Iwan Prihantoro - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Iwan Prihantoro
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Apr 25, 2023
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are potential biofertilizers for plants. The succeed and quali... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are potential biofertilizers for plants. The succeed and quality of AMF inoculation is related to the type of AMF and plants. This study aimed to find the most effective AMF species in Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries. This experiment study was designed using a completely randomized design with six treatments and five replications based on different types of AMF in single and consortium forms. Treatment details include: IFMIX (consortium: a mixture of five types of AMF), IFTE (Glomus etinucatum), IFTM (Glomus manihotis), IFTA (Acaulospora tuberculata), IFTG (Gigaspora margarita), IFTS Glomus sp. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Based on the results of variance, AMF inoculation at Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries in a single form (IFTE, IFTM, IFTA, IFTG, and IFTS) resulted in effectiveness that was not significantly different with the consortium FMA inoculation (IFMIX) against AMF colonization, plant height, stem diameter, fresh and dry biomass of plants. Inoculation of inoculums in a single IFTE form resulted in a higher colonization value (p<0.05) than single inoculums IFTA and IFTM. It can be concluded that inoculation of a single AMF (Glomus etinucatum, Glomus manihotis, Acaulospora tuberculata, Gigaspora margarita, Glomus sp.) against AMF consortium produced the same symbiotic effectiveness on root colonization, morphological response and plant biomass production level in Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries. The root colonization rate of a single IFTE inoculum was better than a single inoculum of IFTA and IFTM.
IOP conference series, Mar 1, 2021
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) can help plants to uptake nutrients, especially phosphorus, so... more Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) can help plants to uptake nutrients, especially phosphorus, so that plants will produce sustainably. The study aimed to evaluate the inoculum of AMF obtained by hydroponic techniques, such as spray, drip, and NFT (Nutrient Film Techniques), with different nutrients Hyponex red and AB mix onBrachiaria decumbensgrass. The experimental design used randomized complete design with 7 treatments namely control, SP1 (Spray/Hyponex red), SP2 (Spray/AB mix), NP1 (NFT/Hyponex red), NP2 (NFT/AB mix), DP1 (Drip/Hyponex Red), DP2 (Drip/AB mix). Variables measured were production of shoot dry matter; content, and uptake of phosphorus, nitrogen, and crude protein. The results showed that AMF inoculum significantly (p<0.05) increased shoot dry matter production, phosphor, nitrogen, and protein content when compared with control. Phosphorus uptake in SP2 gave the best results but not significantly different from NP1, NP2, and DP1, but significantly different (p<0.05) with SP1, DP2, and control. The AMF inoculum significantly (p<0.5) increased nitrogen and protein uptake when compared to control. The conclusion that AMF inoculum increased shoot dry matter, phosphor, nitrogen, and protein content, and uptake of phosphorus, nitrogen, and protein. The inoculum that has been produced can be used by the community to increase productivity.
Pastura: Journal of Tropical Forage Science, Jan 12, 2019
Hijauan merupakan pakan utama ternak kerbau di peternakan rakyat. Kebutuhan hijauan pakan akan me... more Hijauan merupakan pakan utama ternak kerbau di peternakan rakyat. Kebutuhan hijauan pakan akan meningkat seiring tuntutan peningkatan populasi kerbau. Kerbau dipelihara secara semi intensif di padang penggembalaan alam, pekarangan dan terintegrasi dengan lahan pertanian. Ketersediaan hijauan untuk kerbau rendah pada musim kemarau. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur potensi hijauan pakan dan strateginya untuk kemandirian pakan hijauan bagi kerbau di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian dilaksanakan di padang penggembalaan kerbau (padang alam dan terintegrasi pertanian) yang dikelola oleh peternak rakyat di Kabupaten Lebak dan Serang Provinsi Banten. Parameter yang diukur meliputi: (1) komposisi botani hijauan pakan, (2) kapasitas tampung hijauan pakan, (3) jenis-jenis tanaman pakan di padang penggembalaan kerbau, (4) kualitas produk silase dan hay dari hijauan pakan asal padang penggembalaan kerbau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi botani yang bervariasi dengan dominasi vegerasi utama adalah jenis rumput (56,55-95,94%), nilai kapasitas tampung rendah dan bervariasi (0.29 ± 0.17-0.98 ±0.39 UT/ha). Diperoleh 24 jenis tanaman pakan yang berpotensi sebagai hijauan pakan bagi kerbau. Dihasilkan produk hijauan hasil penyimpanan berupa silase dan hay yang berpotensi sebagai sumber pakan pada musim kemarau.
