Joseph Soeters - (original) (raw)

Papers by Joseph Soeters

Research paper thumbnail of Economics, Logistics, and (Human Resources) Management in Military Sciences

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Roddel in organisaties

Research paper thumbnail of Patient, gezondheidszorg en langdurige ziekte : een onderzoek onder 213 langdurig zieke werknemers in Z.-Limburg

Research paper thumbnail of Bariş Gücü Operasyonlarinda Türki̇ye-Hollanda Buluşmasi

Bu makale, Turk ve Hollanda Silahli Kuvvetleri arasindaki isbirligini -sirasiyla Kosova’da ve Kab... more Bu makale, Turk ve Hollanda Silahli Kuvvetleri arasindaki isbirligini -sirasiyla Kosova’da ve Kabil’de icra edilen iki “barisi koruma gorevi” esnasinda- incelemektedir. Makale hazirlanirken, literatur taramasina ilaveten her iki tarafin subay ve astsubaylariyla yapilan mulakatlar temel alinmistir. Makalede, her iki harekat bolgesindeki halkla askerler arasinda yasanan etkilesimin yani sira, iki ulkenin Silahli Kuvvetleri personeli arasindaki isbirligi de incelenmektedir. Is yapma tarz ve yontemleri arasindaki farkliliklar analiz edildiginde, “Kulturler Arasi Askeri Isbirligi” ve “C:\Documents Documents\DergiMayis2005son\uygulama3_kadirvarogluson.docMusluman Ulkelerdeki Barisi Koruma Faaliyetleri” acisindan bazi onemli sonuclara ulasilmistir. Her ulkenin askeri birlikleri, ozellikle kendi ulkelerinden kulturel olarak farkli yerlerde konuslanmalari durumunda, diger ulkelerin askerleri ile birlikte calismanin kulturler arasi boyutuna hazirlikli olmalidirlar. Buna ilaveten, yerel halkin...

Research paper thumbnail of Military engagement in civilian healthcare in Uruzgan: An ethical perspective

Research paper thumbnail of De betekenis van Norbert Elias voor de organisatiesociologie

Though Norbert Elias's contributions are many, his name can rarely be found in mainstream tex... more Though Norbert Elias's contributions are many, his name can rarely be found in mainstream textbooks on organizational sociology & in only a few books & articles in Dutch journals. It is argued here that his work, particularly on the civilizing process (1939), is very relevant to the study of international organizational differences, the study of emotions in an organizational context, & the general theory of organizations. A plea is made for a greater voice for the humanities within the various organizational sciences. 44 References. Adapted from source document.

[Research paper thumbnail of Extending the Legacy of Morris Janowitz Pragmatism, International Relations and Peacekeeping [Presentation]](

Research paper thumbnail of Nationale en organisatieculturen in accountantskantoren

To examine which cultural influence -- national or organizational -- is dominant in organizations... more To examine which cultural influence -- national or organizational -- is dominant in organizations, 6 accounting firms in the Netherlands were studied (3 entirely Dutch, & 3 subsidiaries of international, strongly US-oriented companies). The culture in the international firms was found to be remarkably similar to the US culture as measured by G. H. Hofstede (Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1980). This result was surprising, since almost all the employees were Dutch by birth & education. Further analysis showed that this phenomenon is probably due to the self-selection of these employees rather than socialization. 3 Tables, 43 References. Modified HA

Research paper thumbnail of Researching ‘the most dangerous of all sources’: Egodocuments Esmeralda Kleinreesink

Research paper thumbnail of Meting en interpretatie van organisatieculturen

A rebuttal to H. J. M. Huttner's comment on J. Soeters's & H. Schreuder's research in... more A rebuttal to H. J. M. Huttner's comment on J. Soeters's & H. Schreuder's research in which Huttner stated that the conceptual analysis of organizational culture is not logical due to imprecise usage of group features & characteristics. It is argued that, since the definition of culture used does not entail an a priori explanation for the origin of culture, Huttner's comments are irrelevant. Four research methods proposed by Huttner are briefly reviewed, & reasons why they were not feasible in the original research are demonstrated. In recognition that Soeters's & Schreuder's socialization hypothesis is too narrow, further research on socialization vs (self-)selection is suggested. 17 References. M. Barker

