JUAN DIEGO BONILLA HINCAPIE - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
This article is based on a research called: "Written Culture at Universidad de Medellin: How... more This article is based on a research called: "Written Culture at Universidad de Medellin: How do Freshmen Enrolling the University Read and Write?" Carried out by Universidad de Medellín PHRONESIS (Social and Human Sciences Research Group). Such study, oriented by Textual Linguistics and Critical Analysis of Discourse includes contributions from Daniel Cassany, Van Dijk, and Carlino, among others. Provisional conclusions indicate that a subject guided through these approaches reaches better results than those reached by more formal and educative programs of studies.<br><br>El presente artículo es resultado de la investigación: La cultura escrita en la Universidad de Medellín: ¿Cómo leen y escriben los estudiantes que ingresan a primer semestre?, realizado por el grupo de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas PHRÓNESIS de la Universidad de Medellín. Dicho estudio, orientado desde la Lingüística Textual (LT) y el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD), tiene e...
trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 2011
El sector energético colombiano, actualmente, afronta el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistem... more El sector energético colombiano, actualmente, afronta el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistema de movilidad limpia debido a que algunas características del sistema de transporte convencional dependen principalmente de los derivados del petróleo, en consecuencia, este sistema resulta contaminante y de baja eficiencia. El presente artículo quiere mostrar la conveniencia de incorporar las celdas de combustible en el sector transporte del Valle de Aburrá por tener un menor impacto negativo, para el medio ambiente que los sistemas con motor de combustión interna, diversificar el uso de los recursos energéticos para no depender exclusivamente de los derivados del petróleo, intensificar el uso de las energías renovables, ser más eficiente, propender mejorar el índice de calidad de vida de los ciudadanos y dar un impulso al desarrollo económico de la región. La metodología de análisis consiste en estudiar la situación actual en el mundo, en Colombia y en el Valle de Aburrá, en cuanto a ...
2014 9th Computing Colombian Conference (9CCC), 2014
Nowadays plasma has become of great importance in both scientific and industrial areas since nano... more Nowadays plasma has become of great importance in both scientific and industrial areas since nanostructures, used for creating small computational processing devices, are produced by pulse lasers. The Simulation of phenomena such as plasma consumes a big amount of CPUs execution time. This paper intends to suggest a parallel solution of the Semi-Lagrangian using GPUs to solve the Vlasov-Poisson equations in 1D, as a different simulation alternative to PIC (Particle in Cell). To make this process a CUDA was used as a programing framework and an nVidia GTX 580 graphic card as a parallel processing element. The result of the parallelization process allowed accelerating the execution time of 3.7 times faster in comparison to the sequential algorithm.
ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Volume 2, 2011
ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study for inventory management for an oilfield equipment comp... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study for inventory management for an oilfield equipment company. The management encounters the problem of deciding which parts to manufacture in-house and which ones to subcontract. A decision support system (DSS) is developed which ranks component parts by integrating multi-criteria classification methods considering both quantitative (e.g., cost and demand) and qualitative (e.g., importance) factors. The focus on this research is to perform a sensitivity analysis on weight assignment for each criterion. This information is important in applications of inventory management since industries may not be able to manufacture all the necessary parts on time. Real world data from an oilfield equipment industry are used where inventory control problems have arisen because the company does not have the capacity to manufacture all the required parts to satisfy customer orders.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2011
In the steady-state flow of a heterogeneous mixture such as an air-liquid mixture, the velocity a... more In the steady-state flow of a heterogeneous mixture such as an air-liquid mixture, the velocity and void fraction are space-and time-dependent parameters. These parameters are the most fundamental in the analysis and description of a multiphase flow. The determination of flow patterns in an objective way is extremely critical, since this is directly related to sudden changes in spatial and temporal changes of the random like characteristic of concentration. Flow patterns can be described by concentration signals in time, amplitude, and frequency domains. Despite the vital importance and countless attempts to solve or incorporate the flow pattern phenomena into multiphase models, it has still been a very challenging topic in the scientific community since the 1940's and has not yet reached a satisfactory solution. This paper reports the experimental results of the impact of fluid viscosity on flow patterns for twophase flow. Two-phase flow was created in laboratory equipment using air and liquid as phase medium. The liquid properties were changed by using variable concentrations of glycerol in water mixture which generated a wide-range of dynamic viscosities ranging from 1 to 1060 MPa s. The in situ spatial concentration vs. liquid viscosity and airflow velocity of two-phase flow in a vertical ID = 50.8 mm pipe were measured using two concomitant computer-aided measurement systems. After acquiring data, the in situ special concentration signals were analyzed in time (spatial concentration and RMS of spatial concentration vs. time), amplitude (PDF and CPDF), and frequency (PSD and CPSD) domains that documented broad flow pattern changes caused by the fluid viscosity and air velocity changes.