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Aug 31, 2021
Alfalfa in dry stress conditions cannot grow optimally. Drought inhibits growth and reduces alfal... more Alfalfa in dry stress conditions cannot grow optimally. Drought inhibits growth and reduces alfalfa production in many cultivation systems. Plants breeding with gammaray irradiation and in vitro selection using PEG found somaclonal variants adapted to grow well in drought conditions. This study aims to determine the type of mutation with the best morphology in dry stress conditions. Alfalfa mutants resulting from gamma irradiation were sub-cultured in vitro. Alfalfa mutants cultured in PEG medium, according to treatments. This experiment used completely randomized factorial design with 2 factors, namely the gamma-ray irradiation doses (0 Gy, 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 400 and 500 Gy), and PEG concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The variables observed were viability, plant height, number of leaves, wet weight, medium shrinkage, leaf wilting, and leaf color. The results showed that the gamma-irradiated mutant had a better (p<0.05) morphology than the control (0 Gy) in the face of dry stress conditions. Combination of 500 Gy and 20% PEG concentration resulted the best type of mutant.
Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan, Feb 28, 2022
Alfalfa merupakan leguminosa sumber protein bernutrisi tinggi dan bernilai ekonomis. Stres abioti... more Alfalfa merupakan leguminosa sumber protein bernutrisi tinggi dan bernilai ekonomis. Stres abiotik menghambat pertumbuhan dan menurunkan produksi alfalfa pada banyak sistem budidaya. Varietas baru dikembangkan dengan induksi mutasi sinar gamma. Seleksi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan tanaman unggul toleran stres abiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan menyeleksi mutan alfalfa pada kondisi stres abiotik. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah jenis mutan toleran asam yaitu A44, A54, A35 dan A45. Faktor kedua adalah level PEG yaitu 10%, 15% dan 20%. Variabel yang diamati meliputi viabilitas, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kelayuan daun, penyusutan media dan bobot basah. Mutan alfalfa hasil iradiasi sinar gamma toleran asan dievaluasi pada kondisi cekaman kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi mutasi menghasilkan respon yang bervariasi terhadap pertumbuhan. Iradiasi sinar gamma menghasilkan tanaman yang toleran pada kondisi stres abiotik. Dari hasil seleksi diperoleh kandidat-kandidat mutan unggul yang toleran pada kondisi tercekam asam dan kering. Mutan A44 memiliki toleransi yang lebih baik terhadap cekaman kering dibanding jenis mutan lainnya, dan menjadi mutan alfalfa toleran asam dan kering.
Pastura: Journal of Tropical Forage Science, Sep 24, 2019
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) merupakan salah satu leguminosa dengan kandungan nutrisi tinggi deng... more Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) merupakan salah satu leguminosa dengan kandungan nutrisi tinggi dengan tingkat palatabilitas yang baik pada ternak ruminansia. Kendala ketersediaan alfalfa di Indonesia adalah terbatasnya kemampuan adaptasi tanaman alfalfa di lingkungan tropis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur tingkat adaptasi tanaman alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) hasil mutasi dengan sinar gamma pada skala lapang. Penelitian terdiri dari 4 macam sumber tanaman, yakni tanaman hasil mutasi dengan level sinar gamma yang berbeda (0 Gy, 200Gy, 300Gy dan 400 Gy). Jumlah anakan tanaman diuji dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 ulangan dan masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 20 tanaman. Daya tumbuh, warna daun, waktu berbunga dan tingkat serangan hama tanaman dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman alfalfa hasil mutasi 300 Gy nyata (p<0.05) menghasilkan jumlah anakan terbanyak. Tanaman hasil iradiasi 300 Gy memberikan perilaku yang lebih baik terhadap daya tumbuh, daya berbunga dan jumlah tanaman tidak terserang hama. Semakin tinggi level iradiasi sinar gamma terhadap warna daun, menunjukkan perubahan tingkat warna dari hijau tua menuju hijau muda.
