J. Bruers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by J. Bruers
Objective: Transparency in health care is crucial for helping patients to make informed choices a... more Objective: Transparency in health care is crucial for helping patients to make informed choices about their care. There exits large consensus on this viewpoint, but little is known on how dentists inform their patients in the dental practice from day to day. In order to gain more insight into this matter research was conducted on a sample of dentists and a panel of patients. Methods: In November 2011 1,678 dentists were invited to participate in a web survey. 632 (38%) dentists responded. As for gender, age, practice location, year and place of qualification this research group proved to be representative for the population of dentists in the Netherlands. At the same time a representative panel of 2,027 adult patients in the Netherlands took part in a web survey. The data of both surveys was analyzed using SPSS. Results: 25% of the dentists claim to make a treatment plan for all treatments, 41% when a patient asks for it, 33% dependent on the kind of treatment and 26% dependent on t...
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 2009
De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2 Tandartsfactoren Als onderdeel van een breder on... more De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2 Tandartsfactoren Als onderdeel van een breder onderzoek naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van 5-en 6-jarige en 11-en 12-jarige kinderen is in 2007 een steekproef van 1.361 tandartsen over deze problematiek ondervraagd via een webenquête. In totaal hebben 447 (33%) tandartsen de vragenlijst volledig ingevuld. Over de ontwikkeling van de mondgezondheid van kinderen liepen de meningen uiteen: 46% van de ondervraagden sprak van een toename van de incidentie van cariës in de afgelopen 5 jaar en 44% van een onveranderde situatie. Verder werd verschillend gedacht over de behandeling van vooral het tijdelijke gebit. Er bestond geen eensluidende visie op de noodzaak van de behandeling van cariës bij (jonge) kinderen en er was evenmin overeenstemming over het tijdstip en de wijze(n) waarop dit moet gebeuren. Desgevraagd liet de meerderheid weten behoefte te hebben aan ondersteuning (verwijsmogelijkheden, protocollen, voorlichtingsmateriaal) in de praktijk bij de periodieke controle, de preventieve en/of de curatieve behandeling van kinderen. Bruers JJM, Dam BAFM van, Schuller AA, Truin GJ. De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2. Tandartsfactoren Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2009; 116: 404-409 1 Tandartsen is gevraagd de naar hun mening 3 belangrijkste factoren te noemen. 2 Snoep en frisdrank op scholen (2x)/ onwetendheid bij ouders over voedingsrisico's/ invloed van reclame met 'gezondheidsclaim'/ weinig of geen fluoridegebruik/tijdgebrek ouders/ te laks/ aanleg. Tabel 1. Factoren die volgens tandartsen in de huidige Nederlandse situatie de grootste bedreiging vormen voor de mondgezondheid van kinderen (n = 440) 1 .