Research paper thumbnail of Why It Is Important to Be Cautious in the Analysis of Military Organizations: A Reply to Hasselbladh and Ydén

Armed Forces & Society, 2020

This article is a reply to a recent publication by Hasselbladh and Yden in this journal, entitled... more This article is a reply to a recent publication by Hasselbladh and Yden in this journal, entitled “Why Military Organizations Are Cautious About Learning?” They argue that there is good reason for military organizations not being very successful in organizational learning. Based on historical experiences related to the military’s bureaucratic character and specific task environment, they argue that military organization’s hesitation to learn is not necessarily dysfunctional. This reply refutes this assertion as it is not based on sufficient knowledge of organizational learning in general, but more importantly because it “scholarly” legitimizes the impeding of attempts to improve military performance in the broad sense of the word.

Research paper thumbnail of Werkprestaties in accountantskantoren*

Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Sociale variabelen als succesfactoren voor de prestaties van organisaties

Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Stress training and the new military environment

The new environment in which current military operations take place is often characterized by unp... more The new environment in which current military operations take place is often characterized by unpredictable and ambiguous situations. This places new demands on military personnel. In combination with high levels of violence and threat, these situations will elicit acute stress reactions, which can impair performance and the ability to operate effectively. It may be questioned whether the current practices to

Research paper thumbnail of The Contested Idea of Peace: A Path for Public Administration through Jane Addams

Beginning with the odd finding that “peace research is just the study of war” this paper explores... more Beginning with the odd finding that “peace research is just the study of war” this paper explores “positive peace” as an important yet neglected notion in public administration. It does this by examining the ideas of Nobel Peace Prize winner, Jane Addams, a pioneer in public administration and peace theory. Addams feminist, pragmatist ideas of peace, which we call peaceweaving, emerged from her experience as a settlement worker in Chicago. Her ideas are placed in historical context, and applied to contemporary peace developments in Kosovo. Using her ideas lead us to a better understanding of what is going right and what is still going wrong in that complicated peace operation

Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of Organizational Responsiveness: Experiences of a Military Crisis Response Organization

Journal of Organization Design, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Truth and (self) censorship in military memoirs

Current Sociology, 2015

It can be difficult for researchers from outside the military to gain access to the field. Howeve... more It can be difficult for researchers from outside the military to gain access to the field. However, there is a rich source on the military that is readily available for every researcher: military memoirs. This source does provide some methodological challenges with regard to truth and (self) censorship, nevertheless. This study questions how truth and (self) censorship issues influence the content of these military autobiographies. It shows that these issues are not only a concern for researchers, but also for military writers themselves. The study provides concrete quantitative data based on military Afghanistan memoirs published between 2001 and 2010 from five different countries: the UK, the US, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. The majority of soldier-authors make some kind of truth claim in their books that they also substantiate. Military books published by traditional publishers do so significantly more often than self-published books. In books published in Anglo-Saxon cou...

Research paper thumbnail of Infusing with ERP Systems: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Impact of Control and Empowerment

Research paper thumbnail of Das Deutsch-Niederländische Korps

Handbuch Militär und Sozialwissenschaft, 2004

1995 wurde das Deutsch-Niederlandische Korps (1 GE/NL Corps) als Ergebnis eines politischen Proze... more 1995 wurde das Deutsch-Niederlandische Korps (1 GE/NL Corps) als Ergebnis eines politischen Prozesses in Dienst gestellt, der mit dem Fall der Berliner Mauer 1989 begonnen hatte. Dieses Ereignis bewirkte, dass viele europaische Staaten eine ‚Friedensdividende‘ fur sich reklamierten und damit begannen, ihre Verteidigungshaushalte zu verkleinern und ihre Streitkrafte umzustrukturieren. Diesem Gedanken folgend entschlossen sich auch Deutschland und die Niederlande, ihre Streitkrafte zusammenzufassen und ein binationales Korps zu grunden (Moelker 2002). Hiervon versprach man sich organisatorische Vereinfachungen bei gleichzeitiger Bewahrung der militarischen Kampfkraft.

