Ivica Dodig - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ivica Dodig

Research paper thumbnail of SmartWasteCloud: An Intelligent Waste Management System Based on IoT and Neural Networks

2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Science and Applications in Industry and Society (CAISAIS)

Research paper thumbnail of C64 Emulation on Modern Operating System

2023 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH)

Research paper thumbnail of Usage of a Embedded System for Biometric Face Recognition Identification

Računalni sustavi danas uveliko pomažu u nastojanjima da unaprijedimo svijet. Izazov Covid virusa... more Računalni sustavi danas uveliko pomažu u nastojanjima da unaprijedimo svijet. Izazov Covid virusa uveo nas je u novo normalno doba gdje bismo sve potencijalno zaražene osobe trebali odmah odvojiti karantenom od ostatka populacije. Užurbani tijek života nažalost dovodi do pojave sve većeg broja prekršitelja. U ovom radu prikazana je arhitektura i prijedlog ugrađenog sustava koji bi se mogao naučiti da prepoznaje osobe u samoizolaciji. Postavljanjem takvog sustava u frekventne zone prekršitelji bi vrlo brzo bili prepoznati. Usprkos tome što u radu dolazimo do dosta velikog praga pogreške, opravdana sumnja lakše će omogućiti snagama reda lakši nadzor osoba pod samoizolacijom.Computer systems today are a necessity in constant concept of improving the world. The challenge of the Covid virus has steered us into a new normal age where all potentially infected people should be quarantined immediately from the rest of the population. The hectic course of life unfortunately leads to the emerg...

Research paper thumbnail of Pet Feeder Automatization Based on Embedded System Controlled by Web Application

U radu je dan pregled pogodnih mikrokontrolera za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce. Tak... more U radu je dan pregled pogodnih mikrokontrolera za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce. Također navedena su njihova osnovna obilježja te su odabrani najoptimalniji mikrokontroleri za implementaciju. Kao najpogodniji mikrokontroleri opisana je Arduino platforma i ESP32. Poseban naglasak usmjeren je na povezivanje mikrokontrolera s mrežnom aplikacijom. Za povezivanje putem mrežne aplikacije prikazani su razvojni okviri za Javu te je dan pregled potrebnog okruženja za njenu izradu. Kao alati za jednostavniju implementaciju primijenjeni su Spring Boot i React, koji opisuju sve potrebne elemente i konvenciju iz prakse kreiranja mrežne aplikacije. Prikazano je potrebno sklopovlje za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce te je i izrađena hranilica za kućne ljubimce upravljiva putem mrežne aplikacije.The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feeder. Their basic features are also listed and the most optimal microcontrollers for imp...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Modern Greenhouse Scientific Research Facility—A Case Study

Sensors, 2021

Multidisciplinary approaches in science are still rare, especially in completely different fields... more Multidisciplinary approaches in science are still rare, especially in completely different fields such as agronomy science and computer science. We aim to create a state-of-the-art floating ebb and flow system greenhouse that can be used in future scientific experiments. The objective is to create a self-sufficient greenhouse with sensors, cloud connectivity, and artificial intelligence for real-time data processing and decision making. We investigated various approaches and proposed an optimal solution that can be used in much future research on plant growth in floating ebb and flow systems. A novel microclimate pocket-detection solution is proposed using an automatically guided suspended platform sensor system. Furthermore, we propose a methodology for replacing sensor data knowledge with artificial intelligence for plant health estimation. Plant health estimation allows longer ebb periods and increases the nutrient level in the final product. With intelligent design and the use o...