Acta …, 2009
This work was carried out at the'Montelindo'farm, municipality of Palestina (Department... more This work was carried out at the'Montelindo'farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Caldas, Colombia, located at 5 05′ N and 75 40′ W, at 1010 masl, 23.5 C, with 2100 mm of annual rainfall, and relative humidity of 76%), in order to generate ...
Acta Agron, 2009
This work was carried out at the 'Montelindo' farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Cald... more This work was carried out at the 'Montelindo' farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Caldas, Colombia, located at 5º 05' N and 75º 40' W, at 1010 m.a.s.l., 23.5 ºC, with 2100 mm of annual rainfall, and relative humidity of 76%), in order to generate information on the management of borers and parasitic nematodes of the plantain. A completely randomised block experimental design was used, with four treatments per block, three replicates and 24 plants per replicate. For the management of borers, applications of Carbofuran, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were made into column type traps. To control nematodes soil applications of Carbofuran and two commercial strains
Ingenierías USBMed, 2012
Los almacenes de cadena son organizaciones en donde el personal es numeroso, diverso, de alta rot... more Los almacenes de cadena son organizaciones en donde el personal es numeroso, diverso, de alta rotación y alto retiro; además la gran variedad de negocios que tienen tales organizaciones, hacen que posean muchas aplicaciones a las cuales muchos usuarios deben ingresar y en la mayoría de veces éste acceso se vuelve administrativamente costoso. Por tanto se hace necesario el establecimiento de un procedimiento informático (administración de usuarios) que permita al propio usuario gestionar sus contraseñas y que además le permita a la organización controlar la desactivación automática de los accesos al momento del retiro (terminación de contrato) del usuario. Para lograr esto existen variedad de herramientas en el mercado que satisfacen dicha necesidad, pero su implementación y soporte es demasiado costoso; por eso este artículo pretende mostrar algunos conceptos importantes y la manera en que otras herramientas y metodologías pueden realizar un adecuado proceso de autogestión y retiro ...
Revista Nexus Comunicación, 2015
Este artículo tiene por objeto realizar un recorrido teórico-descriptivo sobre la concepcióndel c... more Este artículo tiene por objeto realizar un recorrido teórico-descriptivo sobre la concepcióndel constructo teórico denominado Modelo de Situación (MS) en el marco de cuatro modelos de comprensión, a saber: el Modelo Estratégico, el Modelo de Construcción-Integración (C-I), el Modelode Indexación de Eventos y el Modelo del Experimentador Inmerso. Asimismo, con base en la revisiónteórica sobre los MS, proponemos la integración de los modelos con el propósito de dar explicación delmodo cómo se construyen los MS en los textos argumentativos.Con el fin de alcanzar estos objetivos realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre la conceptualización de los MS. Una vez presentados los puntos esenciales planteamos nuestrapropuesta: la integración de los modelos de comprensión presentados en este estudio entorno a la conceptualización de los MS con el objeto de dar explicación al modo cómo loscomprendedores se construyen en los MS de los textos argumentativos. Los resultados de esteanálisis nos p...
Revista Universidad Eafit, Aug 29, 2012
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú, 2014
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of two drugs of frequent use in veterin... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of two drugs of frequent use in veterinary practice against microorganisms isolated after treatment in 27 dogs with otitis externa. Various isolates were obtained from five dogs: two Pseudomonas aeruginosa, three Staphylococcus intermedius, and three yeasts of the genus Malassezia.