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) products against... more This study aimed to test the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) products against stylo plants (Stylosanthes guianensis) under drought stress conditions. The research design used a factorial complete random pattern (CRD) with 2 factors. Factor A was AMF: F0 (control), FU (superior AMF as a comparison), FIPB1 (1000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique), FIPB2 (2000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique), FIPB3 (3000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique). Factor B was the drought level, 100% field capacity (FC), 60% FC (medium dry level), and 40% FC (high dry level). The fertilizer for control plants (without AMF) was 100% dose, while plants with AMF were given a 50% dose, adding AMF ± 20 grams. The results showed an interaction between the drought factor and the different types of AMF. AMF was effective in symbiosis with stylo plants at all levels of drought. FIPB1 and FIPB2 could increase plant adaptation up to 60% FC. All AMF inoculations effectively i...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
The research objective was to measure the optimum level of BAP for supporting the growth of butte... more The research objective was to measure the optimum level of BAP for supporting the growth of butterfly pea flowers through tissue culture techniques. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments based on BAP media levels (BAP 0 ppm, BAP 0.5 ppm, BAP 1 ppm, BAP 1.5 ppm, and BAP 2 ppm) and 20 replications. Parameters measured were plant height, plant height increase, number of leaves, number of branches, number of tillers, percentage of tiller growth, plant weight, and leaf color. The results showed that the use of BAP levels 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 ppm in butterfly pea flower plants through tissue culture techniques was not effective in increasing plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of tillers, and percentage of tillers at the end of the research (27 DAP). Using an optimum BAP level of 0.5 ppm resulted in higher biomass production and the dominance of green leaf color visualization. Key words: BAP (Benzyl Amino Purine), butterfly pe...
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a fungus that has a symbiotic impact on the plant at the ro... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a fungus that has a symbiotic impact on the plant at the root system level. The research objective was to evaluate the growth of Indigofera zollingeriana produced from inoculation of AMF under different fortification and fertigation techniques at the field scale. A completely randomized design with six treatments and five replication were applied for the study. The treatments were: FD1000, FD2000, FD3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm of AB mix at flat fertigation), FB1000, FB2000, and FB3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, 3000 ppm of AB mix at graded fertigation). The result shows that the AMF colonization level at the root of was similar (P>0.05) to the upper value of colonization (80.00‒99.00%). The entire products of AMF have similar favorable symbiotic effects on the plant with major growth traits (plant high, stem diameter, number of branches and twigs). A fortification of 2000 ppm of AB mix under graded fertigation techn...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) produced by differ... more This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) produced by different nutrient fortification techniques in increasing the adaptation and productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) at the greenhouse scale. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 10 replications. The treatment based on different types of AMF product, including alfalfa without AMF as control (P0), superior AMF (P1), and three types of AMF products from the Agrostology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science IPB: AMF1 (P2), AMF2 (P3), and AMF3 (P4). The control treatment was given a 100% recommended fertilizer dose while the AMF treated plants were given a 50% recommended fertilizer dose. The results showed that all AMF products produced the same effectiveness for plant morphological variables. The superior AMF product, AMF2, and AMF3 gave the better response to AMF colonization parameters and dry weight of alfalfa plants than the control and AMF1...