Research paper thumbnail of Fast-Flux Botnet Detection Based on Traffic Response and Search Engines Credit Worthiness

Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2018

Botnets are considered as the primary threats on the Internet and there have been many research e... more Botnets are considered as the primary threats on the Internet and there have been many research efforts to detect and mitigate them. Today, Botnet uses a DNS technique fast-flux to hide malware sites behind a constantly changing network of compromised hosts. This technique is similar to trustworthy Round Robin DNS technique and Content Delivery Network (CDN). In order to distinguish the normal network traffic from Botnets different techniques are developed with more or less success. The aim of this paper is to improve Botnet detection using an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or router. A novel classification method for online Botnet detection based on DNS traffic features that distinguish Botnet from CDN based traffic is presented. Botnet features are classified according to the possibility of usage and implementation in an embedded system. Traffic response is analysed as a strong candidate for online detection. Its disadvantage lies in specific areas where CDN acts as a Botnet. A new feature based on search engine hits is proposed to improve the false positive detection. The experimental evaluations show that proposed classification could significantly improve Botnet detection. A procedure is suggested to implement such a system as a part of IDS.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the influence of the DCBF data structure on the DoS attack detection

2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and Unmanned Systems (Trends and Future Directions) (ICTUS), 2017

One of the most common threats to internet security is the Denial of Service attack. There are nu... more One of the most common threats to internet security is the Denial of Service attack. There are numerous methods and protocol changes in an effort to detect them. The most common DoS attack detection method relies on the number of the TCP control packet in the network flow. The Bloom filter represents a space efficient data structure that is commonly utilized to detect matching pairs. There are multiple algorithms for the DoS attack detection based on the Bloom filter. The SACK2 algorithm uses the SYN/ACK — ACK matching pair detection with the Bloom filter data structure. The false positive error introduced by the Bloom filter influences on the matching pair detection in the algorithm. The improved SACK2 algorithm significantly reduces the false positive error by replacing the Counting Bloom Filter (CBF) data structure with the Dual Counting Bloom Filter (DCBF) data structure. This improvement significantly improves the matching pair detection. It is expected that the false positive error should influence on the detection of the DoS attack. In this paper, the experimental study is performed to analyse this influence. This study confirms the correlation between the false positive error and the DoS attack detection.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza napada uskraćivanjem usluge u stvarnom okruženju

U posljednje vrijeme Internet se znacajno unaprijedio i uvelike poboljsao komunikaciju i poslovan... more U posljednje vrijeme Internet se znacajno unaprijedio i uvelike poboljsao komunikaciju i poslovanje. Vise poslovne korisnosti proporcionalno utjece na kolicinu sigurnosnih prijetnji. Najcesce sigurnosne prijetnje na Internetu cine mrežni napadi. Najcesci mrežni napad zasniva se na onemogucavanju normalne komunikacije. Mrežni napadi koji su usredotoceni na onemogucavanje komunikacije nazivamo Napadima sa uskracivanjem usluge (engl. Denial of Service – DoS). DoS napad sprjecava pristup korisnicima da komuniciraju u okviru napadnute racunalne mreže ili onemogucavaju poslužitelja da poslužuju normalne usluge. Razliciti mehanizmi su razvijeni za rano otkrivanje i prevenciju od DoS napada na razlicitim razinama mrežne infrastrukture. Postoji konstantan napor za izradu novog boljeg modela za komunikaciju. Međutim, metode napada također se razvijaju. Kako bi se sprijecilo blokiranje evoluirao je novi oblik napada – Distribuirani napadi s uskracivanjem usluga (engl. Distributed Denial of ser...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Identification Number Complexity Evaluation

Usage of Personal Identiticatton Number (PIN) represents a widelz spread method of user identific... more Usage of Personal Identiticatton Number (PIN) represents a widelz spread method of user identification in

Research paper thumbnail of Spam detection based on search engine creditworthiness

2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), 2017

From the security point, low-cost domain names and simplified registering procedures present a po... more From the security point, low-cost domain names and simplified registering procedures present a potential threat. Malicious attackers could register a domain to use in a single attack campaign and then discard it. At some point, the malicious domain will be red-flagged by the reputable service, but by that time the attacker has moved onto the next one. This creates the difficult and inefficient task to detect the malicious domain. In this paper, the search engine creditworthiness algorithm is used to detect malicious domains. This algorithm is created for bot detection in a local network. In an experimental study algorithm is tested as a detection system for malicious domain found in spam. With the analyzation of the URLs in the e-mail body known fraud or hoax spam can be blocked at the entrance of the mail server or even the local network.

