Ivan Baljosevic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivan Baljosevic
Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society, Jan 3, 2015
There are only eight published cases of symplastic hemangioma (SH), a relatively recently describ... more There are only eight published cases of symplastic hemangioma (SH), a relatively recently described, distinct benign entity characterized by pleomorphic vascular smooth muscle and interstitial cells in a pre-existing, long-standing vascular lesion. Seven of them were of cutaneous location, and one was described in the mediastinum. We report a case of the twelve-year-old girl with a nasopharyngeal tumor mass with prominent symplastic changes arising in the background of a combined capillary arteriovenous malformation. After critical analysis of all published cases of SH it is clear that these lesions commonly represent capillary arteriovenous malformations (CAVM) with ancient/symplastic change according to current terminology proposed in the classification required by the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA). This is the first such lesion reported in a mucosal location and presenting in the pediatric age group. CAVM with ancient/symplastic change follows ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
Background/Aim. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a common disease among the children aged from... more Background/Aim. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a common disease among the children aged from 6 months to 4 years, but recurrences are common after the extraction of ventilation tubes. The aim of the study was to determine the risk factors for recurrent OME after extraction of ventilation tubes. Methods. The research was a prospective study with 305 children aged 0 to 10 years with OME. Forty three (14%) of them had recurrent OME. We analyzed the factors that could lead to the redevelopment of the disease after extrusion of the tubes. Results. It was found that the majority of children with recurrent disease was between the ages of 5 to 7 years (56%) and had allergy in significantly higher rate than children without recurrence. In most cases (37.7%), the retention time of ventilating tube was above 10 months and the recurrent disease was diagnosed in 46.5% cases within a period of 10 to 12 months after extrusion of tubes. Conclusion. Children with OME and after ventilation tube extrusion need to be followed up for 1 year after the removal of tubes. It is necessary to inform the parents that the disease can recur. Children in the kindergarten, in preschool age and with a respiratory allergy had higher possibility for recurrent OME.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2014
Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Th... more Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). The symptoms are atypical and minimal. The aim of this multicenter retrospective descriptive study was to define this extremely rare condition and its clinical presentation, diagnosis and management. Methods. We analyzed data files for a 15- year period in 4 tertiary otology centers and discovered 6 patients with the diagnosis of CC of the mastoid. Results. The clinical presentation of CC varied from incidental findings in patient to patient with otogenic meningitis. The most common findings during surgical procedures were mastoid cortex erosion, sigmoid plate dehiscence, dural exposure and external canal wall destruction. Conclusion. CC of mastoid origin tends to occur in adult patients probably because of minimal symptoms and the delayed diagnosis. It can exist for years in a nonaggressive state and develop to giant sizes. In children it is almost incidentally diagnosed. Early imaging is...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2014
Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Th... more Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). The symptoms are atypical and minimal. The aim of this multicenter retrospective descriptive study was to define this extremely rare condition and its clinical presentation, diagnosis and management. Methods. We analyzed data files for a 15- year period in 4 tertiary otology centers and discovered 6 patients with the diagnosis of CC of the mastoid. Results. The clinical presentation of CC varied from incidental findings in patient to patient with otogenic meningitis. The most common findings during surgical procedures were mastoid cortex erosion, sigmoid plate dehiscence, dural exposure and external canal wall destruction. Conclusion. CC of mastoid origin tends to occur in adult patients probably because of minimal symptoms and the delayed diagnosis. It can exist for years in a nonaggressive state and develop to giant sizes. In children it is almost incidentally diagnosed. Early imaging is...
