Jaka Repic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jaka Repic
Prostor, kraj, čas 2, 2013
Movement and mobility, in its various modes, have strong implications for social, political and c... more Movement and mobility, in its various modes, have strong implications for social, political and cultural dimensions of peoples’ daily lives and their broader social realities. The book addresses individual experiences of movement, focusing on spatial and temporal implications of movement and mobility. The core idea is that mobility and movement engender moving places – places the location of which is not geographically fixed but relative. Places such as home and homeland appear to be fixed and immobile, but in practice they are always contested and depend on practices, imaginaries and politics of movement. They are continuously redefined through given social, political, historical and economic contingencies. The book explores the interrelatedness between spatial configuration and practices and politics of movement, mobility and immobility. Ethnographically, the book explores the specificities of given regions, addressing two basic topics of place-making linked through movement. The first one is relationality, i.e. relations between centres and peripheries as well as relations between people and places as they are generated through movement. Both topics are explored ethnographically and comparatively, enriching theoretical discussion on movement, mobility, immobility and place making.
Studia ethnologica Croatica, Dec 15, 2010
The article examines the connection between recent migration to Spain and the role of the Spanish... more The article examines the connection between recent migration to Spain and the role of the Spanish informal economy with its requirements for inexpensive, unregistered labour as one of the most crucial factors of early and contemporary labour immigration. Due to restrictive migration policy a marked social differentiation has occurred between Spanish citizens, new residents (from the EU) and immigrants. Migrant workers are often at the very bottom of the social scale, and it is in the interest of the capital to continue the policy of exclusion and foster their non-integration.
This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construc... more This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construction of the First World War, integrated into the landscapes of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. According to Nicholas Saunders, military histories usually consider landscapes to be inert, static, empty, and self-evident backdrops to military action as well as subsequent practices of memorialization. However, many anthropologists, geographers, and archaeologists have noted that landscapes cannot be separated from human experiences, but are part of a world of relationships, memories, and histories. This article explores connections between the military and post-military landscape and memorialization of the First World War, established through landscape features, experiences of the landscape, and commemorations by institutions that engage in interpretation and heritage production. Various landscape attributes, such as paths, monuments, and memorial places, are being (re)constructed as tourist and hiking destinations, and the narratives attached to these places are integrated into national and local political discourses and commemorations. Drawing on recent anthropological discussions on the perception of landscape, this article focuses on the Isonzo Front and particularly its background as palimpsest of overlapping spatial changes as well as memorialization and appropriations of heritage in the Alpine landscape.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2010
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts) eBooks, Jan 22, 2021
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne, Oct 28, 2019
Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej w... more Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej wśród Słoweńców w Argentynie Summary: The article addresses how Slovenians in Argentina ritualise memories of the socialist Yugoslavia. The Slovenian diaspora in Argentina was established by postwar refugees, who inextricably related the perception of Yugoslavia with memories of the Second World War, the communist revolution and, in particular, the postwar exile and extrajudicial mass executions. The article specifically analyses commemorations of the victims of communist violence as the central anti-Yugoslavian political ritual and argues that imageries of communism, Yugoslavia and the anticommunist struggle, all carefully ritualized in ceremonies and commemorations, not only reinforced the social memories of exile, but also catalysed the social organization of the diaspora, its political ideology, and the framework of its attitudes towards the homeland and the past.
Kristina Toplak: "Buenas Artes": ustvarjalnost Slovencev in njihovih potomcev v Buenos ... more Kristina Toplak: "Buenas Artes": ustvarjalnost Slovencev in njihovih potomcev v Buenos Airesu ...