El presente trabajo de investigación busca determinar el tipo de interacciones lingüísticodiscurs... more El presente trabajo de investigación busca determinar el tipo de interacciones lingüísticodiscursivas llevadas a cabo entre escritor-lector en los resúmenes de artículos de investigación científica (AIC) de lingüística en español, analizados desde dos perspectivas, a saber: los resúmenes de artículos de lingüística de revistas indexadas en Scielo y no indexadas. Para ello presentamos los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan el análisis efectuado aquí, a saber, nociones de discurso académico, género
Los Centros de Innovación y Tecnología (CIT) Españoles, "son concebidos con la misión contri... more Los Centros de Innovación y Tecnología (CIT) Españoles, "son concebidos con la misión contribuir al desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la capacidad competitiva de las empresas que actúan en territorio español en el ámbito de la tecnología y la innovación" (RD 2609, 1996). Bajo este contexto el objetivo de esta publicación es presentar la aplicación que hacen los CIT españoles, de la vigilancia tecnológica (VT) – inteligencia competitiva (IC) como un proceso sistemático para la gestión de la información y la innovación, identificando las fuentes, técnicas y herramientas utilizadas para la VT-IC en cada uno de los procesos de: planificación, obtención, tratamiento y análisis de la información, difusión y utilización de los resultados. ---------------------------------------------Centers of Innovation and Technology (CIT) Spanish are designed with the mission to contribute to developing and strengthening the competitiveness of businesses operating in Spanish territory in the fie...
Weiner (1995) argumenta que las ideas fundamentales y fructíferas, son en gran medida accidentes ... more Weiner (1995) argumenta que las ideas fundamentales y fructíferas, son en gran medida accidentes afortunados e impredecibles. Pero también es cierto que la creatividad no es solo un momento, es un proceso que puede ser desarrollado de manera lógica y sistemática en las organizaciones y es en este proceso creativo donde los principios de solución son desarrollados a partir de oportunidades identificadas para impulsar innovaciones tecnológicas. Este artículo expone una metodología para aplicar sistemáticamente un proceso que involucra: Vigilancia tecnológica, Inteligencia competitiva, y Creatividad, –denominado por el autor "Proceso VIC"– para identificar principios de solución. Esta metodología involucra las siguientes fases: 1) Identificación de la oportunidad, 2) Búsqueda y procesamiento de datos e información, 3) Análisis de tendencias y propuesta de oportunidades, 4) Análisis de oportunidades y propuesta de nuevas ideas, y 5) Evaluación de las nuevas ideas. Para desarro...
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is effective for treating epilepsy and depression, and has emerging... more Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is effective for treating epilepsy and depression, and has emerging indications for anxiety and heart failure. However, stimulation-evoked side effects remain a challenge for long-term compliance. We investigated the feasibility of reducing VNS side effects by using a temporally-modified stimulation pattern. In 4 anesthetized canines, we measured changes in both the heart rate and evoked laryngeal muscle activity. Compared to baseline, we found that a 5% duty cycle (measured by the number of pulses per second of stimulation) could still evoke a 21% reduction in heart rate; whereas compared to continuous stimulation (3 mA, 300 μs pulsewidth, 20 Hz) the same 5% duty cycle reduced the evoked laryngeal muscle activity by 90%. The results of this study indicate that temporally-patterned stimulation may provide an effective tool for optimizing VNS therapy.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37439)
ABSTRACT This project is exploring methods that would allow an individual with complete C5-C6 tet... more ABSTRACT This project is exploring methods that would allow an individual with complete C5-C6 tetraplegia to simultaneously, automatically, and naturally control many different movements of the arm that have been restored by an advanced upper extremity neuroprosthesis. This will be accomplished by exploiting the retained voluntary control of muscles scattered throughout the upper extremity of these individuals. In particular, our goal is to simultaneously restore hand grasp, wrist extension, forearm pronosupination, elbow extension, and shoulder adduction and horizontal flexion by recording EMG signals from several muscles, detecting appropriate temporal-spatial patterns across the EMG signals, and then using these patterns to control the stimulation of key paralyzed muscles in a task-appropriate manner. Our results indicate that five upper extremity joint angles can be predicted from EMG signals with RMS errors of 10-20 degrees. The cumulative information transfer rate of approximately 3 bits/s is much greater than that achieved via scalp EEG recordings and compares favorably with that obtained using more invasive methods.