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 1995
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 1995
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 2004
In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool i... more In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool in dental care. As a result of the changing prevalence of oral diseases of the Dutch population the content of the routine oral examination has changed over time. A representative survey among general dental practitioners has been carried out to investigate the professional performance in
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2009
In 2007 vond een onderzoek plaats naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van het gebit van jeugdi... more In 2007 vond een onderzoek plaats naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van het gebit van jeugdigen tot 18 jaar. Doel van dit onderzoek was inzicht te verkrijgen in de factoren die geassocieerd zijn met de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij jeugdigen. In het onderhavige artikel worden de zogenaamde kindfactoren beschreven. Deze factoren waren (na)poetsfrequentie, frequentie van gebitscontrole, snoepfrequentie, sociaaleconomische status en het al
BMC Oral Health, 2015
On July 1(st) 2013 the Mandatory Reporting Code Act came into force in the Netherlands, making it... more On July 1(st) 2013 the Mandatory Reporting Code Act came into force in the Netherlands, making it compulsory for health professionals to adhere to a reporting code when they suspect patients to be victims of domestic violence (DV) or child abuse (CA). The Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT) developed a reporting code for dental professionals (RCD). Moreover, an e-learning module about DV has been developed. A web-survey was conducted to investigate how general dental practitioners (GDPs) deal with the RCD and what their experiences are with (signs of) DV and CA. In April 2014 1038 GDPs were invited by e-mail to participate in a web-survey consisting of 24 items, through the KNMT Data Stations Project. The data was analyzed using SPSS (RELIABILITY, CHISQ and ANOVA). Of all GDPs invited to participate 264 (25 %) responded. 82 % of these GDPs are aware of their obligation to use the reporting code. 54 % of the GDPs are in favor of this obligation. 76 % of the GDPs have taken notice of the KNMT's RCD and 51 % of the GDPs have implemented the reporting code in one form or another in their practice. 24 % of the GDPs stated having suspected DV during the last twelve months in the case of 2.4 patients on average. 81 % took note of this in the patient's record and 58 % also took action in different ways. 54 % wants to complete the e-learning module. Most GDPs are aware of the new legislation and have taken cognizance of the RCD. Even though the majority of GDPs are not opposed to using a reporting code, over half of them have not yet implemented the code in practice. An important factor in this regard seems to be that a substantial minority of the GDPs says they are not sufficiently informed about aspects of reporting a case and about the steps they have to take.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde, 2015
Bekend is dat een klacht van een patiënt voor tandartsen impact kan hebben op hun welbevinden. Ma... more Bekend is dat een klacht van een patiënt voor tandartsen impact kan hebben op hun welbevinden. Maar over de aard en de omvang daarvan is weinig bekend. Om hierop meer zicht te krijgen is in 2013 een anonieme schriftelijke enquête uitgevoerd onder 955 tandartsen en tandartsspecialisten, van wie in de periode medio 2008 tot en met april 2013 een klacht is afgehandeld via de KNMT-klachtenregeling. In totaal deden er 413 (43%) van hen aan het onderzoek mee. Van de ondervraagden meldde 71% dat de klacht heeft doorgewerkt in hun persoonlijke beroepsuitoefening. Bij 52% was dat (ook) het geval voor hun houding ten opzichte van collega's en patiënten en bij 60% (ook) voor de mentale of fysieke gesteldheid. Alles bijeengenomen gaf 68% aan last te hebben gehad van onprettige gevoelens en meldde 75% dat de behandelrelatie met de klager (patiënt) als gevolg van de klacht is beëindigd. Bruers JJM, Dam BAFM van, Gorter R, Eijkman MAJ. Het welbevinden van tandartsen na een klachtenprocedure Ned
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde, 2015
Draagvlak is belangrijk bij de implementatie van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Uitkomsten van 5 ... more Draagvlak is belangrijk bij de implementatie van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Uitkomsten van 5 onderzoeken uit de jaren 1998 tot en met 2013 geven zicht op het draagvlak voor klinische praktijkrichtlijnen onder tandartsen, orthodontisten, mondhygiënisten en tandprothetici in Nederland. Daarbij werden attituden, opvattingen, kennis en gedrag opgevat als indicaties voor het wel of niet aanwezig zijn van draagvlak. Tandartsen hebben in de loop der jaren een toenemend positieve houding ten aanzien van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. De meesten kennen en gebruiken minimaal 1 van de reeds bestaande klinische praktijkrichtlijnen en tonen zich voorstander van richtlijnontwikkeling. Orthodontisten en mondhygiënisten hebben nog weinig eigen klinische praktijkrichtlijnen op hun vakgebied, maar de meerderheid van hen is voorstander van de ontwikkeling ervan. Onder tandprothetici, die ook weinig ervaring hebben met klinische praktijkrichtlijnen, zijn minder voorstanders. Al met al kan worden gesteld dat er onder mondzorgverleners een groeiend draagvlak is voor de ontwikkeling en het gebruik van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Dam BAFM van, Oosterkamp BCM, Boer den JCL, Bruers JJM. Evidencebased klinische praktijkrichtlijnen in de mondzorg 3. Draagvlak voor richtlijnontwikkeling in de mondzorg Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2015; 122: 85-92
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
In 2007 a study was undertaken of the restorative care index of the teeth of children under the a... more In 2007 a study was undertaken of the restorative care index of the teeth of children under the age of 18. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the factors associated with the restorative care index in children. Factors investigated were (post-) brushing, inspection frequency, sweets-consumption frequency, socio-economic status and treatment or lack thereof by a general practitioner or dentist who works in a clinic for child health care. This study made use of statistics assembled for an earlier study of children formerly covered by public health insurance in the municipality of The Hague and research carried out at child dental clinics. Socio-economic status and the level of oral care were correlated with dental quality. No patient-bound factors were significantly correlated with the level of care. There was however a positive correlation between the'type' of dentist (family dentist or dentist associated with a clinic for child dental care) and the chance of curat...
