Ivar Leimus - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivar Leimus
Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini, 2012
Культурный код
The territory of the Perm Krai is a significant region in Eurasia in terms of the number, types a... more The territory of the Perm Krai is a significant region in Eurasia in terms of the number, types and uniqueness of numismatic finds from the early Middle Ages of the pre-Mongol era; the specifics, geography and commodity groups entering the Kama region in exchange for numismatic material are revealed; facts on discovered treasures, finds, individual coins are given; the significance and uniqueness of the Volga-Kama hydrographic network, a priori determined the formation of ancient trade routes from the Kama region in the north, to Central Asia, the Middle East, the Black Sea region, etc. The role and importance of Volga Bulgaria in the formation of trade routes and medieval trade is shown. A description of a unique coin hoard in the village of Gorbunovo (village of Redikor, Cherdynsky city district, Perm Krai) is given; its primary attribution and refined definition in our days are described; the age, geography and dynastic affiliation of coins are established, a chronology in the fo...
This paper deals with the problems of coinage in medieval Courland. The aim of the study is to da... more This paper deals with the problems of coinage in medieval Courland. The aim of the study is to date the launch of minting, locate the mint(s) and reveal the monetary system and minting standard. Although the data available are extremely limited, a comparative study of written and numismatic sources has provided provisional results. Also, a new hypothesis about the origins of a local monetary unit known as the osering is presented. Finally, the role of Westphalia merchants in the colonisation of and their route to Courland are discussed in the light of the coin finds.
Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2015
Some Russian monetary terms, adapted by Hanseatic merchants trading with Novgorod, are discussed ... more Some Russian monetary terms, adapted by Hanseatic merchants trading with Novgorod, are discussed in the paper. According to some data from the 14th-15th centuries a silver ingot (a rouble) was divided into 60 zolotniks, not 48, as was the case later. Also, zolotnik was not only a weight unit, but also a monetary one. Further, the meaning of the terms marthoubt (marten’s head, i. e. mordka) and mark schin is analysed. Mordka could mean a Livonian artig of the early 15th century. Mark schin, in turn, was a unit of account used by Germans for a grivna of coins. At the beginning of the 15th century a mark schin comprised 28 mordkasartigs but due to Novgorod implementing its own coinage in 1420 it then equated to 14 dengas. Finally, the stuck sulvers turned from an ingot into a unit of accounting of 216 dengas during the 15th century (no later than 1487). Thus, by the end of the 15th century the following monetary system of Novgorod, adapted by Hanseatic merchants, had arisen: 1 rouble (...
On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of s... more On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of silver jewellery and fragments of hand-moulded ceramic vessel, was brought to the Institute of History, University of Tallinn (Figs 1; 2: 1–8). This remarkable discovery had been made a day earlier in a recently harvested field in the village of Linnakse (North-Estonia, county of Anija) using a metal detector. The finder of the hoard also handed over a number of bronze and iron artefacts from three different periods: the Roman, the Middle and the Late Iron Age. The artefacts, all of them with marks of intentional damage or fire deformation, had been found in the same field 20–50 m south of the find-spot of the hoard. The exact circumstances of the discovery remained unclear due to the urgent need to excavate the silver hoard. Therefore it was decided to proceed with archaeological investigation, including landscape survey and trial excavations, at the site.
Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2021
In 2018-2019 at least 35 000 finds were revealed on the plot at Jahu 6 in the medieval and early ... more In 2018-2019 at least 35 000 finds were revealed on the plot at Jahu 6 in the medieval and early modern Kalamaja suburb of Tallinn, which had been brought to the disposal area together with waste and garbage from the city surrounded by the city wall. In addition, 249 coins from the 14th-15th century were found. The latter are mostly Livonian coins, first and foremost from Tallinn, less from Tartu and Riga because foreign coins constituted only 2.4 per cent. The most common denomination is pfennig. The composition of the coin assemblage confirms, with regard to its origin and nominal distribution, the previous knowledge of coin circulation in the 15th-century Livonia based on the comparative analysis of coin hoards and written sources. The fact that the temporal distribution of coins in the upper and deeper layers is rather even suggests that most of the garbage had been deposed over a rather short period of time in 1470-1480. It seems that garbage disposal may have ended some time before 1490. The garbage layer also revealed three counterfeit coins from an alloy of tin and lead, which imitate 15th-century Tallinn small change. Other interesting finds from the garbage layer include two tokens from an alloy of tin and lead-one of them granted the right to grind grain and the other probably malt in the mills owned by the City of Tallinn.