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007
The goal of this project is to enhance the benefits of functional electrical stimulation (FES) fo... more The goal of this project is to enhance the benefits of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for individuals with cervical mid-level spinal cord injury (C5-C6 SCI) by providing upper arm function that complements the hand function provided by current FES systems. As a result of stimulation to selected shoulder and elbow muscles, individuals are able to increase their range of motion, their reaching ability, and improve their overall shoulder stability. An approach that provides a natural way of controlling arm stimulation is proposed. The controller extracts information from recorded EMG activity of muscles under retained voluntary control and processes these signals to generate the appropriate stimulation levels for the stimulated paralyzed muscles. One subject with complete C5 paralysis has been implemented with this advanced neuroprosthesis which includes four implanted EMG electrodes and 24 channels of stimulation. Eight of these channels were used for hand grasp and six were used for trunk stimulation to provide posture control, trunk stability and weight relief. The shoulder and elbow implanted stimulation channels include the suprascapular, thoracodorsal and radial nerves (via nerve-cuff electrodes) and the pectoralis major, rhomboids and pronator quadratus muscles (via muscle-based electrodes). The thoracic portion of the pectoralis major was transferred to the scapula to restore the actions of the denervated serratus anterior muscle, essential for reaching tasks and shoulder stability. The four EMG channels implanted include the trapezius, biceps, deltoids and extensor carpi radialis longus. Currently, the EMG control strategy is being refined and tested with the subject including evaluation of the functional benefits of the intervention.
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry, 2013
The aim of the present study was to analyze the occurrence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingiv... more The aim of the present study was to analyze the occurrence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia), Treponema denticola (T. denticola), and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitans) in patients with diabetes. Methods: Periodontal and diabetic parameters and subgingival biofilm samples were obtained from 60 patients with diabetes and 62 patients without diabetes. By using polymerase chain reaction, the prevalence of red complex microorganisms (P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola) and A. actinomycetemcomitans were determined. Descriptive and non-parametric statistical analyses between groups were performed (Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Fisher's exact test). Results: Patients with diabetes presented significantly higher periodontal attachment loss levels compared to patients without diabetes. Red complex microorganisms were detected in lower frequencies in patients with diabetes. The detection of A. actinomycetemcomitans was higher in patients with diabetes and periodontitis compared to systemically-healthy patients without periodontitis (P < 0.05). P. gingivalis was associated with periodontitis in non-diabetic patients (P < 0.05), whereas A. actinomycetemcomitans was associated with periodontitis in diabetic patients (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that there might be differences in the subgingival microbiota between diabetic and non-diabetic patients. In addition, P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans were associated with periodontitis in patients without diabetes and patients with diabetes, respectively.
Conference Proceedings. 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2005.
The goal of this project is to use functional electrical stimulation (FES) to increase the arm's ... more The goal of this project is to use functional electrical stimulation (FES) to increase the arm's workspace of individuals with C5/C6 Spinal Cord Injury (SCI); providing more natural movement and thus enhancing functional outcomes. A controller that extracts information from recorded EMG activity of muscles under retained voluntary control and processes these signals to generate the appropriate stimulation levels for paralyzed muscles was designed using a dynamic musculoskeletal model of the arm. Different arm movements were recorded from able bodied subjects and these kinematics served as input to the model. The model was modified to reflect C5/C6 SCI, and inverse simulations were run to provide muscle activation patterns corresponding to the movements recorded. One set of "voluntary" muscles and one set of "stimulated paralyzed" muscles were selected as input and output to the controller based on each muscle's relevance as suggested by the simulations. A neural network controller was trained to predict "stimulated paralyzed" muscle activations using "voluntary" muscle activations as inputs. The neural network controller was able to predict the activation level of three paralyzed muscles with less than 2% error, using four voluntary muscles as inputs.
