Jørgen Nielsen - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Jørgen Nielsen

Research paper thumbnail of Review of the Dinematichthyini (Teleostei: Bythitidae) of the Indo-West Pacific. Part I. Diancistrus and two new genera with 26 new species

Research paper thumbnail of A new deep-sea species of Barathronus Goode & Bean from Brazil, with notes on Barathronus bicolor Goode & Bean (Ophidiiformes: Aphyonidae)

Research paper thumbnail of Deep-sea ophidiiform fishes collected on the Brazilian continental slope, between 11 and 23 S

Research paper thumbnail of Ocellus-bearing Neobythites species (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) from the West Atlantic with description of a new species

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Research paper thumbnail of YKL-40 in cerebrospinal fluid in Huntington's disease – A role in pathology or a nonspecific response to inflammation?

Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Reduced ceramide synthase 2 activity causes progressive myoclonic epilepsy

Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study

The Lancet Neurology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Proteomic investigations of the ventriculo-lumbar gradient in human CSF

Research paper thumbnail of A new species of Penopus (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) from the Ryukyu Trench, the West Pacific, with remarks on Penopus microphthalmus

Ichthyological Research, 2011

The bathyal genus Penopus (Ophidiidae) is revised based on 23 specimens. One specimen from the Ry... more The bathyal genus Penopus (Ophidiidae) is revised based on 23 specimens. One specimen from the Ryukyu Trench represents a new species, Penopus japonicus. The remaining 22 specimens were found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and neither 28 meristic and morphometric characters nor several morphological characters show any differences between the two populations. This supports Séret (1988), who considered

Research paper thumbnail of Monognathus berteli sp. nov. from the Indian Ocean (Pisces, Monognathidae)

Ichthyological Research - ICHTHYOL RES, 1996

A new deepsea monognathid species,Monognathus berteli, is described based on one specimen collect... more A new deepsea monognathid species,Monognathus berteli, is described based on one specimen collected pelagically in the northwestern Indian Ocean at 1440–1018 meters of depth. LikeM. taningi andM. bertini, it belongs to the short-skulled species-group and has very long pectoral fins, but differs from these species by several meristic characters. The described specimen has a very long caudal filament (53% SL) which is not known from otherMonognathus. However, the fragile filament is not used as a diagnostic character since it could easily be broken.

Research paper thumbnail of Saccopharynx berteli, a new gulper eel from the Pacific Ocean (Teleostei, Saccopharyngidae)

Ichthyological Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Suspended sediment transport and nearshore bar formation on a shallow intermediate-state beach

Marine Geology, 1998

Estimates of cross-shore suspended sediment flux were obtained during a 3-day storm event on the ... more Estimates of cross-shore suspended sediment flux were obtained during a 3-day storm event on the North Sea coast of Denmark. The suspended sediment flux estimates were correlated with volumetric beach change as registered at 28 permanently deployed survey rods crossing the intertidal beach and inner surf zones. During this storm, a nearshore bar initially migrated onshore and welded to the

Research paper thumbnail of Cyclic sand bar migration on a spit-platform in the Danish Wadden Sea-Spit-platform morphology related to variations in water level

Journal of coastal research, 2004

... 2. Six maps based on digitized vertical aerial photographs show shoreline changes at Skalling... more ... 2. Six maps based on digitized vertical aerial photographs show shoreline changes at Skalling ... The different morphological stages are also seen in Figure 3. ... (2009) Facies architecture and depositional processes of the Holocene-Recent accretionary forced regressive Skagen ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sediment supply from shoreface to dunes: linking sediment transport measurements and long-term morphological evolution

Research paper thumbnail of A new species of the deep-sea fish genus Parabrotula (Parabrotulidae) from Sagami Bay with notes on its ecology

Research paper thumbnail of 2014 - The West Pacific Neobythites bimarginatus (Ophidiidae) recorded from off Madagascar.

En 2010, un spécimen d’Ophidiidae du genre Neobythites a été récolté par 295 m de profondeur au c... more En 2010, un spécimen d’Ophidiidae du genre Neobythites a été récolté par 295 m de profondeur au cours de l’expédition française “Atimo Vatae” dans le sud de Madagascar. Ce spécimen appartient à une espèce différente des 12 autres espèces connues de la partie la plus occidentale de l’océan Indien. Néanmoins, cet individu
correspond à la diagnose de N. bimarginatus Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1979, l’une des 30 espèces de Neobythites connues de l’océan Indien oriental et du Pacifique ouest. N. bimarginatus possède un caractère unique : la coloration de ses nageoires dorsale et anale, dont les extrémités discales et proximales sont claires, alors que la partie médiane est noire. L’espèce est connue par 13 spécimens de Nouvelle-Calédonie et de quelques îles voisines, ce qui représente une distance de plus de 10 000 km de Madagascar. Des récoltes complémentaires sont nécessaires sur la partie supérieure de la
pente continentale pour déterminer la distribution exacte et la structure
de la population de N. bimarginatus.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of the Dinematichthyini (Teleostei: Bythitidae) of the Indo-West Pacific. Part I. Diancistrus and two new genera with 26 new species