E3S web of conferences, 2023
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) against Styl... more This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) against Stylosanthes guianensis plants on acid soils. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Agrostology Laboratory of IPB. The research design used was a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 8 replications, treatments were different types of AMF, without AMF (F0), commercial AMF (FU), AMF product IPB 1 (EM1), AMF product IPB 2 (EM2) and AMF product IPB 3 (EM3). AMF was given as much as 20 grams per planting hole. The given fertilizers were manure and NPK fertilizer. The treatment without AMF was given 100% of the recommended dose, while treatment with AMF was only given 50% of the dose. The results showed that there was no significant difference between treatments on growth variables (plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, stem diameter and leaf chlorophyll). The type of AMF affected the fresh shoot production, and the highest was at EM1 (38.03 gra...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Colchicine is a chemical that induced mutation in plants through doubling of plant chromosomes so... more Colchicine is a chemical that induced mutation in plants through doubling of plant chromosomes so that polyploid plants are produced which have a larger size than diploid plants. This study aimed to determine the optimal level and soaking time of colchicine to increase the productivity of stylo plants. This study used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (CRD) with two factors and six replications. Factor A is a the colchicine level of 0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm and 100 ppm. Factor B is the soaking time of 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The variables observed were vertical height, stem diameter, leaflets length, leaflets width and number of trifoliate leaves. The results showed that the colchicine at a level of 25 ppm with soaking time of 12 hours had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the increase in plant vertical height, stem diameter, and leaf width by 75.62 cm, 3.08 mm and 0.90 cm, respectively. The number of trifoliate leaves from the colchicine treatment and the ...
Pastura, 2019
The aims of this research was to identify and analyze potential forage in different area of Citeu... more The aims of this research was to identify and analyze potential forage in different area of Citeureup subdistrict, Bogor regency. This research done by identifying the six villages located in densely populated area industry and one village still have relatively much forage. Analysis of botanical composition is selected to identify the forage variety, capacity analysis, measurement of soil pH and analyze the lead (Pb) content in forage, water and soil. The results is area that has great development in industry affect proportion and forage variety and has forage potential less. The pattern of the provision of forage for a village that has great development in industry, tending to obtained from outside the village (cut and carry). This is because of the metal lead high on the ground in the village so that the growth of forage disturbed and the quality of forage doubtful. Keywords: Lead (Pb), industry, forage, and carrying capacity.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Minimum availability of important feed resource for ruminant livestock was worldwide problem. Bio... more Minimum availability of important feed resource for ruminant livestock was worldwide problem. Biotechnology like plant breeding is one of the problem solving to attain supplying forage. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of gamma rays irradiation on growth responses of alfalfa seeds for increasing genetic variety of alfalfa. Sample of alfalfa seeds, categorized by different doses level (0 Gy, 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 400 Gy and 500 Gy), were irradiated by gamma rays. After irradiating, the seeds (n=350 replicates) were planted and grown on the polybags filled the soil mixed compost up. In 30, 45 and 60 days, plant height, total stem and total leaf, were measured manually. Related to the amount of total values growth responses, after irradiated and grew, total plant height, total stem and total leaf was highest with dose 400 Gy, 200 Gy and 100 Gy (R 2 = 0.99511, 0.99107, 0.99326). All of lowest responses were 500 Gy. It is concluded that, growth responses investigated, there are association between increasing rate of irradiation with alterations on growth responses. Increasing doses have impact on the decline in the responses of growth.
The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium) level for Ganoderma lucidum gr... more The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium) level for Ganoderma lucidum growth in solid state fermentation of oil palm by-product. Treatments were combination of Cr level (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 25000, and 3000 ppm) and fermentation time (0, 2, 4, 6, ...
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limit... more The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limited knowledge and skills in managing the farm made the breeding program did not run optimally. The community service program, therefore, aimed to conduct training of cattle production and flushing feed technology application to support breeding program at farmer. This activity was carried out in Pangkal Jaya Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java, through three stages: 1). Training on beef cattle production and breeding program, 2). Assessment of the reproductive organs and health status and 3). Application of flushing feed in beef cattle at farmer level. There were 15 farmers who participated in this program. The data of training questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine statistic significant differences of their knowledge between before and after the training program. The cattle performance data due to flushing feed application were analy...