Etiopathogenetically, there are two types of chollesteatomas: congenital, and acquired. Numerous ... more Etiopathogenetically, there are two types of chollesteatomas: congenital, and acquired. Numerous theories in the literature try to explain the nature of the disease, however, the question about cholesteatomas remain still unanswered. The aim of the study was to present a case of external ear canal cholesteatoma (EEC) developed following microsurgery (ventilation tube insertion and mastoidectomy), as well as to point ant possible mechanisms if its development. Case report. A 16-yearold boy presented a 4-month sense of fullness in the ear and otalgia on the left side. A year before, mastoidectomy and posterior atticotomy were performed with ventilation tube placement due to acute purulent mastoiditis. Diagnosis was based on otoscopy examination, audiology and computed tomography (CT) findings. CT showed an obliterative soft-tissue mass completely filled the external ear canal with associated erosion of subjacent the bone. There were squamous epithelial links between the canal cholesteatoma and lateral tympanic membrane surface.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2008
Uvod Hro nič no gnoj no za pa qe we sred weg uva (hro nič ni gnoj ni oti tis -HGO) je jed na od n... more Uvod Hro nič no gnoj no za pa qe we sred weg uva (hro nič ni gnoj ni oti tis -HGO) je jed na od naj če šćih hro nič nih in fekci ja kod de ce, ka ko u raz vi je nim, ta ko i u ze mqa ma u raz vo ju. Ja vqa se u dva ob li ka: s ho le ste a to mom ili bez we ga. Ciq rada Ciq ra da je bio da se uka že na od li ke HGO kod de ce i mo gu će na či ne we go vog le če wa. Metod rada Re tro spek tiv no is tra ži va we je ob u hva ti lo 92 de te ta uzrasta od dve godine do 16 godina ko ja su u pe rio du 2000-2005. go di ne le če na od HGO i pra te ćih oto ge nih kom pli ka ci ja. Di jag no za je po sta vqe na na osno vu kli ničkih simp to ma bo le sti i oto skop skog i oto mi kro skop skog pre gle da. Lečewe je ob u hva ti lo su zbi ja we pa to lo škog proce sa, re kon struk ci ju slu šnog lan ca i spre ča va we raz vo ja re ci di va bo le sti. Rezultati Ispi ta ni ci, kod ko jih je oba vqe no ukup no 111 hi rur ških in ter ven ci ja, svr sta ni su u dve gru pe: pr vu je čini lo 48 bo le sni ka kod ko jih je di jag no sti ko van HGO bez ho le ste a to ma i kod ko jih je ura đe no 56 hi rur ških in ter venci ja, a dru gu 44 de te ta ko ja su bo lo va la od HGO s ho le ste a to mom i kod ko jih je ura đe no 55 ope ra ci ja. U pr voj gru pi masto i dek to mi ja je pri me we na kod 17 de ce (32,5%), ma sto i dek to mi ja i zad wa ati ko to mi ja kod pet bo le sni ka (9,5%), mirin go pla sti ka kod 22 (35,8%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip II kod pe to ro de ce (9,5%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip III kod tri is pi tani ka (5,6%), a tim pa no ma sto i dek to mi ja kod če ti ri bo le sni ka (7,1%). U dru goj gru pi ura đe no je 47 ope ra ci ja u pr vom aktu, i to za tvo re na teh ni ka kod 17, a otvo re na kod 30 bo le sni ka. Tim pa no pla sti ka tip III i tim pa no ma sto i dek to mi ja su pri me we ne kod po 17 de ce (30,9%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip II kod de vet bo le sni ka (16,4%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip IV kod 10 bo le sni ka (18,2%), a ma sto i dek to mi ja kod dva de te ta (3,6%). Re ci div bo le sti je za be le žen kod pet bo le sni ka kod ko ja je pri me we na za tvo re na hi rur ška teh ni ka (29,4%), od no sno kod tri bo le sni ka kod ko ja je pri me we na otvo re na teh nika (10,3%). Kod dva de te ta je di jag no sti ko van obo stra ni ho le ste a tom. Zakqučak Da qa is tra ži va wa bi tre ba lo usme ri ti ka pre po zna va wu fak to ra ri zi ka i pa to ge ne zi HGO. Lečewe HGO je i da qe kon tro verz no, ali bi hi no lon ske ka pi mo gle da bu du obe ća va ju ća op ci ja. Glav ni ciq u le če wu ho le ste a to ma tre ba lo bi da bu de usa vr ša va we otvo re ne hi rur ške teh ni ke u smi slu pre ven ci je na stan ka re trak ci o nog xe pa, smawe wa pro cen ta re zi du al nog ili ate lek ta tič kog pro ce sa i po boq ša we sta wa ču la slu ha.
Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society, Jan 3, 2015
There are only eight published cases of symplastic hemangioma (SH), a relatively recently describ... more There are only eight published cases of symplastic hemangioma (SH), a relatively recently described, distinct benign entity characterized by pleomorphic vascular smooth muscle and interstitial cells in a pre-existing, long-standing vascular lesion. Seven of them were of cutaneous location, and one was described in the mediastinum. We report a case of the twelve-year-old girl with a nasopharyngeal tumor mass with prominent symplastic changes arising in the background of a combined capillary arteriovenous malformation. After critical analysis of all published cases of SH it is clear that these lesions commonly represent capillary arteriovenous malformations (CAVM) with ancient/symplastic change according to current terminology proposed in the classification required by the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA). This is the first such lesion reported in a mucosal location and presenting in the pediatric age group. CAVM with ancient/symplastic change follows ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
Background/Aim. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a common disease among the children aged from... more Background/Aim. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a common disease among the children aged from 6 months to 4 years, but recurrences are common after the extraction of ventilation tubes. The aim of the study was to determine the risk factors for recurrent OME after extraction of ventilation tubes. Methods. The research was a prospective study with 305 children aged 0 to 10 years with OME. Forty three (14%) of them had recurrent OME. We analyzed the factors that could lead to the redevelopment of the disease after extrusion of the tubes. Results. It was found that the majority of children with recurrent disease was between the ages of 5 to 7 years (56%) and had allergy in significantly higher rate than children without recurrence. In most cases (37.7%), the retention time of ventilating tube was above 10 months and the recurrent disease was diagnosed in 46.5% cases within a period of 10 to 12 months after extrusion of tubes. Conclusion. Children with OME and after ventilation tube extrusion need to be followed up for 1 year after the removal of tubes. It is necessary to inform the parents that the disease can recur. Children in the kindergarten, in preschool age and with a respiratory allergy had higher possibility for recurrent OME.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2014
Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Th... more Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). The symptoms are atypical and minimal. The aim of this multicenter retrospective descriptive study was to define this extremely rare condition and its clinical presentation, diagnosis and management. Methods. We analyzed data files for a 15- year period in 4 tertiary otology centers and discovered 6 patients with the diagnosis of CC of the mastoid. Results. The clinical presentation of CC varied from incidental findings in patient to patient with otogenic meningitis. The most common findings during surgical procedures were mastoid cortex erosion, sigmoid plate dehiscence, dural exposure and external canal wall destruction. Conclusion. CC of mastoid origin tends to occur in adult patients probably because of minimal symptoms and the delayed diagnosis. It can exist for years in a nonaggressive state and develop to giant sizes. In children it is almost incidentally diagnosed. Early imaging is...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2014
Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). Th... more Background/Aim. The mastoid is the rarest site for the onset of congenital cholesteatoma (CC). The symptoms are atypical and minimal. The aim of this multicenter retrospective descriptive study was to define this extremely rare condition and its clinical presentation, diagnosis and management. Methods. We analyzed data files for a 15- year period in 4 tertiary otology centers and discovered 6 patients with the diagnosis of CC of the mastoid. Results. The clinical presentation of CC varied from incidental findings in patient to patient with otogenic meningitis. The most common findings during surgical procedures were mastoid cortex erosion, sigmoid plate dehiscence, dural exposure and external canal wall destruction. Conclusion. CC of mastoid origin tends to occur in adult patients probably because of minimal symptoms and the delayed diagnosis. It can exist for years in a nonaggressive state and develop to giant sizes. In children it is almost incidentally diagnosed. Early imaging is...