Traditiones, Nov 15, 2005
Najpomembnejša oblika lokalnega znanja, ki zanima etnografa, je tista, ki izraža etnografov lastn... more Najpomembnejša oblika lokalnega znanja, ki zanima etnografa, je tista, ki izraža etnografov lastni interes-zemljevidenje samo. [Marcus 1995: 112] George Marcus [1995] je v članku o etnografiji na več krajih med drugim poudaril tudi pomen lokalnih predstav o povezanosti v širše družbene kategorije in sisteme. V procesih nastajanja skupnosti, povezovanja v širše socialne mreže in utrjevanje skupne pripadnosti ima pogosto zelo pomembno vlogo pojmovanje prostora, zlasti pojmovanje izvirnega okolja. V urbanih okoljih Papue Nove Gvineje ima ravno kognitivno zemljevidenje oziroma pojmovanje razmerij med izvirnim okoljem in urbanim prostorom pogosto ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju skupinskih identitet in nastanku novih translokalnih skupnosti. Avtor v prispevku predstavlja urbano skupnost priseljencev iz Okape v Vzhodnem višavju, ki živijo v barakarskem naselju Two Mile v Port Moresbyju, glavnem mestu Papue Nove Gvineje. Obravnavano je razmerje med pojmovanjem prostora in nastankom translokalnih urbanih etničnih skupnosti.V kontekstu (post)kolonialne urbanizacije in migracij v mesta se priseljenci v urbane skupnosti povezujejo na podlagi predstav o skupnem izvirnem okolju ter ustvarjajo in rekonceptualizirajo svoje socialne mreže. Skupno izvirno okolje namreč v mestih postane tista kategorija, zaradi katere se posamezniki združujejo s sorodniki in rojaki, se naselijo v majhne zaselke in se povezujejo v širše urbane skupnosti. Njihove razpršene lokacije v urbanih naseljih Port Moresbyja so povezane v širšo socialno mrežo ali translokalno etnično skupnost.
Dve domovini (Tiskana izd.), Jan 24, 2021
Podobe o Branislavi Sušnik med Slovenci v Argentini: Migracija, življenje v Paragvaju in povezave... more Podobe o Branislavi Sušnik med Slovenci v Argentini: Migracija, življenje v Paragvaju in povezave z domovino Članek predstavlja življenje in raziskovalno delo Branislave Sušnik, ki se je po drugi svetovni vojni najprej izselila v Argentino in nato v Paragvaj, kjer je delovala na raziskovalnih področjih jezikoslovja, antropologije in kulturne zgodovine staroselskih ljudstev. Osredotoča se na analizo njenih migracijskih izkušenj, povezav z domovino, predvsem pa na podobe, ki so se o njej kot izseljenski znanstvenici med Slovenci v Argentini izoblikovale v tisku. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Branislava Sušnik, slovenska diaspora v Argentini, Paragvaj, izseljenska znanstvenica ABSTRACT Images of Branislava Sušnik among the Slovenians in Argentina: Migration, Life in Paraguay, and Connections with the Homeland The article presents the life and research of Branislava Sušnik, who fled Slovenia after World War II, emigrating first to Argentina and eventually to Paraguay. In Paraguay, she worked in ethnolinguistics, anthropology, and the cultural history of Paraguayan indigenous peoples. The article mainly analyzes her migration experiences, her connections with the homeland, and particularly the images of Branislava Sušnik as a migrant scientist constructed in the publications of the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina.
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Sep 17, 2013
Berghahn Books, Sep 1, 2016
Arts, May 5, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Dve domovini (Tiskana izd.), Feb 10, 2017
The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina The article addres... more The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina. It aims to explore the question of how artistic creativity is related to individual and collective experiences of migration, life in diaspora and return mobilities. It approaches art as processual, relational and embedded in broader social, political and cultural contexts. Hence, such an analysis facilitates not only an understanding of individual experiences and worldviews, but also of the broader conceptualisation of art within particular socio-historical contexts. It explores how artists in diaspora imagine, express and constitute their relations with the homeland and their understanding of the past. By juxtaposing their art production with their life histories and trajectories as well as broader socio-historical contexts, the article explores intersections and correspondences between mobility and visual art, and raises the question of how diasporic sociality influences artists and their works as well as how artworks in turn create sociality. KEY WORDS: Slovenian diaspora, Argentina, visual art, mobility, anthropology of art IZVLEČEK Vpliv mobilnosti na vizualno umetnost v slovenski diaspori v Argentini Članek obravnava vpliv mobilnosti na vizualno umetnost med umetniki v slovenski skupnosti v Argentini. Temeljno vprašanje prispevka je, kako je umetniška ustvarjalnost povezana z individualnimi in s kolektivnimi izkušnjami migracije, z življenjem v diaspori pa tudi z vračanjem. Umetnost obravnava z antropološkega vidika kot procesualno in relacijsko ter vselej vključeno v širše socialne, politične in družbene kontekste. Takšna analiza po eni strani razkriva umetnikove izkušnje, predvsem pa širše pomene in vloge umetnosti v specifičnih družbenozgodovinskih kontekstih. Ker avtor obravnava, kako umetniki v diaspori razumejo zgodovino ter kako si zamišljajo, izražajo in ustvarjajo odnose z domovino, umetniška dela postavlja v odnos z življenjskimi zgodbami in potmi umetnikov ter družbenozgodovinskimi okoliščinami. Pojasnjuje povezave med mobilnostjo in umetnostjo, obravnava medsebojno vplivanje diasporične skupnosti na delo umetnikov in obenem vpliv umetniških del na oblikovanje diaspore. KLJUČNE BESEDE: slovenska diaspora, Argentina, vizualna umetnost, mobilnost, antropologija umetnosti |
