur’anic studies scholars, among then Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam (d. 224 AH), Makki ibn Abi Talib (d. 437 AH), Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH), Badr al-Din al- Zarkashi (d. 794 AH), and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH) were enthusiastic supporters of the theory of abrogation. They claimed that the Qur’an contains three types of abrogation1: suspension of certain verses’ practical dimension only, expurgation of both the verses and their rulings, and exclusion of the verses even though their rulings are still valid. To substantiate their approach, they advanced hadiths comprising statements supposedly made by both the Companions (Sahabah) and the Followers (Tabi`un). A rational and critical scrutiny of these hadiths will reveal whether they can form the basis of such arguments. I will check the nature of these hadiths’ chains of narrators and weigh the views attributed to early Muslim scholars against reason. As regards the first category, several of my...

Research paper thumbnail of Ramadan: A Soul-Searching and Ethical-Mentoring Month for the Entire Muslim Ummah

The Journal of Social Sciences Research

Indeed, Islamic worships encourage the spiritual and ethical domains of human life. The main obje... more Indeed, Islamic worships encourage the spiritual and ethical domains of human life. The main objective of Islamic worship is the attainment of the state of righteousness (taqwa) to become closer to Allah Almighty. The human being, with overall nature and inbuilt system, invariably needs refurbishing of thoughts and renewal of behavioral strengths. For that matter, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Provider, the Controller of the universe, Allah Almighty has prescribed, among other worships, the entire month of Ramadan as that of fasting to achieve the goal. Ramadan offers opportunities for those who fast to get closer to Allah, beseech Him earnestly, internalize the messages of the Qur’an, develop themselves intellectually, accustomed to looking at the things critically, seek His forgiveness, orientate themselves morally, treat the beloved ones with love and compassion, and remember those in the society who were left behind in the material competition. With this training availed in th...

Research paper thumbnail of Muslim Scholars’ Contribution in Hadith Authentication

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

During and after the caliphate of the third Caliph, ‘UthmÉn ibn ‘AffÉn people from different back... more During and after the caliphate of the third Caliph, ‘UthmÉn ibn ‘AffÉn people from different backgrounds and persuasions with criminal mentality tried to corrupt the ×adÊth of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Muslim scholars, on the other hand, did not remain silent spectators of the alarming situation; they rose to the occasion and did all that they could to preserve the authenticity and sanctity of sayings of the Prophet (s.a.w.). This preservation and authentication were ensured from both angles, chain of the reporters, and text of the report. This paper represents a humble attempt to introduce contributions of some scholars in the past as well as today towards authentication of ×adÊth.

Research paper thumbnail of Jihad as an Essential Principle of Human Life An Understanding from the Qur’anic Perspective

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Many a Qur’anic concept has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by both protagonists and antago... more Many a Qur’anic concept has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by both protagonists and antagonists. JihÉdis one such Qur’anic term. Today its meaning, purpose, and application appear confusing. The most popular import of this term is war against the enemies of Islam. Does this meaning of jihÉd commensurate with its Qur’anic usage? Or have Muslim scholars and commentators of the Qur’Én imposed their own idea of jihÉd in the minds of the people? To resolve this entangled and misunderstood Qur’anic usage of jihÉd in an objective manner is a big challenge to the Muslim scholars of the post-modern era. The word jihÉdhas occurred in the Qur’Én forty one times, eleven times in Makkan revelations and the remaining thirty times in Madinan revelations. It has been used in both noun and verb forms. In order to understand, and interpret the concept ofjihÉd in the Qur’Én, one has to read it within the contexts it has occurred. To read a statement in isolation of its context is in sheer contr...

Research paper thumbnail of Editor-in-Chief’s Note

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of qu... more Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) is devoted right from its first issue in 2004 to publication of quality research papers in both Arabic and English. Research denotes thorough investigation into and deliberation over an issue with a view to developing a totally novel idea or suggesting new interpretation of the currently existing idea. Mere compilation of various views from different quarters, or collection of materials on the issue concerned, or translation of a known or unknown work into another language may not be considered by the academia research.This issue of JIA (December 2015) consists of ten (10) articles, five in Arabic and five in English. They are all of high standard. Authors and co-authors of these papers deserve special appreciation for their genuine efforts in producing extraordinarily valuable works. JIA Editorial Board hopes that researchers will continue their intellectual contributions to the Journal.JIA policy concerning citation of sources in the footnotes contin...

Research paper thumbnail of Qur’anic Interpretation and Phenomenon of Ellipsis and Brevity: A Critical Analysis (Tafsiran Al Quran dan Fenomena Elipsis dan Brevity: Analisis Kritikal)

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Scholars of Qur’anic Studies like al-ZarkashÊ (d.794 A.H.) and al-SuyËÏÊ (d.911 A.H.) have dealt ... more Scholars of Qur’anic Studies like al-ZarkashÊ (d.794 A.H.) and al-SuyËÏÊ (d.911 A.H.) have dealt in detail with Qur’anic ellipsis and brevity (Íadhf and ÊÉz) in their respective works on Qur’anic Studies. Commentators of the Qur’an like al-ÙabarÊ (d.310 A.H.), al-ZamakhsharÊ (d.538 A.H.), and al-RÉzÊ (d.606 A.H.) have identified phenomenon of ellipsis and brevity at several places in the Qur’an. Yet, this feature of the Qur’an could not get proper recognition in the methodology of Qur’anic interpretation. The Qur’an came down in the linguistic style of Arabs in general and Quraysh in particular who loved to apply ellipsis and brevity in their poetry and prose. Any poem or oration deplete with this style was not appreciated by Arabs. One of the main reasons for the Arabs’ acceptance of the Qur’an as the most effective and highly moving discourse was its brevity (ÊjÉz) due to the ellipsis (Íadhf) of details of the matter concerned. It seems then quite pertinent to interpret the Qur’an...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Entity and Attributes of God: An Islamic Perspective Mengenal pasti Entiti dan Sifat-Sifat Allah: Satu Perspektif Islam

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077)

Concept of Supreme Being is as old as the human history itself. But the idea of entity and attrib... more Concept of Supreme Being is as old as the human history itself. But the idea of entity and attributes of that Being varies from culture to culture and religion to religion. Islam gives very vivid image of God, namely Allah in terms of His entity, attributes, and nature of relationships with the creature, including man. The Arabic word Allah denotes in English “The God”. He is Only One without any partner. He is totally unseen. He is the Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Controller of the entire universe. All that is in the earth and heavens belong to Him. Nothing is unto like Him. His power is infinite. He is as close to man as his jugular vein. He is the Most-Merciful, the Most-Beneficent. He is eternal with no beginning and end. He interacts with man and communicates to him every moment. He is Just and loves those who subscribe to justice. He has forbidden injustice for Himself as well as for man. He is Generous and commands man to interact with others generously. In order to be close...