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2014
Liivimaa keskaegne kaalude-mõõtude süsteem on tänini üpris halvasti tuntud. Ainus eestikeelne ja ... more Liivimaa keskaegne kaalude-mõõtude süsteem on tänini üpris halvasti tuntud. Ainus eestikeelne ja kokkuvõtlik üldkäsitlus sellest pärineb Erik Tenderi sulest ja ilmus juba aastal 1937. 1 Kõige põhjalikumalt on nende küsimustega tegelenud läti ajaloolane Jānis Zemzaris, kelle monograafia on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul jäänud ainukeseks teoseks, milles lähemalt vaadeldakse Lätis kasutusel olnud kaalu-ja mõõduühikuid 13.-19. sajandini. 2 Allikate vähesusest tulenevalt on keskajale pühendatud osa tema raamatus aga jäänud küllaltki napiks. Hiljem on hansaruumi kaaludel-mõõtudel oma monograafias pikemalt peatunud Thomas Wolf. 3 Tuleb möönda, et vahepealse aja jooksul pole allikaid keskaegse Liivimaa metroloogia uurimiseks juurde tulnud. Sellest hoolimata väärivad needki vähesed teadaolevad ülevaatamist, seda enam, et läti keele nüansid jäävad eesti lugejal enamasti tabamata. Keskaegse Liivimaa kaalusüsteemi aluseks oli marknael (mlb). 20 marknaela moodustas leisika (llb) ehk Liivi naela, 20 leisikat laevanaela (slb). 4 Marknaela aluseks omakorda oli hõbeda kaalumiseks tarvitatud Riia mark. Selle etalon pole paraku säilinud ja täpne mass on teadmata. Kuid Riia marga kaalu lubab välja arvutada märkus Dünamünde kloostri ostumüügilepingus 1305. aastast, mille kohaselt Kölni mark vastas 9/8 Riia Artikkel valmis Eesti Teadusagentuuri projekti IUT 18-8 raames.
Die baltischen Länder und Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2015
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2013
Hindadest Tallinnas 15. sajandil Ivar L eimus Majandusajalugu moodustab omamoodi silla ajaloo-ja ... more Hindadest Tallinnas 15. sajandil Ivar L eimus Majandusajalugu moodustab omamoodi silla ajaloo-ja majandusteaduse vahel. Hindade-palkade uurimine on üks majandusajaloolaste peamisi töösuundi, mis võimaldab andmeid muu hulgas ka kvantitatiivselt töödelda (kliomeetria). Mujal maailmas hakati hindade-palkade väljaselgitamisega intensiivselt tegelema enne Teist maailmasõda, mõnel pool juba 19. sajandil. Olemasolev historiograafi a on nii laialdane, et puudub vähimgi võimalus seda siinkohal viitama hakata. Spetsiifi liselt keskaja hindu on käsitletud vähem, ja seda lihtsal põhjusel. Enamikes Euroopa maades pole selleks piisavalt allikaid. Erandi selles suhtes moodustavad vaid Itaalia, Inglismaa ning Madalmaad. 1 Neist kaks viimast on olulised ka keskaegse Liivimaa majandusajaloo seisukohalt. Saksamaalt on andmeid juba märgatavalt vähem, seda isegi Lübecki ja Preisimaa kohta, kõnelemata Skandinaaviamaadest. 2 Lisaks tuleb keskaja hindade uurijal silmas pidada, et tegemist on statistikaeelse ajastuga, mil ei koostatud ulatuslikke hinnaülevaateid. Keskaja hinnad olid sesoonsed, sõltusid saagikusest jm ning võisid isegi ühe aasta lõikes tugevasti kõikuda. Oluline on hindade tõlgendamisel arvestada infl atsiooni, mistõttu tuleb eristada ühelt poolt nominaal-, teisalt aga raha väärismetallisisaldusel põhinevaid reaalhindu. Mis puudutab keskaegset Liivimaad, siis Tallinna sisse-ja väljaveosaaduste hindu 16. sajandil (kuni Liivimaa sõjani) on kaupmeeste arveraamatute põhjal kokkuvõtvalt käsitlenud Gunnar Mickwitz. 3 Andes Tallinna Käesolev artikkel on valminud Anu Männi juhitava sihtfi nantseeritava teadusteema SF0130019s08 "Kristianiseerimine, koloniseerimine ja kultuurivahetus: Eesti Euroopaidentiteedi ajaloolised lätted (13.-17. sajand)" raames.