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, Mar 7, 2023
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Apr 25, 2023
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are potential biofertilizers for plants. The succeed and quali... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are potential biofertilizers for plants. The succeed and quality of AMF inoculation is related to the type of AMF and plants. This study aimed to find the most effective AMF species in Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries. This experiment study was designed using a completely randomized design with six treatments and five replications based on different types of AMF in single and consortium forms. Treatment details include: IFMIX (consortium: a mixture of five types of AMF), IFTE (Glomus etinucatum), IFTM (Glomus manihotis), IFTA (Acaulospora tuberculata), IFTG (Gigaspora margarita), IFTS Glomus sp. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Based on the results of variance, AMF inoculation at Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries in a single form (IFTE, IFTM, IFTA, IFTG, and IFTS) resulted in effectiveness that was not significantly different with the consortium FMA inoculation (IFMIX) against AMF colonization, plant height, stem diameter, fresh and dry biomass of plants. Inoculation of inoculums in a single IFTE form resulted in a higher colonization value (p<0.05) than single inoculums IFTA and IFTM. It can be concluded that inoculation of a single AMF (Glomus etinucatum, Glomus manihotis, Acaulospora tuberculata, Gigaspora margarita, Glomus sp.) against AMF consortium produced the same symbiotic effectiveness on root colonization, morphological response and plant biomass production level in Indigofera zollingeriana nurseries. The root colonization rate of a single IFTE inoculum was better than a single inoculum of IFTA and IFTM.
IOP conference series, Mar 1, 2021
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) can help plants to uptake nutrients, especially phosphorus, so... more Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) can help plants to uptake nutrients, especially phosphorus, so that plants will produce sustainably. The study aimed to evaluate the inoculum of AMF obtained by hydroponic techniques, such as spray, drip, and NFT (Nutrient Film Techniques), with different nutrients Hyponex red and AB mix onBrachiaria decumbensgrass. The experimental design used randomized complete design with 7 treatments namely control, SP1 (Spray/Hyponex red), SP2 (Spray/AB mix), NP1 (NFT/Hyponex red), NP2 (NFT/AB mix), DP1 (Drip/Hyponex Red), DP2 (Drip/AB mix). Variables measured were production of shoot dry matter; content, and uptake of phosphorus, nitrogen, and crude protein. The results showed that AMF inoculum significantly (p<0.05) increased shoot dry matter production, phosphor, nitrogen, and protein content when compared with control. Phosphorus uptake in SP2 gave the best results but not significantly different from NP1, NP2, and DP1, but significantly different (p<0.05) with SP1, DP2, and control. The AMF inoculum significantly (p<0.5) increased nitrogen and protein uptake when compared to control. The conclusion that AMF inoculum increased shoot dry matter, phosphor, nitrogen, and protein content, and uptake of phosphorus, nitrogen, and protein. The inoculum that has been produced can be used by the community to increase productivity.
Pastura: Journal of Tropical Forage Science, Jan 12, 2019
Hijauan merupakan pakan utama ternak kerbau di peternakan rakyat. Kebutuhan hijauan pakan akan me... more Hijauan merupakan pakan utama ternak kerbau di peternakan rakyat. Kebutuhan hijauan pakan akan meningkat seiring tuntutan peningkatan populasi kerbau. Kerbau dipelihara secara semi intensif di padang penggembalaan alam, pekarangan dan terintegrasi dengan lahan pertanian. Ketersediaan hijauan untuk kerbau rendah pada musim kemarau. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur potensi hijauan pakan dan strateginya untuk kemandirian pakan hijauan bagi kerbau di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian dilaksanakan di padang penggembalaan kerbau (padang alam dan terintegrasi pertanian) yang dikelola oleh peternak rakyat di Kabupaten Lebak dan Serang Provinsi Banten. Parameter yang diukur meliputi: (1) komposisi botani hijauan pakan, (2) kapasitas tampung hijauan pakan, (3) jenis-jenis tanaman pakan di padang penggembalaan kerbau, (4) kualitas produk silase dan hay dari hijauan pakan asal padang penggembalaan kerbau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi botani yang bervariasi dengan dominasi vegerasi utama adalah jenis rumput (56,55-95,94%), nilai kapasitas tampung rendah dan bervariasi (0.29 ± 0.17-0.98 ±0.39 UT/ha). Diperoleh 24 jenis tanaman pakan yang berpotensi sebagai hijauan pakan bagi kerbau. Dihasilkan produk hijauan hasil penyimpanan berupa silase dan hay yang berpotensi sebagai sumber pakan pada musim kemarau.