Prva izdaja Elektronska publikacija (dostopna na: https://knjigarna.ff.uni-lj.si/) Publikacija je... more Prva izdaja Elektronska publikacija (dostopna na: https://knjigarna.ff.uni-lj.si/) Publikacija je brezplačna Knjiga je izšla s podporo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Jan 22, 2021
This article explores visual arts and literature in the Slovenian diasporic community in Argentin... more This article explores visual arts and literature in the Slovenian diasporic community in Argentina, founded by post-World-War-II refugees who fled Slovenia at the end of the war and the beginning of the communist revolution in Yugoslavia. Based on the ethnographic data collected among the Slovenes in Argentina and biographical interviews with selected Slovene artists, the article addresses how art and cultural production in the diaspora, imbued with social memories and themes of war, violence, mass executions in the post-war period, and exile from the homeland is encompassed in three levels of cultural policies: (a) an Argentinean framework of cultural pluralism that integrated migrant communities into the national identity and narrative, allowing them to preserve and express their ethnic and cultural backgrounds and identities; (b) a diasporic level that institutionalized specific themes important for diasporic ideologies, some explicitly related to violence, exile, and mass execut...
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne, 2019
Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej w... more Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej wśród Słoweńców w Argentynie Summary: The article addresses how Slovenians in Argentina ritualise memories of the socialist Yugoslavia. The Slovenian diaspora in Argentina was established by postwar refugees, who inextricably related the perception of Yugoslavia with memories of the Second World War, the communist revolution and, in particular, the postwar exile and extrajudicial mass executions. The article specifically analyses commemorations of the victims of communist violence as the central anti-Yugoslavian political ritual and argues that imageries of communism, Yugoslavia and the anticommunist struggle, all carefully ritualized in ceremonies and commemorations, not only reinforced the social memories of exile, but also catalysed the social organization of the diaspora, its political ideology, and the framework of its attitudes towards the homeland and the past.
Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2018
This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construc... more This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construction of the First World War, integrated into the landscapes of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. According to Nicholas Saunders, military histories usually consider landscapes to be inert, static, empty, and self-evident backdrops to military action as well as subsequent practices of memorialization. However, many anthropologists, geographers, and archaeologists have noted that landscapes cannot be separated from human experiences, but are part of a world of relationships, memories, and histories. This article explores connections between the military and post-military landscape and memorialization of the First World War, established through landscape features, experiences of the landscape, and commemorations by institutions that engage in interpretation and heritage production. Various landscape attributes, such as paths, monuments, and memorial places, are being (re)constructed as tourist and hiking destinations, and the narratives attached to these places are integrated into national and local political discourses and commemorations. Drawing on recent anthropological discussions on the perception of landscape, this article focuses on the Isonzo Front and particularly its background as palimpsest of overlapping spatial changes as well as memorialization and appropriations of heritage in the Alpine landscape.
Two Homelands, 2017
The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian dia... more The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina. It aims to explore the question of how artistic creativity is related to individual and collective experiences of migration, life in diaspora and return mobilities. It approaches art as processual, relational and embedded in broader social, political and cultural contexts. Hence, such an analysis facilitates not only an understanding of individual experiences and worldviews, but also of the broader conceptualisation of art within particular socio-historical contexts. It explores how artists in diaspora imagine, express and constitute their relations with the homeland and their understanding of the past. By juxtaposing their art production with their life histories and trajectories as well as broader socio-historical contexts, the article explores intersections and correspondences between mobility and visual art, and raises the question of how diasporic sociality influ...