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2010
This volume is the proceeding of a workshop held in cooperation with the Estonian History Museum ... more This volume is the proceeding of a workshop held in cooperation with the Estonian History Museum and the Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History of Tallinn University, 5-7 September 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia. In order to make coins, metal was first needed. Besides gold and silver, copper has also been significantly used as coinage metal of lesser value. Many countries did not have their own metal resources for a long time and were completely dependent on exports. Thus, all coinage metals had to be transported from producers to end users. At this point, merchants took over. The bigger the economy, the bigger its need for money. The attitudes of nations towards their monetary policy have been extremely diverse. Whereas England tried to sustain silver coinage, Sweden and Spain minted mainly pure copper in the 17th century. The heavy, inconvenient coins and increasing expenditures caused the introduction of paper money in Europe. The 18th–19th century saw the triumph of copper ...
On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of s... more On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of silver jewellery and fragments of hand-moulded ceramic vessel, was brought to the Institute of History, University of Tallinn (Figs 1; 2: 1–8). This remarkable discovery had been made a day earlier in a recently harvested field in the village of Linnakse (North-Estonia, county of Anija) using a metal detector. The finder of the hoard also handed over a number of bronze and iron artefacts from three different periods: the Roman, the Middle and the Late Iron Age. The artefacts, all of them with marks of intentional damage or fire deformation, had been found in the same field 20–50 m south of the find-spot of the hoard. The exact circumstances of the discovery remained unclear due to the urgent need to excavate the silver hoard. Therefore it was decided to proceed with archaeological investigation, including landscape survey and trial excavations, at the site.
Silver, Butter, Cloth, 2018
This chapter presents in full the small gold hoard from Essu, north-east Estonia, on the Vikings’... more This chapter presents in full the small gold hoard from Essu, north-east Estonia, on the Vikings’ Austrvegr (eastern route). The hoard was found in a peat bog in the nineteenth century, and comprised six gold pendants dating to around the last quarter of the ninth century. This chapter provides a detailed analysis of the six pendants—one Arabic dinar-pendant and five pendants decorated with filigree and granulation—discussing their decoration and cultural parallels. Results from recent Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analysis cast new light on the pendants’ production, alloy content, and use-wear. It is suggested that the filigree pendants were manufactured within Scandinavia and originally formed part of an elaborate female necklace, while the dinar-pendant reached Estonia via the Nordic countries. Overall, the hoard illustrates the prominence of gold within the Viking Age display economy. The chapter concludes by discussing the significa...
Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia 2020, 2021
The hoard was found with a metal detector. The coins were found spread in a 3 × 3 m area and buri... more The hoard was found with a metal detector. The coins were found spread in a 3 × 3 m area and buried under a 2-25 cm layer of soil. The hoard contains 76 coins: 1 Abbasid, 63 Samanid, 2 Samanid governors of Khurasan, 9 Volga-Bulgarian dirhams and a counterfeit coin. The most recent coin bears the year 331 AH (= 942/3 AD).