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Aug 31, 2021
Alfalfa in dry stress conditions cannot grow optimally. Drought inhibits growth and reduces alfal... more Alfalfa in dry stress conditions cannot grow optimally. Drought inhibits growth and reduces alfalfa production in many cultivation systems. Plants breeding with gammaray irradiation and in vitro selection using PEG found somaclonal variants adapted to grow well in drought conditions. This study aims to determine the type of mutation with the best morphology in dry stress conditions. Alfalfa mutants resulting from gamma irradiation were sub-cultured in vitro. Alfalfa mutants cultured in PEG medium, according to treatments. This experiment used completely randomized factorial design with 2 factors, namely the gamma-ray irradiation doses (0 Gy, 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 400 and 500 Gy), and PEG concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The variables observed were viability, plant height, number of leaves, wet weight, medium shrinkage, leaf wilting, and leaf color. The results showed that the gamma-irradiated mutant had a better (p<0.05) morphology than the control (0 Gy) in the face of dry stress conditions. Combination of 500 Gy and 20% PEG concentration resulted the best type of mutant.
Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan, Feb 28, 2022
Alfalfa merupakan leguminosa sumber protein bernutrisi tinggi dan bernilai ekonomis. Stres abioti... more Alfalfa merupakan leguminosa sumber protein bernutrisi tinggi dan bernilai ekonomis. Stres abiotik menghambat pertumbuhan dan menurunkan produksi alfalfa pada banyak sistem budidaya. Varietas baru dikembangkan dengan induksi mutasi sinar gamma. Seleksi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan tanaman unggul toleran stres abiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan menyeleksi mutan alfalfa pada kondisi stres abiotik. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah jenis mutan toleran asam yaitu A44, A54, A35 dan A45. Faktor kedua adalah level PEG yaitu 10%, 15% dan 20%. Variabel yang diamati meliputi viabilitas, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kelayuan daun, penyusutan media dan bobot basah. Mutan alfalfa hasil iradiasi sinar gamma toleran asan dievaluasi pada kondisi cekaman kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi mutasi menghasilkan respon yang bervariasi terhadap pertumbuhan. Iradiasi sinar gamma menghasilkan tanaman yang toleran pada kondisi stres abiotik. Dari hasil seleksi diperoleh kandidat-kandidat mutan unggul yang toleran pada kondisi tercekam asam dan kering. Mutan A44 memiliki toleransi yang lebih baik terhadap cekaman kering dibanding jenis mutan lainnya, dan menjadi mutan alfalfa toleran asam dan kering.
Pastura: Journal of Tropical Forage Science, Sep 24, 2019
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) merupakan salah satu leguminosa dengan kandungan nutrisi tinggi deng... more Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) merupakan salah satu leguminosa dengan kandungan nutrisi tinggi dengan tingkat palatabilitas yang baik pada ternak ruminansia. Kendala ketersediaan alfalfa di Indonesia adalah terbatasnya kemampuan adaptasi tanaman alfalfa di lingkungan tropis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengukur tingkat adaptasi tanaman alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) hasil mutasi dengan sinar gamma pada skala lapang. Penelitian terdiri dari 4 macam sumber tanaman, yakni tanaman hasil mutasi dengan level sinar gamma yang berbeda (0 Gy, 200Gy, 300Gy dan 400 Gy). Jumlah anakan tanaman diuji dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 ulangan dan masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 20 tanaman. Daya tumbuh, warna daun, waktu berbunga dan tingkat serangan hama tanaman dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman alfalfa hasil mutasi 300 Gy nyata (p<0.05) menghasilkan jumlah anakan terbanyak. Tanaman hasil iradiasi 300 Gy memberikan perilaku yang lebih baik terhadap daya tumbuh, daya berbunga dan jumlah tanaman tidak terserang hama. Semakin tinggi level iradiasi sinar gamma terhadap warna daun, menunjukkan perubahan tingkat warna dari hijau tua menuju hijau muda.