Research paper thumbnail of Otkrivanje mreže kompromitiranih računala analizom imeničkog prometa

The number of Internet active domain names is rapidly raising, thus proportionally share of malic... more The number of Internet active domain names is rapidly raising, thus proportionally share of malicious domains is increasing. Behind the malicious domains are reflectors controlled indirectly by Command & Control Servers (C & C), which manage the network of compromised computers (botnet). Botnet administrator by placing and information on malicious domain at a given time can launch an installed malware agent on the compromised clients. These commands may vary from a DoS server, launching a server, visit the webpage or send an electronic mail. The consequence of the command can result on widening the botnet or performing an illegal activity. The best solution to prevent a botnet in operation is to block the communication channel from compromised client to botnet administrator by blocking the communication with the malicious domain. In this paper a method for malicious domain detection using DNS traffic is presented. Features of DNS traffic are classified according to their ability of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pregled Tehnologija U Neuronskim Mrežama Overview of Artificial Neural Network Technologies

Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the har... more Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the hardware that nowadays offers the ability to process large amounts of data in real time. For the successful operation and construction of the neural network, one of great importance is the activation function. Activation function selection affects the speed and quality of training the neural network itself. The basic principles of the neural network after the selection of activation functions are explained in the paper. The basic principles of learning neural networks are outlined, focusing on selecting the optimization algorithm used to learn the neural network.

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology of UNIX User Accounts Management using Content Management Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Dependencies of File System Cluster Size in Correlation with Database Management System

Databases represent core in many software solutions. Features required by software applications f... more Databases represent core in many software solutions. Features required by software applications for database management systems include fast response, reliability and fault tolerance. It could be suspected that the file system as primary layer of a database management system can affect database management system performance on every computer system, especially on computer systems with an inferior hardware. Database performance does not depend primarily on the type of file system, but also on preferences like cluster size, implemented cache strategy and applied fault tolerance. It can be assumed that these dependences are proportional on different types of file systems. Several measurements are presented showing correlation of the cluster size on database performance in different file system type surroundings using PostgreSQL. With results obtained by measurements, one should be able to determine which of the measured file systems in correlation with cluster size should be implemente...

Research paper thumbnail of Information System for Attendance Records Evidence in Diverse Locations

Research paper thumbnail of Pregled tehnologija u neuronskim mrežama

Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the har... more Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the hardware that nowadays offers the ability to process large amounts of data in real time. For the successful operation and construction of the neural network, one of great importance is the activation function. Activation function selection affects the speed and quality of training the neural network itself. The basic principles of the neural network after the selection of activation functions are explained in the paper. The basic principles of learning neural networks are outlined, focusing on selecting the optimization algorithm used to learn the neural network.

Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Embedded Systems for DoS Attack Protection

An embedded system commonly represents special- purpose device usually based on processor designe... more An embedded system commonly represents special- purpose device usually based on processor designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions. Such systems are designed to maintain control over specific functions by gathering and reporting data received from sensors or some other devices. Embedded systems show increasing trend to modify data or control information flow, in some cases over the local area network or even Internet. Widespread network usage results in rapid development of advanced network connectivity in embedded systems. In this paper denial of service as a challenging problem in network security is introduced. Different defense methodologies are described. Further more, possibility of an embedded system advanced network connectivity usage in hardening network security is explored.