Gerodontology, Jan 12, 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent dentists in the Netherlands experience ba... more The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent dentists in the Netherlands experience barriers in providing oral health care to community-dwelling older people. As most publications on the barriers in providing oral health care to older people consist of surveys on oral health care in care homes, it was decided to investigate the barriers dentists experience in their own dental practices while providing oral health care to community-dwelling frail older people. A representative sample of 1592 of the approximately 8000 dentists in the Netherlands aged 64 or younger were invited to respond to a questionnaire online. The dentists were asked to respond to 15 opinions concerning oral healthcare provision to community-dwelling frail older people aged 75 years or more who experience problems in physical, psychological and social areas, as well as possible financial problems. The total response rate was 37% (n = 595; male=76%; average age 49). The majority of those who responded ag...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2014
Since 1995 the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has carried out research on, in particular, the non... more Since 1995 the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has carried out research on, in particular, the non-clinical aspects of dental practice with the Data Stations project. At present, within this research project 5 studies are conducted on a regular basis: the Dental Consumption Study, the Dental Practice Study, the Omnibus Survey, the Young Dentist Study and the Quality of Oral Care Study. From the results of this research project it appears that during the last decades dentists have increasingly been working cooperatively. This is expressed in dental practices with more dentists and more staff workers, with more dental chairs and more patients. The length of the working week, however, has changed very little over the years. Among both young people and adults gradual changes have taken place in dental consumption during the period 1997-2011. By intensifying the collaboration with clinical dental researchers the scope of the research within this project can be expanded to include the qual...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2010
In recent years various studies have been published which indicate that adverse events in health ... more In recent years various studies have been published which indicate that adverse events in health care facilities are the result of structural factors. In 2009 a national study was carried out in the Netherlands to gain insight into patient safety in primary care settings, including general dental practices. In 20 randomly selected practices, patient records were investigated and oral care professionals reported, during a period of 2 weeks, adverse events which occurred. For each practice, 2 researchers screened, with the help of a checklist, 50 randomly selected patient records covering a period of 1 year. A total of 8 preventable adverse events were found in the 1000 patient records (0.8%). Anonymous reports made during the 2 weeks of the research period resulted in 7 adverse events. Practically all of the adverse events had to do with diagnostics and treatment and resulted in limited harmful consequences for patients. On the basis of these results, oral care in general dental prac...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
The Dutch Dental Association (NMT) surveyed dentists who graduated in 2004, 2005 or 2006 concerni... more The Dutch Dental Association (NMT) surveyed dentists who graduated in 2004, 2005 or 2006 concerning their work situation and plans for the future. They were also asked about their experiences at the start of their career In general, the recently graduated dentists did not face difficulties at the start of their professional life. Most dentists worked in the practice of a colleague, but the majority ultimately wanted to have their own practice. The latter applied more to men than women. Furthermore, there was a clear preference for working within a team and most of them planned to specialize in a specific branch of dentistry. The survey also revealed that the delegation of tasks to dental hygienists and prevention assistants was more or less taken for granted by recently graduated dentists.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