This article is based on a research called: "Written Culture at Universidad de Medellin: How... more This article is based on a research called: "Written Culture at Universidad de Medellin: How do Freshmen Enrolling the University Read and Write?" Carried out by Universidad de Medellín PHRONESIS (Social and Human Sciences Research Group). Such study, oriented by Textual Linguistics and Critical Analysis of Discourse includes contributions from Daniel Cassany, Van Dijk, and Carlino, among others. Provisional conclusions indicate that a subject guided through these approaches reaches better results than those reached by more formal and educative programs of studies.<br><br>El presente artículo es resultado de la investigación: La cultura escrita en la Universidad de Medellín: ¿Cómo leen y escriben los estudiantes que ingresan a primer semestre?, realizado por el grupo de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas PHRÓNESIS de la Universidad de Medellín. Dicho estudio, orientado desde la Lingüística Textual (LT) y el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD), tiene e...
trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 2011
El sector energético colombiano, actualmente, afronta el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistem... more El sector energético colombiano, actualmente, afronta el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistema de movilidad limpia debido a que algunas características del sistema de transporte convencional dependen principalmente de los derivados del petróleo, en consecuencia, este sistema resulta contaminante y de baja eficiencia. El presente artículo quiere mostrar la conveniencia de incorporar las celdas de combustible en el sector transporte del Valle de Aburrá por tener un menor impacto negativo, para el medio ambiente que los sistemas con motor de combustión interna, diversificar el uso de los recursos energéticos para no depender exclusivamente de los derivados del petróleo, intensificar el uso de las energías renovables, ser más eficiente, propender mejorar el índice de calidad de vida de los ciudadanos y dar un impulso al desarrollo económico de la región. La metodología de análisis consiste en estudiar la situación actual en el mundo, en Colombia y en el Valle de Aburrá, en cuanto a ...
2014 9th Computing Colombian Conference (9CCC), 2014
Nowadays plasma has become of great importance in both scientific and industrial areas since nano... more Nowadays plasma has become of great importance in both scientific and industrial areas since nanostructures, used for creating small computational processing devices, are produced by pulse lasers. The Simulation of phenomena such as plasma consumes a big amount of CPUs execution time. This paper intends to suggest a parallel solution of the Semi-Lagrangian using GPUs to solve the Vlasov-Poisson equations in 1D, as a different simulation alternative to PIC (Particle in Cell). To make this process a CUDA was used as a programing framework and an nVidia GTX 580 graphic card as a parallel processing element. The result of the parallelization process allowed accelerating the execution time of 3.7 times faster in comparison to the sequential algorithm.
ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Volume 2, 2011
ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study for inventory management for an oilfield equipment comp... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study for inventory management for an oilfield equipment company. The management encounters the problem of deciding which parts to manufacture in-house and which ones to subcontract. A decision support system (DSS) is developed which ranks component parts by integrating multi-criteria classification methods considering both quantitative (e.g., cost and demand) and qualitative (e.g., importance) factors. The focus on this research is to perform a sensitivity analysis on weight assignment for each criterion. This information is important in applications of inventory management since industries may not be able to manufacture all the necessary parts on time. Real world data from an oilfield equipment industry are used where inventory control problems have arisen because the company does not have the capacity to manufacture all the required parts to satisfy customer orders.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2011
In the steady-state flow of a heterogeneous mixture such as an air-liquid mixture, the velocity a... more In the steady-state flow of a heterogeneous mixture such as an air-liquid mixture, the velocity and void fraction are space-and time-dependent parameters. These parameters are the most fundamental in the analysis and description of a multiphase flow. The determination of flow patterns in an objective way is extremely critical, since this is directly related to sudden changes in spatial and temporal changes of the random like characteristic of concentration. Flow patterns can be described by concentration signals in time, amplitude, and frequency domains. Despite the vital importance and countless attempts to solve or incorporate the flow pattern phenomena into multiphase models, it has still been a very challenging topic in the scientific community since the 1940's and has not yet reached a satisfactory solution. This paper reports the experimental results of the impact of fluid viscosity on flow patterns for twophase flow. Two-phase flow was created in laboratory equipment using air and liquid as phase medium. The liquid properties were changed by using variable concentrations of glycerol in water mixture which generated a wide-range of dynamic viscosities ranging from 1 to 1060 MPa s. The in situ spatial concentration vs. liquid viscosity and airflow velocity of two-phase flow in a vertical ID = 50.8 mm pipe were measured using two concomitant computer-aided measurement systems. After acquiring data, the in situ special concentration signals were analyzed in time (spatial concentration and RMS of spatial concentration vs. time), amplitude (PDF and CPDF), and frequency (PSD and CPSD) domains that documented broad flow pattern changes caused by the fluid viscosity and air velocity changes.