Research paper thumbnail of Denial of service attacks detection using synchronization packets analysis

Jedna od najvecih sigurnosnih prijetnji na globalnoj mreži je nedostupnost resursa uzrokovana nap... more Jedna od najvecih sigurnosnih prijetnji na globalnoj mreži je nedostupnost resursa uzrokovana napadom uskracivanja usluge. Velik broj istraživanja se temelji na mogucnostima unaprijeđenja metoda otkrivanja i prevencije napada uskracivanja usluga na strani poslužitelja žrtve ili na strani izvora napada. Bloomov filter je podatkovno ucinkovita struktura koja se koristi u podrucju prepoznavanja uzoraka. Bloomov filter se koristi u mrežnim aplikacijama za detaljnu provjeru sadržaja zaglavlja paketa tražeci unaprijed ocekivanje nizove znakova s ciljem otkrivanja pripadnosti. U sustavima za otkrivanje kompromitiranih aktivnosti efikasnost algoritama za raspoznavanje uzoraka je izuzetno važna za ispravno otkrivanje pripadnih parova paketa. Složenost algoritma znacajno utjece na rezultate otkrivanja. U ovom radu izrađena je napredna metoda pronalaska pripadnih parova paketa primjenjiva za SACK2 algoritam za otkrivanje napada. Teorijskom analizom određena je vjerojatnost pojave greske u vidu...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementacija hranilice za kućne ljubimce upravljane pomoću mrežne aplikacije i ugrađenog sustava

The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feede... more The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feeder. Their basic features are also listed and the most optimal microcontrollers for implementation are selected. The Arduino platform and ESP32 have been described as the most suitable microcontrollers. Special emphasis is placed on connecting the microcontroller to the web application. For connecting via a web application, development frameworks for Java are presented and an overview of the necessary environment for its development is given. Spring Boot and React were used as tools for easier implementation, which describe all the necessary elements and conventions from the practice of creating a web application. The hardware for the implementation of the pet feeder is shown, and the made pet feeder is manageable via a network application.

Research paper thumbnail of Database system performance in correlation with different storage file systems

2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012

Today databases are widespread over many applications. Information load is constantly increasing.... more Today databases are widespread over many applications. Information load is constantly increasing. This rapid grow is applied to databases. It could be suspected that choice of the file system used for storage can determine the database query response time. In this paper we performed several measurements of database responses on different file systems according to query load. Response time on standard database operation INSERT, SELECT and DELETE was measured and correlated.

Research paper thumbnail of SmartWasteCloud: An Intelligent Waste Management System Based on IoT and Neural Networks

2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Science and Applications in Industry and Society (CAISAIS)

Research paper thumbnail of C64 Emulation on Modern Operating System

2023 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH)

Research paper thumbnail of Usage of a Embedded System for Biometric Face Recognition Identification

Računalni sustavi danas uveliko pomažu u nastojanjima da unaprijedimo svijet. Izazov Covid virusa... more Računalni sustavi danas uveliko pomažu u nastojanjima da unaprijedimo svijet. Izazov Covid virusa uveo nas je u novo normalno doba gdje bismo sve potencijalno zaražene osobe trebali odmah odvojiti karantenom od ostatka populacije. Užurbani tijek života nažalost dovodi do pojave sve većeg broja prekršitelja. U ovom radu prikazana je arhitektura i prijedlog ugrađenog sustava koji bi se mogao naučiti da prepoznaje osobe u samoizolaciji. Postavljanjem takvog sustava u frekventne zone prekršitelji bi vrlo brzo bili prepoznati. Usprkos tome što u radu dolazimo do dosta velikog praga pogreške, opravdana sumnja lakše će omogućiti snagama reda lakši nadzor osoba pod samoizolacijom.Computer systems today are a necessity in constant concept of improving the world. The challenge of the Covid virus has steered us into a new normal age where all potentially infected people should be quarantined immediately from the rest of the population. The hectic course of life unfortunately leads to the emerg...