Etiopathogenetically, there are two types of chollesteatomas: congenital, and acquired. Numerous ... more Etiopathogenetically, there are two types of chollesteatomas: congenital, and acquired. Numerous theories in the literature try to explain the nature of the disease, however, the question about cholesteatomas remain still unanswered. The aim of the study was to present a case of external ear canal cholesteatoma (EEC) developed following microsurgery (ventilation tube insertion and mastoidectomy), as well as to point ant possible mechanisms if its development. Case report. A 16-yearold boy presented a 4-month sense of fullness in the ear and otalgia on the left side. A year before, mastoidectomy and posterior atticotomy were performed with ventilation tube placement due to acute purulent mastoiditis. Diagnosis was based on otoscopy examination, audiology and computed tomography (CT) findings. CT showed an obliterative soft-tissue mass completely filled the external ear canal with associated erosion of subjacent the bone. There were squamous epithelial links between the canal cholesteatoma and lateral tympanic membrane surface.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2008
Uvod Hro nič no gnoj no za pa qe we sred weg uva (hro nič ni gnoj ni oti tis -HGO) je jed na od n... more Uvod Hro nič no gnoj no za pa qe we sred weg uva (hro nič ni gnoj ni oti tis -HGO) je jed na od naj če šćih hro nič nih in fekci ja kod de ce, ka ko u raz vi je nim, ta ko i u ze mqa ma u raz vo ju. Ja vqa se u dva ob li ka: s ho le ste a to mom ili bez we ga. Ciq rada Ciq ra da je bio da se uka že na od li ke HGO kod de ce i mo gu će na či ne we go vog le če wa. Metod rada Re tro spek tiv no is tra ži va we je ob u hva ti lo 92 de te ta uzrasta od dve godine do 16 godina ko ja su u pe rio du 2000-2005. go di ne le če na od HGO i pra te ćih oto ge nih kom pli ka ci ja. Di jag no za je po sta vqe na na osno vu kli ničkih simp to ma bo le sti i oto skop skog i oto mi kro skop skog pre gle da. Lečewe je ob u hva ti lo su zbi ja we pa to lo škog proce sa, re kon struk ci ju slu šnog lan ca i spre ča va we raz vo ja re ci di va bo le sti. Rezultati Ispi ta ni ci, kod ko jih je oba vqe no ukup no 111 hi rur ških in ter ven ci ja, svr sta ni su u dve gru pe: pr vu je čini lo 48 bo le sni ka kod ko jih je di jag no sti ko van HGO bez ho le ste a to ma i kod ko jih je ura đe no 56 hi rur ških in ter venci ja, a dru gu 44 de te ta ko ja su bo lo va la od HGO s ho le ste a to mom i kod ko jih je ura đe no 55 ope ra ci ja. U pr voj gru pi masto i dek to mi ja je pri me we na kod 17 de ce (32,5%), ma sto i dek to mi ja i zad wa ati ko to mi ja kod pet bo le sni ka (9,5%), mirin go pla sti ka kod 22 (35,8%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip II kod pe to ro de ce (9,5%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip III kod tri is pi tani ka (5,6%), a tim pa no ma sto i dek to mi ja kod če ti ri bo le sni ka (7,1%). U dru goj gru pi ura đe no je 47 ope ra ci ja u pr vom aktu, i to za tvo re na teh ni ka kod 17, a otvo re na kod 30 bo le sni ka. Tim pa no pla sti ka tip III i tim pa no ma sto i dek to mi ja su pri me we ne kod po 17 de ce (30,9%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip II kod de vet bo le sni ka (16,4%), tim pa no pla sti ka tip IV kod 10 bo le sni ka (18,2%), a ma sto i dek to mi ja kod dva de te ta (3,6%). Re ci div bo le sti je za be le žen kod pet bo le sni ka kod ko ja je pri me we na za tvo re na hi rur ška teh ni ka (29,4%), od no sno kod tri bo le sni ka kod ko ja je pri me we na otvo re na teh nika (10,3%). Kod dva de te ta je di jag no sti ko van obo stra ni ho le ste a tom. Zakqučak Da qa is tra ži va wa bi tre ba lo usme ri ti ka pre po zna va wu fak to ra ri zi ka i pa to ge ne zi HGO. Lečewe HGO je i da qe kon tro verz no, ali bi hi no lon ske ka pi mo gle da bu du obe ća va ju ća op ci ja. Glav ni ciq u le če wu ho le ste a to ma tre ba lo bi da bu de usa vr ša va we otvo re ne hi rur ške teh ni ke u smi slu pre ven ci je na stan ka re trak ci o nog xe pa, smawe wa pro cen ta re zi du al nog ili ate lek ta tič kog pro ce sa i po boq ša we sta wa ču la slu ha.