Acta …, 2009
This work was carried out at the'Montelindo'farm, municipality of Palestina (Department... more This work was carried out at the'Montelindo'farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Caldas, Colombia, located at 5 05′ N and 75 40′ W, at 1010 masl, 23.5 C, with 2100 mm of annual rainfall, and relative humidity of 76%), in order to generate ...
Acta Agron, 2009
This work was carried out at the 'Montelindo' farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Cald... more This work was carried out at the 'Montelindo' farm, municipality of Palestina (Department of Caldas, Colombia, located at 5º 05' N and 75º 40' W, at 1010 m.a.s.l., 23.5 ºC, with 2100 mm of annual rainfall, and relative humidity of 76%), in order to generate information on the management of borers and parasitic nematodes of the plantain. A completely randomised block experimental design was used, with four treatments per block, three replicates and 24 plants per replicate. For the management of borers, applications of Carbofuran, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were made into column type traps. To control nematodes soil applications of Carbofuran and two commercial strains
Ingenierías USBMed, 2012
Los almacenes de cadena son organizaciones en donde el personal es numeroso, diverso, de alta rot... more Los almacenes de cadena son organizaciones en donde el personal es numeroso, diverso, de alta rotación y alto retiro; además la gran variedad de negocios que tienen tales organizaciones, hacen que posean muchas aplicaciones a las cuales muchos usuarios deben ingresar y en la mayoría de veces éste acceso se vuelve administrativamente costoso. Por tanto se hace necesario el establecimiento de un procedimiento informático (administración de usuarios) que permita al propio usuario gestionar sus contraseñas y que además le permita a la organización controlar la desactivación automática de los accesos al momento del retiro (terminación de contrato) del usuario. Para lograr esto existen variedad de herramientas en el mercado que satisfacen dicha necesidad, pero su implementación y soporte es demasiado costoso; por eso este artículo pretende mostrar algunos conceptos importantes y la manera en que otras herramientas y metodologías pueden realizar un adecuado proceso de autogestión y retiro ...
Revista Nexus Comunicación, 2015
Este artículo tiene por objeto realizar un recorrido teórico-descriptivo sobre la concepcióndel c... more Este artículo tiene por objeto realizar un recorrido teórico-descriptivo sobre la concepcióndel constructo teórico denominado Modelo de Situación (MS) en el marco de cuatro modelos de comprensión, a saber: el Modelo Estratégico, el Modelo de Construcción-Integración (C-I), el Modelode Indexación de Eventos y el Modelo del Experimentador Inmerso. Asimismo, con base en la revisiónteórica sobre los MS, proponemos la integración de los modelos con el propósito de dar explicación delmodo cómo se construyen los MS en los textos argumentativos.Con el fin de alcanzar estos objetivos realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre la conceptualización de los MS. Una vez presentados los puntos esenciales planteamos nuestrapropuesta: la integración de los modelos de comprensión presentados en este estudio entorno a la conceptualización de los MS con el objeto de dar explicación al modo cómo loscomprendedores se construyen en los MS de los textos argumentativos. Los resultados de esteanálisis nos p...
Revista Universidad Eafit, Aug 29, 2012
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú, 2014
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of two drugs of frequent use in veterin... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of two drugs of frequent use in veterinary practice against microorganisms isolated after treatment in 27 dogs with otitis externa. Various isolates were obtained from five dogs: two Pseudomonas aeruginosa, three Staphylococcus intermedius, and three yeasts of the genus Malassezia.