Research paper thumbnail of Pet Feeder Automatization Based on Embedded System Controlled by Web Application

U radu je dan pregled pogodnih mikrokontrolera za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce. Tak... more U radu je dan pregled pogodnih mikrokontrolera za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce. Također navedena su njihova osnovna obilježja te su odabrani najoptimalniji mikrokontroleri za implementaciju. Kao najpogodniji mikrokontroleri opisana je Arduino platforma i ESP32. Poseban naglasak usmjeren je na povezivanje mikrokontrolera s mrežnom aplikacijom. Za povezivanje putem mrežne aplikacije prikazani su razvojni okviri za Javu te je dan pregled potrebnog okruženja za njenu izradu. Kao alati za jednostavniju implementaciju primijenjeni su Spring Boot i React, koji opisuju sve potrebne elemente i konvenciju iz prakse kreiranja mrežne aplikacije. Prikazano je potrebno sklopovlje za implementaciju hranilice za kućne ljubimce te je i izrađena hranilica za kućne ljubimce upravljiva putem mrežne aplikacije.The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feeder. Their basic features are also listed and the most optimal microcontrollers for imp...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Modern Greenhouse Scientific Research Facility—A Case Study

Sensors, 2021

Multidisciplinary approaches in science are still rare, especially in completely different fields... more Multidisciplinary approaches in science are still rare, especially in completely different fields such as agronomy science and computer science. We aim to create a state-of-the-art floating ebb and flow system greenhouse that can be used in future scientific experiments. The objective is to create a self-sufficient greenhouse with sensors, cloud connectivity, and artificial intelligence for real-time data processing and decision making. We investigated various approaches and proposed an optimal solution that can be used in much future research on plant growth in floating ebb and flow systems. A novel microclimate pocket-detection solution is proposed using an automatically guided suspended platform sensor system. Furthermore, we propose a methodology for replacing sensor data knowledge with artificial intelligence for plant health estimation. Plant health estimation allows longer ebb periods and increases the nutrient level in the final product. With intelligent design and the use o...

Research paper thumbnail of Fast-Flux Botnet Detection Based on Traffic Response and Search Engines Credit Worthiness

Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2018

Botnets are considered as the primary threats on the Internet and there have been many research e... more Botnets are considered as the primary threats on the Internet and there have been many research efforts to detect and mitigate them. Today, Botnet uses a DNS technique fast-flux to hide malware sites behind a constantly changing network of compromised hosts. This technique is similar to trustworthy Round Robin DNS technique and Content Delivery Network (CDN). In order to distinguish the normal network traffic from Botnets different techniques are developed with more or less success. The aim of this paper is to improve Botnet detection using an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or router. A novel classification method for online Botnet detection based on DNS traffic features that distinguish Botnet from CDN based traffic is presented. Botnet features are classified according to the possibility of usage and implementation in an embedded system. Traffic response is analysed as a strong candidate for online detection. Its disadvantage lies in specific areas where CDN acts as a Botnet. A new feature based on search engine hits is proposed to improve the false positive detection. The experimental evaluations show that proposed classification could significantly improve Botnet detection. A procedure is suggested to implement such a system as a part of IDS.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the influence of the DCBF data structure on the DoS attack detection

2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and Unmanned Systems (Trends and Future Directions) (ICTUS), 2017

One of the most common threats to internet security is the Denial of Service attack. There are nu... more One of the most common threats to internet security is the Denial of Service attack. There are numerous methods and protocol changes in an effort to detect them. The most common DoS attack detection method relies on the number of the TCP control packet in the network flow. The Bloom filter represents a space efficient data structure that is commonly utilized to detect matching pairs. There are multiple algorithms for the DoS attack detection based on the Bloom filter. The SACK2 algorithm uses the SYN/ACK — ACK matching pair detection with the Bloom filter data structure. The false positive error introduced by the Bloom filter influences on the matching pair detection in the algorithm. The improved SACK2 algorithm significantly reduces the false positive error by replacing the Counting Bloom Filter (CBF) data structure with the Dual Counting Bloom Filter (DCBF) data structure. This improvement significantly improves the matching pair detection. It is expected that the false positive error should influence on the detection of the DoS attack. In this paper, the experimental study is performed to analyse this influence. This study confirms the correlation between the false positive error and the DoS attack detection.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza napada uskraćivanjem usluge u stvarnom okruženju