Prostor, kraj, čas 2, 2013
Movement and mobility, in its various modes, have strong implications for social, political and c... more Movement and mobility, in its various modes, have strong implications for social, political and cultural dimensions of peoples’ daily lives and their broader social realities. The book addresses individual experiences of movement, focusing on spatial and temporal implications of movement and mobility. The core idea is that mobility and movement engender moving places – places the location of which is not geographically fixed but relative. Places such as home and homeland appear to be fixed and immobile, but in practice they are always contested and depend on practices, imaginaries and politics of movement. They are continuously redefined through given social, political, historical and economic contingencies. The book explores the interrelatedness between spatial configuration and practices and politics of movement, mobility and immobility. Ethnographically, the book explores the specificities of given regions, addressing two basic topics of place-making linked through movement. The first one is relationality, i.e. relations between centres and peripheries as well as relations between people and places as they are generated through movement. Both topics are explored ethnographically and comparatively, enriching theoretical discussion on movement, mobility, immobility and place making.
Studia ethnologica Croatica, Dec 15, 2010
The article examines the connection between recent migration to Spain and the role of the Spanish... more The article examines the connection between recent migration to Spain and the role of the Spanish informal economy with its requirements for inexpensive, unregistered labour as one of the most crucial factors of early and contemporary labour immigration. Due to restrictive migration policy a marked social differentiation has occurred between Spanish citizens, new residents (from the EU) and immigrants. Migrant workers are often at the very bottom of the social scale, and it is in the interest of the capital to continue the policy of exclusion and foster their non-integration.
This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construc... more This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construction of the First World War, integrated into the landscapes of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. According to Nicholas Saunders, military histories usually consider landscapes to be inert, static, empty, and self-evident backdrops to military action as well as subsequent practices of memorialization. However, many anthropologists, geographers, and archaeologists have noted that landscapes cannot be separated from human experiences, but are part of a world of relationships, memories, and histories. This article explores connections between the military and post-military landscape and memorialization of the First World War, established through landscape features, experiences of the landscape, and commemorations by institutions that engage in interpretation and heritage production. Various landscape attributes, such as paths, monuments, and memorial places, are being (re)constructed as tourist and hiking destinations, and the narratives attached to these places are integrated into national and local political discourses and commemorations. Drawing on recent anthropological discussions on the perception of landscape, this article focuses on the Isonzo Front and particularly its background as palimpsest of overlapping spatial changes as well as memorialization and appropriations of heritage in the Alpine landscape.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2010
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts) eBooks, Jan 22, 2021
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne, Oct 28, 2019
Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej w... more Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej wśród Słoweńców w Argentynie Summary: The article addresses how Slovenians in Argentina ritualise memories of the socialist Yugoslavia. The Slovenian diaspora in Argentina was established by postwar refugees, who inextricably related the perception of Yugoslavia with memories of the Second World War, the communist revolution and, in particular, the postwar exile and extrajudicial mass executions. The article specifically analyses commemorations of the victims of communist violence as the central anti-Yugoslavian political ritual and argues that imageries of communism, Yugoslavia and the anticommunist struggle, all carefully ritualized in ceremonies and commemorations, not only reinforced the social memories of exile, but also catalysed the social organization of the diaspora, its political ideology, and the framework of its attitudes towards the homeland and the past.
Kristina Toplak: "Buenas Artes": ustvarjalnost Slovencev in njihovih potomcev v Buenos ... more Kristina Toplak: "Buenas Artes": ustvarjalnost Slovencev in njihovih potomcev v Buenos Airesu ...