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, Oct 13, 2014
Allikas ja kommentaar Kalakaupleja ja tema naine. Pilguheit ühe Tallinna mittesaksa paari elujärg... more Allikas ja kommentaar Kalakaupleja ja tema naine. Pilguheit ühe Tallinna mittesaksa paari elujärge 1550. aastal Ivar L eimus Issanda aastal 1550, arvatavasti kevadel või varasuvel, suri Tallinnas nn Pikas hoovis 1 mittesaksa soost kalakaupleja Oleff. Ta ei lahkunud siit ilmast üksi, vaid koos oma naisega, kes nime järgi otsustades oli rootsi verd Byrgytte Joansson. Nende surma põhjus on teadmata, kuid abi kaasade tõenäoliselt enam-vähem samaaegne lahkumine siit ilmast lubab oletada mõnda taudipuhangut. Paarist jäi maha alaealine poeg ja mitmesugust majakraami. Lähemaid sugulasi Oleffil ja Byrgyttel nähtavasti polnud, 2 sestap pretendeerisid osale pärandist naise sõbrad. Mehe sõpradest juttu ei tehtud, mistõttu tuleb oletada, et paari varanduslik seis, nii hea või halb kui see ka oli, põhines eeskätt Byrgytte kaasavaral. Et asi oleks aus, saabus 26. juunil kalakaupleja kunagisse elupaika vara jagama Tallinna bürgermeister Kersten Koning, 3 kes vastutas raes parajasti pärandimaksu laekumise eest. 4 Naise sõbrad olid juba kohal ja isand Käesolev artikkel on valminud uurimisteema nr IUT18-8 "Liivimaa kujunemine: toimijad, institutsioonid ja võrgustikud kesk-ja varauusaegses Läänemere regioonis" raames. 1 Pika hoovi asupaika pole õnnestunud lokaliseerida. Nähtavasti oli tegemist kohaga mõnes eeslinnas, kalakaupleja ametit silmas pidades ehk Kalamajas, võib-olla Köismäe ääres. Seal leidus ka hulgaliselt kõrtse, millest üht mainitakse dokumendis. 2 1580. aastal tegi Tallinnas testamendi mündriku Oleff Jonssoni lesk Anneke, kel olid lähisugulased Rootsis ja kes oli rahvuselt niisiis rootslane (Tallinna linnarhiiv [edaspidi TLA], B.N.1). Sama rahvust tuleb oletada ka tema kadunud abikaasa puhul. Nemad ei saa aga meie Oleffiga otseselt seotud olla.
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2007
... XIV pervoi tetverti XV vekov, Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (1961) 3, 269277; Molvygin, ... more ... XIV pervoi tetverti XV vekov, Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (1961) 3, 269277; Molvygin, Über die Münz-und Geldgeschichte ... Kristina Pelda, Datirovka i opredelenie nekotorõh spornõh monet Latvii XIII pervoi polovinõ XVI veka, Latvijas PSR Zinātņu Akadēmijas ...
Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini, 2012
Культурный код
The territory of the Perm Krai is a significant region in Eurasia in terms of the number, types a... more The territory of the Perm Krai is a significant region in Eurasia in terms of the number, types and uniqueness of numismatic finds from the early Middle Ages of the pre-Mongol era; the specifics, geography and commodity groups entering the Kama region in exchange for numismatic material are revealed; facts on discovered treasures, finds, individual coins are given; the significance and uniqueness of the Volga-Kama hydrographic network, a priori determined the formation of ancient trade routes from the Kama region in the north, to Central Asia, the Middle East, the Black Sea region, etc. The role and importance of Volga Bulgaria in the formation of trade routes and medieval trade is shown. A description of a unique coin hoard in the village of Gorbunovo (village of Redikor, Cherdynsky city district, Perm Krai) is given; its primary attribution and refined definition in our days are described; the age, geography and dynastic affiliation of coins are established, a chronology in the fo...
This paper deals with the problems of coinage in medieval Courland. The aim of the study is to da... more This paper deals with the problems of coinage in medieval Courland. The aim of the study is to date the launch of minting, locate the mint(s) and reveal the monetary system and minting standard. Although the data available are extremely limited, a comparative study of written and numismatic sources has provided provisional results. Also, a new hypothesis about the origins of a local monetary unit known as the osering is presented. Finally, the role of Westphalia merchants in the colonisation of and their route to Courland are discussed in the light of the coin finds.
Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2015
Some Russian monetary terms, adapted by Hanseatic merchants trading with Novgorod, are discussed ... more Some Russian monetary terms, adapted by Hanseatic merchants trading with Novgorod, are discussed in the paper. According to some data from the 14th-15th centuries a silver ingot (a rouble) was divided into 60 zolotniks, not 48, as was the case later. Also, zolotnik was not only a weight unit, but also a monetary one. Further, the meaning of the terms marthoubt (marten’s head, i. e. mordka) and mark schin is analysed. Mordka could mean a Livonian artig of the early 15th century. Mark schin, in turn, was a unit of account used by Germans for a grivna of coins. At the beginning of the 15th century a mark schin comprised 28 mordkasartigs but due to Novgorod implementing its own coinage in 1420 it then equated to 14 dengas. Finally, the stuck sulvers turned from an ingot into a unit of accounting of 216 dengas during the 15th century (no later than 1487). Thus, by the end of the 15th century the following monetary system of Novgorod, adapted by Hanseatic merchants, had arisen: 1 rouble (...
