Through the years, the English language has become more and more popular and it is one of the mos... more Through the years, the English language has become more and more popular and it is one of the most useful languages to learn around the world. There are simply huge amounts of literature and writings in the English language. It is also the standard language for world communication, especially in the fields of science, business, information technology and economy. Besides being an incredibly useful language to learn for business, the English language also opens the speaker up to a massive amount of culture, such as cinema, theatre, and music. Learning the English language will enable people to travel the world over, and to be understood by the local people who live there, enriching their travelling experience. Parting from that fact, the Foreign Language Department recognizes importance of this language and in its social labor seeks on projects that will generate an impact in the society and the culture as well. In this case, it seeks to impact students from the Foreign Language Depa...
La obesidad una enfermedad cronica, en la actualidad es la enfermedad metabolica mas prevalente e... more La obesidad una enfermedad cronica, en la actualidad es la enfermedad metabolica mas prevalente en los paises desarrollados. En el mundo hay mas obesas que obesos. En anos mas recientes, la preocupacion se ha centrado en la obesidad materna. Numerosos estudios han demostrado un aumento significativo del riesgo de diversas patologias del embarazo, cesareas y una mayor mortalidad perinatal. En hospital Regional Santiago de Jinotepe – Carazo en el ano 2014 hubieron 3,522 partos vaginales y 2,218 cesareas con un total de complicaciones de 1,492 de ellas que fueron 67 SHG, 10 Eclampsia y la mas frecuentemente que se presento fue prolongacion del trabajo de parto con 365 y parto obstruidos 140 casos que sin lugar a duda contribuyeron a mayor numero de cesarea, no hay estadistica que senales la cantidad de mujeres con complicaciones y obesidad actualmente. Se realizo estudio descriptivo de corte transversa para determinar la asociacion del sobre peso y la obesidad materna previa al embaraz...
Revista Medica Herediana, 2020
Objetivos: Identificar la ocurrencia de casos de embarazo, nacimientos y aborto en participantes ... more Objetivos: Identificar la ocurrencia de casos de embarazo, nacimientos y aborto en participantes de ensayos clínicos en fases III y IV, en Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio de análisis de datos secundarios, retrospectivo, de todos los casos de embarazo ocurridos durante la realización de ensayos clínicos, en el periodo 2010 al 2015. Los datos se obtuvieron del sistema virtual REAS-NET, del Instituto Nacional de Salud para el reporte de eventos adversos serios. Se utilizó la prueba de Fisher y Chi cuadrado para el análisis de las variables Resultados: Se encontraron 30 casos de embarazos de pacientes enroladas en los ensayos clínicos, 24 de ellos en ensayos de fase III. El rango de edad fue 19 a 44 años, 21 casos terminaron en aborto. Ninguna de las variables estudiadas presentó asociación significativa con el resultado del embarazo: aborto y nacido vivo normal. Conclusiones: Se encontraron embarazos en las participantes en ensayos clínicos de fase III y IV, la edad correspondió a la...
The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases in industrialized ... more The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases in industrialized countries; the presence of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease are the most important risk factors and the most cited during the establishment and development of fatty liver disease, technically called hepatic steatosis. This disease can precede the diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure or dyslipidemia; its evaluation is essential to identify patients at risk, not only fibrosis and liver cirrhosis, but also patients at higher risk of cardiovascular events. Usually asymptomatic, it can produce pain in the right hypochondrium or other disorders, which are ignored by patients. The most useful diagnostic method is ultrasound, considered the best imaging test to detect hepatic steatosis at an early stage since it offers multiple advantages. Among the results it was found that fatty liver is very common and that it can be caused by a variety of conditions not necessarily associated with chronic alcohol intake. It was concluded that magnetic resonance elastography is a non invasive and effective method, whose results are consistent with liver biopsy, presenting superiority compared to methods such as ultrasound elastography, because it evaluates a much larger volume of liver tissue and shows the distribution of lesions that is often heterogeneous.
In the following research, type 2 diabetes mellitus was treated as a topic, as well as its incide... more In the following research, type 2 diabetes mellitus was treated as a topic, as well as its incidences, complications and current treatments. It should be specified as the first point that the term diabetes mellitus (DM) defines metabolic alterations of multiple etiologies characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and disorders in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, resulting from defects in insulin secretion, in the action of the same or in both. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is considered one of the chronic diseases with greater impact on the quality of life of the world population and constitutes a real health problem. It is estimated that about 4 million deaths per year are directly related to this condition, supported by changes in the lifestyles of the population, associated with sedentary lifestyle, obesity, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. It was obtained as results that type 2 DM is a chronic disease of increasing prevalence. The magnitude of the problem, in what refers to direct and indirect costs, has to make us very cautious to decide what the best treatment for patients is. The main conclusion was that lifestyle modification is the cornerstone in the prevention and metabolic control of type 2 diabetic patients; however, there is a wide group of drugs with varied pharmacological characteristics that make them widely used in the daily practice, because they have the purpose of reducing toxicity by high blood glucose levels.