As part of a broader study of the restorative care index of 5- and 6-year-olds and 11- and 12-yea... more As part of a broader study of the restorative care index of 5- and 6-year-olds and 11- and 12-year-olds, a sample study was carried out among 1,361 dentists, who were surveyed by means of a web-questionnaire concerning this issue. In total 447 dentists (33%) filled in the questionnaire completely. Concerning the development of dental care of children, opinions differed widely: 46% of those questioned spoke of an increase in the incidence of caries during the past 5 years and 44% reported no change. Furthermore, dentists hold different views on the treatment of the primary dentition. There was no consensus of opinion about the necessity of treating caries in young children and there was a comparable lack of agreement about how and when treatment should be given. The majority of dentists express a need for support in their practice (possibilities for referral, protocols, informational material) concerning routine oral examination, the preventive and/or curative treatment of (young) ch...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2008
Patient education is an important part of the care provided in a dental practice. Explanations co... more Patient education is an important part of the care provided in a dental practice. Explanations concerning dental treatments is in the majority of practices exclusively the responsibility of the dentist. Information about oral hygiene and prevention is generally provided by oral hygienists and prevention assistants. It is striking that agreements are made concerning the form and content of patient education, the division of responsibilities and the use of teaching aids in only 39% of practices. It is possible that this has to do with the relatively few hours that oral hygienists and/or prevention assistants are active each week in the practice, and the judgement of the dentists that sufficient time has to be devoted to discussing a proposed treatment with the patient.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2006
In support of its quality policy, the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has undertaken a survey to e... more In support of its quality policy, the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has undertaken a survey to examine dentists'views on continuing education, accreditation, and their postgraduate course attendance. In December 2004 a written questionnaire was sent to a sample of 710 dentists, of whom 504 (71%) responded. The data were analysed using SPSS. Most dentists (93%) attended one or more courses since January 2003. They tend to concentrate on a few subjects, mainly on clinical procedures. About half (45%) of the respondents are in favour of continuing education accreditation for dentists. Compared to opponents, supporters are more positive about continuing education in general and spend more time reading specialist literature. Furthermore, the greater part of dentists indicates that it is important to have some kind of quality mark for postgraduate courses.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2004
In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool i... more In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool in dental care. As a result of the changing prevalence of oral diseases of the Dutch population the content of the routine oral examination has changed over time. A representative survey among general dental practitioners has been carried out to investigate the professional performance in the routine oral examination. Participants consisted of a random, stratified sample of 619 dentists, of whom 521 (85%) responded. The Dutch general dental practitioners use the routine oral examination mainly for detecting dental caries and to asses the status of the restorations. About 50% of the responders use a standard recall interval for all patients whereas the other half takes individual patient factors into consideration when determining the recall interval. Both groups differ significantly on the variables: 'time spend on the routine oral examination', 'the amount of diagnostic activ...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 1995
In 1993 a representative sample of dentists in the Netherlands was questioned on the use of antib... more In 1993 a representative sample of dentists in the Netherlands was questioned on the use of antibiotics in the treatment of periodontitis. It was found dat 50% of the general practitioners had a positive attitude, 15% a negative one and 35% had an indifferent attitude towards the use of antibiotics in periodontal treatment. Almost 40% of them indicated the prescription of antibiotics for periodontal reasons in the previous year. Most of the dentists (71%) prescribed a combination of metronidazole and amoxicillin. The average prescription frequency in 1992 was 18 times. The prescription frequency and the choice of a combination of metronidazole and a broad spectrum penicillin in the treatment of periodontitis is discussed, emphasizing the importance of the traditional mechanical therapy, the disturbance of the colonization resistance by means of antibiotics and the worldwide concern about the usage of antibiotics.