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) products against... more This study aimed to test the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) products against stylo plants (Stylosanthes guianensis) under drought stress conditions. The research design used a factorial complete random pattern (CRD) with 2 factors. Factor A was AMF: F0 (control), FU (superior AMF as a comparison), FIPB1 (1000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique), FIPB2 (2000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique), FIPB3 (3000ppm ABmix nutrient fortification technique). Factor B was the drought level, 100% field capacity (FC), 60% FC (medium dry level), and 40% FC (high dry level). The fertilizer for control plants (without AMF) was 100% dose, while plants with AMF were given a 50% dose, adding AMF ± 20 grams. The results showed an interaction between the drought factor and the different types of AMF. AMF was effective in symbiosis with stylo plants at all levels of drought. FIPB1 and FIPB2 could increase plant adaptation up to 60% FC. All AMF inoculations effectively i...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
The research objective was to measure the optimum level of BAP for supporting the growth of butte... more The research objective was to measure the optimum level of BAP for supporting the growth of butterfly pea flowers through tissue culture techniques. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments based on BAP media levels (BAP 0 ppm, BAP 0.5 ppm, BAP 1 ppm, BAP 1.5 ppm, and BAP 2 ppm) and 20 replications. Parameters measured were plant height, plant height increase, number of leaves, number of branches, number of tillers, percentage of tiller growth, plant weight, and leaf color. The results showed that the use of BAP levels 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 ppm in butterfly pea flower plants through tissue culture techniques was not effective in increasing plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of tillers, and percentage of tillers at the end of the research (27 DAP). Using an optimum BAP level of 0.5 ppm resulted in higher biomass production and the dominance of green leaf color visualization. Key words: BAP (Benzyl Amino Purine), butterfly pe...
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a fungus that has a symbiotic impact on the plant at the ro... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a fungus that has a symbiotic impact on the plant at the root system level. The research objective was to evaluate the growth of Indigofera zollingeriana produced from inoculation of AMF under different fortification and fertigation techniques at the field scale. A completely randomized design with six treatments and five replication were applied for the study. The treatments were: FD1000, FD2000, FD3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm of AB mix at flat fertigation), FB1000, FB2000, and FB3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, 3000 ppm of AB mix at graded fertigation). The result shows that the AMF colonization level at the root of was similar (P>0.05) to the upper value of colonization (80.00‒99.00%). The entire products of AMF have similar favorable symbiotic effects on the plant with major growth traits (plant high, stem diameter, number of branches and twigs). A fortification of 2000 ppm of AB mix under graded fertigation techn...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) produced by differ... more This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) produced by different nutrient fortification techniques in increasing the adaptation and productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) at the greenhouse scale. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 10 replications. The treatment based on different types of AMF product, including alfalfa without AMF as control (P0), superior AMF (P1), and three types of AMF products from the Agrostology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science IPB: AMF1 (P2), AMF2 (P3), and AMF3 (P4). The control treatment was given a 100% recommended fertilizer dose while the AMF treated plants were given a 50% recommended fertilizer dose. The results showed that all AMF products produced the same effectiveness for plant morphological variables. The superior AMF product, AMF2, and AMF3 gave the better response to AMF colonization parameters and dry weight of alfalfa plants than the control and AMF1...