On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of s... more On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of silver jewellery and fragments of hand-moulded ceramic vessel, was brought to the Institute of History, University of Tallinn (Figs 1; 2: 1–8). This remarkable discovery had been made a day earlier in a recently harvested field in the village of Linnakse (North-Estonia, county of Anija) using a metal detector. The finder of the hoard also handed over a number of bronze and iron artefacts from three different periods: the Roman, the Middle and the Late Iron Age. The artefacts, all of them with marks of intentional damage or fire deformation, had been found in the same field 20–50 m south of the find-spot of the hoard. The exact circumstances of the discovery remained unclear due to the urgent need to excavate the silver hoard. Therefore it was decided to proceed with archaeological investigation, including landscape survey and trial excavations, at the site.
Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2021
In 2018-2019 at least 35 000 finds were revealed on the plot at Jahu 6 in the medieval and early ... more In 2018-2019 at least 35 000 finds were revealed on the plot at Jahu 6 in the medieval and early modern Kalamaja suburb of Tallinn, which had been brought to the disposal area together with waste and garbage from the city surrounded by the city wall. In addition, 249 coins from the 14th-15th century were found. The latter are mostly Livonian coins, first and foremost from Tallinn, less from Tartu and Riga because foreign coins constituted only 2.4 per cent. The most common denomination is pfennig. The composition of the coin assemblage confirms, with regard to its origin and nominal distribution, the previous knowledge of coin circulation in the 15th-century Livonia based on the comparative analysis of coin hoards and written sources. The fact that the temporal distribution of coins in the upper and deeper layers is rather even suggests that most of the garbage had been deposed over a rather short period of time in 1470-1480. It seems that garbage disposal may have ended some time before 1490. The garbage layer also revealed three counterfeit coins from an alloy of tin and lead, which imitate 15th-century Tallinn small change. Other interesting finds from the garbage layer include two tokens from an alloy of tin and lead-one of them granted the right to grind grain and the other probably malt in the mills owned by the City of Tallinn.
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2014
Liivimaa keskaegne kaalude-mõõtude süsteem on tänini üpris halvasti tuntud. Ainus eestikeelne ja ... more Liivimaa keskaegne kaalude-mõõtude süsteem on tänini üpris halvasti tuntud. Ainus eestikeelne ja kokkuvõtlik üldkäsitlus sellest pärineb Erik Tenderi sulest ja ilmus juba aastal 1937. 1 Kõige põhjalikumalt on nende küsimustega tegelenud läti ajaloolane Jānis Zemzaris, kelle monograafia on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul jäänud ainukeseks teoseks, milles lähemalt vaadeldakse Lätis kasutusel olnud kaalu-ja mõõduühikuid 13.-19. sajandini. 2 Allikate vähesusest tulenevalt on keskajale pühendatud osa tema raamatus aga jäänud küllaltki napiks. Hiljem on hansaruumi kaaludel-mõõtudel oma monograafias pikemalt peatunud Thomas Wolf. 3 Tuleb möönda, et vahepealse aja jooksul pole allikaid keskaegse Liivimaa metroloogia uurimiseks juurde tulnud. Sellest hoolimata väärivad needki vähesed teadaolevad ülevaatamist, seda enam, et läti keele nüansid jäävad eesti lugejal enamasti tabamata. Keskaegse Liivimaa kaalusüsteemi aluseks oli marknael (mlb). 20 marknaela moodustas leisika (llb) ehk Liivi naela, 20 leisikat laevanaela (slb). 4 Marknaela aluseks omakorda oli hõbeda kaalumiseks tarvitatud Riia mark. Selle etalon pole paraku säilinud ja täpne mass on teadmata. Kuid Riia marga kaalu lubab välja arvutada märkus Dünamünde kloostri ostumüügilepingus 1305. aastast, mille kohaselt Kölni mark vastas 9/8 Riia Artikkel valmis Eesti Teadusagentuuri projekti IUT 18-8 raames.