Research paper thumbnail of A new deep-sea species of Barathronus Goode & Bean from Brazil, with notes on Barathronus bicolor Goode & Bean (Ophidiiformes: Aphyonidae)

Research paper thumbnail of Deep-sea ophidiiform fishes collected on the Brazilian continental slope, between 11 and 23 S

Research paper thumbnail of Ocellus-bearing Neobythites species (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) from the West Atlantic with description of a new species

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Research paper thumbnail of YKL-40 in cerebrospinal fluid in Huntington's disease – A role in pathology or a nonspecific response to inflammation?

Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Reduced ceramide synthase 2 activity causes progressive myoclonic epilepsy

Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study

The Lancet Neurology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Proteomic investigations of the ventriculo-lumbar gradient in human CSF

Research paper thumbnail of A new species of Penopus (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) from the Ryukyu Trench, the West Pacific, with remarks on Penopus microphthalmus

Ichthyological Research, 2011

The bathyal genus Penopus (Ophidiidae) is revised based on 23 specimens. One specimen from the Ry... more The bathyal genus Penopus (Ophidiidae) is revised based on 23 specimens. One specimen from the Ryukyu Trench represents a new species, Penopus japonicus. The remaining 22 specimens were found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and neither 28 meristic and morphometric characters nor several morphological characters show any differences between the two populations. This supports Séret (1988), who considered

Research paper thumbnail of Monognathus berteli sp. nov. from the Indian Ocean (Pisces, Monognathidae)

Ichthyological Research - ICHTHYOL RES, 1996

A new deepsea monognathid species,Monognathus berteli, is described based on one specimen collect... more A new deepsea monognathid species,Monognathus berteli, is described based on one specimen collected pelagically in the northwestern Indian Ocean at 1440–1018 meters of depth. LikeM. taningi andM. bertini, it belongs to the short-skulled species-group and has very long pectoral fins, but differs from these species by several meristic characters. The described specimen has a very long caudal filament (53% SL) which is not known from otherMonognathus. However, the fragile filament is not used as a diagnostic character since it could easily be broken.

Research paper thumbnail of Saccopharynx berteli, a new gulper eel from the Pacific Ocean (Teleostei, Saccopharyngidae)

Ichthyological Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Suspended sediment transport and nearshore bar formation on a shallow intermediate-state beach

Marine Geology, 1998

Estimates of cross-shore suspended sediment flux were obtained during a 3-day storm event on the ... more Estimates of cross-shore suspended sediment flux were obtained during a 3-day storm event on the North Sea coast of Denmark. The suspended sediment flux estimates were correlated with volumetric beach change as registered at 28 permanently deployed survey rods crossing the intertidal beach and inner surf zones. During this storm, a nearshore bar initially migrated onshore and welded to the

Research paper thumbnail of Cyclic sand bar migration on a spit-platform in the Danish Wadden Sea-Spit-platform morphology related to variations in water level

Journal of coastal research, 2004

... 2. Six maps based on digitized vertical aerial photographs show shoreline changes at Skalling... more ... 2. Six maps based on digitized vertical aerial photographs show shoreline changes at Skalling ... The different morphological stages are also seen in Figure 3. ... (2009) Facies architecture and depositional processes of the Holocene-Recent accretionary forced regressive Skagen ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sediment supply from shoreface to dunes: linking sediment transport measurements and long-term morphological evolution

Research paper thumbnail of A new species of the deep-sea fish genus Parabrotula (Parabrotulidae) from Sagami Bay with notes on its ecology

Research paper thumbnail of 2014 - The West Pacific Neobythites bimarginatus (Ophidiidae) recorded from off Madagascar.

En 2010, un spécimen d’Ophidiidae du genre Neobythites a été récolté par 295 m de profondeur au c... more En 2010, un spécimen d’Ophidiidae du genre Neobythites a été récolté par 295 m de profondeur au cours de l’expédition française “Atimo Vatae” dans le sud de Madagascar. Ce spécimen appartient à une espèce différente des 12 autres espèces connues de la partie la plus occidentale de l’océan Indien. Néanmoins, cet individu
correspond à la diagnose de N. bimarginatus Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1979, l’une des 30 espèces de Neobythites connues de l’océan Indien oriental et du Pacifique ouest. N. bimarginatus possède un caractère unique : la coloration de ses nageoires dorsale et anale, dont les extrémités discales et proximales sont claires, alors que la partie médiane est noire. L’espèce est connue par 13 spécimens de Nouvelle-Calédonie et de quelques îles voisines, ce qui représente une distance de plus de 10 000 km de Madagascar. Des récoltes complémentaires sont nécessaires sur la partie supérieure de la
pente continentale pour déterminer la distribution exacte et la structure
de la population de N. bimarginatus.

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