E3S web of conferences, 2023
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) against Styl... more This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) against Stylosanthes guianensis plants on acid soils. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Agrostology Laboratory of IPB. The research design used was a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 8 replications, treatments were different types of AMF, without AMF (F0), commercial AMF (FU), AMF product IPB 1 (EM1), AMF product IPB 2 (EM2) and AMF product IPB 3 (EM3). AMF was given as much as 20 grams per planting hole. The given fertilizers were manure and NPK fertilizer. The treatment without AMF was given 100% of the recommended dose, while treatment with AMF was only given 50% of the dose. The results showed that there was no significant difference between treatments on growth variables (plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, stem diameter and leaf chlorophyll). The type of AMF affected the fresh shoot production, and the highest was at EM1 (38.03 gra...
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Colchicine is a chemical that induced mutation in plants through doubling of plant chromosomes so... more Colchicine is a chemical that induced mutation in plants through doubling of plant chromosomes so that polyploid plants are produced which have a larger size than diploid plants. This study aimed to determine the optimal level and soaking time of colchicine to increase the productivity of stylo plants. This study used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (CRD) with two factors and six replications. Factor A is a the colchicine level of 0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm and 100 ppm. Factor B is the soaking time of 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The variables observed were vertical height, stem diameter, leaflets length, leaflets width and number of trifoliate leaves. The results showed that the colchicine at a level of 25 ppm with soaking time of 12 hours had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the increase in plant vertical height, stem diameter, and leaf width by 75.62 cm, 3.08 mm and 0.90 cm, respectively. The number of trifoliate leaves from the colchicine treatment and the ...
Pastura, 2019
The aims of this research was to identify and analyze potential forage in different area of Citeu... more The aims of this research was to identify and analyze potential forage in different area of Citeureup subdistrict, Bogor regency. This research done by identifying the six villages located in densely populated area industry and one village still have relatively much forage. Analysis of botanical composition is selected to identify the forage variety, capacity analysis, measurement of soil pH and analyze the lead (Pb) content in forage, water and soil. The results is area that has great development in industry affect proportion and forage variety and has forage potential less. The pattern of the provision of forage for a village that has great development in industry, tending to obtained from outside the village (cut and carry). This is because of the metal lead high on the ground in the village so that the growth of forage disturbed and the quality of forage doubtful. Keywords: Lead (Pb), industry, forage, and carrying capacity.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Minimum availability of important feed resource for ruminant livestock was worldwide problem. Bio... more Minimum availability of important feed resource for ruminant livestock was worldwide problem. Biotechnology like plant breeding is one of the problem solving to attain supplying forage. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of gamma rays irradiation on growth responses of alfalfa seeds for increasing genetic variety of alfalfa. Sample of alfalfa seeds, categorized by different doses level (0 Gy, 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 400 Gy and 500 Gy), were irradiated by gamma rays. After irradiating, the seeds (n=350 replicates) were planted and grown on the polybags filled the soil mixed compost up. In 30, 45 and 60 days, plant height, total stem and total leaf, were measured manually. Related to the amount of total values growth responses, after irradiated and grew, total plant height, total stem and total leaf was highest with dose 400 Gy, 200 Gy and 100 Gy (R 2 = 0.99511, 0.99107, 0.99326). All of lowest responses were 500 Gy. It is concluded that, growth responses investigated, there are association between increasing rate of irradiation with alterations on growth responses. Increasing doses have impact on the decline in the responses of growth.
The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium) level for Ganoderma lucidum gr... more The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium) level for Ganoderma lucidum growth in solid state fermentation of oil palm by-product. Treatments were combination of Cr level (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 25000, and 3000 ppm) and fermentation time (0, 2, 4, 6, ...
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limit... more The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limited knowledge and skills in managing the farm made the breeding program did not run optimally. The community service program, therefore, aimed to conduct training of cattle production and flushing feed technology application to support breeding program at farmer. This activity was carried out in Pangkal Jaya Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java, through three stages: 1). Training on beef cattle production and breeding program, 2). Assessment of the reproductive organs and health status and 3). Application of flushing feed in beef cattle at farmer level. There were 15 farmers who participated in this program. The data of training questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine statistic significant differences of their knowledge between before and after the training program. The cattle performance data due to flushing feed application were analy...
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, Mar 7, 2023