Research paper thumbnail of J.A.A. van Doorn en de Nederlandse sociologie : De erfenis, het debat en de toekomst

Research paper thumbnail of Economics, Logistics, and (Human Resources) Management in Military Sciences

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Roddel in organisaties

Research paper thumbnail of Patient, gezondheidszorg en langdurige ziekte : een onderzoek onder 213 langdurig zieke werknemers in Z.-Limburg

Research paper thumbnail of Bariş Gücü Operasyonlarinda Türki̇ye-Hollanda Buluşmasi

Bu makale, Turk ve Hollanda Silahli Kuvvetleri arasindaki isbirligini -sirasiyla Kosova’da ve Kab... more Bu makale, Turk ve Hollanda Silahli Kuvvetleri arasindaki isbirligini -sirasiyla Kosova’da ve Kabil’de icra edilen iki “barisi koruma gorevi” esnasinda- incelemektedir. Makale hazirlanirken, literatur taramasina ilaveten her iki tarafin subay ve astsubaylariyla yapilan mulakatlar temel alinmistir. Makalede, her iki harekat bolgesindeki halkla askerler arasinda yasanan etkilesimin yani sira, iki ulkenin Silahli Kuvvetleri personeli arasindaki isbirligi de incelenmektedir. Is yapma tarz ve yontemleri arasindaki farkliliklar analiz edildiginde, “Kulturler Arasi Askeri Isbirligi” ve “C:\Documents Documents\DergiMayis2005son\uygulama3_kadirvarogluson.docMusluman Ulkelerdeki Barisi Koruma Faaliyetleri” acisindan bazi onemli sonuclara ulasilmistir. Her ulkenin askeri birlikleri, ozellikle kendi ulkelerinden kulturel olarak farkli yerlerde konuslanmalari durumunda, diger ulkelerin askerleri ile birlikte calismanin kulturler arasi boyutuna hazirlikli olmalidirlar. Buna ilaveten, yerel halkin...

Research paper thumbnail of Military engagement in civilian healthcare in Uruzgan: An ethical perspective

Research paper thumbnail of De betekenis van Norbert Elias voor de organisatiesociologie

Though Norbert Elias's contributions are many, his name can rarely be found in mainstream tex... more Though Norbert Elias's contributions are many, his name can rarely be found in mainstream textbooks on organizational sociology & in only a few books & articles in Dutch journals. It is argued here that his work, particularly on the civilizing process (1939), is very relevant to the study of international organizational differences, the study of emotions in an organizational context, & the general theory of organizations. A plea is made for a greater voice for the humanities within the various organizational sciences. 44 References. Adapted from source document.

[Research paper thumbnail of Extending the Legacy of Morris Janowitz Pragmatism, International Relations and Peacekeeping [Presentation]](

Research paper thumbnail of Nationale en organisatieculturen in accountantskantoren

To examine which cultural influence -- national or organizational -- is dominant in organizations... more To examine which cultural influence -- national or organizational -- is dominant in organizations, 6 accounting firms in the Netherlands were studied (3 entirely Dutch, & 3 subsidiaries of international, strongly US-oriented companies). The culture in the international firms was found to be remarkably similar to the US culture as measured by G. H. Hofstede (Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1980). This result was surprising, since almost all the employees were Dutch by birth & education. Further analysis showed that this phenomenon is probably due to the self-selection of these employees rather than socialization. 3 Tables, 43 References. Modified HA

Research paper thumbnail of Researching ‘the most dangerous of all sources’: Egodocuments Esmeralda Kleinreesink

Research paper thumbnail of Meting en interpretatie van organisatieculturen

A rebuttal to H. J. M. Huttner's comment on J. Soeters's & H. Schreuder's research in... more A rebuttal to H. J. M. Huttner's comment on J. Soeters's & H. Schreuder's research in which Huttner stated that the conceptual analysis of organizational culture is not logical due to imprecise usage of group features & characteristics. It is argued that, since the definition of culture used does not entail an a priori explanation for the origin of culture, Huttner's comments are irrelevant. Four research methods proposed by Huttner are briefly reviewed, & reasons why they were not feasible in the original research are demonstrated. In recognition that Soeters's & Schreuder's socialization hypothesis is too narrow, further research on socialization vs (self-)selection is suggested. 17 References. M. Barker