U posljednje vrijeme Internet se znacajno unaprijedio i uvelike poboljsao komunikaciju i poslovan... more U posljednje vrijeme Internet se znacajno unaprijedio i uvelike poboljsao komunikaciju i poslovanje. Vise poslovne korisnosti proporcionalno utjece na kolicinu sigurnosnih prijetnji. Najcesce sigurnosne prijetnje na Internetu cine mrežni napadi. Najcesci mrežni napad zasniva se na onemogucavanju normalne komunikacije. Mrežni napadi koji su usredotoceni na onemogucavanje komunikacije nazivamo Napadima sa uskracivanjem usluge (engl. Denial of Service – DoS). DoS napad sprjecava pristup korisnicima da komuniciraju u okviru napadnute racunalne mreže ili onemogucavaju poslužitelja da poslužuju normalne usluge. Razliciti mehanizmi su razvijeni za rano otkrivanje i prevenciju od DoS napada na razlicitim razinama mrežne infrastrukture. Postoji konstantan napor za izradu novog boljeg modela za komunikaciju. Međutim, metode napada također se razvijaju. Kako bi se sprijecilo blokiranje evoluirao je novi oblik napada – Distribuirani napadi s uskracivanjem usluga (engl. Distributed Denial of ser...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Identification Number Complexity Evaluation

Usage of Personal Identiticatton Number (PIN) represents a widelz spread method of user identific... more Usage of Personal Identiticatton Number (PIN) represents a widelz spread method of user identification in

Research paper thumbnail of Spam detection based on search engine creditworthiness

2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), 2017

From the security point, low-cost domain names and simplified registering procedures present a po... more From the security point, low-cost domain names and simplified registering procedures present a potential threat. Malicious attackers could register a domain to use in a single attack campaign and then discard it. At some point, the malicious domain will be red-flagged by the reputable service, but by that time the attacker has moved onto the next one. This creates the difficult and inefficient task to detect the malicious domain. In this paper, the search engine creditworthiness algorithm is used to detect malicious domains. This algorithm is created for bot detection in a local network. In an experimental study algorithm is tested as a detection system for malicious domain found in spam. With the analyzation of the URLs in the e-mail body known fraud or hoax spam can be blocked at the entrance of the mail server or even the local network.

Research paper thumbnail of Otkrivanje mreže kompromitiranih računala analizom imeničkog prometa

The number of Internet active domain names is rapidly raising, thus proportionally share of malic... more The number of Internet active domain names is rapidly raising, thus proportionally share of malicious domains is increasing. Behind the malicious domains are reflectors controlled indirectly by Command & Control Servers (C & C), which manage the network of compromised computers (botnet). Botnet administrator by placing and information on malicious domain at a given time can launch an installed malware agent on the compromised clients. These commands may vary from a DoS server, launching a server, visit the webpage or send an electronic mail. The consequence of the command can result on widening the botnet or performing an illegal activity. The best solution to prevent a botnet in operation is to block the communication channel from compromised client to botnet administrator by blocking the communication with the malicious domain. In this paper a method for malicious domain detection using DNS traffic is presented. Features of DNS traffic are classified according to their ability of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pregled Tehnologija U Neuronskim Mrežama Overview of Artificial Neural Network Technologies

Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the har... more Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the hardware that nowadays offers the ability to process large amounts of data in real time. For the successful operation and construction of the neural network, one of great importance is the activation function. Activation function selection affects the speed and quality of training the neural network itself. The basic principles of the neural network after the selection of activation functions are explained in the paper. The basic principles of learning neural networks are outlined, focusing on selecting the optimization algorithm used to learn the neural network.

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology of UNIX User Accounts Management using Content Management Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Dependencies of File System Cluster Size in Correlation with Database Management System

Databases represent core in many software solutions. Features required by software applications f... more Databases represent core in many software solutions. Features required by software applications for database management systems include fast response, reliability and fault tolerance. It could be suspected that the file system as primary layer of a database management system can affect database management system performance on every computer system, especially on computer systems with an inferior hardware. Database performance does not depend primarily on the type of file system, but also on preferences like cluster size, implemented cache strategy and applied fault tolerance. It can be assumed that these dependences are proportional on different types of file systems. Several measurements are presented showing correlation of the cluster size on database performance in different file system type surroundings using PostgreSQL. With results obtained by measurements, one should be able to determine which of the measured file systems in correlation with cluster size should be implemente...