Traditiones, Nov 15, 2005
Najpomembnejša oblika lokalnega znanja, ki zanima etnografa, je tista, ki izraža etnografov lastn... more Najpomembnejša oblika lokalnega znanja, ki zanima etnografa, je tista, ki izraža etnografov lastni interes-zemljevidenje samo. [Marcus 1995: 112] George Marcus [1995] je v članku o etnografiji na več krajih med drugim poudaril tudi pomen lokalnih predstav o povezanosti v širše družbene kategorije in sisteme. V procesih nastajanja skupnosti, povezovanja v širše socialne mreže in utrjevanje skupne pripadnosti ima pogosto zelo pomembno vlogo pojmovanje prostora, zlasti pojmovanje izvirnega okolja. V urbanih okoljih Papue Nove Gvineje ima ravno kognitivno zemljevidenje oziroma pojmovanje razmerij med izvirnim okoljem in urbanim prostorom pogosto ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju skupinskih identitet in nastanku novih translokalnih skupnosti. Avtor v prispevku predstavlja urbano skupnost priseljencev iz Okape v Vzhodnem višavju, ki živijo v barakarskem naselju Two Mile v Port Moresbyju, glavnem mestu Papue Nove Gvineje. Obravnavano je razmerje med pojmovanjem prostora in nastankom translokalnih urbanih etničnih skupnosti.V kontekstu (post)kolonialne urbanizacije in migracij v mesta se priseljenci v urbane skupnosti povezujejo na podlagi predstav o skupnem izvirnem okolju ter ustvarjajo in rekonceptualizirajo svoje socialne mreže. Skupno izvirno okolje namreč v mestih postane tista kategorija, zaradi katere se posamezniki združujejo s sorodniki in rojaki, se naselijo v majhne zaselke in se povezujejo v širše urbane skupnosti. Njihove razpršene lokacije v urbanih naseljih Port Moresbyja so povezane v širšo socialno mrežo ali translokalno etnično skupnost.
Dve domovini (Tiskana izd.), Jan 24, 2021
Podobe o Branislavi Sušnik med Slovenci v Argentini: Migracija, življenje v Paragvaju in povezave... more Podobe o Branislavi Sušnik med Slovenci v Argentini: Migracija, življenje v Paragvaju in povezave z domovino Članek predstavlja življenje in raziskovalno delo Branislave Sušnik, ki se je po drugi svetovni vojni najprej izselila v Argentino in nato v Paragvaj, kjer je delovala na raziskovalnih področjih jezikoslovja, antropologije in kulturne zgodovine staroselskih ljudstev. Osredotoča se na analizo njenih migracijskih izkušenj, povezav z domovino, predvsem pa na podobe, ki so se o njej kot izseljenski znanstvenici med Slovenci v Argentini izoblikovale v tisku. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Branislava Sušnik, slovenska diaspora v Argentini, Paragvaj, izseljenska znanstvenica ABSTRACT Images of Branislava Sušnik among the Slovenians in Argentina: Migration, Life in Paraguay, and Connections with the Homeland The article presents the life and research of Branislava Sušnik, who fled Slovenia after World War II, emigrating first to Argentina and eventually to Paraguay. In Paraguay, she worked in ethnolinguistics, anthropology, and the cultural history of Paraguayan indigenous peoples. The article mainly analyzes her migration experiences, her connections with the homeland, and particularly the images of Branislava Sušnik as a migrant scientist constructed in the publications of the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina.
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Sep 17, 2013
Berghahn Books, Sep 1, 2016
Arts, May 5, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Dve domovini (Tiskana izd.), Feb 10, 2017
The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina The article addres... more The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina. It aims to explore the question of how artistic creativity is related to individual and collective experiences of migration, life in diaspora and return mobilities. It approaches art as processual, relational and embedded in broader social, political and cultural contexts. Hence, such an analysis facilitates not only an understanding of individual experiences and worldviews, but also of the broader conceptualisation of art within particular socio-historical contexts. It explores how artists in diaspora imagine, express and constitute their relations with the homeland and their understanding of the past. By juxtaposing their art production with their life histories and trajectories as well as broader socio-historical contexts, the article explores intersections and correspondences between mobility and visual art, and raises the question of how diasporic sociality influences artists and their works as well as how artworks in turn create sociality. KEY WORDS: Slovenian diaspora, Argentina, visual art, mobility, anthropology of art IZVLEČEK Vpliv mobilnosti na vizualno umetnost v slovenski diaspori v Argentini Članek obravnava vpliv mobilnosti na vizualno umetnost med umetniki v slovenski skupnosti v Argentini. Temeljno vprašanje prispevka je, kako je umetniška ustvarjalnost povezana z individualnimi in s kolektivnimi izkušnjami migracije, z življenjem v diaspori pa tudi z vračanjem. Umetnost obravnava z antropološkega vidika kot procesualno in relacijsko ter vselej vključeno v širše socialne, politične in družbene kontekste. Takšna analiza po eni strani razkriva umetnikove izkušnje, predvsem pa širše pomene in vloge umetnosti v specifičnih družbenozgodovinskih kontekstih. Ker avtor obravnava, kako umetniki v diaspori razumejo zgodovino ter kako si zamišljajo, izražajo in ustvarjajo odnose z domovino, umetniška dela postavlja v odnos z življenjskimi zgodbami in potmi umetnikov ter družbenozgodovinskimi okoliščinami. Pojasnjuje povezave med mobilnostjo in umetnostjo, obravnava medsebojno vplivanje diasporične skupnosti na delo umetnikov in obenem vpliv umetniških del na oblikovanje diaspore. KLJUČNE BESEDE: slovenska diaspora, Argentina, vizualna umetnost, mobilnost, antropologija umetnosti |