Through the years, the English language has become more and more popular and it is one of the mos... more Through the years, the English language has become more and more popular and it is one of the most useful languages to learn around the world. There are simply huge amounts of literature and writings in the English language. It is also the standard language for world communication, especially in the fields of science, business, information technology and economy. Besides being an incredibly useful language to learn for business, the English language also opens the speaker up to a massive amount of culture, such as cinema, theatre, and music. Learning the English language will enable people to travel the world over, and to be understood by the local people who live there, enriching their travelling experience. Parting from that fact, the Foreign Language Department recognizes importance of this language and in its social labor seeks on projects that will generate an impact in the society and the culture as well. In this case, it seeks to impact students from the Foreign Language Depa...
La obesidad una enfermedad cronica, en la actualidad es la enfermedad metabolica mas prevalente e... more La obesidad una enfermedad cronica, en la actualidad es la enfermedad metabolica mas prevalente en los paises desarrollados. En el mundo hay mas obesas que obesos. En anos mas recientes, la preocupacion se ha centrado en la obesidad materna. Numerosos estudios han demostrado un aumento significativo del riesgo de diversas patologias del embarazo, cesareas y una mayor mortalidad perinatal. En hospital Regional Santiago de Jinotepe – Carazo en el ano 2014 hubieron 3,522 partos vaginales y 2,218 cesareas con un total de complicaciones de 1,492 de ellas que fueron 67 SHG, 10 Eclampsia y la mas frecuentemente que se presento fue prolongacion del trabajo de parto con 365 y parto obstruidos 140 casos que sin lugar a duda contribuyeron a mayor numero de cesarea, no hay estadistica que senales la cantidad de mujeres con complicaciones y obesidad actualmente. Se realizo estudio descriptivo de corte transversa para determinar la asociacion del sobre peso y la obesidad materna previa al embaraz...
Revista Medica Herediana, 2020
Objetivos: Identificar la ocurrencia de casos de embarazo, nacimientos y aborto en participantes ... more Objetivos: Identificar la ocurrencia de casos de embarazo, nacimientos y aborto en participantes de ensayos clínicos en fases III y IV, en Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio de análisis de datos secundarios, retrospectivo, de todos los casos de embarazo ocurridos durante la realización de ensayos clínicos, en el periodo 2010 al 2015. Los datos se obtuvieron del sistema virtual REAS-NET, del Instituto Nacional de Salud para el reporte de eventos adversos serios. Se utilizó la prueba de Fisher y Chi cuadrado para el análisis de las variables Resultados: Se encontraron 30 casos de embarazos de pacientes enroladas en los ensayos clínicos, 24 de ellos en ensayos de fase III. El rango de edad fue 19 a 44 años, 21 casos terminaron en aborto. Ninguna de las variables estudiadas presentó asociación significativa con el resultado del embarazo: aborto y nacido vivo normal. Conclusiones: Se encontraron embarazos en las participantes en ensayos clínicos de fase III y IV, la edad correspondió a la...
The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases in industrialized ... more The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases in industrialized countries; the presence of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease are the most important risk factors and the most cited during the establishment and development of fatty liver disease, technically called hepatic steatosis. This disease can precede the diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure or dyslipidemia; its evaluation is essential to identify patients at risk, not only fibrosis and liver cirrhosis, but also patients at higher risk of cardiovascular events. Usually asymptomatic, it can produce pain in the right hypochondrium or other disorders, which are ignored by patients. The most useful diagnostic method is ultrasound, considered the best imaging test to detect hepatic steatosis at an early stage since it offers multiple advantages. Among the results it was found that fatty liver is very common and that it can be caused by a variety of conditions not necessarily associated with chronic alcohol intake. It was concluded that magnetic resonance elastography is a non invasive and effective method, whose results are consistent with liver biopsy, presenting superiority compared to methods such as ultrasound elastography, because it evaluates a much larger volume of liver tissue and shows the distribution of lesions that is often heterogeneous.
In the following research, type 2 diabetes mellitus was treated as a topic, as well as its incide... more In the following research, type 2 diabetes mellitus was treated as a topic, as well as its incidences, complications and current treatments. It should be specified as the first point that the term diabetes mellitus (DM) defines metabolic alterations of multiple etiologies characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and disorders in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, resulting from defects in insulin secretion, in the action of the same or in both. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is considered one of the chronic diseases with greater impact on the quality of life of the world population and constitutes a real health problem. It is estimated that about 4 million deaths per year are directly related to this condition, supported by changes in the lifestyles of the population, associated with sedentary lifestyle, obesity, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. It was obtained as results that type 2 DM is a chronic disease of increasing prevalence. The magnitude of the problem, in what refers to direct and indirect costs, has to make us very cautious to decide what the best treatment for patients is. The main conclusion was that lifestyle modification is the cornerstone in the prevention and metabolic control of type 2 diabetic patients; however, there is a wide group of drugs with varied pharmacological characteristics that make them widely used in the daily practice, because they have the purpose of reducing toxicity by high blood glucose levels.