Research paper thumbnail of Why It Is Important to Be Cautious in the Analysis of Military Organizations: A Reply to Hasselbladh and Ydén

Armed Forces & Society, 2020

This article is a reply to a recent publication by Hasselbladh and Yden in this journal, entitled... more This article is a reply to a recent publication by Hasselbladh and Yden in this journal, entitled “Why Military Organizations Are Cautious About Learning?” They argue that there is good reason for military organizations not being very successful in organizational learning. Based on historical experiences related to the military’s bureaucratic character and specific task environment, they argue that military organization’s hesitation to learn is not necessarily dysfunctional. This reply refutes this assertion as it is not based on sufficient knowledge of organizational learning in general, but more importantly because it “scholarly” legitimizes the impeding of attempts to improve military performance in the broad sense of the word.

Research paper thumbnail of Werkprestaties in accountantskantoren*

Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Sociale variabelen als succesfactoren voor de prestaties van organisaties

Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Stress training and the new military environment

The new environment in which current military operations take place is often characterized by unp... more The new environment in which current military operations take place is often characterized by unpredictable and ambiguous situations. This places new demands on military personnel. In combination with high levels of violence and threat, these situations will elicit acute stress reactions, which can impair performance and the ability to operate effectively. It may be questioned whether the current practices to

Research paper thumbnail of The Contested Idea of Peace: A Path for Public Administration through Jane Addams

Beginning with the odd finding that “peace research is just the study of war” this paper explores... more Beginning with the odd finding that “peace research is just the study of war” this paper explores “positive peace” as an important yet neglected notion in public administration. It does this by examining the ideas of Nobel Peace Prize winner, Jane Addams, a pioneer in public administration and peace theory. Addams feminist, pragmatist ideas of peace, which we call peaceweaving, emerged from her experience as a settlement worker in Chicago. Her ideas are placed in historical context, and applied to contemporary peace developments in Kosovo. Using her ideas lead us to a better understanding of what is going right and what is still going wrong in that complicated peace operation

Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of Organizational Responsiveness: Experiences of a Military Crisis Response Organization

Journal of Organization Design, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Truth and (self) censorship in military memoirs

Current Sociology, 2015

It can be difficult for researchers from outside the military to gain access to the field. Howeve... more It can be difficult for researchers from outside the military to gain access to the field. However, there is a rich source on the military that is readily available for every researcher: military memoirs. This source does provide some methodological challenges with regard to truth and (self) censorship, nevertheless. This study questions how truth and (self) censorship issues influence the content of these military autobiographies. It shows that these issues are not only a concern for researchers, but also for military writers themselves. The study provides concrete quantitative data based on military Afghanistan memoirs published between 2001 and 2010 from five different countries: the UK, the US, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. The majority of soldier-authors make some kind of truth claim in their books that they also substantiate. Military books published by traditional publishers do so significantly more often than self-published books. In books published in Anglo-Saxon cou...

Research paper thumbnail of Infusing with ERP Systems: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Impact of Control and Empowerment

Research paper thumbnail of Das Deutsch-Niederländische Korps

Handbuch Militär und Sozialwissenschaft, 2004

1995 wurde das Deutsch-Niederlandische Korps (1 GE/NL Corps) als Ergebnis eines politischen Proze... more 1995 wurde das Deutsch-Niederlandische Korps (1 GE/NL Corps) als Ergebnis eines politischen Prozesses in Dienst gestellt, der mit dem Fall der Berliner Mauer 1989 begonnen hatte. Dieses Ereignis bewirkte, dass viele europaische Staaten eine ‚Friedensdividende‘ fur sich reklamierten und damit begannen, ihre Verteidigungshaushalte zu verkleinern und ihre Streitkrafte umzustrukturieren. Diesem Gedanken folgend entschlossen sich auch Deutschland und die Niederlande, ihre Streitkrafte zusammenzufassen und ein binationales Korps zu grunden (Moelker 2002). Hiervon versprach man sich organisatorische Vereinfachungen bei gleichzeitiger Bewahrung der militarischen Kampfkraft.

Research paper thumbnail of J.A.A. van Doorn en de Nederlandse sociologie : De erfenis, het debat en de toekomst