Prva izdaja Elektronska publikacija (dostopna na: https://knjigarna.ff.uni-lj.si/) Publikacija je... more Prva izdaja Elektronska publikacija (dostopna na: https://knjigarna.ff.uni-lj.si/) Publikacija je brezplačna Knjiga je izšla s podporo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Jan 22, 2021
This article explores visual arts and literature in the Slovenian diasporic community in Argentin... more This article explores visual arts and literature in the Slovenian diasporic community in Argentina, founded by post-World-War-II refugees who fled Slovenia at the end of the war and the beginning of the communist revolution in Yugoslavia. Based on the ethnographic data collected among the Slovenes in Argentina and biographical interviews with selected Slovene artists, the article addresses how art and cultural production in the diaspora, imbued with social memories and themes of war, violence, mass executions in the post-war period, and exile from the homeland is encompassed in three levels of cultural policies: (a) an Argentinean framework of cultural pluralism that integrated migrant communities into the national identity and narrative, allowing them to preserve and express their ethnic and cultural backgrounds and identities; (b) a diasporic level that institutionalized specific themes important for diasporic ideologies, some explicitly related to violence, exile, and mass execut...
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne, 2019
Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej w... more Jugosławia z drugiej strony. Rytualizacja wspomnień o jugosłowiańskiej rewolucji komunistycznej wśród Słoweńców w Argentynie Summary: The article addresses how Slovenians in Argentina ritualise memories of the socialist Yugoslavia. The Slovenian diaspora in Argentina was established by postwar refugees, who inextricably related the perception of Yugoslavia with memories of the Second World War, the communist revolution and, in particular, the postwar exile and extrajudicial mass executions. The article specifically analyses commemorations of the victims of communist violence as the central anti-Yugoslavian political ritual and argues that imageries of communism, Yugoslavia and the anticommunist struggle, all carefully ritualized in ceremonies and commemorations, not only reinforced the social memories of exile, but also catalysed the social organization of the diaspora, its political ideology, and the framework of its attitudes towards the homeland and the past.
Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2018
This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construc... more This article addresses issues of past and ongoing memorialization processes and heritage construction of the First World War, integrated into the landscapes of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. According to Nicholas Saunders, military histories usually consider landscapes to be inert, static, empty, and self-evident backdrops to military action as well as subsequent practices of memorialization. However, many anthropologists, geographers, and archaeologists have noted that landscapes cannot be separated from human experiences, but are part of a world of relationships, memories, and histories. This article explores connections between the military and post-military landscape and memorialization of the First World War, established through landscape features, experiences of the landscape, and commemorations by institutions that engage in interpretation and heritage production. Various landscape attributes, such as paths, monuments, and memorial places, are being (re)constructed as tourist and hiking destinations, and the narratives attached to these places are integrated into national and local political discourses and commemorations. Drawing on recent anthropological discussions on the perception of landscape, this article focuses on the Isonzo Front and particularly its background as palimpsest of overlapping spatial changes as well as memorialization and appropriations of heritage in the Alpine landscape.
Two Homelands, 2017
The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian dia... more The article addresses the impact of experiences of mobilities on visual arts in the Slovenian diaspora in Argentina. It aims to explore the question of how artistic creativity is related to individual and collective experiences of migration, life in diaspora and return mobilities. It approaches art as processual, relational and embedded in broader social, political and cultural contexts. Hence, such an analysis facilitates not only an understanding of individual experiences and worldviews, but also of the broader conceptualisation of art within particular socio-historical contexts. It explores how artists in diaspora imagine, express and constitute their relations with the homeland and their understanding of the past. By juxtaposing their art production with their life histories and trajectories as well as broader socio-historical contexts, the article explores intersections and correspondences between mobility and visual art, and raises the question of how diasporic sociality influ...