Research paper thumbnail of Information System for Attendance Records Evidence in Diverse Locations

Research paper thumbnail of Pregled tehnologija u neuronskim mrežama

Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the har... more Neural networks are being researched more and more today. The reason for research lies in the hardware that nowadays offers the ability to process large amounts of data in real time. For the successful operation and construction of the neural network, one of great importance is the activation function. Activation function selection affects the speed and quality of training the neural network itself. The basic principles of the neural network after the selection of activation functions are explained in the paper. The basic principles of learning neural networks are outlined, focusing on selecting the optimization algorithm used to learn the neural network.

Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Embedded Systems for DoS Attack Protection

An embedded system commonly represents special- purpose device usually based on processor designe... more An embedded system commonly represents special- purpose device usually based on processor designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions. Such systems are designed to maintain control over specific functions by gathering and reporting data received from sensors or some other devices. Embedded systems show increasing trend to modify data or control information flow, in some cases over the local area network or even Internet. Widespread network usage results in rapid development of advanced network connectivity in embedded systems. In this paper denial of service as a challenging problem in network security is introduced. Different defense methodologies are described. Further more, possibility of an embedded system advanced network connectivity usage in hardening network security is explored.

Research paper thumbnail of Denial of service attacks detection using synchronization packets analysis

Jedna od najvecih sigurnosnih prijetnji na globalnoj mreži je nedostupnost resursa uzrokovana nap... more Jedna od najvecih sigurnosnih prijetnji na globalnoj mreži je nedostupnost resursa uzrokovana napadom uskracivanja usluge. Velik broj istraživanja se temelji na mogucnostima unaprijeđenja metoda otkrivanja i prevencije napada uskracivanja usluga na strani poslužitelja žrtve ili na strani izvora napada. Bloomov filter je podatkovno ucinkovita struktura koja se koristi u podrucju prepoznavanja uzoraka. Bloomov filter se koristi u mrežnim aplikacijama za detaljnu provjeru sadržaja zaglavlja paketa tražeci unaprijed ocekivanje nizove znakova s ciljem otkrivanja pripadnosti. U sustavima za otkrivanje kompromitiranih aktivnosti efikasnost algoritama za raspoznavanje uzoraka je izuzetno važna za ispravno otkrivanje pripadnih parova paketa. Složenost algoritma znacajno utjece na rezultate otkrivanja. U ovom radu izrađena je napredna metoda pronalaska pripadnih parova paketa primjenjiva za SACK2 algoritam za otkrivanje napada. Teorijskom analizom određena je vjerojatnost pojave greske u vidu...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementacija hranilice za kućne ljubimce upravljane pomoću mrežne aplikacije i ugrađenog sustava

The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feede... more The paper provides an overview of suitable microcontrollers for the implementation of a pet feeder. Their basic features are also listed and the most optimal microcontrollers for implementation are selected. The Arduino platform and ESP32 have been described as the most suitable microcontrollers. Special emphasis is placed on connecting the microcontroller to the web application. For connecting via a web application, development frameworks for Java are presented and an overview of the necessary environment for its development is given. Spring Boot and React were used as tools for easier implementation, which describe all the necessary elements and conventions from the practice of creating a web application. The hardware for the implementation of the pet feeder is shown, and the made pet feeder is manageable via a network application.

Research paper thumbnail of Database system performance in correlation with different storage file systems

2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012

Today databases are widespread over many applications. Information load is constantly increasing.... more Today databases are widespread over many applications. Information load is constantly increasing. This rapid grow is applied to databases. It could be suspected that choice of the file system used for storage can determine the database query response time. In this paper we performed several measurements of database responses on different file systems according to query load. Response time on standard database operation INSERT, SELECT and DELETE was measured and correlated.