Objective: Transparency in health care is crucial for helping patients to make informed choices a... more Objective: Transparency in health care is crucial for helping patients to make informed choices about their care. There exits large consensus on this viewpoint, but little is known on how dentists inform their patients in the dental practice from day to day. In order to gain more insight into this matter research was conducted on a sample of dentists and a panel of patients. Methods: In November 2011 1,678 dentists were invited to participate in a web survey. 632 (38%) dentists responded. As for gender, age, practice location, year and place of qualification this research group proved to be representative for the population of dentists in the Netherlands. At the same time a representative panel of 2,027 adult patients in the Netherlands took part in a web survey. The data of both surveys was analyzed using SPSS. Results: 25% of the dentists claim to make a treatment plan for all treatments, 41% when a patient asks for it, 33% dependent on the kind of treatment and 26% dependent on t...
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 2009
De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2 Tandartsfactoren Als onderdeel van een breder on... more De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2 Tandartsfactoren Als onderdeel van een breder onderzoek naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van 5-en 6-jarige en 11-en 12-jarige kinderen is in 2007 een steekproef van 1.361 tandartsen over deze problematiek ondervraagd via een webenquête. In totaal hebben 447 (33%) tandartsen de vragenlijst volledig ingevuld. Over de ontwikkeling van de mondgezondheid van kinderen liepen de meningen uiteen: 46% van de ondervraagden sprak van een toename van de incidentie van cariës in de afgelopen 5 jaar en 44% van een onveranderde situatie. Verder werd verschillend gedacht over de behandeling van vooral het tijdelijke gebit. Er bestond geen eensluidende visie op de noodzaak van de behandeling van cariës bij (jonge) kinderen en er was evenmin overeenstemming over het tijdstip en de wijze(n) waarop dit moet gebeuren. Desgevraagd liet de meerderheid weten behoefte te hebben aan ondersteuning (verwijsmogelijkheden, protocollen, voorlichtingsmateriaal) in de praktijk bij de periodieke controle, de preventieve en/of de curatieve behandeling van kinderen. Bruers JJM, Dam BAFM van, Schuller AA, Truin GJ. De restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij de jeugd 2. Tandartsfactoren Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2009; 116: 404-409 1 Tandartsen is gevraagd de naar hun mening 3 belangrijkste factoren te noemen. 2 Snoep en frisdrank op scholen (2x)/ onwetendheid bij ouders over voedingsrisico's/ invloed van reclame met 'gezondheidsclaim'/ weinig of geen fluoridegebruik/tijdgebrek ouders/ te laks/ aanleg. Tabel 1. Factoren die volgens tandartsen in de huidige Nederlandse situatie de grootste bedreiging vormen voor de mondgezondheid van kinderen (n = 440) 1 .
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 1995
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 1995
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 2004
In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool i... more In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool in dental care. As a result of the changing prevalence of oral diseases of the Dutch population the content of the routine oral examination has changed over time. A representative survey among general dental practitioners has been carried out to investigate the professional performance in
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2009
In 2007 vond een onderzoek plaats naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van het gebit van jeugdi... more In 2007 vond een onderzoek plaats naar de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad van het gebit van jeugdigen tot 18 jaar. Doel van dit onderzoek was inzicht te verkrijgen in de factoren die geassocieerd zijn met de restauratieve verzorgingsgraad bij jeugdigen. In het onderhavige artikel worden de zogenaamde kindfactoren beschreven. Deze factoren waren (na)poetsfrequentie, frequentie van gebitscontrole, snoepfrequentie, sociaaleconomische status en het al
BMC Oral Health, 2015
On July 1(st) 2013 the Mandatory Reporting Code Act came into force in the Netherlands, making it... more On July 1(st) 2013 the Mandatory Reporting Code Act came into force in the Netherlands, making it compulsory for health professionals to adhere to a reporting code when they suspect patients to be victims of domestic violence (DV) or child abuse (CA). The Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT) developed a reporting code for dental professionals (RCD). Moreover, an e-learning module about DV has been developed. A web-survey was conducted to investigate how general dental practitioners (GDPs) deal with the RCD and what their experiences are with (signs of) DV and CA. In April 2014 1038 GDPs were invited by e-mail to participate in a web-survey consisting of 24 items, through the KNMT Data Stations Project. The data was analyzed using SPSS (RELIABILITY, CHISQ and ANOVA). Of all GDPs invited to participate 264 (25 %) responded. 