El presente trabajo de investigación busca determinar el tipo de interacciones lingüísticodiscurs... more El presente trabajo de investigación busca determinar el tipo de interacciones lingüísticodiscursivas llevadas a cabo entre escritor-lector en los resúmenes de artículos de investigación científica (AIC) de lingüística en español, analizados desde dos perspectivas, a saber: los resúmenes de artículos de lingüística de revistas indexadas en Scielo y no indexadas. Para ello presentamos los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan el análisis efectuado aquí, a saber, nociones de discurso académico, género
Los Centros de Innovación y Tecnología (CIT) Españoles, "son concebidos con la misión contri... more Los Centros de Innovación y Tecnología (CIT) Españoles, "son concebidos con la misión contribuir al desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la capacidad competitiva de las empresas que actúan en territorio español en el ámbito de la tecnología y la innovación" (RD 2609, 1996). Bajo este contexto el objetivo de esta publicación es presentar la aplicación que hacen los CIT españoles, de la vigilancia tecnológica (VT) – inteligencia competitiva (IC) como un proceso sistemático para la gestión de la información y la innovación, identificando las fuentes, técnicas y herramientas utilizadas para la VT-IC en cada uno de los procesos de: planificación, obtención, tratamiento y análisis de la información, difusión y utilización de los resultados. ---------------------------------------------Centers of Innovation and Technology (CIT) Spanish are designed with the mission to contribute to developing and strengthening the competitiveness of businesses operating in Spanish territory in the fie...
Weiner (1995) argumenta que las ideas fundamentales y fructíferas, son en gran medida accidentes ... more Weiner (1995) argumenta que las ideas fundamentales y fructíferas, son en gran medida accidentes afortunados e impredecibles. Pero también es cierto que la creatividad no es solo un momento, es un proceso que puede ser desarrollado de manera lógica y sistemática en las organizaciones y es en este proceso creativo donde los principios de solución son desarrollados a partir de oportunidades identificadas para impulsar innovaciones tecnológicas. Este artículo expone una metodología para aplicar sistemáticamente un proceso que involucra: Vigilancia tecnológica, Inteligencia competitiva, y Creatividad, –denominado por el autor "Proceso VIC"– para identificar principios de solución. Esta metodología involucra las siguientes fases: 1) Identificación de la oportunidad, 2) Búsqueda y procesamiento de datos e información, 3) Análisis de tendencias y propuesta de oportunidades, 4) Análisis de oportunidades y propuesta de nuevas ideas, y 5) Evaluación de las nuevas ideas. Para desarro...
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is effective for treating epilepsy and depression, and has emerging... more Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is effective for treating epilepsy and depression, and has emerging indications for anxiety and heart failure. However, stimulation-evoked side effects remain a challenge for long-term compliance. We investigated the feasibility of reducing VNS side effects by using a temporally-modified stimulation pattern. In 4 anesthetized canines, we measured changes in both the heart rate and evoked laryngeal muscle activity. Compared to baseline, we found that a 5% duty cycle (measured by the number of pulses per second of stimulation) could still evoke a 21% reduction in heart rate; whereas compared to continuous stimulation (3 mA, 300 μs pulsewidth, 20 Hz) the same 5% duty cycle reduced the evoked laryngeal muscle activity by 90%. The results of this study indicate that temporally-patterned stimulation may provide an effective tool for optimizing VNS therapy.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37439)
ABSTRACT This project is exploring methods that would allow an individual with complete C5-C6 tet... more ABSTRACT This project is exploring methods that would allow an individual with complete C5-C6 tetraplegia to simultaneously, automatically, and naturally control many different movements of the arm that have been restored by an advanced upper extremity neuroprosthesis. This will be accomplished by exploiting the retained voluntary control of muscles scattered throughout the upper extremity of these individuals. In particular, our goal is to simultaneously restore hand grasp, wrist extension, forearm pronosupination, elbow extension, and shoulder adduction and horizontal flexion by recording EMG signals from several muscles, detecting appropriate temporal-spatial patterns across the EMG signals, and then using these patterns to control the stimulation of key paralyzed muscles in a task-appropriate manner. Our results indicate that five upper extremity joint angles can be predicted from EMG signals with RMS errors of 10-20 degrees. The cumulative information transfer rate of approximately 3 bits/s is much greater than that achieved via scalp EEG recordings and compares favorably with that obtained using more invasive methods.