Die baltischen Länder und Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2015
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2013
Hindadest Tallinnas 15. sajandil Ivar L eimus Majandusajalugu moodustab omamoodi silla ajaloo-ja ... more Hindadest Tallinnas 15. sajandil Ivar L eimus Majandusajalugu moodustab omamoodi silla ajaloo-ja majandusteaduse vahel. Hindade-palkade uurimine on üks majandusajaloolaste peamisi töösuundi, mis võimaldab andmeid muu hulgas ka kvantitatiivselt töödelda (kliomeetria). Mujal maailmas hakati hindade-palkade väljaselgitamisega intensiivselt tegelema enne Teist maailmasõda, mõnel pool juba 19. sajandil. Olemasolev historiograafi a on nii laialdane, et puudub vähimgi võimalus seda siinkohal viitama hakata. Spetsiifi liselt keskaja hindu on käsitletud vähem, ja seda lihtsal põhjusel. Enamikes Euroopa maades pole selleks piisavalt allikaid. Erandi selles suhtes moodustavad vaid Itaalia, Inglismaa ning Madalmaad. 1 Neist kaks viimast on olulised ka keskaegse Liivimaa majandusajaloo seisukohalt. Saksamaalt on andmeid juba märgatavalt vähem, seda isegi Lübecki ja Preisimaa kohta, kõnelemata Skandinaaviamaadest. 2 Lisaks tuleb keskaja hindade uurijal silmas pidada, et tegemist on statistikaeelse ajastuga, mil ei koostatud ulatuslikke hinnaülevaateid. Keskaja hinnad olid sesoonsed, sõltusid saagikusest jm ning võisid isegi ühe aasta lõikes tugevasti kõikuda. Oluline on hindade tõlgendamisel arvestada infl atsiooni, mistõttu tuleb eristada ühelt poolt nominaal-, teisalt aga raha väärismetallisisaldusel põhinevaid reaalhindu. Mis puudutab keskaegset Liivimaad, siis Tallinna sisse-ja väljaveosaaduste hindu 16. sajandil (kuni Liivimaa sõjani) on kaupmeeste arveraamatute põhjal kokkuvõtvalt käsitlenud Gunnar Mickwitz. 3 Andes Tallinna Käesolev artikkel on valminud Anu Männi juhitava sihtfi nantseeritava teadusteema SF0130019s08 "Kristianiseerimine, koloniseerimine ja kultuurivahetus: Eesti Euroopaidentiteedi ajaloolised lätted (13.-17. sajand)" raames.
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2010
This volume is the proceeding of a workshop held in cooperation with the Estonian History Museum ... more This volume is the proceeding of a workshop held in cooperation with the Estonian History Museum and the Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History of Tallinn University, 5-7 September 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia. In order to make coins, metal was first needed. Besides gold and silver, copper has also been significantly used as coinage metal of lesser value. Many countries did not have their own metal resources for a long time and were completely dependent on exports. Thus, all coinage metals had to be transported from producers to end users. At this point, merchants took over. The bigger the economy, the bigger its need for money. The attitudes of nations towards their monetary policy have been extremely diverse. Whereas England tried to sustain silver coinage, Sweden and Spain minted mainly pure copper in the 17th century. The heavy, inconvenient coins and increasing expenditures caused the introduction of paper money in Europe. The 18th–19th century saw the triumph of copper ...
On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of s... more On 17 August 2010 a Late Viking period hoard (tpq. 1059), consisting of silver coins, pieces of silver jewellery and fragments of hand-moulded ceramic vessel, was brought to the Institute of History, University of Tallinn (Figs 1; 2: 1–8). This remarkable discovery had been made a day earlier in a recently harvested field in the village of Linnakse (North-Estonia, county of Anija) using a metal detector. The finder of the hoard also handed over a number of bronze and iron artefacts from three different periods: the Roman, the Middle and the Late Iron Age. The artefacts, all of them with marks of intentional damage or fire deformation, had been found in the same field 20–50 m south of the find-spot of the hoard. The exact circumstances of the discovery remained unclear due to the urgent need to excavate the silver hoard. Therefore it was decided to proceed with archaeological investigation, including landscape survey and trial excavations, at the site.
Silver, Butter, Cloth, 2018
This chapter presents in full the small gold hoard from Essu, north-east Estonia, on the Vikings’... more This chapter presents in full the small gold hoard from Essu, north-east Estonia, on the Vikings’ Austrvegr (eastern route). The hoard was found in a peat bog in the nineteenth century, and comprised six gold pendants dating to around the last quarter of the ninth century. This chapter provides a detailed analysis of the six pendants—one Arabic dinar-pendant and five pendants decorated with filigree and granulation—discussing their decoration and cultural parallels. Results from recent Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analysis cast new light on the pendants’ production, alloy content, and use-wear. It is suggested that the filigree pendants were manufactured within Scandinavia and originally formed part of an elaborate female necklace, while the dinar-pendant reached Estonia via the Nordic countries. Overall, the hoard illustrates the prominence of gold within the Viking Age display economy. The chapter concludes by discussing the significa...
Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia 2020, 2021
The hoard was found with a metal detector. The coins were found spread in a 3 × 3 m area and buri... more The hoard was found with a metal detector. The coins were found spread in a 3 × 3 m area and buried under a 2-25 cm layer of soil. The hoard contains 76 coins: 1 Abbasid, 63 Samanid, 2 Samanid governors of Khurasan, 9 Volga-Bulgarian dirhams and a counterfeit coin. The most recent coin bears the year 331 AH (= 942/3 AD).
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, Oct 13, 2014
Allikas ja kommentaar Kalakaupleja ja tema naine. Pilguheit ühe Tallinna mittesaksa paari elujärg... more Allikas ja kommentaar Kalakaupleja ja tema naine. Pilguheit ühe Tallinna mittesaksa paari elujärge 1550. aastal Ivar L eimus Issanda aastal 1550, arvatavasti kevadel või varasuvel, suri Tallinnas nn Pikas hoovis 1 mittesaksa soost kalakaupleja Oleff. Ta ei lahkunud siit ilmast üksi, vaid koos oma naisega, kes nime järgi otsustades oli rootsi verd Byrgytte Joansson. Nende surma põhjus on teadmata, kuid abi kaasade tõenäoliselt enam-vähem samaaegne lahkumine siit ilmast lubab oletada mõnda taudipuhangut. Paarist jäi maha alaealine poeg ja mitmesugust majakraami. Lähemaid sugulasi Oleffil ja Byrgyttel nähtavasti polnud, 2 sestap pretendeerisid osale pärandist naise sõbrad. Mehe sõpradest juttu ei tehtud, mistõttu tuleb oletada, et paari varanduslik seis, nii hea või halb kui see ka oli, põhines eeskätt Byrgytte kaasavaral. Et asi oleks aus, saabus 26. juunil kalakaupleja kunagisse elupaika vara jagama Tallinna bürgermeister Kersten Koning, 3 kes vastutas raes parajasti pärandimaksu laekumise eest. 4 Naise sõbrad olid juba kohal ja isand Käesolev artikkel on valminud uurimisteema nr IUT18-8 "Liivimaa kujunemine: toimijad, institutsioonid ja võrgustikud kesk-ja varauusaegses Läänemere regioonis" raames. 1 Pika hoovi asupaika pole õnnestunud lokaliseerida. Nähtavasti oli tegemist kohaga mõnes eeslinnas, kalakaupleja ametit silmas pidades ehk Kalamajas, võib-olla Köismäe ääres. Seal leidus ka hulgaliselt kõrtse, millest üht mainitakse dokumendis. 2 1580. aastal tegi Tallinnas testamendi mündriku Oleff Jonssoni lesk Anneke, kel olid lähisugulased Rootsis ja kes oli rahvuselt niisiis rootslane (Tallinna linnarhiiv [edaspidi TLA], B.N.1). Sama rahvust tuleb oletada ka tema kadunud abikaasa puhul. Nemad ei saa aga meie Oleffiga otseselt seotud olla.
Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal, 2007
... XIV pervoi tetverti XV vekov, Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (1961) 3, 269277; Molvygin, ... more ... XIV pervoi tetverti XV vekov, Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (1961) 3, 269277; Molvygin, Über die Münz-und Geldgeschichte ... Kristina Pelda, Datirovka i opredelenie nekotorõh spornõh monet Latvii XIII pervoi polovinõ XVI veka, Latvijas PSR Zinātņu Akadēmijas ...
Eesti ajaloomuuseum, Varia historica 8, 2021
In connection with an exhibition presenting life in a medieval Hanseatic city, the Estonian Histo... more In connection with an exhibition presenting life in a medieval Hanseatic city, the
Estonian History Museum organised an international scientific conference entitled
‘Everyday Life in a Hanseatic Town’ on the 3 and 4 October 2019. The conference
was primarily dedicated to the material culture surrounding the residents of
Hanseatic centres from the 13th–16th centuries. Archaeologists, medievalists, art
historians and representatives of other fields who deal with these subjects participatedat the conference.
In total eleven lectures were given by experts from Germany, Russia and Estonia
presenting the recent results of their studies and covering broad aspects of the
topic. In publishing the present volume, we are pleased to make a large part of the
results of the conference available to the general public.