82 % of these GDPs are aware of their obligation to use the reporting code. 54 % of the GDPs are in favor of this obligation. 76 % of the GDPs have taken notice of the KNMT's RCD and 51 % of the GDPs have implemented the reporting code in one form or another in their practice. 24 % of the GDPs stated having suspected DV during the last twelve months in the case of 2.4 patients on average. 81 % took note of this in the patient's record and 58 % also took action in different ways. 54 % wants to complete the e-learning module. Most GDPs are aware of the new legislation and have taken cognizance of the RCD. Even though the majority of GDPs are not opposed to using a reporting code, over half of them have not yet implemented the code in practice. An important factor in this regard seems to be that a substantial minority of the GDPs says they are not sufficiently informed about aspects of reporting a case and about the steps they have to take.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde, 2015
Bekend is dat een klacht van een patiënt voor tandartsen impact kan hebben op hun welbevinden. Ma... more Bekend is dat een klacht van een patiënt voor tandartsen impact kan hebben op hun welbevinden. Maar over de aard en de omvang daarvan is weinig bekend. Om hierop meer zicht te krijgen is in 2013 een anonieme schriftelijke enquête uitgevoerd onder 955 tandartsen en tandartsspecialisten, van wie in de periode medio 2008 tot en met april 2013 een klacht is afgehandeld via de KNMT-klachtenregeling. In totaal deden er 413 (43%) van hen aan het onderzoek mee. Van de ondervraagden meldde 71% dat de klacht heeft doorgewerkt in hun persoonlijke beroepsuitoefening. Bij 52% was dat (ook) het geval voor hun houding ten opzichte van collega's en patiënten en bij 60% (ook) voor de mentale of fysieke gesteldheid. Alles bijeengenomen gaf 68% aan last te hebben gehad van onprettige gevoelens en meldde 75% dat de behandelrelatie met de klager (patiënt) als gevolg van de klacht is beëindigd. Bruers JJM, Dam BAFM van, Gorter R, Eijkman MAJ. Het welbevinden van tandartsen na een klachtenprocedure Ned
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde, 2015
Draagvlak is belangrijk bij de implementatie van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Uitkomsten van 5 ... more Draagvlak is belangrijk bij de implementatie van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Uitkomsten van 5 onderzoeken uit de jaren 1998 tot en met 2013 geven zicht op het draagvlak voor klinische praktijkrichtlijnen onder tandartsen, orthodontisten, mondhygiënisten en tandprothetici in Nederland. Daarbij werden attituden, opvattingen, kennis en gedrag opgevat als indicaties voor het wel of niet aanwezig zijn van draagvlak. Tandartsen hebben in de loop der jaren een toenemend positieve houding ten aanzien van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. De meesten kennen en gebruiken minimaal 1 van de reeds bestaande klinische praktijkrichtlijnen en tonen zich voorstander van richtlijnontwikkeling. Orthodontisten en mondhygiënisten hebben nog weinig eigen klinische praktijkrichtlijnen op hun vakgebied, maar de meerderheid van hen is voorstander van de ontwikkeling ervan. Onder tandprothetici, die ook weinig ervaring hebben met klinische praktijkrichtlijnen, zijn minder voorstanders. Al met al kan worden gesteld dat er onder mondzorgverleners een groeiend draagvlak is voor de ontwikkeling en het gebruik van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen. Dam BAFM van, Oosterkamp BCM, Boer den JCL, Bruers JJM. Evidencebased klinische praktijkrichtlijnen in de mondzorg 3. Draagvlak voor richtlijnontwikkeling in de mondzorg Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2015; 122: 85-92
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
In 2007 a study was undertaken of the restorative care index of the teeth of children under the a... more In 2007 a study was undertaken of the restorative care index of the teeth of children under the age of 18. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the factors associated with the restorative care index in children. Factors investigated were (post-) brushing, inspection frequency, sweets-consumption frequency, socio-economic status and treatment or lack thereof by a general practitioner or dentist who works in a clinic for child health care. This study made use of statistics assembled for an earlier study of children formerly covered by public health insurance in the municipality of The Hague and research carried out at child dental clinics. Socio-economic status and the level of oral care were correlated with dental quality. No patient-bound factors were significantly correlated with the level of care. There was however a positive correlation between the'type' of dentist (family dentist or dentist associated with a clinic for child dental care) and the chance of curat...