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007
The goal of this project is to enhance the benefits of functional electrical stimulation (FES) fo... more The goal of this project is to enhance the benefits of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for individuals with cervical mid-level spinal cord injury (C5-C6 SCI) by providing upper arm function that complements the hand function provided by current FES systems. As a result of stimulation to selected shoulder and elbow muscles, individuals are able to increase their range of motion, their reaching ability, and improve their overall shoulder stability. An approach that provides a natural way of controlling arm stimulation is proposed. The controller extracts information from recorded EMG activity of muscles under retained voluntary control and processes these signals to generate the appropriate stimulation levels for the stimulated paralyzed muscles. One subject with complete C5 paralysis has been implemented with this advanced neuroprosthesis which includes four implanted EMG electrodes and 24 channels of stimulation. Eight of these channels were used for hand grasp and six were used for trunk stimulation to provide posture control, trunk stability and weight relief. The shoulder and elbow implanted stimulation channels include the suprascapular, thoracodorsal and radial nerves (via nerve-cuff electrodes) and the pectoralis major, rhomboids and pronator quadratus muscles (via muscle-based electrodes). The thoracic portion of the pectoralis major was transferred to the scapula to restore the actions of the denervated serratus anterior muscle, essential for reaching tasks and shoulder stability. The four EMG channels implanted include the trapezius, biceps, deltoids and extensor carpi radialis longus. Currently, the EMG control strategy is being refined and tested with the subject including evaluation of the functional benefits of the intervention.
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry, 2013
The aim of the present study was to analyze the occurrence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingiv... more The aim of the present study was to analyze the occurrence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia), Treponema denticola (T. denticola), and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitans) in patients with diabetes. Methods: Periodontal and diabetic parameters and subgingival biofilm samples were obtained from 60 patients with diabetes and 62 patients without diabetes. By using polymerase chain reaction, the prevalence of red complex microorganisms (P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola) and A. actinomycetemcomitans were determined. Descriptive and non-parametric statistical analyses between groups were performed (Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Fisher's exact test). Results: Patients with diabetes presented significantly higher periodontal attachment loss levels compared to patients without diabetes. Red complex microorganisms were detected in lower frequencies in patients with diabetes. The detection of A. actinomycetemcomitans was higher in patients with diabetes and periodontitis compared to systemically-healthy patients without periodontitis (P < 0.05). P. gingivalis was associated with periodontitis in non-diabetic patients (P < 0.05), whereas A. actinomycetemcomitans was associated with periodontitis in diabetic patients (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that there might be differences in the subgingival microbiota between diabetic and non-diabetic patients. In addition, P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans were associated with periodontitis in patients without diabetes and patients with diabetes, respectively.
Conference Proceedings. 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2005.
The goal of this project is to use functional electrical stimulation (FES) to increase the arm's ... more The goal of this project is to use functional electrical stimulation (FES) to increase the arm's workspace of individuals with C5/C6 Spinal Cord Injury (SCI); providing more natural movement and thus enhancing functional outcomes. A controller that extracts information from recorded EMG activity of muscles under retained voluntary control and processes these signals to generate the appropriate stimulation levels for paralyzed muscles was designed using a dynamic musculoskeletal model of the arm. Different arm movements were recorded from able bodied subjects and these kinematics served as input to the model. The model was modified to reflect C5/C6 SCI, and inverse simulations were run to provide muscle activation patterns corresponding to the movements recorded. One set of "voluntary" muscles and one set of "stimulated paralyzed" muscles were selected as input and output to the controller based on each muscle's relevance as suggested by the simulations. A neural network controller was trained to predict "stimulated paralyzed" muscle activations using "voluntary" muscle activations as inputs. The neural network controller was able to predict the activation level of three paralyzed muscles with less than 2% error, using four voluntary muscles as inputs.