Gerodontology, Jan 12, 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent dentists in the Netherlands experience ba... more The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent dentists in the Netherlands experience barriers in providing oral health care to community-dwelling older people. As most publications on the barriers in providing oral health care to older people consist of surveys on oral health care in care homes, it was decided to investigate the barriers dentists experience in their own dental practices while providing oral health care to community-dwelling frail older people. A representative sample of 1592 of the approximately 8000 dentists in the Netherlands aged 64 or younger were invited to respond to a questionnaire online. The dentists were asked to respond to 15 opinions concerning oral healthcare provision to community-dwelling frail older people aged 75 years or more who experience problems in physical, psychological and social areas, as well as possible financial problems. The total response rate was 37% (n = 595; male=76%; average age 49). The majority of those who responded ag...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2014
Since 1995 the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has carried out research on, in particular, the non... more Since 1995 the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has carried out research on, in particular, the non-clinical aspects of dental practice with the Data Stations project. At present, within this research project 5 studies are conducted on a regular basis: the Dental Consumption Study, the Dental Practice Study, the Omnibus Survey, the Young Dentist Study and the Quality of Oral Care Study. From the results of this research project it appears that during the last decades dentists have increasingly been working cooperatively. This is expressed in dental practices with more dentists and more staff workers, with more dental chairs and more patients. The length of the working week, however, has changed very little over the years. Among both young people and adults gradual changes have taken place in dental consumption during the period 1997-2011. By intensifying the collaboration with clinical dental researchers the scope of the research within this project can be expanded to include the qual...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2010
In recent years various studies have been published which indicate that adverse events in health ... more In recent years various studies have been published which indicate that adverse events in health care facilities are the result of structural factors. In 2009 a national study was carried out in the Netherlands to gain insight into patient safety in primary care settings, including general dental practices. In 20 randomly selected practices, patient records were investigated and oral care professionals reported, during a period of 2 weeks, adverse events which occurred. For each practice, 2 researchers screened, with the help of a checklist, 50 randomly selected patient records covering a period of 1 year. A total of 8 preventable adverse events were found in the 1000 patient records (0.8%). Anonymous reports made during the 2 weeks of the research period resulted in 7 adverse events. Practically all of the adverse events had to do with diagnostics and treatment and resulted in limited harmful consequences for patients. On the basis of these results, oral care in general dental prac...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
The Dutch Dental Association (NMT) surveyed dentists who graduated in 2004, 2005 or 2006 concerni... more The Dutch Dental Association (NMT) surveyed dentists who graduated in 2004, 2005 or 2006 concerning their work situation and plans for the future. They were also asked about their experiences at the start of their career In general, the recently graduated dentists did not face difficulties at the start of their professional life. Most dentists worked in the practice of a colleague, but the majority ultimately wanted to have their own practice. The latter applied more to men than women. Furthermore, there was a clear preference for working within a team and most of them planned to specialize in a specific branch of dentistry. The survey also revealed that the delegation of tasks to dental hygienists and prevention assistants was more or less taken for granted by recently graduated dentists.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2009
As part of a broader study of the restorative care index of 5- and 6-year-olds and 11- and 12-yea... more As part of a broader study of the restorative care index of 5- and 6-year-olds and 11- and 12-year-olds, a sample study was carried out among 1,361 dentists, who were surveyed by means of a web-questionnaire concerning this issue. In total 447 dentists (33%) filled in the questionnaire completely. Concerning the development of dental care of children, opinions differed widely: 46% of those questioned spoke of an increase in the incidence of caries during the past 5 years and 44% reported no change. Furthermore, dentists hold different views on the treatment of the primary dentition. There was no consensus of opinion about the necessity of treating caries in young children and there was a comparable lack of agreement about how and when treatment should be given. The majority of dentists express a need for support in their practice (possibilities for referral, protocols, informational material) concerning routine oral examination, the preventive and/or curative treatment of (young) ch...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2008
Patient education is an important part of the care provided in a dental practice. Explanations co... more Patient education is an important part of the care provided in a dental practice. Explanations concerning dental treatments is in the majority of practices exclusively the responsibility of the dentist. Information about oral hygiene and prevention is generally provided by oral hygienists and prevention assistants. It is striking that agreements are made concerning the form and content of patient education, the division of responsibilities and the use of teaching aids in only 39% of practices. It is possible that this has to do with the relatively few hours that oral hygienists and/or prevention assistants are active each week in the practice, and the judgement of the dentists that sufficient time has to be devoted to discussing a proposed treatment with the patient.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2006
In support of its quality policy, the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has undertaken a survey to e... more In support of its quality policy, the Dutch Dental Association (NMT) has undertaken a survey to examine dentists'views on continuing education, accreditation, and their postgraduate course attendance. In December 2004 a written questionnaire was sent to a sample of 710 dentists, of whom 504 (71%) responded. The data were analysed using SPSS. Most dentists (93%) attended one or more courses since January 2003. They tend to concentrate on a few subjects, mainly on clinical procedures. About half (45%) of the respondents are in favour of continuing education accreditation for dentists. Compared to opponents, supporters are more positive about continuing education in general and spend more time reading specialist literature. Furthermore, the greater part of dentists indicates that it is important to have some kind of quality mark for postgraduate courses.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 2004
In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool i... more In The Netherlands the routine oral examination (ROE) can be characterized as an important tool in dental care. As a result of the changing prevalence of oral diseases of the Dutch population the content of the routine oral examination has changed over time. A representative survey among general dental practitioners has been carried out to investigate the professional performance in the routine oral examination. Participants consisted of a random, stratified sample of 619 dentists, of whom 521 (85%) responded. The Dutch general dental practitioners use the routine oral examination mainly for detecting dental caries and to asses the status of the restorations. About 50% of the responders use a standard recall interval for all patients whereas the other half takes individual patient factors into consideration when determining the recall interval. Both groups differ significantly on the variables: 'time spend on the routine oral examination', 'the amount of diagnostic activ...
Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde, 1995
In 1993 a representative sample of dentists in the Netherlands was questioned on the use of antib... more In 1993 a representative sample of dentists in the Netherlands was questioned on the use of antibiotics in the treatment of periodontitis. It was found dat 50% of the general practitioners had a positive attitude, 15% a negative one and 35% had an indifferent attitude towards the use of antibiotics in periodontal treatment. Almost 40% of them indicated the prescription of antibiotics for periodontal reasons in the previous year. Most of the dentists (71%) prescribed a combination of metronidazole and amoxicillin. The average prescription frequency in 1992 was 18 times. The prescription frequency and the choice of a combination of metronidazole and a broad spectrum penicillin in the treatment of periodontitis is discussed, emphasizing the importance of the traditional mechanical therapy, the disturbance of the colonization resistance by means of antibiotics and the worldwide concern about the usage of antibiotics.